A day without Women is 'scheduled' for tomorrow, in protest of Trump.

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  1. abwilliams profile image72
    abwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    As a Woman and as a Business Owner, I have a few thoughts -

    Don't show up for work tomorrow, don't show up again ( you can show up to pick up your paycheck in a few days (if you Must) after that......adios and buh-bye!

    Teachers planning on not showing up tomorrow (some schools may be forced to close their doors) shame on you if you do this!
    Take the high road, show up, tell your kids that you showed up for them.


    1. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      A day without women? Sure, let's all protest by taking a personal holiday. That makes sense.

    2. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I disagree with protest this one time as it is not focused on an obvious theme and that it leaves women without the luxury of just walking out of the job in the lurch. I have problems withTrump, but for the protests of the left to be successful, they cannot be aimless. Why invite confusion and division when all having this sentiment need to speaking with a single voice?

    3. RJ Schwartz profile image85
      RJ Schwartzposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It won't solve anything.  Life will go on and maybe your employer will terminate you. The day without immigrants was a waste of time and was hardly noticed - even in the agricultural jobs.

      1. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image59
        Dont Taze Me Broposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Ain't that the truth! And I'll tell you what else is the truth. The Public is Turned Off By Media's Relentlessly Negative Coverage Of Trump. Yes and the IBD/TIPP Poll which has been the most accurate poll on elections has the proof. http://www.investors.com/politics/publi … tipp-poll/

        The left and the liberal media is not doing themselves any favors by the way they are behaving. Antics like a day without whatever just makes them look more pathetic, which is fine with me. Maybe it will lead to a day without the media, I'll stay home for that.

    4. mariacolomy profile image76
      mariacolomyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I'm working today because I appreciate having the right TO work.

      1. abwilliams profile image72
        abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Amen Maria! So appreciative!

      2. wilderness profile image91
        wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Wonder how many of the protesters considered that?  A great point!

    5. Misfit Chick profile image78
      Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I don't agree with this protest either, and neither did all of my girlfriends - we all went to work (yes, even in this uber-blue state of WA). However, I do understand why they are taking this extreme stance: many women feel as alienated by Trump as other groups of people he has insulted & offended. I found his International Women's Day Tweet to be amusing. He really is quite the doughboy, LoL!

    6. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image59
      Dont Taze Me Broposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      This shines a light on what really is going on with the feminists behind this protest


      1. abwilliams profile image72
        abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Typical! Don't acknowledge when a valid point is made, stay on script, be strong and yet vulnerable...all at the same time!
        Back in the 70's we girls had a saying, "gag me with a spoon".

        I so wish that these women could see how they are being manipulated and used. Every time pussy cat ears and body-sized private parts are distributed for them to wear.....in public....I cringe!
        They are so busy fighting wrongs that they've been brainwashed to believe are being perpetuated against them, that they do not have time to notice, much less count their Blessings. They are missing out on precious Life in the greatest Country that God gave man!
        Not alway Perfect, but definitely Precious!

  2. profile image51
    grampapaposted 7 years ago

    Your men are behind you. We support you as you have enriched our lives.

    1. abwilliams profile image72
      abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you.....ditto!

  3. Aime F profile image70
    Aime Fposted 7 years ago

    I think this one misses the mark.  I could understand the Day Without Immigrants because it was timely and relevant to current things happening under this administration, but this seems a little too broad and not conveying a clear message. 

    Not to mention the women who literally can't afford to take a day off, the women (like myself) who are stay at home moms who would have very hungry, unhappy kids if they declined to do any unpaid work, the women who are teachers and putting students in a weird position by not showing up, etc.  I think it's pretty impractical and for a purpose that is not immediately clear.

