Trump and the investigation.

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  1. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 7 years ago

    I don't think Trump cares about anything except protecting his image as he wants it perceived by the world. If he perceives it is being threatened, he will pull out the counter punches and attack anything or anybody that is threatening his image. He will even lie about his lies to protect himself. He governs much like a Mafia leader or a gangster. He doesn't want the world to know anything about him or his teams connections to Russia.  He doesn't care about ethics, protocol, or tradition.  He is a professed narcissist who says that quality is necessary to make it in the world of business.   His family coat of arms, a regal symbol featuring a lion and a knight’s helmet, carries this Latin motto: “Numquam Concedere.”

    “Never Concede.”

    Source:  Washington Post

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      About what I've come to expect from that rag.  Personally, I'd have to say that he cares about Melania as well.  And Ivanka and Barron.  That's three, and I'd lay really long odds that there are more.

      Nor do I think it is totally bad to wish the world to see what he thinks is best in the President of the United States.  Might disagree with what is actually best, but there is an image that needs projected.

    2. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      How generally childish and shallow the reaction to ANYTHING Trump does -from  the left ,    there is no deed he can do that would render any credit at all  from liberals ,  I gladly await the day the realization hits the left when  they realize - Trump actually accomplished more than Obama's entire two terms --- in 100 days .

    3. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      People, Checking out!  I hope you get some usefulness from this discussion.

  2. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 7 years ago

    All of his family and those that act like they are loyal to him are part of the image he wants to portray.  He is not portraying anything that is best in a president.  Lying is not best, name calling is not best, racism is not best. firing the head of the FBI, while he is in the field is not best, constant tweeting is not best, interfering with an investigation while he is being investigated is not best,constantly changing his position on issues is not best. 

    You need to stop rationalizing and making excuses for him.  The image he projects is one of a bully that attacks when he feels his image is being threatened. He said he counter punches 100 times harder, not to get even, but to show the public how tough he is, so that he can maintain his image and is a person to be reckoned with. 

    He just called Comey a "Show boater", how hypocritical, when he is the master of show boating with his hyperbole, and constant use of  superlatives. He is still talking about Hillary winning the popular vote by illegitimate voters.  If he thinks it affects his image, he can't give it up. He is obsessed with protecting his image. In his mind, he sees himself as the winner even when he loses.  Somehow, he will convince himself that he won.

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      i believe Melania wants to keep herself and her son as far away from this guy as possible.  He is unhinged.

      When he gets something in his head, nothing can change his mind.  In the meantime, is our attention being taken away from North korea, Russia, Syria and Iran?

      1. colorfulone profile image77
        colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        For the love of God!  ...  ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC have long abandoned any attempt at objectivity and turned their so-called news coverage into a "hate-fest" of President Trump.  Its easy to see how viewers have been programmed.

        Wish the MSM news would actually report on what's going on around the world.  They would rather make things up or focus on how many scoops of ice cream Trump had.  Its funny to see how people have been conditioned by their propaganda and enjoy the "hate-fest".  If you want to hear about up-to-date world news events, you won't get it from those channels, you'll need to find good news sources and there are many.  Its not Trump's fault what you watch and are distracted and uninformed.  Garbage in garbage out.  Its predictable.

        Melania loves her husband very much, and her family. She is a very classy and gracious First Lady.  I watch how she interacts with her husband who adores her in real life (not through the eyes of haters and presstitutes).

        1. dianetrotter profile image61
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          So you know Melania?

          1. colorfulone profile image77
            colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I feel like a know Melania pretty well, I follow her on social media and anytime she speaks publicly I listen and watch her on video.  She has a very warm and loving heart.  I love it when she prays for us all.  Just the sweetest of souls giving thanks and glory to God.  She and Donald are humble before God and are not afraid to invoke the name of Jesus publicly, often.  Those two say "God bless you" and they mean it.

            You weren't attacking anyone?  How about attacking holy matrimony? 
            "i believe Melania wants to keep herself and her son as far away from this guy as possible."

            Whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder. 

            You won't pick that up watching MSM hate fests and by believing their lies, but a person could pick up that same hateful spirit and publicly attack what God has blessed. 

            Encouragement over!
            Whatever is of love, is of God!

            1. dianetrotter profile image61
              dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              You wrote:
              I feel like a know Melania pretty well, I follow her on social media and anytime she speaks publicly I listen and watch her on video.  She has a very warm and loving heart.  I love it when she prays for us all.  Just the sweetest of souls giving thanks and glory to God.  She and Donald are humble before God and are not afraid to invoke the name of Jesus publicly, often.  Those two say "God bless you" and they mean it.

