I just watched two episodes of Race for the White House on CNN. The first one was about Dukakis and Bush and the second one was about Bush and Clinton. I learned that we will vote for whoever has the best campaign staff that can create risk and doubt for the other side. Let's look at the risk on both sides and what the campaign staffs will go for.
Flip flops
No political experience
Businesses operates on bankruptcies
No Foreign Policy Experience
Being sued for Trump University Fraud
insults his opponents
Married three times
Has not released tax returns
First lady will be eye candy
Does not relate to public
Government as usual
Voted to invade Iraq
Not to be trusted
Has no meaningful accomplishments while in government
Bill Clinton as first man.
We don't vote for what is good about our candidate. We vote for what is bad that is presented by the opponent. The campaigns create doubt and we are the judge and the jury. As you noticed, I have not taken sides. If you have more to add to the list on either side, please feel free to do so. It will be interesting to see how the campaigns will build their cases against their opponents.
For myself, 6 of Trumps negatives I either don't care about or are false to fact. On Clintons side there is only one with that status.
Trump wins even though I could come with a few more on him.
It doesn't matter whether they are true or false. It what the campaign people do with them to try to destroy their opponent.
Kind of my point as well. Of those 6, others will vehemently disagree with all 6...because the campaign has convinced them otherwise.
For instance, Trump has been divorced 3 times. In a country where half the population has been divorced at least once, why would we ever care? But we will, because the campaign advertisements have told us to.
You got that right. From what I saw on the three episodes of Race to the white house, they all use dirty tricks to gain an advantage. In Clinton Versus Bush, it was Clinton who suggested the town hall debate and Bush agreed to it. James Carvell and Paul Begalia then rehearsed Clinton many times in how to sit in a stool and get up and approach the audience when asked a question. The day before the meeting, they removed the chairs that were on the set and brought in Clinton's chairs, so that he would feel very comfortable when asked a question by the audience.
The first question from the audience was by a lady who asked Bush how did the national debt affect him personally? Bush was very uncomfortable sitting in the stool, he tried to answer the question, but stammered and finally said I don't understand what you are asking. Clinton then looked very calm and presidential walked up to the lady and started asking her questions about how she felt. He really did not answer the question, but the rest is history as the audience applauded Clinton.
I also have one for Nixon versus Kennedy and Dukakis Versus Bush, and even Lincoln versus Douglass. But I have to run.
Here are plenty. https://youtu.be/kypl1MYuKDY
PeoplePower, that's a nice attempt at raising the level of debate. You might want to add sociopath to the Trump list.
http://www.ibtimes.com/donald-trump-soc … re-2392338
I do agree with Wilderness that his divorces aren't a factor in whether people should vote for him.
Good point. Someone with no more credentials than being a ghost writer of a book goes on record with a psychological assessment of a candidate and people will lap it right up.
You can't get much "muddier" but we love it! I've already seen the "lipstick on a pig" quote elsewhere - we not only lap it up but spread it as far as we can throw.
Ah, condescension and sneering again. It's a shame you need to make this personal again, even though I tried to meet you halfway in my post.
This guy spent a lot of time with Trump and knows him personally. Do you? I wonder how many people it will take, all saying the same thing about Trump, before the extreme right realizes he is a big problem.
Is that number in the hundreds, the thousands or more?
Speaking of lipstick on a pig, maybe you can muster up some more lipstick to cover those beloved assault rifles that are murdering a lot of cops these days.
wilderness and promisem: I read the entire very long article and it was very revealing. According to the author, Tony Schwartz, he has a very short attention span, is a pathological liar who doesn't care if people catch him in a lie or not. It is the attention he is after. He craves attention whether positive or negative. He calls his style "hyperbolic truth." He says he plays to peoples fantasies to tell them what they want to hear, whether it is true or not does not matter to him as long as it makes him look great.
This was all evident last night on the 60 minute interview with Leslie Stall and Mike Pence. He wouldn't let Pence get a word in edge wise. Stall pointed out that he chastised Clinton for voting for the Iraq invasion the same as Pence did. When questioned, he said it's O.K. for Pence to make a mistake, but not Hillary. I saw a different Trump when he tried to read from a Teleprompter. It was as if the wind was taken out of his sails. Schwartz says Trump will never change and that he cannot see him as president in a meeting focusing on the issue at hand. He is not capable of maintaining focus for any length of time. He also said he is a terrible business man and lost a lot of money.
