My solution for fixing the economy

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  1. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 11 years ago

    First we will create a bunch of fake seasonally adjusted jobs that will disappear after summer is over, then for the 8% who has experienced 42 straight months of unemployment we will demand Romney's tax return to be released, if that doesn't work we can make a stink over Ann Romney's horse. If that doesn't work we can try running more guns into Mexico. Or we can demand higher taxes on small businesses, that's always a big job creator.

    1. mio cid profile image58
      mio cidposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know if it will create any jobs but i bet many republicans are already regretting having chosen such an inept candidate that for the last month hasn't been able to benefit at all from a slow economy and instead has been discussing issues that are other than the ones are supposed to put him several points ahead of obama.And whenever he is given opportunity to score easy point such as visiting friendly countries and allies he fumbles the ball and can't get out of his own way.

    2. undermyhat profile image61
      undermyhatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think we could create more jobs by making more businesses successful.  The best way to do that is through government projects.  Therefore,  I would build bridges and roads everywhere - since it is through bridges and roads businesses are made.  Just ask Thomas Edison or Henry Ford.  Neither man was successful until the government built a bridge near their business. 

      The reason our economy is in trouble is there are too few roads and bridges.

      1. Josak profile image60
        Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Funnily enough Ford and the government cooperated a lot for roads... kind of important for a car manufacturer you know.

      2. Josak profile image60
        Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thomas Edison on the other hand just stole most of his stuff from Tesla.

      3. profile image0
        Onusonusposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Ah yes that's how it all went down. Looks like we need to turn to the experts for a little revising of the history books. It had nothing to do with peoples own desires of course, that might look like greed. 

        "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages." -Adam smith

  2. WillStarr profile image81
    WillStarrposted 11 years ago

    "I don't know if it will create any jobs but i bet many republicans are already regretting having chosen such an inept candidate that for the last month hasn't been able to benefit at all from a slow economy and instead has been discussing issues that are other than the ones are supposed to put him several points ahead of obama.And whenever he is given opportunity to score easy point such as visiting friendly countries and allies he fumbles the ball and can't get out of his own way."

    All of which is being put forth by a media fully in love with Barack Obama and willing to chuck all integrity and reputation as objective journalists out the window to see him win.

    Don't believe it? Romney made a superb speech in Israel, and it has been all but ignored by the Obama media. When was the last time Obama delivered a speech that was totally ignored by the media in favor of claiming he made 'serious' gaffes, and then reporting only on the claimed gaffes?

    Save your has never happened. In fact, the Obama media ignores all Obama-gaffes, preferring to drool over him instead. If the media gave Romney a fair shake, he would be far ahead of Obama and his failed presidency.

    1. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "When was the last time Obama delivered a speech that was totally ignored by the media in favor of claiming he made 'serious' gaffes, and then reporting only on the claimed gaffes?"

      "You didn't build that"

      Did you forget about that one?

      1. undermyhat profile image61
        undermyhatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I also remember how the awkward revisions meant to conceal the President's honest derision of entrepreneurship - something that is readily on display in various minority communities across the country - blanketed the air waves.

        I remember Obama's redistributionist tone in his conversation with Joe "the plumber"  and the destruction machine unleashed on a private citizen by the Media that worships

        1. profile image0
          PrettyPantherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I'm sure you remember a lot of things, ucv.  The question is, how much of it is real?  wink

    2. profile image0
      Onusonusposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Media bias?! That sir, is an outrage!

    3. Josak profile image60
      Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Superb speech big_smile he insulted Palestine meaning if he is president we can do no mediation between the two then congratulated Israel on it's healthcare system which is pretty much exactly the same as Obamacare for providing good care and low cost, completely incompetent.

    4. Quilligrapher profile image70
      Quilligrapherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Did someone say that the Obama media has ignored Mr. Romney’s speech in Israel?

      The Chicago Tribune: … 2515.story
      “What about the alleged gaffe that dominated reporting from Israel? Romney averred that Israeli and Palestinian economic development might be related to culture.”

      The Christian Science Monitor … y-priority
      “However, the presumptive Republican nominee for president offered few hints on what he would do differently from the Obama administration.”

      The Chicago Sun Times … h_cal.html
      “Romney, in calling Jerusalem the capital in his Sunday remarks positioned himself at odds with the Obama administration--and previous U.S. presidents as he waded into a sensitive Israeli/Palestinian issue.”

      The Los Angeles Times … l-20120730
      “Although Romney has insisted that he would not criticize the president during a three-country tour, he implicitly did so toward the end of his speech.”

      The Miami Herald … onomy.html
      “In Israel speech, Romney outrages Arabs by crediting Jewish 'culture,' 'Providence' for economy.”

