Will climate change get better or worse?

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  1. Kenny MG profile image74
    Kenny MGposted 15 years ago

    Will climate change get better or worse?

    Green House gases

  2. dabeaner profile image60
    dabeanerposted 15 years ago

    Define "better" or "worse" in that context.  The whole controversy is just a smokescreen by our rulers with the help of willing dupes, so as to divert attention from the real problem -- overpopulation and the resource depletion and ecological destruction that causes

  3. Kenny MG profile image74
    Kenny MGposted 15 years ago

    Climate change for the Better? Only in the sense we are more aware and take individual positive steps to reduce our own carbon footprints. Getting worse is when we all ignore the signs and depends on governments alone to fix it. Government have a... read more

  4. profile image0
    probyte2uposted 15 years ago

    Climate change will get worse except if the government and people starting working seriously to improve the situation.

    Government should provide funds for development of new green energy sources.  Plus we should try to reduce our usage of fossil fuels.

    If there is efficient public transport in our area, then we should use it. By reducing our carbon footprint bit by bit, we hope that we can reduce the problem.

  5. mthurston profile image78
    mthurstonposted 15 years ago

    Please don't drag me over the coals.  Please don't call me stupid.

    While many believe that climate change due to greenhouse gasses is a serious issue, others believe it is the by-product of a politicization of environmental policy.  Some people see manmade CO2 emissions as a relatively harmless practice.  Some people claim that each year, foliage, volcanoes, and oceans, on their own - emit more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than humans do.  Some people don't understand the enormous profits that can be made during a 'green-shift'.  Buying green products make you feel like you have contributed to something, but we should always be wary of people trying to cash-in on these products.  Unfortunately, often times it all comes down to dollars and cents.   

    I love this planet, I don't litter, I recycle, and I don't drive more than i have to - but at the same time, I refuse to buy-into the climate change argument.  It is a bold thing to say, and I don't want to step on any toes, but I feel there are more serious issues affecting our well-being.

  6. barryrutherford profile image74
    barryrutherfordposted 15 years ago

    Worse !  Unless the world takes immediate & drastic steps to reduce Carbon Emission by shutting down worldwide all coal fired power stations and replacing them with 4th generation nuclear, gas Fired and Geo-Thermo Wind and solar...

  7. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 15 years ago

    No one knows bsyond a reasonable doubt. As in life I believe all things are cyclic and I beliieve that can be supported by looking at the rings on the timbers used by the Anasazi to build there buildings. they show a sequence of enviromental changes some of which eventually caused the colapse of their sociaty. This was well before the sustained use of coal, cars and feed lots. Should we be green ? Yes, if it makes sense. Some groups and their leaders are in it for the money, as always be careful.

  8. Bard of Ely profile image74
    Bard of Elyposted 15 years ago

    As I understand it this solar system is going through a spell of change and weather conditions are affected on the other planets too so it is nothing to do with human problems here. It is something that is going on anyway and is neither good nor bad which are human concepts. It's like saying is it better when it is hot or cold? Neither - it just is!
    However, on related subjects such as the state of the environment, then the situation is in a mess and humans should be doing all they can to help get the world more in balance and to cut down on destroying habitats and life-forms. After all this is our home and we share it with the other animals and plants.
    The Earth is a living being and responds to what we do and think as does the rest of the universe we are in. We have no way of knowing what the future has in store but we all have a part in creating it!

  9. thesecondadvent profile image59
    thesecondadventposted 15 years ago

    My Dear Sweet Friends,

    It shall surely get worse, but then it shall shift for the better.

  10. Goodpal profile image71
    Goodpalposted 13 years ago

    As long as the two biggest polluters - US and China - don't take it seriously, it can only get worse. Carbon trading and activities around it are, in fact, just an excuse to keep polluting, and fool the world that something is being done. In all likelihood, it will only go worse.


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