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  1. profile image0
    FootballNutposted 8 years ago

    Let's look at the things that kill us as PEOPLE in life:

    Vehicles (man made)

    Our diets (man made foods)

    Fighting (man made wars)

    Illnesses (which are tied to our diets, ie heart attacks, cancer and the likes)

    Age (numerical digits are man made)

    Ourselves (we kill ourselves because man made problems make us ill or make us unhappy)

    Animals suffer (because of our man made dietary needs)

    We are meant to be clever yet we can't solve them simple things that send us to our deathbeds?

    The fact is we are not allowed to solve them 4 things, we are programmed to want such things so the rich get rich.

    Is life not brought to us for us to experiment? So why don't we?

    Oh we can't stop using vehicles because we get TOLD we have to be in places at certain times such as work and school. Let's stop work then surely life is more important than money?

    Plus we have absolutely everything we need in life right here that can be used as and when we need it, but greed stops us doing that.

    Let's try a different sort of food, we have other means of feeding ourselves. But we are programmed to think a supermarket is the only place that can feed us because it has a PRICE TAG on it's items. Along with foods leading to people's deaths, items used for food related things are man made too, such as knives, these items are used to injure or kill other people, the solution is simple tell man to stop making such things, we don't have to have such items to make eating easier, we have hands and teeth that can be used to cut food up into digestible pieces.

    Illnesses also kill people, let's look at this shale we?

    Most big pharmaceutical companies make medicine that are designed for kids to make them better, that are of a taste of anacide, liquorice and the likes.

    These same companies also make alcoholic spirits, that are anacide, liquorice and the likes. So, what are these companies, healthcare companies or health damaging company's, the answer is simple, they are there to do this:

    Cure us at kids with things that make us get the taste for health damaging things when we're older, then when we're older and drink their beverages and other products we end up ill, so we then purchase their medication again in order to cure things like hang overs, or if we get really ill we use their medication to treat illnesses that alcohol causes.

    Man made wars or fighting each other ends up with losses of life. Man made wars are all about greed, or because someone else has something we don't for example:

    The middle east have land that they use simply (don't build on it etc), so greedy people go over there and bomb it to wipe the people of that continent out so that they can take over the land and build things like Donald Trumps hotel on it, or walmarts, McDonalds or other western world businesses (this is greed).

    When the people of that land blow up THEIR OWN land that starts to look like the greedy west in order to get rid of greed on their land, they have every right to do that, but when they do that we are programmed to believe they are terrorists, but they are just protecting their land from greed. At one point before it got invaded, some parts of the middle east had free electric, free gas and the likes, they made life free in some parts, but the greedy people didn't like that.

    I also forgot to add, in the background of this fighting over terror wars (as it is made to look like), in the background greedy people have took over National Banks of the middle eastern countries, so essentially the people of the middle east are going to be bribed in life like the western countries are, for example, don't park your car their (on free land) else you will get a ticket, if you choose not to pay that ticket the charge will go up or we will take your belongings and crush them.....REALLY, wow that is disgusting but that bribe is in everything we do in the west, for example if you don't pay your bills, we will charge you more on top, take you to court, or take your belongings, are Christians really doing this to their OWN people? The bribe of do as we say or get a fine,have your belongings took off of you or go to prison is in everything in countries like Britain. It is DISGUSTING.

    To be honest it sounds like the Bible, Do as God says, or go to hell (which is prison I suppose, so if that hell it must be a good place because life is free in there). The bible is a bribe, yet faith based political countries make man made laws up that include bribing being a crime but then they preach a bribe, so they are in effect preaching a crime.

    We also get told that the same people from that land want to wipe our countries out. Now, let's look at things, here in Britain there are millions of people from the middle east living around us, they are not hurting us, they are here because we are making their land unlivable for them.

    We get told they hate us and they want to blow us up, the manner we get told they want to wipe us out is by them doing this:

    Firstly they are here in Britain right now, so can get us if they really did hate us.

    But they don't, what we get TOLD they do is, go through the effort of smuggling themselves out of my country that they want to blow up, to get back to the middle east in order to get TRAINING. Once they are trained they then attempt to smuggle themselves back into my country in order to carry out an act of harm. The funny thing is though they always seem to get stopped when smuggling themselves back in, then my government shout, LOOK HOW GREAT WE ARE WE PROTECTED YOU FROM A TERROR ATTACK....Does this not all seem a bit convenient to you? The people we get told hate us, who live with us smuggle themselves out of the country they want to blow up, just to get training, then conveniently get stopped coming back in so the Government can shout to us the citizens we are under threat but we stopped it because we are great.......IT IS A JOKE and so convenient for us isn't it?

    This war as been made to look like a political and faith believing war, but let's stop and think, this started over an attack on WORLD TRADE/greed, not an attack on do you see how faith is being used to mask the antics of the greed that is happening behind the scenes?

    Then will kill animals in order to feed a diet that ends up killing us...

    Are we stupid, we can find alternatives for all of these problems, but we are too busy running around doing what we are told.

    Faith believers say God can take us to heaven if we choose him, if we do not we will go to hell. Believers in this say we have they choice, so this is what I have to say to believer:

    Believer we MAY have that choice you preach but we also have the CHOICE to turn the world that we live in RIGHT NOT into a heavenly place, or a horrible place, so why don't we?

    Believing in faith is not a problem, but the actions of the faith believers and preachers is disgusting, Faith is causing hell on earth, so pack it up preaching your stuff when all it is doing is masking the antics of the greed behind the scenes....BELIEVERS ARE MAKING EVERYONE LIVE IN HELL just because they believe in shouting in everyone's face about their book..

    Believers also create social problems, for example they drag everyone into their book by feeling the need to categorise people in sections of their book, ie, that person is the devil, that person is Atheists, that person is good because they believe in God.....stop judging everyone and dragging them into your books categories, leave me out of that book please. Because it is disgusting.

    Now watch what will happen a believer will call me the devil, or say I am twisted, or say I have demons.....grow up....(they won't now because I have just highlighted they will). If they call people that enough, that person will start to believe they are ill, and turn to the medicine companies that set people up as mentioned above.

    We are not allowed to take nastyness out of life because the GREEDY CHRISTIANS won't allow us to. I am sorry but Christians pick and brand absolutely everyone and cause so much trouble because of their greed, yet they claim to be about peace....

    Christian based countries need CRIME, to keep millions of people like the police etc in jobs, Christian based countries need poverty to keep millions of people in charity or caring types of jobs, Christian based countries need jobless people to keep millions of people who work in the unemployment industry in jobs, Christian people need man made illnesses to keep millions of people in healthcare based jobs.....they need everything to keep their greed ventures running...

    Unfortunately I have to love with these people.

    1. profile image0
      ValKarasposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      FN...Your title says: "You, yes you are a stupid human" Let's start from that. Who are you, and who do you think you are calling "stupid"? Is that a civilized way to address people, many of whom are much, much more educated and decent humans than you appear to be?

      What are your credentials? What makes you a competent judge of what is going on? And, if you have some emotional issues, why do you think that it's people's duty to serve as a dumping container for you emotional discharges?

      Who really cares what you see as a problem in this world? Don't you allow possibility that we are all grownups with our own minds and our own world view?

      No, I am not putting down one single word that you are saying here. I am not opposing your opinion, because I couldn't be bothered with it. My question is  -  from what high pedestal of intelligence are you speaking if you are calling "stupid" those whom you expect to listen to your opinion?

      So, this is how you introduce yourself  -  as a superior messiah who can teach some "stupid people" how to look at the global matters. You see, I am still not saying anything about your opinion. I am not calling you names, I am not calling you dysfunctional  -  just because compliments are missing.

      As a matter of fact, nothing is wrong about your opinion, as long as you keep it for yourself, because that's your right.
      However, maybe you could honor us with a pearl of advice, and tell us what YOU have personally done to improve all that situation? Hypothetically speaking, we want to follow your example, so what -  other than talking about it  -  have you DONE? Let's have a little logic here for a moment. Suppose you, as a person who is calling US "stupid" couldn't do anything, why are you telling us  -  of an "inferior intelligence"  -  to do this and stop doing that?

      One thing I can promise you now. I will not answer to anything that you may say as a comment. For the simple reason because you should first apologize to all readers for calling them "stupid". I don't discuss with people who open a discussion by insulting my intelligence.

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        All this has been answered mate, you will have to go through the comments to read the replies.

        As for credentials.....dear oh dear oh dear.....they are worthless

        And why presume I am emotional, is that you judging after telling me I don't have the right to judge you using a title?

        In fact did you ask my credentials so you can rank me in society as to weather to be someone to listen to or not based on government education? JUDGING...else you would not have asked,

        You would have judged me based on education. Which I do not agree should even exist because of the state the world is in right now, that has been caused by knowledge and other things, so the title is suggesting those that judge based on a pointless education they have are in fact stupid for thinking education is a good thing. And credentials is one of the first things you asked for in order to rank a person. So me judging you based on thinking those that think education is good is not allowed, but you ranking me by asking for credentials/education levels is perfectly okay to judge me on.......I think I made my point.

        but the answer is you can not get credentials for things they don't WANT us to know

        Hang on isn't life about titles....




        All titles mate

        If your not willing to find out why that title is there by stating you are not going to reply to my comments, then I really do not know why an educated man like you just went through all that effort of writing the comment you just did........

        1. profile image0
          ValKarasposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          FN: I see, your manners of a civilized man are beyond repair and there is no chance that someone like you would apologize for insulting anyone  -  so my "promise" doesn't have to be kept either. I wonder which of my words you will grab like a straw to save your face this time, as I ask you a simple question. Don't be a coward and avoid the answer. Don't direct me to "read the comments", I have done that, so answer this simple question:
          Misery seeks company, so all chances are that you, yourself have done nothing, and you just want the people to be upset like you are. How is that constructive? How is that normal for a normal person to do? Don't you find it a kind of immature to cry on everyone's shoulder while not telling them what CONCRETE STEPS should be taken?
          Do you want everybody to stop seeing their doctors?
          Do you want everyone to start raising a farm with fresh veggies, and stop eating foods from the stores?
          Do you want to release all those cows and pigs and chickens to freely graze in the nature?
          Are you saying that we are all suggestible, naïve, gullible village idiots to buy every story coming from organized religion?
          What kind of transportation do YOU suggest we should be using?

          Come on, don't just cry like a frustrated kid, tell us-less-intelligent what we should DO?
          If you have no suggestions, and you just want us to be upset like you, then you might as well visit a shrink.

          Now, I am so curious, how you will wiggle out of these questions. Which of my words you will grab to comment on, while ignoring what I asked you. I assume I am speaking for all commenters when I asked these questions all wrapped around a single one: WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST WE SHOULD DO?  -  It's still not too late to be humble enough and admit that calling people "stupid" was not civilized, fair, cultured, and above all  -  normal.

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            The suggestions are in the comment replies to others.

            Why are you relying on suggestions of someone else, why do you feel the need to live by rules?

            Do what you like, make your own path, rather than follow one that is only designed to line the pockets of the rich.

            Tell them to stop teaching us things like cancer exist, tell them to stop teaching us things death related.....

            WE DO NOT NEED TO BE EDUCATED WITH ANY SUCH STUFF.....we are made aware of it to cause fear

            Let's smoke, drink, eat what we like, do what we like and JUST DROP DEAD and call it death, don't label with science based name then teach it.

            Do what we like without the education of illnesses and death, who knows we may live longer, who knows if we don't get told we are 80, we may not feel like we are 80......

            Tell them to stop sending us down medical paths that does not do anything other than make science rich.......tell me has any charity ever shut down because they found a solution to the problem their charity was based on? they want to find solutions if they do it will mean their charity will no longer be needed......can they not find cures because there is nothing to cure?


            You all make ma laugh. What I see as companies pretending to find cures is being done so we think they want us to live longer, potentially live forever.....but then someone suggests another way that might work people jump on that band wagon, of are you mad no one can live forever.....THEN WHY BELIEVE IN MEDICATION? No one laughs at that when apparently they are creating medicines to see how long we can live/live forever.....they consider that normal because someone with a CERTIFICATE said it is.....joke, give us results EXPERTS instead of just breakthroughs every known again to keep us believing. You can be rockets in space apparently yet you can't fix Earth.

            Let's start telling these companies that research that WE FUND, that we want results now, we keep investing and all e ever get is breakthroughs, how many bloody breakthroughs can there be before a cure is found? AS MANY AS THEY WANT UNTIL WE STOP GIVING AND START DEMANDING RESULTS.

            Another type of charity, are the African and water based ones that have had billions over the years, they have not even supplied pipes and taps and plumbed them into the sea to give them people clean water.....yet we still giving so they can say they brought a mosquito net and built a is not money them people need it is pipes,taps,sinks,tubs and the let's start donating pipes and taps instead of money and you watch them charities turn our donations away if we did donate things like that that can solve their water problem.....

            1. profile image0
              ValKarasposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              FN.  I am 71 years old and I have spent half of the century dehypnotizing myself from the social suggestive influences, read over thousand books on human nature  -  so try to imagine how silly you sound telling me "not to follow suggestions". You keep ranting and ranting like one of those toy soldiers that you wind up  -  and when it hits a wall, its feet are still going without realizing that it is getting nowhere.

              Is it your life passion to torment yourself with toxic thoughts about facts of this world that everybody has accepted together with human imperfection? How is that working for you? Don't get wrong ideas, I have nothing "against" folks like you, it takes all kind, and everyone is entitled to their version of misery.
              But I am just wondering  -  don't you have a life...maybe a girlfriend, a bunch of friends? What is prompting you to be so bitter about the world? Do you feel called upon with a special mission on this planet to "open the eyes" of some "stupid" people?
              With your laconic answer "All answers are already in the comments", you sound exactly like those Christians that you are attacking, who bluntly say :Just read the Bible, all answers are in there."

              Since you are so predictable, and I can only expect another round of your parrot-like-rant, this time I am quite sure that I won't be responding to any of it anymore. . Continue freely with your sermons, I won't bother you raining on your parade.

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Well thank you for letting this continue, so other generations suffer...

                And the next lot of kids are going to have it worse....

                Please tell me why your country has guillotines, when they're against barbarism? What is coming up for the next generation?

                Go and look at facts mate, your actually a JEW....if you look at things properly....did we not fight against this many years ago?

                This is nothing to do with Human nature....because there is absolutely nothing NATURAL about this behaviour....

                I am not tormenting myself, stop judging people, see how they have trained you, if anyone speaks out, you must think they're crazy.....they have programmed you to think like that to STOP you acting.

                Yes I have friends, so what are you saying....if you have friends your not aloud to think different, you must just shut up and fit in with the mould like the rest of us? It is attitudes like that that is heading us lot to something very nasty.....

                I am not attacking Christians stop twisting things, Having an opinion on them is not attacking them....the truth of the matter is they are not even christians.....they think they are but they are JEWS.....if you look behind the scenes of who is running things.....your fake christians...

                You are not raining on my parade, your raining on your own, strange how you never call the politicians who say the same thing year in year out parrotts, oh no, you just go along with them and their parrott sermons DON'T YOU??? WHY?? You don't speak to them who are taking you for a fool in the manner you do to me WHY???

                The Politicians and the greedy are predictable, they are going to rob you blind, but your okay with that...and happy to let them do it to you....because you consider that to be HUMAN NATURE

                My view on christians is they are so busy running around trying to recruit people into their God gang in order to go somewhere afterlife, they have blinded themselves to the FACT they can turn life into this heaven place they always talk about.....but instead they are turning it into hell by blowing up the so called poor, just to build donald trumps hotels in every middle eastern town, and other western world businesses (making them slaves like we are, no wonder they want us gone) so the people of the middle east have to go to work in an organised fashion, for who? Fake Christians that will tax their wages and have them chasing paper and certificates through blind education.....

                1. profile image0
                  ValKarasposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  FN...Not that it offends me, but first, I am not a Jew.
                  Second, I am not from the country that has guillotines.
                  Third, you have lost all sense for seeing anything positive in this world. Look at you. On and on you are ranting about the same thing as if in a mission to "save this world". And then you go funny telling me that Christians are doing something to ME. They are not upsetting me, they are upsetting you. I couldn't care less about ANY outside influences. And I am also laughing at all self-appointed saviors who are obviously not doing much to save their own health with this level of toxic bitterness. They say Jesus died on cross to save us all. Are you following his steps trying to save us, while slowly creating a medical disaster in your body with all this nervousness? Come on, man, be nice to yourself, save at least one person  -  yourself.

                  Whenever somebody opposes your way of negativistic observing, you call them "programmed by society". Doesn't it cross your mind that such people choose to see the full, not the empty half of the glass? Ever heard about something like "optimism"? For most of the working folks the life is hard enough without looking for additional dark inspirations. Normal people raise their families, have simple joys in life, and it's happening everywhere. Go to a park and feed some pigeons, listen to the birds singing, play with kids, entertain your friends, tell a joke, sing a song, see a movie...all this is not fiction, it's happening all over the world, this same world that you are seeing as "collapsing" under the pressures of some sinister forces. Lighten up, my friend, do yourself a favor.

                  1. profile image0
                    FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    You are a Jew, weather you read the christian book, or absolutely any other book....or have no belief at all....your still a jew because we live by money other rules.....It does not matter where you from either, remember it is christians we are talking about or christian countries nothing else. But okay sorry for presuming you lived in america or the UK. Do you? Your replying like a person that lives in one of them countries would?

                    For one simple FACT my friend....

                    NATIONAL DEBTS exist.....

                    What is a National Debt?

                    A National Debt is what Governments are in.

                    Do Governments have their own National Banks? (Yes, only at face value though...but the educated think that is their governments bank).

                    So ask questions like this....

                    How is it POSSIBLE to be in debt to your self?

                    How is it POSSIBLE to lend yourself money you do not have?

                    Answer them questions, because if you can find a solution to that, then YOU my friend can be a trillionaire within an hour.

                    For a debt to exist, this MUST mean someone has lent you money. (Am I correct?)

                    So, go find out who they have lent money off of, the answer is JEWS.

                    Then think deeper.....If your in debt to someone and CAN NOT pay it back....what can they do?

                    The answer is THEY CAN CONTROL YOU and bribe you.

                    Now think a bit deeper, every country more or less have a NATIONAL DEBT, so all countries are being controlled by JEWS......but at face value they are not. Ie using governments as puppets to dictate to us the people.

                    Now think even DEEPER, the jews did not OWN the national banks in places like the middle east, Libya and so on......strangely we had problems with such countries....

                    Now they do own some National Banks in the middle east, so they will get such countries governments in debt to them, meaning they can then dictate to such government and control them as puppets.

                    Now think EVEN DEEPER.....they do not own North Korea's national bank what a coincidence, North Korea have had the finger pointed at them for an attack out of the blue on Sony a cyber attack apparently.....

                    Now think even deeper again, is North Korea's national bank a DIGITAL CURRENCY?

                    Obama's words "we will retaliate in our own time" (that is what the puppet is told to say by the real LORDS....the money people).

                    So what do you think that means? Are they going to hack North Korea's bank, then take control....get their government in debt so they can then use that government as puppets to?)....

                    CYBER WARS

                    Just think mate.........instead of allowing what is deemed as education to stop you doing something simple like thinking.....

                    We are all here blowing each other up, calling each other names, saying christians are this muslims are terrorists and the jews are sitting back smiling.

                    See what I mean, you have made me sound like a parrot again lol....because we as human nature won't extend our minds and read further into things (I don't mean read further into things via books or other sources, I mean read into things with our OWN thoughts/extensions of thoughts from within stops us doing this)

                    I am not bitter, STOP JUDGING because that causes bitterness

                    There you go again with all this caring about health that we are educated to do by people making trillions from telling us to do so........which is the government that are getting bribed by who?

                    My views are not views that are coming out of fairy tale religious books.....they are FACTUAL things that have happened, you have probably read it or seen these things splattered on the JEWISH owned news media channels......they are even telling us what they are doing and still we can't pick up on the hints.....

                    That is what my title was was not aimed at INDIVIDUALS it was aimed at the human I am sorry that you read into that and got offended as an individual mate.

                    Now think even further, if a government say NO to one of there demands what can they do?

                    They can wipe your economy out, ASK GREECE......

                    So what is happening in Greece RIGHT NOW?

                    They are bartering, and doing things for each other.....they don't have money to pay for things but have not DIED as a result...

                    Why are WE NOT LEARNING FROM THIS?

                    Because education tells us not to learn from this by THINKING within ourselves.

                    And it does not matter that your country does not have guillotines, the task is to have ONE GOVERNMENT and one currency....which will end up being Jewish bankers government and currency, that can dictate as to what crimes are or are not...that might include not paying a parking fine lol....sounds stupid but seriously what is stopping them from making such stupid rules, certainly not us because they make such silly rules now that are based on bribes and do as we say or we will take you money or belongings AND GET AWAY WITH IT, they might step it up and say do what we say or we will take your life? The criminals of the world will be sent to america so the guillotines can be used...

                    P.S this reply is not a rant, I am talking to you with a nice cold beer smile

        2. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          New needed space.

          Those African kid adopted are now very rich. I"m not rich yet love to solves problems and done many for the rich in the late pass

          Where there is a will there is a way..

    2. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Without reading through the previous replies to your long post, here are my thoughts:

      I believe you are right, that we are programmed to think we have to live a certain way to survive and thrive in this culture.  It starts from a very young age.  We are told it is a good thing get a job and work for someone else, to have a car, buy a house, get credit cards, have children, educate them in public schools, and on and on.  We are a materialistic society.  Capitalism runs on greed and consumption and we are taught capitalism is good.  We are taught greed is good and looking out for number one results in everyone being their very best.  We are taught we must eat big slabs of meat, that meals of rice, beans and vegetables are not good enough.  We are taught that if we're depressed, or fat, or diseased, the way to cure it is with a pill or surgery.  Of course, none of this is absolute, and I am generalizing, but I'm saying I agree with your idea that we are programmed to live in this society a certain way, and when we do dare to think outside the box, we are ridiculed and shamed.

      As I get older, I can see that there are other ways to live.  I don't need all that crap and I don't really need money.  I still enjoy the perks I receive from money, though.  I cannot seem to completely deprogram myself from wanting stuff.  So, I do what I am capable of doing in this moment to live a bit differently, and to encourage my children to live however they choose to, and not automatically embrace societal expectations of marriage, house, car, children, etc.  For that, I get looked at askance by my siblings, my parents, my friends.  But, they still like me, because I'm constantly doing things for my community, my family, and my friends.  Because I think the world needs more acceptance and less competition, more love and less judgment, more doing and less cynicism.  I'm sure some people here are reading this and shaking their heads at the crazy, idealistic liberal who doesn't embrace capitalism as the economic god, who doesn't think artists who live at home with their parents and spend their days painting or writing or making music are just lazy bums, who thinks giving away her time and money to those less fortunate is much more noble than building a giant retail establishment, who thinks there is more than enough food and wealth to go around, if we would just stop believing that everyone has to fit in the same, square-shaped box in order to survive.  Some people enjoy building structures, others like preparing food, some like creating art, others enjoy managing people, some like to teach, others like to nurture.  There is a place for everyone and pretty much all people will DO something if they don't have to waste all their energy worrying about working 40 hours a week to pay for their house, car, warmth, and food.

      I don't have the answers, but I think the rat race we currently live in is not conducive to nurturing happiness.  The only way the race will stop is enough people step out of it and do something else.

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        This is amazing.

        You have worded everything so much better than I managed too.

        I believe they are trying to push us to a civil war. So we need to get our heads together now and act in the manners you have explained, rather than wait until it is too late, as waiting until it is too late all that will do is have us fighting each other for survival. Greece are doing just fine.

        Everyone is for the NOW moment though so it is virtually impossible to ask them to think for themselves and look ahead.

    3. profile image0
      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      This is from yesterday outside parliament

      woop woop woop......people are coming together, we are going to shut Britain down … 200244316/

    4. profile image0
      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      How is life everyone?feeling the crushed tomato effect yet x

      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Feels more like the days of the body and mind snatchers.

        I'm ready with my eco shelters, bring it on money crashers.

        Stupid is, is what stupid dose.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I can't wait for the American's to let Trump in.....once he builds all his hotels in the middle east (that they have blew up for the past two decades...because their so well educated and clever) they will be going on holiday to sunny places like Iraq and Afghanistan lol.

          Along with him building that wall.....which will virtually turn their country into a prison, then they can get their 30,000 plus guillotines out and behead people that park illegally lol.....

          It don't matter who comes in as their leader......whoever it is will have to introduce these is written in the script lol

          This is what they call freedom.....bunch of jokers lol

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            If Trump is selected President, it will continue Hitler dream,until the a third world war collapses on it's self, for America is ISIS.

            Already everyone worships the Government as our true God. Finally there will  be a face to that God, Trump World. The old paper God will be replace by what ever conflicting thing that comes out of Trump's words. Bars with replace churches where you can wash your sins away.

            The America White millionaire and billionaires will be temporary great again. Until cheap labor of people of color move into tent city or expensively exported to lands they were they were never born from. Places like Walmart will be the new  FIMA slave camps for poor white folks.

            Trump will promise castle for his people. He really means tent cities and gambling casino on the beach where tsunami can wash them away.

            Trump is a good thing, it will clearly show how evil American is. So the Unstoppable American revolution will start sooner rather than later. Where with Hillary the suffering would last longer.

    5. Scotty Davidson profile image59
      Scotty Davidsonposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You're silly, and funny, not too close to the wire. Your world is on fire and it's about to expire. But seriously why are you so special? You're so special, why aren't you dead?

      It needed to be dug out of the ground. People needed to look at what was going on before someone turns around and says "boo!". This way you're in the game and there's no turning back. You're close, you're close, so close to the wire. You're so special, you're so special, why aren't you dead?

      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Interesting hub you wrote.

        Allex Jones was asked that question, :why aren't you dead:? Most people are aware of their true owners of their Country, they just don't know what to do about it. Allex appeals to what they do know and spins 10% or more % away from the deep truth.

        I once was rich and famous for 30 years, and gave it up because I can't live a lie.

        The corporatism kills you or divides and conquers you by stealing everything they can. if you are an highly honest artist and an extreme environmentalists like myself

        Being very intuitive I envision by extreme logic each move the elistist makes. The world changes itself, I just record and sometime report the freak show. Been preparing for the US Dollar crashes soon. Had clear nightmares and feel very ill from what about to come in ground zero America.

        So built two self sustainable villages in isolated areas. I'm no better or worst than the next guy. Just have this extreme talent to know how the world events will unfolded.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
          Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I like money and free trade. The indians did too. Why do you think they put up with the colonists to their own detriment? The real problem is that they ended up hating them and their ways. Sound familiar?
          The greedy rich just need to get a handle on their greed. Many are not greedy and do contribute to society and charity directly and through providing jobs. The richest (Crazy Ace Globalists) can be stopped by our instance on maintaining our freedoms within common sense boundaries. Hint: the boundaries in every case are to protect liberty and justice for all. And of course this is what WWIII will bring about. Stability and autonomy of countries and their chosen governments, laws, ways, and currency. I do not foresee it any time soon. Just the rumblings. So we should actually just be enjoying life, even though it is winter time in the great scheme of things.

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            But CHARITY is the biggest con in the world...

            Charities will never find you answers...for example the TRAINED AND EDUCATED idiots/doctors/scientists they employ can not find CURES....tell charities to give you results, instead of just saying every known again WE FOUND A BREAK THROUGH...yes a break through, for MAN MADE diseases and MAN MADE disasters.

            Please name me ONE CHARITY that has closed down because they found an answer to illnesses, or disasters...YOU CAN'T DO IT....

            Charities are not designed to find answers in their EXPERT researches they do, as if they did find answers to these INVISIBLE things...their RICH shareholders will not get idiots running marathons, or jumping out of planes in the name of charity lol

            Lets, stop it all....I will give you another example of charity, here in England we have a GOVERNMENT organised charity called red nose day....this is designed to help people in Africa who need water....billions has been donated to this charity over the past 25-30 years, yet the thick cunts have not used them billions to buy something as simple as a pipe and PLUMED africa into the sea so they can have running taps in their mud huts......too busy buying mosquito nets with all these billions APPARENTLY....or putting it in their charities founders pockets so they can buy nice big houses and flash cars xx

          2. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, everyone likes trade. From the days Columbus began slavery, goal rush, Christianity and piratcy empires. It was not a decent trade for care taker of the land.

            Once North American natives were 5 times the  population of European nations combined. Look what greedy did to these stuburan environmentalists. Hitler was impress how American stoled their green world.

            You think American greedy elite can possible grow a conscious and give back to the people today.  The only true change is when the people take back from the greedy disease. In which they are the rightful owner. Meaning a Revolution must happen in order to live a balanced life. Over all Greed truely never gives any thing healthy, they are takers in life.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              is columbus another educational fictional character though, after all they needed to say this flat world was round because, roundness is a

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Most of the Europeans thought the world was flat from what they thought they read in the Bible. Columbus thought he was in India calling it West Indies. He claims the world was round without sailing the Pacific ocean.

                I built a pirate museum in Florida US and had Columbus as the main feature. The local did not like that.

                No man has captures the image of pirates and empires better than Columbus did for America. Was he the first to discover America. The natives, Chinese and Norwegian did a better job.

    6. Matthew RN profile image73
      Matthew RNposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      What is the defining moment in your life and why?

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        there is no such thing as a defining moment.....every single moment can be free/brilliant if we stop being so stupid by creating sadness

        1. Matthew RN profile image73
          Matthew RNposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Interesting reply, more like a diversion response,  but I ask again, What is the defining moment or even moments in your life and why?  I said nothing about sadness.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            We do live by moment to moment for personal growth. The pirate treasure museum showed me there was fine line between fantasy and history, depending who was writing the story. When you study the patterns of America history and their exteme hunger for goal. Where men wanted to be free on the backs of slavery. They can act reckless towards other cultures and lands and still be forgiven repeated by their God. What source that has expressed this better than Columbus.

            Other strong memories was first breaking national swim record. Then a Sandsculptures world championship. Then best sex I ever had.Then the birth of my daughters.....and so o

          2. Matthew RN profile image73
            Matthew RNposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            The more I read the initial blog and then the replies I get the feeling the only  goal of this blog was to generate responses.  With the blogger diverting my question, being critical of doctors, Christians, Jews, government, and police, by flip flopping his words to generate another response from the person who replied last, having such a general premise at first, and the absence of any creditable sources (actually any sources), it seems plain this is the goal here.  Are people now so desperate in getting recognition these days?

            1. Matthew RN profile image73
              Matthew RNposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              This fact, I give the blogger credit,  and not being facetious or sarcastic here,  the person has generated quite a bit of responses and has continued the process.

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Hii mate

                sorry I could not reply earlier as I got banned for a week or so from my own conversation as someone must have butted into a conversation that they didn't like.

                If you feel that the only goal of this initial blog is to get responses, I think you should re-read it and compare what your leaders tell you not to do with a massive sarcastic grin on their faces as they line their pockets through people continuing to do the things they say they want us to stop just so it looks like they CARE, with what I am suggesting we try, just to see if it wipes the smile off of their faces.

