I am an American! I am Very Tired and Very Concerned about OUR Country.It has been almost 4 years, and we the people still do not know who Barack Obama is, and people voted for him to sit in the oval office for a second term ?
We have a senate and congress that is non functional! No budget in 4 years, no questions as to who these special czar's are that are in OUR White house,and the attitude that it's a fight between democrats and republicans, and not a mutual respect for the welfare of what's best for "We the People"
We have an attorney general, that does not enforce the law's of the land with out bias.
We have dead U.S. Federal Agent's killed because of fast and furious,and Obama tries to cover it with executive privilege.
We have a dead U.S. Ambassador and three other Americans killed in Benghazi, Obama covers it with executive privilege.
Millions of Americans unemployed, removed from their home by foreclosure,many homeless, and Obama grants amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, and brings refugee's to America, all at the expense of the working American TAX dollars.Many say also for voter fraud.
We have Muslims and other's (czar's) in OUR White House and agencies, appointed by Obama, that he by passes the law maker's review to bring who he wants into out Nations Capitol.
Obama has raised the National debt ceiling by UN responsible spending, and now wants a Fiscal Cliff order that includes UNLIMITED EXECUTIVE POWER TO RAISE THE DEBT CEILING! What power is next?
Way too many people have come to America, not looking for a better way of life, but to change the life, Americans have fought,and died for to enjoy "OUR" Freedom. They ( non American ) need to go back home!
I believe Americans have become too passive, as long as it's not in my back yard, who cares ? IT IS TIME FOR AMERICANS TO CARE, WE ARE AT THE 11TH HOUR!
I could write volume's but people already know, it's time now to push back, before we don't have an America we still live in, in freedom. Time to shake the Country and the World. Muslim's are the enemy, that is a fact. sharia and sharia law, is the evil way of the devil himself. No Good will ever come of Muslim's and sharia here in America. Pastor Jone's I think was correct wanting to burn the Koran,some time's you just have to come down to the other persons level to get their attention! The people that made the movie about Mohammad, they have every right to do so! Time for the Muslims in the world to be put on notice, We the people do not care who's in the White House,Muslim or not, and We will not allow any sharia of any kind in America. Between now, and January 21, 2013, I would like to see as many Americans as possible buy a Koran. There is a big event taking place in Washington that day, and there will be Supporters, and Non Supporters, seems to me to be a good day to have a National day of burn your Koran Nation wide. All the countries around the world that don't like it, too bad, We Americans are tired of people coming to OUR Country, and disrespecting OUR Flag, Burning Her, spitting on Her, throwing Her on the Ground and not giving her the Proper respect due! I think America has come to the cross roads. Let's have an Inauguration that will go down in the history books, second to none! The powers to be, should have done their job's a long time ago.It has gone on way to long! God Bless America, all other's Get out!
Nation wide,All the people of every State, get Islamic flag's , Koran's, throw it on the ground, spit on it,burn it,do what ever you want, it's time Americans , Say, ENOUGH! This lack of Respect to OUR Country, the Host to many, that disrespect "US" and OUR Flag. It's Our turn, because we just can't fix stupid with kindness!
A good date for the American Protest, I would think January 21, 2013, would be very fitting.
PS: You may buy Korans, burkas and I believe flags on Amazon. America's time to Rise, And, Bring home ALL OUR Troops! God Bless America!
This is hate mongering and part of the problem not the solution!
Educating ourselves instead of falling in line with people who want to blame all our problems on one group or another and think the only fix is spreading hate, untruth, half-truths and bigotry.
We did not get into the mess we are in overnight, nor was it the work of one party, or one religion or one people or whoever sits in the Whitehouse.
Damn what is it going to take to make people start looking at this country as "we" instead of "them and us" and start working towards some fixes and using some logical thought instead of moronic instinct?
Well here is another view of some people,
Good morning from Kentucky Lake USA...
I am a RACIST for criticizing Obama!
I am a TERRORIST for supporting the Second Amendment!
I am a TEA-BAGGER for supporting the Constitution!
I am a THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY because I wont shut up!
I am a TROUBLE MAKER for asking unanswered questions!
I am a BIRTHER for questioning the lack of documentation of the Commander-In-Chief!
I am a a TRAITOR for blowing the whistle on my corrupt government!
I am a CONSPIRACY THEORIST for presenting documented facts!
I am ANTI-AMERICAN for supporting Constitutionalists!
I am a HOMOPHOBE because I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman!
I am a GREEDY CAPITOLIST because I believe you are not entitled to what I have earned!
I was born an AMERICAN who loves our FLAG and living in the LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE!
YEP, GUILTY and PROUD OF IT! Whats your point?
The post was openly and explicitly bigoted, and you endorsed it. I think the implications of that are crystal clear.
Well, I think I goofed up, in my Re-ply on that. I put the Cart before the Horse.
My Error, and My fault for not thinking. I am really not that kind of a person.
I am sure that you all know how I feel, and YES. I make my fare share of Mistakes.
I have made several Post out her today in trying to get my Point across.
