Can we all admit that there is some amount of racism or prejudice in us?

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  1. eli grey profile image60
    eli greyposted 14 years ago

    Can we all admit that there is some amount of racism or prejudice in us?

    When you think about it, it is completely natural to show prejudice against those who are different than us, and history has shown us that. Supremists are racists through and through, but doesn't the little bit of resentment in those who claim to be of the opposite extreme show that it is in all of us? This is just a thought and by no means is a stab at anyone in particular. I just watched a dozen videoes regarding the topic and wanted to know what people really think.

  2. jennshealthstore profile image74
    jennshealthstoreposted 14 years ago

    I really think that it depends on where you grow up and how you grow up. Me for instance, grew up in New York where it was nothing but a large variety of people. I never thought nothing of racism, because where I was, color, race etc did not matter. We were a bunch of kids hanging out. So I say no, I do not have any racism in me.

    There is bad and good in every single race, religion, gender. So if your a person who hates, you need to hate equally.. : )

  3. telltale profile image61
    telltaleposted 14 years ago

    For me, am not prejudice against a race, but the practices of a race of people, be it culture, religion or otherwise, so it is more related to person, rather than race, where I am concerned.

    Strangely, when I was much younger, all races in our country mixed freely, and we thought of ourselves as citizens of a country, but not really racially divided.  Sad to say, the same cannot be said of today's practices.

  4. Emissionguy profile image66
    Emissionguyposted 14 years ago

    Sure I can. I grew up in coal country in Pennsylvainia. We were all taught that minorities were lazy and stupid. I have spent a lifetime retraining myself to overcome these lies.

  5. zzron profile image59
    zzronposted 14 years ago

    I think it depends on the person, how they were brought up and how they feel about people in general.

  6. JON EWALL profile image60
    JON EWALLposted 14 years ago


    In the United States, racism, particularly by whites against blacks, has created profound racial tension and conflict in virtually all aspects of American society. Until the BREAKTHROUGHS  achieved by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, white domination over blacks was institutionalized and supported in all branches and levels of government, by denying blacks their civil rights and opportunities to participate in political, economic, and social communities.

    THE AMERICAN PEOPLE today are more intoned with the idea that all persons in society are to be treated equally. Generation after generation has changed  to look to one another another as equals in society.
    Let’s not forget that today radical groups still preach that white people are bad and that the black are treated badly.
    It is shameful when political parties  claim racism, when there is no racism involved. Our nation is a nation of the rule of law. The civil rights movement had a lot to do with government recognizing the Dr. King's movement. fighting for social justice.

    Americans, black, brown, yellow, white and any other color will be celebrating on July 4Th , all together as one nation, one nation under God

  7. profile image0
    Rolla98posted 14 years ago

    We all are imperfect, racist thoughts, is one of the many things that are always going to be in our heads. Racism is not going anywhere anytime soon. You will always hear something about it on the News everyday. From Man, to Women, to race, to, individual. For some reason Al Sharp is always there when something racist happens lol. We will think about them through association, tv ,internet, etc.

  8. profile image56
    vmassey120posted 13 years ago

    If we are honest we all have to admit that racism still exists in this country.  It sounds good to say that America does not look at race when we are hiring for jobs, giving contracts or dating.  Mostly everyone states they are not a racists until someone of a different race wants to date their son or daughter.  If you are truly not a racist you would only want your son or daughter to be happy.

    We in America are now entering a phase when our racial prejudices are now being aimed toward a different race, Hispanics.  This is because when it is all said and done a lot of our racism starts with the economy.  There are those in power who want us to believe that Hispanics are taking jobs from American Citizens both Black and White.  One of the problems in this country is that we cannot admit to our racist tendencies so they will never completely disappear.

  9. Billrrrr profile image65
    Billrrrrposted 13 years ago

    You might as well ask, 'Can we all admit that there is some animal left in us?' 

    We retain many  characteristics from the 'Cave' days, but what makes us higher than the other animals is that we are always trying to be better.  We are constantly forcing our own evolution to smooth our rough edges.

    People are becoming hairless. We have lost most of it already.  Men are evolving even more by shedding their top hair and becoming less like the Apes from whence they came.   

    Many men and women are helping nature by shaving ALL remaining hair.

    In about two thousand more years, the human race will be alopecia universalis - and when that happens all racism and prejudice will be gone.

  10. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago

    Everyone is prejudiced in some form or another.  The prejudice may be overt or covert.  There may be something about a social group that can create a strong visceral reaction in people whether is is race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, educational level, age, marital status, or other factors.  There is going to be a social or cultural group which is going to create a negative visceral reaction to a certain degree for one reason or another. 

    For some people, a person of a different race is going to bring out negative feelings perhaps because one may fear this person because he/she is not the same race as the former. H/she can be considered strange, even to be deemed threatened because h/she is unknown.   For others, it can be sexual orientation.  May people who are heterosexual see LBGT people as a threat to their perceived idea of what a family is and/or should be. They also view LBGT people as abnormal because the latter is outside the so-called societal paradigm of what normal sexual structure is.   

    Members of a societal ingroup(the group that has status either through numbers or influence) see those of the societal outgroup(the group that has llittle or no status through numbers or influence) as anomalies or outsiders.  Those of the outgroup rather racial or other are viewed as different, even threatening by those who are of the ingroup.  To the ingroup, the outgroup is viewed as lesser, the other; outgroups are subjected to the perceived notions of the ingroup as inferior, often demonized and marginalized in addition to be considered less than human.

    Humans always have an us vs. them mentality, mindset, and consciousness.  To humans, us are classified as those who are simlliar to us in physicality, race, class, education, or other values. Us are liked and welcomed. To humans, them are classified as those who are divergently different from us.  Them can be differently racially, religiously, and/or in varied ways.  Them, in the human mind, consciousness, and mentality are those who threaten and/or unnerve us in one way or another.  Prejudice in humans is based upon mistrust and fear of those who are different from they.


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