If you haven't read the article yet, you should. It is way to long to describe in this forum.
This video affirms what the author said about Trump, that he can't say focused and even can't answer the question, then he just starts talking about himself to change the subject.
http://mediamatters.org/video/2016/03/2 … ely/209566
I'm sorry if you took it that way. I assumed, in line with this thread (and his 3 marriages), that the topic was not bashing candidates, but about how the race has deteriorated in doing just that regardless of which candidate it is.
And I do stand by my observation that this ghost writer is NOT a psychologist and has no business posting such medical claims. It's called "libel" unless he can claim it to be true and he cannot. It's unethical, illegal and nothing but more mud slinging. Considerably worse, as it claims a medical diagnosis, than the tales of Clinton's ill treatment of her SS guards, and that doesn't really belong put out there unless it was SOP for her.
(Or was the "sociopath" part just from you rather than the link you posted? If so I withdraw my comments about the author.)
And yes, I would say the same thing if the post was about Clinton, even though that's how I view her, in my laymans opinion without a shred of medical training. Without that qualifier, that I am untrained and don't know what I'm talking about it, it would be illegal and unethical just as it was for the writer.
Wilderness, did you read the ghost writer's piece? It was alarming. It just seemed like somebody providing his observations about his work with Trump. It really was horrifying.
And you don't have to answer this, but I assume you are voting for Gary Johnson? You always strike me as, while somebody who differs from my views, a decent person - somebody who believe in self-sufficiency.
I'd be shocked if you voted for Donald Trump.
Well, here in the REAL World, U don't need to be a Inner-Cranium EXAMINING "Psychologist or Psychiatrist" to understand the FACT that "Delusional" Donald is indeed "DELUSIONAL", and at the very least Suffers from Schizophrenia, Paranoia, Inferiority COMPLEX, and SEVERE Anger issues ~ ~ Just a few REASONs WHY he can NEVER be President ~
Any Professional worth his/her weight couldn't possibly arrive at a Divergent Medical Conclusion / Diagnosis ~ He believes Ted Cruz' father participated in the Assassination of JFK !! ~ Yup, believe it or NOT he actually thinks this to be TRUE ~ This DELUSION alone Disqualified him long ago ~
I can add that Trump is a liar, cheat, not to be trusted and an egomaniac elitist while he pretends to be for the common man.
While some of Trump's negatives doesn't bother certain types, they bother me and will effectively keep me from even considering casting a ballot on his behalf.
I don't know, I have always suspected that within the last month, that Trump has displayed something of a death wish. The way he has been behaving, embroiling himself in needless controversy, I.e. defaming the memory of a deceased war hero, and the lack of tack regarding crying infants and their mothers. I thought that you were suppose to kiss babies on the campaign trail?
He may well come up with excuses as to why he will be forced to terminate his candidacy. He will say that it is all rigged. The GOP may be forced to scramble to find a replacement. Draft Paul Ryan, perhaps. Hopefully, it would be too late for the GOP to recover as Clinton may not do as well against a more mainstream, less contentious GOP nominee.
The GOP needs a new standard bearer, but by the time they resign themselves to that fact, it may well be too late.
This is just what's happened in the last 24 hours:
In a Washington Post interview, Trump declined to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan against his primary challenger
He reiterated that he hasn't endorsed Sen. John McCain and said the onetime prisoner of war "has not done a good job for the vets"
He slapped out at Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte, saying "she has given me zero support"
He suggested that Americans should pull their 401(k) funds out of the stock market
He said he's "always wanted" to receive a Purple Heart but that having one gifted to him by a supporter was "much easier"
He said that the handling of sexual harassment has "got to be up to the individual"
He accused Khizr Khan of being "bothered" by his plan to keep terrorists out of the country, and said that he had no regrets about his clash with the family
He appeared to feud with a crying baby during a rally
He reiterated that "if the election is rigged, I would not be surprised"
The sitting president of the United States publicly called Trump "unfit to serve" and urged Republicans to withdraw their support for him.
Trump spokesman Katrina Pierson suggested that Obama and Clinton are to blame for the death of Humayan Khan, who died in 2004, when neither were in the executive branch at the time
An ally of Paul Manafort told our colleague John Harwood at CNBC that the campaign chairman is "mailing it in," leaving the rest of the staff "suicidal."