              My response:  I think she is a beautiful, intellient woman, who wants to protect her son from the cruelness of politics.

              You wrote:
              You weren't attacking anyone?  How about attacking holy matrimony? 

              My response.
              Matrimony was supposed to be holy when he was married to Ivanna and committing adultery with Marla at a ski lodge where his family was vacationing.  Then he married Marla Maples.  NOW he is with Melania.

              "What God has joined together, let no man put asunder."  Mark 10:9 Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." applied to Ivanna.  The others, in God's eyes, are adultery.

              Whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder.  (I agree.  He should have stayed with Ivanna)

              You wrote:
              You won't pick that up watching MSM hate fests and by believing their lies, but a person could pick up that same hateful spirit and publicly attack what God has blessed. 

              My response
              That is passing judgement.  Putting iipstick on a pig makes it no less a pig.  You and I disagree and that is ok.  We should, as Christians, be respectful of each other.

              Encouragement over!

              1. crankalicious profile image89
                crankaliciousposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Where is pussy grabbing mentioned in the Bible?

                1. dianetrotter profile image61
                  dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Thank you!

  3. rjbatty profile image56
    rjbattyposted 7 years ago

    There is simply too much to say about the Donald, so I cannot even get into that.  Most of us knew we would be looking at a tragi-comedy, and we are seeing our expectations play out the hard way -- one horrific day after another.  The only aspect I might add is that the man WAS elected by our established system.  Some are saying we should dismantle the electoral college.  That might be a good start.  But, we cannot avoid the fact that many americans were looking for someone who SEEMED to be outside the two-party system, someone who was brave enough to speak directly, bluntly and who brought out a lot of the suppressed bigotry and more importantly a general distrust with our established leadership.  The Donald's candidacy was significant, his election to office was a grave miscalculation.  The man commits one huge blunder after another, and I cannot imagine him lasting four years without him either resigning or being impeached.  It's going to be a wild ride.  Everyone better fasten their seat belts.

  4. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 7 years ago

    Now he has threatened Comey with an alleged tape recording of their conversation, if Comey says anything against him.  Isn't that blackmail by Trump and doesn't Comey have the right to sue him as a civilian for defamation of character?

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      He knows Comey has something on him.  Otherwise, why do you care about an "incompetent" that you fired ...

      1.  who was investigating you
      2.  Who will not pledge allegiance to you
      3.  Who likes to speak publicy
      4.  Who wants more resources to pursue case against you
      5.  Whom you don't know what he already has on you
      6.  Who is already jacking your cronies and friends up
      7.  Who has names and places

      1. colorfulone profile image77
        colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        That is ridiculous!  Feel better after getting all that made up crap off your chest?  I hope so, it must be stressful holding things like that in.  Glad you were able to ventilate, it might be healthier for you.  Let's hope so!

        Reality is Trump holds the trump card, he has all the cards, not Comey.

        1. dianetrotter profile image61
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          I am addressing Trump, Comey and the investigation which is the topic.  I didn't attack anyone  Is it possible for you to address the subject without attacking me?

          1. colorfulone profile image77
            colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Attacking you?  Where would you get that idea?

            1. dianetrotter profile image61
              dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              From this:

              (You)  Feel better after getting all that made up crap off your chest?  I hope so, it must be stressful holding things like that in.  Glad (you) were able to ventilate, it might be healthier for you.  Let's hope so!

              When you say "you" or imply "you," it sounds personal.

              1. colorfulone profile image77
                colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                "You!":  He knows Comey has something on him.  Otherwise, why do you care about an "incompetent" that you fired ...

                1.  who was investigating you
                2.  Who will not pledge allegiance to you
                3.  Who likes to speak publicy
                4.  Who wants more resources to pursue case against you
                5.  Whom you don't know what he already has on you
                6.  Who is already jacking your cronies and friends up
                7.  Who has names and places

                Okey!  Glad "you" were able to ventilate, it might be healthier for "you".  Ventilating releases stress, and everyone knows stress is a killer.

                They found no evidence of Trump / Russian collusion, Diane.  If they had, don't you think we would know what it is?   MSM spews propaganda, false narratives and confusion in hopes they can gain a foot hold in people's minds.  "Don't let the sun go down on your wrath."