                I am saying try it without a grin on my face or without becoming rich. I am saying the same things as the rich without the smirk on my face, yet no one gives them grief, or accuses them of saying things to get responses (even though they do do that, point the finger at someone for something in order to get a response, usually to start wars or debates).

                You state I have diverted your question, if this is in reference to you asking me "What is the most defining moment of my life?"

                I answered with the following:

                there is no such thing as a defining moment.....every single moment can be free/brilliant if we stop being so stupid by creating sadness

                How you see this answer as me diverting your question is beyond me, you then replied you did not mention anything about sadness. Okay, I will explain what i meant a little clearer.

                Defining a moment does not just mean what are the best moments of your life.

                For example to define how I felt when I lost at a football match, it was sad.

                For example to define how I felt when I won at a football match, it was happy.

                However beings you want to know I presume the best parts of my life, I will share some:

                I qualified to be an electrician, to define how I felt when this happened, I felt happy.

                But isn't it STUPID that that defining happy moment, now means in reality I am not CAPABLE of doing anything else unless I go back to school and PAY money to be EDUCATED to do other things that I can already do, but I am not allowed to as I do not have  a piece of paper saying I am allowed to do such things, now I feel sad.

                I passed my driving test, to define the feeling at the time, it was happy.

                Now, I have to go to work as an electrician to earn money to pay for my car tax, my car insurance, my MOT, new tyres, new lights, new other things, fuel etc, basically going to work to pay for a nice car because self image, or how others see you is important apparently. Think of all the jobs involved in what I have to pay out for my car, all them jobs come from my defining HAPPY moment of passing my driving test.

                I purchased my first home. To define this feeling at the time, I was happy.

                Now I have to go to work to maintain this home that has a garage where I park my nice car, to put nice things in this home, to pay the mortgage and MANY other bills, because self image, or how others see you is important apparently.

                See, just these defining HAPPY moments have got me running around in circles just to basically give out an image of I am doing well for myself. When infact that defining HAPPY moment of becoming an electrician in theory has done nothing but set me up TO GO WITH THE working for nice things that I don't actually own because for example the mortgage means the bank own my house, so until that is paid I own NOTHING as they will take my car and other materials if my payments through earning money as an electrician is not kept up with......this makes me unhappy and feel like I am constantly being bribed to KEEP GOING WITH THE more or less all of us do....because we are too scared of losing things that we DON'T REALLY ACTUALLY OWN ANYWAY, and to scared to stand up for ourselves

                Some more examples:

                I won at football, I won at swimming, I won at rugby, I won at pool, let's just pretend I won at everything, to define how I feel...I am ecstatic, over the moon, I am so happy, I am the best.

                Now ask me to DEFINE how I think my opponents in everything that I am so great at feels, the answer will be, they are sad.

                So you did not need to mention sadness...defining good moments in all areas of life brings out sadness to either ourselves or others.

                Why do we need to be better than the next person in sports, in what cars we have, or houses we live in.....?? Is it a competition?? Or is it just purely for each individual's self growth to by making others feel sad, and to make the running around in circles for materials to seem worthwhile??

                I would like to add, you asked me what I presume is, to define the best moments in my life...

                Now if I answer with I scored goals in football, won swimming races, beat the boxing world champion, I ran a marathon for charity, I kicked Jackie Chan in the balls etc etc......would you not class that as me being desperate for recognition, and wanting people to know who I am, and how great I am at something? So they can all follow me on twitter lol.

                You probably would think that, but I have not said any of them things like most people brag about how great they are for doing something, I have chatted about getting people to stop thinking that all this needless stuff to get a sense of achievement in life is not required, yet you claim I am desperate for recognition.

                Please may I ask what you think I am trying to get recognition for or of? I don't need recognition, what competition am I playing in, what do I need to achieve? what service am I offering? NONE or NOTHING is the answer.....

                And only a stupid human would actually think that those superior in the money world would allow one of their TRAINED EXPERTS to announce any of what has been said as CREDITABLE information, as it could make the rich poor.....hense why don't we TRY and stop the things they say with a smirk on their faces??? see what their next move will be, because I tell you what, if we stopped them things, the WORLD would come to a halt (we can reclaim materials and have everything instead of chasing everything), or they will beg us to start smoking etc again, they wouldn't really need to beg us, all they will do is get a TRAINED EXPERT to say, a breakthrough has occurred, there has been a chemical found in cigarettes or whatever that is ACTUALLY good for you, and stupid humans will all start smoking again and kick start the money spinning again....(just using cigarettes as an example from the list of things we get asked to not do by a grinning puppet).

                1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                  Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Did they tell you why you were kicked off.?

                  1. profile image0
                    FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    No mate. I tried posting a reply last week and it said I couldn't for 8 more days or something. lol.

                    That grown woman above said she reported the thread, on the basis of me using words from the dictionary that are deemed as naughty words to five year olds.


                    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                      Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      Yes, it is in the rules.
                      Next time when you want use a four letter word, just put a star in one of the letters.

      2. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I ran out of space to write on my cell, so I came here.

        The best models of system I've seen are smaller countries like Iceland who took over their central banking system. They say Iceland is an anarchy system, basic look at the individual right first rather than a world order where united we fail. It's where the dollar and Euro, trade deals all fall into the hands of the very rich. This elite will try every bluff to steal and murder more people life away, it's all come to a crossroads. Nobody wants to blow the whole world up with nukes . Yet I do dream about 100 or more million killed in war. The period of kings and empires after 1000s years have come to a point of their own death because the true super power is global public option. You and me are king of our own domain. Just, think we are ahead of most of them and timing.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Don't fool for the Icelandic trick mate...

          Probably the smallest country in the world has been set up to reference things against goodness....why is it not Russia, or North Korea, or South America that are doing what Iceland have done?

          The answer is because them countries/continents are large.

          Iceland is just being used to show an example of freedom America gave them, a very small country got TEMPORARILY FREEDOM which WILL be took away from them once America/Jews have everything put in place.

          What I mean by this is, America/Jews can say look how free Iceland is in their campaigns to seek more greed/say let us control you makes them look good by freeing a very  SMALL COUNTRY..

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Now look at BRICS , a group that is 40% of the world population. With 23 other countries wanting to join them like Germany France,  Italy and Saudi Arabia.

            Russia Putin kick out the Rothschild's out of their country. The biggest financial Armageddon is May 28 2016 much of BRICS is dumping US dollars. Look shortly for Sh*t!!! To hit the fan. South America is already in deep trouble. Japan is next and warned G7 of world Collapse. America next after that as ground zero.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              May 28 2016 has passed, there was no armageddon. Russia have not kicked them out, if Russia kicked them out that would mean Russia would stop anyone from Rothschilds owned countries visiting them, the only country that has done that is North Korea...respect to them..but we get educated that their leader is a cunt and don't know how to cut his hair lol x oh and he attacked sony ONLINE...which is where North Korea's currency is coincedently x

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Putin ban Rothschild's and got a war on with Rockefeller too.

                1. profile image0
                  FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  what so russia do not do business with any other european country/rothschild ownership?

                  He has not banned them, for example he sells energising power to european countries...if he banned them then russia would only do internal business like North Korea xx

                  1. profile image0
                    ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Title adjustment ;

                    Yes I am a stupid human !

                    1. profile image0
                      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      Explain your reasoning for this comment.

                    2. profile image0
                      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      Do you know to overdose in ONE DAY on paracetamol you would have to take HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of them tiny little pills?..

                      So if the rich companies add a tiny bit of paracetamol in every drink we have, over 70-80 years it will soon mount up to hundreds if not thousands and kills us does not matter what the drink is we drink, water, coffee, tea, alcohol, or what treatment they give us for DIAGNOSES of illnesses they MAKE......overdosing us slowly and painfully lol

                  2. Castlepaloma profile image77
                    Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Russia is doing more business China and India. They credit nation and fastest growing. Where US is a huge debtor nation. No doubt the west is got real hell to come.

                    1. profile image0
                      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      Yes, very true mate.

                      But these two countries as in china and india do a lot of business in Europe/rothschilds land.

                      Russia are doing indirect business by giving some of their money to china and india, who then use that money to do business in europe.

                      If that makes sense.

                      So basically they are HELPING to fund the people they are trying to avoid lol..brilliant set up

      3. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Here is an experiment I have recently conducted on my own body.

        For 14 days straight I CHEWED ONE  paracetamol.

        Yes, chewed one per day for 14 days straight.

        Then I stopped doing this.

        Now every time I have a casual beer, each swig of the beer reminds me of the taste of chewing a paracetamol in its after taste.

        So the question is if paracetamol SUPPOSEDLY cures things, then why does beers after taste, taste similar to CHEWING a paracetamol?

        To me, I am trying to cure a hangover using paracetamol if I drink excessively, but judging by the after taste of swigging a beer, and comparing it with the after taste of CHEWING  a paracetamol it would seem I am fighting fire with fire.

        Can anyone EDUCATED explain this, you must chew a paracetamol first though, then leave it two days and drink a beer, to compare the after tastes. is meant to be a medicine to make us better and the other is one that supposedly makes us ill...yet both have the similar after tastes...

        Begs the question why TRAINED DOCTORS tell us to take such medications with that so we don't taste their drugs, after all water is tasteless..

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Fire will be meet with fire when NATO hits with BRICS.

          These small countries like Sudan, Libyan, Lennon, Syria and Iraq were easy enough take overs. I taking off to South America because sh*t is really going to hit the fan this time.

          I'll be recording the worlds largest freak show ever to hit this planet from Bolivia.

          North America has 26 trillion $ in pension funds I can say goodbye to. Along with a national debt that will take 2 lifetimes to pay for.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Forget the cheese, I just want out of the mouse trap. I got enough money to live like a king down here, until the smoke clears to find the real fat cats.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Can we get enough people with our mindset, which is basically the mindset of not listening to anything those people that cause conflict, diagnose us, or try to fine us or imprison us say, to stand silently.

              If we can, we can conquer this world and all be rich with materials, rather than chasing paper to buy materials.

              If not, I will find a rock to crawl under, where no one can find me, but I can still view the beautiful landscapes, until the bombings destroy them.

              We need a world of silent armies....the silent armies are the real people...

              am off to find my rock to glaze from lol xx

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                I started to build a bomb shelter. When the survival kit said I needed guns, Then.....THAT'S IT ,
                GOING TO South America.

                1. profile image0
                  FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Advance thinking is not allowed in society, hence why schools don;t teach kids how to build bomb proof things, they just take them on camping holidays in a tent lol

                  I live at 000002 underground. just across from michael jackson, what is your underground postcode mate, I will pop in and see you lol xx

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                    Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Only got the hole started and realised this is all insane. Should be able to sell my 2 eco villages fast enough. One in Saskatchewan Canada and the other in Belize.

                    I mainly build Sandsculptures and eco villages. If you should be able to get yourself down to Bolivia and you need your life to be saved. I should be under the name: Castle Reality Art: Some where near Las Paz" you would be fun to hang around with.

                    1. profile image0
                      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      sand sculptures are very skillful.

                      Did you learn this in lower school or high school, or is this something YOU HAVE TAUGHT YOURSELF to

                      I will be getting myself to Bolivia in the coming months.

                      I will watch you use your skills and learn from you at ABSOLUTELY no cost because observing costs nothing, then build my castle next to yours so we can be neighbours hehe....

                      Let the fun begin smile San Miguel or Zona Zur?

      4. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Oh well it won't let me.

        I build tiny houses without mortgages because why give a house and half to a banker I don't know. Also make self sustainable energy for 1/10 the cost.

        Unlike stupid people, most Bolivian own their own home and nearly half of them make $2 a day. I just buy the land cheap have the native work for me cheap to build the houses. Also make money by give workshops how to build your own house. Also workshops on how to  grow your own food. We make .money on feeding tourist, make money art workshops too. No licence for this or even selling real estate. Maybe teach some English and other things too. A landbase self sustainable community because when ever your on the grid the rich own your house' your job, and own you.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Here is a question for stupid humans..

          When children fight at 4-5 years old, as parents we educate them with the WORDS of Fighting don't solve anything.

          Yet, if at 20 years old our sons or daughters choose to go in the Army we back them and wish them well in battle..

          Is this stupidity contradiction or not?

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Even the threat of a Governments killing you causes more poverty and in turn the greatest killer on Earth.

            When you even go beyond God and kill and steal with a made up licence.
            It is the greatest treason to mankind, just for power.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image77
              Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Imagine your healthy, what other skills do you have to offer?

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                I have every single skill in the world to offer!! I can do anything and everything!! Because in my world, time does not exist, so I can watch and observe other skillful humans, and instantly know, the world is my oyster, and I have conquered

                however skills does not matter, the word standards does...anyone can build a their standards, but the bloke next door might build one more skillful/higher standard

                this creates competition, and competition is what we need to stop, because after all we all the same...

                1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                  Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  From winning 5 Sandsculptures World championships, I know there had to be 45 loser on each contest. I quit doing contest because I learn more from losing than winning. More of my success came from sharing and cooperation

                  You are a better writting skills than me so maybe you can teach English to tbe natives. Most common thread to greatness is 10 hours practice. What kind of work have you spent 1000 hours on or more. ?

      5. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Everyone still happy?? Trump or Hilary??

        Oh dear oh dear fucked either way lol

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
          Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          The Republican ticket at least offers prosperity for ALL by focusing on that which creates a percolating economy. Trump also reveals concern for following/preserving The Constitution.
          so hush up, Nut.

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            meanwhile trump is building hotels in the middle east. And has ties with popular middle eastern airline companies.

            Plus much much more......same with the clintons so either way the result does not matter....just feel for the lose of the innocent middle easterners that got caught up in greed hunting....

            Self gain.

            We will be having holidays to Iraq, Afghanistan and the likes soon, sat around swimming pools now we have finished blowing their way of life up lol.

            Sun, Sea/Sand and cannabis lol

            Now can you see why a gang are fighting for THEIR land to prevent this happening?? Yet, their called terrorists even though it is THEIR country getting blown up lol

            What gets blown up needs re-building......who is going to re-build the middle east?? American companies that is who......disgusting greedy fuckwits


            all the likes will be on middle east streets soon, killed millions of people to do it.

            P.S in Britain wal-mart is called Asda lol

            P.P.S Manchester United is owned by an American Jew, they're one of the richest clubs in the world.......going around in circles - AMERICAN JEWS lol

            P.P.P.S every pharmaceutical company in the UK, is controlled by Americans/Jews - SURE THEIR NOT KILLING US OFF lol

            Ribena is a vitamin drink for kids that is made by the same company that produce alcohol hahahaha  get the connection of the set up yet??

            Whiskey companies make medicine to cure our health issues, yet sell things that damage our health hahahaha still not getting the connection?? lol

            P.P.P.P.S supermarkets not mentioning asda/wal-mart SELL foods produced in Israel lol..what is in such foods???????? lol it is hilarious......lets all be our own farmers and cut RICH companies out smile

      6. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
        Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I lost at least ten man made IQ points because I read that.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 6 years agoin reply to this


          Lol funny reply.

          But just think it took you/and all of us probably 15 years plus of schooling/brain training to have them 10 IQ points rammed into your/our head/s.

          What a waste of our youth and time.

          15 years of our parents being told if you dont send your kids to school you will go to court and get a fine or sent to prison (a bribe using children) just so they can train our brains with THEIR books with useless knowledge that hides the real knowledge of the riches shenanigans.

          Make women go out to work so home schooling is difficult for parents to do, then bribe them with sending US/our kids to school to brain train us/them.


          1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
            Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            The only income I have is from this website. I promise you I eat better than kings did just a hundred or two years ago.

            Oh, and I can talk to the entire world with this internet thing.

            I think you get to choose to see things in a positive or negative light. And you've chose negative. Enjoy that choice of yours.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              The reason your eating like kings of centuries ago is because of greed. Greed is what we are educated not intelligence.

              If you grow your stuff it wouldnt cost you anything. Your choosing not to. And your not being given time to as you have to do as your told according to a schdule those we slave for put us on.

              Lets look at things 99.9% of the world have made the same choice, that being to slave away for a living. Look at the state of this world.

              So whose the ones making life choices that dont benefit them in realiy whatsoever?

              The internet is intellengence we could still have that....without being greedy though

      7. RealityHits profile image59
        RealityHitsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Amazing post

      8. RealityHits profile image59
        RealityHitsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I have read all this thread and comments and replies, the author of this is a genius and shuts you all up, just look what's going on across the world now

        1. DrMark1961 profile image100
          DrMark1961posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          "Age (numerical digits are man made)"
          That is real genius! Before humans could count, none of them died. I know this is true because all of my neighbors are Neanderthals.

      9. RealityHits profile image59
        RealityHitsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Well we are doing things for each other for free in this Coronavirus pandemic so it goes to show what this guy is screaming at us can be done, this virus is proof that all of us can live free.

    7. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

      Congratulations , you have entered the loud and angry phase  of your life  , mostly loud .   One day ,if you  mature normally , you will enter the phase of tolerance for your fellow man [woman ] .

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        You are part of the greed so do not pretend to care for fellow man [woman].

        See what people like you do, YOU automatically are programmed to think I am angry, FAR FROM THAT....I am just chatting with you in a nice soft voice, but because your programmed by those that use faith to seek yet more greed, to believe I am angry instead of listening to my views/so that you consider me to be crazy or something (that is sick behaviour from people that are meant to be nice/seeking peace in the world).

        It is not the sick way we are treated by christian based countries that make me angry it is PEOPLE like you that automatically brand me as something based on what you are programmed to. But who is crazy, me for being upset (not angry) for this behaviour as it is absolutely disgusting, or people like you that probably know all this stuff is happening but ignore it then run around shouting God is great?

        YOU are creating a gap between me and you, this happens on small scales like this and large scales like war....and it is you causing it by BRANDING people in brackets. No one else is branding anyone except god believing people, for example believers brand people like this:

        that person is the devil for not believing in God,
        that person is an Atheist,
        that person is good because they believe in God,

        See it is believers creating separation of PEOPLE by putting people in baskets based on each individual's strength of believe in a book that believers believe in.

        As a non-believer I have just pointed out some of the things that are disgusting in christian based countries, these things pointed out ARE FACTS, of real life events they are not something I am reading out of a book.

      2. colorfulone profile image77
        colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Faith is like a waiting room...
        where we sit and wait in faith,
        on a chair we have complete truth in
        with all our weight we wait...
        Its too easy and its simple
        to be still.

        It takes maturity.

      3. Misfit Chick profile image79
        Misfit Chickposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I certainly hope not - keep being angry and keep spouting off. We're always told that expressing our true feelings and opinions is just not an acceptable thing to do - immature. Lots of people who never stop, also have an attitude for real reasons; and they can sometimes (eventually) create change that touches people enough to improve or enlighten our world.

        Don't count on it, though; because most minds cast their beliefs in stone these days - no matter how far out-of-whack their reasoning is, how much evidence there is to the contrary or how brainwashed they are.

        You can't reason with stone. However, you can find like-minded supporters to gather strength from - or just hang out and socialize with, without all the mindboggling judgements. smile

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Let's run an experiment....

          The things I mentioned that kill people are all things the leaders tell us they want us to stop doing because of the harm it causes....

          We are here to experiment so why do all these education loving people that reply not run a simple experiment....let's do as our told just to see what reaction we get from the leaders who claim to care about us....more to the point why do they only leave experimenting to educated people that have a certificate, we do not need a certificate to say we can not do this simple experiment.....stop relying on the rich to do experiments that give results that cause money spinning then believe their something for yourselves.....I grant you a certificate of education to say you can stop doing these things lol are you happy to conduct this experiment now clever people lol

          Let's stop smoking

          Let's stop drinking alcohol

          Let's stop driving our cars

          Let's stop eating bad foods

          etc etc

          Let's just do that and see what happens.....

          All these gobby people that reply WON'T do a simple experiment like this to find out what the leaders do.....

          I bet you if all of us stopped these things for 6 months the leaders will be BEGGING us to start smoking again, drinking again, driving again and so let's do it and see how much they really care....

          They will beg us to do them things again for the simple reason, if we stopped them things all these people will lose their jobs so the leaders will lose their wages lol...

          delivery drivers
          cigarette manufacturer workers
          lighter makers
          alcohol maker workers
          shops that sell alcohol
          fuel stations
          tanker drivers
          food shop workers
          food makers/manufacturers

          ambulance drivers
          police (as less will be needed)
          charity workers (for illness/problem related charities)
          experimental scientists
          government tax fraud department/tax offices
          restaurant workers/takeaway workers ie all the McDonald's staff lol

          the army would not be able to be they would not be able to blow up other countries who have spare land that they want to put their businesses on in the search of yet even more greed

          This would mean we would all lose our properties to as we will not be able to pay for them, so estate agents would all lose their jobs, everyone that makes products will not be needed as no one will be able to afford to buy products, so all them manufacturers and shop staff will go to.....the bankers will then take everyone's homes and belongings back because we can't afford to pay for them....the bankers would have loads of properties but no one to sell or rent them the chances are they would give them back and some other arrangements would have to be made, such as letting people have houses for free...or demolish all of them and lose everything themselves

          So if we do as our told by the leaders who care apparently everything will be gone......let's do it and see what their next move is to HELP US, it will be their duty to as all we will be doing is as WE ARE TOLD by those who make the rules.....

          The list of lost jobs will be endless, those that read this think for yourself has to all the other jobs that will be lost, the list only shows some....

          So do they really want us to stop them things?? Or are these things EDUCATED to us as being bad to create all them jobs??

          Either do this experiment or do all them things without fear is my outlook.....tell them to stop educating us about illnesses we don't need to know these things or tell them to ban all them things they make trillions from that harm us to show they care......they can ban other things that they have no control of therefore do not make money from such as heroin so they have the ability to ban other harmful things but they won't, they just say with a grin on their faces these things are bad but we make trillions from them.....thank you stupid humans lol

          Let's stop them and see if they beg us to start doing them things again, what will probably happen is an EDUCATED EXPERT will come out and say, we have had a breakthrough SMOKING is good for you now, we found a chemical in it that has not been found before which is a good one lol

          Or they will make other diseases up, yes NEW ONES, and generate income from that

          WHY ARE ALL THESE EDUCATED PEOPLE BEING SO GOBBY ON HERE INSTEAD OF SHUTTING UP AND EXPERIMENTING, because they know everything that has been said is true but FEEL they can't do nothing about have to be gobby to those who tell them something can be done....

          If we done what the leaders told us to when they pretend to care whilst making trillions through the things they tell us to stop, we would shut this country do they want us to stop them things? This would then mean we would have to do things for each other for FREE to get by.....

          We have the power to stop rich people earning at both ends of the bad things....meaning we have the power to stop them earning through ridiculous prices in their sales and the power to stop them earning through the problems/illnesses we are TOLD these things cause....they earn from both ends of misery......

          Finding out is simple......but gobby scared people don't want to find out.

          Doing this and shutting the country down to take the power back is simple.....the only problem is idiots will not do it in a controlled manner they will start fighting each other in panic rather than just being relaxed and working with each other....then the army will come in because they will be allowed to keep their homes and belongings (because them keeping their things will make them think what they are doing is right and everyone else is wrong) and attempt to fight against us.....rather than be on our side....however just don't fight back against them, they will have no one to fight then and would have to be peaceful in their actions....if they do fight us let's not panic or even fight back, just ignore them and their name calling, the aim is not to destroy things (except money spinning things) the aim is to keep all the good things.....I am sure a majority of the army would come on our side eventually anyway because some realise when out at war what their doing is wrong, but it is too late once they're their...(bribes step in where they will get in trouble if they try to escape the army once they're in it/been sent on missions lol p.s clever people say we have choices lol).....once they see we are not violent or out to destroy things....we are just people like them.

          This will all be caused through one simple thing.....US LISTENING TO OUR LEADERS by stopping the things they say.....but then they will turn us against each other and have us fighting each other if we stop the things they tell us too.......almost sounds like civil wars are staged doesn't it....

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
            Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            ~ it sounds pretty gobby.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Sorry it is not meant to....not sure what is gobby about promoting doing as our told lol....they do when it comes to being told education, and when to go to why don't they when it comes to these few things?

              Gobby but accurate???

              All we have to do it as our told.....the consequences are the leaders fault....

              What your comment actually just said to me is, your calling the leaders gobby because stopping them things is their words......the rest of the stuff mentioned are the they are either stupid to not realise that by people stopping them things the country will be shut down or they want us to stop them things so their friends the bankers can take absolutely everything off of everyone/they want us fighting each other.....

          2. Misfit Chick profile image79
            Misfit Chickposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            In an idyllic world where flowers never get bombed out of the ground and fish can live in the oceans without suffocating...

            1) The last part of that idea is where the impossiblity lies; because Humans do not all think alike - have you noticed? wink

            There ARE big meanies out there and we can do nothing aside from resist and fight them. They are mixed in with us and surround us all - how do you separate the 'bad' from the 'good' when every person is really just a shade of grey in between - neither bad nor good? Who's perspective decides which people's ideals are 'the good ones'?

            2) The first part of the idea is the scary part, with the words, 'idiots' and 'controlled manner' being the keywords that worry me. Which idiots would we 'follow' to organize such a thing? How would we know them? How would they communicate with us rebels, en masse?

            Perhaps they could take some hints from ISIS?

            Yeah, worrisome... Not that I'm not willing to fight. I do in my own way every day.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              By running a experiment based on what our current leaders tell us to do that we don't.....they will have to deal with that, if we all just cut them things out of our life's from a certain date...... we can then all watch them beg us to start doing them things again then have a fooooooking great big laugh at their expense because trying to get us doing them things again will go against everything they have educated people with such as Doctors.......because they really will have to come out with and make up so much crap in attempt to keep the economy running/their wages coming in lol.....and that is their job to do that not ours....

              None of us would actually have to lead anything, let them continue just to watch the funniest ever shit they come out with.....then after a few months of watching them suffer and losing their jobs because they will not be able to find another money generating method without us laughing at the stupid attempts they will make.....we will have the power back

              Or civil war will break out.....because people will panic instead of relaxing and controlling that I mean do not retaliate to any attempts of fighting against us....we don't need to....all we need to do is as our told then let the leaders deal with told it is meant cut them things out of our lives that have been mentioned because that is what they tell us to do........they also tell us to stop violence we will do as our told their too by not fighting lol.....

              On another note though they say stop violence, thefts, robberies, and other criminal things but the truth is they need people to do all them things to keep all the police/army/fbi/judges/court workers/rehab workers/and all the other crime related workers in jobs they don't really want murders and other stuff to my view...

              On another note again lol....civil war is not to far away anyway because soon their greed will start effecting the middle watch them lot start coming out the woodwork then and repeating what the poor have been trying to tell them for decades but they think they are too good so don't listen to those beneath them......

    8. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

      You are right about  only ONE thing here , the gap between you and me !

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        See here you go, I presume by the comment you are suggestion the gap is a mentality one? Please correct me if I am wrong. And as that is the only thing you are saying I am correct about, please share why all the other stuff in your view is wrong. I can't see how you can say all the stuff in the list is wrong, because all that stuff IS HAPPENING.

        This is what people like you do.

        You are probably one of them that says when we pass God will accept us if good things have been done and we will go to a lovely place called heaven, but if we have been bad then he will not accept us and we will go to the devil.

        Don't you think if faith stopped being greedy we could have that on the planet we live in RIGHT NOW?

        It is faith believing countries causing evil things, then claim to be about peace, so if I was you I would question if God is really peaceful or not.

        We have a choice believers say to choose God or rot in hell, do believers NOT realise that we also have a choice RIGHT NOW, as to if to turn the place we live in RIGHT NOW into heaven or turn it into hell? Of cause we do, and the choice they are taking is to allow christian based countries to turn it into hell by bringing misery to every part of the world that has something they want.

        You cause the misery no one else, then claim your about peace and that God is great.....just using that to hide the disgusting greed chase that is going on behind the scenes...

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          If I WERE  a practicing Christian  , I might be offended , however  .  What I am is detached from either side of your O.P.  rant !  A neutral observer ,and  all this is   is a rant . Typical  pseudo- socialist apologist attitude though , congrats on that !

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Why would any want to be a practicing Christian when Christians are causing such a horrible world because of their greed?

            It does not matter if you are or not, your living by their rules....

            Here you go, just like the others with the name calling and putting people in brackets.....lovely people.

            Stop running around shouting God is great because all it means is you're agreeing to a live of bribes.

            Do what we say or get fined, put in prison or have your belongings taken from you.....

            Do what God says or go to hell = Do what the rich say or be striped of all the things you have worked for.....bribes all of it.

      2. ptosis profile image72
        ptosisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        It that a tight gap? Or a quantum leap? smile

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          It is a quantum leap.....the gap between this persons trained brain and mine is miles apart.....unfortunately for this person lol.

    9. Live to Learn profile image61
      Live to Learnposted 8 years ago

      Thank you for identifying a problem and being part of the problem. Can you find a way to be part of the solution, or is it just more fun to rant from the hamster wheel?

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, down your really is that simple. They can't take everyone's belongings and even if they do, we have skills to rebuild and there is more of us than what there is REAL greedy disgusting people.

        So we win.....

        Please talk nicely rather than make remarks that could lead to a slanging match between you and I, why do people like you have to try and provoke people rather than be constructive. Be constructive instead of continuing running on that hamster wheel you mentioned that is powering the greed because we are all afraid to step off of it due to the fact it will result in us losing MATERIAL based belongings. Then at some stage in your life wonder why nothing ever changes.

        Yes my post may not seem nice, so you may think me saying talk nice is a contradiction, the difference is though my post sounds horrible but is REAL, and it is not me causing it, it is those that think this is a horrible post causing it and being ignorant to what they're causing.

        1. Live to Learn profile image61
          Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Pot / kettle thing going here. I think.

          I'm about as off the hamster wheel as anyone can be. If the behemoth owners of our consumer driven world depended on me for a living they'd be on food stamps and welfare by now.

          The sad truth is, most people in the first world don't want to be off the wheel. Those in developing nations are struggling frantically to be on it. You're tilting at windmills; I'm afraid.

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Did you not read the full comment regarding the niceness of the post.....I know it is not a nice post, so if you consider the post as not being nice then stop MAKING people live this way, whilst running around shout God is great....

            Do you not realise if PEOPLE were to down tools and just give the rich all our belongings instead of allowing them to bribe us in order for us to keep them, they will have no one to give such belongings to or sell to in the guess what....THEY WILL GIVE THEM BACK TO US and give us the people some POWER back, then if they try treating us like shit again, we can stop again instead of just carrying on allowing them to over POWER us....

            It really is not that hard is it?

            1. profile image0
              ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Look out everyone , An angry - pseudo liberal with a new key board and a  cause !

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Grow up.

            2. Live to Learn profile image61
              Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              ?? Who is making anyone live any way and who is running around shouting God is great?  Seriously, you need to get a grip on reality.

              What is hard is attempting to understand how anyone could logically come to these less than intelligent conclusions you are promoting.

    10. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

      I shouldn't say liberal though , we're  never sure if  Nazi-ist's  are  Extreme liberals or conservative !   One thing they are though is angry little  jacked  boot wearing ,lock-steppers with an anger- cause.  Take another hit man .......

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        That is how blind you are.

