If Religion, Politics, and sexuality didn't exist....

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  1. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    If Religion, Politics, and sexuality didn't exist....

    Would the world be better off? I thought about this after answering a question earlier. The 3 big things in the world right now to argue over are these. They cause hatred, war, murder, starvation, child abuse, and so on. So if it was possible to have none of it would our world be better off?

  2. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 11 years ago

    What a great question. It is theoretically impossible to eliminate all those, for various reasons...
    However in the eyes of the awakened, they do not exist.....

  3. wetbaknproud profile image64
    wetbaknproudposted 11 years ago

    politics and religion ok, but if you remove sexuality the world would be a pretty boring place, poetry, and the arts in general nurture from it ,sexuality inspires  and drives the human being towards beauty and selflessness .

  4. Georgie Lowery profile image90
    Georgie Loweryposted 11 years ago

    Unfortunately, even with the big three out of the picture, people would still find something to argue over or discriminate against. Some people are just born to be negative.

    1. Lipnancy profile image80
      Lipnancyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      And some are just to ignorant to know any better.

  5. Bob Zermop profile image69
    Bob Zermopposted 11 years ago

    Ah, but then the world wouldn't be the world. No, I don't think it would be better off; the world isn't always easy, but that's what makes the world the world.

    .........maybe not a very clear answer... hope some out there get what I mean.

  6. traslochimilano profile image56
    traslochimilanoposted 11 years ago

    What a thought? I think we can survives without politics and religion, these are not much important in our life. But sexuality is must to enjoy and  entertain our life.

  7. MickeySr profile image78
    MickeySrposted 11 years ago

    I disagree with your premise; religion, politics, and sexuality don't cause cause hatred, war, murder, starvation, child abuse, and so on . . . and even people disagreeing about religion, politics, and sexuality don't cause cause hatred, war, murder, starvation, child abuse, and so on - it is the opposite of love that causes hatred, war, murder, starvation, child abuse, and so on . . . and the opposite of love is selfishness. There are many people who disagree completely and vigorously on matters of religion, politics, and sexuality and there is absolutely no hatred, war, murder, starvation, child abuse, and so on between them - so it's not religion, politics, and sexuality or even disagreeing on religion, politics, and sexuality that causes hatred, war, murder, starvation, child abuse, and so on.

    When a Muslim assaults a Jew or a Lutheran is belligerent toward a Baptist, etc, it's not because they are Islamic or Christian - it's because they lack love and act in selfishness. When Republicans and Democrats resort to slander and cheating it's not because they disagree politically - it's because they lack love and act in selfishness. When men and women hurt one another or homosexuals and heterosexuals undermine each other it's not because they're male & female or gay & straight - t's because they lack love and act in selfishness.

    The world is not in turmoil because people are different - the world is in turmoil because people who are different lack love when dealing with those differences . . . hatred, war, murder, starvation, child abuse, and so on are not cause by religion, politics, and sexuality or even caused by differences in religion, politics, and sexuality - they are caused by selfish people acting without love.

    1. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Without those three things wouldn't there be a lot less for people to be selfish about? Those things are what these people use as crutches for bad behavior.

    2. MickeySr profile image78
      MickeySrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's easy to point to a thing or an ism, or a set of circumstances, but none of those things are in themselves evil - it's what men do with them. Religion has built hospitals and orphanages all over the world, the problem's in us not stuff out there

    3. H P Roychoudhury profile image40
      H P Roychoudhuryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Birth and death are beyond the control of human being. The uncertainty creates a fear out of which lies the existence of super power GOD. Taking the advantage of the weakness, the intelligent people had created time to time the religion. Religion is

  8. MilesArmbruster profile image59
    MilesArmbrusterposted 11 years ago

    Hmmm... A curious premise. My religion makes me against hatred, war, murder, child abuse and every other evil. My politics are largely a matter of economics, which I can't claim "cause" anything, since I am not Marxist. I can't figure out how having a gender causes anything at all. I am male, and my interest or views of sexuality has never even lead to anything that could be connected to hatred, was, murder, starvation, child abuse, or anything else that could be considered evil.
    I don't know how we would neuter everyone and still exist as a species, but if we eliminated every current religion and form of politics they would be replaced by different religions and political systems. I guess what you are saying is that you don't like any of the current religions and political parties and you want suggestions of religions and political movements to replace what we have.
    I guess I disagree with the premise - I don't see that arguing over our differences leads to hatred, war, murder, child abuse, or anything else evil.

  9. H P Roychoudhury profile image40
    H P Roychoudhuryposted 11 years ago

    Birth and death are beyond the control of human being. The uncertainty creates a fear out of which lies the existence of super power GOD. Taking the advantage of the weakness, the intelligent people had created time to time the religion. Religion is not bad in the sense that it had brought a discipline in the life process. But in the course of time it becomes a great weapon to win over the people to form groups when the groups were utilized for acquiring political power. Thus religion becomes a tool of politics. True, above all lays the love, love of mankind. But to day religions were practiced since boyhood in such a manner that love is getting partial and character of true love vanishes. The cry for violence and war exists everywhere.

  10. profile image0
    jonnycomelatelyposted 11 years ago

    Very important aspects of life. 

    In my view, sexuality is where you get the fun.  Politics is what you discuss over coffee, after the "event."  Religion is where you go to get the naughty feeling off your mind.


  11. Beata Stasak profile image78
    Beata Stasakposted 11 years ago

    People need to believe in something and they would create something else to be passionate about...these three terms are just empy words, people are the ones who give these terms power, substance and a prestige to fight for...


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