                The media likes to get hung up on one word, or one sentence and that's all we hear for a week, until they find something else to pounce on and chicken peck.  We would both like them to inform on important issues and Trump's policies that are working very well, instead of the silly distractions and word games.

                However, there is plenty of evidence of the Clinton's illegal dealings with Russia.  President Trump is innocent, there is no evidence otherwise. 
                And, you say Trump is unhinged?

                1. dianetrotter profile image61
                  dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  We have one president, Donald Trump.  He has the nuclear codes in his pocket and the Russians in his office taking pictures.

                  I do not wish to spat with you.  If we cannot speak to each other respectively, we shouldn't speak at all. 

                  It is a poor testimony and reflects badly on Christians.

                  I won't be responding anymore.

                  God bless!

                  1. colorfulone profile image77
                    colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Being reproved isn't much fun.  Let no one peak into pieces (put asunder) what God has joined together in holy matrimony.   

                    May God bless you with an increase in Godly wisdom.

      2. ptosis profile image70
        ptosisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Awesome POST!

  5. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    Whatever you do don't try an honest debate with liberals they get mad and go home !

    1. colorfulone profile image77
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I hear President Trump is not happy with some of his staff and cabinet.  Sources say he will be letting more people go. Then he'll put in the people he wanted to begin with.  He gave people a chance, and I think Comey was the beginning ... more swamp draining to come.   

      Its been an exciting year so far and great time to be alive. 

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        In that sense , I agree !   Cant wait until he kicks the NON - media  out of the white house  press room

  6. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 7 years ago

    I would venture to say that you people who criticize the MSM never really watch it.   You are just regurgitating Fox news and Trump.  If you ever watched CNN, MSNBC, and all the broadcast channels, you would see they have panels with Trump's surrogates like Kellyann Conway, Jeffery Lord and others who lie, spin, and provide excuses for Trump and we have to watch that take place.  I end up screaming at them when I hear how how they deflect, distract, and divert.  They are very well trained and talk really fast and interrupt others.

    If Trump has nothing to hide why is he covering up the investigation by firing Comey? Latest news, Senator Graham is now going to subpoena the White House for the "tapes" he claims he has on his and Comey's conversations.

    ahorseback:  Do you realize that kicking the "non media" out of the white house is blocking freedom of the press and is the first step that a dictator takes?...and you can't wait for that to happen.

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "Freedom of the press " was never meant to include the "manipulation of the press" One , and Two the new left is the most socially -politically manipulative ideology in the world .   Your hero's , Norm Chomsky and Saul Alinsky at work ,  The politics of obstruction is the only thing  free about our media today .

      That doesn't bother  the left ?

      Contrary to your simple  understanding of the right ,  the right is far more inclusive of ALL media yet we are instantly alerted and completely perceptive to the falsification of the ONE truth .The media has become the political obstructionst's  to any progress at all in America  " Believe my lies " should be the media mantra.

      That doesn't bother the left ?

      Exactly how much investigative action do you REALLY believe the head of the FBI has on his own ? All of the real work goes on below his [her ] level of job description .   You should know that !  His position is a figurehead , and a figurehead only . Hois job demands ideological neutrality .  NO ONE wants another J.Edgar  Hoover .

      That doesn't bother the left ?

      Having a 'White House Press Core '  isn't the same as having an obstructionist  ideolog press core .

      1. ptosis profile image70
        ptosisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I'm bothered that anybody you disagree with you label 'left' - as if you are right.  ROTFL

  7. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 7 years ago

    ahorseback:  The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge.  I would say this fits Trump supporters like you perfectly.  You have all been duped by the Trumpster.  If you can't see it, woe unto you.  Norm Chomksy and Saul Alinksy are not my heroes, but denying that Trump has not done anything wrong by blaming MSM that you know nothing about is an illusion on your part.  What bothers me is the lying, deception, and distraction by Trump and his surrogates on the MSM. I watch Fox news and both CNN At the same time.  They are two different realities, but CNN has Trump surrogates on CNN.  Trump always runs to fox news to make his statements, never CNN because Rupert Murdoch is his buddy.  Trump is a divider and conqueror and that is what he has done with the news outlets and with the congress.  That is the first step for a dictator.

    Saying that the boss of the FBI is just a figurehead is also an illusion.  If he is just a figurehead, why did Trump fire him for showboating and grandstanding?  Trump is the biggest showboating and grandstander that this country has ever seen as a president.

