Hillary Clintons show stopping performance ..........?

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  1. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    If you expected Hillary to say anything at all about the embassy attack .....were you all that dissappointed when she pulled her usual Class President mode  of talking alot and saying absolutely nothing ?

    1. profile image0
      Onusonusposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting, I was watching Steve Colbert acting like she laid the smack down on the Republicans. I rather think she got her backside handed to her. However she remained in a lecturing mood the entire time. The five rules of dodge ball: dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.

      1. UnknownAuthor72 profile image60
        UnknownAuthor72posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        omg! I am laughing so hard! I couldn't believe how well she practiced getting *choked up* and I was waiting for her to follow the lead of her boss and wipe a tear from her eye! so phoney! What strikes me is the questions that were asked of her!  They seem to care more about why Ms. Rice was on the talk shows than what information did she know and when did she know it? How could she not see the cables? What is up with her staff?

    2. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hillary disappoints me, just by being Hillary......She's just another power-hungry politician, who is bound and determined to make her mark in History, so that some of the country will find her to be as marvelous as she thinks she is.......I didn't expect anything REAL and/or HONEST from her about the Benghazi attack........after all, she's been married to Bill for a longtime.

    3. Ericdierker profile image49
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Benghazi is a horrible tragedy. It should rest on the shoulders of Clinton. I think that she took that as best a politician could. I also think that she should not have addressed particulars in that setting. We are talking security, for sure.
      Just because I am on the other side of the political spectrum does not mean I just attack and hate all persons liberal.

      1. tammybarnette profile image60
        tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Well stated. Obviously some things can not be discussed publicly in the interest of National Security...I do believe some covert mission was taking place there, I do not believe as many do that it was anything widely different than what our country is and has always done...

    4. UnknownAuthor72 profile image60
      UnknownAuthor72posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think it will be interesting to see her and the Pres on 60 minutes tonight! A shared interview or is it a "blackmail-gotcha moment" for her? There is a rumor she is writing a tell all book about how the Pres disrespected her and Bill.  I guess, we have to wait and see smile

      1. profile image54
        whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Hilliary's job in the democrat party has been to be dumped on by presidents, from the philandering husband to the incompetent but never culpable Obama. Yep, a strong role model for all women.

  2. profile image0
    Old Poolmanposted 11 years ago

    I would not have wanted to be sitting in that chair she was sitting in.  She did a far better job than I would have in speaking for all that time and really saying nothing.  I guess that is a learned skill necessary to survive in politics.
    Her biggest mistake was the one time she lost her cool and said the 4 dead Americans really didn't matter.  Most of the questions coming her way were softballs, mixed with a few fastballs.
    But be prepared, we will be seeing much more of Hillary who now has her eye on the crown on Obama's head.  The media is already falling in love with her, just as they fell in love with Obama.
    They now plan on shaping history by having the first woman president follow the first black president for this once great Nation.  Chris Matthews will again feel than tingle up his spine when she stands before us and gives the inaugural address.
    I honestly don't see anyone waiting in the wings who could beat her in an election if she decides to run.  The entire Bill Clinton fan club will be on her side, along with the media, and that is a winning combination.

  3. cleaner3 profile image70
    cleaner3posted 11 years ago

    Of course , everyone knew she would not take resposibility for the dead Americans just like "fast and furious", this govt will stall and stall until it is swept under the rug. After all hillary learned from the best Mr( "it depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is.) Clinton. I wonder if she (Monica) ever cleaned that stain off of her dress ?  Well she did what the obama administration  always does when facing a scandal .... make an excuse ... she fell and bumped her head " The Imacculate Cuncussion" which gave them enough time to come up with all thhe excuses they wanted .. what really got me was how she became indignant " How dare you  think  I was responsible for these deaths, just because I said I was responsible ,doesn't mean I was responsible"  If the republicans had any wuevo's they would have asked tougher questions , but to have 5 minutes to question this fiasco means that they don't want to know either. (although the democratic senate  controlled the proceeding). So more Americans killed .. nothing happens .. terrorism goes on .. more Americans killed ... Obama wants to talk with terrorists with policy of appeasement... Egyptian president calls Americans Dogs and we send him Bilions of Dollars and jet fighters...
    Something is wrong here .... Very wrong,.......

  4. WillStarr profile image83
    WillStarrposted 11 years ago

    She handed them their butts, because they were too busy making speeches. Had just one of them acted like a prosecutor with probing questions, we might have learned at least some of what happened.

    Hillary was right...four Americans are dead, including an Ambassador, and it does not matter to the ruling political class in Washington.

    And that's why they pay absolutely no attention to people like you or me and what we want.

  5. Gypsy Willow profile image68
    Gypsy Willowposted 11 years ago

    Very sad state of affairs for this once great nation. I hope people will come together to reinstate it through education and cooperation.

  6. profile image54
    whoisitposted 11 years ago

    She kept saying we have to find a way to keep these things from happening in the future, so the why does matter, but when you are covering for an administration that is amidst a coverup then you have to say that.

  7. sabrebIade profile image77
    sabrebIadeposted 11 years ago

    The Republicans have no one to blame but themselves.
    Four of them asked her almost the same identical question.
    Did they not talk to each other before the hearing?
    They need to be way smarter than this.

    1. profile image54
      whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Blame themselves for what?

      1. Ralph Deeds profile image67
        Ralph Deedsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        For making jackasses out of themselves. And for turning down requested appropriations for improved embassy security.

    2. profile image54
      whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's the second time I have heard that somehow the Republicans are at fault, does anyone care to explain that?

