How do you save money shopping online?

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  1. healthygirlnow profile image58
    healthygirlnowposted 13 years ago

    I love that you don't have to pay full price for anything! Simply do a search on an item or a retailer and you can find coupons to either print or use a discount code during your transaction. You can sign up for daily deals and get email notifications to purchase a great deal.

    1. Apepperson profile image61
      Apeppersonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I find that I buy more and more stuff from ebay. Even every day things, especially if I can get them at a huge discount. If I'm willing to wait and be patient, sooner or later someone will have what I want at a cheap enough price. Craigslist is also another place I'm finding things I need really cheap!

      1. brennawelker profile image58
        brennawelkerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for info.

    2. profile image54
      mernolenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      For saving money I usually pick up some discounts from coupon site such as

    3. Dale Hyde profile image66
      Dale Hydeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I do a lot of case lot shopping on Amazon Marketplace. I pay a small annual premium, and get free two day shipping for the full year on anything they sell, no matter the size, weight or whatever, as long is it is marked "Prime". The annual premium, or fee, if you will, is always paid for within the first month or less in shipping fees.  I estimate we average a 300.00 to 400.00 savings in shipping which can also be converted to savings in gas from picking things up locally.

  2. profile image70
    Josh and Lindseyposted 13 years ago

    I save money online in a variety of ways.  I buy things online from discount stores, like Overstock or 6pm.  I also buy from places like ebay, amazon, and  Locally I am able to get items from Craigslist.

    Shopping online also allows me to comparison shop with ease.  I can look around to find the best price.

    Though not technically "shopping", I also follow blogs that help track deals, so I use the internet to help me save money in person.  I also use it to find and print coupons that save me money.

    1. profile image52
      getsomeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I don't really like craigslist anymore because when you see something free, hundreds of people are also chasing you to the area to get it... and when you get their it's sometimes fake ot real crap.  I started using,
      it's like a mix between ebay and craiglist, and the whole site is free as well.

  3. loveingyou profile image60
    loveingyouposted 13 years ago

    I save money by comparing prices and purchasing the best deal. smile

  4. scall profile image69
    scallposted 13 years ago

    Comparison shopping can be done fairly quickly on line but beware of those shipping charges!  I generally look for "free shipping" deals as I'm looking around.  Some companies really soak you on the shipping.  Great question!

  5. DDF profile image59
    DDFposted 13 years ago

    I live for bargain hunting big_smile

  6. Gordon Hamilton profile image96
    Gordon Hamiltonposted 13 years ago

    The reason why online retailers such as Amazon and more can offer products at bargain prices is because they don't have the overheads of their offline competitors. They are not paying rent on traditional premises, wages to frontline staff, or other associated bills on these establishments. They can therefore pass on the savings to their customers and still achieve the same profit levels. Traditional retail outlets can never hope to compete and are thus losing custom. It will be interesting to see how this pans out over a number of years... Offline stores may well become a thing of the past in many respects.

  7. LittlePayday profile image60
    LittlePaydayposted 13 years ago

    I like to shop online because truthfully there are a lot of ways to save money.
    I saw a few people who mentioned EBay and Craigslist - I have used both of those sites and found that you can get a lot of quality products at a much lesser price than the retail price.

    Also, I have found that certain sites - like Amazon and other online services - offer discounts for first time users.

  8. pstraubie48 profile image81
    pstraubie48posted 12 years ago

    Actually no. I have the stores at my fingertips 24/7 so it is much easier to shop. I do look for bargains and shop ebay and amazon and naywhere who has competitive prices...

  9. TinkerFairy profile image60
    TinkerFairyposted 12 years ago

    I would definitely try out sites which offer great discounts such as such as Groupon! Othersways trail EBay or even more specialised shops for unexpected deals! Saving is my way of life.

  10. talfonso profile image83
    talfonsoposted 12 years ago

    I'd compare prices for two items I really want, even at different stores. I love hotfix crystals, but they are obviously expensive so I opted for the Korean ones. Then I'd compare prices (as well as shipping) on them at various stores. When I find the price I'm happy with, I'd buy it.

  11. 2uesday profile image65
    2uesdayposted 12 years ago

    I save money by looking at the options available and then I often decided I do not really want or need the item anyway. On-line you know you can always go back later if you really want to buy it.

  12. RolyRetro profile image90
    RolyRetroposted 12 years ago

    Ebay has enabled me to buy everything from a new cog for my CD player, to a filter for my kettle.  Lightbulbs, batteries, DVDs, video games, you name it, you can find it.

    I will never buy anything online without checking on ebay first, and have rarely come across a rogue trader.

  13. SoManyPaths profile image59
    SoManyPathsposted 12 years ago

    sometimes no sales tax or shipping cost, it is mailed right to you and no gas wasted. Since time is money you are not wasting time going to the store, parking, maybe they ran out of your size or item in question, so you go another 5 to 10 miles to the same store to see if they have it.
    Online shopping is very efficient for non-food items.

  14. iefox5 profile image58
    iefox5posted 12 years ago

    Buying from China B2C sites like dealextreme,focalprice and androidinabox would save money for you. These sites are based in China and contact with the factories directly, so their prices are very competitive. Most sites offer free shipping service and it takes 2-3 weeks to deliver the items.


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