Our unemployment is very high, why is this and how can we fix it?
The conservative answer is usually quite consistent, Obama has been anti business and therefore businesses do not want to hire people.
A quick glance at the monumental corporate profit margins however proves that the Obama administration has not been bad for them.
Here is my take on one contributing factor (and there are several); education.
Our education system is rife with problems from early childhood right through higher education.
#1 We don't invest sufficiently in education, our teachers are over worked and underpaid comparatively to the rest of the first world and many of our schools are disastrously poor.
#2 Our children have the lowest rate of child well being in the first world, hungry children, children who can't study because no one paid the electricity bill and children unable to access support in their studies will not make educated and job creating adults.
#3 Our colleges are expensive and unsubsidized in many fields meaning eduction is more than in any other first world nation an economically stratified system.
The article below covers how low education rates increase unemployment in the US.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-2 … sness.html
Granted, colleges are expensive, but until high school graduation rates rise, there's no real reason to push at the college level.
Some of this is cultural - Washington DC, and other metropolitan areas have a graduation rates lower than 50%. That's a shame.
It's not the teacher's salary. Chicago has the highest teacher salaries in the nation and one of the lowest graduation rates.
People have to come to a realization that they can't throw more money at a broken system and expect miracles. If you look at education stats, you'll find that (for the most part) kids from homeschools and private school outscore public schools kids by a big margin. Even parents that do not have high school diplomas are better teachers (in a homeschool situation) than certified teachers in public schools.
There are wonderful teachers out there - but the system sets them up to fail. Most states spend nearly half their budget on education - and what is it benefiting? Not much.
One of the biggest factors in child education failure - is parental failure. Parents who don't get involved - don't attend school functions - don't serve as Room Dad or Room Mom - have kids that don't excel.
The public school system is broken in the US, where a kid can get suspended for chewing her chicken nugget into the shape of a handgun.
We had better teachers before the teachers were unionized. That's a fact that you can check out. I want to treat teachers fairly - but to do so - you first have to get rid of the bad teachers. Get rid of tenure.
Right now - I'd advise every parent to pull their child out of school and homeschool - for at least one year until the parent understands what's going on in his child's educational life. Even when both parents work, something can often be arranged for homeschooling on "off" hours.
There are a lot of highly educated people unemployed at this time.
As they are being downsized from jobs that are either phased out and/or outsourced, many highly educated people are being displaced, many have to take McJobs or lesser jobs just to keep a roof over their heads. The middle class as we know it is metamorphing. Many middle class people are now becoming the NEW LOWER CLASS.
The upper middle class, especially those with high skills, are being absorbed into the NEW LOWER UPPER CLASS, particularly those with in-demand and/or high skills. It seems that in order to thrive in the postmodern, computerized culture of today, one has to possess in-demand skills, being highly skilled, and/or develop a brand.
If one does not have these components, HE/SHE will fall behind and will flounder in this ruthless postmodern and computerized society. I read a book 2 decades ago predicting this phenomena, those without the prerequiste computer and technical skills will beome THE NEW POOR. What the author of the book has said 2 decades ago is coming to pass RIGHT NOW. The future is here is IT IS NOT PRETTY, it is DO or DIE!
In a booming economy even the undereducated seem to have work. The problem is that government is getting in the way. If you (meaning everyone) cannot except that then this slide downward will continue.
The paradigm is changing itself. The rules of this postmodern, postindustrial society is different from that of our parents' and even mine generation. One has to develop in demand skills and a brand. It is more of a competitive world than ever. While the affluent and educated will become more so, the poor have to change their mindset and need for instant gratification in order to advance themselves socioeconomically.
The poor in the United States are poor because they have a negativistic mindset. They believe in instant gratification and without much forethought of the future. In the past, many poor people, particular the ambitious ones and immigrants, refuse to permit their impoverished conditions to deter them from bettering themselves. They delayed instant gratification and stressed the importance of education to their children. They inculcated their children with the premise that in America, all things are possible. Many successful people came from less than stellar socioeconomic backgrounds.
However, there is the hardcore poor who believe that the world OWES them a living. They idolize the rapper, drug pusher, basketball player, and entertainers instead of idolizing doctors, lawyers, teachers, and other professional people. In many poor neighborhoods, the children want to be rappers instead of concentrating on their studies. They want THAT quick easy money, instead of planning and strategizing how they can leave poverty armed with an education. They are inculcated with the premise that society and "the man" is against them.