      1. sabrebIade profile image77
        sabrebIadeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        They blew it. All congressional hearings are invitations for preening, showboating, and not-a-question-but-a-comment speeches. The grilling of Hillary Clinton was worse: a repetitive series of losing rematches, of Republicans asking questions that had been asked and answered and asked and answered. They coaxed one new piece of information from her, but they didn’t seem to notice, as their press offices once again tried to shame her for ever suggesting that the Benghazi attack grew out of protests against an anti-Islam video.

        http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_ … hance.html

        http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/gop-sw … -hearings/

        And if those sources are too "left"
        Fox itself....
        http://video.foxnews.com/v/211714255900 … h-clinton/

        1. profile image54
          whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          What questions or answers were is not what I thought you meant. My mistake. I did see where someone on these threads said that this entire Benghazi incident was the republicans fault.

          I expected the answers to be what they were except the "At this point what does it matter why they were killed" answer. That just shows the level of ineptitude of this entire administration.

          1. tammybarnette profile image60
            tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Thought you may want to take a peak at the number of American deaths on the GOP's watch before you sling any more mud on this Administaration, that has drawn down the illegal war since he entered office. I care deeply about these 4 lives, as well as the 1000's lost in the illegal war..If the Republicans had any real questions, they did not ask them, did they? No, they used their time to show boat for their base and repeat the same things over an over ad nausem like a broken record of a FOX news report. Hillary took blame, as she should, this was on her watch and her responsibility...What do you think happened there? Do you think we were maybe giving them weapons like Reagan did to Iran in order to free hostages...Do you think we had illegal detainments as W's Guatanamo? Or do you just want to believe Obama ordered Americans killed? What are your thoughts?

            1. profile image54
              whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              You are talking about military actions and deaths are expected. This Ambassador had no expectation of death and even less expectation that his own President was not concerned for his safety. It is beyond me how you can equate the two, actually no it isn't!

              1. tammybarnette profile image60
                tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                So an overthrown government and raging unrest means our Ambassador had no expectations of death? I'm sorry but I would think that all knew of the uncertainty at hand.

            2. sabrebIade profile image77
              sabrebIadeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Drone Strikes under the Bush Administration: 52
              Drone Strikes under the Obama Administration: 298

              "Drawn down"?

              1. tammybarnette profile image60
                tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                More comfortable with full boots on the ground invasions paid for by China?

              2. PhoenixV profile image64
                PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                An you source this? Also I believe that Bush predominantly targeted Al Qaeda, whereas obama is using drone attacks on various targets. I think the reason for the drone attacks were justified by 9/11 and Al Qaeda was perceived as an imminent threat. Now it seems instead of Congress declaring war on a country they can just drone attack whoever they want.

  8. tammybarnette profile image60
    tammybarnetteposted 11 years ago

    http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/ … JM20130124

    Reuters) - European countries urged their nationals to leave the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi on Thursday, with Britain citing a "specific and imminent" threat to Westerners days after a deadly attack by Islamist militants in neighboring Algeria.

    Interesting article and update as to Benghazi, for all who may interested.

  9. sabrebIade profile image77
    sabrebIadeposted 11 years ago

    No...I'd be more comfortable with the "Peace President" not killing so many civilians.

    1. tammybarnette profile image60
      tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm no war monger myself, but all for mitigation of carnage...the drone program is not perfect, but nothing is, is it?

      1. taburkett profile image60
        taburkettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Peace is perfect.
        Respect is perfect.
        Truth is perfect.

        The Administration is not providing any of these.

        1. tammybarnette profile image60
          tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I have never seen an Administration who did...People are not perfect...

          1. cleaner3 profile image70
            cleaner3posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            this is the most corrupt administration in history ..  where is the transparency?
            why no one was ever prosecuted for the financial collapse , because they work for the democrats .
            Obama is owned by the democratic Liberal left wing.
            end of story

            1. tammybarnette profile image60
              tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I obviously disagree, and I am confused as to why Bush and Cheney were never prosecuted...

              1. profile image54
                whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Because they committed no crime.

                1. tammybarnette profile image60
                  tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  LMBO.. lol

                  1. profile image54
                    whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    I guess you disagree, so what crime did they commit?

                2. tammybarnette profile image60
                  tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this


                  "On Friday in Kuala Lumpur in the first ever conviction of its kind anywhere on Earth, Bush, former vice president Dick Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and five of their legal advisors were found guilty of war crimes for torture, cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of prisoners who suffered at the hands of U.S. Soldiers and contractors in Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay, and Iraq. The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission convened a five-panel tribunal, and after a week-long trial delivered the unanimous guilty verdicts with full transcripts of witness statements, charges, and other materials being sent to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, the United Nations and the Security Council. The Commission is also requesting that the names of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, Yoo, Bybee, Addington, and Haynes be entered and added to the Commission’s Register of War Criminals for the public record."

                  1. profile image54
                    whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this


                  2. cleaner3 profile image70
                    cleaner3posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    So then Obama should be prosecuted for war crimes , he is killing people in Afganistan and pakistan ,not to mention africa with drone strikes ..! without  any kind of reasons  other than they are enemys of the state ..?
                    please have a clue.

            2. UnknownAuthor72 profile image60
              UnknownAuthor72posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Well let's see here. What about President Bush, Dick Chenny Ms Condy Rice and Rumsfeld charged for war crimes? We killed Osama for his attacks on us. We say we are trying to help other countries with peace?
              We can't even get along ourselves with each other in our own country! sad
              Look what happened from one man's attempt to seek answers or retribution. There are classified things that when you really observe what is not being said. You would have grey hair!

  10. UnknownAuthor72 profile image60
    UnknownAuthor72posted 11 years ago

    I don't belong to any one political party affiliation. thank you very much. This is how I choose
    to let my voice be heard. This after all is the GOP new way. Mr. Jindal from New Orleans called the
    GOP the part of stupid. And the Dems are still the assests they always been.


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