        Hitler used to scream and shout that his homeland was under threat, look what your christian based country does....Pretty similar...

        Your way of living is worse than Hitler's plans.

        Think about it

        It you park your car on FREE LAND....but christian based government tells you that you can't park it there without paying...that is christians being greedy, if you do park it there and don't pay you will get a fine, if you don't pay that fine christians will come and take your car and crush it.....THAT IS CHRISTIAN BRIBES

        If you do not pay your electric bill, you will get charges more (fined), took to court or have your belongings took off of you....THAT IS CHRISTIAN BRIBES

        We who live in Christian based countries are bribed in everything we do.....and it is only going to get worse the longer christians keep running around saying god is great without realising they are causing hell for themselves on earth, and for others of no believe or other believes.

        If you're happy living like that please continue, because what you're actually doing is experiencing hell rather than fighting for your faith against your own people causing the hell in order to turn where we live RIGHT NOW into a heavenly place. It is only people that make live what it is, yet believers are so busy running around telling people about this so called AFTERLIFE, rather concentrating on making this LIFE heaven, why do they think we have to die in order to reach heaven, we can do that on the land we are living on if they would stop and accepted they are causing hell by claiming they their country is so great and free, when it is not because it functions based on bribes, just like the bible does.

        And by you being happy to live like this it is allowing christian based countries to blow up other faith believing countries in the search to seek more greed such as taking over NATIONAL BANKS in places like the middle east and building McDonald's and walmart and donald trumps hotels on middle eastern towns land, basically forcing them to live greedy like christians do.

        1. Live to Learn profile image61
          Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          This entire rant appears to be against free nations in the first world.

          Could you give us an example of another form of society that functions better and creates a freer environment for the individual?

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            You are not free.

            Try and do something outside the options your Government give you, I dare you...or try and say something that your Government outside the boundaries you are allowed to, I dare will end up either locked up or fined.

            Yet you claim to be free.

            Now please go look at WHO OWNS your NATIONAL BANK, it is Jews. Now please think you have a National Debt don't you?

            Do you not see how your Government are just the voice of Jews, if your Government does something that they have not permitted your Government to do, your economy will go, or if your Government do not do as those they are in debt to tell them ie go and blow shit out of the middle east so the Jews can take over their National Banks and control the people of that continent as well, then they will take your economy away and leave your Country to fight each over in civil wars mate, or help each other and do things for each other WITHOUT THE USE OF money, but the likely-hood is it will be the civil war option.

            Have a look it is out there for all to see....but the people of such nations are to busy running around saying they are free, god is great...

            Another National Bank this group of Jews do not own is North Koreas, so guess what your puppets of a Government have been told to point the finger at North Korea over a cyber attack on Sony....


            Obama's words "We will retaliate in our own time"

            What do you think that means?

            CYBER WARS, so North Korea's National Bank can be hacked ??????

            1. Live to Learn profile image61
              Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              I think, at this juncture, I'll back away slowly. I will leave you with one suggestion.  Seek help.

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Same as the others.

                Open your eyes, before qualifying yourself as a Doctor and advising people's mentality.....they really have trained you're responding in the exact manner they want you too...that is to act like doctors and slander truth speakers

                Give yourself a round of applause

                1. Live to Learn profile image61
                  Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  lol I see the puppet strings now. Wait, I'm not even talking. There's a ventriloquist in the corner.

                  Gee. Thanks. You've opened my eyes.

                  Wait. Was that me or them talking?

            2. lovetherain profile image75
              lovetherainposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              First it was the evil Christians, now it's the evil Jews? Make up your mind. Which is it?

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                No one said christians were was said they are the comments and find out why....

                The Jews own your bank/national bank/your government is in debt to them so they are ruling everyone.....this makes them not evil, I have not once said that, GREEDY yes, I did say that but they are clever....because people fro most countries don't even realise they're jews....that makes them people stupid lol...

                Stop twisting things and making up lies about what has been said....

                Read the comments before saying your not one...

            3. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Cyber NHS

        2. wilderness profile image90
          wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          "If you do not pay your electric bill, you will get charges more (fined), took to court or have your belongings took off of you....THAT IS CHRISTIAN BRIBES"

          You mean if you don't pay for what you use/take, and get fined for taking without payment, it's called a bribe?  How is that?

        3. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Ahh , so you're  misguided , miss -aligned   ranter .   No , seriously , to give you any credit at all for this entire  thread is simply allowing the chicken to  decide  which side of the hen-house he's roosting  on .  You don't know what your saying and , so far you can't say anything original !

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            You're owned by Jews have a look at who really owns your national bank and many other countries national banks, of whom then tell the government what are rules and what not

            Go and have a look......your living the life of a Jew but thinking your Christian...

            Go and look before making remarks in order to get a nasty response from me to make me look like I am the horrible one....

            And if it is nothing original that must mean you know all this stuff is going on yet your happy to let it continue to go on....

    11. wilderness profile image90
      wildernessposted 8 years ago

      You seem to be missing a few points:

      One person in a car is quite unlikely to die as a result of that travel.  Probably less likely than one person catching, breaking and riding a horse.  Cars are not the problem; population density is.

      The human animal evolved eating meat; it is a virtual necessity for our health, and meat and other animal products ARE a necessity for formation in early years.  As far as man-made foods; we've been doing that since we figured out that cooked meat tasted better than raw and that adding a touch of salt made it really good.  Plus, of course, that population density again.

      Have you forgotten the Mongol hordes through Asia?  The Crusades?  The entrance of Europeans to the America's?  The genocides reported in biblical times?  As a percentage of world population our wars pale beside those of past years.  Now we make war on a neighboring village (city, country, etc.) we kill a few tens of thousands - a tenth of a percent of the population.  Used to be the village was wiped out - all 100 of them.

      While we still die of disease (and always will as we will never keep up with either evolution or diseases of age) we have left many of them behind.  Remember the Black Death?  Polio?  Pertussis?  Civilization has made great strides here and continues to do so in an eternal effort to hold back evolution.  It won't work, but we do better than we ever have.

      Lifespans are greater now than ever before.  Enough said.

      Animals suffer less now than they did a few hundred years ago.  And, again, we need the flesh of animals to survive ourselves.  It is how the world works, after all - some are prey and some are predators.  Animals (including the human one) have different dietary needs and to pretend that we don't need animal protein because we find it cruel to eat animal flesh is silly.

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Firstly I said vehicles, not just cars, this includes horse and carriage, so if people die from them things why use them things? I am not sure why you have compared death rates between two forms of transport when "vehicles covers all".

        This is what we are told by a education system that is run by whom? Oh yes those that treat us as slaves. I bet you the real rich people don't eat the stuff we eat......have a think about that.

        Your words:

        While we still die of disease (and always will as we will never keep up with either evolution or diseases of age) we have left many of them behind.  Remember the Black Death?  Polio?  Pertussis?  Civilization has made great strides here and continues to do so in an eternal effort to hold back evolution.  It won't work, but we do better than we ever have.

        Again this is education that we have been fed, as anyone ever tried anything different other than what they are educated to? No, so how can you predict the results?

        You = Lifespans are greater now than ever before.  Enough said.

        Really? Dinosaurs lived longer than humans, their lifespan on earth was greater so lifespans being longer in evolution is incorrect - according to education - Tortoises live long than Humans - according to education, ohhh look at nice and slow they take life - ENOUGH SAID.

        Animals suffer less now than they did a few hundred years ago.  And, again, we need the flesh of animals to survive ourselves.  It is how the world works, after all - some are prey and some are predators.  Animals (including the human one) have different dietary needs and to pretend that we don't need animal protein because we find it cruel to eat animal flesh is silly.

        In this case eat humans if you believe that....again needing animal protein is what we are educated, have you ever tried anything else? But guess who tells us we need animal protein? Yes, that is right people that make billions out of us eating it lol.

        1. Aime F profile image72
          Aime Fposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          But, there's just the tricky little issue of humans not being dinosaurs or tortoises. 

          Fruit flies have a life span of less than 2 months, what's their problem?  Big Fruit Fly Pharma taking advantage of them?  Too many reckless fruit fly drivers?

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Probably because of Human pollution, their tiny little bodies can't take gulps of fumes for to long.

    12. Aime F profile image72
      Aime Fposted 8 years ago

      You realize that the age we give people isn't what kills them, right?  People don't reach 80 and look at their man-made number and say "oops, looks like it's about time for me to die."  Humans bodies are just not really biologically made to live past ~100 years.  If that ever changes it will be because of science, not because you've chosen to shun everything man-made.

      But hey, if you wanna go live in the bush and eat berries and die of Scarlet fever or something then have at 'er.  I really don't believe that anyone is forcing you to buy electricity or pay for the Internet connection that you clearly have.   You make your own choices and if you're that passionate about having freedom from the evil
      Christians...or Jews (can't really tell who you're complaining about at this point) then practice what you preach and go be a free man!

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Yes or cause I realise the age given to people is not what kills them, but if you're 80 do you feel old or young?

        The age given determines how a person feels. if you wipe that out of existence no one will know what age they are programmed to FEEL.

        Don't tell people human bodies are not biologically made to live past 100, because humans bodies have done that, so let's learn from that and look how such people that live beyond that lived their live....they probably smoked and drank as much as they wanted to but never really visited a Doctor or hospital.

        I am complaining about the christians running around shouting God is great and we are free, when your not your living according to bribes and your Government are in debt just like every other countries to Jews, who can use the government as their voice. Stop running around saying you're free when your not, that is the image your country want you to give to the rest of the world....that is all they have you saying that for so you send an image out.....go and ask the homeless guy in your town if he feels free....

        1. Aime F profile image72
          Aime Fposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          The little squiggly line in front of the 100 means approximately.  I realize people have lived past 100 but the number of people who lived >10 years past that is very, very, very, very, very small.

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            It doesn't matter it is better to learn off of FACTS rather than keep taking meds that are claimed to prolong life, when they don't/ All they do is for example:

            Just say I have a bad knee

            I go to the Doctor, he says it's arthritis and give me pills to take to help with the pain

            6 months later I will be taking another pill, because the one he give me to ease pain has give me side effects,

            Now I am on two lots of pills,

            5 months later, I get a third pill to take because the other two are causing more side effects....

            You get the gist this continues then I end up on 20 different pills a day.....The pharmaceuticals must love that..

            Read this post it is about footballers on the field dieing, the number of deaths that have occured since experts and doctors have been looking after player as sky something is not right mate Here is a football related post to DEATHS of footballers on the field, since EXPERTS/DOCTORS who are meant to be well educated have started looking after players

            From 1889-1990 less than 50 on field related deaths, from 1990-2016 over 100 onfield related deaths

            I will relate football to this just as an example of SOMETHING IS NOT WORKING IN WHAT WE ARE DOING RIGHT NOW

   … t-Involved

        2. Credence2 profile image78
          Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

          FN, even among those that are documented with attaining age of over 110, living this long is not just wishful thinking or a matter of attitude. When you are 80 years old, you tell me if there is not a discernable difference advancing age makes?

          What theory are you following to make you think that people can live forever? Everything wears out and becomes less efficient with time. While it interesting to note that the oldest living people are relatively healthy until just a few months before death, because injury to cells and organs that is part of living are not as easily healed or replaced, as efficiently as they once were.  There is an END and it is not just in the imagination of people. So Death and aging are quite real,  despite your opinion, otherwise.

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            The oldest living stay out of hospitals to through life.....very strange

            And they go through life smoking and drinking and eating whatever they want when ever they want....

            You are basing your comment on things are made to die of based on education, if the rich have got everyone rushing around tiring themselves out in order to keep things they own (causing stress), then that takes it;s toll on people..

            Give me proof that we are not meant to live forever? If we find the right solution how does anyone not know that this can not be achieved, but if we don't try different ways and experiment like we are here to do then how will we ever know?

            It seems we leave the experimented to those who have been government trained and have a certificate to say they can experiment with certain things, but guess what they are only qualified to experiment with things that will bring results that benefit the rich....for example I have a product that is a juice it can make you run on a football pitch longer.....if you don't believe me ask this expert that I paid to run experiments to bring results I want so i can sell it as a endurance enhancement....that is the type of experiments we are allowed to do, ones that benefit the rich.....but we take that as FACT what they say, we never experiment ourselves with things that really matter.

            1. Aime F profile image72
              Aime Fposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              So... instead of thinking "this person living to be 120 years old is really exceptional and there must be something in her biology that is also exceptional to allow her to live that long despite smoking for 95 years"... you find it more logical to suggest that the millions of people who die every year from smoking-related diseases die not from the carcinogenic, toxic ingredients in cigarettes but because of the fact that they went to a hospital?

              That, my friend, is batcrap crazy and an incredibly privileged line of thinking.

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Now think a bit deeper. They get treatment then die within two years usually. The one that lives to 120 does not get treatment....and lives on..

                Then think even deeper do you really think all these charities that are designed to research and find cures for illnesses actually want to find cures for illnesses? If they find cures for illnesses their charity would no longer be why would they want to find cures???

                What will happen when we wake up and stop investing by giving them donations in the hope of them bringing us a better world is, they will release cures that they probably already have and SELL them to us when we need them....yes, we give them money to find cures then they SELL the cures to us...what a cheek..

                More to the point, why do they never give us results?

                Lets look at Africa and their water problem, over 25 years billions has been given to charities of this kind, and the greedy founders have not even plumbed pipes and water cleaning systems from the sea to the african mud huts in that time.......SEE....they will never give us results, even though the results are so easy to find,

                With the African scenario, would it not have made more sense if we donated pipes to them and taps? Why does it have to be money? They don't need money they need clean water, so pipes and taps would be more beneficial, but charities don't ask us to donate these things they ask for money, then buy a mosquito net and say this is what the money went on, or build a school so African's can be educated in the same fashion we are......blindly

                1. Aime F profile image72
                  Aime Fposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  No, they're not getting treatment because they're not sick.  There's the kicker.  The oldest woman in recorded history smoked for 95 years and never got cancer or any other disease attributed to smoking.  She had no need to seek treatment.  Her health was due to something in her body that never succumbed to the diseases that usually take our lives.  It's not as though she walked around with heart disease and cancer for 50 years and outlived everyone else who was going through treatments/on medications. 

                  If you want to 'try something new' and smoke and drink and do whatever you want with your body and hope that you don't get sick then by all means, give it a whirl.  But I know that if I find a big ol' lump in my boob tomorrow I'm getting to a doctor because I'm lucky enough to live in a country that has treatment available to me.  So many people do not have that luxury.  Perhaps you'd like to swap places with one of them?

                  As for charities, you do what you want with your money.  You are certainly not obligated to give money to any of them if you don't believe it will help.  I don't see anything wrong with giving supplies versus monetary donations and that is an option, at least here in Canada.

                  1. profile image0
                    FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    No, they're not getting treatment because they're not sick.  There's the kicker.  The oldest woman in recorded history smoked for 95 years and never got cancer or any other disease attributed to smoking.  She had no need to seek treatment.  Her health was due to something in her body that never succumbed to the diseases that usually take our lives.  It's not as though she walked around with heart disease and cancer for 50 years and outlived everyone else who was going through treatments/on medications. 

                    I bet if she went to hospital when she was 70 though and they looked at her lungs, they would have said she had cancer, treated her and within 3 years she would have died.......

                    If you want to 'try something new' and smoke and drink and do whatever you want with your body and hope that you don't get sick then by all means, give it a whirl.  But I know that if I find a big ol' lump in my boob tomorrow I'm getting to a doctor because I'm lucky enough to live in a country that has treatment available to me.  So many people do not have that luxury.  Perhaps you'd like to swap places with one of them?

                    I won't get sick. How do you know that big lump is not part of evolution? You claim to know that so you have no alternative other than to seek medical advise, so they can do things to you then shout they are heroes every known people believe their work is good........

                    Yes, people do not have what you see as a luxury.....but guess who is trying to force what you call that luxury on to them? Yes, you guest it us.....that legalise things that they say harm us then treat us for the things they earn billions from whilst we are harming our selve.....if they give them other places that luxury.....that is more money for the rich....

                    As for charities, you do what you want with your money.  You are certainly not obligated to give money to any of them if you don't believe it will help.  I don't see anything wrong with giving supplies versus monetary donations and that is an option, at least here in Canada.

                    But the beggars are everywhere, you go shopping they are there spoiling my day by standing in the street with a clipboard the rudely interrupting me for a "QUICK CHAT" as they always seem to call it, you sit at home eating your dinner and they have the cheek to knock on your door.....I switch the TV on to watch the football, and get give £2 a month to africa so a family can survive for a month.....WHAT....they get water for £2  month, and you charge me £30-£40 a month? Are you for real, not only are you telling me you are ripping me off with such adverts but your begging me for money that is not needed, why not ask me to donate a pipe so you can start plumbing their homes into the sea?

                    it is Organised Begging that never ever ever gives us results.....all they give us is breakthroughs.....come on how many breakthroughs can there seriously be before a cure or a solution to problems is found? if they do find results then something else will come up, or they will cause another problem in order to make us continue giving to their new charity that have created....but I for one have never ever ever heard that a charity has closed because it has solved a problem, so is no longer needed, have you?

                    They are clever enough to organise and build rockets and satellites to go live in space for 6 months at a time, yet there not clever enough to use the billions and billions of pounds the public have give them over the years to provide Africa with a functioning water cleaning system like ours....REALLY?
                    The other way to look at it, is maybe they can't find cures because there is nothing to cure ????

                    1. Aime F profile image72
                      Aime Fposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      Of course people choose not to get treatment.  Happens all the time.  There are statistics on those people and a vast majority of the time they die much quicker than those who opt for treatment. 

                      Using my aunt as an example again, at her stage of brain cancer the average lifespan for those who accept treatment is 15 months.  For those who don't, it's 3.  Fifteen months may not seem like a long time but it's 5x what you get if you don't treat it. 

                      I'm sorry but this is all a bit too 'tinfoil hat' for me.  I don't think anything you've said is factual at all, repeatedly calling them FACTS in all caps lock does not make it so.

                      Also, cancer is not a new thing.  It didn't suddenly appear once the plague no longer became a threat.  It dates back to 1600BC.  That's a pretty long running conspiracy, it's funny that you have faith in that but act like religion is beneath you.  I think it's along the same lines, really.  Hey everyone, look at me!  I'm in on this really special secret and I'm here to tell you all about it!  You can live forever if you just believe what I'm saying!  ...sounds familiar.  lol

            2. Credence2 profile image78
              Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

              You are the one that needs to provide the 'proof' FN. The observable evidence is that Everything dies. To say what you say with such authority without any evidence that what you propose is even possible is a 'religion' in itself...

              Death is the universal constant and in that regard being rich ultimately does not bestow any advantage. The Rich die too. You say that death and the aging process are subject to socio-economics? As Steve Jobs, how much he would have paid to have his life extended. The French woman that lived into her 120s, she wasn't wealthy, was she?

              An old Christian adage, 'your life does not eminate from your possessions'. That does appear to be true even from a secular standpoint.

              There is no medical technology that allows us to replace organs and such like auto parts. It is just as speculative to think that any such technology will be available and, like the concept of teleportation,
              would even be possible at all.

              Your faith in science is your 'religion'. At least at our current levels of technology in this century, certain physical and biological realities remain immutable. If you think that is wrong, you will have to present a more convincing argument.

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Okay what will do then is not experiment like we are here to do, what we will do is carry on listening to the rich who tell us what is good and bad so they can line their own pockets....How can one find proof if none are willing to experiment, I can't experiment I am not allowed to I live in a christian based country where education is what they tell me it is......There is some slight proof already though, look at the oldest living people and how they lived there lives, we don't learn from them that have reached over 110 and 120.....we should be learning off of each other not being educated in a controlled manner.

                I am not argueing with you, I am just merely saying if we continue doing the same things the same results will always they do. So, let's experiment because that is what we are here to do,  but we just take what the rich say are results as the best thing for us when it is not, it is the best thing for their bank accounts.

                Yes, the rich do die, the rich as you know them, that being the top 100 richest people in a magazine, that Bill Gates is up there on....Bill Gates is not even rich compared to the people behind more or less every countries national bank.....they are not allowed to be printed in magazines though....

                1. Credence2 profile image78
                  Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  While there may be a slight correlation between being wealthy and long lived, it is fleeting at best. It is far from conclusive. Being rich, educated, ignorant whatever has nothing to fundamentally with the fact that everyone is going expire at some time. No man recorded has lived beyond 120 and woman beyond 125 years of age. Do you think that someone is keeping a 'secret' from you? There is no real correlation as to why the longest people live as long as they do, except for genetic predisposition. It is certainly nothing that we can control in the view of 21st century medical technology. Good God, man, we still have people drinking Clorox as chemotherapy against cancers.

                  The rich and what they say have nothing to do with firm foundation of death and mortality. They can't control that, but I bet they wish that they could.

                  Show me any man with a documented age over 120 or woman over 125, that is modest, and I will eat all of the crow that is served.

                  1. profile image0
                    FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Cancer is man-made, if you listen if we stopped all the things and cures for such diseases then there would be a man documented to live beyond 120......What I am saying is, the government keep doing all these tests to find cures for things they make trillions out of that cause deaths and are the things they are trying to find cures shows money is more important than life....they could easily not even have to search for cures by banning things such as cigarettes but they don't because they don't care one bit about anyone....all they care about is the money it brings then looking like they are trying to do something about it by setting up charities where WE donate to so they can do research....basically earning from us smoking then earning from charities they set up to find cures for results of us smoking.....they are tying us up....

                    Don't you find it strange that people have cancer for years and years without knowing, once they are diagnosed and receive treatment they die within 2-3 years usually....yet they had it for years prior to being something is not right is it?

                    And with the people that live until 100+ most of them smoke and drink and eat what they like, but do not go to doctors etc....can you spot the connection, it only kills us once they tell us we have it hmmmmm

                    If you want to do see how much the government care about our health lets do this experiment...

                    Lets stop driving cars and causing emissions

                    Lets stop binge drinking

                    Lets stop smoking

                    Basically do everything they tell us to stop, let's do it.....I bet you with one month they will be begging us to do them things again because of the revenue they will lose......they are only there to seem to care.....but come on let's experiment as a nation, let's do what they say and stop them things just for 6 watch what other stuff they will have to make up in order to get money out of us....

                    It won't only be the revenue they lose through the sales of them products, it will be all the jobs that go with it to, such as cigarette factories, shops that sell alcohol and cigarettes, drivers that transport such products, nurses because less people will be ill.....millions and millions of jobs will go IF WE DONE WHAT THEY PRETEND THEY WANT US TO is all front.

                    Shale we try this and see how much they really care?

                    1. Credence2 profile image78
                      Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      People 600 years ago still died and were not blessed with the curse of modern technological existence.

                      Some cancers are a result of manmade toxins, but not all of them. As long as you are composed of living cells, you live with the reality of the risk of mutation from something as simple as solar radiation exposure.

                      So there was a time when people were doing the things they are now being told not to do and they still died.

                      Your hypothesis is way out there. You have this fervent view that there is a conclusive link between wealth and longevity and that mortality any more than gravity on earth is controlled by these social factors rather than by immutable physical and biological ones. That is still a stretch for many of us.

                      You ought to go see an old film that take your hypothesis to the silver screen- Zardoz, starring Sean Connery (1974)

                    2. wilderness profile image90
                      wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      If you stop all driving you won't live long enough to get cancer.  You'll die of starvation long before that happens.

                      People get cancer and don't know it or feel bad.  Eventually, as it progresses, they do, and see a doctor and eventually die of the disease.  Why is so surprising that people (outside the third world) know the disease they die of?

                      Government spends massive amounts of money on health care and research but this shows they value money over life?  How do you figure?

    13. bBerean profile image60
      bBereanposted 8 years ago

      Can't figure out what "football" has to do with it, but once you take that away it all fits.

      1. Live to Learn profile image61
        Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Very perceptive. I think you're right.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Here is a football related post to DEATHS of footballers on the field, since EXPERTS/DOCTORS who are meant to be well educated have started looking after players

          From 1889-1990 less than 50 on field related deaths, from 1990-2016 over 100 onfield related deaths

          I will relate football to this just as an example of SOMETHING IS NOT WORKING IN WHAT WE ARE DOING RIGHT NOW

 … t-Involved

      2. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        It has something to do with everything, including football, I will fit football into the equation with this reply, have a read mate.

        Here is a football related post to DEATHS of footballers on the field, since EXPERTS/DOCTORS who are meant to be well educated have started looking after players

        From 1889-1990 less than 50 on field related deaths, from 1990-2016 over 100 onfield related deaths

        I will relate football to this just as an example of SOMETHING IS NOT WORKING IN WHAT WE ARE DOING RIGHT NOW … t-Involved

        Have a read

    14. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

      Op.  Tonight as you sit in the blue glow of your lap top ,  imagine what its like to move up the ladder in intelligence by say .....uhh  like ........,thinking before you type .!    So, tell us about yourself , it looks to me like the first line of your profile about says it all ,  Games ;  obviously you enjoy them , so .......much like in a game itself  , you sound like  a loser .

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        There is a difference between sounding like one and being treated like one.....

        See how you have to act to anyone that speaks sense because you feel there is nothing you can do about it.....

        How about you stick to the points in this forum rather than judging your reply to this forum you have not said that one thing I have mentioned is wrong, which is a good thing because you must agree with this loser then.....why go down the road of name trying to make me feel bad about myself because I care about myself and others rather than just myself and what I have and don't have....

        You all make me laugh you don't stick to the FACTS that we can all see happening when people speak about things like act like kids...

    15. profile image0
      calculus-geometryposted 8 years ago

      When is your $0.99 kindle ebook coming out? I've almost got enough saved up in my swear jar.

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I wouldn't sell my book to spread a word, that is the job of the greedy christians who sell a book and earn trillions and trillions from it in the quest to spread a

        The difference between my words is these things are actually happening and we can all probably see them, this makes them FACTS, the book greedy people make money from are things that no one can ever possibly say are Heaven and Hell exist.

    16. Aime F profile image72
      Aime Fposted 8 years ago

      "Don't you find it strange that people have cancer for years and years without knowing, once they are diagnosed and receive treatment they die within 2-3 years usually....yet they had it for years prior to being something is not right is it?"

      This is not even remotely strange as cancer is a progressive disease and in a lot of cases people don't notice their symptoms until the disease has already progressed to a later and thus more life-threatening stage.

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Give me proof of that that is not from a government educated person that has permission to diagnose people with things.

        Progressive, if it is life threatening then in your view what is the point having the medication just to HOPEFULLY gain another 2-3 years of being bed-ridden?

        You telling me they spend all that money on treating people that will never get out of bed in most cases again after they have received the treatment?

        For them to spend the that type of money trying to keep people alive just so they lay in bed for the rest of their life, it can only mean they have no clue what works and what don't so they are experimenting with those they diagnose....

        I keep getting asked for proof regarding the age we can potentially live to, let's stop there then and now let me ask

        Where is your proof these medical treatments work, can you give me a documented man that was treated for an illness at the age of say 70 that then went on to live until 110 or even beyond 90?

        No you can't so it is not working is it?

        1. Credence2 profile image78
          Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Then you don't appreciate the desparate nature of people who will consider any option in the desire to cling to life. That medical regimen may well extend life, who wants to die?

    17. Aime F profile image72
      Aime Fposted 8 years ago

      There are people who are treated and the cancer never comes back.  Obviously it depends on the type of cancer, but remissions can last a very long time even if they do come back.  My aunt is currently doing her second round of chemo for stage 4 brain cancer and unfortunately the outlook is bleak, she's likely to get only a few months out of her treatments, but she does them because she has a lot to live for.  She is not bed-ridden.  She does struggle more in the six weeks that she's doing treatment but the time between her last treatment and the cancer coming back was spent as basically her normal, happy, active self.

      If you're unclear on how that works and the research that's been done on not only the various cancer treatments but cancer itself, I suggest you do an article search in a journal database.  You'll get hundreds and hundreds of results from peer-reviewed medical journals.

      Are you actually suggesting that because there's no treatment that can extend one's life to 110 years old that they don't work at all?

      I'm certainly not against trying to find better treatments and cures, that would be fabulous, but I don't think you're going to get there by dismissing everything that already works just because doesn't work perfectly.

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        There are people who are treated and the cancer never comes back.  Obviously it depends on the type of cancer, but remissions can last a very long time even if they do come back.  My aunt is currently doing her second round of chemo for stage 4 brain cancer and unfortunately the outlook is bleak, she's likely to get only a few months out of her treatments, but she does them because she has a lot to live for.  She is not bed-ridden.  She does struggle more in the six weeks that she's doing treatment but the time between her last treatment and the cancer coming back was spent as basically her normal, happy, active self.

        I am sorry to hear that.

        So as anyone with such deceases ever said no to treatment just to see what happens? We are not programmed to, we are programmed to say the right thing to do is get treatment, that prolongs agony if anything.

        If you're unclear on how that works and the research that's been done on not only the various cancer treatments but cancer itself, I suggest you do an article search in a journal database.  You'll get hundreds and hundreds of results from peer-reviewed medical journals.

        Things like cancer only come around when people realised the decease of the time before was more mythe than truth. Think about in 50 years time, they have found a cure for cancer.....something else will just magically have to come along in order to keep certain industries running, proof of that has used be something else that killed people, that stopped, then it was something else, that stopped then it was something else that stopped, now it's what we have this day and age.....come on

        Are you actually suggesting that because there's no treatment that can extend one's life to 110 years old that they don't work at all?

        No I am suggesting they don't work because people that refuse treatment live longer from being diagnosed than those that accept treatment do.

        I'm certainly not against trying to find better treatments and cures, that would be fabulous, but I don't think you're going to get there by dismissing everything that already works just because doesn't work perfectly.

        It doesn't work mate, the only thing that would work is for people to never learn about them or be educated about them, if no one knew about such things no one would worry and I am 100% sure it is worry that actually does us in in the end.....

        You mention medical journals and books, but who writes these books, educated people that have been educated by who??? Those that dictate what can and can't be taught in schools and colleges etc.

        Why do you think they are so keen in keeping us in school for so long? And think deeper, here in the UK if parents do not send their kids to school or make sure they have an education of some kind, guess what happens? That bribe steps in again.....if you don't send your kids to school, we will fine you, or take you to court and potentially have your kids (your creations) took into care/live with another family who will put them into some form of education so they get learned in some form what is classed as education.....THAT IS SICK....

        Here is a example of how important education is READY:

        Hi, my nmae is ftooabll nut, how are you tdoay?

        Did you hvae a ncie day?

        Waht tmie did you go to seelp lsat ngiht?

        See you jsut raed evrey wrod of taht wihtuot a porblem yet evrey wrod apccet wrods of trhee ltteers or lses is seplt worng.

        This is because the human brain when reading only reads the first letter and last letter of each word. So, as long as them two letters are in the correct place you will be able to read it, all the letters in the middle can be placed anywhere.

    18. LauraD093 profile image70
      LauraD093posted 8 years ago

      I think that this post could be developed into a will appeal only to a small group of people that actually give a sh*t about you theories. Although I am responding to this particular topic myself I just couldn't help myself it is always the squeeky wheel that gets the grease

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        So the bible or other faith books are not theory then? Why are these treated as gospel when they are nothing but fiction?

