Police brutality, what do you think.

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  1. PassionButterfly profile image65
    PassionButterflyposted 9 years ago

    With some of the shootings coming from the police lately I really don't know how i feel especially coming from a police family.  My father, uncles, some aunts are and were policemen.  It really is getting bad

    1. mio cid profile image60
      mio cidposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I know there have been instances of police brutality before, but since they got away  free with putting 41 bullets in Amadou Diallo  the popular belief is that young black men can be shot dead and the perpetrator won't see the inside of a jail cell.

      1. PassionButterfly profile image65
        PassionButterflyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        amen that is what I am saying and we keep making excuses of why this is happening.   It has gotten way out of pocket

    2. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      In spite of what appears to be in epidemic proportions, I am certain that tragic shootings like this take place around the nation on a daily basis. I admire what the cops have to do and think that the vast majority are operating in an ethical manner.  I would not want their jobs. Sometimes, the  media creates sensationalism and disregard the proper  proportions of the big picture.

    3. rhamson profile image70
      rhamsonposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Respect is the word of the day for the problems we are seeing between police and public interaction. What happened to the old this guy carries a gun and it is there to protect the innocent? If the policeman says stop and shows you a gun maybe you should just listen to him. If you wish to continue your lack of respect you should be open to the consequences. This should relate to a traffic stop when told to get out of or stay in your car or a detainment on the street in trying to find a criminal that you may somehow seem related to. If you have a gun on you make it known IMMEDIATELY so as to avoid any mistakes of either party. Don't assume your rights preclude the rights a policeman has in detaining or questioning you. He has the right by law to do so. If it is determined that he has overextended his rights, wait until it is over and then take care of your complaint later. There are plenty of attorneys willing to listen to a good lawsuit. Guess what!, the cop isn't.

      1. PassionButterfly profile image65
        PassionButterflyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        if he over steps his rights and shoots you deed you have no time to fix it later.  If you are just walking down the street and because a police man hasn't got his rocks off for the day and I am stopped, because I'm black I'm related to all criminals.  That just like saying because you are white you are related to the KKK.  This is the kind of ignorance that I am speaking about.  Assuming that the police are right because they are the law. Because you carry that badge doesn't give you more rights to be ignorant.  Respect has nothing to do with it.  If I need to give him so much more respect than he needs to give me?  Why?

        1. rhamson profile image70
          rhamsonposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          "If I need to give him so much more respect than he needs to give me?  Why?"

          Because the police is our way of monitoring and implementing peace and justice in our society. Just because you feel disrespected does not give you the right to misbehave. Especially if your life may be on the line. If you have done nothing wrong then comply and go your merry way. It is not a citizens request when a police officer questions you questions or detains you. Attitude can and will get you shot. Sure the police target blacks more than whites but statistically there are more instances to do so. Is it fair? probably not. Are the statistics without flaws? No, but if you are doing nothing wrong and you display respect, respect will more than likely be returned.

          I am white and was pulled over because I matched the description of a bank robber. After being cuffed and put into the police car and hearing an almost exact description of me and my car it was discovered my facial hair did not match the suspect and I was turned loose. Was I disrespected? No. I was exonerated partly due to my compliance (no attitude) and demeanor. I was picked out BECAUSE I was white and matched a preliminary description.

          Whether you like to admit it the police have the right to detain and question you if they suspect you of something. Get over it.

        2. profile image0
          HowardBThinameposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          I don't think it's a matter of "right" versus "wrong" or "good" versus "bad" as much as it is a cultural clash and a lack of traiing in how to diffuse potentially deadly situations.

          I haven't been keeping up - but the last I heard, the Missouri shooting has not yet been determined to have been a crime by the officer. Weren't there witnesses that both supported and also opposed the cop's version of the story? 

          As a parent of bi-racial children, I can say that certain subculture "youth" behaviors do NOT impress adults or law enforcement. These include wearing pants that fall off your ass - and tattooing every visible patch of skin. When kids dress, "gangsta" other view them in that same light. It shouldn't happen, but it does. Just as we view men covered in white sheets and wearing pointed white hats as borderline sociopath, whether or not they're actual KKK members.