    1. abwilliams profile image72
      abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this


  4. wilderness profile image91
    wildernessposted 7 years ago

    Gotta love the response of Alexandria School System; they have canceled school that day because so many teachers "requested" a day off, but insist it is not a political statement by the district.  Unless a "request" for an unscheduled day off is really a "demand" and automatically granted without regard to the needs of the district it most certainly IS a political statement!

    http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/06/politics/ … index.html

    1. abwilliams profile image72
      abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this


  5. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years ago

    I'm as unhappy with Trump as anybody, but I'd ask any woman whether or not she voted before I supported her in taking this approach.  The march the day after the inauguration was positive.  This action strikes me as negative.

    Note:  Just Googled this action and it is about much more than Trump.  Hope some good comes from the effort.

  6. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    Women are marching , why not ? Everyone in America is  easily offended by something these days  .  Hey and why not a paid day off ?    Why n=not close down the schools , hospital emergency rooms and  ...........   government offices -...........oh yea .......who would notice that ?

    1. abwilliams profile image72
      abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      So for the Women, Moms, that will not be Protesting, with kids in school....they'll have to miss work to stay home with kids, if their kid's Teacher(s) decides to protest? Are these things ever really thought out?
      So wrong!

      1. wilderness profile image91
        wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Remember when the air traffic controllers decided they should go on strike?  And what Reagan did about it? 

        Wish there were some unpleasant consequences for anyone leaving their work and "customers" high and dry to have fun protesting, but it won't happen.

  7. abwilliams profile image72
    abwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    They just don't care who may be inconvenienced, it's all about them it seems.

  8. profile image0
    Nathanael Westposted 7 years ago

    So, how does not going to work protest Trump?

    1. Aime F profile image70
      Aime Fposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I don't believe it's about Trump specifically but about the equal treatment of women in the economy/workplace around the world.

    2. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think anyone really knew what it was about, or cared enough to concern themselves about it... it wasn't even an issue in my state, everyone went to work... this is just the NEW NORMAL  every day some group that feels discriminated against or disrespected blames Trump for all their woes and goes out and marches.  The majority of people are getting desensitized to it and just tuning them out.

    3. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image59
      Dont Taze Me Broposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Really? maybe these will explain it - basically its called TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome, everything and anything is a reason to protest Trump ... why not? some  people are being paid to do it.

      http://www.vox.com/identities/2017/3/3/ … an-march-8

      http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/day … -1.2992239

      http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world … 16066.html

      http://nypost.com/2017/03/08/13-arreste … ump-hotel/

  9. abwilliams profile image72
    abwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    How indeed? I'll be going to work, so I'm not able to answer your question. Hopefully someone else can.

    1. ptosis profile image73
      ptosisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Is there a way to go to work, not lose $$$$ or job AND enjoy freedom of political speech with a black armband? 

  10. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years ago

    Thank you Aime.  I thought all we were going to hear from was men.  Like they care.

    1. abwilliams profile image72
      abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Enlighten me Kathleen and Aime, what am I missing? Bring me up to speed.

      1. Aime F profile image70
        Aime Fposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        *shrug* Who knows.  I was just pointing out that I don't think this is as much about Trump as people seem to think it is.  Again, this is part of the problem with the whole thing.  They've not made it very clear what it's about or why it's happening or how it's going to help.

        1. abwilliams profile image72
          abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          .....and yet, without knowing why, without reason or purpose, women will show up to protest.....something!?
          Teachers, apparently, really are planning to show up to protest something...(their schools scheduled to be closed in advance on this day)
          Why? Why do this to their students? Why don't the kids come first?

          Some women will be putting their jobs in jeopardy, by not showing up for their jobs. Will we just see them in the News later, Attorney by their side, putting their Employers in a bad light, because their Boss dared to let them go when all they did was go to protest.....something!?

          None of this makes any sense to me!

          1. Will Apse profile image91
            Will Apseposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            The notion of groups coming together is upsetting to many.

            What do you think those pussy hats are about?