        Everything said in this post are REAL things happening that makes it FACT.

        It is only a squeeky wheel because people don't want to help fix it....

        And as for not giving a s*** that is the problem....not even sure why you have commented just to say that to be honest, may be to attempt to draw an argument rather than a grown up chat.

        I didn't want to put it in a hub as I would probably then get accused of just wanting earn literally nothing.

      2. benalla abdellah profile image61
        benalla abdellahposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Well said LauraD093

    19. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years ago

      People are not good experimenters.
      Thats all.
      Why are they not?
      People need to find confidence.
      Hint:  Confidence comes after we do the thing we fear.

      What would you have them do, FN?

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Whatever they wanted mate.

        They are their own God's...if you want to smoke, drink, bungee jump.....go and do it.....but do it without fear.......whatever the result though good or bad is down to each individual Gods fear levels.

        And do it without money....people seem to think money makes materials appear...the materials are here but are used in exchange for currencies all because one certain set of people want it that way. And it is not the christians, nor the terrorists muslims as we know them, nor you,nor me, nor the why are we arguing with each other and name calling when it is none of our faults and when we all want the same thing, a better world?

        If good happens don't teach it to other individual God's let them have there own experience, NO TEACHING......If bad happens don't teach any other individual God that just because someone else failed at something that thing is a bad thing...let people find things out for themselves whatever the result, if someone dies, just label it as "passed away", don't put name tags to things like this, because if people know about causes of deaths fear is attached with doing such things.

        Teaching is one of the problems in life...for example

        You might do something one way

        I might do exactly the same thing in a different way...

        But what this could cause is a little argument between you and I needlessly, we will say this is how to do it, no it is not this is......and so in effect we would argue over the FACT that we are both RIGHT.

        And that is exactly what happens in faith

        One person say this is the correct way

        Another says no this is the correct way

        They bicker and argue and call each other names, or on a bigger scale blow each other up through the simple FACT both parties are 100% Correct, because both their views or believes are correct because that is how they see things or that is what they believe in as individuals.

        Who am I to tell anyone what to do.....we are our own God's that should be making our own paths though...but rules and bosses and greed don't allow this to happen. Some might disagree with this view of mine which is fine, but when they resort to telling me I am demented, twisted, ill, should seek help, or I am the devil, or I have demons and the likes....then that is when it becomes a problem, it is the ACTIONS of people that separate. But the reason they say this is because of the way the rich have educated them when they come across people like me, then what could happen is I get chucked out of society and put in some mental home and then be forced to go down the medical who??? People that don't want life to be simple....

        Another thing in my view we should be doing is helping each other, ie if you have a skill I don't do something for me like wire my house at no cost, if I have skill you don't I will return the favour at no cost, we do this to an extent anyway, for example you might do something for a friend or family member, then next week, next year they might do something for you all without pay....SO WHY ARE WE NOT DOING THIS ON A BIGGER SCALE....we seem to keep it between friends and family only.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
          Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          You may be ahead of your time. I think the barter system will be part of more enlightened times.
          I am not ready, however.
          I find it VERY HARD to give my time to others for altruistic reasons. I get all huffy when friends ask me to help them clean their houses for free.
          When people want me to watch their kids for free. When neighbors want me to drive them places for free. Would some sort of non-money exchange make me more happy to help?
          (only cold hard $$$ is motivating)

          What is wrong with me that I am like that?
          I am all for experimenting and doing things out of the kindness of my heart … when I am in the MOOD!

          But, I find it hard to control my mood.
          It seems to control me.

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            You may be ahead of your time. I think the barter system will be part of more enlightened times.
            I am not ready, however.

            Hope so mate, but why are we blowing each other up to get there?

            I find it VERY HARD to give my time to others for altruistic reasons. I get all huffy when people ask me to help them clean their houses for free.

            When people want me to watch their kids for free. When people want me to drive them places for free. Would some sort of non-money exchange make me more happy to help?

            It may not make you more happy, but if it makes you no more happy then why would you get huffy if someone asks you to clean their house for free?

            What is wrong with me that I am like that?
            I am all for experimenting and doing things out of the kindness of my heart … when I am in the MOOD!

            Yes, this will not be a problem, you don't have to say yes to people when they ask, or you could say I will do it when I feel like it, who puts time scales on when things have to be done? People that tell is we have to be at work at 9 o'clock and we are not going home until 5, that is who.

            You might find one week you say no to everyone then the next week your mood as change and you say yes to everyone, it doesn't matter when you do things.

            But, I find it hard to control my mood.
            It seems to control me.

            When you realise people are doing things for you,your mood will change, if it don't then don't do what is asked of you, just do somethings when the mood is right.

            Perhaps we can base life around moods, there will always be someone in the mood and there will always be someone not in the mood. However if you want a chocolate and your neighbour makes chocolate, the likely-hood is because you want that you will do something for your neighbour.

            If doing things for free will make you no less happier than doing things for money, then why do we all chase money just to give it away/back to the rich in forms of bills for things like water.....that is free?

            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
              Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              "why are we blowing each other up to get to more enlightened times?"

              Good question.

              "you don't have to say yes to people when they ask." 

              They never negotiate a trade.

              " you could say I will do it when I feel like it,"

                No I can't.

              "who puts time scales on when things have to be done?"

              They all want it NOW!

              "People that tell us we have to be at work at 9 o'clock and we are not going home until 5, that is who."

              Everyone is like that ... boss or not. (in my life, it seems).

              "You might find one week you say no to everyone then the next week your mood as change and you say yes to everyone, it doesn't matter when you do things."

              Uh, yes it does.

              "When you realize people are doing things for you, your mood will change, if it doesn't then don't do what is asked of you, just do things when the mood is right."

              This pisses people off. I can't stand it when people get pissed off at me.

              "Perhaps we can base life around moods, there will always be someone in the mood and there will always be someone not in the mood."

              Chaos will result.

              "However, if you want a chocolate and your neighbour makes chocolate, the likely-hood is because you want that, you will do something for your neighbor."

              I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

              "If doing things for free will make you no less happier than doing things for money, then why do we all chase money just to give it away/back to the rich in forms of bills for things like water.....that is free?"

              ~ over my head.

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                "why are we blowing each other up to get to more enlightened times?"

                Good question.

                "you don't have to say yes to people when they ask." 

                They never negotiate a trade.

                It wouldn't be a trade, trades are money....their will be someone else that is the mood to do it for them somewhere probably near to.

                " you could say I will do it when I feel like it,"

                  No I can't.

                "who puts time scales on when things have to be done?"

                They all want it NOW!

                Yes, that is true, and just because you may say no, it does not mean another person capable is not near by.

                "People that tell us we have to be at work at 9 o'clock and we are not going home until 5, that is who."

                Everyone is like that ... boss or not. (in my life, it seems).

                Yes, exactly. Why? We moan about it, but do nothing to prevent it.

                "You might find one week you say no to everyone then the next week your mood as change and you say yes to everyone, it doesn't matter when you do things."

                Uh, yes it does.

                There will always be someone wanting something NOW like you say, this means there will always be people doing things, if people are doing things for us the natural kindness of humans can I do something for you? (we actually say and do that now to an extent to).

                "When you realize people are doing things for you, your mood will change, if it doesn't then don't do what is asked of you, just do things when the mood is right."

                This pisses people off. I can't stand it when people get pissed off at me.

                So being forced to going to work pisses people off right now, but they still do it because if they don't what happens? They get things took off of them when they can't pay why are we doing things that piss us off?

                "Perhaps we can base life around moods, there will always be someone in the mood and there will always be someone not in the mood."

                Chaos will result.

                Why would it, surely if people do things when they are ready they will be happier?

                Caos is the result of what is happening now, when we are all doing things we don't really want to do.

                "However, if you want a chocolate and your neighbour makes chocolate, the likely-hood is because you want that, you will do something for your neighbor."

                I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

                Greece are doing this right now, they are proof it laugh or cry.....why are we not learning from their behaviour? Because we are not allowed to.

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  I suppose, when we need to, we will become like Greece.

                  We don't need to YET.

                  If America and Britain are acting out of greed / conquest it will all come to a head, eventually.
                  Thanks for the alert

    20. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years ago

      so why are we arguing with each other and name calling when it is none of our faults and when we all want the same thing, a better world?

      We all want a better world … but what is "better" for one person is not better for another.

      A good rule of thumb is to accept the world and every situation as it is.
      so that is good advice for you.
      just stop ranting and raving about what you see as distasteful.
      I mean stop already! what, do you have Saturn in Virgo?

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Who is ranting and raving?

        The situations are being created by the rich though, and americans and british are running around saying god is great and we are free, when they are not....

        No I am not a fictional character out of your countries bribe book...

        Why don't you tell believers to stop ranting and raving about how great God is, why do you only tell people this that your book has categorised to go in the saturn basket?

        And if one persons way is not better for another person, then tell your country to stop blowing the shit out of other religious areas of the world because they believe there way is better.....

        It seems it perfectly okay for those to run around ranting and raving about fictional characters, but not for those that are highlighting the disgraceful things going on within that book....why??

        Please answer, because apparently your countries book is all about equal rights and all that......have you treated me equal to those that rant about your bribe book?

    21. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years ago

      Soccer Nut wrote:
      "The situations are being created by the RICH.  Americans and British are running around saying, 'God is great and we are free ...'
      when, in all actuality, you are NOT!"

      "Why don't you tell believers to stop ranting and raving about how great God is?"

      "If one person's way is not better for another person, then tell your country to stop blowing the shit out of other religious areas of the world because you believe your religion and your way is better."

      "It seems it perfectly fine for you to run around ranting and raving about God and Jesus, but not for me to denounce them."

      "Please answer, because apparently your country is all about equal rights."


      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Are you really resorting to that.....

        Who is blowing who up here.....they blow their own land up that starts to look like the greedy west...because they do NOT want to end up working in McDonald's or walmart, or in a bank.

        Nor do they want to be educated blindly....what is wrong with them NOT wanting this? And protecting their land from this...

        Just think in 20 years time, an american-jew may build a massive football club in somewhere like afghanistan and call them Afghan Bulls or something....then created loads of merchandise and start selling afghan footballers for ridiculous amounts of money like £500 million....they don't want that...

        Like you said what works for one might not work for why are you allowing your country to blow other areas up just because our countries, britain included think their way is best?

        WORLD TRADE started it remember, does that not tell you it is greed they want to wipe out, not us?  If it was us they would attack churches (which they will do eventually when they get fed up with us the people not listening to them because we are blinded)If it was us they wanted to wipe out, then they would of done it by now.....they live on our doorsteps for blindness sake....

        On that note did you see the insurance pay out/dispute that went on over what happened to the world trade buildings? hmmmm someone benefited out of misery.

        I am not saying there way is right, but I do agree that greed is causing hell....but our countries are forcing it on every continent by doing what a certain group says.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
          Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          what certain group?

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this


            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
              Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              certain Jews. Zionists? or are you being facetious?
              What group exactly, please.

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Or American Jews, or British Jews

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  You are also perturbed with Christians spreading their beliefs to other countries?

                  This is such an interesting perspective and one I have not thought about in relation to modern affairs.
                  Do you have examples?

                  1. profile image0
                    FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, are we attempting to build schools in the middle east?

                    Have we took over/turned Iraq politics around, yes we have now we can influence them.

                    Did we take over the bank of Iraq and Afghanistan, and now nearly have Syria's?

                    The answer is yes.

                    Now do you not see, faith is controlled over does not matter what religion people are, the people at the top do not care. It is not the fact christians will take over there country in a religious sense, it is they will/have took it over in a business sense....

                    This means rules and bribes and debts can be created to muslims in the same fashion they have to it don't matter what religion people are, they are living by money rules, or will be once things are finished. Of cause they will keep what they think is their faith, they will be like us who believe we are living live according the christian bible, yet we are ruled by Jews, it is called fake christianity.

                    When all is sorted in the middle east they will live a fake muslim religion, thinking it is their believe when it is not, it the bankers rules.....

                    What is happening next is, this group do not own Atheist based countries like North Korea's National as said before, a cyber attack on Sony as happened out of the blue, North Korea got the finger pointed at them and was told "we will retaliate in our own time" North korea have a digital currency?

                    So now we have an excuse to start a cyber war with them, is it a made up excuse though? I can't say yes or no, but it is bloody strange.

                    Then what will happen is North Korea will be controlled by money in accordance to how greedy people want them to, they will start living a fake atheist life. Thinking their free, when they will not be.

                    Faith is just being used to mask the antics of the greed, and at absolutely no fault of our own, america and britain are the ones mainly being used as the puppets to cause problems, to seek what the greedy want? Other lands land and money systems.

                    But we won't wake up and realise this, we just keep shouting we are free in order to send a lovely image out to the the rest or the world, yet we can't park our cars on FREE LAND without getting bribed.....for example we have to pay to park, of we don't we get fined or have our belongings taken from us.....that bribe is in as we say or get punished.....that is not freedom.

                    They can park cars anywhere they like in the middle east.....and some parts even had free electric and the likes of things like that....the greedy don't want people to realise life can be are wiping it out and replacing it with their businesses and taking over such countries banks, and in some cases ACTUALLY building them a national bank because they didn't even have one...

                    The end result will be one government, that being the banking jews, and one currency, that being an online we are going to live by there rules......will they be good and conquer the world then make everything free, or will they start replacing birth certificates with chips in the finger so we can touch screens and that will make a payment for us?

                    1. profile image0
                      ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      Moron based reasoning , best describes the relating  of only Christianity to all things evil.     I mean what are there  in essence  a couple hundred or more religions  in the world .? So by   associating  the success' of  only America , one nation ,  in a world of hundreds of nations and hundreds of religions .  You are  assuming that by association all evils -are all  Christianity's fault .  That is one dorky assumption .

                      I offer you this , you are a blaming Christianity and the west because of each of their success' and  world popularity !   Christianity is a FREE and completely   faith based religion . Period .  The west is a free based ,market based economy .   And however  strangling to the small mind that assumes to  dis-ingenuate  both of these  [new word ]  ;    You lose all credibility  when you blame the  freedom of each for the imprisoning of such small minds as the uneducated .

                      Now this is where you list  all your educational credentials .

    22. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

      So essentially , you're  angry  because you can't live for free  !

      Get over your self , everyone else  has .

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        No I am not angry, stop bracketing me in the manner you are trained too.....

        Excuse me I am not the one running around shouting I am American or British I am free....when your not....

        And if your outlook is for people that believe life can be free is "they should get over themselves" then what I suggest you do is stop preaching that bible, because is that not about FREEDOM at face value? Take your own advise and swallow your pride and get over yourself.

        It is hypocritical what your saying mate.

        Anyway go proof your point and do something and see if you get away with it in your free land.

        1. Live to Learn profile image61
          Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          You are being labeled by your style of writing.

          You have not proven that anyone is not free. What you have done is put forth some illogical conclusions which no one agrees with.

          The only one bringing up religion in this thread is you. Which is odd. Since you started the thread. If you wanted to rant against religion you should have started it in the religion philosophy section.

          You are free to get over yourself, or not. How's that for freedom?

          The only examples of 'not being free' you have given is that you are not free to bilk utilities out of money for electricity provided. Could you give an example of anything which the average person would think was acceptable behavior which is not allowed in this 'non free' society you are railing against?

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Alright then go park your car on free will get charged, if you don't pay you will get fined, if you don't pay the fine you will get YOUR car took off of you and have it crushed....bribe

            Make your kids go to school or get some form of in Britain they will fine parents if they don't, or take them to court, in some cases parents go to prison, or have THEIR kids took off of them.....bribe a sick one

            Don't smoke cannabis was once a bribe to.....oh that is so bad for us they screamed for years on end.....yet alcohol and cigarettes that they have control of was allowed because they could tax it then inform us it causes illnesses and still not ban it, yet cannabis was banned so they had the authority to care about us and ban cigs and alcohol...but they look what is happening cannabis selling shops in a ORGANISED fashion are allowed to be set up and they tax it....guess what AFGHANISTAN was once the world leaders in supplying BAD drugs, oh look they have control now so can legalise it, then get a educated by them EXPERT to run experiments and say, oh wow we have found a cure for cancer, there is an element in cannabis that helps prevent cancer or some bullshit like that....yet that was once a bribe to the ordinary man, you get caught with it you will get it took off of you, or go to prison or get a fine......but now Organised Dealing is allowed...

            Do I really need to go on, that bribe is in everything.....the list is endless

            Religion fits in the crimes category in my eyes...I did look for a section called ORGANISED CRIME but could not find one.

            Yes religion is part of this thread because such christians run around shouting they are free, just to send a fake message out to the rest of the world...who can see your not hense why they are fighting on their OWN LAND against you.....

            Ask yourself how assassinated presidents minds worked...then go figure why they got assassinated!! Obama won't be assassinated because he is doing his told.....get someone that won't do as their told and they will get assassinated or have their countries economy striped (Greece).

            1. Live to Learn profile image61
              Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              I've parked on quite a lot of free land and have never had my car towed or crushed.

              Oh gee. Kids are required to get an education. That's horrible! Why can't we just be uneducated masses? Wait. It appears that one of us might be part of a, thankfully, uneducated minority.

              Afghanistan was a leading exporter of poppies. I don't think the drugs derived from them are legal, should be legal or will ever be legal. That is due to a free society agreeing that some drugs should be illegal. I, for one, don't want to live in a neighborhood surrounded by heroine addicts. How strange, you say?

              I don't know where you live, but here in America it is the Christians shouting they aren't free. They aren't free to force their particular brand of belief on the rest of the nation. Why is that? Because we are free to vote against their personal brands of belief and we are free to attempt to forge a fair and equitable society. Is society fair and equitable? No, I don't think so. But, it is a whole lot better than any country in the middle east, Russia, China or most nations on the African continent. So, all in all, we aren't doing so badly.

              I honestly think you need to turn off your computer, do some actually reading. Get an education. Use your brain to think about the things you have learned. Then, come back with a valid and reasonable argument.

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                I've parked on quite a lot of free land and have never had my car towed or crushed.

                Oh wow you have never been a victim of this bribe....who cares about those that have hey? Great attitude.

                Oh gee. Kids are required to get an education. That's horrible! Why can't we just be uneducated masses? Wait. It appears that one of us might be part of a, thankfully, uneducated minority.

                Yes, it is horrible teaching kids things they don't need to know....and things that cause us worry. Along with coincidentally making the best paid jobs the ones you have to stay in school longer for.....them certificates are only to say well done you are qualified to the degree of education we want you to be......your so blind thinking education is a good thing.....LOOK AT THE STATE OF THE WORLD that has been caused because of education....look at things that you can see because they are facts, instead of looking at things as gospel because you have been told by someone you don't know who is lining their pockets based on the way they educate you to live life....

                Afghanistan was a leading exporter of poppies. I don't think the drugs derived from them are legal, should be legal or will ever be legal. That is due to a free society agreeing that some drugs should be illegal. I, for one, don't want to live in a neighborhood surrounded by heroine addicts. How strange, you say?

                Why shouldn't they, if people want to do them things then bloody let them......if they die that is their fault......they wouldn't be seen as addicts if they were treated in the same fashion someone that drinks that other DRUG alcohol moderately does...but you are trained to make them the outcasts because that product is not yet taxable by your government....when it is, expect heroin Organised Dealers to be allowed to open shops just like cannabis Organised Dealers have been. You tell me what looks worse, a drunk out of their head man trying to walk in a straight line, or a heroin addict? The answer is the drunk man will be swaying everywhere......there is no difference in any drug other than the fact who has control of it.....but some are made to be worse because certain people don't control them drugs....

                I don't get what you're saying, heroin is bad for us (I have never done it but comparing those that do to those that drink alcohol, I would say the actions of alcohol drinkers in excess is worse than that of a person on heroin, therefor should imagine it is better than alcohol, or the same, in the terms of the amount of harm each cause the body I mean), so why stop those that want to do it from killing themselves? That way you won't have to have them in your neighbourhood, so if anything you should be supporting letting them do it if they want to if you don't want them in your neighbourhood.....

                I don't know where you live, but here in America it is the Christians shouting they aren't free. They aren't free to force their particular brand of belief on the rest of the nation. Why is that? Because we are free to vote against their personal brands of belief and we are free to attempt to forge a fair and equitable society. Is society fair and equitable? No, I don't think so. But, it is a whole lot better than any country in the middle east, Russia, China or most nations on the African continent. So, all in all, we aren't doing so badly.

                No the middle east was better before we invaded in order to get what they have.....But you ain't forging a fair society that is the problem...yet your trying to force that unfair society on the middle east in the seek to put your businesses on their land and get them working (slaves to you) in your business such as wal mart's, McDonald's....they are telling you to we don't want to be your slaves yet you lot who do want to be slaves that then as you just said cry about aren't free just carry on letting yours and my country bully them into the greedy way of life....we have no right doing that.

                The african continent that we over the years have donated billions to so they can have clean water? So why have the greedy founders not plumbed pipes into the sea into their mud huts yet? Why do they ask for money to be donated when it is pipes and taps they need? Do you really think charities want to solve problems so it will result in their charity not being needed anymore? The answer NO....tell me one that has solved a problem and shut down due to no longer being needed because they solved the problem that their charity was based on.....YOU CAN'T

                And why do I see adverts on my TV asking to donate £2 a month so africans can have water for a month, then the cheeky c*** charge me £30-£40 per month....what is going on here....the poor can get it for £2 a month if I give it to them, yet I have to pay 15%-20% more than them for not only are them adverts telling me I am being ripped off, they are also begging me to give them money for them to NOT supply pipes from the sea to the African's mud is a joke

                As for Russia, that is that place Ed Snowden went to isn't it, because he knows you can't touch them......what makes you think the lifes of Russian's and China are bad? Please don't quote anything you have been told is bad about them countries......nothing is bad they are just two countries that are better than yours and your greedy people don't like so tell you things about it out

                I honestly think you need to turn off your computer, do some actually reading. Get an education. Use your brain to think about the things you have learned. Then, come back with a valid and reasonable argument.

                I don't need to argue I can talk my views through, I don't have to turn things into conflicts.

                Education, my abilities are endless I don't want to sit in a class for years on end just to get a certificate to say i can do something, that is not education that is paper chasing....

                1. Live to Learn profile image61
                  Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  If you are a victim of having parked on free land and then having your car towed and crushed......
                  Honestly, considering your arguments thus far, I doubt you were a victim. You'd need to present the particulars in order for me to determine if you warrant sympathy.

                  I think you are worrying about things that are unrealistic. Maybe, a lack of education is the cause?

                  Seriously? We live longer lives. Our quality of life is up due to invention which is only possible through some form of education. Seriously. Do you think you would be typing on a computer right now if everyone decided to forego education? Would you have running water, electricity, food to eat from the far corners of the world without some form of educated person helping to make it happen? If you want to go back to the dark ages and live hand to mouth with no potable water and no immunizations against disease you can. No one is stopping you. But, you will find it very difficult to develop a following for backward thinking.

                  Honestly, I've known people who were heroine addicts. I've also known drunks and cigarette smokers. The only group willing to steal from their family, friends and total strangers...the only group who has babies who are addicted to the same drug....the only group who appear to be addicted for life....are the heroine addicts. Sorry. You won't get any sympathy here. If you or your friends want to find a place away from civilized society where you can overdose, or just tune out, where you can't hurt others in the process I'm gungho. But, I'm not going to think it is OK for someone to become a burden on society simply because that's what they want to do. How selfish.

                  A heroin addict.

                  Tell that to the women who have acid thrown on them for 'honor'. Tell that to the women who are raped and are told it was their fault, or the women hauled off by police for the audacity to put on a pair of pants Tell that to the people who get 100 lashes for attempting to speak freely. 

                  I'm not condoning the actions of the west in the Middle East but there was nothing better about it..It is, for the most part, peopled by those who believe barbaric laws are acceptable.

                  Hey, I'm an advocate for completely isolating the Middle East until they chose to come up into the real world. Until they chose human rights over barbarism. I think we should, here in the west, take money away from our national defense and spend it on real national defense. Find alternative fuels to get us off of our dependence on fossil fuels and stop funding the horror that is the Middle East.

                  I'm afraid Europe created the mess in Africa through their colonial policies. You're European. Step up to the plate and fix the problem. Don't whine to me about the mess your governments created.

                  Probably for the same reason we here in the States pay an exorbitant amount for medications when you guys over there get them for next to nothing. Life's not fair. Get over it. Do you know what the average income is in a third world country? I think, if you do the math, you'll see that they are probably paying more of their disposal income for basic necessities than you are.

                  You work it out. Go live elsewhere for a few years and then come back and push this argument. Unless your idea of freedom is simply for others to think for you, make decisions for you and to tell you what you can and can't do, again. Live elsewhere for a few years and come back to push this ridiculous argument.

                  You are arguing. You cannot talk your views through because every attempt you have made in this thread and others has resulted in a discombobulated mess of a lack of logic and intelligent discourse. I think you guys over in Europe have more of a problem with terrorists and such. Just don't bother to cry to me that you are a victim and we'll get along just fine.

                  1. profile image0
                    FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    If you are a victim of having parked on free land and then having your car towed and crushed......
                    Honestly, considering your arguments thus far, I doubt you were a victim. You'd need to present the particulars in order for me to determine if you warrant sympathy.

                    I am not thinking of myself - I am thinking of the way we are all being treated....are you seriously telling me you have never known anyone to get  parking ticket....and anyway the parking ticket was just a example.....that bribe is in everything......

                    I think you are worrying about things that are unrealistic. Maybe, a lack of education is the cause?

                    What is unrealistic?

                    Seriously? We live longer lives. Our quality of life is up due to invention which is only possible through some form of education. Seriously. Do you think you would be typing on a computer right now if everyone decided to forego education? Would you have running water, electricity, food to eat from the far corners of the world without some form of educated person helping to make it happen? If you want to go back to the dark ages and live hand to mouth with no potable water and no immunizations against disease you can. No one is stopping you. But, you will find it very difficult to develop a following for backward thinking.

                    Your quality of life, exactly....your quality of life is bribes....and deeming it okay to blow others up because they something we don't....brilliant

                    Honestly, I've known people who were heroine addicts. I've also known drunks and cigarette smokers. The only group willing to steal from their family, friends and total strangers...the only group who has babies who are addicted to the same drug....the only group who appear to be addicted for life....are the heroine addicts. Sorry. You won't get any sympathy here. If you or your friends want to find a place away from civilized society where you can overdose, or just tune out, where you can't hurt others in the process I'm gungho. But, I'm not going to think it is OK for someone to become a burden on society simply because that's what they want to do. How selfish.

                    Alcoholics steel from family and friends, what the hell are you saying? Alcoholics vandalise, alcoholics drink drive, alcoholics stagger all around our streets....are you for real?

                    Tell that to the women who have acid thrown on them for 'honor'. Tell that to the women who are raped and are told it was their fault, or the women hauled off by police for the audacity to put on a pair of pants Tell that to the people who get 100 lashes for attempting to speak freely. 

                    So women don't get raped in the UK or in America? Now put them two things together are those that get lashes or beheaded rapists? or murderers? Remember when we used to have a guillotine to punish criminals with? Maybe that is what they are doing to criminals, how do we know they are free speaking people that get punished?

                    I'm not condoning the actions of the west in the Middle East but there was nothing better about it..It is, for the most part, peopled by those who believe barbaric laws are acceptable.

                    Hey, I'm an advocate for completely isolating the Middle East until they chose to come up into the real world. Until they chose human rights over barbarism. I think we should, here in the west, take money away from our national defense and spend it on real national defense. Find alternative fuels to get us off of our dependence on fossil fuels and stop funding the horror that is the Middle East.

                    They don't want leave them alone, see what I mean they are being forced to....what is the real world? Are you saying the real world is the bribes we live by?

                    I'm afraid Europe created the mess in Africa through their colonial policies. You're European. Step up to the plate and fix the problem. Don't whine to me about the mess your governments created.

                    Yes I agree, however do you have africa based charities there to? If so you have joined the group of con artists....And all charities are like this, again africa was just an example

                    Probably for the same reason we here in the States pay an exorbitant amount for medications when you guys over there get them for next to nothing. Life's not fair. Get over it. Do you know what the average income is in a third world country? I think, if you do the math, you'll see that they are probably paying more of their disposal income for basic necessities than you are.

           just gone around in a go read the comments on medication. GREEDY PHARMACEUTICALS THAT GIVE US PILLS ARE MAKING MONEY and we don't get better....

                    You work it out. Go live elsewhere for a few years and then come back and push this argument. Unless your idea of freedom is simply for others to think for you, make decisions for you and to tell you what you can and can't do, again. Live elsewhere for a few years and come back to push this ridiculous argument.

                    That works both ways really mate doesn't it? You could go experience something better....Have you ever lived somewhere else in order to make this factual that your way is better? Okay I will try afghanistan, oh shit you have pushed your weight there already haven't you, if they are basically going to be bullied into our way of life there is no point trying to experience life there is there....

                    You are arguing. You cannot talk your views through because every attempt you have made in this thread and others has resulted in a discombobulated mess of a lack of logic and intelligent discourse. I think you guys over in Europe have more of a problem with terrorists and such. Just don't bother to cry to me that you are a victim and we'll get along just fine.

                    wow.....and blowing each other in the seek of gaining greed is pure is it? That is not a mess in your eyes, because your going against my views by encouraging people blowing other lands up for greed, then claiming my views are causing a mess....

                    1. Live to Learn profile image61
                      Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      I've gotten parking tickets. I know people who have gotten parking tickets. Are we paying bribes? NO. Is it irritating? Yes. Irritating enough to make up stories about having our cars crushed? NO.

                      What part of your argument is realistic? Nothing that I have been able to discern.

                      When I deem it appropriate to blow others up then I should be committed. In the interim, you should stop making up stories about others.

                      I don't know any alcoholics who have, because of their alcoholism, stolen from family and friends. Yes, they drink and drive. When they do they should be punished. I don't live in Europe so I'm not as exposed to alcoholics staggering around as you guys are. Sorry.

                      Women do get raped around the world. The way society reacts to this fact is different. Here, those who perpetrate violence are held accountable; not the other way around. I don't know that we had a guillotine here to punish criminals. Even if we did, our society has agreed to agree that barbarism is not an acceptable form of punishment. As to the comment about not knowing if they are free speaking people who get punished. Grow up.Open your eyes. Have some sympathy for those who are not given the basics of inalienable human rights.

                      How childish, naive and selfish is it to whine that you have to pay for utilities and then turn a blind eye to actual human suffering.

                      They don't want to? I believe they want our money, in exchange for their oil. Sounds to me as if they are promoting commerce.

                      So don't give to charities. Problem solved. Don't let your guilt for not helping drive you to complain about others attempting to.

                      Hate to tell you this. Last year I went to the dentist. My blood pressure was 190/110. They insisted I go directly to the hospital. I am now on medication that keeps my blood pressure down to 110/74. I'd say I am better, or at the least not about to have a stroke.

                      Yes, I have lived elsewhere. I've seen toddlers walking around in the winter with bare butts and no shoes or coats. I've seen people squatting in front of a fire waiting for a dog to get done. I've seen children under the age of 10 coming out of liquor stores with bottles of liquor. I've seen acres and acres of makeshift structures for the poor to huddle under because they have no homes. They have no basic sanitation. I have feared for my life in cities where there was little to no real police enforcement.