    He will put someone in the FBI that he can control and make this "Russia Thing" go away.  Having no press core, but Trump giving briefings whenever he wants is controlling the narrative, the same way a dictator does...wake up. It is in violation of freedom of the press and the first amendment.

    He has also threatened Comey with his "Tapes", if they even exists, just like his "wiretapping." It's interesting how he ordered an investigation on wiretapping that is still going on and costing the tax payers tons of money.  And now he has ordered an investigation on voter fraud to prove that Hillary didn't win the popular vote...but that doesn't bother you and his supporters, but the FBI investigation does.

    Everything that he does can boil down to one thing...controlling his image.  Think of that, the next time you watch him. Even if he gets impeached, he is going to say, "It is the best impeachment, this world has ever seen, no president has been impeached better than me.  You know it, I know it and everybody knows it."  He is a fake, just like his hair.  He is  way in over his head, just like his fake hair.

    Wait until his supporters realize their coal mining and steel worker jobs are not coming back and they are the ones that will be affected by repealing of Obama care and tax reform.  That is where truth meets reality and the illusion goes away.

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Okay , Peoplepower ,so one piece of evidence that Trump has committed treason by Russian financial connections ..........., by Russian collusion in election fixing ,................  in  the Comey firing which even Bill Clinton did , ..................By what other fake , false , phony charges ?

      There are none !

      "The enemy of knowledge " .....................The truest  enemies  of knowledge  today is the fascism of worshipping intellectualism  without maturity and wisdom ,  institutional ivy league elitism without  any  experience incorporated  with business and corporatism in a capitalist society ,   

      Your leftist ideology  wouldn't know the "first step of a dictator "  if it announced itself openly ,  but here are some pointers , Dictators  drown out opposing political opinions like the left in America does today in Buying  it's  media , By screaming racist , mysogonist's , bigotry ,  by allowing no opposing opines at the universities by uninviting them when they arrive  to give "free speech opinions " that oppose only the lefts , Ann Coulter ,  Ben Shapiro ,  Andrew Wilkow ,   Jeff Sessions or  anyone on the right .

      "Violation of the press core ", first for there to be a violation  - The same press core would have to be neutrally oriented one , It aint .  Its mostly biased leftist and an extremely disrespectful one at that .

      Comey's firing was called for essentially by everyone on the left since 2013-14 including all your political hero's , Clinton would have fired him on day one . He's lucky his incompetence got him this far .

      Peoplepower , Your immature personal attacks  on Trump and his hair ;are just that personal attacks  , really PP.  I would expect more even out of you .

  8. Kathleen Cochran profile image72
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years ago

    I'm sure Commey's first thought must have been "Wait a minute!  I did what you wanted in October!!!"

    1. colorfulone profile image77
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Comey sure appeared to be playing both sides.  He protected Hillary.  Then, he must have seen that she wasn't going to be president and decided on his own to reopen and close the email investigation.  He should not have done that, it had to have had an effect on the election.  It was mindbogglingly to reopen and then do a turn around and close it.

      I don't think he thought "Wait a minute!  I did what you wanted in October!"  I think it was more of a CYB (cover your butt) move on his part.  Hillary had evidence to blackmail Comey, and Comey had evidence to blackmail Hillary.  Example: the HSBC scandal for one.

      Comey is a family man and he wants to be able to spend the rest of his life with them.  He has made millions and will be just fine.  Maybe he will write books and I'm sure he has plenty of material.  We will be hearing more from Mr. Comey, as he said, he will be fine.

      1. peoplepower73 profile image83
        peoplepower73posted 7 years agoin reply to this


        Comey is also an ethical person with integrity.  He stated yesterday on 60 Minutes, he is not loyal to any president, but is loyal to the constitution as it applies to the president, unlike Trump who demands loyalty from his people to support and protect his image.

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          J.Edgar Hoover  used secret files of intimidation against any political opposition .........Comey simply grandstanded constantly  performing investigator , prosecutor and  supreme court judge  all by himself !

          1. colorfulone profile image77
            colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, Comey did that and he got away with it under the Obama Administration.   He should have been fired then.   

            "President Trump should rehire Comey just to watch the Democrats switch positions again."  ~ unknown

  9. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 7 years ago

    ahorseback:  That's why it is called an investigation instead of a trial.  The investigation is to see if there is any evidence to support the collusion.  But obviously Trump doesn't want the FBI to go there because he has something to hide. He wants it all to go away so that we will never know the truth.  Now he wont even comment on his "TAPES."