            1. abwilliams profile image72
              abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              I'm all for coming together for a worthy cause.....but, what IS with those hats? (Not on a dare, with a cash prize)

              1. wilderness profile image91
                wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Coming together for a worthy cause is great.  But when the "cause" is to cause maximum disruption to other's lives, not so much.  This could have been scheduled for a saturday, but it causes more disruption if teachers all simply leave their jobs and children during the week.

                1. psycheskinner profile image77
                  psycheskinnerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  A protest that doesn't disrupt and inconvenience is not a protest.

                  1. abwilliams profile image72
                    abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    You're not saying  that it is okay to disrupt a child's life and inconvenience their routine are you psyche?

                  2. wilderness profile image91
                    wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Then stay at home and leave other people alone.  The concept that you have the "right" to disrupt other people's lives because your cause isn't worthy of attention without that disruption is ridiculous.

    2. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image59
      Dont Taze Me Broposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Like all men don't care about the equal treatment of women in the economy/workplace around the world, Cochran? My oh my, talk about painting with a broad brush...your statement tells more about you than about men.

      Hey you men posting here, how does Cochran's comment make you feel? Sounds like hate speech to me.

  11. Will Apse profile image91
    Will Apseposted 7 years ago

    The wheels of government are hardly going to grind to a halt.


  12. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    One more march of  ALL selfish and entitled .

  13. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years ago

    I'm sure men care - up to the point that it costs them anything.  How many women are in our government?  How many women are the boss in any corporation?  How often do men rail about unintrusive government - except when it concerns a woman's body?  How long have women been the majority in this country? (Always.)  How often do women still make less than a man doing the same work?
    If men really cared, 240 years later, things would be different by now.  Lip service is cheap.  Want to call that hate speech?  It's fact.  See how many men on HP can argue with any of that.

    1. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image59
      Dont Taze Me Broposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      How many men have to stop working to have child after child and raise them while being totally supported by a working spouse? Women have to always so that means men don't care? All you spewed was left wing talking points and twisted thinking. It doesn't cost men anything to take care of women? You go from men don't care to they care up to a point...you make no sense and you change what you said as soon as it is challenged. Truth is, it is obvious  women wouldn't have gotten to where they are today if men didn't care and it is obvious that you are a man hater with a very warped view of humanity from the dark ages, hence hate speech.

      You can bet were I saying women today (and I assumed you were talking about men who are living today?)  don't care about men you'd be the first one calling me a woman hater, you know you would, name calling is right up your alley.

  14. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years ago

    Wow.  The boys really have a lot to say on this subject, don't they?

    1. PhoenixV profile image68
      PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      So, what are soros' goals or platform with this one?

      1. abwilliams profile image72
        abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, George, the man, Soros. The master puppeteer. He has men (and women) jumping every time he says jump. It is pathetic.
        What are his goals?

        1. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image59
          Dont Taze Me Broposted 7 years agoin reply to this
          1. Misfit Chick profile image78
            Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Apparently, both sides have their 'dangerous' rich men doing their bidding. Let's talk about the Koch Brothers...

            Koch Brothers Exposed: Why We Must Act—And How
            https://ourfuture.org/fact_sheet/koch-b … ct-and-how

            Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire
            http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/ne … e-20140924

            What Do the Koch Brothers Want?

            1. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image59
              Dont Taze Me Broposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              You are so brain washed - Soros wants a one world government, you wouldn't know that because you didn't even read the links, you are uninformed and brainwashed by the left wing talking points you swallow without question.

              The Koch brothers aren't globalists.

              1. Misfit Chick profile image78
                Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                I'm not brainwashed and I could care less what Soros wants. Skin heads want pretty much what the Koch brothers want - and that is a good thing to you?!

                I sure as hell would not have voted for someone like Bernie (very 'socialist'), although you saw how close he came to taking the Dem nomination from Hillary? I think those are the people you should be afraid of... and yet, not.

                This world is a LONG way from even being able to consider a 'one world govenment'. It isn't even within reach. AND, the only reason most people are afraid of it is because of what they think the bible says about it (plus, all those apolcalyptic movies, LoL!).