      Bloomberg Business Week … ke-on-iran
      “While Romney received diplomatic briefings, campaign staff cared for top fundraisers, including Las Vegas casino executive Sheldon Adelson, one of the biggest donors supporting Republicans.”

      The Washington Post … story.html
      “He did not offer any new policy specifics. Instead, he offered a historic survey of U.S.-Israel relations since the birth of the Jewish State in 1948 and pledged, as Obama has done as recently as Friday, an unconditional defense of Israel’s security.”

      Fox News … iser-says/
      “He politely laughed off a question about the upcoming Newsweek cover that suggests he is a wimp and added the magazine incorrectly attempted to make the same point about then-Vice President George H.W. Bush.”

      The New York Times … wanted=all
      “Dan Senor, Mr. Romney’s senior foreign policy aide, went further on Sunday, suggesting that Mr. Romney was ready to support a unilateral military strike by Israel… After reports of Mr. Senor’s comments were published, he issued a new statement that did not mention unilateral action, and later he said he was not necessarily referring to a military strike.”

      The New York Daily News … ar-weapons
      “The Romney campaign was forced to issue a statement to back away from Senor’s comments even before the speech. The written statement said it was the former Massachusetts governor’s “fervent hope that diplomatic and economic measures will [dissuade Iran].”

      CBS News … inst-iran/
      “A recent Gallup survey showed that Obama still has a solid lead over the presumed Republican nominee among Jewish-American voters. Obama drew the backing of 68 percent of those surveyed, compared to 25 percent for Romney.”

      NBC News … -stop?lite
      “But what Romney DIDN’T SAY was almost as striking -- if not more so. Not once did he utter the phrase “peace process” nor the words “Palestine” or “Palestinian,” and that also means he never talked about or made the case for a two-state solution. Was the speech for anyone other than base Republicans?”

      It seems odd that I found a lot of coverage, but, then again, I actually looked for it.

  3. WillStarr profile image81
    WillStarrposted 11 years ago

    ' "When was the last time Obama delivered a speech that was totally ignored by the media in favor of claiming he made 'serious' gaffes, and then reporting only on the claimed gaffes?"

    "You didn't build that"

    Did you forget about that one? '

    Not at all, and it only serves to bolster what I said. His monumental 'You didn't build that!" gaffe went unreported by the Obamamedia for almost a week, while they waited for direction from the White House. When it finally came, they simply repeated the White House claim that it was taken out of context and that was not what Obama meant. When the entire speech was quoted, the media simply repeated the very lame Obama excuse that he was actually only saying that business owners didn't build the roads.

  4. aware profile image68
    awareposted 11 years ago

    well that's not helpful at all.

  5. WillStarr profile image81
    WillStarrposted 11 years ago

    BTW, Onusonus, this is a great poke in the liberal eye.

    1. profile image0
      Onusonusposted 11 years agoin reply to this


  6. Wayne Brown profile image79
    Wayne Brownposted 11 years ago

    I've been thinking about it...that Obama comment.  I have been guilt-riddled ever since he said it because I was fairly well convinced that I had been the one who earned my success in life.  I racked my brain trying to remembeer who it might be if it was not me.  Finally I gave up and decided to give the credit to my third grade teacher....I forget her name but if my memory serves me correctly she was a nice lady...probably someone who would have spent the rest of life seeing to it that I was successful.  I am so glad that we got that straight.  Talking about took a week to come up with that pitiful excuse? WB

  7. WillStarr profile image81
    WillStarrposted 11 years ago

    "Talking about took a week to come up with that pitiful excuse? WB"

    It did because they thought it best to just let it die, but instead, it got worse, so they had to come up with something. The media waited for direction from Obama.

    By the way, this was no 'gaffe'. This was unscripted and classic 'Barack Obama', showing his true, radical colors. He credits government, not hard working Americans. That was his whole point in "You didn't build that"... government did!

  8. maxoxam41 profile image63
    maxoxam41posted 11 years ago

    Or better maybe we can ask the people who hide behind tax loopholes to pay for once their share, ask the people who have off-shore accounts to explain why, to tax those multinationals that give jobs to the rest of the world (because of low labor costs)...? How come your genius did not think about those? Too hard?

  9. WillStarr profile image81
    WillStarrposted 11 years ago

    "... ask the people who have off-shore accounts to explain why..."

    Ask Nancy Pelosi. She has offshore accounts. While you're at it, ask John Kerry. His wife has many offshore accounts. In fact, lots of wealthy Democrats do, like Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

    BTW, the top 5% already pay 60% of all taxes, so what exactly is their 'fair share"?

  10. aware profile image68
    awareposted 11 years ago

    Plunder ! No more free warfare or nation building . Unless its our own!


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