Sitting GOP congressman Richard Hanna, HP head Meg Whitman and former Christie aide Maria Comella all said they plan to vote for Hillary Clinton
The Washington Post released a transcript of its full interview with Trump, indicating among other things that he paused five times to watch TV coverage in the middle of the sit-down
A GOP source told NBC's Katy Tur that Reince Priebus is "apoplectic" over Trump's refusal to endorse Ryan and is making calls to the campaign to express his "extreme displeasure"
I'm sure the source will be questioned, but the report is coming from a Republican.
http://www.cnbc.com/2016/08/03/trump-as … ports.html
OMG: Trump is like virus on our country. It's not everyday that he is becoming an embarrassment to our country, it is almost every hour. I don't know what the antibiotic is. This is one time I think our democracy is not working in the best interest of the country. He scares the sh*t out of me.
"He scares the sh*t out of me."
Why? Do you think he will push his radical plans through a congress that is 90% against anything he says or does? Or do you think he'll put out a rash of illegal executive orders, ala Obama?
Oh, I don't know, maybe he scares the shit out of people because he doesn't why we just don't use our nukes more often. Jesus.
I find it amazing today people elect a President more base on how much less damage they do to their country. Than what honest protection they provide for their country and international.
It's sad, isn't it? But what is probably worse is the millions that will cast their vote on the color of a candidates skin, their sex, how they dress or their hair.
Castlepaloma and wilderness: When I started this forum, I stated that people vote as result of who has the best campaign staff. The campaign staff is always looking for that gotcha moment that will turn the tide against their opponent. With Nixon it was the nervousness and sweating in the debates, With Dukakis, it was riding around in that silly tank. With Bush senior, it was that he couldn't answer questions in the town hall meeting. With Hillary, of course, it is Benghazi, emails, lying, and murder. that the right wing is constantly pushing. With Trump, I don't know. He is constantly contradicting himself from sentence to sentence. He is a big shell and pea game and you don't know under which shell the pea is hiding.
Yes, it's a giant advertising campaign, and about as free from honesty as any such thing ever is. A tiny helping of fact coupled with a whole lot of innuendo, insinuations and outright lies (did Clinton really have people murdered?!?).
Is it then a bad thing that Trump's actions are so difficult to pin down and put into that advertising campaign? Is he just too smart to let it happen - his opponents are left with little but grasping at statements too stupid for any reasonable person to make? I hardly see him as lily white, so there must be something substantive there somewhere (beyond the constant barrage of capitalized shouts that he is being sued and that he says really stupid things some (most) of the time).
Due to Hillary's lack of running a real business and Trump's line of corrupted business. I would not allow neither of them to run a dog pound.
I like to hear them say to the dogs
The question remains, Sy, if he loses will he just go away quietly? Will his raucous crew of supporters accept Clinton as President-elect, sitting down? The rightwinger has an authoritarian nature in direct contradiction with democratic ideals. I will be watching carefully.
Obama tried reading from a broken teleprompter last month and actually began stuttering and stammering , Hillary is the queen of talking from both sides of her mouth at the same time and saying absolutely nothing , almost like a circus act , Trump isn't extremely articulate , although his wife speaks 5 or 6 languages , But leave it to you guys to critique the popular candidate of the people who , by the way is leading in more than one poll , Come on guys lets talk real issues not the childishness of seven year olds !
ahorseback: Where do you get this nonsense that he is the popular candidate of the people? I guess it's O.K and very adult. to continue to investigate Hillary about Benghazi and email, when she has already been investigated a multitude of times on both accounts and cleared by the FBI, the Attorney General, and Trey Gaudy on both issues. But you republicans won't accept that. You are like spoiled brat children that continue to use those words to never let the public forget. And further they have spent your tax payers dollars and mine on these foolish investigations instead of doing the work of congress. I ask you who is more childish?
Who cares whether Melinia speaks five or six languages. She stated those passages word for word. There is no denying that. If Hillary would have done that, there would be no end to the republican party beating their ridiculous drums. Maybe she is innocent, but the speech should have been vetted. This shows how disorganized Trump and his people are. When trump speaks from a teleprompter or a written speech, he becomes inhibited, because he is best at a free flowing sh*t storm of B.S. and insulting and dividing and conquering. It is one thing to win a campaign nomination. It is another to be able to govern a country. It wouldn't surprise me if his children will be running the country if he is elected.
