Human Trafficking, what are your thoughts?

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  1. sassydee profile image70
    sassydeeposted 12 years ago

    Human Trafficking, what are your thoughts?

    i saw something posted about this and I started to wonder what others thought about this situation; if a young girl under the age of 18 yrs old becomes a victim of this and years later is rescued and taken back to her home but then decides to go back by choice (now older than 18 yrs old), would you consider it her fault or the people who first kidnapped her responsible for her ways?  {morally)?

  2. lafamillia profile image60
    lafamilliaposted 12 years ago

    Everyone has it's one "route" in life... Everyone should build its "road", on his way, how he/she wants. The life-road made of Your dreams, should NOT be sold to anyone - and no one has a right to take Your life in his hands - in a meaning of human trafficking nor death penalty.
             It is same, almost, with human trafficking. Do you know that there is almost 50% of female victims of human trafficking that are SATISFIED WITH THEIR LIFE - NOW ?! Some of them came from... (no disrespect or anything...) from Sierra Leone, Afghanistan ... and they came to New York, Hungary ... to do sex for cash.
    Some of them - LIKE sex, and do enjoy in their life and work... sadly.
            Sadly, like necessary mean - we have to accept that there is always going to be drugs, war, and human trafficking... "necessary evil". As "substitution therapy" is the REAL PUNCH against drugs, than there should be something - on same model - like that.

  3. Sirus Hunt profile image53
    Sirus Huntposted 12 years ago

    I'm not particularly vindictive, as I've been taught that there is no right and wrong. That said, if there really was a universal wrong, then making profit from the suffering of others by snatching them away from their families and exploiting them as an item would be it. Almost everything else can be justified in some way. Insanity, for instance. But these people make the conscious decision to inflict this kind of suffering and anguish on another human being, and I find that to be quite...evil.

  4. d.william profile image75
    d.williamposted 12 years ago

    Brainwashing techniques are a powerful tool to indoctrinate people and keep them under control;  as is witnessed by the mass insanity of the indoctrination of children into religious organizations who are legally allowed to do so under the guise of doing "God's" work in the world.
    We cannot blame the individual for what has been done to them.  Those who are weaker minded will remain in those cults, including the human trafficking that you speak of.  Those with more independent minds, may be strong enough to rid themselves of those bonds on their minds and their souls.
    But the perpetrators carry the ultimate blame for thrusting their evil on the innocent, weak, and needy.

    1. lafamillia profile image60
      lafamilliaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If I say : "Jump from a bridge." - and repeat it 100 times, would You be "brainwashed" and jump?
      So, this is just another "way-of-weaker-resist". (I am not sure, the right word/phrase - on English)

  5. profile image0
    Catzgendronposted 12 years ago

    Human Trafficking is a hideous crime against humanity. read more

  6. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    She has been conditioned. It is the fault of those who took her and her fault. It is their fault because they put her in that situation. They forced that transformation on her. But you also have to blame her personality, not entirely her. Some people are more prone to cancer, depression, and having a weak defense. She may not be able to go against what is given to her. Her parents may not have been more strong in focusing on her morals when she was a child. It all depends on the situation you are speaking of.

    1. lafamillia profile image60
      lafamilliaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Heh, "conditioned" is very strong and complex word.
      Did You know her?

  7. Beata Stasak profile image79
    Beata Stasakposted 12 years ago

    Growing up in the Eastern Europe and working there as a journalist to highlight the social problems I came to realize that 'forced prostution and human trafficking' are real, and 'murder' is real, and 'poverty and injustice' are real. Even for those of us, who can leave injustice gratefully behind in a half-remembered blur, it stays real.
    It is not easy for some victims to leave that sort of life behind, although harmful and degradading and soul-destroying, it is often the only life they know. Many of their self-destroying tendencies and their total submission to their captors have roots in their childhood, it is very hard to judge if you haven't walked in their shoes...

  8. ptosis profile image67
    ptosisposted 12 years ago

    Remember Patty Hearst? Kidnapped in 1974 by the Symbionese Liberation Army then joined in SLA bank robbery. Was her gun loaded? Even the strongest succumb to mind control. It is not the person's fault, they are not "weak minded"

    Human slavery is happening in the USA today. It's real. … 77435.html

    Human Trafficking Crimes Common in the US
    Human Trafficking is Slavery. Learn How to Recognize and Report It


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