                      I have never lived in China, North Korea or Russia. You go there and tell me how it works out.

                      I didn't say your views are causing a mess. I simply said they are a mess. See the difference? (Probably not capable of it)

    23. Aime F profile image72
      Aime Fposted 8 years ago

      Good grief.  Do I really have to explain this again?  You cannot, cannot compare someone who never even had the disease with people who have received treatment for the disease.  Common sense would indicate that not having the disease in the first place would be the reason that someone lived longer than another person who did have the disease. 

      If your mom isn't benefitting from the pills then she shouldn't be taking them.  Not every medication works for everyone.  That doesn't mean they never work for anyone.  You can't come to conclusions about the entire world based on one person's experience. 

      I believe in myself as far as things that I am actually capable of knowing.  I do not have a degree in immunology therefore I don't believe that I'm qualified to make "factual" statements about infectious diseases that contradict those who do have degrees in immunology. 

      It's great that you believe in yourself but you need to be realistic about it.  You can't live forever.  You can't know everything.

      It absolutely is a privilege.  You sitting here and having the ability to question whether or not you get treatment for a deadly disease is a privilege.  You saying that education is unnecessary is a privelege as there are millions of people in the world waiting for that opportunity.

      1. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Good grief.  Do I really have to explain this again?  You cannot, cannot compare someone who never even had the disease with people who have received treatment from the disease.  Common sense would indicate that not having the disease in the first place would be the reason that someone lived longer than another person who did have the disease. 

        I am not I am comparing people that live to over 100 that have never been to hospital therefor can not be TOLD they have something wrong with them, to someone who lives to 70-80 who does go to hospital to be told they have something wrong with them.....there has to be something in that....

        Why can you compare someone that has not been DIAGNOSED and lived to over 100, with someone that has been DIAGNOSED and lived to 70-80? Then say treatment works based on that comparison? Yet, no one else is allow to compare?

        If your mom isn't benefitting from the pills then she shouldn't be taking them.  Not every medication works for everyone.  That doesn't mean they never work for anyone.  You can't come to conclusions about the entire world based on one person's experience.

        Laugh my ass off....then why are them stupid Doctors guessing what works and what don't by telling my mum these tablets should be taken? That does not sound like a very well educated person to me. I can do that...I can sit there and see people in my surgery then randomly pick a pill and say take that.....that is what you have just brought education down to....a guessing game of what works and what don't

        I believe in myself as far as things that I am actually capable of knowing.  I do not have a degree in immunology therefore I don't believe that I'm qualified to make "factual" statements about infectious diseases that contradict those who do have degrees in immunology. 

        Why? Your holding your self back mate through the education stay at school longer and learn what we want you to bribe so you can earn more money..... to be honest we don't need educating, remember the song, teacher leave those kids alone?

        It's great that you believe in yourself but you need to be realistic about it.  You can't live forever.  You can't know everything.

        I am being realistic, we are all capable of doing everything we want or need to...I am not or have never said we can live forever....I have said it has never been proven so who says we can't? It is education that says we can't, so they are guessing we can't do this, because there is absolutely no way on earth than can we can't as a there, the only way they can say we can't as a fact is if they are doing things that kill us off at around 80-100

        It absolutely is a privilege.  You sitting here and having the ability to question whether or not you get treatment for a deadly disease is a privilege.  You saying that education is unnecessary is a privilege.  Whether you like it or not, it's your education that affords you many of the opportunities you have in this world.

        I am not questioning it, it is fact, we start on one pill we end up on 10 pills and feel no better for it.

        1. Aime F profile image72
          Aime Fposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Okay, at this point I think we might as well be on different planets.  I don't think I can keep arguing with someone who doesn't see the importance of science, medicine, and education. 

          Good luck to you.  I truly hope you never find yourself incredibly ill or in need of urgent medical care.

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Okay, at this point I think we might as well be on different planets.  I don't think I can keep arguing with someone who doesn't see the importance of science, medicine, and education.

            I am not argueing with you, at what point have we argued? You give your views I answered them, I gave my views and you answered them....well until the point it was pointed out to you that you yourself said when giving medication to people it is a guessing game. By you saying "some medications work for one but not another", so if two people go to the Doctor with arthritis in their knee and he gives them both the same pill, it might work for one but not the other......That just makes a mockery out of education, that Doctor spent years training to give medication on a pot luck basis.....

            Good luck to you.  I truly hope you never find yourself incredibly ill or in need of urgent medical care.

            I will never get ill. I might die at some point but I am never going to allow myself to be put in that "you are ill" so get on that medicine trail where we can try and fix you on a pot luck basis thank you.

            1. Credence2 profile image78
              Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Hey, why don't you try some of your ideas and see if you can break a record for longevity. You seem to think that it is possible. If you can defy death, I'll shake your hand.

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Because everyone as to live under the same rules as the YES SIR YES SIR people,

                Okay I will try it:

                So to conduct this experiment please stop driving your cars, it damages my health, please ask everyone never to mention a figure in age use way, please ask everyone not to mention any illness name around me, please do things for me if I need them doing in exchange for me doing something for you.....

                Please organise that and I will conduct this experiment....exactly it is not possible without people but people are too scared to get off of that hamster wheel that spinning around and making the digits of the riches bank account creep up....

                1. Credence2 profile image78
                  Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  You will have to move to a relatively pristine part of the planet, maybe the Arctic or Subarctic to start the test? Remember, you will have to live past 120 years to convince me of the possible viability of your hypothesis. If I am not here, I will assign a stand in to record this accomplishment of yours. But, you will have to be on the guard against pneumonia, you'll catch your death of cold....

                  1. profile image0
                    FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    I agree with that but I live in a country that is meant to be free for thought and speech, so having to move contradicts itself.

                    It seems that freedom is only for those that don't speak or that don't want to try new things.

                    I can live in this country completely free if I was allowed to where the weather is hot sometimes and is cold sometimes...materials are here, I have seen them on shop shelves lol.....and warmth is supplied to my home.....I should not need to move in order to undertake an experiment

            2. Aime F profile image72
              Aime Fposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              To argue: to give reasons for or against something : to say or write things in order to change someone's opinion about what is true

              Stupid education teaching me what words mean!

              I wouldn't say that prescribing medication is a "guessing game" as there must be some evidence of a medication being effective to at least some degree.  A doctor is qualified to assess the illness/injury and decide which medication will likely work, but that doesn't mean it always will.  I respond much better to one type of antibiotic than others, which was determined through trial and error.  But the type that works best for me and my body may not be the best for someone else.  So the doctor would then try a different kind of antibiotic.  They're not pulling medicine out of a hat and saying "hm, sure, let's see how this antiseptic works for your flu."  You seem to have a very poor understanding of how medicine/illness works, perhaps some education might help you see things more clearly. 

              Can we keep in touch for the next 50+ years so I can see how your "I'm never going to get ill" claim works out for you?  I'm super curious.

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                To argue: to give reasons for or against something : to say or write things in order to change someone's opinion about what is true

                Stupid education teaching me what words mean!

                No one is trying to change your view, someone was just giving you their view in response to your views......where is the argument in that?

                I wouldn't say that prescribing medication is a "guessing game" as there must be some evidence of a medication being effective to at least some degree.  A doctor is qualified to assess the illness/injury and decide which medication will likely work, but that doesn't mean it always will.  I respond much better to one type of antibiotic than others, which was determined through trial and error.  But the type that works best for me and my body may not be the best for someone else.  So the doctor would then try a different kind of antibiotic.  They're not pulling medicine out of a hat and saying "hm, sure, let's see how this antiseptic works for your flu."  You seem to have a very poor understanding of how medicine/illness works, perhaps some education might help you see things clearer.

                Yes okay I agree there must be some sort of evidence that it works for some, but giving it out wily nilly on that basis to anyone with the same disease and not knowing which person it is going to work on, is an absolutely disgusting education to have. And to be quite honest, within 1 hour you and I could probably study what medicines go with what injuries/complaints that people give to their Doctor, then say, oh what is wrong "patient replies I have a bad back(, right I will not do no test but here are some painkillers. another patient, I have a bad ear.....okay I will not do no tests but here are some ear drops...

                That is basically it, the patient TELLS the doctor what is wrong, the doctor has a quick look with a cold thing he puts on the chest, or the thing he puts in our ears then goes here is some painkillers, or antibiotics, or ear drops etc.....THE PATIENTS TELL THE DOCTOR WHAT IS WRONG.....then he goes from there, should the Doctor not being telling the patient what is wrong because that is what he is meant to be qualified to do?

                Seriously we could learn within an HOUR what medicines go with which complaints that patients tell us they have and say right that is a back problem...this medicine is for backs....

                I have trouble sleeping you go here are some sleeping tablets.

                I have sore eyes doctor...lets have a quick look in them....there you go here are some eye drops..

                The doctor has not got a clue what is in these tablets, he just knows that this medicine is for that part of the body....

                But sometimes due to as you say meds are given out willy nilly to people who have the same complaints, some get side effects, this furthers their problems and means they need a different lot of meds, then because they are given willy nilly, this person now has two lots of willy nilly meds, so causes more problems, now they are on three meds that have been given out willy nilly for 3 different problems, one might be working and the other might not be, this cause complications in the body, complications are confusements, the body has no clue what it is doing so shuts up shop after years of DRUG that education mate?

                If you go back several times with the same problems because his medicine never works, he will refer you to the next doctor who will check you at hospital then see a mark on your inside and is trained to say that is cancer......I will give you this treatment because that is what has to be given for cancer....again, he has no clue what is in that medicine, all he knows is that medicine goes with that complaint/mark inside people.....

                Can we keep in touch for the next 50+ years so I can see how your "I'm never going to get ill" claim works out for you?  I'm super curious.

                Yes mate, no problem do you want my number lol. Not saying I won't die but I will just drop dead when the time is right..... smile But don't forget though I have to breath in all the toxins that we make, along with being awake at a certain time in order to go to work to pay my bills, or get kicked out of a property that has already been paid for/or have my belongings if I do not pay my bills, this might all take it's toll on me and cause tiredness ad make me start to feel old and ragged,,,,I will give it ago though.

                Go to your doctor and say you have a headache, go when you don't have one HE WILL STILL GIVE YOU SOME MEDS because he is trained to give you some for complaining about that problem, even though you're pretending, then ask him what every single ingredient in what he has just advised you to take when you are pretending is in the med he advises you to take for your pretend headache, ask him the colour of each ingredient, what each ingredient does, where each ingredient comes from, what makes each ingredient, why does your body need each ingredient....HE WILL HATE YOU lol.....if he is educated he will not need to look on google to give you answers...then make out he is only showing you it on google so you can see what it is...nor will he only give you part of the answer then try and divert the conversation on to something else...try it....I might if I can be asked to register smile

                Try it just to see if they have absolutely any clue if people are in pain or not...they are EXPERTS they should know, it is impossible for them to know really isn't it, so they will give out meds based on complaints....allow people to take things for no reason....that is not education mate?

                And if you say he will refer to books/google to refresh his mind your seriously making a mockery of education.....

                If you do think that, then you could sit at doctors desk with a text book and when a patient comes in and TELLS YOU what is wrong you can flick through the book and tell them what meds go with that need to spend years in school to do that nor even need a certificate to say you can do that...if they have to refresh their minds then they are not educated, yet we claim the human brain is an amazing tool....higher paid jobs for being educated longer to make something not important seem important is my view.

                1. Aime F profile image72
                  Aime Fposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  How do you suggest a doctor tell a patient what's wrong without being given any information?  If I went in with an earache or severe headache, but didn't tell them what was wrong, what are they supposed to do?  Check over every inch of my body to see if there are any physically observable problems?  Then ask me every question they could think of relating to every medical problem known to man in order to figure it out?  That sounds like a colossal waste of everyone's time.  Surely it's easier for me to say "hey doc, I have a bad headache." 

                  And no, they can't prove that you're in pain for something like a headache.  They take your word for it.  Why anyone would want to walk into a doctor's office to pretend they have some ailment that they don't is beyond me (unless they have a drug or psychiatric problem).  Again, sounds like a colossal waste of time.  You're responsible for not wasting everyone else's time and resources on stuff that you've made up.  You're an adult.  It's not the doctor's problem that they can't tell if your head really hurts.  If they were skeptical of every single person that walked into their clinic things probably wouldn't go very smoothly, and I for one don't want to go see a doctor about something seriously bothering me and have them not believe me from the minute I step in.

                  Have you been to university?  Or med school?  Or any form of higher education?  If you managed to make it through half a semester with that attitude I'd be amazed.  If it was as easy as flipping through a book and knowing everything you need to know about any given subject then I can assure you those of us who spent many years in school and thousands of dollars in debt would not have wasted our time and money.

                  1. profile image0
                    FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    How do you suggest a doctor tell a patient what's wrong without being given any information?  If I went in with an earache or severe headache, but didn't tell them what was wrong, what are they supposed to do?  Check over every inch of my body to see if there are any physically observable problems?  Then ask me every question they could think of relating to every medical problem known to man in order to figure it out?  That sounds like a colossal waste of everyone's time.  Surely it's easier for me to say "hey doc, I have a bad headache." 

                    Because he should be examining you, not taking your word for it. That headache could be a brain tumor or something..and you saying I have a head ache and him saying okay take these pills is not good enough..without checking if it is something worse than an headache, at this stage he don't know if you have a headache or a tumor, so why the hell is he giving you headache meds? He has not checked you or anything just took your word for it...

                    you have to go up there several times complaining about the same thing before being referred....allowing the tumor to grow if that is what it is, it might just be ongoing migraines, but he don't know that.......he should never just be taking your word for it and giving you treatment for a headache....that might cause further harm to the tumor.....they do not check F ALL ......that is why he should be telling you what is wrong, it should never be the case that you tell him what is wrong and he takes your word for it.....this happens...people go to the doctor week after week and tell him what is wrong he gives them pills, then after so many weeks sends them to a specialist for further checks....I AM SORRY THAT IS TO LATE......Doctors are meant to be educated to be why do doctors send us to specialist after going to see him week after week with the same problem.....what the f... is going on here...why has he been giving me these pills to take for the last couple of weeks to see if they heal me, now he is sending me to another doctor.....what happens in this scenario is that first doctor has been giving you meds for something only a specialist can obviously find/ why has that first doctor been giving me meds for something he is not capable of diagnosing? The answer is he was guessing what treatment to give me based on what I told him what was wrong just to see if that worked.....but it never so now I go see the second doctor after taking medication from the first doctor, the one that was treating me for something he obviously can't diagnose with his then why was he treating me based on guess work and has his guess work treatment he was giving to me made things worse?

                    And no, they can't prove that you're in pain for something like a headache.  They take your word for it.  Why anyone would want to walk into a doctor's office to pretend they have some ailment that they don't is beyond me (unless they have a drug or psychiatric problem).  Again, sounds like a colossal waste of time.  You're responsible for not wasting everyone else's time and resources on stuff that you've made up.  You're an adult.  It's not the doctor's problem that they can't tell if your head really hurts.  If they were skeptical of every single person that walked into their clinic things probably wouldn't go very smoothly, and I for one don't want to go see a doctor about something seriously bothering me and have them not believe me from the minute I step in.

                    They can not proof your in pain for anything, they take your word for what you tell them is wrong, then give medication according to what they are trained to for that part of the body/problem. Without KNOWING what is in the medication, or what each ingredient is called, or what each ingredient does for the body..

                    Walk in there and see, he is a Doctor, you say You have a headache he will give you pills without knowing if you have one or not, or if the headache is in fact something worse...but if you say it is a headache he will give you headache treatment....without checking that is all it is, if it is anything worse headache medication might make the tumor worse he should never ever be giving out medication based on what you tell him and without him doing checks to make sure nothing else is happening that could be worse......should he not be made to scan your head before giving you things you for a headache? Because if it is not a headache the headache tablets could make things worse.....should they not do EXPERT checks before just handing out DRUGS?

                    Have you been to university?  Or med school?  Or any form of higher education?  If you managed to make it through half a semester with that attitude I'd be amazed.  If it was as easy as flipping through a book and knowing everything you need to know about any given subject then I can assure you those of us who spent many years in school and thousands of dollars in debt would not have wasted our time and money.

                    Wow....dollars in debt before your careers even start, to learn things they want to teach you,...still you can't see any types of connections.

                    Higher education, what I am saying is, you don't need to know everything if you're sat in a Doctor's office and a patient tells you what is wrong, you can flip through the book on each individual case and diagnose people.

                    Besides, sitting in school learning everything......What exactly does a Doctor sit in class for years for? Tell me what kind of things their teachers teach them.....then go and ask your Doctor what each ingredient is in a bottle of meds, he can only tell you what he has been educated what is in meds and what they do for the body.......,Go and ask your Doctor why pharmaceutical companies that design things to make us better also make alcoholic spirits.....ask him if they are health carers or health destroyers.....still you can't see the connection.

    24. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years ago

      I think he meant that human institutions are stupid. That we put all our faith in them is stupid.
      That we refrain from thinking for ourselves and tuning into reality from within … that is ...

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

        That was very well +++++++++++++spoken !

      2. profile image57
        Miking 009posted 8 years ago

        In right its always ways people try to get money nothing in life is free

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Why should we keep investing in research when we don't get results......all we ever get is breakthroughs

          How many breakthroughs can there possibly be before a result?......

          Everything in life can be free....but paper chasing is more important apparently

      3. profile image57
        Miking 009posted 8 years ago


      4. Aime F profile image72
        Aime Fposted 8 years ago

        Maybe you should try to find someone in Malawi to trade places with.  You wouldn't have to work "for the man", you could spend your days doing everything from scratch and working hard for the simplest of luxuries (like clean water... if you really need that then I'm sure you don't mind all the work involved in being able to drink a glass of water).  No pesky doctors trying to diagnose you with made up diseases, very few kids being tainted by a corrupt education system. 

        Offer someone who lives there your job and your home.  Seriously.  You don't appreciate it, why not give it to someone who will?  Sounds like you'd be happier living their lifestyle, too.  Win-win!

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Not Thinking Again....if you lot weren't so greedy water pipes could be give to them for NOTHING....but no you have to do it the DONATION method that is in currency....

          You wouldn't have to work hard you doughnut if life was wouldn't work at would just get what you wouldn't even be classed as work...

          How can I example that......hmmmm let's say you want to go out for a meal....and you do you consider that work? Bare in mind you have had to walk or drive to the restaurant and have had to WORK all week to be able to afford the meal lol (yes work like they do), probably find a parking space and pay someone for absolutely nothing lol....

          You walking to a supermarket or restaurant for food that you pay for as a result of YOU WORKING long hours all week is no different to them walking for water (if anything your work is harder)......see what I mean you can't think for shit.....the difference is you stupidly pay for food they don' well there is a difference, they are limited to what food they can choose from (wow what a freedom you have you can pick what sandwich you want), but so could they if live was free and we all put everything in place for each other....then moved forward

          And you don't think at all......if life was free that would have water pipes and everything put in place....the only reason they have to work hard now is because of you lot....putting price tags on things because your greedy and they can't afford it...nor does the charities that use their misfortune seem to help them even though they have had billions from fools like you to do just that....think think think think is people like you making them work hard for don't even use that as something to try make a point....just like your boss MAKES you work so you can go buy food and bits....see what I mean you don't think, most of us work 5 days a week and long hours to get money to buy what is the difference? We work hard to survive, so do they, but they do it free....and if you weren't so greedy and we all put things in place for each other the standard can be raised as to what options they have ie a choice of is your greed making them work hard and YOU work hard.....for things

          What we are doing by working all week for money to get buy food is probably harder work than them walking in the fresh air for water/their food......see you don't think you just consider these sad adverts the charities show you as awww they are worse of than me.....they are not they work for food and so do you, but your greed is stopping them from having the choices that you have

          See what I mean by you don't think.....

          Another thought....if we plumbed those without water into the sea, and gave their mud huts taps, tubs and the you know what that will do??

          It would probably stop floods and disasters because the water will have another reach (somewhere to go) to manoeuvre around.....think about that....then think that is probably why they won't plumb them into the sea....they love misery mate, they earn from it.....

          1. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            The problem seems to be that you forget that someone works, whether the fruit of their labor is free to you or not.

            That restaurant meal didn't magically appear on the table for you.  Somebody worked to grow the food, to transport it to the restaurant, to cook it and place it in front of you. 

            Those pipes won't magically appear in the ground for clean water; someone worked to make the pipe, transport it to where it is needed, dig the hole and well and put it there.  Someone worked to make the pump and the generating plant to run it, and someone works to keep it all working.  It isn't free at all, regardless of what the final user is paying.

            The bottom line, then, is that you want someone else to provide the work and effort while you (and others you choose) live free without having to work themselves.  Yes?

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              The problem seems to be that you forget that someone works, whether the fruit of their labor is free to you or not.

              But what are you working for that is what you're forgetting....are you working for the things you want? That can't have because of the lack of money?

              You could be going to a different place every single day working for what you ACTUALLY want....teaching yourself new things - PROPER would not even consider it as labor you would consider it as I am going to the shop to get a new bike but the shops will be factories where you have fun and make the bloody bike rather than picking it off of a shelve of the middle mans......

              That restaurant meal didn't magically appear on the table for you.  Somebody worked to grow the food, to transport it to the restaurant, to cook it and place it in front of you.

              Use ROBOTS.... or there is enough people in the world to get sources of things we need, if we all shared that work to get the sources, we would probably only have to work 1 hour EACH a year in this sense......but to turn the sources into products type of work will be you going to factories and making what you want....which we can change and call that EDUCATION...rather than work.

              Those pipes won't magically appear in the ground for clean water; someone worked to make the pipe, transport it to where it is needed, dig the hole and well and put it there.  Someone worked to make the pump and the generating plant to run it, and someone works to keep it all working.  It isn't free at all, regardless of what the final user is paying.

              For god sake think for yourself mate....source the products for 1 hour per year each, then let the africans go to work to make the pipes and other stuff then spend one hour each a year putting them in place....once it is done that will be the end of that type of work...all at no cost

              The bottom line, then, is that you want someone else to provide the work and effort while you (and others you choose) live free without having to work themselves.  Yes?

              That is what is happening anyway...THINK FOR GOD are making things for other people on you MUST do it bribe or lose of your stuff......and no that is not the bottom line, if I want things like a bike I will have to go to a factory/shop and make it if I don't want one then I won't go and make it.....I wouldn't say to you go make me a people get told to now go do this or do that or say goodbye to your wages/money/living alloanwces

      5. Live to Learn profile image61
        Live to Learnposted 8 years ago

        Don't move to Malawi Footballnut. I'm still trying to get over to England to be a meter maid. It wouldn't be any fun handing out parking tickets if I had no hope that you would get one. smile

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
          Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Meanwhile, here you go … !


        2. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Here you go this is from Monday A PERFECT EXAMPLE FOR YOU FROM TWO DAYS AGO....this 83 year old woman with cancer who was visiting her dying brother in a HOSPITAL GETS A PARKING TICKET.......In a hospital where we work hard and pay our taxes to fund it.....yet we can't even fucking park at the hospital without paying/being bribed with - if you don't pay, we will fine you stupid amounts and take you a court if you do not pay.....You so stupid you will not THINK for yourself and look at EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO and see there is a bribe in it....your a fool

          it is fucking sick...sorry for swearing......what is wrong with you people to just think this is natural behaviour for the everyday person, let alone find it funny that elderly women are getting their pensions took off of them, this could lead to them not being able to afford food, or heating....imagine your gran sat in her home in the winter months freezing and hungry because she got fined by one of THE HUNDREDS of bribes that we just accept therefore could not afford to warm her home or buy is not funny is it? Or are you really that twisted, sick, ill, mental, crazy to believe this is right?

          She is drugged up on medicine because the hospital have give her shitty medicine....she is old and forgetful....and all she done is not told a government employee that she parked her car somewhere....what is wrong with you people to even deem this as just the norm, you're not right in the head....

          imagine how many have just gone and paid it out of fear of going to court..THAT IS AN UNKNOWN telling me this is right?

 … -fine.html

          Your just an idiot.......hope you lose your job or source of surviving income and then we will see how you like the bribes when they kick you out your house.....I actually can't wait for these banks to call in your countries debts just so EVERY SINGLE person like you ends up on their backsides....your so cocky now, you wait wait until you're screaming I AM A VICTIM, because that is what people like you cause so much crap through thickness then claim to be a victim.....I can not wait now, I think you should take my number and ring me when it happens just so I can laugh at you and say DON'T worry about it, come to England and be a meter maid for pennies an hour...

          The bribe is everything you do......hope you don't suffer to much well I do just so karma gets you for being a sheep and trying to be sarcastic like an educated person does.....

          Just ring the meter company and tell them your a yes sir yes sir fool, the job will be yours instantly.....they like dense people like that you see.

          1. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            So she illegally parked in a handicapped zone and got fined for it...but you think that's all right because it's the "free" thing to do.

            Sorry, I disagree.  We have those in the US, too, and you will get ticketed just like she did if you park there illegally.  Which I support: I am not only willing to give up the most convenient parking places to those that need them, but am also more than willing to fine those that use them improperly.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              So she illegally parked in a handicapped zone and got fined for it...but you think that's all right because it's the "free" thing to do.

              Are you for real do you read...she is disabled she has cancer, she is 83 years old, no she was not ILLEGALLY parked, there is no such thing it is a made up thing to rip people off....

              Sorry, I disagree.  We have those in the US, too, and you will get ticketed just like she did if you park there illegally.  Which I support: I am not only willing to give up the most convenient parking places to those that need them, but am also more than willing to fine those that use them improperly.

              I give up I really do.....thickness is going to give you lot a horrible life...wait and see....your smiles and we are american we are great is temporary mate....your being used by being iven these temporary smiles....carry on....

              It is a man made bloody law you wally, so how can you say it illegal, it only illegal because people want to take your money off of you, or your belongings if you do not give them the money.....really???

              America and England are all about a FREE WORLD apparent...yet everything is about money....WTF?

              Answer that.

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Because we are not sensitive, patient or clever enough to develop and rely on a barter system yet. Not to mention, necessity is the mother of invention. When the time comes and I am quite sure it will, we will start to become more subtle traders of goods and services  ……

                I would like to know what is going on in Greece. As you say, their story today is not being told. Do you know it?

              2. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                If she was not illegally parked she would not have gotten the ticket.  That's pretty easy to figure out whether you like the law or not.

                Perhaps you should look up the definition of "law", or "illegal".  It concerns man made rules for interaction with other people, and does not (typically) involve a single person deciding that anarchy is what everyone wants.  Nor is the purpose (usually) to take your money - it is to benefit society as a whole, regardless of what individuals want.  So society finds it advantageous to reserve parking spots for handicapped members...and demands that no one else use them on penalty of a fine.  I don't have a problem with that.

                1. profile image0
                  FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  If she was not illegally parked she would not have gotten the ticket.  That's pretty easy to figure out whether you like the law or not.

                  She was parked on land.....NO ONE OWNS THE LAND......but we allow greedy people to make enforcements on it because we are thick

                  Perhaps you should look up the definition of "law", or "illegal".  It concerns man made rules for interaction with other people, and does not (typically) involve a single person deciding that anarchy is what everyone wants.  Nor is the purpose (usually) to take your money - it is to benefit society as a whole, regardless of what individuals want.  So society finds it advantageous to reserve parking spots for handicapped members...and demands that no one else use them on penalty of a fine.  I don't have a problem with that.

                  OTHER think we have all been consulted about where they want to enforce the LAW in this manner....or having it forced upon us.....if you seriously think that us that pay our taxes for our hospitals, and for the use of our roads have agreed to then being told where and when we can use the road then you really are just here to try and pick bones.......

                  ....40 years ago when we were parking in the exact same spots and not getting charged was because they didn't twig on that they could make money out of you really think that they don't put things in place to make money ....FOR FUCK SACK SHE WAS DISABLED are you capable of reading......she had the right to use that handicapped spot....she is disabled that makes her handicapped.....but they is still besides the point....NO ONE should have to be bribed like this on LAND that is only owned via a signature.....and be permitted to be owned by who?? The Government....of who benefit.........seriously just carry on...and one day when it is probably too late this will all click and you will see mate what we are chatting about now.

                  The definaition of illegal is anything they make money out of if your capable of seeing that....the definition of law is if you do not abide by rules your breaking you illegally park as the greedy cunts call it and do not pay the get a fine, then took TO COURT....yes a law court.....

                  Do I seriously have to do all the thinking here......when you read things before replying please think as deeply as possible about what you have read.....think of all the things you possibly can.....that way I won't have to be your brain

          2. Live to Learn profile image61
            Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Wow. You are incredibly rude. I'm shocked you are allowed to insult others that way without getting banned. I guess hub pages staff feels sorry for you. I can share that sentiment.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Don't call me rude because your all getting a taste of your own medicine and being called things back...

              You laughing and being sarcastic because you think you know it all about old women getting tickets/people in general made you want to be a meter maid.....where has your sense of humour gone when you get things said back to you.....???

              You have been finding it funny that people like elderly women are getting their food money and heating money ROBBED off of don't start shouting your the victim of rudeness NOW was so predictable you would do exactly all I said back was hope you lose your job so you suffer from a bribe beings you think its the same manner elderly people do for things that we allow the greedy to do to us.....make your mind up are bribes like this funny or not? Or are they only funny when they don't effect you? But they do, because you won't look at everything and see the just keep being sarcastic about the parking bribe....concentrate on the others and wake up...

              If you talk nicely, and not will be treated the same my friend....

              1. Live to Learn profile image61
                Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                I wasn't shouting anything. You're the one using caps. I labeled you rude because you called me an idiot. Not because you hoped I'd lose my job. That's not rude it's unkind.

                No one is being robbed. You consistently claiming a falsehood to be true doesn't make it so. I see now you want to work only one day a year. I think anyone can see what you want. Everyone else to take care of you. Talk about robbing.

                1. profile image0
                  FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

         … -fine.html

                  Is that link not an example of one type of daylight ROBBERY?

                  What are you on about we don't get robbed by the rich.....the reason the rich even exist is because they rob the poorer

                  I suggested you go back through and read your comments with regards to name chucking because someone thinks different to you.....again it is okay when your not on the receiving end

                  And who is asking to be took care of? Not me......however the rich are being took care way is a free way so I don't need taking care of....

                  Life really is back to front.....

                  I can't even believe you have turned this into a jerry springer show of who said what........see how it works now...

                  Yet, we both what a better one has said it has to be my way but no one else will think and put the way forward because are too happy being bribed by the RICH...who once put their way forward and was deemed as can have everything you want is that not what we all go to work for because we are hoping to get everything we want the difference is the way we are doing things now stops us getting what we causes stress, worry and many other things....put some ideas forward and it only takes people to make ideas reality....

                  Get these clever educated people to organise a GLOBAL STOP DAY......where we do nothing and ride out the storm without fighting each other.......the rich will have to give us everything they will take if we done this back....because there will be no one to sell things to etc......if they don't give it back their is more of us than them to re-build right next to our old properties......they will have to give us the POWER back......