Okay PP , so go and give a "motivational speech " the words , the lines , the rhetoric , the political spew factor is always the same , the same ole lines of a politician how common they are ! So two of her lines are similar to Michelle's , wow what a catastrophic offense ! I think liberals might try to get a handle on envy , on insecurity , and on the childishness of understanding and judging simple English . Was Trumps wife's speech so important that the elitist pseudo - intellectual liberals speech checkers have to fully engage their usual political correctness ?
How basically SHALLOW !
ahorseback: It's amazing how conservatives can rationalize their screw ups, And now the truth comes out: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/21/us/po … civer.html
What was important was how they tried to cover it up. Your rhetoric is like a mother who is sticking up for her son who just lit the school on fire and all she has to say is boys will be boys. If Hillary would have done that, you guys would never let it go. That's how hypocritical conservatives are. This ahole wants Hillary to be shot for Treason. Maybe they could use your guns.
http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ … li=BBnb7Kz
Others want to send her to jail. Get over it. It's a done deal. How are you going to send her to jail? Just like how is Trump going to shred Obama care his first day in office. It's friggin law that requires the Supreme Court to rule on it. Get over it. Oh I know you just love to blame the liberals for everything. Talk about the anointed one. He is going to make America Great Again without using the balance of power of the other two branches of the government.
Yes her speech was important. She is introducing the presumptive President of the United State of America. Oh its O.K. Trump's people will be Trump's people.
PP. why don't you quote me any speech of national importance that a wife of a presidential candidate has ever made ,..................... "What was important was how they tried to cover it up ...." I saw the childish rhetoric from your left the very next morning ! How is that hiding anything but the paranoia of a left worried now that trump is surging in the polls .
The cover ups all come from THIS administration ! No the next one , that hasn't been elected yet !
ahorseback: Hillary has been cleared, get over your paranoia. You are absolutely right about our paranoia, but not for the reasons you think.
This convention so far has been about hate, violence, racism, and bigotry. And yet their slogans are make America Safe Again and Make America Work Again. Their entire convention so far has been about incriminating Hillary and Obama. Not about work and making America safe with any plans for doing that. . It's all about scaring the hell out of people. Fear is one of the best motivators in the world.
They want to put Hillary in jail. One of his top advisors has said Hillary should be put in front of a firing squad. I would hate to see Trumps fingers on the button to launch nuclear weapons because he is so impulsive. He reminds me of a Mussolini who puffs out his chest with arrogance.
He wants to bomb ISIS without understanding they are embedded with civilians, but he doesn't care about that. He hasn't a clue about the complexities of the middle east. He doesn't know the difference between Sunni, Kurds, and Shia. He doesn't care, let's just bomb them all.
He wants to deport Mexicans and Muslims without a plan as to how to do it. . When asked about Brexit, he couldn't even answer. He wants to build a wall that anybody can tunnel under and have Mexico pay for it.
He is a liar, a cheat, a racist, and misogynist, and will change directions faster than a speeding bullet. And then he will deny that he has said anything.
He wants to upset the balance of trade that we have with China. He wanted to destroy NATO and then he changed his mind after he saw how they were used in Turkey to quell a coup. He calls global warming a hoax.
He is playing to your fantasies and everyone else who support him. Even the evangelical Christians think he is their savior when has never even opened a bible. I could go on and on. And yes I am afraid but not for the reason you think. Is this the man you want to be President? ...not to worry, if he is elected, his children will be running the country any way.
His strong suite is dividing and conquering his opponents by insults and lies. That how he got to be nominated, but winning a nomination and running this already strongest and most powerful country in the world is much more than that. He wants to make America great again, but it is already great. If you don't think so, go live in a real third world country and see what it is like. Oh I know you want to blame all the liberals and Obama and Hillary for the countries problems. It's easy to place blame, but much harder to fix the problems.