    Aren't you being an elitist by putting down those that you think are elite and elevating the conservative right wing above everything else?  What you are calling dictators are just groups of people.  I'm talking about Trump setting up a dictatorship.  There is a profound difference. 

    You don't know whether Hillary would have fired him on day 1.  That is just speculation on your part.  As far as Trump's hair goes, that is just good old satire that you and your fellow conservative can't handle. 

    Trump is dividing this country by even calling the MSM fake news.  That's the first thing a dictator does is control the media. You have it wrong.  Trump is the one who is drowning out political opinion.  Anne Coulter is provocateur who says radical things to just sell her books.  Jeff Sessions recused himself from the investigation because he is being investigated as well and then recommends that Comey be fired.  How do you reconcile that?

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Trending now ... Trump revealed high classified information to Russians last week when they took pictures in his office.

      H. R. McMaster is to address it.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Is there one of the old overhead projectors the schools used to have?  You know, to project images of classified information on the wall for them to photograph?

        1. colorfulone profile image77
          colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Trending now... "The corrupt liberal media is once again pushing bogus stories from Obama hold-overs in the intelligence community that advance their own fake news narrative."
          ~ Trey Gowdy

          People want to believe lies I guess and spread them around.  Its trashy.

          Have you seen photos or video of the movie theater at the WH? 
          Its grand! Nice that the Trumps are willing to show the people inside.

        2. dianetrotter profile image61
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          I don't have the details yet.  Twitter feed has many, many pieces.

    2. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The truest form of divisiveness is completely leftist  ideology today ;   Yours to own completely .    I actually laugh at most of your responses simply because you always come down to the "orange hair "   That's about as serious as a leftist gets in political proof of any of  Trumps deficiencies .   

      Fact , For one , any investigation of Trump so far is  showing zip for ANY evidence ! Zip . Or else it would have been so blasted across your hate filled leftstream media already   

      Fact , Comey could have been fired for ANY  or NO reason whatsoever by anyone of the potential winning presidential candidates ! His  Job was of  a cabinet and a political  post !   Clinton even said she had lost  all trust of Comey's job and investigations ,  Pelosi said it ,  Barbara Boxer said it  Harry Reid said it .

      Fact , "fake news "  IS the definition of 90 % today's media reality . A term invented by Nancy Pelosi in fact .

      Fact ,  Sessions has done  zip wrong , like Trump , Like Spicer , Like  Huckabee -Sanders , like  Flynn, but is being critiqued simply because of  the war of negative media  against any and all things Trump ! 

      If a liberal screams it out enough --more liberals  believe !

      Peoplepower , Show us all the evidence that NO ONE HAS uncovered . Fact .

      1. ptosis profile image70
        ptosisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Itso Facto Because I Said So

        Putting the word 'fact' in front of propaganda does not make it true.  What were you doing to do? Were your reciting an magical incantation by repeating it's fact like saying abracadabra - poof!  - that you would able to change the minds of people and blindly accept your - ahem - 'facts'?

        Thank you  for elucidation on how you mind works. Should I put the quotes on "mind", "works" or both? As a writer I want to know. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

      2. peoplepower73 profile image83
        peoplepower73posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        ahorseback:  You know in an investigation where the evidence has not been released, it is easy to say those who are being investigated have done nothing wrong.  If Trump gets his way, we will never know and that is the way he wants it.

        1. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          If the investigation produces nothing, will you accept that Trump is lily white or remain convinced he is black as the ace of spades?

  10. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 7 years ago

    Wilderness:   Did you intend your choice of words "lily white or black as the ace of spades" to have a racist connotation?  Why would you use those choice of words?  To answer your question, it depends on the veracity of the investigation.  If Trump tries to control the outcome, then I will question it.  If the investigation is done with integrity, then I will make a decision.

    1. colorfulone profile image77
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      That's kind of funny like... the word game is PC!  I expect the racist card from the far-left liberals and the far-right who are all on wrong side of history.

      President Trump removed the obstruction of justice when he fired Mr. Comey.  He knew that wasn't going to make things better for him.  He did not end the investigation, its likely just beginning.  What matters to him is the Republic and returning it to the people. He doesn't seem to care about the opposition (enemy) at this point.  The gloves are off.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        You hit that out of the park ,   Thats one of the characteristics of a great leader , criticism from underlings or outsiders  isn't going to effect Trump whatsoever .    While the left dreams about easter bunny impeachment causes  , Trump leads !