                The US has a very unique govenment that is able to pick & choose 'whatever works' out of a miriad of governing options that have been tried and either failed or succeeded long before we came along. And since we came later, we are able to adjust the ones we choose to make them work for us - or even think up NEW ones. I have every confidence that if we put people in that office who actually care about the entire country - not just their own limited ideologies - we can become stronger than we already are WITHOUT becoming a monstrosity people fear.

                1. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image59
                  Dont Taze Me Broposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Likening the Koch brothers to skin heads says it all - you are in lala land which is a good place for misfits. When you use guilt by association arguments that your political opponents are not just mistaken, but are as evil as Nazis, you can not have a reasoned debate. Misfit you have predictably fallen to the Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies in using the skin head logical fallacy. I'm not surprised you are so inept at debate as to go down that path. It further demonstrates just how wacked your beliefs are.

                  1. Misfit Chick profile image78
                    Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Well both sets pretty much want the same things, that's what I meant. If you combine the Koch's & skinheads (alt-righters) you get Trump.

                    Thanks for the rambling insult about me, its a typical T-fan regurgitation of his non-fans. I've made several really good points within this post that prove how sane & intelligent (both) that I am - but DON'T LOOK, LoL!

                2. wilderness profile image91
                  wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  "The US has a very unique govenment that is able to pick & choose 'whatever works' out of a miriad of governing options that have been tried and either failed or succeeded long before we came along. And since we came later, we are able to adjust the ones we choose to make them work for us - or even think up NEW ones. I have every confidence that if we put people in that office who actually care about the entire country - not just their own limited ideologies - we can become stronger than we already are WITHOUT becoming a monstrosity people fear."

                  Well said, although I DO take a small exception to the idea that people with a specific ideology (most people in the country) don't care about the entire country.  Even the radical right, who would force everyone to their religious views, want's God on the side of the country and their actions are pointed in that direction.  The far left is much the same - socialism is the only true government that is good for the people and can endure.  That both are incredibly wrong doesn't change that they are thinking of the country, not just themselves.

                  So while I also think that few people consider the country in their decisions, only themselves or a group they find in need, it isn't because they subscribe to an ideology.  It's because they already don't care about the country as a whole.

                  1. abwilliams profile image72
                    abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    If you understand why the U.S. Constitution exists and appreciate the fact that it does.....you care about the Country, as a whole. I think that is most people!

          2. abwilliams profile image72
            abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            You and Taze can hash this out Misfit, but for the record, I've never received any Marching orders from the Koch Brothers or from anyone else and if I were to...I'd not comply, I'd not act.
            I'm impressed that you and your friends did not comply and worked instead during the 'Day without Women' protest.

            1. Misfit Chick profile image78
              Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              For the record, I've never received any marching orders from Soros or from anyone else and if I were to... I'd not comply, I'd not act. Nothing to be impressed over - many of us stayed home; and those that didn't had their own reasons that I refuse to judge. smile

              1. abwilliams profile image72
                abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Oh okay, thought that you had posted that you chose to go to work. My Apologies!

                1. Misfit Chick profile image78
                  Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  I did go to work, that's what I meant, sorry - we didn't participate in the protest - and neither did any other woman I know.

            2. PhoenixV profile image68
              PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              The koch bros, seem to be pro private sector and for less government. Soros seems to be about creating dissonance for some advantage. Its one thing to use your money to change zoning laws so you can build laundry mats in la. Its another to use your money to create a gang war between crips and bloods as an analogy.

              1. Misfit Chick profile image78
                Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                I was pretty sure there would be a perfectly logical distinction that made the right look good and the left look bad. What else is new? Maybe actually check out the links I left? Just a suggestion... I cannot imagine why so many who consider themselves to be 'right' are so damn SURE that THEIR political party is squeaky clean. I certainly don't think that about Dems or any other political party.

                1. PhoenixV profile image68
                  PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  I did check out the links.