WoW, Very WELL Said peoplepower ~ ~
If there are still Republican "FACT Deniers" who can't seem to ADJUST to the REALITY that "Delusional Donald" might actually be the individual sentenced to a LONG Prison Term SOON, wait until the MEDIA starts STREAMING the Latest Charges FILED Against Trump & his Family ~
His Dwindling Number of FANz are LOST & probably a little too DUMB to be Affected by the NEWs, after ALL, they don't seem to REALIZE he's been ACCEPTING "Special Interest" money from the very beginning, but the REST of us "LUCID & Rational AMERICANs" might be APPAULLED & somewhat SHOCKED as we are already with his PENDING FRAUD Law Suits & Disgusting Behavior ~
I think I'll soon Comment about the LATEST right here at HP ~
Thanks Alternative Prime: I did get one thing wrong though. He doesn't want to destroy NATO. He want to withdraw from NATO. I'm looking forward to reading your post on his law suit.
We thought it was a joke when Trump started running. What happens if he gets signed in as President, I might not excape North America in time.
By the way, here is his latest arrogance. During the debates, Trump insulted Ted Cruz by comparing pictures of his beautiful and exotic Melania to Ted's wife and then told him how ugly she is. He accuses Ted's father for helping with JFKs assassination. Now he is upset because Ted Cruz won't endorse him. What an a hole!!
By the way , Listening to' Brietbart Patriot ' Sirius radio today , I listened to-- How the mainstream media is completely miscalculating and blasting on about how "White " the followers of Trump are , Several black people called in to say that they feel at least 25 % of blacks are voting Trump ! ADVISING us to ALL look to U-Tube to see reality of Trumps popularity .
The mainstream media is so incurably slanted to the agenda-ed left that they are missing this entire election cycle by avoiding reality !.
By the way, when you expose that you listen to Brietbart Patriot radio, you reveal that you are a right-wing lunatic because rational thinking people who believe in the truth do not listen to conspiracy theory radio. While there may be kernals of truth on it somewhere, there is more than enough data out there to support that what they spew is not true. So if you believe stuff that isn't true and you base your opinions on it, that makes you basically crazy.
You obviously neither understand Brietbart radio nor the truth , nor right- wing rhetoric . My guess ids that you don't know your elbow from your knee. And crazy is being naive , immature and never maturing beyond that !
ahorseback: I know Brietbart and his cohorts were involved in the Planned Parenthood Video fraud that Carley Fiorina so proudly displayed to little children when she was a candidate. That's your republican party doing some of it proudest work.
And for you sir , Defending Planned abortion-hood is about par for the course ! I probably should clarify some of Brietbart is great . Some isn't so perfectly good . But all of it is better and fairer than the mainstream media !
I take it you don't support a woman's right to choose? Not surprising. Yet another ignorant right-winger who doesn't understand the issue.
And Breitbart - what a load of crap. They use Alex Jones, Dinesh D'Souza. Both are known crazy people whose assertions have been dismantled and proven false by one apolitical site after another. Once again, crazy, racist, ignorant people follow Breitbart and Drudge and all that other garbage. Could you at least read National Review? Though I read a story on National Review about Elizabeth Warren flipping houses that was really ridiculous.
ahorseback: Question - What does a republican do after a kid is born out of wedlock?
Answer - They cut them off of welfare. A republican's responsibility ends at the time the child is born. The don't give a damn what the circumstances are , they just want that child to be borne...after that, adios. It's your problem, capitalism and free market enterprise will take care of you.
The real question is how did America get in this mess? How is it that the two most disliked candidates on each side got elected? What is wrong with voters that we would allow that and vote for it. Why isn't this election something like Joe Biden vs. Lindsay Graham or Bernie Sanders vs. Jeb Bush? Say what you want about any of these four, but at least they all come across as decent human beings.
This is why these names above fell by the way !
Americans wanted to reclaim their voting power , are sick and tired of the unproductive motor of congress , senate and a white house that has grown to represent more the old castles of Europe rather that the freedoms of a people who left those overlords . Each name you mentioned above and all the others who fell by the way represent dynasties rather than leaders.
Obama is the worst one of them all! He is simply a divisive warlord of power-mongering dictator . What even many liberals have come to realize is that A Man So Divisive [Obama ] has got to have a totally black heart ! No man who awakens the old monstrosity of racism and hatreds and every evil it represented , sets back our culture 50 years and divides an almost totally healed nation of human ethnic relations and then twists the knife deep into the very heart of his own country , is nothing but a lying rhetorical activist .