                2. profile image0
                  FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  And another thing if you don't think we are getting this simple experiment...


                  Write down your monthly salary.

                  Then write down all your expenses that operates your home (your business)


                  cleaning materials
                  phone lines
                  your car tax
                  insurances or home and cars and other stuff

                  Put every expense in that list you can think of that involves what you go to work for to KEEP....or maintain

                  workout the monthly cost for each then add them up and take them off of your monthly salary

                  Whatever is left divide that amount by the amount of hours you work a month......THAT IS YOUR PROFIT per hour........I bet you it is not far off of a dollar or a pound per hour if your at the lower end of society like most if us.....SLAVE LABOUR

                  Working it out like this we are virtually doing it for no PROFIT anyway, so why not do it for no simply making what we as individuals want.....

                  The only work involved in doing this is putting things in place which won't take that long if we worked together.....then we can go make our own stuff and educate yourself by making the things we want rather than sitting in a class for years on end and then only being limited to make a small profit from that ONE life subject....we can learn everything absolutely everything if we was allowed to and we would teach ourselves everything rather than being told this is the way to do things by one person and this is the way to do things by a different person.....find our own ways of doing things....

                  A life where we don't have to go to work unless we want happy would that make people?

                  A life where we don't have bills, how happy would that make people?

                  The way we are doing things now is absolutely ridiculous......slow the fuck down people stop trying to fit everything in a time scale we are told we can expect to have.......get rid of age then we can't be told an expectant life span can we? That could make people never to feel old in itself

                  1. Live to Learn profile image61
                    Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    So, what kind of drugs are you on?

                  2. wilderness profile image90
                    wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    So when was the last time you made a car?  A gallon of gas?  When did you last raise, slaughter and butcher a cow to put in the freezer you made with your own hands?  Can you make the concrete, sheetrock and lumber in your house?  The paint on it?

                    Did you make your computer and the broadband/web you use to post here?  Did you generate the electricity that computer uses?  Could you if you had to?

                    Can you even make a tube of toothpaste and the brush to use it?  No, you can't do any of those things?  Then quit pretending we can all make everything we want or need all by ourselves and accept that we all have far, far more of everything when we specialize and each learn and do a different thing.  And then trade with each other.

                    1. profile image0
                      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      So when was the last time you made a car?  A gallon of gas?  When did you last raise, slaughter and butcher a cow to put in the freezer you made with your own hands?  Can you make the concrete, sheetrock and lumber in your house?  The paint on it?

                      Standards is down to each persons desire........just because you have not made things before does that mean IT IS COMPLETELY impossible for you to do it?

                      Did you make your computer and the broadband/web you use to post here?  Did you generate the electricity that computer uses?  Could you if you had to?

                      No....but people you think that if money stopped that people would not be able to make it......

                      Can you even make a tube of toothpaste and the brush to use it?  No, you can't do any of those things?  Then quit pretending we can all make everything we want or need all by ourselves and accept that we all have far, far more of everything when we specialize and each learn and do a different thing.  And then trade with each other.

                      That is the whole point you will be fun and not in a class room reading pointless books.....YOU TIE YOURSELF TO ONLY BEING ABLE TO DO ONE THING....

                      1. wilderness profile image90
                        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                        For sure!  You can mine the copper, gold, silicon and other ingredients to make a computer.  You can learn to take your tweezers and make a chip out of those raw materials (after smelting them in the smelter you build).  You can extrude them in your extruder to make wires and slide the insulation you make over it.  You can make the housing from the plastic you form from oil you drilled for with your drill rig on your land and install all the parts into your new computer.

                        Somebody's a wally, but it isn't me.  Having worked for 40+ years in both industrial maintenance and new construction, I'm one of the most all-around competent people I know, but there isn't a chance I can make a computer or even a toothbrush...and neither can you, even after years of education in how to do so.  Neither of us could even design an Operating System - the final, most simple step of all in computer manufacture.

                        So that's the point, you wally - you will never, ever be able to manufacture hardly any of the things you routinely use, let alone all of them!

                  3. wilderness profile image90
                    wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    "A life where we don't have to go to work unless we want happy would that make people?"

                    We already have that.  No one forces you to work except yourself.

                    "A life where we don't have bills, how happy would that make people?"

                    Don't demand things and you won't have bills.  We already have that too.  It is only your own wants and demands that cause you to have bills.

                    1. profile image0
                      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      "A life where we don't have to go to work unless we want happy would that make people?"

                      We already have that.  No one forces you to work except yourself.

                      Yes they try keeping your house and a car and get food without going to work...

                      "A life where we don't have bills, how happy would that make people?"

                      Don't demand things and you won't have bills.  We already have that too.  It is only your own wants and demands that cause you to have bills.

                      You will always have bills even if you just earned enough to keep a roof over your head.....

                      1. profile image0
                        ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                        So the human world IS all about the personal choice  ? ......   I chose not to be a stupid  Human .....Duh.!

                      2. wilderness profile image90
                        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                        You want your house and for it.  If you don't want to work, give it up.  Your choice, and it has been that way since time immemorial.  Even the cavemen had to work to feed themselves - nature doesn't simply provide for them without any effort on their part any more than other people will provide for you without effort on your part.

      6. Aime F profile image72
        Aime Fposted 8 years ago

        Dude, it was kind of amusing at first but now you've gone off the deep end are just being straight up insulting.  Did you ever stop to think that maybe every other human being in the world isn't dumb and it's you that's not thinking hard enough?  Or are you just such a special snowflake that it never crossed your mind that you could be missing something?

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          The insults were a test to see how educated people who write have you consider that not everyone is dumb it could be you basically (which is an insult but deemed okay because it was spoken by an educated person), and that all the way through this have given insults, but once they get them back after weeks of communicating, they play the I AM A VICTIM card you are insulting me lol

          See.......what an example....

          1. Aime F profile image72
            Aime Fposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            No, me insinuating that you might be the one who's not thinking straight, as opposed to billions of other people, is not insulting you.  It's being logical and realistic.  I'm sorry you can't seem to grasp that.

            And don't act like you haven't been insulting people from the second you started this thread (it's literally right there in the title), you're just being crass about it now instead of a subtle "think harder" (which you've repeated about a bazillion times).

            I don't think you were 'testing' me, I think you're getting rattled.  Which is good.  I'm glad.

      7. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years ago

        "get rid of age then we can't be told an expectant life span … "
        I heard in India they don't celebrate birthdays and no one really knows their age.
        Maybe that was in the past.

      8. Aime F profile image72
        Aime Fposted 8 years ago

        Doing everything myself from scratch doesn't sound appealing at all.  I don't have any interest in building my own house from the ground up, I don't have any interest in spending all day tracking animals and hunting my own food, I don't have any interest in sourcing my own electricity and gas, I don't have any interest in chopping down trees and building my own furniture, I don't have interest in building my own car.  Do you have any idea how long all of that would take?  When am I supposed to be enjoying my free time here?

        No, I'd rather work doing a job in a field that I am educated in and therefore actually interested in and then pay for the products and services that come from people who are doing the same.  I'd rather work on a schedule and know for sure that I am going to have time during the day to see my daughter instead of having no idea when I'm going to be back from doing whatever random and ridiculous task I have no idea how to do that day.  That sounds much more enjoyable to me.

        1. wilderness profile image90
          wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Let's see.  In my state, it will take you 4 years of training to wire your new home yourself.  About the same to plumb it.  2 years (I think) to install HVAC.  At a guess, some 2 years to learn to frame.  More to finish (wall/floor coverings, etc.)  So 12+ years of training, during which you still have to hunt your meat and grow your garden on the rooftop you don't have. 

          It's a really good plan, isn't it?

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Let's see.  In my state, it will take you 4 years of training to wire your new home yourself.  About the same to plumb it.  2 years (I think) to install HVAC.  At a guess, some 2 years to learn to frame.  More to finish (wall/floor coverings, etc.)  So 12+ years of training, during which you still have to hunt your meat and grow your garden on the rooftop you don't have.

            4 years of training is because they want you in school as long as possible, to actually learn to wire a house is not difficult, they make things more complicated than they need to to make education seem more important, plumbing is pipes mate, that connect together......for example have a look at one of the replies of learning how to become a Doctor within an hour and you will see years and years of EXPENSIVE training really is not required......

            And as said before others maybe better at doing these types of jobs, so can do it for you in return for you doing something they need.....(but to money lovers this seems impossible lol)

            You only have to hunt meat if that is what you choose to want to eat, that is choice based on how easy you want life to be....on another note to make life easier for meat eaters they can breed (educate yourself) their own, instead of hunting.....kill it, slaughter it, gut it, cook it, eat it.....they will probably choose to eat something else after one breeding session lol

            It's a really good plan, isn't it?

            Yes, it is only not a good plan if you don't open your mind to real freedom, it is only not a good plan if you want  to depend on others to keep the money cycle running that only benefits JEWS in the long term lol

            1. Live to Learn profile image61
              Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Next time you need an invasive medical procedure give me a call. I'll call myself a doctor and I'll do it for you, free of charge. smile

              1. profile image0
                FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Next time you need an invasive medical procedure give me a call. I'll call myself a doctor and I'll do it for you, free of charge. smile

                Seriously you could lol.

                Okay here is a problem, I was at work and I cut my finger, around the cut it has started to swell, it is only a small cut and was caused by paper lol what cream to rub on it to make the swelling go down?

                Lol, I bet within one minute of you reading this reply you can tell me to:

                Keep it clean using such and such

                Then apply such and such cream on it lol

                Then tell me if the swelling does not start to go down in 5-10 days to come back and see you hahaha does that sound familiar lol (when they say this, I automatically think, your a Doctor why are you giving me this cream if you're not sure if it works or not lol, sounds like that guessing game again, if it don't work I will come back and see you and you can guess at another PRODUCT that might work lol and to think years of training went into being able to guess)

                Once you tell me, I will then go to my Doctor and tell him exactly the same thing, and I bet he will tell me the exact same thing you're about to lol....

                Yet, none of you know what the hell is in the cream haha.....all you know is this cream is for cut fingers lol.....that is all a Doctor is smile.

                Bare in mind I have done this before, and just left it and the cut healed naturally after a few days, but now I feel like I want to have sometime off work so need you to sign me off therefore have to receive some form of treatment from you so you can sign a piece of paper saying I can not work for a week lol

                On the flip side though, I will never need a Doctor, I will never get ill....there is nothing out there that can make us ill except being diagnosed by Doctors who have no clue what they have been trained other than that black spot means cancer so this treatment goes with that diagnoses, or a aching ear complaint, is a ear ache, these drops go with that diagnoses lol, that is all they are trained, what medication goes with each complaint symbol.....

                When I was a little younger though I fell and broke my wrist, it did not hurt at all, but do you know something, without my permission the ambulance took me away to the hospital, they operated on my wrist and put metal pins in it, do you know what? When I woke up from the operation, my wrist was hurting, they hurt it more than me breaking it did, I would rather they had left me alone and allowed the bones to heal naturally, yes it would have healed crooked but so what, it is as almost as if it is not allowed to heal naturally, they have to straighten it so people can carry on working lol....then to add insult to injury, when they tried pulling the pins out they had a lot of trouble as the skin had grown around the pins so they could not grip it to yank it......which was quite painful, they hurt me with their so called expertise more than falling and breaking my wrist.....they treated me according to what their education told them to for this injury without having a clue what they were giving me in terms of medication

                1. profile image0
                  ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Your ah finger ; may need amputating .......I suggest at the neck.

                  1. profile image0
                    FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Good guess, but that one never worked...try again Doctor, have another dip in your lucky dip bag and try diagnosing via guesswork is no different to a Doctor diagnosing via might work or it might not lol.....

                    Doctor's guess what treatments might work, if no improvements have been made from their guess they tell you to come back in a few days/week so they can have another guess at what treatment might work or might not work....

                    They should never ever ever ever be giving people things if it is not 100% that what they give them will work, because if they give them something that don't work, then it could cause other problems (side effects), which then means their is now two issues that they have to guess what might work to make both issues better, if they don't work it may cause even more problems lol so once your on that medical trail of allowing them to guess at what works and what may not, the likelihood is, you will never get off of it.....disgusting education smile

                2. Live to Learn profile image61
                  Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm uncertain who would go to the doctor for a cut finger unless it was so deep as to require stitches or there was sign of infection several days later. I say apply an antiseptic, put a band-aid on it until it scabs over and then give it plenty of air. It should heal quickly.

                  This is so ludicrous that it does not warrant serious response. All I can say is that I do hope you never suffer unduly from following your own foolish advice.

                  1. profile image0
                    FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    I'm uncertain who would go to the doctor for a cut finger unless it was so deep as to require stitches or there was sign of infection several days later. I say apply an antiseptic, put a band-aid on it until it scabs over and then give it plenty of air. It should heal quickly.

                    Lol cheers Doctor, it was for the swelling not the cut itself, but that sounds exactly like the answer the Doctor would do need to add to your advise though that if the swelling does not go down in a few days to come back and see you so you can have another guess from your lucky medical dip bag lol...

                    As for not believing illnesses, that are supposedly cured on a"it might work or might not work" basis do not exist....that is not ludicrous, it is called not believing in the trillion pound illness business, nor will I ever have to worry about getting ill....which cuts out worry, so it is all good....

                    How can I trust someone that medicates me based on guesswork to diagnose illnesses lol

                    1. Live to Learn profile image61
                      Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      I didn't forget. That would be the extent of our exchange. It would be up to you to follow up.

                      Better to trust someone with a little education than trust someone with none at all.

                      1. profile image0
                        FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                        Okay, thank You Doctor Den lol.

                        But who writes the books that Doctor's educate themselves from? Rich people can you really trust rich people who keep getting richer to educate Doctors without lying?

                        I do have some education though based on experience, apparently we are born with cancer (how experts know this I do not know, the only way they can know this is if they have opened up babies).....

                        I also know that both my nan's died from cancer, so have 3 of my friends, my nan's were 60 odd and 70 odd, before being diagnosed with this illness that apparently we all have cells of from birth they were full of life, but once they got diagnosed and started receiving treatment they both died within a year and a half from the decease that they have cells from for birth. So they went 60 odd and 70 odd years with these cells, the Doctors touch them then within 15 months they are dead ???????????????????????????

                        One of my friends was in his 30's and was always out enjoying life, he went Doctors complaining of a bad back, got given painkillers (guesswork), then went back several weeks later and got given something else, then went back and got referred to a specialist who diagnosed him with cancer, next thing he was given 3 months to live and had parts of his back chopped out.....within 3 months he was dead.....I have to ask the question if he never went and told the Doctor he had a bad back would he still be alive?....and why was the Doctor giving him medication before referring him to a specialist? He was obviously giving my friend drugs/medication without knowing what the problem was (guesswork)....doctors should never ever ever ever be giving people medication based on what patients TELL THE DOCTOR is is the doctors job to tell the patient what is wrong.....

                        Did giving my friend medication for a bad back worsen the problem the specialist diagnosed my friend with?

                        Doctors really do not do anything other than like I said, listen to what is wrong via talking to the patient then give them medication based on what they have been educated to give them for the part of the body that the patient complains is all guesswork....

        2. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Doing everything myself from scratch doesn't sound appealing at all.  I don't have any interest in building my own house from the ground up, I don't have any interest in spending all day tracking animals and hunting my own food, I don't have any interest in sourcing my own electricity and gas, I don't have any interest in chopping down trees and building my own furniture, I don't have interest in building my own car.  Do you have any idea how long all of that would take?  When am I supposed to be enjoying my free time here?

          Then don't live in your own house lol that is your choice, stop being dependent on everyone else to lay your life out for you. So you can't be bothered to do all this, yet your happy to go to work all week and get money just to pay for these things you can't be bothered to do yourself? That don't make sense, what is the point us going to work to make someone else rich in order to pay for things YOU can do yourself lol.....

          At least this way people have a choice weather to build a house and live in it, none of us get that now, at the moment we have to take mortgages out which in effect is a massive risk, or have to seek permission and pay loads to someone who claims the land is theirs to build on FREE LAND, because these bankers time things, so they call their debts in from Governments to make people lose things, and when they do and the government have to take more money from you eventually you will not be able to afford the home you depended on someone else putting together for you, then you will have nowhere to live...either way the current structure of building or buying our own homes puts us in DEBT

          It wouldn't take that long to be honest ONCE IN PLACE.......but all these things will be called REAL EDUCATION......

          No, I'd rather work doing a job in a field that I am educated in and therefore actually interested in and then pay for the products and services that come from people who are doing the same.  I'd rather work on a schedule and know for sure that I am going to have time during the day to see my daughter instead of having no idea when I'm going to be back from doing whatever random and ridiculous task I have no idea how to do that day.  That sounds much more enjoyable to me.

          To see your daughter, that goes to school and is being brought up by them/their education rather than you because you're out working to pay for things you can not be bothered to do yourself? How about you take your daughter when you work for food and educate her of how to grow food, rather than let someone else educate her with useless information? You can spend all day with your daughter when your doing the things you want ie making something and teaching for the hunting, that is choice based on what you want to eat, how about breed your own forms of meat, play with the chickens/feed them with your daughter, she would love it lol

      9. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

        But don't you socialists want subsidies for everyone , Including the doctors ? Got to support them too .

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          But don't you socialists want subsidies for everyone , Including the doctors ? Got to support them too .

          No, as they are not needed, Doctors are just the middle man between YOU & and medical product sales.....

          I don't support them one bit, they're kept in school for as long as possible to learn their trade and paid a decent wage only to make their trade seem important, when it really is not. Then once they have qualified and spent all that time in school and got themselves in debt to pay for the education they then guess what treatments may or may not work when a client as we should call patients visit them AND TELL THEM WHAT IS WRONG when it is the Doctors job to tell the client what is wrong lol

          We don't need Doctors in life, nor do we ever ever ever need to be educated of any illnesses, being educated about illnesses just causes worry, if none of us heard of reasons of death none of us would worry about illnesses, why not just call death what it is "Death"? Rather than bracket it into causes such as heart problems, cancer, blood clots and so on.....drop all that shit we don't need to know this stuff.....just drop dead and call it "death" not he/she dies of this blah blah so then a charity can be founded for that blah blah blah reason that do research for that blah blah blah decease in the hope of finding cures for blah blah blah that they never find, just seems like an excuse to take billions in donations to me for some rich git.....

          because the EXPERTS guess what might work and what might not work when treating is disgusting that we allow ourselves to be used as guinea pigs.....why are we allowing them to experiment on our bodies based on guesswork?

      10. Aime F profile image72
        Aime Fposted 8 years ago

        I find it painful that this guy is so opposed to education when clearly he needs it really, really badly.

        It must get tiring being so skeptical and cynical about everything.  I feel bad for you, dude.

        1. wilderness profile image90
          wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Why?  He's having fun - that it sounds so ridiculous is part of the schtick!

        2. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          We don't need no education
          We don't need no school control

          Teacher leave those kids alone.....

          Great song that.....

          No one needs education about death.....if it happens it one needs education of the 12x12 tables.....that does not tell us how banks and money work

          we don't need education that basically tells us our bodies are going to get apparent see through illnesses...

          We don't need education telling kids that to be a superhero go to war and blow up some people...

          Seriously if such things were not taught do you not believe the world would be a nicer place?

          There is loads more lol....

        3. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Believe it or not I am pretty well educated in the governmental world, I passed all my school exams and did once believe in education was good.......

          But as I have got a little older (only 33) life knowledge has struck me bit by bit and I can see how see through everything is......

          So I am educated and completely understand everyone else's views because I once had the same views, however my wake up call started with charities and how they never give us results....proper results not just longevity results, because longevity does not solve/cure illnesses it just prolongs them....

          Then when I started thinking about that my brain just opened up to everything and a wave of un-taught education just flooded in and life made sense, such as the people behind the government debts, wars, illnessesses and the rest of lifes mysteries..........which now I can happily say I will never worry about anything, illnesses, debts or any other life problems they put on us....

          1. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            "Believe it or not I am pretty well educated in the governmental world"

            I'm sorry, but I translate that statement as being "I know nothing of science, nothing of people and nothing of the real world.  I live in the make-believe world of politics, power, manipulation and control.". 

            Of course, if you meant that you went to public schools, it could be different.  Such schools do offer learning and knowledge, but much depends on the location and the classes taken.  Study underwater basket weaving and you won't learn much, while 4 years of study in biology is a much different matter. 

            That you believe there is no disease, that you think you can manufacture anything you want, that you think experimentation and testing is worthless...these things tend to indicate the first possibility.  Or just that it's fun playing a troll after all.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              "Believe it or not I am pretty well educated in the governmental world"

              I'm sorry, but I translate that statement as being "I know nothing of science, nothing of people and nothing of the real world.  I live in the make-believe world of politics, power, manipulation and control.".

              No....that is you that lives in that world lol.....your world involves does science, politics and control.....lmao....

              Of course, if you meant that you went to public schools, it could be different.  Such schools do offer learning and knowledge, but much depends on the location and the classes taken.  Study underwater basket weaving and you won't learn much, while 4 years of study in biology is a much different matter.

              Yeah, the different matter is with weaving baskets you don't get worries from it, whereas learning biology it tells you your body is going to full apart......and what bones are what so that if you then become a doctor and some one comes and see's you, you can speak for the Government/medicine companies and say, awww if that bone aches that is arthritis.....with that form of arthritis you need these tablets my education told me this tablet goes with that ache so off you go, come back next week if nothing improves lol....

              4 years again see....keep them in school for as long as possible, run their debts up for education then send them out to dish out medication based on what people TELL THEM IS WRONG.....I have a sore bum you go, I learnt during 4 years at school that sore bums need worm tablets...there you go, if that don't work come back and see me in a week and I will try another guess lol.......

              That you believe there is no disease, that you think you can manufacture anything you want, that you think experimentation and testing is worthless...these things tend to indicate the first possibility.  Or just that it's fun playing a troll after all.

              Yes, they are man-made mate....lets look at things beings you won't think for yourself...

              What causes according to experts

              Heart attacks = the food we eat/what we drink, exercise, or lack of or too much of

              Obesity = the food we eat/what we drink

              diarrhea = the food we eat/what we drink

              vomiting = the food we eat/what we drink

              stomach ulcers = acid (in food we eat/what we drink)

              spots/acne = the food we eat/what we drink

              bad teeth = the food we eat/what we drink

              headaches/migraines = dehydration/lack of water

              cancer = the food we eat/what we drink, smoking, fumes etc

              heartburn = the food we eat/what we drink

              bad body odour = the food we eat/what we drink

              need I go on????

              The list is endless, so are you telling me that illnesses that are caused through man-made things such as cigarettes, food, drink, alcohol, fumes can not be cured simply???

              They can but there is too much money in them things so they will never cure them things...

              But think deeper, medicine companies make food and drink, and make medicines to create longevity from the problems their foods and drinks cause......this means we are alive longer paying for their food and drink, then their pretend cures lol then they help charities for problems their products cause that we donate to so they can research to find cures for problems their products cause.....yet they never ever ever ever ever ever have found one cure for anything lol

              p.s the same companies also make toothpastes and deodorants etc to cure our smelly breaths and smelly armpits lol oh and spot creams lol

              so what I am saying is, if they really cared about us they would ban these things, but they have control of these things so can earn trillions from these things.....but things like cannabis that they never controlled were ban and made to look bad, until they got control of it and now allow shops to sell it seems they say things are bad and ban them if they don't have control of them things, but if they have control of bad things it seems it is okay for them to let us have it out......

              that my friend is the simplicity of science, those that make trillions creating problems also make trillions by claiming to help cure the problems they cause....

              Anything scientific my friend is for the benefit of the rich......

              1. Aime F profile image72
                Aime Fposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                You seem afraid.  Afraid of understanding things about yourself, afraid of understanding that your body can and probably will turn against you somehow someday (especially if you smoke), afraid to take responsibility for yourself as a productive member of society. 

                So you push it all aside and say it doesn't exist.  Your body is fine, you can escape sickness by not believing in it because man made it and nature isn't really that cruel and things aren't really that out of your control.  And you're too important and your time is too valuable to waste on doing things the way society has built and accepted them.  Working a 9-5 job?  What fun is that?  You'd rather do whatever you want whenever you want and you assume everyone else wants to and can live that way. 

                Wake up.  That's not how stuff works no matter how badly you want it to.  Your actions have consequences.  You're not infallible.  If cancer is in your body then it's not going to go away just because you ignore it.  If you clog your arteries with your cigarettes then it's going to stop working.  People have to do things they don't want to do in order to keep things together.  You don't always get what you want.  Life is hard, life is complicated, but it's also wonderful if you want to choose to see it instead of complaining about everything and formulating conspiracies. 

                People are mostly lovely and it's okay to put your trust in them sometimes.  Not everyone spends 10 years in school to sell you bad information for a profit.  But people are also just people and sometimes no matter how hard they try they can't find the answers or the cures to everything that ails us.  Don't you think there are people out there who have lost their loved ones to horrible diseases and would be doing everything in their power to figure out how to stop them?  I know that I do what I do because of my own experiences, I want to help people who are suffering the way that I have, I want to make things BETTER.  I have faith that there are millions of people out there doing the exact same thing.

                We've come a long way in a lot of areas.  Life expectancy is longer than ever.  And I suspect it will keep heading in that direction.  No, we haven't cured everything yet.  Maybe someday we will.  Maybe we won't.  It's hard to stomach, trust me I know.  But pretending none of it exists isn't the way forward and it's not going to help you get better if you DO get sick.

                I don't know if you realize how you come off, but I do sincerely hope that you're just scared and it's all just a form of denial and that you're not actually such a narcissist that you think you're in on a bunch of little secrets that everyone else is too stupid to understand.

                1. profile image0
                  FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  You seem afraid.  Afraid of understanding things about yourself, afraid of understanding that your body can and probably will turn against you somehow someday (especially if you smoke), afraid to take responsibility for yourself as a productive member of society.

                  What is to be afraid of?....why say about have the brain power to think positive and say it WON'T turn against me, the only way it will turn against me is if a doctor gets his hands on me and medicates me......I do not want to be apart of a productive society that is designed to be shit on......what is wrong with that?

                  Furthermore, I have everything I need, a house, a car, furniture all the gadgets.....why can't I now be left alone to live a peaceful and happy life? I still have to go to work to pay £120 a month council tax, so a bulb can be lit up for 3 hours of a night in my street, and so that a dust lorry will take my rubbish away once every two weeks (of which they get gas from and sell it back to the national gas grid)......they don't pay me for creating that gas they charge me to take it away, then sell it back to me lol.....if I don't pay my council tax, guess what? I will suffer from that bribe....the charge will go up or I will get took to court, and potentially end up in that is a free hotel so probably would be the best bet lol

                  So you push it all aside and say it doesn't exist.  Your body is fine, you can escape sickness by not believing in it because man made it and nature isn't really that cruel and things aren't really that out of your control.  And you're too important and your time is too valuable to waste on doing things the way society has built and accepted them.  Working a 9-5 job?  What fun is that?  You'd rather do whatever you want whenever you want and you assume everyone else wants to and can live that way. 

                  No, I am not presuming everyone can and wants to live that way, but that works both ways, the difference is because you lot believe in chasing money and education it stops me being allowed to live the way I want to live.....I can't live how I want to live because like you said society accepts being shit on everyday......I have just as much right as anyone to live how I want but I can't because of greed

                  Wake up.  That's not how stuff works no matter how badly you want it to.  Your actions have consequences.  You're not infallible.  If cancer is in your body then it's not going to go away just because you ignore it.  If you clog your arteries with buildup from your cigarettes then it's going to stop working.  People have to do things they don't want to do in order to keep things together.  You don't always get what you want.  Life is hard, life is complicated, but it's also wonderful if you want to choose to see it instead of complaining about everything and formulating conspiracies.

                  LOL no one has to do ANYTHING they do not want to to keep things together, you are choosing that life by accepting the shitting on society method mentioned above. As for cancer in the body, so what if I do get it UNDIAGNOSED, if I don't know about it it won't hurt me, if I find out about if I bet the medicine trail/worry will kill me off within a year or two, I do not want to be educated or told about it, or be told about any other illness however due to society loving being shit on they are educated this crap so worry can be caused in their lives.....How can I live how I want when you society loves shit education? Life is not hard, life is what you make it, so if your life is hard that is because your allowing it to be made can be as simple as we want it to be.....we make hard, so why do you not believe we can also make it easy lol? As for conspiracies...again your using your trained brain....why is everything that is not allowed to be educated always classed as conspiracy, because they don't want people believing live can be easy that is why.....they won't make money from people living easy

                  In fact if it is true we are born with it I have it now, and I am not one bit worried, but if I go to a Doctor and he says I must have medication to prolong the disease worry will start along with guesswork treatment that might or might not work lol

                  People are mostly lovely and it's okay to put your trust in them sometimes.  Not everyone spends 10 years in school to sell you bad information for a profit.  But people are also just people and sometimes no matter how hard they try they can't find the answers or the cures to everything that ails us.  Don't you think there are people out there who have lost their loved ones to horrible diseases and would be doing everything in their power to figure out how to stop them?  I know that I do what I do because of my own experiences, I want to help people who are suffering the way that I have, I want to make things BETTER.  I have faith that there are millions of people out there doing the exact same thing.

                  No, but they spend that amount of time to speak from government approved books which earns the rich money/profit.......they get a decent wage to to mask over the fact that their jobs are not one bit important....more money makes people think their jobs are important...

                  As for cures, EXACTLY if they can't find the answers why the HELL ARE THEY GIVING US TREATMENTS.....these treatments do not cure anything, and in some cases make things worse/cause side effects.....why the hell are they giving treatments that they know are not cures....and yes I do believe everyday people go into such trades because of suffer they have experienced but just because they have suffered and have gone into something to help it does not mean these illnesses will be cured. What is the point keep going down the same dead end road? It is not working, it is just making rich companies richer.....

                  We've come a long way in a lot of areas.  Life expectancy is longer than ever.  And I suspect it will keep heading in that direction.  No, we haven't cured everything yet.  Maybe someday we will.  Maybe we won't.  It's hard to stomach, trust me I know.  But pretending none of it exists isn't the way forward and it's not going to help you get better if you DO get sick.

                  I do not care about life expectancy, life expectancy is not cures to diseases, So what someone lives until they are 90 but cancer still exists even though they have upped the expectancy of life.....RESULTS IS WHAT WE SHOULD ALL BE ASKING FOR.....THEY HAVE HAD ENOUGH INVESTMENT FROM US.......I will not get sick, I will just drop dead, then they will cut me open and do an autopsy, without my permission just so they can label my death with a disease...

                  I don't know if you realize how you come off, but I do sincerely hope that you're just scared it's all just a form of denial and that you're not actually such a narcissist that you think you're in on a bunch of little secrets that everyone else is too stupid to understand.

                  If you understand then this conversation would never of happened......

      11. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years ago

        Our blueprints are perfect. If your eye is single your body will be full of light.
        Be led by God in all you do:  food choices, exercise, rest and work. Tune in, Turn on.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Exactly full of light.....yet education puts people in the light in a metally retarded bracket in the eyes of the yes sir yes sir people lol.

          We are own God's though in my view....hehe..