        And it's really  fun watching the left  having----- tin foil hat melt - downs !

        1. colorfulone profile image77
          colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Its the globalists that sold America out to multi-national corporations.

          Its Hillary Clinton that sold us out to Russia and China.
          Who sold a third of US uranium to Russia?  Hillary.
          Who gave our missile secrets to China?  The Clintons.
          Who gave nuclear reactors to North Korea?  The Clintons.

          Who's standing up to the mess they created?  Donald Trump.

          Just watch Hillary will most likely try a run for president in 2020.  She and the deep state want to sweep all of their felonies and corruption under a rug.  Not going to happen, in Jesus Name!

    2. GA Anderson profile image82
      GA Andersonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Holy cow peoplepower73! I hope you don't mind if I butt in, I promise to stay on topic.

      Given the context of the discussion - the investigation and its charges, it seems obvious as hell that Wilderness' color reference was to pure innocence or complete guilt. Why in the world would you question it as a race reference - if not for your own bias?

      And speaking of bias... your use of talking points and jargon of the day does little to add weight to your thoughts. How many times have we heard "... off script?"

      Also, the Washington Post story may be true, or it may not be. At this point it's only authority is the Post's 'anonymous' sources, (not an implication that they should automatically be discounted or distrusted - their Watergate reporting does come to mind), while people that were in the room are saying the story's portrayal is false. Yet you accept the Post's version as the truth, and testify to the most disastrous results and motives possible. Wondering and musing are one thing, portraying the same as fact, as you have, is another.

      Then, for the capper... You say that even if the investigation is completed with integrity - you will "make a decision." Not that you will accept the results of an honest investigation, just that you will consider it. So why do you need and investigation at all?


  11. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 7 years ago

    ahorseback and all of  you Trump supporters out there:  If you have been following the news, instead of spouting your liberal hate ideology , you would know that Trump disclosed classified information to the Russians at his meeting last week. Although he has the right to do that, he has put this country into jeopardy by giving the Russians who are on Bashar Al Assad's side to commit genocide of his own Syrian people, the city in which the source of his intel came from. Running our government is not like making real estate business deals. This is serious stuff that could create a security compromise and jeopardize our country and our partners who provided the intel.

    I had a secret clearance with crypto access when I worked with the National Security Agency and Strategic Command Headquarters  on a program called Operation Looking Glass. (google it if you want)  The policy then and I'm sure the policy now is, YOU ONLY GIVE CLASSIFIED INFORMATION TO THOSE WHO HAVE A VALID NEED TO KNOW.

    Trump goes off script because he is always  about promoting his image.  That is what happened in this meeting with the Russian ambassador and the head of foreign affairs. He was trying to impress them on "what great intel he gets. from the intel community."  Trump is a loose cannon and doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut and his tweeter feed shutdown.  His staff can't even keep up with all his contradictions.  They say one thing based on the party line and then he changes it entirely by going off script.

    In WWII there were signs posted all over the country that said "Loose lips sink ships."  Trump has very loose lips, again because he is all about promoting and protecting his image by lying, distracting, and diverting.  Yes, ahorsback "Trump leads" is going to lead us right into security compromises and WWIII.  You keep those blinders on and blame it all on the liberals...O.K.  By the way, the "tin foil hats" is a Tea Party thing, not a liberal thing.

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Alan Dershowitz and others have stressed the importance of not making this a political issue.  It should be about national security.  McConnell, Sasse, Corker and others are coming along to the point of where McCain and Graham are.

    2. colorfulone profile image77
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Washington Post is famous for anonymous leaks and fake news and this is another one of those times.  The liberal media then spreads the fake news everywhere and innocent people are conditioned to believe the false narratives.  In the end times many will be deceived, the television works so well.

      "“There is nothing that the President takes more seriously than the security of the American people.

      The story that came out tonight as reported is false.  The president the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation.

      At no time, at no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed.  And the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known.

      Two other senior officials who were present, including the Secretary of State, remembered the meeting the same way and have said so.  Their on-the-record accounts should outweigh those of anonymous sources.

      I was in the room.  It didn’t happen.”   
      ~  National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster

      But, some people want to believe the lies because its painful to wake up to the ugly truth.   Trump would not share classified secrets with the Russians. That is purely propaganda.