They are further told by their peers that being smart and education is for wimps, wuzzies, and other unpopular elements. They believe that being ignorant is cool and popular. In some hardcore poor cultures, children simply find it a waste of time to go to school. I remember when I was working(I am now retired), there were some poor children debating if they were going to school today. One of them stated that school was a drag and he would rather hang out. To reiterate, many poor children do not have their priorities straight.
Poor people view life as a spectator instead of a participator. They believe that they should be affluent; however, they refuse to implement the necessary steps to do so. They have a poor to abysmal work ethic, if any, in the majority of cases. No one can $ave the poor but themselves. Time to put in some elbow grease and pull themselves out of poverty. Many poor people HAVE DONE IT! No excuses!
I would like to add many people are unemployed through no fault of their own. However, those who are more industrious and adventurous are devising methodology to better their socioeconomic situation. There are others unfortunately who are falling through the cracks, deciding to become passive regarding their respective fates.
You make far too many assumptions. First off, I have not seen a list of companies making "record profits" especially those in the "small business segment"...the place where a majority of the jobs are created. I have seen some quarterly reports of companies who state that their quarterly results are "better than expected" which is only a relative statement considering their expectations were not very high in the first place. You speak of jobs and employment as if you are considering turning off or on a light switch. Jobs exist because there is a business need for them. At present, private sectors business do not have enough confidence to make investments in terms of expansions and increased productivity...all due in great part to the uncertainty associated with the Obama Administration, big government, taxation issues, ObamaCare, and continued wreckless out of control spending at the federal level. Companies of larger size have found a level in line with the current consumer levels to subsist and pray for stability. Consumer confidence is marginal and getting worse by the day as gasoline prices and the cost of transportation continue to drive up the cost of good on the shelf. Today, a person will pay $150 dollars or more for a tire to go on their car that use to cost them just half that figure three or four years back. People are having to make choices in their own budgets to survive yet we have a government intent on raising taxes and continued spending and you want to justify that red ink by claiming it is good for economic conditions. The problems with education are due in great part to the unraveling of the family unit in this country. Morality is suffering. Children are convinced that the only crime is getting caught. Bodies are pierced and tattooed right and left before a child ever leaves their teen years and immediate gratification is the order of the day regardless of how it affects other people. This country has the resources to bring down the price of fuel, which will bring down the cost of transportation and services, which will allow consumers to have more money to spend on alternatives rather than food and fuel...demand will go up and confidence will climb with it. Companies will then answer that demand with increased productivity which ultimately will make for more jobs. Notice that I did not mention the involvement of the government at all in that scenario. That is the problem right now...too much government involvement at all levels. Education is a minimal issue in light of all the other aspects including an administration which has created a massive government and wants more added to it. ~WB
What does this have to do with education, again? And are you trying to suggest that body piercings and tattoos are immoral? Are you high?!
You don't get that if the parents are unconcerned that maybe the child would be too? Piercings and tattoos are not immoral but neither are they appropriate business attire.
And that's where the bullsh[crap] lies. I can understand not wanting piercings in a factory setting where magnetic devices and moving machines are a hazard, but I literally cannot fathom any other reason to prohibit piercings and tattoos.
Do you have a lot of piercings and tattoos showing on your body? Are you employed?
Simple - too many customers don't like them, and they give a very negative appearance to not only the employee but to the business as well to those people.
No customers = no business. An employee that kills business is not a good employee to have in your business.
That depends entirely on the business and how you do it. I have an alternative look (neon hair) and work as an executive and I know a lawyer with a lip piercing. There are ways to reconcile these things.
I am also routinely served in retail establishments by people with facial piercings, several at my local Panera. And tattoos and punk styling seem compulsory to work in some clubs.
A smart person finds a way to reconcile their style and their career.
I think most companies can and should work with employees on these matters - until that employee deals with the public. At that point the customer rules, and the employee (and business) must either conform or suffer the consequences.
I have had visible piercings on and off. Having them at all is not so much of an issue, but you need to know when to take them out to project a certain image.
