America has become a pariah nation on the world stage.

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  1. Rupert Taylor profile image95
    Rupert Taylorposted 7 years ago

    In the space of a single week:
    Syrian refugees have been banned
    Torture has been advocated by the U.S. president
    U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley says if countries don't support us we will be "taking names"
    The president has turned his back on numerous international agreements.
    Fair warning: Respectful, logical responses are welcome. Name-calling and abusive comments will not be responded to.

    1. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
      Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "Fair warning: Respectful, logical responses are welcome. Name-calling and abusive comments will not be responded to."  This policy should be standard practice here on HP.

      1. Rupert Taylor profile image95
        Rupert Taylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Sadly, it doesn't seem to be.

    2. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Your comment invites negativity?  It's clear you feel our opinion is set in stone.  Never worth responding to over whelming negativity.

      1. Rupert Taylor profile image95
        Rupert Taylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        It's impossible for me to see how any positive spin can come out of the world's richest nation saying to wounded and displaced Syrians. Nope we're not going to help.

    3. profile image0
      Onusonusposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Waterboarding terrorists is minute compared to what they do to our people, and it is the only reason that Obama was able to take down Bin-laden (an event which was universally applauded by both the left and the right).

      By the way nobody complained about this;

      1. Rupert Taylor profile image95
        Rupert Taylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        It's not a case of comparisons. Shouldn't we, who claim to be defenders of freedom, hold ourselves to a higher standard?
        And, the Jimmy Carter action is not comparable either. … me-jimmy-/

        1. profile image0
          Onusonusposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, they're pretty much the exact same thing.

    4. Rupert Taylor profile image95
      Rupert Taylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I am so proud to be a Canadian tonight

      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Why can't we be like that?

        1. Rupert Taylor profile image95
          Rupert Taylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          You used to be. "Give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" etc.

        2. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          It's pretty easy to say when tens or hundreds of thousands of refugees don't want your country instead of their own.  Not so easy when you are the top target.

          Canada may get it's chance to put their lives and money where their mouth is, though - much of Europe is beginning to put a stop to it too.  Canada, Australia and third world countries will soon be all that's left.

      2. profile image0
        Onusonusposted 7 years agoin reply to this
      3. Aime F profile image71
        Aime Fposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Same.  I was really hoping he would speak up on this.  So proud of him representing us right now.

    5. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Why does the left have  no idea about how  a healthy amount of fear leading to international respect is so important in world politics ?   Seriously , Either liberal ideology is simply and completely  naïve to the dangers of the world or -they don't even care - which is my belief ..

      Walk softly , carry a big stick - and you hardly ever have to use it !

      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, it figures, what are the saber rattlers solutions? A return to Teddy Roosevelt and gunboat diplomacy, circa 1905? In the nuclear age, that is a fine perspective to take.

        There is a contradiction, right wingers and original thinking?

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Well , you completely lost my point !

    6. Rupert Taylor profile image95
      Rupert Taylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      According to Bloomberg News, Fortune International, National Public Radio and other respected outfits that deal in facts, the Muslim-majority countries missing from Trump's immigrant ban are the same ones in which he has business interests. The seven listed in the ban do not have Trump business connections. Must be some sort of weird coincidence.…/2017-trum … an-con…/…/how-does-trumps- … eze-squ……/donald-trump-mus … -ban-c…/

      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I am not much for coincidences, too many must lead one to a conclusion of an explanation based on cause and effect or an identifiable pattern.

        I think that the Canadian pattern of the Patchwork Quilt is more evolved than the melting pot idea. Respect people as they are without the need to be almalgamated into an acceptable model.

    7. profile image0
      promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You can add:

      1. Provoking a war with China.

      2. Putting $20 BILLION worth of airplane sales by Boeing to Iran and Iraq at risk.

      3. Undermining U.S. companies that use scientists and engineers from the banned countries. (Note the companies such as Ford and Google that are protesting the ban.)

      4. Triggering a 15% devaluation of the Mexican Peso, which makes the country more attractive to U.S. companies and takes jobs away from the U.S.

      Otherwise, he's off to a great start.

  2. wilderness profile image95
    wildernessposted 7 years ago

    I am beginning to suspect that our new President may not be very PC.   lol

    1. colorfulone profile image76
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I'm just beginning to think that too.   lol 
      (tongue is cheek)

  3. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 7 years ago

    Oh yeah and there's this;

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      One small problem with this meme: he hasn't indicated any desire to stop "all immigration of Muslims".  Just to keep the record straight.

    2. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You guys always do what you always do, provide half assed information and explanation.

      It is a stupid analogy, is it not?  Germany, Italy and Japan (residents) constitute enemy aliens since we were officially at war with them. We are not at war with every single Muslim and to assume that they are enemy combatants based solely upon their religious denomination is stupidity from Right at the highest order.

      The problem I have with the Right is that they always believe that everyone is stupid as they are and that they can pull a 'fast one'.

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        "You guys always do what you always do, provide half assed information and explanation."