  15. Will Apse profile image91
    Will Apseposted 7 years ago

    On the one hand, people in the US complain about the tyranny of their government. On the other hand, they complain about any group that raises a voice to protest government policies.

    Why can't you grasp that conformity makes you powerless?

    1. abwilliams profile image72
      abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Will - Most of the US recognizes when their Government is overrreaching and bordering on tyrannical.
      When members of my family and many other small business Owner/Operators, along with other law-abiding, hard-working citizens from L.A. to Roanoke and all areas in between, came to the realization that the previous Adminstration was (I'll be diplomatic here....bordering on tyrannical) we Acted!
      There were no Marching orders that went out, there was no 'meet at the flag pole at 5:00' memo that went out through social media.
      There was a natural rising up that occurred.
      Concerned citizens from all walks of life ventured out of their comfort zones and the Tea Party was born.
      Estimates of 1.2 Million peacefully Marched on the Capitol for a redress of grievances, without incident, without a strong police presence, without destruction of property and yet...it was played down in our media. We were misrepresented and we were targeted by agencies of our Government. But, even so, I think if you were to ask any person that was a part of it, they'd have no regrets.
      In fact, they'll be sharing their experiences with their great-grandchildren some day.....I hope to live that long!

      I can't speak for the women that participated in the 'Day without women' event/protest today or that participated in the Women's March a few weeks ago. I know that the same individuals are involved with the planning of both events and I know that others are scheduled for the first hundred days of Trump Admin.
      I've heard from women today that do not know what today's protest was about...women that are on the opposite end of the political spectrum from me.
      You yourself questioned the head gear some of these women have chosen to wear at these events. "What are those hats about?"
      We hear a lot of screaming and emotion from them in the streets, but I've yet to hear why they are in the streets.

      I questioned the fact that schools had to close their doors, because Teachers were taking the day off, without consideration of their students or of the Parents of their students.  Why today? Why not a Saturday on their own time?
      For what reason?
      I've yet to hear!

      If Trump were to get to the same point as Obama, bordering on tyrannical, Commanding that I purchase an item or I'll be fined and possibly jailed, forgetting or not caring about his Role or his Limitations (brought to us courtesy of the U.S. Constitution, thank you Founders)...you can bet your bum, I'll not take it sitting down!

      1. Will Apse profile image91
        Will Apseposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        This looks like a place a start:


    2. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You'd have to be American to understand that. smile

      1. PhoenixV profile image68
        PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Exactly. It would be presumptuous of me to speculate on some crocodile dundee feller running some kangaroo express mail system in the outback. In other words their politics is theirs and ours is ours.

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          I think it would better if you could answer Will's question instead of just saying it is an American phenomenon. That is a cop-out.

          1. PhoenixV profile image68
            PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            The answer is that the only time the left are concerned about the tyranny of government is when they are not in office.

            1. Credence2 profile image80
              Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

              So, it can be also said that the Right only speaks of tyranny in Government when they are not running things. I know that, as well. We are no closer to an answer.

              1. PhoenixV profile image68
                PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Absolutely untrue. The lefts platform is ever increasing oppressive mommy goverment that delves into every aspect of our lives. Also conservatives in cases have parted with their party eg the tea party.

                1. PhoenixV profile image68
                  PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this


                  I have to add here the "selective " and subjective nature of the perception of the left. What the left considers as "tyranny" could be someone simply telling them " no " or losing an election.

                  1. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    And what did the Rightdo after losing in 2009 and 2012, double down with obstructive politics?

                    The Right is objective? In a pigs eye.

                    Your perspective is yours alone, and believed me it is not shared. The Right is tyranny from another direction and much more real and unpalatable. We will get the upper hand in time. Your man will do it for me.

              2. Live to Learn profile image60
                Live to Learnposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                The right is running things now. The government is no less tyrannical than it was 3 months ago. Could we stop complaining long enough to see what might be done or is complaining all the left has to offer? Because that's what it looks like at the moment.