          Parents are the first line of defense but many don't take their job seriously. Single mothers have an especially tough go of it.

          Police need to master the skills necessary to diffuse situations without resorting to shooting. Kids need to learn that if they dress as if they're in a gang - they're probably going to be treated as if they're in a gang.  There is a compromise to be made on both sides.

          1. rhamson profile image70
            rhamsonposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            I don't know if dressing a certain way warrants a behavior response from a policeman except where the clothing was part of the description. Anything else could be considered profiling which is illegal in some jurisdictions. I have heard that the pants around the knees make it easier to catch them when in a chase so that may be a plus for the cops. I think demeanor and attitude is what needs to be addressed. Does the suspect not expect to be questioned because he feels persecuted? If that is the case does it still warrant that he or she can continue to be uncooperative? Is respect to be expected from the policeman to allow the suspect to answer only the questions they choose? And if those questions are not enough to clear them are they to be released because the suspect feels slighted or marginalized? I agree that there are prejudiced and abusive policemen out there and bad things happen but is it something that requires anything more than civil rights to administer and prosecute it? Or is it he made me feel bad because I am a certain color or sex?

  2. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 9 years ago

    It is time that they system applies the law to them just as they would Joe Citizen instead of using the "My life was in danger" cliche, the dog looked at me the wrong way, etc etc.  Police departments cover up. Maybe the latest riots will wake the system up.  If the system does not wake up, there is going to be more shootings for nothing and more riots.

  3. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 9 years ago

    Most cops are good cops.

  4. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 9 years ago
  5. lisavanvorst profile image66
    lisavanvorstposted 9 years ago

    I think what is important is we do not generalize all police with this tragic events. There is also two sides to every story. I too hear these stories on the news and the media thrives on the bad publicity. I do not in any  way support such violence, but we listen to all facts before we set off negative opinions for law enforcement.

    1. Rhonda Lytle profile image67
      Rhonda Lytleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well stated.  There is no denying some abuse authority.  I have no doubt that can be said in every profession.  God knows it applies to politicians.  But, most police officers literally do risk their lives for us daily.  They get little if any thanks.  Further, they are being conditioned through current trends and federal laws to be more and more like soldiers daily.  The constant media barrage of the bad is creating an us against them atmosphere, many would say purposefully.

  6. Asa2141 profile image66
    Asa2141posted 9 years ago

    Police brutality is overly publicized and hyped by the media. If you look at the number of incidents of police brutality compared to the millions of police encounters that happen every week, the ratio is pretty comforting. I have a friend from Zimbabwe, and after talking with her, Americans have no clue what police brutality is. (Thank God for America!)

    Why is police brutality hyped by the media?

    I believe it actually springs from the liberal agenda to tear down and shame America. It's an anti-authority ploy. "Watch out for the police! They are bad and evil!"

    It runs in harmony with the anti-law ploy - liberals encouraging my generation to question our judicial system. (Notice all of the hyped stories about people getting out of jail after supposedly being innocent all these years)

    I'm 22. If I've been brainwashed from middle school through college to think that many police are evil and the judicial system is unreliable at best, me and millions of other young minds are the perfect pawns to use in tearing down capitalism and America.

  7. PassionButterfly profile image65
    PassionButterflyposted 9 years ago

    Getting over it is what the problem is.  You made my point you were pulled over and hand-cuffed because you looked like.  You are still breathing.  Had that been the same situation with average black man, the results would no have been the same.  7 out of 10 times.  And the part of respect given is respect received,  What world do you live in..

  8. rhamson profile image70
    rhamsonposted 9 years ago

    I am not the only person in this world and if I expect to participate in it I must submit to some indescretions. If I have to suffer the indignation of being investigated and held against my wishes so that a criminal should be identified then so be it. Guess what? You live in this same world no matter what you wish to believe. Grow up.


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