          How you keeping anyway.

      12. Aime F profile image72
        Aime Fposted 8 years ago

        Dude, no one is forcing you to live where you do.  There are plenty of places in the world that allow you to live without the luxuries you detest.  What's stopping you from flying to one of the poorest countries in the world and building yourself everything you need like you suggest?  Once you move there and update us all on happy you are, I'll start to take you seriously.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Dude, no one is forcing you to live where you do.  There are plenty of places in the world that allow you to live without the luxuries you detest.  What's stopping you from flying to one of the poorest countries in the world and building yourself everything you need like you suggest?  Once you move there and update us all on happy you are, I'll start to take you seriously.

          haha your missing the point, I LIVE IN A SO CALLED FREE COUNTRY.....why should I have to for plane tickets, belongings transportation, and the rest of the stuff? And there is the point of how crap our freedom is, if you do not say yes sir yes sir treat me like crap you have to up sticks and move.....what a joke

          As for updating you on how happy people are from them countries, if you listen to the poor countries like the middle east instead of listening to your government and the media you will see they were perfectly happy getting their free electric and water and other stuff in some parts of the middle east before we decided to stamp on their land so that our businesses can go on their streets (eventually), then get them working for us/our big companies (yes becoming slaves of greed)......why do you think they are FIGHTING FOR THEIR LAND but get classed as terrorists every time they blow up a village that is starting to look like the western world?

          Listen to how they wanted to drop the dollar from being the main oil currency and how you had to stop them doing that to save your own economy.....there really is no need to update you you have already been updated but have either not heard the update or have chose to ignore me moving to a poor country now there really is no point as our GREED has took over their banks and in some cases created them national banks and put governments (that we can influence due to causing them a national bank debt already) in place to dictate to their people, along with building them schools etc so they can be educated our

          Once they have it all in place in the middle east and other poor countries them places will be like ours...full of bribes and do as your told or face court or prison/might be the guillotine for crimes in the future as America have them in place ready to use I as your told or get sent to America for punishment is how I think things will pan fact you won't be called America by this time as they will rub your borders out and america, mexico and canada will become one nation.....

      13. Aime F profile image72
        Aime Fposted 8 years ago

        Again, it's about you not wanting to take responsibility for yourself.  You ARE free to make your own choices and move if you don't like it where you are.  Boo friggin' hoo you have to be inconvenienced by paying money to get on a plane and move.  No one's handing you everything you want and taking responsibility for your happiness.  Poor guy.  Stop bitching about how your life isn't what you want it to be at the hands of everyone else and either take control over it and find where you want to be or stop whining.  You sound like a spoiled child.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Again, it's about you not wanting to take responsibility for yourself.  You ARE free to make your own choices and move if you don't like it where you are.  Boo friggin' hoo you have to be inconvenienced by paying money to get on a plane and move.  No one's handing you everything you want and taking responsibility for your happiness.  Poor guy.  Stop bitching about how your life isn't what you want it to be at the hands of everyone else and either take control over it and find where you want to be or stop whining.  You sound like a spoiled child.

          I am not free to make my own choices, I am is that free??

          As I said there is no point moving to them places that in 5 years will be living by the exact same rules/bribes....

          Stop telling me to take control when you lot are stopping me lol......I am completely happy, I have everything I need, so why have I still got to live by bribes??

          Your presuming I am unhappy, the only thing I am unhappy about is how great you lot think your getting treated.....

          So I sound like a spoiled child now, lol.......what and your government that says to you "pay this to me, or pay that to me" or I will throw a tantrum and lock you away in prison is deemed as perfectly

          No one takes responsibility for themselves lol.....they rely on others to make them the things they want...and tell them what time they have to be in certain places lol......spoilt little lazy bratz springs to mind getting their life planned out for them.....How can you say take responsibility for yourself them rely on absolutely everyone else to provide you things on shop shelves?

      14. Aime F profile image72
        Aime Fposted 8 years ago

        Okay, you have everything you need.  So quit your job and grow your own food and do everything yourself.  No more need to be "bribed".  Sounds simple enough? 

        Even in a world where you're trading goods with your neighbours you're still relying on other people to uphold their end of the deal, to make a good product, to meet you at a particular time, to cut you a fair deal, etc.  I don't know why you think relying on other people is a bad or unnatural thing.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Okay, you have everything you need.  So quit your job and grow your own food and do everything yourself.  No more need to be "bribed".  Sounds simple enough? 

          Yes, but I still have to pay council tax, I can't pay this without working.....yes another tax that I have to work 12 hours a month for just to have a street light on at night when I am sleeping lol.....if I don't pay it, i get bribed, meaning I get took to court and can have my belongings took off of me, of face a fine (to pay the higher fine more working hours will be needed, if the fine don't get paid prison or taking of my belongings is the next action).....if they take my belongings for not paying an expensive 12 hours wages for a bulb in the street EVERY MONTH I will not have everything I need....because they will take my stuff from me by sending bailiffs to my property, and I can not do anything about that because society deem this organised theft (which is a crime) as normal behaviour ...

          I would rather spend that 12 hours doing a favour for someone for nothing.....why should I go to work 12 hours just to pay a tax, (that is a separate tax to the one that comes out of wages)...I have a job, I work 42 hours per week, that is 168 hours per month....probably 12 of them hours pays my tax that comes out of my wages and funds god knows what, probably wars and hospitals......then another 12 hours gets deducted for this council tax to light a street bulb whilst I sleep.....that is a whole day of working that goes to the government to do what they like with, then I pay tax for my car to have it on the road that tax is meant to also pay to fix the roads, the roads are full of potholes which causes damage to my car when I drive to work which I then have to pay for after already paying a tax that is meant to fix the roads that cause damage (paying twice for the same thing AGAIN), then I have to put fuel in my car to get to work which they all in all my wages is not my is theirs for doing absolutely nothing....except for repaying me with you have paid for a tax to have your car on the road but if you want to park it  you have to pay a fee lol, if you don't pay it say goodbye to your car which will crush and earn from the scrap metal if you do not pay the compound fee to release it.....which then has a knock on effect without my car I can't get to work, without work I can not afford to pay the council tax, which could then lead to them coming into MY HOME and taking everything I have worked for.....seriously are you telling me this is normal society behaviour and acceptable? If it is I don't want in, so where is the option to opt out of this criminal activity??

          Even in a world where you're trading goods with your neighbours you're still relying on other people to uphold their end of the deal, to make a good product, to meet you at a particular time, to cut you a fair deal, etc.  I don't know why you think relying on other people is a bad or unnatural thing.

          Timescales can be erased, why not live life as WE HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD instead of living it based on a boosted expectancy....relax there is no rush...

          Doing things for each other does not necessarily mean trade directly person to person at once, it could mean you do something for me today, tomorrow I do something for someone else, they do something for some else, someone does something for you....eventually you will be doing 10 minute jobs for about 40 people a year, but so will everyone of the 7 billion of waiting probably will not be an issue....

          We do this on a small scale as it is......that is how stupid we are....for example you might do something for a friend, that friend in a few days probably does something for one of their friends or family, they do something for someone else, then someone might do you a favour at some point.....why not broaden that scope? To everyone do what they can for someone.....??? If your a computer them for someone....if your a bricklayer build something for someone....

          We have educated people out there now doing these things so why do the next generation need schooling, get them out having fun learning how to be hands on helping a WORLD SOCIETY?? What great education having fun with your dad at work building a house or something....have all the time in the world so don't rush things less chance of having an accident that way really can be simple mate

          And taking your child to work to educate them is not child labour before anyone claims that is real life lego blocks lol....or if your a mechanic it is playing with real life cars instead of toy ones....

          Look at boys toys then look at the more manly adult trades and compare them lol

          Then look at girls toys such as prams, dolls, feeding bottles, cooker sets, etc and compare female roles.....

          Almost looks like a setup for adult life ??

          1. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Well, yes you have to pay taxes.  You use the services those taxes buy, that someone else has worked to provide for you; of course you must work yourself to help with those services. 

            Or you can move to the North Pole and take up residence there.  But if you choose to live in close proximity to other people, it is inevitable that you will have to work for that privilege.  It's what people do; very few will take on unlimited freeloaders simply because they don't want to help do their share.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Well, yes you have to pay taxes.  You use the services those taxes buy, that someone else has worked to provide for you; of course you must work yourself to help with those services. 

              Firstly, I do not use services that council tax is spent a street bulb that comes on when people are sleeping.....really.....they put lights on when people sleep then moan about resources running out lol and take even more money for that kind of research...are you kidding me??

              A bulb does not cost the price of 50 houses in my streets council tax charges, so 50x£120 per month to run is what they charge for a let's pay for this service fairly, a bulb between 50 people that lasts a year probably costs about £1 each, so that is around 10p each per month, then the monthly electric it uses for being on 3 hours of a night when people sleep, is 90 hours per say £2 an hour electric max, that is a total of £185 per month to run that service, what is 50x120= £6,000 per month....hahaha yeah you really call that helping or being ripped off mate?? Every street in this country are paying that for their street bulbs lol.....then the cost of someone changing that bulb once a year, say 5 minutes work, about a fiver so add an extra 40p to that £185 per month lol

              For this council tax each street also get dustbin men that collect rubbish every two weeks, or week in some places, however this rubbish is took and drained, which creates gas that then gets sold back to the gas company who then sell the gas to us to use at home really they earn from our rubbish which covers most of the cost of them collecting it, however just to be safe take another £100 off of that £6,000 total charge just to cover the cost of the bin men doing 20 minutes work collecting my streets rubbish, £100 is being generous too...that is £5,900 just from my street that goes where????

              If we don't pay that 72,000 per year between us for something that costs around 2,000 the bribe kicks in, pay us 69,000 thousand more than you need to or we will charge you more (fine you), or take your belongings from your home, if you still do not pay your going to jail for not paying taxes lol REALLY, come on people stop having ago at me and admit this is disgusting behaviour from people who are meant to be leading us

              That is best part of 72,000 per year from my street ALONE for something that costs a little over 2,000 per year to you seriously telling me TAXES HAVE TO BE PAID TO THIS RIP OFF EXTENT?? who is getting the other 70,000 just from my street, there are thousands of streets in the UK, that is the question that we should request to be answered, but no one cares that is normal society apparently?

              And to be honest if they gave me a couple of bulbs, I would go change it for them save them sending someone out to do it at my expense, it would only take 5 minutes of my time once every year to help everyone sleep with the lights on lol......but I guess I do not have a certificate to say I am capable of changing a lightbulb therefor will not be allowed to do such a helpful thing lol.....or if they dropped the charge, I would happily collect £1 from each household and go buy the bulb and then change it.....surely that would be a fairer way to run things if we have to use money.....let people maintain their own streets?? Is that a better idea than going completely moneyless??

              That is just on that tax, each house also pay £150+ road tax per year too that goes where because these roads are not getting fixed I tell you that much.....

              Now lets move on to the other tax mentioned, the road tax that is paid so people can have their car on the road, but then we have to pay again to park...daylight robbery....that can lead to cars being crushed and livelihoods being lost...the road tax is also meant to pay to fix roads, but the roads are not getting fixed, this is causing damage to people's property (crime), so as for saying paying for services, yes I wouldn't mind if the services getting paid for were not ripping me off and were actually being carried out......if you pay a builder to provide his services and build you a extension on your house and he takes your money then does not do the would kick up why are you treating money paid to the government to provide services any different?

              Or you can move to the North Pole and take up residence there.  But if you choose to live in close proximity to other people, it is inevitable that you will have to work for that privilege.  It's what people do; very few will take on unlimited freeloaders simply because they don't want to help do their share.

              No one said I was not willing to help, where have you got that from, or is this something you are just throwing into the mix because you have not read things properly, no one has ever said about anyone being a freeloader either, is this something else you are making up that has not been said?

              I would rather help for free that is all I said, because as explained above all this money they take is not solving problems, nor is it a fair price to pay, it is daylight robbery.

              1. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                "No one said I was not willing to help, where have you got that from"

                From the statement decrying that you have to pay taxes.  It's called doing your share.

                Can't see what difference it makes whether you work for money and give money or straight out labor towards governmental needs (not what YOU think is needed, but what your neighbors think is needed). 

                As far as robbery, don't forget that you are also paying for doctor visits for everyone, to maintain a military, to give out free food, provide housing, etc.  Lots of things you think shouldn't be done, but again that is the price of living and cooperating with others.  I don't like it all either, and fuss about it, but still pay it.  I just don't declare that all taxation is a bad thing, or even most of it.

                1. profile image0
                  FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  "No one said I was not willing to help, where have you got that from"

                  From the statement decrying that you have to pay taxes.  It's called doing your share.

                  Yes, this means I do not want to help in the way things are currently being run, I want to help for free....paying WAY OVER THE ODDS MONEY TO THE GOVERNMENT is not saying I do not want to help, it is saying I don't want to help in that particular rip off manner.....if they stopped ripping everyone off we could probably work 20 hours per week and have enough money to live you know what this means mate?? Know all them people out of work, they can work the other 20 hours and they to will have enough money to live off simple is that, stop ripping the working people off, charge the cost of things not 3500%+ more than what things cost, this means working people can work less hours, this frees up hours to allow those out of work to go into there you go another simple solution to solving another problem, that being the unemployment cool everyone working 20 hours per week and still having enough money, that can be solved by them doing one simple thing....stop ripping us off....increase minimum wage (20 hours is just an example, we may need to work more, but if all the ripping off and over pricing of things was to be stopped, it is possible that we wouldn't need to work anymore than 20 hours).......

                  But that is too you know why?

                  The truth of the matter is they need unemployment for this simple reason:

                  here in the UK, there is always a figure of around 1 to 3 million people out of work....

                  However in nearly every town there are recruitment agencies, job centres, benefit fraudulent teams, training centres for the unemployed....loads of other things that are aimed at helping the unemployed...this particular sector if you include every field that is involved with helping the unemployed probably employ around 4 million if the highest figure of 3 million went and all got jobs like the GOVERNMENT PRETEND they want them too....that will put 4 million out of work really people should thank the unemployed for keeping more people in jobs than what there currently is unemployed lol....

                  Sometimes the figure drops below 1 million, do you know what happens then?? The government make cut backs, this means they make our hospital worker and police unemployed (even though we are paying this in our taxes so the cost should be covered) along with closing down other businesses......this rises the figure back up to over a million......they have to keep that balance in order to make the 4 million peoples work justifiable.....on the other end of the scale if there are too many people unemployed, what they then do is sing and dance saying how great they are for strengthening our hospital and police services by giving people jobs in them sectors.....this takes the tally back do you see what they do? They sack people and call it cut backs when we are paying for these services, then if the figure goes to high they make out there great by putting the services we have paid for back to a better so they make people unemployed then moan about the costs of paying benefits......just so society look down on those on benefits and blame them for being scroungers which takes the focus off of the government trick they everyone does not see in the same manner I do....

                  It is not called doing your share, a share is something that is equal and covers the costs of everyone's needs, not you pay 3500%+ more than you need to or lose your stuff, or go to prison......that is not a share mate....that is outright worse than anything Hitler would have had us doing....

                  It would not be government needs, it would be doing what we want bribe free.

                  The military should not even exist....why should I pay for bullies to blow up other lands that are free lands, just because they want to put businesses on them......

                  1. wilderness profile image90
                    wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    "if they stopped ripping everyone off we could probably work 20 hours per week and have enough money to live on"

                    You could likely do that now.  You just won't have a computer.  Or car.  And live in a tent.  Won't have clean water.  And so on, but if that's the desire it can be done.

                    The only people paying 35 times what they "need" to (assuming the load should be distributed evenly) are the rich.  Are you rich, then?  If so, what are you griping about?  The rest of us are paying far more of our "disposable" income than you are!

                    You are probably paying for a military in order to have whatever it is you have.  Fail to do so and you end up like Syria, with other countries taking control.

                    1. profile image0
                      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      "if they stopped ripping everyone off we could probably work 20 hours per week and have enough money to live on"

                      You could likely do that now.  You just won't have a computer.  Or car.  And live in a tent.  Won't have clean water.  And so on, but if that's the desire it can be done.

                      Why wouldn't you lol......are you for real.....if you get 10 per hour for example and work 20 hours that is 200 per week.....if you get 10 per hour and work 40 hours that would be 400 per week, but if 200 of that 400 is going on over priced items and government must pay will end up with 200 still lol.....obviously the maths would have to be done more accurately but if they stop the over pricing and the ripping off....things would be cheaper and you would get the same amount of money for half the work.......this means you can still afford the things you want, but so can the jobless who will then be able to work the other 20......companies would still make massive profits by paying a little bit more and then reducing prices of goods...extremely simple.....but greed does not allow this to happen....(I just wrote on the other comment why this is not possible because the truth is the government need unemployed people lol have another read)

                      The only people paying 35 times what they "need" to (assuming the load should be distributed evenly) are the rich.  Are you rich, then?  If so, what are you griping about?  The rest of us are paying far more of our "disposable" income than you are!

             street pay 72,000 council tax for something that costs 2,000 - that is one example of 3,500% more than the cost of your statement that only the rich pay that percent more is false.....every street in the UK does.....just on that tax

                      You are probably paying for a military in order to have whatever it is you have.  Fail to do so and you end up like Syria, with other countries taking control.

                      Have a look at things mate, no one is trying to take control of anyone except us......everyone is happy and have asked to be left alone, even North Korea want to be left alone, but no we keep picking on them and pointing the finger at them for things....wonder why....again their National Bank is not owned by certain people just like none of the middle eastern national banks were but are now...hmmmm.....but greedy people won't allow others to be left alone like they ask to be......I suggest you research what a lovely place syria once was......before they said NO to certain might also want to have a look at what technology they had too before the west imposed restrictions on lets talk lol

                      1. wilderness profile image90
                        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                        But I can live on $200 per week, actually reasonably well.  Can't you? 

                        I'd strongly suspect that if your council is paying 36X the common price for anything at all you would have an unbeatable court case.  IF, of course, you could back that statement up in a court of law.  That you haven't kind of says something.

                        "no one is trying to take control of anyone except us"

                        You're right.  Do ya think it's possible that the reason it isn't happening just might be your military might that makes it too expensive to even try?  How long would it take the UK to become a Russian vassal state if neither they nor any of their allies had a military force?  Or Chinese or N. Korean?  Or just a barren, glass-covered wasteland as others fight over it?

      15. Aime F profile image72
        Aime Fposted 8 years ago

        Your opt out option is a plane ticket to somewhere else. 

        You do get a say in where your tax money goes, it's called democracy and you vote if you're smart.  That's a big "if", however.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          lol what is the point moving somewhere else when every government is in debt to the same people, how many more times......any country in debt to these people are living by bribes.....

          As for voting in people, are you for real.....once they get in all their promises go out the window.....this is because whoever is in has to do as their told by those the government is in debt to lol......have you never heard the saying "Politicians are all the same" lol full of promises and good intentions, then once they get in the reality of they are not the one that is really in control strikes them, they just become a voice that does as directed by those who can bribe them due to owing money to them....

          seriously why say a big if about me being smart when you have not even matured enough to be smart enough to realise all politicians are the same??

          And don't seem to be smart enough about working out the connection between companies making nursing us back to health products also make products that make us ill scam lol......

          And don't seem to be smart enough to work out that we claim to live in free countries but yet we are not allowed to choose how we live, we have to live how we are told or face punishment, you seem to think smartness is saying yes sir yes sir take me whatever you say sir then shout I am free and live in a free to choose to do what I want country....yeah very smart......

          1. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            So move to Nigeria.  Or become a nomad, wandering the Sahara till you die.  Or even far into the Canadian north.  There are still lots of places where government won't bother you unless you interact with other people in the area.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              So move to Nigeria.  Or become a nomad, wandering the Sahara till you die.  Or even far into the Canadian north.  There are still lots of places where government won't bother you unless you interact with other people in the area.

              who owns the nigerian bank?? same of bribes going on there too no point moving there......

              why don't you lot piss off with your greed to the sahara instead.......what gives greedy way of living more right to live in a free country than someone that wants a proper free country to stay put??......

              your freedom is fake if your suggesting you can only live here if you don't do what you want nor make any choices that are outside your leaders guidelines lol......I bet you if you lot pissed off and  I stayed you would come and visit out of curiosity and then would not go back........americans in a vast majority really are selfish do you know that, they can't see no further than their fake little so called perfect bubbles they claim to have.......

              1. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                "who owns the nigerian bank?? same people"

                No it's not - no one would believe that the same VIPs of a Brit bank also run the ones in Nigeria.  But in any case, I didn't mean to move to the biggest city there; I meant to move into the "outback" where people don't use banks at all.  You won't need one, what with manufacturing everything you need by yourself after all.

                If you truly want freedom, without any of man's rules, then you will have to live without man.  Any time you exist near to someone else you will have to learn to get along; to make rules to follow, and those rules will limit your freedom to at least some degree.  And the more people around the more limited you will be.

                So give up people, suck it up and go make yourself a spear to hunt lions with.

                1. profile image0
                  FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  "who owns the nigerian bank?? same people"

                  No it's not - no one would believe that the same VIPs of a Brit bank also run the ones in Nigeria.  But in any case, I didn't mean to move to the biggest city there; I meant to move into the "outback" where people don't use banks at all.  You won't need one, what with manufacturing everything you need by yourself after all.

                  Well they do.....along with owning Libya's as well that acquired recently.....remember we also had problems with libya....put the puzzle together your meant to be clever

                  If you truly want freedom, without any of man's rules, then you will have to live without man.  Any time you exist near to someone else you will have to learn to get along; to make rules to follow, and those rules will limit your freedom to at least some degree.  And the more people around the more limited you will be.

                  HUH excuse me man arrived before rules, so take your rules and move them away from man that does not wanted to live by do not have to make rules to get only have to make rules if you want to CONTROL stop speaking shit.....and carry on living by man made rules mate as that is freedom isn't it lol

                  So give up people, suck it up and go make yourself a spear to hunt lions with.

        2. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this
      16. Aime F profile image72
        Aime Fposted 8 years ago

        Because us "greedy lot" are the vast majority.  Why do we have to piss off somewhere else when you're the one unhappy with everything?

        I have enough freedom.  I decided what I wanted to do with my life, I made plenty of my own choices.  I don't mind paying taxes for healthcare and education.  You keep calling us greedy, but because you don't have any interest in healthcare and education you don't want to help anyone else get it.  I think that's pretty greedy, personally. 

        I'm a lot of things and I can admit my own faults and failings... but I am one thousand percent sure that I am not the one lacking smarts in this conversation.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Because us "greedy lot" are the vast majority.  Why do we have to piss off somewhere else when you're the one unhappy with everything?

          Because I have just as much right to live how I want in my country yet have been told to move to every remote place why you taking my right away from me based on how you want to live??? And stop presuming I am unhappy lol......I am the happy one that can laugh at you fools rushing around like little robots doing as your told.......

          I have enough freedom.  I decided what I wanted to do with my life, I made plenty of my own choices.  I don't mind paying taxes for healthcare and education.  You keep calling us greedy, but because you don't have any interest in healthcare and education you don't want to help anyone else get it.  I think that's pretty greedy, personally.

          It is not greedy, it is sensible you donut....why would I want to KEEP INVESTING money into a PROJECT that is not giving any of you lot RESULTS.......okay I will carry on investing in them using you as guinea pigs which could potentially be what could be killing us, they use you to experiment why would I want to help anyone be treated in this fashion by giving you lucky dip treatments that might work or might not work....meanwhile rich companies are getting richer and we are not getting no better......are you for real??.....

          I'm a lot of things and I can admit my own faults and failings... but I am one thousand percent sure that I am not the one lacking smarts in this conversation.

          There is nothing smart about accepting bullshit as education nor being told what choices you can pick from in any options you are given, nor is never questioning why results after billions and billions has been spent on research for problems in life are never found......

      17. Aime F profile image72
        Aime Fposted 8 years ago

        Mm, nope, actually you don't have a right to live however you want in your country if what you want is to break the law by not paying taxes or your parking tickets and whatever other stupid shit you're all wound up about.  You're pissed off because if you don't follow the law you'll go to prison, so the logical answer is to go somewhere without those laws.  Not sit on an Internet forum acting like an entitled brat who doesn't want to act like a team player but still wants to be a part of the team.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Mm, nope, actually you don't have a right to live however you want in your country if what you want is to break the law by not paying taxes or your parking tickets and whatever other stupid shit you're all wound up about.  You're pissed off because if you don't follow the law you'll go to prison, so the logical answer is to go somewhere without those laws.  Not sit on an Internet forum acting like an entitled brat who doesn't want to act like a team player but still wants to be a part of the team.

          Who the hell has the right to impose man made laws on me and make me live the way someone else wants me to live then? Who the hell are you to tell me I do not have rights based on the way you want to live?

          Are you honestly saying it is okay for one set of people to walk around this world as free as they like but no one else is allowed to?

          I was born into this world, I have NEVER EVER EVER EVER as a new born baby put my name to anything to say I will agree to any rules that another man wants me to live by......did I sign up and agree to these rules? Did you? The answer is no, so therefore no such rules apply to anyone......the only reason they apply to us is because we let them get away with it.....

          Excuse me, any sensible person that pays through the nose for services that they do not get would be pissed if they got got fed up and said that I am not paying for services I do not get anymore, but then got told they must pay 3,500% more than the actual cost or face prison......are you for real again??? If I have to abide by man made laws or face prison then why do the crooked law makers not have to abide by their own made up rules?????

          If you paid a builder for his services to build an extension on your home, but then he never turned up or carried out the service, would you be pissed???

          The answer is yes, you would why when I get pissed for being bribed by the leaders to pay them money for services that they charge 3,500% over the actual cost price of for services they do not carry out do you deem me as to be some kind of fool????

          I seriously can not believe your actually trying to dispute any of this with me just because you are not willing to hold your hands up and say man made laws in most parts are wrong and completely laws created to gain greed lol

          Yes, life is about finding out what works....if it means mixing things up then so be things for sure is money does not work, nor does researching CURES for illnesses.... it only benefits one set of people

          Just carry on love, go ahead, I can not wait for you to receive the shit you have coming through not being willing to step out of your temporarily great little perfect bubble.....

          p.s A new government announcement just in, anyone that earns 30,000 per year or more that lives in council houses will have to move out and buy their own property so someone else can have that council property (probably a foreign person)........basically get themselves in lovely forcing those that took education seriously in order to get well paid jobs into believe these man made laws are acceptable lol

          Just imagine you're one of them 30,000 pound a year earners and you planned to save 10,000 per year for 15 years so you can go out and buy your own home so you can be debt free and never have your home at risk.....but now your plans for YOUR LIFE have been shattered by a man made law that means to get your own home you now have to get in debt by getting a mortgage, which means that home will now be at constant risk.....whereas your plan for YOUR LIFE would not have put your belongings at any risk at is FREEDOM so I guess I should shut up because I am clearly wrong when I say we are not allowed to plan our own lives or make our own decisions ain't I? lol

          How comes america and britain are so happy to go help as they call it poorer countries that will end up them gaining more greed, but when a british or american citizen asks for help you all turn against them and call them wrong for absolutely disgusting things they are bribed to live by......

          man made laws that are designed to gain money out of us the people.....why can you not see this is clearly wrong? Through people having your attitude they will keep pushing these laws out at their own FREE WILL because we just sit back and accept it we carry on just letting laws being enforced on us like this, it isn't going to be long before they say if you don't wear pink socks on Tuesdays you will get fined or put in prison.....sounds stupid doesn't it?

          But don't think they are not capable of introducing silly laws like this.....because they are THANKS to people like you that say AWWW You sound like a spoilt child just because I am pissed off with such laws......silly humans will just go shut up and wear pink socks on Tuesday's to avoid the fine lol.... like they say shut up and pay parking bay fees (when you have already paid a tax to have your car on the road) or pay to get your car back if you do not pay the fee, or have it crushed lol......again I am wrong for not wanting to live like this......seriously you lot are mad and have a big culture shock coming lol and to be honest I want it to come quick now, the quicker the better.....but it will be a little while yet as there is business still left to be done in the middle east, then North Korea need to have their national bank robbed from them so certain people have the whole banking world's monopoly to play with and have every government in debt so each government then has to make us live by bribes that will get worse and worse......then we can all shout victims, I once had a perfect bubble now I have nothing - and I will smile and say shut up and stop acting like a spoilt child it is what you wanted remember smile

          Then again I will probably not be able to contact you as our belongings will get took off of us for not paying a fine they forced upon us for having a spot of yellow on Tuesday's pink socks lol.....

          The logical answer is not to give in to you greedy bastards and have you force me away from my dare you remove me from society just because I am not a greedy bastard.....who do you think you are trying to speak logic when your living by unlogical bribes, that because you choose they are acceptable then everyone should......where did I sign up to something that said I have to move away from my FREE LAND if I do not agree to give another man all my hard earned cash if I do not obey his rules that he can make up at his own free will......your are f'ing mental to believe all this is acceptable.....

          1. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Wait a minute.  You're whining that the council spends 30,000 for nothing but a street light and a street sweeper, but you live in a house owned and maintained by the council.  And now crying that if you make too much you might have to actually provide for yourself instead of living in council housing. 

            We see that a lot in the states, too.  We're tending to follow Europe down the road of "Give me everything I want or define as necessary, but don't ask me to pay for it or anything else the society needs to function."  You're on record as saying you would prefer a world where everyone makes anything they want; go out and make your own home and quit whining that you might not be able to live in a home provided by others.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Wait a minute.  You're whining that the council spends 30,000 for nothing but a street light and a street sweeper, but you live in a house owned and maintained by the council.  And now crying that if you make too much you might have to actually provide for yourself instead of living in council housing.

              Did I say I did? I said think of the people that went through and took education seriously and got well paid jobs and planned to save for their own home in order to not go down the debt and risk mortgage method.....they are forcing people to go the debt route based on their education level/earnings..........there was no mention of moaning about these people providing for themselves, the mention was they may have PLANNED IN THEIR LIFE to save for a home to go buy or build whilst renting alternative accommodation......but now they are being told they are not allowed to do that they must get in debt by borrowing the value of the home they want rather than saving for it......which carries a massive please either read things properly and do a little bit of thinking for yourself or stop making shit up that has not been said

              so people in this position are still paying their own way/taking responsibility for themselves (in a sensible way) whilst saving so that their purchased home is outright theirs from the moment they move in, instead of belonging to the bank for 25 years until their mortgage is paid, which the likelihood is, the bank will take it back NEAR THE END of this repayment term by creating problems which will mean the poor house buyer will no longer be able to afford to pay the rest of the the bank get 22 -24 years of payments for something that will never end up belonging to the mortgage lender...

              on another note the money/tax for the lights and street cleaning is a tax seperate to rent that people PAY to live in properties such as council houses.....they pay rent to live in these properties that can be anything from 300 pound a month upwards......the rent they pay pays the cost of them maintaining the property you rent from them.......the council tax has absolutely nothing to do with paying for accommodation.....what are you talking about....??

              so for accommodation and street lights, straight away that is 420, to the council for doing nothing....p.s you mentioned maintaining the properties if you ring them and tell them something is wrong expect to wait a few months for them to provide their services that your rent pays for to come and fix whatever is wrong......even then they will say we can't do that yet, call us back in another few weeks....