        LOL  You mean like insinuating we were at war with the Germans or Italians in the underground in WWII?  Or suggesting that only Muslims are banned from immigrating?  Or "forgetting" that the Taliban and ISIS have declared war on us?  Or insinuating that no Muslims anywhere may immigrate?

        The problem I have with the Left is that they always believe that everyone is stupid as they are and that they can pull a 'fast one'.  Fortunately their spin is really easy to see through.

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          What are you talking about?

          Having such restraint against those nationals from nations from which you declare war is a little different from declaring war on a religion. iSIS and Taliban do not represent all Muslims. Why don't you state your case a bit more clearly?

          The right winger is content to punish all people around the world with a brown hue, when war is declared on Nigeria?

          I am not talking about the specifics of Trump policy, but on the poster of FDR/Trump graphic and the caption. Two men that couldn't be more different from one another.

          1. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I do believe you stated that religion (Islam) was the root of the ban, and that all Muslims were banned.

            "to assume that they are enemy combatants based solely upon their religious denomination <Islam> is stupidity from Right at the highest order."

            "We are not at war with every single Muslim"

            Looking at these two statements you made, do you disagree?  Do you disagree that you now try to play the race card, knowing full well it has nothing whatsoever with the topic, action or anything else?

            Yep, two men that took the same action, for which one has his feet held to the fire and the other venerated.

      2. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this


  4. Alternative Prime profile image58
    Alternative Primeposted 7 years ago

    As a Direct Result of "Delusional Donald's" Unhinged Erratic Intent, the World is NOW Preparing 4 Nuclear WAR ~ DISTURBING ~ … ar-n712891

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Good to see you back, AP.  Whatever happened to "Trump will never be President"?

      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        It was nice of you to recognize AP on his return, sometimes I like to think that you really aren't all that bad...

      2. Alternative Prime profile image58
        Alternative Primeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        WHY Thank U Wilderness & Credence & The FACT of the Matter is "Delusional Donald" is NOT OUR President, at least that's the SENTIMENT of the VAST Majprity of not only Patriotic Americans, but the WORLD..... smile.......INVESTIGATIONs into his Communist Russian Connections will ultimately prove that point.....The "RESISTANCE Revolution" has Begun with over 1 MILLION Patriotic Americans Marching on Washington & MILLIONs more around the WORLD, HUGE when compared to "Drumpf's" Pathetic Inauguration Crowd of about 250,000;;;;;SMALLEST in HIstory ??? sad

        Before "Drumpf" is Physically REMOVED from Office, everyone gets the perverse opportunity 2 WITNESS not ONLY the most "CORRUPT & Dangerously ILL" Pseudo-President in Human History, but the most In-Experienced & INEPT as well......Watching "Drumpf" FAIL & Humiliate himself attempting to keep pace with World Leaders such as the President of Mexico who BEAT him DOWN like a Hammer on Nail, is like watching an 8 YEAR-Old Child trying Desperately to HIT a Home Run off of Roger Clemens..... PATHETIC......Wait til' CHINA Starts on him if we're still here by then......

        But have NO Fear, Nazi Steve Bannon, U know, the Lame Sickly former Bretbart INTERNET "Clown in Chief" with ZERO National Security Experience but Immense POWER 2 Manipulate his Decrepit Boss by filling him with "LIEs, Falsehoods & Delusional Tales of Conspiracy & Propagande" has got OUR backs ~
        sad ~

  5. colorfulone profile image76
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    Trump is not creating new laws against immigrants, but rescinding President Hussein's orders NOT to enforce existing US immigration laws against ILLEGAL immigrants -- there's a huge difference.

    And even the so-called 'ban on Muslims' is untrue. That is merely insisting that applicants be properly vetted before being admitted -- another Obama deficiency.

    Trump's objection has never been with immigration per se, but with the arrogance of those who presume to walk in through America's borders with neither permission nor documentation or brought in without proper vetting.

    1. colorfulone profile image76
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Just remembered that Obama banned all Iraqi refugees for 6 months back in 2011.  That was okey then, but this is now? ... nope, doesn't work that way.

      1. colorfulone profile image76
        colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        President Barack Obama and his five presidential predecessors have used their executive powers to temporarily ban certain immigrants — including Muslims — from entering the United States.

        According to the Washington Examiner, Obama has used his rights as president to put a halt to some immigrants from arriving here six times.

        The first time Obama used section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, reports the Examiner, was to stop “immigrants or nonimmigrants” from emigrating to the U.S. under a broader ban instituted by the United Nations in 2011.

        That 2011 order, reports The Daily Caller, covered “anyone under a UN travel ban; anyone who violates any of 29 executive orders regarding transactions with terrorists, those who undermine the democratic process in specific countries, or transnational criminal organizations.”

        Former President George W. Bush used the executive powers six times as well, and Bill Clinton did twice, reports The Daily Caller.

        Before Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Jimmy Carter instituted bans using their executive powers a combined seven times. … es-before/

        1. Marisa Wright profile image85
          Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Well, it sounds perfectly reasonable to ban migrants from ANY country who have already violated orders, who undermined democracy or are criminals.   