You just proved my point. That kind of unfounded, false hatred is what is destroying America. Nothing you said is backed up by even a single shred of data. Crime is down in America. Unemployment is down. The stock market has almost tripled since Obama took over. Osama Bin Laden is dead. Apparently, unless the man walks on water, there is literally nothing he can do. Your vile, racist rantings and those of your racist buddies are turning this nation into Hitler's Germany, pitting white people against everyone else. Did you see Laura Ingraham give the Nazi salute last night? What happened to civility? To rational argument? To science? People are calling for Hillary to be shot at the RNC. To be hanged. I wouldn't be surprised if she's assassinated because of the lunatics at the RNC. Mike Pence asked the crazies to make sure she doesn't become president. Did he not realize, given the rhetoric, how a lot of them would take that?
The only divisiveness Obama is causing is between those who like using the word ni**er and those who don't.
Sychophantastic: Thank you for your posts I couldn't have said it better.
I have followed this thread with interest. I actually believe that a significant percentage of voters are no longer swayed by the typical campaign blather. I believe that this bloc of voters has become politically savvy due to the high availability of citizen reporting on the internet. Unfortunately, there is another significant bloc of voters that has become highly misinformed for pretty much the same reason, as they are frequenting bogus "media" sites that simply cement their already formed biases.
I think the days of one highly effective political ad derailing a presidential candidate are probably over. Remember the Willie Horton ad that was instrumental in Dukakis' defeat? I think an authentic moment caught on video, such as Romney's 47% comment, can do more damage to a candidate than an orchestrated negative campaign from a political PAC or opposing presidential campaign.
Just my opinion, not based on any data or research, so one could say I'm talking out my arse.
PrettyPanther: I don't believe you are. When I started this forum, I listed the negatives for both sides. From what I have seen of the Race to the White House episodes on CNN, all it takes is one good optic that sticks with the voting public. With Nixon it was his sweating during the debates. With Dukakis it was riding around in that silly tank. With George H, it was looking nervous and looking at his watch during the town hall meeting with Clinton. With Truman and Dewey, it was Truman's whistle stop campaign where the staff would have all the buzz for the next stop so he could talk about local news with the townspeople.
I don't know what it will be for this election cycle, but it will be interesting to watch it play out. So far almost every negative that I have listed for Hillary in my first post has been used by Trump and his campaign, but not to the extent I expected. I never thought they would suggest putting Hillary before a firing squad. That is very dangerous and reckless to say the least. In the wrong mind it could be very tragic.
The only honest politician at high ranking was Ron Paul . The rest, you could lay them at the bottom of the sea along with corporatism lawyers and that would be a good start.
As an adoptee from the 50s, I am glad that babies born out of wedlock were offered for adoption. Why is that not an option?
Wilderness: No he is an abomination of our democracy. Sometimes democracy does not work in the best interest of the people. Bush took Arafat out of the PLO and they voted in Hamas. In Egypt they took out Mubarak and voted in el Sisi. In Libya, they took out Gaddafi in the name of democracy and now it is ruled by rebel forces that are much more dangerous than he was.
Trump has taken out all his opponents and now he is even fighting with his party leaders. But because of democracy, they feel obligated to support him, even though they don't want to. Because of our system of democracy, he may end up with his hands on the nuclear codes. He is too impetuous and has the temperament of a spoiled brat child with a bazooka. If you criticize anything about him, he will take you out with his "counter punches." Just picture him with his hands on the buttons to launch the missiles, because someone in some country criticized him, I fear he might do it! So what I fear him pushing is not his radical plans but pushing the buttons to launch missiles. In just a few days, he has shown that he is unfit to be President of The United States of America and this is just the start. By the way, your republican congress is and has been 100% against anything Obama says or does.
Wilderness: Maybe this will scare the sh*t out of you.
Let's see - a reporter says Trump asked (a third, unknown, party) for information on why we can't or don't use nukes, fails to provide any context whatsoever and you think I should be scared.
Thank you, but no - I'm not afraid of political posturing or rhetoric.
Wilderness: General Hayden is not a nobody. He was the head of the CIA for god's sake.
But he was not being interviewed. Only quoted (and not even a direct quote, but only a paraphrase of "a foreign policy expert" (no name given) remark which was in turn a paraphrase of Trumps), which was the point; all the information was third hand and we all know how words get changed. And how context so drastically affects the meaning of words as well.