      1. peoplepower73 profile image83
        peoplepower73posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Colorfulone:  Then why is the content of what was shared called  Code Word Level intelligence?  This is from Wikipedia:

        "Code Word classifications
        Top Secret is the highest level of classification. However some information is compartmentalized by adding a code word so that only those who have been cleared for each code word can see it. This information is also known as "Sensitive Compartmented Information" (SCI). A document marked SECRET (CODE WORD) could only be viewed by a person with a secret or top secret clearance and that specific code word clearance. Each code word deals with a different kind of information. The CIA administers code word clearances."

        1. colorfulone profile image77
          colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          More information than was discussed was leaked out to WaPo.  That is why people are freaking out, its a matter of national security.  Let me say it in another way for you. The information that was leaked went well beyond what Trump discussed.

          The info that was leaked to WaPo contained minute details that anyone who installed spyware, moleware or ransomeware on the WaPo's phones or computers can access who sent it by name.  By name, they can find out who was responsible for that. That has put the lives of sources at risk and caused a national security crises.  A National Security Crises was caused by the person who leaked more detail than Trump discussed.

          This is now being treated like a serious felony. Now, because of this investigation things are going to go quiet, its become a major investigation. Sources are not going to want to talk to anyone. People are freaking out, and whoever leaked this information is going to go to prison.  Prison time! 

          So! I want to know who all the sources are at NBC, NYT, WaPo, etc. People are freaking out because people are going to go to prison.   
          Its poetic justice! (its heartbreaking)

          1. peoplepower73 profile image83
            peoplepower73posted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Colorfulone:  Your are off on a tangent about leaks.  Leaks are Trump's idea.   This investigation is about Trump and his team colluding with the Russians.  Trump is trying to distract by focusing on leaks, just like you are.

            1. colorfulone profile image77
              colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              I'm not off on a "tangent about leaks". Classified information was leaked, beyond what Trump talked about. That is a National Security Crisis and this investigation has become a major investigation now.   The names of the sources are being discovered and someone will be going to prison for a felony.  Who was in that room with Trump?  Was that five people?

              This is real.

              Added:  Maybe the room was bugged.

              1. peoplepower73 profile image83
                peoplepower73posted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Colorfulone:  What leaks are you talking about?  Please be specific.

                1. colorfulone profile image77
                  colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm talking about sources that leaked classified information.  That is a felony, this has become a major investigation now and people will go to prison.  What President Trump talked about in the meeting was not classified, its been public knowledge for maybe three months.

  12. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 7 years ago


    "Given the context of the discussion - the investigation and its charges, it seems obvious as hell that Wilderness' color reference was to pure innocence or complete guilt. Why in the world would you question it as a race reference - if not for your own bias?"

    Why didn't he use words like Guilty or Innocent, instead of racially charged words?  I'm no more a racists than you are when your in an express checkout line and and there is a foreigner there with more than 15 items.

    "And speaking of bias... your use of talking points and jargon of the day does little to add weight to your thoughts. How many times have we heard "... off script?" "

    The reason it used so much is because Trump does it so much.

    "Also, the Washington Post story may be true, or it may not be. At this point it's only authority is the Post's 'anonymous' sources, (not an implication that they should automatically be discounted or distrusted - their Watergate reporting does come to mind), while people that were in the room are saying the story's portrayal is false. Yet you accept the Post's version as the truth, and testify to the most disastrous results and motives possible. Wondering and musing are one thing, portraying the same as fact, as you have, is another. " … cials.html

    "Then, for the capper... You say that even if the investigation is completed with integrity - you will "make a decision." Not that you will accept the results of an honest investigation, just that you will consider it. So why do you need and investigation at all?"

    How do you know it is an honest investigation when Trump puts someone in as head of FBI that he can control the outcome?  As I see it from his perspective, there will be no conclusion, because that is his best outcome and every effort will be made to reach that goal.

    1. GA Anderson profile image82
      GA Andersonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      But, you said, "If the investigation is done with integrity..... " If you felt it was done honestly, why would you need to "make a decision" as to whether to accept the results?

      ps. Given the latest NYT breaking news about a Comey memo, finding a director he can "control" might not be an option anymore.


    2. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      OMG!  Yes, PP, the reference was to guilt or innocence, not race.  I thought everyone knew Trump was Caucasian - neither "lily white" NOR "black as the ace of spaces". sad

      But I think you did answer the question, albeit in a roundabout way.  "How do you know it is an honest investigation when Trump puts someone in as head of FBI that he can control the outcome?" is a pretty obvious "No".

