The United States is being threatened and bullied by North Korea, why is it that

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  1. gregas profile image81
    gregasposted 7 years ago

    The United States is being threatened and bullied by North Korea, why is it that our government is..

    still playing patty cake about Russia instead of concentrating on the REAL danger at hand?

  2. whonunuwho profile image52
    whonunuwhoposted 7 years ago

    If there is a third world war, there can be no winners. The leaders of the major nuclear-armed countries realize this fact. The inevitable demise of the human race, as we know it, would be at hand. We can only pray that the leaders come to their senses and put a stop to this nonsense being threatened almost every day. There is no such thing as a conventional war anymore. At some point and time big bombs would be used and the start of the ending to life on this planet.There has to be an end to it all.

    1. alancaster149 profile image75
      alancaster149posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      If it was just about pressing buttons, then why do the major powers spend cash on conventional air, ground and sea deterrants? A finger on the button without the  necessary 'clout' only invites toughies with clout to call your bluff.

    2. Ewent profile image56
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Trump fools no one. He found yet another in the 100s of distractions to stop the Russian investigation. Now it's North Korea. He knows that no president will be removed in a time of war. Too bad he thinks he is boy genius.

    3. lovemychris profile image80
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Read something quickly, needs looking into: threats against venezuela? They have ceded oil fields to putins rosneft. Much like iraq war soldiers protecting oil there, this new mitary threat is to prevent venezuela from taking their oil fields back!??

  3. armysoldier4ever profile image60
    armysoldier4everposted 7 years ago

    There is no evidence and even liberal senators on the committee investigating it has said so publically. If you wish to confirm real evidence, you should look into Hillary Clinton's donations from countries including Russia leading up to her run for office. It is funny how things like this are always swept under the rug while criminal leaders like Hillary Clinton are always hiding their transactions and denying the clear evidence. If it were not for Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton on that plane and as we now know she was using an alias, the Clinton's would be under investigation.

    1. Ericdierker profile image44
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Pick out the seven most likely sites for their missiles and drop 10 MOAB on them and no one would curse anyone. Let Trump haters scream. Who cares?
      NK needs to be stopped and both Russia and China are waiting for us to do it. Supposed range to LA.

    2. lovemychris profile image80
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Nk and china are both allies of russia. As is iran. Putin will drop trump like a hot potatoe. Your big strong man is a cuck.

    3. Ericdierker profile image44
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Well dear. It is your belief that POTUS is conspiring with other leaders so he can bomb an ally of the folks he is conspiring with? Now that is an interesting assessment of the NK problem.

    4. lovemychris profile image80
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      No. My assesment is that trump, putin and jong un are all conspiring to fake this little nuclear showdown so dumpy-pants can be "big war hero president", like cowboy george. Putin will help us win the fake war w kim, and of course should be rewarded.

    5. Ericdierker profile image44
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I really do not think you understand how irrational you are Dear. You could be all alone and think you are speaking common notions. You hate Trump so much it clouds your vision and everyone of your buddies has gotten sensible. It is what it is.

    6. lovemychris profile image80
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You have no idea what youre talking about. I love america. Thats the deal. And the same machosatanic forces that sent my grandfather here have followed him! They are here. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini. And anyone who supports it is no friend of mine.

    7. Misfit Chick profile image78
      Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Its not inconceivable that Russia, China & NK R manipulating the situation to cause something to happen - like provoke Trump. It would be the PERFECT beginning to a profitable World War & people everywhere could see that it was OUR fault.

    8. Ewent profile image56
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You boys have had over 4 decades to put Hillary and Bill Clinton in jail and you failed at every attempt. Your So What Bully in the White House thanked Putin for dumping 700 US diplomats. But go right ahead and be cheerleader to a pathological liar.

    9. lovemychris profile image80
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Lol!! Article in the hill: "putin, xi set to play heroes in the north korea crisis"....

      "In politics, nothing happens by accident. Things are made to happen"--jfk

      Annnnnd, action!