                1. Credence2 profile image80
                  Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  We offer dissent to the policies and direction of this current administration that is obvious to anyone who have eyes and can see.

                2. Misfit Chick profile image78
                  Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Agreed. Is it just me, or is everyone more argumentative and rude - everywhere you go? I live in Seattle and I don't even want to leave the house, anymore. People are literally yelling at each other at stoplights about whatever. I know every dust-up isn't about Trump, but I think its related. People are frustrated all the way around.

                  I think that many people in the extreme isles on both the right & left both have things a bit confused - allow me to insert an interesting point that some of you may not have thought of...

                  Trump is in the WH now because of Obama - but NOT because Obama supposedly did such a bad job with the country. If you actually compare him to every other President before him, his record is pretty normal. Its because they were both elected into that office for the same exact reason: the people are sick of 'politics as usual' and obviously have been for a long time.

                  Obama was supposed to be 'new' - someone with less seasoning from Washington caked on him, someone with articulate intelligence whose mind we hoped would sort through the BS on Capital Hill and clean it up. Sound familiar?

                  In the end, Obama was a bit of a disappointment to many because he turned into your normal, everyday poltician - like the kind we didn't want him to become. However, Obama had really good reasons to become a compromiser (he is considered to be a very conservative Dem, in case you didn't realize that) - 1) as a black man with a scary Muslim name, he could not reach beyond 'the norms' as easily or conveniently as a white man - ANY white man. Can you imagine if Obama had talked to the American people the way Trump has? That could NEVER have happened.

                  And 2) it was a new step in a different direction for the political arena - a first step in a long time. It wasn't a good idea to go all gung-ho. Whether you want to realize it or not, Obama paved the way for someone like Trump to become accepted. I really don't think Trump could have been considered by us before 2008 - he's way too divisive, even by most (not all) GOP & conservative standards.

                  In my opinion, the country is simply trying to continue in the same direction it was a few years ago - but, there is one major difference. Many 'liberals' within the Dem party were also sick of 'politics as usual' & chose Obama to become their spokesperson. They took him under their wing, groomed him for a few years (plus, he DID have the appropriate education & some political experience) - and then had him hijack the election from Hillary in 2008. Anyone else remember that?

                  Trump is in office for an entirely different reason - he just started talking and saying a bunch of hateful stuff that resonated with angry GOP voters who had immersed themselves in GOP-framed HATEFUL media over the past 8 years of Obama being in office. He wasn't someone that The Tea Party found - he found them and manipulated their ideologies to suit his agenda.

                  I wish I had kept the link and I can't find it, now. This is just one example... I read a hub in here recently that was ALL about how gay people are causing God to bring fire & brimstone down upon this country; and how GOOD it was that we elected Trump into office because of it. Trump may be catering to conservative ideology by rescinding that one Obama bathroom policy - but, he had also been cheered by the gay community and was even given a rainbow flag during the campaign process which he PROUDLY accepted. Many gay people voted for him. He knows gay people are a group that is EXCELLENT for money & support if you can get them on your side - and that is all he cares about.

                  I don't know how anyone could have voted for someone like Trump, but that issue is moot now. I know many of my fellow Obama voters voted for Trump - its how he got into office. Obama got in with a 'majority' of the country supporting him. Trump did not. Whether they agreed with his policies or not, at least Obama acted 'presidential' and didn't have such an ugly, egotistical, manipulative personality to irritate the entire country and pit people against each other.

                  I would have voted for another Obama-type of candidate; but Trump wasn't it - and that is the disappointing thing about all this. That's not a complaint, that's just something I've come to accept and am dealing with - like so many others like me. Forgive us if it lingers for awhile - its not like Trump & Co. are doing anything that helps quell our fears or improve our opinions of him; and his supporters seem to be only good for throwing gas on the fire.

                  I just hope that people will not burn out on his hyped antics enough to keep paying attention, so that by the next election they're not too damn tired of things to even try, anymore. I know, its HARD when you can see candidates & media are manipulating you to get out and vote - LoL!