          Trump's action bans immigrants who haven't committed any crimes, haven't violated orders, and haven't undermined democracy.   More importantly, his ban does NOT include ANY of the countries whose terrorists have committed violence in the United States.  Because, of course, he happens to do business in those countries.  Funny that.

  6. Alternative Prime profile image58
    Alternative Primeposted 7 years ago

    In My OPINION, the White House & the CORRUPT Occupants Therein are the "REAL Pariahs" which of course TARNISHEs OUR Entire Nation ~ Unfortunately, the United States is NOW at WAR with "Donald Drumpf" ~ Encouraging SIGNs 4 the GROWING Resistance Against him which will ultimately PREVAIL over his Perverse Evil ~ JUDGE Partially Blocks "Drumpfs" Ridiculous Unconstitutional Delusion which actually TARGETED the WRONG Countries ~ Full Story ~ … .html?_r=0

    1. profile image0
      Onusonusposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Well, preventing terrorism isn't typically in the best interest of liberals. For whatever reason.;oe=591350B6

  7. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 7 years ago;oe=591632A9

    1. Alternative Prime profile image58
      Alternative Primeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      SORRY Onusonus, everyone except "Delusional Donald" wants a SECURE Nation but Discrimination and or the Implementation of a  "RELIGIOUS Test" to Determine ENTRY into the U.S. is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ~

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Yes it is.  Good thing he hasn't tried that, isn't it?

        1. Alternative Prime profile image58
          Alternative Primeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Well wilderness, if U Believe that, HURRY, there are still a few blank "Trump University DIPLOMAs" 4 Sale ~ in the SPAN of 7 Days, this Demented 70 YEAR Old BOZO has done so much IRREPARABLE Catastrophic Damage to the USA I don't even know where to begin addressing it all......sad......."The RISE & Fall" of a Charlatan CLOWN ~

          1. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            *Sigh*  Yet another ridiculous claim you can't support.  Will you never learn that without proof people don't believe the trash you keep putting out?  Get over it, man, and try the truth for a change!

    2. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It IS not only the choice of the President  BUT the duty by constitutional decree that he has to protect the American people by protecting  the borders !    The left in America  suffers hugely from  SELECTIVE  memory loss !   They have lost sight of so much political insight that they forgot that it is democrats that have been  the least progressive in terms of  such protected Human rights to begin with .

      Who was it again that interred the Japanese-Americans  during  the second world war ?   FDR - The World Famous  Democrat - Who's  internment policies  and concentration camps for American Japanese  was So popular with the left that they elected him to FOUR presidential terms !

      Did someone call a democrat hypocritical

      1. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Just to remind you, there was a war going on at the time.  Nothing hypocritical about it.

        The point about Trump's ban is that it's only for 90 days, so it's just a publicity stunt that has disrupted families and businesses.  Pathetic.

      2. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Conservative and myopic thinking, the two go hand and hand.

        In 1941, racism was synonymous with the national creed. Trump would have supported theviolation of civil rights for those Japanese, today. 2017. I thought that we have progressed, obviously not in the mind of the rightwinger, yes? 1941 should not be 2017.

        Yes, I support FDR and will resist Trump tooth and nail in the reversing of his legacy

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          The naked hypocrisy of the left --FDR  a democrat , in   interring ONLY  the Japanese during WWII , an act of direct racism  ,  and you support him  ?   Yet Trump , who is simply saying and acting upon the premise that we should at least properly Vet the refuges from an entire region of the world is in the wrong ?

          Can you spell H-y-p-o-c-r-I-t-e , No ? I didn't think so .

          1. Rupert Taylor profile image95
            Rupert Taylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Do you understand the difference between "interring" and "interning"? No? I didn't think so.

    3. Don W profile image80
      Don Wposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

      8 U.S. Code § 1182 does not make Trump's executive order constitutional.

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        No, it certainly does not.  But that isn't in question: what IS in question is whether anything makes his order unconstitutional.  While it's everyday practice to scream "That's unconstitutional" as loudly as possible at any law or rule we don't like, and it has been done here as well, no one so far has provided any evidence it even might be true.  On the other hand, we've had multiple presidents over the years that have limited admittance to certain groups - that lends at least some credence to the idea that unless the SCOTUS is making law themselves again it is probably valid under the constitution.

      2. profile image0
        Onusonusposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        But it was okay when Obama deports 2 million immigrants. Got it.

        1. Marisa Wright profile image85
          Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Actually yes it was.  And if Trump deports the same number of over-stayers and illegals, that will be fine in my book as well.

          What is NOT all right is to prevent people from entering the US when they have a legal right to do so, which is the effect of Trump's ban.

          1. profile image0
            Onusonusposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Even though it was Obama's idea. And nobody cared until Trump followed through with it.

  8. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 7 years ago;oe=590B97E5

  9. colorfulone profile image76
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    Too funny Onusonus, that's how it is in this subverted reality of la la land.
    Nomality bias and cognitive dissonance (edited) unhinged.
    The People's House!


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