It is very unfortunate because anyone who wants people to disrespect holy books and throw people from the country based on their faith... That is not a person I could ever respect let alone take guidance from on any issue
I would sincerely suggest that you read what you repost, or the conclusions people draw will be very counter productive to your goals
How disgusting. Wake the hell up and stop reading such bigoted posts and form your own opinions based on some sense of reality. You should be ashamed of yourself for submitting others to this crap.
Do that and prove you are no different than the people you condemn.
I was OK until the post turned into a muslim bashing affair.
I have to go with UW here - American has many problems, but militant American muslims wishing to push Islam onto all Americans is near the very bottom of the list. Over population of animal shelters, for instance, would take priority.
I think that's what I like about you, Wilderness. We are at opposite ends of the political spectrum in many ways, but you never cave into speculation and scare mongering.
And here is another view, of the Public,
Thanks. To my shame, I got caught in the Martin/Zimmerman thing and drew some unwarranted conclusions. It will NOT happen again - I've learned that the vast majority of "shock" posts on HP are of unsubstantiated claims with little to do with reality and it always pays to consider them carefully and long.
Politics and ideology need to take a second seat to truth and reality, always. It's one thing to present an opinion to be chopped at, it's quite another to intentionally present that opinion in such a manner that readers will take it as factual.
Well, here is one more, and, Then I will be quite.
Today, I heard a Teacher of mine say......"THIS MESS WILL SOON BE SET STRAIGHT......EVEN AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS, POLITICALLY"......That's a WOW in My Book.....He does NOT say things lightly! I have said it before and I will say it again....GOD, not Alla , will not share HIS PLACE with any other GOD........SO PUT YOUR BOOTS ON....I FEEL THE TIME IS VERY NEAR......Enjoy these young children as they Celebrate CHRISTMAS.....
These are just some of what I am seeing, and, I am sure you-all are seeing them too.
Philadelphia Freedom...
Great song. Watch out for, December 21, 2012. Just had a chat with, Old Santa. He told me, All is go for December 24,2012.
Just in case I don't get back to All Of My Friends out here,
I wish You-All, A Very Merry Christmas, and, A Heck of a Happy New Year.
I would say whoever wrote this is a perfect example of something that is clearly lacking in our country: education.
How does this person expect to be taken seriously with typos and grammatical mistakes in just about every line?
How can the author claim him/herself an American while so obviously misunderstanding a basic tenet of American freedom -- the First Amendment?
This is a post from a friend as well
wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text SHOUTING wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text YELLING SOME OTHER STUFF wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text MORE SHOUTING AND HERE ARE SOME EXCLAMATION POINTS TO ROUND IT ALL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even without capitalization or punctuation,I find your friend's post is more understandable, tussin.
Been doing alot of thinking and to be quite frank it's giving me a headache....but have come to a conclusion and a profound one I might add....Do things happen for a reason? Of course it does!....does good come out of something bad?...Hell yes it does!!....do you come across people who make a difference in your life and they change your way of thinking?...YES!!...Circumstance and life change your path...and some can not adapt with you!!...and in turn of course its you that has to change back (won't happen).....dont want to, really!!....I think I'm fine the way I am....dont judge me, slander me, or condemn me before you look in the mirror and examine yourself!!....does it make me wrong to NOT point out their faults as they have mine?....I dont argue anymore I just dont have anything to do with you and when Karma catches you, it's a lovely day in world again!!....
See there, Oly?
Now THAT"s what I call a post!
You make the case for who you are and what you believe simply and beautifully.
Your words are so much more meaningful when coming from your own heart and experience than simply copying verbatim what some "friend" sent you.
No shouting required to make your point, neither.
This is just my opinion, but...
given the choice between sharing your own truth and letting that friend speak for you,
I'd personally go with Oly's words every time.
Thanks, MM. Well this idea of what I was trying to say/or do, was, Just show people what this Government is doing to them.
My self, I don't care what, Color, Race, Party, or, where you come from.
Now not everybody has my attitude, and, this is the Second year our Government has left us hanging till the last cow comes home.
What was it that really hit me between the eyes, last year. OH YA, He said us Seniors might not get our Social Security.
This year, it is the Dept. Well, if it were me and I had anything to do about it, I would try as follows.
1. Now I heard him say, " We must ALL, ALL pitch in and tighten our belts. OK, We are doing without as much as we can. Now The Government Should give a little, also.
Let' s start by cutting their Salary in 1/2, and go from there.
2. Take all that money, and, put it back into, Social Security. This would take a lot of pressure on the young-ins we have.
I know this will never come about. Just a thought. I have sent this idea to My reps and around, BUT, I might as well, Talk to the hand.
It is sad that our Government for some reason,,,,, Can' see that, We The People have a Breaking point, and, We have had enough Talk.
Time for action.
I think people who deliberately degrade another persons faith are not true Americans and shame the nation. I apologize to any Muslim hubber exposed to this bigoted rant.
I raise my glass to OLY, and Mighty Mom.
And my next glasses, to you all, beautifull people !
Go save America !
Thank You, zampano. I wish you and yours, a Very Merry Christmas and, A Heck of a Happy New Year.
Well ,thank you man.
Health and prosperity to you and to all ones you love.
That's my wish.
After that, I'll uncorck another bottle.
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