              Furthermore, by doing this do you not see that the council/government are creating a divide in society based on education/earnings?? They are telling the middle class that have every right to live in a council home if they are paying rent for it to leave such a property and let someone poor have it....dividing society.....this courses class wars, and causes people to put people in stuck up brackets...etc....

              Furthermore what if someone in this positions routes are from council estates, however they have managed to get a well paid it right they should be forced away from their routes just because of money levels?? WHERE IS THE FREEDOM IN ALL THIS CLEVER PEOPLE?? WHERE IS THE CHOICE IN BEING FORCED TO GET INTO DEBT CLEVER PEOPLE??

              We see that a lot in the states, too.  We're tending to follow Europe down the road of "Give me everything I want or define as necessary, but don't ask me to pay for it or anything else the society needs to function."  You're on record as saying you would prefer a world where everyone makes anything they want; go out and make your own home and quit whining that you might not be able to live in a home provided by others.

              Your an idiot mate, read things properly for example you have tied the council tax for the street lights that we pay in with paying rent for maintaining how about you wait a minute and think for yourself....instead of making me literally do all your thinking...

              So your blaming Europe for the bad things, yet shout America is great and your country is so powerful when good things happen......swallow your prides and get over yourself and sort this mess out that you and us Brits are creating.....and as said again again, we are not paying for society to function we are paying 35 times more than the cost of society functioning so some greedy rich cunt can pay himself 250,000 a year for doing nothing at the council office then not declare his taxes, and get took to court only to get away with really call paying for the greedy's way of life in this manner a fair functioning society....

              Are you stupid??? If someone goes and just builds there own home, guess who they have to pay thousands to in order to get permission to build their own home on FREE LAND or land they have purchased....yes even if they own the land they still need permission to build on it.....guess who from.....yes the council/government.....then they still have to pay ongoing taxes for land they own, a house they built......not to mention that it can take them absolutely ages to grant permission to allow YOU TO BUILD ON LAND YOU some cases they even refuse to allow people to build on LAND THEY this freedom thing is great lol.....

              If you do it without waiting and paying for permission to build on YOUR OWN LAND, guess what will be told to knock your home down if they say it is not permitted to be built on YOUR OWN LAND.....or they may even take it off you as a way of punishing you for not paying and waiting for them to permit you to BUILD ON YOUR OWN LAND.....and do whatever they want with it.......they can do this because educated clever people just let them get away with whatever they lets all stand up and give clever people a massive round of applause for actually being brilliantly stupid without even noticing how stupid their cleverness really is lol

              1. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                "they pay rent to live in these properties that can be anything from 300 pound a month upwards"

                I've never lived in the UK, but in the US that amount won't rent you an outhouse.  A small home in most locations will be closer to 600 pounds (call it $900), and of that landlord pockets very little.  Because of the difference in population density I'd also suspect that rent is higher in the UK than the US.  The rest of the rent payment goes to maintenance, taxes, mortgage, etc.  So no, that little bit of rent is unlikely to do more than cover a small portion of the cost; the rest is borne by society via the  council.  Presumably as the council tax.

                But certainly no one is forcing anyone into debt.  If you fail to save for what you want, you have a choice to either borrow for it or do without.  That you may choose to borrow does not mean someone else forced you to.

                1. profile image0
                  FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  "they pay rent to live in these properties that can be anything from 300 pound a month upwards"

                  I've never lived in the UK, but in the US that amount won't rent you an outhouse.  A small home in most locations will be closer to 600 pounds (call it $900), and of that landlord pockets very little.  Because of the difference in population density I'd also suspect that rent is higher in the UK than the US.  The rest of the rent payment goes to maintenance, taxes, mortgage, etc.  So no, that little bit of rent is unlikely to do more than cover a small portion of the cost; the rest is borne by society via the  council.  Presumably as the council tax.

                  300 upwards.....A 1 bedroom place is 300.....the bigger the more expensive it gets....

                  Mate don't tell me what the rent breakdown is for.......the 300 rent for the smallest property goes to the landlord.......if it is a council property/the council are your landlords they have absolutely no over heads/morgages etc as these types of houses have already been built and paid for out of taxes the public pay.......they have absolutely no outgoings on these properties it is all profit to them unless something goes a boiler breaks down or something.....nothing really ever goes wrong so nothing really needs to be paid for this means their maintenance bill is low, they are a council so any tax they do pay they eventually get back, they do not have morgages on houses that the public tax money had ALREADY paid to be built......but if a boiler or something does break and people contact them to come and fix it, they can take weeks.....this conversation was about council properties I am not sure why your telling me I am wrong about the amount the landlords/council get by diverting the conversation on to private landlords....

                  But certainly no one is forcing anyone into debt.  If you fail to save for what you want, you have a choice to either borrow for it or do without.  That you may choose to borrow does not mean someone else forced you to.

                  For fuck sake do you listen.....RIGHT clever clogs.....I am 20 years old from a council estate, I have a council flat then I get a job worth 30,000 a year.....I am choosing to save 10,000 a year until I am 35 so I can go out and buy a home, whilst continuing to pay my way by paying for my council flat.....I want a home of my own but do not want to lend money to get one as it is too risky, so my choice is to stay paying for this council flat and save 10,000 a year for 15 years then pay for a property from my savings.......wooops I can't do this because the council are telling me I am not allowed to stay in this accommodation so I can save to then one day buy my own house......they are kicking me out, so now I will just have to go get a mortgage and be in debt and have my house at constant risk......

                  dont tell me that is not forcing someone into debt that wants to own their own property.....imagine the people in that position......that are not being allowed to save by living in cheaper accommodation for a while so they can save quicker in order to get their own home quicker.....WHERE IS THE CHOICE IN THIS? IT IS FORCING THOSE THAT WANT TO OWN A HOME TO GET IN DEBT TO GET A HOME RATHER THAN LETTING THEM SAVE TO PAY FOR ONE OUTRIGHT....

                  Seriously please read the replies properly and maybe think a little bit......

                  1. wilderness profile image90
                    wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    "if it is a council property/the council are your landlords they have absolutely no over heads/morgages etc as these types of houses have already been built and paid for out of taxes the public pay.......they have absolutely no outgoings on these properties it is all profit to them unless something goes wrong"

                    Wow!  I'm impressed that you've actually take the time to examine the council books and know there is no mortgage on any property they own.  You DID do that, didn't you?

                    "nothing really ever goes wrong so nothing really needs to be paid for"

                    Wow again!  Can I get those builders that make houses that last forever with not even a paint job over here?  I had to replace every appliance within the first year I bought my house, and it was only 30 years old!

                    "but if a boiler or something does break and people contact them to come and fix it, they can take weeks"

                    But said nothing ever goes wrong, so a boiler never breaks.  But I'm not sure how taking weeks means no cost - is all work there free if it takes more than 7 days?  The worker doesn't get paid if parts aren't immediately available?

                    "now I will just have to go get a mortgage and be in debt"

                    Why?  If you don't want a mortgage, then don't get one.  There must be alleys and such you can sleep in - there is always a choice to be made.  Or do you mean that you are being "forced" by yourself, as it is only you that demands a house?  No one is making you buy one - that is your personal decision - so all the force has to come from you rather than someone else.  While it's probably true that no one will give you a house, they aren't forcing you to have one, either.  Only you can do that.

                    1. profile image0
                      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      "if it is a council property/the council are your landlords they have absolutely no over heads/morgages etc as these types of houses have already been built and paid for out of taxes the public pay.......they have absolutely no outgoings on these properties it is all profit to them unless something goes wrong"

                      Wow!  I'm impressed that you've actually take the time to examine the council books and know there is no mortgage on any property they own.  You DID do that, didn't you?

                      I don't need to study their books, it is simple including in our taxes is housing.....schools....all the money gets taken but the work that gets done is nowhere near the amount they charge....for example to fix a boiler once every 5 years at one persons house that will cost £100 max,yet 15,000 in rent has been paid......these houses are designed for affordable living.....the bricks and mortar have already been paid for from the public purse.....therefor there is no overheads.....

                      "nothing really ever goes wrong so nothing really needs to be paid for"

                      Wow again!  Can I get those builders that make houses that last forever with not even a paint job over here?  I had to replace every appliance within the first year I bought my house, and it was only 30 years old!

                      "but if a boiler or something does break and people contact them to come and fix it, they can take weeks" that is because them shitty products you buy are NOT BUILT TO LAST they are built to break so replacements at expenses have to be made......another way companies rip you off.....

                      But said nothing ever goes wrong, so a boiler never breaks.  But I'm not sure how taking weeks means no cost - is all work there free if it takes more than 7 days?  The worker doesn't get paid if parts aren't immediately available?

                      haha what happened to the way things work and we don't have to have to wait for things we want NOW....because society is working in your eyes.....

                      Read in between the lines mate, a boiler going wrong once every 5 years or something is more or less nothing going wrong for the price they charge for rent....

                      "now I will just have to go get a mortgage and be in debt"

                      Why?  If you don't want a mortgage, then don't get one.  There must be alleys and such you can sleep in - there is always a choice to be made.  Or do you mean that you are being "forced" by yourself, as it is only you that demands a house?  No one is making you buy one - that is your personal decision - so all the force has to come from you rather than someone else.  While it's probably true that no one will give you a house, they aren't forcing you to have one, either.  Only you can do that.

                      You really are a fucking bell end.....okay so what are you suggesting middle class people that have to move out of council houses go and rent from who??? stop being a prick mate......okay so someone on 30,000 has to move out of council houses and where are they going to go?? that don't want to get in debt they want to save to pay for an house straight out so come on then where are they going to go......are you suggesting that they go to work to own nothing?? they should go to work and rent off of private landlords all their live??? thought work was so you can go and get things you want?? how can someone save when renting private for a house of their own.....are you suggesting if they want a house of their own they do not have a choice to save on their good wages to buy their own home and that they must get in debt to be like all you lot that are going to lose your homes as soon as the bankers call in their debts??????????????

                      society is great.....they want to go to work to pay mortgages at stupid interest rates because they think their clever.....your not answering the question either mate......if someone wants a home of their own but wants to save for it rather than get in debt and always be at risk.....where is there choice to do this?? come on you claim choices are available so answer the question instead of being a moron

                      answer the question instead of just picking bones out of replies.....or can't you answer simple questions?

                      You believe getting in debt is the way to own things (being in debt means you don't own jack shit)....I do not believe getting in debt in order to own things is a good idea......sorry but who is the sensible one here???

                      You for thinking things you haven't paid for belong to you

                      or me for wanting a choice to be able to save for things I want and pay out right for them?.....but the choice of saving and continueing to live is not possible to this to own things people have to get in debt (forced to).....or they can just work all their lives and give their money to someone else and never own anything lol does that not defeat the object of working? in respects of owning properties this is?? where is the choice for affordable living for savers that want a debt free live and want to work for things they want via saving so when they eventually have enough the property is theirs no one can touch them or bribe them??? there is no such choice is there???

                      1. wilderness profile image90
                        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                        "the work that gets done is nowhere near the amount they charge"

                        LOL  You haven't seen the books, but you know this to be true?  By Divine Intervention, feeding the knowledge straight to your brain?

                        "them shitty products you buy are NOT BUILT TO LAST they are built to break"

                        Well, I don't have a boiler (too inefficient), but my mother does.  Built in about 1920, I believe, and still working.  She's replaced just one part in her 50 years in that house.

                        "are you suggesting that they go to work to own nothing?? they should go to work and rent off of private landlords all their live???"

                        Are you suggesting that you should be paid more than the value of the work you do?  Or that you should be able to set your own wage at whatever you wish without regard to that value?  But I'll give you a hint: get rid of the freebies the UK (and US) hands out.  Stop the subsidized housing, free food, free health care, free this and free that.  If you can't or won't stand on your own two feet then fail.  Now cut your taxes so you don't have to pay for all that crap and you'll find that you CAN support yourself if you're willing to work.

      18. Aime F profile image72
        Aime Fposted 8 years ago

        No one is removing you from society.  It's simply a suggestion since you appear to hate the one you live in so much.  You keep saying you're happy but I don't see it.  I hope you're just ranting on for the sake of it and you don't actually live with this much anger every day.  You can sit there and wish all the shit on me you'd like but I truly hope you find a way to chill out and not be so pissed off with the world.  Good luck, dude.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          No one is removing you from society.  It's simply a suggestion since you appear to hate the one you live in so much.  You keep saying you're happy but I don't see it.  I hope you're just ranting on for the sake of it and you don't actually live with this much anger every day.  You can sit there and wish all the shit on me you'd like but I truly hope you find a way to chill out and not be so pissed off with the world.  Good luck, dude.

          I am happy, I do not have anything to worry about.....because I know what is do you lot but your too busy ignoring it, but when it arrives you will all be the first to shout your the victims....

          Again stop presuming I have anger based on having a different non greedy view that your happy with, that is going to end up losing you everything......why presume I have anger because I am CORRECT in saying we live by bribes and absolutely are NEVER allowed to make our own decisions, we are only allowed to choose from OPTIONS given to us.....this is not making our own decisions this is picking a choice based on what WE ARE ALLOWED TO DO....of which all choices are not truly for our benefit....

          Yes I do wishing what is coming to hurry up just so you lot can finally shut your traps and accept you are stupid humans....all because you know everything I have said make sense but because it goes against absolutely everything you know you are making me out to be the one that needs educating lol......

          I do not have a problem with the world, most of it is alright, but the parts that ain't are the greedy parts that claim everything is great when they live by BRIBES and are ruled by JEWS lol.....the rest of the world is fine but the greedy parts are out there bullying the rest of the world to force them to live the greedy way and people like you deem this to be perfectly okay when you should be saying to your own country, leave them fuckers alone if they want to live how they do then let them......but your selfish and think everyone should be in your pretend perfect bubble.....once they are though you watch the world have everything took off of them through bribes.....NICE ONE CLEVER PEOPLE

        2. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Another new bribe coming into play....

          Here in the UK the working mans tax is meant to contribute to kids being able to receive education free (poor education that is not free because tax pays for it, but saying it is free sounds better), however, these tax contribution allows kids to have supposed free meals whilst at school......they are trying to scrap that now, yet they will still take the tax from the working man for it....

          So the working man is paying for a service they're not going to be providing again...

          To add to that, if parents send their kids to school with a packed lunch (sandwiches etc) they might get a fine....

          This means they are trying to FORCE parents to pay for school dinners so they earn from each meal sold, and keep the tax from the working man for this service.....

          See what I mean by how silly the rules are...fining parents for CHOOSING to give their kids packed lunches from home.....brilliant freedom we have again.....

      19. profile image0
        FootballNutposted 8 years ago

        Still alive guys smile

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Try another thread with your own solutions to each of these problems. You will notice how over whelming these are. It can seem like too much complaining and people don't like complainers. One baby step problem to one solution is more engageing. Don't act like your an Alien from the movie Planet nine. Who said, you stupid humans you very very very stupid. The human killed him in the end.

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            It was the rich that used stupid humans to kill him by way of making the stupid human think that their job was very important, the stupid human believed this and thought it must be true because the rich gave the stupid human a piece of paper known as a certificate along with a nice wage packet lol.

            Please note these words are what our government preach when pretending to care, all I am saying is, we should all do as our told, because the result will be them begging us to eat crap food, to drive our cars even though they claim it ruins the planet, they will beg us to start smoking and drinking again even though at the moment they claim it causes illnesses such as cancer, who they pay a doctor a nice wage to tell the stupid human that is what they have, and stupid human believes it because doctor has a piece of paper known as a certificate lol

            I did have hubs for each of these problems, then I wrote this thread and stupid humans started accusing me of writing this thread in order to drive traffic to my hubs and earn money, so I deleted the hubs and kept it all in here so stupid human can not claim it is about me making money smile

      20. aware profile image67
        awareposted 8 years ago

        Joyfully participate in the sorrows of man.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          This is not man, man is kind, caring and most importantly not a ruler. If man is a ruler, this means all man is entitled to make the rules not just a select few, who are so stupid that they seriously believe a piece of paper known as a certificate puts them above everyone else.

          Education is a scam, it is used to blind stupid humans, not to mention it is LIMITED, they only educate us with things that will blind us/make us believe we must be born, then go school at 5, leave school and go on to college (where debt is accumulated) in order to get a certificate that permits us to do a job that we then do all our life.

          Real education would be ALLOWING us to use our own brain rather than the one they have trained, each individual can do absolutely every single job going if they wanted to, but we allow our trained brains to think we can only do one or two as that is all we have a government issued piece of paper saying we can only do one or two. So in theory education actually holds our brain capacity back and stops us doing everything......

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I agree mostly, I'm lucky to love my work for most waking hours of my life. Most do not even like their jobs. To me that is the greatest waste of time a human will experience on earth. Government's are all corrupted by the elitists, they have the least satisfied jobs in their Nation's. That is the greatest punishments, not being able to service other human's well.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Absolutely agree, they have a very punishing job. That is the problem they all face, I honestly do believe leaders go into government with the best intentions for us, however once they are in they realise they are not the real leader, they are just a voice for the man behind the scenes, but then they become trapped in that circle and have no way out.....if they go against the man behind the scenes they will end up getting assassinated as previous leaders who had the human races best interest at heart have been.

              However when people speak out, trained brained humans are trained to put the truth down as who lol?? Or they start telling the speaker they have mental issues and should go see a TRAINED doctor, who is then trained to lock that person up......which hides the truth

      21. aware profile image67
        awareposted 8 years ago

        Know enough to know that you don't know

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          You mean the more you learn the more you learn how little you know.

      22. aware profile image67
        awareposted 8 years ago

        I'm saying in 1000 years  everything we thought we knew will be outdated. And antiquated. We are still cavemen

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I do ? If we are advanced primates.

      23. aware profile image67
        awareposted 8 years ago

        I'm a 30 year tradesmen. New building materials and methods come out every year.  Always something to learn.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          So what you mean is, you wait for the RICH to teach you knew things in the manner of them RELEASING things they have had in their locker for decades.

          They're drip feeding you with knowledge of your trade, they are not teaching you nothing outside your certificate. This limited education they give you holds you back from doing EVERYTHING....

          You think the things they release are NEW? No, the things they release are decades old in their life.

          Like mobile phones, you really think the technology for that was made over the last 20 years?

          Like the internet, you really think the technology for that was made over the last 20 years?

          These things were built decades ago.....but stupid human only sees it when the time is right.

      24. aware profile image67
        awareposted 8 years ago

        We build for the rich because the rich can't strike a nail straight.  Tradesmen teach each other.and learn by doing and from mistakes made

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          We never learn from our mistakes mate.

          Because if we did, there would be no workplace accidents of different types happening more than once.

          Their would not be hundreds of deaths caused by accidents every year whilst people are striking nails straight for the rich.

          Do we really learn from our mistakes as a human race?

          I would say no we don't.

          And we only teach each other what we know, which is what we have been rule makers and regulators lol

      25. aware profile image67
        awareposted 8 years ago

        In construction we do.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this


          You seriously telling me that in construction accidents do not happen?

          This does not only apply to undertaking this work, it also applies to accidents on the WAY to work, such as vehicle collisions etc....

          We don't learn nothing mate, if we truly learned stuff our knowledge base would actually be nothing because nothing would exist.

          The truth is problems have to exist, without problems knowledge would not be a lot of problems are manufactured in order for us to believe education is a good thing.....

          Creating problems, creates job. So accidents have to happen.

          But if your saying that accidents in construction do not happen because construction workers learn from their mistakes, does that mean that the construction industry has no health and safety officers etc....after all it must mean that as these people are not needed if your learning from your mistakes - see problems have to be man made to justify peoples jobs

      26. aware profile image67
        awareposted 8 years ago

        I've seen a man's head cracked open like a coconut. Trust me everyone on site that day  remembers to this day to always ware their harness and check their rigging before getting on a swing stage. A dead man is learning the hard way

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Oh so the only tradesmen that exist are those on your site?

          Construction is a massive trade, I bet since the coconut incident, it has happen again somewhere across the construction trade.....

          You seem to only be considering your working environment as your whole trade....

          A dead man is not learning the hard way, because deaths still occur, so we are not learning anything.

          A dead man is the result of serving the rich.

        2. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I think the stupid human joke were recorded.It's called the Darwin award.

          Yet, I think Darwin was one of the startest of humans. Evolution facts and theory has cross more cultures than any other group

          1. profile image0
            FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I will repost a couple of solutions so all the points are broke down to individual parts.

            When I get the time.

            I have deleted my google adsense account so people do not think the hubs are for my financial gain.

            But here is one quick solution, which is to do with Africa and water - plumb them into the sea with all these billions of pounds that charities BEG from

            Not only would that solve that easy to solve problem it will also solve flooding problems as all this excess water will have another reach to circulate around/be getting used, that solves that problem too......but this is all to simple, if we do these simple things thousands and thousands of people will be put out of their jobs will not be needed instead charity founders live in nice big houses and drive nice flash

      27. aware profile image67
        awareposted 8 years ago

        Not primates. I hope in planet seeding. And construction is a dangerous job. I work giant jobs.  100s of workers. I' hold a  osha card   I look out for all other tradesmen around me.constant reminder is key.

      28. aware profile image67
        awareposted 8 years ago

        Construction trade includes  many craftsmen.on site  we are one.when it comes to keeping each other safe

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Looking out for each other has nothing to do with the fact accidents and deaths still happen in construction, which goes back to the point that we do not learn from our mistakes as if we did, each accident would have only have ever happened once.

          People/drivers lookout for pedestrians when driving along, looking out for them does not prevent people getting run over, as this happens everyday. So, I really do not get the point you are trying to make in regards to comparing looking out for others with actual incidents that occur.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Stupid has some odd good point, no brain, no pain.

            I found out when I researched the top ten most dangerous job's , I had done five of them.

            So what does not kill you, makes you stronger.

            1. profile image0
              FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              But there really is no need to put ourselves in dangerous positions, we choose to because we won't stick up for ourselves.

              We put ourselves in such positions to serve the rich, and the reason we do this is because we are to scared of having our MATERIALISTIC belongings taken from us, we are bribed to do it, or lose what we own......

              It is so stupid......

              Go to work and potentially kill yourself in order to earn money that we will tax you on first, then you can go buy materialistic items, which means you will then have to keep going to work and put yourself in dangerous positions in order to maintain your material belongings else we will take them off of you lol....

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                I was rich until the Government took all my stuff away.

                I don't miss the old toxic stuff. Now making all natural made stuff, and happier for it.

                See, money has the least to do with happiness.

                Happiness should be our national gross product.

                We stupid human's, very stupid humans.

                Am I catching on FootballNut

              2. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                And yet...we live much longer lives of luxury and ease when compared to times when we did work for those nasty rich people.

                Personally, I'll take climbing a ladder where I might kill myself (people do every year) over facing a charging rhino with a spear so I can have supper tonight.  We seem to have learned how to support ourselves much safer than we used to...

                1. profile image0
                  FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Longer lives compared to what? Back thousands of years ago where according to education people died before 30?

                  Did they or is that made up by the rich that force feed us what is deemed as education.

                  Age didn't even exist back then, nor did clocks or exact times such as weeks, months and years, so where the foooook did education systems get this information from that people back then died younger than what they do now.....the difference is back then they just dropped dead, they could have been 1,000 years old for all we know.

                  And where is the luxury in chasing materials.....where is the luxury in being bribed to pay things or lose them luxurious materials?

                  It is not luxury mate, it is what is educated to you as being luxury so that you keep the hamster wheel turning for the rich.

                  1. wilderness profile image90
                    wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    If you don't know how to count the seasons and years perhaps you should learn.  They did.  You could even learn how we know how long people lived then.

                    Better than chasing lions and water buffalo.  At least IMHO.  Luxury - a full belly, a roof on my head and shirt on my back.  Which didn't used to happen much.  Or we could all say "Screw the rich - I ain't working for them any more!" and go back a few thousand years to the lack of those things.

                    1. profile image0
                      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      If you don't know how to count the seasons and years perhaps you should learn.  They did.  You could even learn how we know how long people lived then.

                      Counting was not invented then either dipstick how is it possible to know how many seasons they lived through, more to the point how would people back then even know what a season was lol.

                      So what your saying is, they told someone they saw that big yellow thing in the sky 30 times....then that person wrote education based on that persons words.....So it is now deemed fact that someone told someone they see the yellow thing in the sky 30 times so that must mean they lived until they was 30......get real mate

                      Better than chasing lions and water buffalo.  At least IMHO.  Luxury - a full belly, a roof on my head and shirt on my back.  Which didn't used to happen much.  Or we could all say "Screw the rich - I ain't working for them any more!" and go back a few thousand years to the lack of those things.

                      Here is what you call luxury

                      A full belly of crap food that kills us????

                      A roof over your head, that you are being bribed to keep over your head by being forced to go to work for rich people, if you don't that roof over your head will be gone.

                      A shirt on your back that was probably made in asia somewhere for pennies, then sold to you for that not slave labour?? And is it not ripping you off and saying thanks stupid human?

                      Go back a few thousand years and have a look of things?? Like what, all the stuff that has been MADE UP in the last few thousand years that is really not needed, things we just get to compete with our neighbours lol so stupid...a lack of them things......would probably be better than slaving to maintain them things for no other purpose than a made believe sense of achievement for not having them things took from you by the greedy.....

                      Why chase other beings......a full belly of it really needed or are we educated to believe we need it at schedules times such as breakfast, lunch and dinner times.....wonder who educates us this stuff, maybe it is them people that make crap for us to eat at the times they tell us to eat it...yes the rich lol

                      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                        Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                        The age of man was well documented when man carve letters or symbols on stone for the simple minded. Man did not the live much older than age 40 till mid 1850. Most Europeans thought the world was flat up to 1492, how stupid.

                        Even though we are much smarter today than then. We are de evolving back to stupidity. By thinking we can win at a One World Order.

                2. Castlepaloma profile image77
                  Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Chicken, rabbits and dear are much easier to farm, kill and eat.

                  Our children will not out live their parents. The junk food, air, water, earth is now greatly polluted. Italian live four years longer than Americans. The last 50 Years
                  90% of big fish in the sea are dead. About 75% of trees and most wildlife in this world is dead. Unhealthy planet unhealthy people.

                  Humans are very very stupid I admire the inmortal jelly more, the more I experience man.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                    Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    I better be careful , may get shot by stupid human for calling them stupid.

                    1. profile image0
                      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      lol. Very true.

                      We live in a world that has smart phones but stupid people lol

                3. profile image0
                  FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Here is some more luxury for you...

                  Today horses run in England in a national race....four died

                  So for our luxurious entertainment other things suffered....

                  Not to mention, how funny is this.....gambling we are told is a problem that some people have, yet any winnings is tax free here in the what is more appealing gambling to try and get tax free money or slaving for someone else?

                  The answer is go work for the rich then give your money back to the rich via gambling..if things get bad with gambling money you have earned then get in debt and gamble some more lol...they make it tax free in order to entice people into debt through life isn't it?

         … 55d7732ffb

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                    Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    The house always wins and like Banks too.

                    1. profile image0
                      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      Yes. Banks named with a national linkage that are not owned by the people the banks names suggest lol.

                      That is how stupid we all are mate, people can not put this simple thing together

                      NATIONAL DEBT

                      Hense the second word, DEBT....for a debt to even exist it must mean we lent money from our NATIONAL BANK that we didnt have to lend to our self lol....

                      So who is our NATIONAL BANKS really? lol, you know who they are mate, so do I, so won't name drop....................but money rules, so in reality we are fake christians as we are living by Jewish debt lol

                      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                        Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                        Since Christian history only goes back 2000 years.
                        They borrowed the Old Testament who is own by the Jews. So Christain history goes back 6000 years now. Like Christan America are still owned by Jewish/Zionist .(fake jews) . Which is stupid because most people and most professional scientist believe human history goes back 200,000 years.

                        Now the passion of the Jews want to own all banks, all religions and everything by Jewish taxing us to death. The End - Death and Taxes

                        Calling people STUPID is AWESOME, IT SETS YOU FREE.
                        Kind of like using the F-word without the Censoreship.

                  2. wilderness profile image90
                    wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    "they make it tax free in order to entice people into debt through life isn't it?"

                    "Luxury" is a relative term, not an absolute one.  Compared to but a few hundred years ago we live in near total luxury - luxury even the rich could not imagine. 

                    So what is your point?  That the rich allow unheard of luxury to the peons around them?  That if we confiscated their wealth we could all descend back into sunup to sunset hard labor?  What are you trying to say?

                    1. profile image0
                      FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                      No don't start spreading the meaning of your wording across multiple differnet meanings of the same word. You only do that in an attempt to try and say your right.





                      Bribery is not luxury mate it is nowhere near being come you seem to think the only form of pretend luxury we have, has to be give to us through the hands of the rich.....are you really that stupid? Are you saying we can only live how the rich let us, I think you are, that my friend is because your a fake materialistic coward.

                      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                        Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                        Where have you been Football Nut.
                        I've been trapped on hubpages between mostly Morlocks and Minions. I tried very hard to tell the generally good people don't get hypnotizes by those predator greedy elitist. Because they don't give sh*t about you or the environment and will eat you all up. They highly fear these morlocks to the point,where they have no idea they could easily lock them up in their own cave. Stupid Minion and meat puppets.

      29. aware profile image67
        awareposted 8 years ago

        Nothing and I mean Nothing. Gets out of this world alive.  Extinction makes way for new life. Also birds kill other birds. Bears kill bears. Cats kill cats. And so on.even coral attack other coral.we learned about war from ants. We're not alone in acting stupid.

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          What makes you think nothing gets out alive?

          The only proof you have is no one has done it yet due to us being so stupid and killing each other. Which really does not count as proof.

          It is only humans that kill humans, through the way humans make other humans live.

          Don't you think if we stopped being stupid and stopped killing each other by way of man made foods, vehicle accidents and so on, if we learn from our mistakes and remove things that kill us WHAT WILL BE LEFT TO POSSIBLY KILL US?? Nothing would be which means we can probably live on.

          Like you stat birds kill birds, bears kill bears, so if we are meant to be intelligent why are we killing humans through the manner of chasing paper?

        2. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I thought human had the greatest brain on earth.

          When humans kill most of the animals on the planet, would that not make humans world champion at stupid.

      30. aware profile image67
        awareposted 8 years ago

        Humans are out numbered and always will be.We  have the ability to leave earth. It's a long trip to the next planet. We should start packing

        1. profile image0
          FootballNutposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah space and aliens, more mythes.

          But what I will say is more and more stars are appearing in the sky.....almost as if they have sex with each other and multiply somehow lol.....maybe more and more have appeared because technology has been released......fucking cameras they are mate watching us all....flash flash lol, seems weird more and more are appearing as we are getting more and more watched lol

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Since fire is the source of all live. I think stars to have sex and make babies star. They first expand large and then shink like old men to Suns, then Planets and then dead as a moon.

            Even though I think Aliens exist more than the theory of one God. It's not likely we will experience aliens in our life time because they live too far away.

            Most animal history has a far greater live span than humans.
            Human can go extinct easily be cause 99% of the other speice have gone. When we are gone, the earth could be better off from these stupid parasites.