      1. colorfulone profile image77
        colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Ray Kelly is a man Chuck Shummer wanted as FBI Director at one time.  Certainly he wouldn't be able to oppose Kelly now.  Chucky makes his own boxes for himself.  I think Kelly would be a leader that we could have confidence in, hopefully, that's what we need.

  13. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    War of attrition against Trump ;
    There is absolutely NO act that Trump has done in or out of office that liberal obstructionists can prove
    as actually having happened .   They keep throwing charges against his thick skinned walls of political progress DESPERATELY hoping that one or two of them stick .

    I will say one thing positive about liberals ,    They are consistent  in their attacks -  there is obviously never anything there to see - but they have a certain  'moxie ' about  perpetual political obstructionism ,
    Of course if the media wasn't their to carry their message - they would die away  forever unheard by the real world.

  14. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 7 years ago

    ahorseback:  You are letting your opinions and wishful thinking get way ahead of the investigation. The investigation is not over yet.  But Trump will do everything he can to obstruct it.  Firing Comey for "doing a bad job" right in the middle of the investigation is obstruction of justice.  Telling coming to let it go with Flynn is and obstruction of justice. Sessions recuses himself from the investigation and then recommending that Comey be fired is not only an obstruction of justice but unethical. 

    The political progress as you call it about Trump is all unethical.   He is slick because  he has very high paid lawyers he surrounds himself with.  What political progress has he made?  His wall is stalled, travel ban is in court, health care is stalled, switched opinion on NATO and NAFTA several times, has not brought back jobs for coal miners and steel workers. 

    He lies every time he is threatened by anything or anybody.  He is sending more troops to the middle much for America First.  If he has nothing to hide, why does he want the investigations to be stopped and why doesn't he release his tax returns?

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "If he has nothing to hide, why does he want the investigations to be stopped and why doesn't he release his tax returns?"

      Perhaps because, just like the Obama "birthers" it won't make any difference what is found.  Your own post above shows the attitude here - if absolute, dark guilt is not to be found then it is because the investigation was not done correctly.

  15. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 7 years ago

    Wilderness:  Therefore why have an investigation at all and why release his tax returns, it doesn't matter?  Then why does Trump want an investigation into voter fraud, if it doesn't matter?  It will end up as being as open-ended as the birther movement and Trump's claims about Obama wire tapping.

    It was proven by Obama's birth certificate as to where he was born and the courts validated it.  For Trump and the birthers, that is not good enough.  You are saying, for Trump's opponents, the investigation is not good enough until he is convicted or is impeached...right? 

    Trump likes things opened ended, with no conclusion.  That way he agrees or disagrees, it doesn't matter as long as he defends his position of always winning in his mind.

    The reason he won't release his tax returns is they could show what his ties to Russia are. The reason he wants the investigation to go away, is that it could conclusively show his ties to Russia.  It will make a difference as to what is found.  However, it more than likely will not make a difference to those who continue to believe in him, "regardless of whether he shoots somebody in Times Square or not."

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "It was proven by Obama's birth certificate as to where he was born and the courts validated it."

      Only to those that accept the evidence.  To those that don't, it is an obvious fabrication and not to be taken as true.  Which also answers your question as to why not release his private information; because it will change no one's mind and will give ammunition to hurt him.  Anything found will be spun into evil-doing, whether it is or not, so why provide it at all?  Just as your own answer to Trump's innocence if no evil Russian collaboration is found: we know it is there and the investigation is therefore false.

      "However, it more than likely will not make a difference to those who continue to believe in him, "regardless of whether he shoots somebody in Times Square or not.""

      And it will make zero difference to those that hate him, too, and it won't matter if we find that there are no ties to Russia, that he is the most generous, giving man on the face of the earth and 100% legal and ethical in all his business dealings.  Nothing will change - supporters will support and haters will still hate.  They'll just have a little more information to spin and demonize him.  Personally I find it telling that we know that's what will happen (nothing will change) from experience, yet the haters still demand knowledge they have no right to.  For Pete's sake - I'm still seeing social and political posts claiming Obama was an illegal President and should be jailed for it, yet you want to pretend that it isn't still going on and want to do it all over again with a different President!

  16. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    I find it very interesting that liberals could easily  ignore all the Clinton --Obama scandals , ALL OF THEM , yet be first on board to call for the same investigative procedures against Trump !

    Hypocricy at it's finest hour ?


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