                  1. abwilliams profile image72
                    abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    It's funny Misfit -  I was just reading through the comments in this particular Discussion and thinking, okay we probably haven't changed any hearts or  minds, doubtful any Party affiliations will be changed as a result, but we've been civil to each other.
                    A lot of personalities coming together here, from various backgrounds with different goals in life and I think that we all handled it fabulously!

                    Great discussion All!  Thanks for being a part of it!

                  2. wilderness profile image91
                    wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    "I don't know how anyone could have voted for someone like Trump,"

                    Of course you do - you said yourself that it was a cry for something different than "politics as usual".  When Obama was "groomed", and turned into just another politician instead of what was expected, why, the people decided that wasn't going to make it.  Remaking Obama from another one of the people into one of the elite, PC to a fault and a good (if not great) politician it became extremely obvious that such a person was not what was actually desired.

  16. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years ago

    Well, we all survived yesterday's events.  Today everything can go back to the way it was.

    1. Will Apse profile image91
      Will Apseposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Won't that be lovely?

      1. PhoenixV profile image68
        PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Yup the world will keep on a' spinnin. Women will go back to digging up sewer lines with a shovel and riding on the back of a garbage truck and the menfolk will be back at the office answering phones.

        In general*

  17. abwilliams profile image72
    abwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    The Tea Party movement was an exception! There were many Conservatives involved, but there were also Independents, Moderate Republicans and Democrats involved. It wasn't like anything I've ever experienced before. Doubtful will ever experience again.

    It wasn't about pushing an agenda or wanting to hold back progress....it was only about reminding our Government that the Constitution exists, to limit them and their actions! They had forgotten their place, overstepped their boundaries and needed to be brought back to reality. Obama seemed to think... that he was above it all! No one had ever told him that he's not. We did.

    No chaos, no violence, no destruction of property.

    I did witness one pathetic act. We were walking toward the Capitol building and a woman that had obviously been brainwashed against us, was completely oblivious to what we were all about...came out of nowhere....spit in some faces and spewed a lot of ugliness. She wasn't attacked, but she was held against her will, until a Police Officer came and took her away.

  18. abwilliams profile image72
    abwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    Don't make me take back my civility compliment now Ya'll...Yousguys...Peeps!

  19. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years ago

    People: Don't loose your sense of dignity. Ignore the BS, I say. Whatever promotes your own worthwhile cause. Don't go for the mass hysteria.

  20. Will Apse profile image91
    Will Apseposted 7 years ago

    How about improving your community? Does that matter? Or is it perfect already?

    Maybe just a cycle lane, or a small park, or a pool for the kids, or a place to absorb the energy of teenagers, or a place for seniors to hang out...

    Would any of those things make life better?

    1. wilderness profile image91
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The small town I grew up in had a nice park, but the playground area was in sad shape.  The residents got together, gathered donations from local businesses and built a unique and useful playground themselves.  Lots of sweat equity from lots of people went into it, but it really payed off and not a single dollar came from the city.

      The residents of a gated community I lived in got together and did the same thing, creating a fun 9 hole mini-golf course at no cost to the community.  Paid for by donations and built by the people.

      Perhaps we could "demonstrate" in an effort to get people to provide the labor and materials to make a cycle lane or place for seniors?  Or would people just say "Not my gig - let the taxpayer fund it."?

      1. abwilliams profile image72
        abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        So true. We are the best at coming together for a good cause and getting done what needs to be done.

        1. wilderness profile image91
          wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Sadly, it so seldom happens.  We've decided that only "experts" can hammer a nail or dig a hole. sad

  21. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 7 years ago

    A day without women? I like it!

    1. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image59
      Dont Taze Me Broposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      They now are planning LGBT Protests Against Trump for L.A., New, York & Washington D.C. marching in the streets.

      How about a day without LGBTs, where is that protest if "a day without" protest is so good?


  22. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years ago

    Awaken your Inner Worm!


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