Wilderness: I gave you the wrong link. Try this one where they are interviewing Michael Hayden, the former head of the CIA.
I wonder who really is in control of these nuke weapons lined up across Russia and Chinas boarders. Once a dollar dump promise by Putin and China in Late September goes in effect. Then a false flag goes off by NATO and BOOM!!!! (Time and time again) Northern Hemisphere is in deep trouble, wail southern hemisphere weather, where I will be, should be nice.
I can only trust the people will dig themselves out of this deep foxhole.
Sure enough - the Republican party hates him. Good! Maybe we can convince both parties to actually represent the people instead of the puppet masters in the wings!
As far as the nuclear button - I fear a woman that has no concern or empathy at all for anyone but herself far more than Trump. She has made it very clear, IMHO, that "collateral damage" doesn't matter a bit - that she doesn't care who gets hurt as long as it isn't her and her political aspirations. People, whether her husband, her security forces protecting her or you and I are but political pawns to be used as she will. Trump may (or may not) hurt your vision of a nice future (he isn't going to "push the button") but Clinton will take everything you've got, including your life, to keep or increase her power base.
This stuff about Clinton comes from Fox News and a single book by a disgruntled employee. Fox News has been shown, by numerous non-partisan studies, to be the most dishonest news channel among all media. Knowingly basing one's opinions on lies is a terrible basis for civil debate.
Former House speaker Newt Gingrich, one of Trump’s most loyal defenders, warned that his friend was in danger of throwing away the election and helping to make Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton president unless he quickly changes course.
“The current race is which of these two is the more unacceptable, because right now neither of them is acceptable,” Gingrich said in a Wednesday morning telephone interview. “Trump is helping her to win by proving he is more unacceptable than she is.”
Gingrich said Trump has only a matter of weeks to reverse course. “Anybody who is horrified by Hillary should hope that Trump will take a deep breath and learn some new skills,” he said. “He cannot win the presidency operating the way he is now. She can’t be bad enough to elect him if he’s determined to make this many mistakes.”
Fox News Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 10 points
Here’s why: majorities think Clinton is nevertheless qualified to be president, and has the temperament and knowledge to serve effectively. It’s the opposite for Trump: over half feel he is not qualified, and lacks the temperament or knowledge to lead the country. And his 62 percent dishonesty rating tops hers.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/08 … lawed.html
Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger said Wednesday that he doesn't see how he can endorse his party's nominee, Donald Trump.
"I'm an American before I'm a Republican. I'm saying for me personally, how can I support that? Because he's crossed so many red lines that a commander in chief or a candidate for commander in chief should never cross.
I'm a Republican because I believe that Republicanism is the best way to defend the United States of America...Trump throws all of these Republican principles on their head.
I won't be silent. He can tweet all he wants, you know, but I have to do this for my country and my party,"
by Sharlee 3 years ago
An Albatross In The Room.Many spent the last four years criticizing President Donald Trump in no small part for his mental state. At this juncture it is necessary we take a serious look at Biden's frequently, confused, irritability, and inability to complete a coherent thought. it's very clear that...
by Mike Russo 8 years ago
Trump is not your normal candidate nor is he running a normal campaign. I know the word normal is relative, but in the world of campaigns, it is based on previous campaigns that had some sense of being normal with decorum and civility. He has lied and insulted all of his opponents...
by Credence2 8 years ago
See the following yahoo article link.http://news.yahoo.com/trump-demands-apo … ction.htmlI haven't laughed so hard since Pat Paulson was running, even as a comic he was a more viable candidate than Trump.I think that Trump has some misogynistic issues where he needs to visit the...
by NicoleforObama 16 years ago
Senator Clinton and the Clinton machine keeps going and going and going....If senator Clinton is holding out to become VP, Obama should not leave his drink behind if she is the only person in that room. I am ashamed to be a woman. We are stronger and better than this. I was all for the first woman...
by Grace Marguerite Williams 8 years ago
Bernie Sanders is still running & aiming to be our next President. What chances will he have against Hillary Clinton?
by C E Clark 8 years ago
Why are Republicans in denial about Donald Trump and his many scams and lies?When someone engages contractors and agrees to pay them and then goes bankrupt on that promise it is basically a lie. When a man has a wife AND a mistress, he is certain to be lying to one, or more likely both of...
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