Just Curious

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  1. Jacqueline4390 profile image84
    Jacqueline4390posted 8 years ago


    The plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty reads: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    Is this still valid?

    1. Credence2 profile image81
      Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Not under the philosophy up the upcoming regime.

      But, of course, if you listened to Steve Bannon, the immigration is fine if it only comes from Europe.

    2. colorfulone profile image78
      colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, of course its still true.  Very much so!   There is just that little thing called "legally".  The present regime has been lawless.

      1. psycheskinner profile image76
        psycheskinnerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        In which case they should add: if you score enough points of merit, are prepared to wait 20 years, and pay $5000 or so. I am grateful for the opportunity, but anyone who thinks legal immigration is a simple walk through the golden door, well.  It's doable for a highly educated, reasonably wealthy person from a first world nation.  For others it is difficult to impossible.

        1. colorfulone profile image78
          colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Trump is planning to make it easier for good people such as yourself to become citizens. Its crazy to have to wait ten years in some cases.  Hopefully, he won't have too much push back. 
          Trump on immigration:   https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/immigration

    3. PhoenixV profile image67
      PhoenixVposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Breathe free? Not after extrajudicial executions of American citizens by obama. That we know of.

    4. profile image0
      promisemposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I just read on Breitbart that it is being rewritten by Steven Bannon:

      "Give me your rich, your elite, your privileged few yearning to get richer, the uncaring cruel of your teeming shore. Send these, the brutal, self-obsessed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

  2. Jacqueline4390 profile image84
    Jacqueline4390posted 8 years ago

    I love hearing from both views, please keep it coming!

  3. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    There is a wave of immaturity and  untold hypocrisy  in the understanding of U.S. immigration policies of today ,     All that the bell ringing media enhanced attitude of the left see's is the" big bad wolf " America building a brick and mortar wall to keep out the Mexicans ,   What they neither accurately see nor willingly acknowledge is how open the arms of America HAVE ALWAYS BEEN to the great migrations from all parts of the world.to America  !  Need an true of US policy understanding ----look around you .

    What can no longer be, because of the needs of national security  -- IS the un-enforcement of the  illegal immigration policy of the Obama kind. Where not only do we loosen all policy and restriction of the LEGAL immigration policies  but totally ignore the illegal kind as well !

    America IS a 'melting pot ' but do the new liberals acknowledge or probably even understand that term , NO .  You will never hear  that term by liberals -- BUT that is America - a melting pot .  But then hey !......No party of people have ever pigeonholed any groups of people as much or as perfectly as  the new liberal anyway , if they could they would admit their  agenda-ed ideology   divide and conquer ALL for the good of anarchy !


    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this


      You got it backward, the Zionist design is to divide and conquer and their agenda is kill to 2/3 of the earth population. Good start by conflicts in dividing individuals by race, genders, Religion, environmentist, feminist, sex and so on. We all cannot be white Christian males where the lopsided voting against being onesidedness by design by the Corperation propaganda machine of delustion. It did not work with Hitler and in the long run it will not work here. Your dark empire is finished yet the abuse has not yet hit it's peak yet, in order to change for the better.

      Canada would be a good example where these diversity is a strength , not a weakness. It is a mosaic of cultures living in most part in harmony. US is like an international airport of groups not knowing where they are going.The Zionist are in control and winning, not the people of civilized rest. I am leaving Canada because we too close to US and the bankers will take us down too.

  4. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    "America is like an international airport of groups not knowing where their going "

    That statement alone shows the massive amounts of delusion and immaturity of the left , Why ?,   That statement IS America,   while many  of   the masses arrive unable to even  speak English ,    hold a job , or are motivated enough to assimilate to the  origins of puritan work ethic AND the American dream ,    we accept them all !

    My opine , -Yes the plaque  at the base of the lady liberty is , will and  always has been the truth !

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Funny  when, France first offered the statue of Liberty America refused it.  Now, America Congress had voted to remove her.

      A few days ago Trump wants to remove statue of Liberty because it encourage immigrants to come to America.

      Trump said, why did France send us a flat chested lady holding a lamp.? A reporter at this Trump tower conference ask Trump would he replace her with a statue of your wife giving the middle finger to Europe. Trump said that was a good idea.

      Ok statue of Liberty is not a Ten. I wonder when Trump is having sex with a ten , he is fantasizing about masterbating himself.

  5. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Forget your Trump hatred for the moment - Who can truthfully deny that America is one of the most ethnically inclusive nations in the world ?      Liberals are the most  categorically and hypocritically exclusive  of all by attempting the obvious exclusion of traditional , conservative Americanism  from all recognition  .    The new left would have everyone moving legally or illegally across our borders into America  while at he same time  - removing our history , even our positive  colonial attributes , patriotism and capitalism  from the entire education institution   .

    Is it any wonder at all while so many younger generations  in America hate America ?-  It sure isn't because they are educationally  enlightened .

    1. profile image0
      promisemposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You confuse hatred with contempt.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        No...... sorry , I have seen , read , experienced , and intellectually gained enough of the new  left to know their definition of their all inclusive hatred from  contempt ,     The new left hates all things 'right" of  Bernie Sanders ,    There is no place in the new world  for anything outside of the realms  of the ideological  absolution of  the pseudo intellectual, hypocritical categorizing of all things "wrong "  .

        Political divisiveness  , pure contempt , that's all lightweight to a true leftist ?     Tear it down by all or any means at all possible !

  6. Jacqueline4390 profile image84
    Jacqueline4390posted 7 years ago

    The restrictions on travel to the US. include Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia North Korea, Chad and Venezuela. What is going on in Venezuela?

  7. abwilliams profile image70
    abwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    "The New Colossus" was written by an American poet to raise money for the construction of the pedestal utilized for the display of the Statue of Liberty.

    It is not an original part or product of the Statue itself.

    The Statue of Liberty's purpose is to shine a light on America and show the World what Liberty looks like.

    1. Jacqueline4390 profile image84
      Jacqueline4390posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      That's too bad ... I still don't see it!


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