@Wayne, I agree with you, in much of what you have written. As far as blaming Obama for "all" our ills, I don't agree. Republicans are as much to blame. They need to all get off their butts and work to solve this problem, instead of creating fear and uncertainty about the future. We are herded like cattle, out of fear. There will always be corporate greed, but corporations cannot survive without demand. I feel our biggest issue, is moral decay. Parents are not parenting anymore, but just producing children, simply because it's an experience they want to have. Personally, if you cannot sacrifice time and or money to teach a child, maybe one should not have children.
With all that you stated, it's funny how people zeroed in on the tattoo statement.
A couple things after reading this. First you told me the conservative answer, but didn't mention an answer from the liberals. Do they have one? Also the USA spends more money than most countries on education yet we still have tons of issues. So my thought is, it's not how much money goes to education but how it is used.
There are around 30 million small businesses. Those provide valuable jobs. Many ARE infact scared to hire anyone while Obama is in office. The country is in a downward spiral (not all Obama's fault but certainly after this many years he DOES take some of that fault). All we hear on the news is how things are getting better. Yet in my line of work the number of foreclosed properties is still going up. In my area we still have high unemployment. The housing market has not improved. Health care costs have gone up. What about that makes a small business want to invest in more employees? Surely if we can give tons of tax breaks for big corporations we can give more to small businesses.
Education is just a small part of a large problem.
A part of the job problem is future uncertainty. An example is the completely unknown effect that Obamacare will have on business; will their health costs double? Can they afford new employees when those costs double or triple? Half the country maintains that will NOT happen; the other half points to the limited results already when showing that it does and presumably, will.
Pouring money into the education system isn't the answer to poor education, either. We've done that for years and watched the system go down hill. Instead, take the federal government out of the equation, downsize the administration by half and put the money into teachers and materials.
"Corporate profits all time high blah blah therefore businesses just aren't hiring for funsies"
Biggest load of bull. There are so many problems with that argument, it needs its own thread.
Healthcare costs are ridiculous, and getting worse. Nobody knows how the unemployment/marginal employment/employment is going to be affected by the rest of Obamacare, but plenty of businesses are putting all their employees on part-time work to avoid it.
Taxes and regulations are too high for businesses, especially small businesses. We need to help them, not tax them. We also need to let multinational companies invest their money made overseas in America with no penalty. They can invest overseas already with no penalty, but if they want to invest here we decide to tax them. Stupid stupid stupid.
Education costs(college) are a bubble. Government intervention inflates demand and drives up prices, and the returns for much of that investment are essentially zero. Too many people getting money from the government to study 18th Century Bulvarian Poetry, then they leave college with a degree, can't get a job, and default on those loans. We could get costs down much lower if we stopped pumping money into the system.
We also need a complete revamp of our entire college paradigm. Degrees are wasteful. We spend too much time and money forcing people who are studying to be accountants to take history and philosophy classes. Education should be tailored to a job.
Most of our problems would be easy to fix, but it's not going to happen. We'll just keep digging ourselves deeper and deeper.
by freddykrueger 14 years ago
Is it like bush losing 750,000 jobs a month or creating 290,000 jobs a month under obama.I understand it's taking a long time but nothing comes fast it all takes time.I remember during the campaign everyone said we needed a change yet now they disagree.It was the measures this president took that...
by Nina L James 12 years ago
I'm hoping that the CTU and CPS can come up with some sort of agreement or compromise as this strike continues to keep our children out of school. All I can say is that the teachers of today are only asking for what is fair. They are teaching a whole new generation of kids who are much different...
by earnestshub 14 years ago
GM reckon that although they had a lousy year, the will be in profit this year and all the bailout money is to be paid back by June.There have been quite a few companies paying the bailout money back. Is this another positive indicator?
by Daniel J. Neumann 13 years ago
Is it possible to help poor people and keep our liberty?I'm sorry; I guess I'm confused again. I never thought these two things were mutually exclusive. Why aren't there more Marxist Libertarians or Conservative Liberals out there? I guess I want to eat my cake when I have it.
by Moderndayslave 13 years ago
With the income gap between the wealthiest American's and the soon to be decimated middle or working class ever increasing. How much more proof do you need that tax cuts for the wealthy isn't creating jobs or supplying wages that are holding their own against inflation....
by M Carnahan 10 years ago
What do you think should be done to fix America's student loan crisis?What do you think should be done first to try to alleviate this huge problem? Is anyone in particular to blame?
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