  4. profile image0
    promisemposted 7 years ago

    Read your political history. Bad leaders pick fights and go to wars with other countries to distract voters from problems at home. Trump is hoping for the same.

    That said, I don't see anyone playing patty cake with either issue.

    1. Ewent profile image56
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Trump's back is to the wall. He can't get Mueller to spill what he's found so Trump is going to use the back door: War. He knows no president during war time will ever be removed from office. Putin's Ambassador Trump is marching to Putin's tune.

    2. profile image0
      promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly right. If it's not war with North Korea, it will be Cuba, Iran or some other country.

  5. Jackie Lynnley profile image87
    Jackie Lynnleyposted 7 years ago

    Of course North Korea is the bigger threat and what possible danger is Russia to us involving Trump when Hillary Clinton was the one to sell Russia 20% of our Uranium and Obama handed millions in cash to terrorists and neither concerned one person who now is so concerned over Trump. Of course none of them will even discuss those issues or the fact that the last eight years turned our country into a living nightmare that grows worse daily. We cannot blame Trump for today's chaos. We can only pray he can bring us out of it.

    1. lovemychris profile image80
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Please cite the sources of those claims against american citizens. Is it breitbart nazi news?

    2. Misfit Chick profile image78
      Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      the last eight years turned our country into a living nightmare that grows worse daily - untrue. Perception is everything. Diversify your media sources, learn to think your own thoughts - and U will be AMAZED at your life's broader perspective.

    3. lovemychris profile image80
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      That will never happen. It will be a continuous battle of us v them. The best we can do is let everyone live as they see fit. Dont like something? Dont do it! Mind business, live your life. Stop trying to direct others. F r e e d o m

    4. yashodhara profile image71
      yashodharaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      This is a really good article, exactly what I needed for my assignment! smile

    5. lovemychris profile image80
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      My take is that trumputin are using n. korea as a deflection from putin's military build-up on nato european borders. Putin wants the world. Trump is willing to be soldier, not general. Follow tha money!!!

  6. Ken Burgess profile image67
    Ken Burgessposted 7 years ago

    I like that you distinguished between 'our government' and 'Trump'...
    That is a key distinction.

    Our government is focused on Russia, and has been for a while, especially during the Obama Administration.

    We have sold hundreds of billions of dollars worth of military equipment to countries all around Russia, especially those in the EU like Poland that were formally part of the Soviet Bloc. … y-of-nato/ … r/1970997/

    We have overthrown every former Soviet ally in the past couple decades, Syria is the sole nation not on Russia's border that remains standing, barely.  Iraq, Libya, Syria... you name it, we have targeted them, and destroyed.

    We have also declared war on them through excessive production of fossil fuels to flood the globe with affordable/cheap oil & Natural Gas.  Russia has a wealth of Natural Gas & Oil to rival any nation, when you include the untapped resources of the North Pole, which could be worth over 30 Trillion dollars, Russia is by far the world's leading nation for energy resources.

    That is why such effort is being used to break Russia now, from keeping oil and natural gas prices as low as possible, to surrounding them with the largest massing of tanks, artillery, missiles and equipment since Desert Shield / Desert Storm.  The International Corporations want access/control of those resources (IE - Exxon/Mobil) which have been Nationalized to a large degree by Putin.  And of course the Military Industrial complex is raking in hundreds of billions a year on selling nations on the threat of Russia.

    So to answer your question... we are focusing on Russia because that is where all the money is... there is no money in North Korea, it is a poor, trivial little nation, it has no value, it is a pain in the butt that is shooting missiles at Japan, if not for that, they would be ignored.

    1. Naumovich profile image60
      Naumovichposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Ken, my hope was that the US and Russia could start to build good relations and work together.  Why, because I remember MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction. Poking them is senseless, dangerous and idiotic. NK could send us back to the stone age w/ EMP.

    2. Ken Burgess profile image67
      Ken Burgessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Nick one of the problems when you no longer view the world through sovereign nation eyes, but through international corporate/banker globalist ideals, is that you are willing to sacrifice one pawn (USA) to defeat the opponent (Rus) to gain power/cont


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