Is bottled water really needed or is it just another way we have become lazy.

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  1. nightwork4 profile image62
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    Is bottled water really needed or is it just another way we have become lazy.

    it's less expensive and more enviromentaly friendly to use tap water but bottled water is a huge seller these days. should we be using it or are we just being lazy?

  2. Lyn.Stewart profile image70
    Lyn.Stewartposted 13 years ago

    Studies have actually shown that if you boil some water put it in a bottle and store it in your fridge for 24 hours there is no difference between it and bottled water.

    Well there is one difference the price you paid for the bottled water lol.

    No-one could tell the difference between the two as well (in taste) so all I can say is go boil some water and save your money.

    I would suggest it may be more of where society is heading when everyones happy to pay 2-4 dollars for a bottle of water.

  3. Nicole Winter profile image60
    Nicole Winterposted 13 years ago

    When calamity strikes I am thankful that there are huge sources of bottled water available for victims of tragedy.  Some people cannot stand the taste of tap water, also.  So for those reasons, I'm happy there are companies out there which make bottled water.  (I'm a huge fan of Smart Water, myself.)  Truthfully, though, tap water is much kinder to the environment than bottled water.  Financially, (also,) it is much sounder to buy a Brita water purifier for those who cannot stand the taste of tap water.

  4. Alternative Prime profile image60
    Alternative Primeposted 13 years ago

    Recently I watched a media piece on the comparison of both, "Tap" & "Bottled" water. According to actual research and study results, the "Tap" won out over "Bottled" in New York state and several other areas.

    Apparently, unfiltered faucet water in many regions throughout the country including the west coast, is the purest and contains far fewer contaminants verses average "Mountain Fresh - Stream Direct to Bottle" choices.

    It was an independent study, accurate or not, this was their official finding.

  5. Doc Snow profile image84
    Doc Snowposted 13 years ago

    Pretty much the latter.  There are areas where the tap water doesn't taste good.  And it's probably better to buy bottled water than soda when you need something to drink and don't have anything available except a vending machine or convenience store.

    But a couple of good water bottles (preferably BPA-free) in your fridge go a long way to filling the need, and save you a bundle.  The only cost (once you've got the bottles) is a little forethought.

  6. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    I enjoy bottled water when I am out and don't want soda.  But I have to admit I worry about the bottles and the plastic etc.  I also admit, I am lazy and it just seems so much easier than hauling a container of water in my car, or whenever.

  7. ryancarter profile image61
    ryancarterposted 13 years ago

    Hmm, let's see if I understand this:  You're asking if we've gotten more lazy because instead of walking, like, 15 feet to the sink to get water, we opt to:
    take a shower,
    get dressed,
    find our keys,
    get in the car,
    go to the store,
    walk to the water aisle,
    pick up a case of bottled water,
    carry it to the check out line,
    wait in line,
    pay for the water,
    carry it to the car,
    drive home,
    get the water out of the car,
    carry it in,
    put the bottles in the fridge,
    wait for them to cool,
    then walk 15 feet to get a bottled water?  Yeah, we're getting lazy...

  8. rockfordmaunes profile image61
    rockfordmaunesposted 13 years ago

    I think we need it now and may be a very long time. Bottled water might be a pleasure for laziness but in due time it will become a necessity take for example people from areas who are greatly affected by calamities it's a necessity for them to use botteld water but if it is practiced as a unique way of conserving water then it's another benefit. Through  bottled water you can control spoilages and you're thinking to save water and actually doing it.

  9. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

    Many years ago, I had the chance to invest in a bottled water company.  I totally dismissed the idea with laughter. 

    " People will not buy water in a bottle", I said...........Man was I ever wrong! 

    For years, I refused to buy water.  Then I began to travel.  The water in sw New Mexico was not good.  The water in AZ was not good.  For a short time, I lived in a small town in southern CA.........when I turned on the tap, the water looked like milk!   

    Thinking it was some sort of residue in the pipes, I first bought filter after filter.  It was not fit to drink.  Scum appeared on the coffee........the dog turned his head away. 

    I was thankful for bottled water.  And I paid a premium to have it........

    Today, again, I live in the land of good clean and refreshing water.

    Water has become my personal agenda.  Don't take it for granted and please do not waste it.  There is a limited supply.

  10. commonc profile image59
    commoncposted 13 years ago

    I dont buy bottled water normally, but obviously if you are out and away from a tap then you need to be able to buy a drink.

    I don't really see the need to big containers of water in supermarkets as everyone has a tap at home.

    In short, bottled water consumption should be reduced - if you buy a bottle, save it and fill it up!

  11. AllensPlace11 profile image61
    AllensPlace11posted 13 years ago

    Well I wouldn't actually call it lazy, as more of the convenience of the matter. However, having said this, there are places where there are too many bad things in the tap water.  I recently got back from being deployed to Iraq....definitely CANNOT drink the water there, so we always had bottled water.  Here in the states, not so much, I love tap water....however, if I can smell the bleach or the sulfur or whatever else, I just can't drink it. 

    Personal preference vs being decide!

  12. tsmog profile image88
    tsmogposted 13 years ago

    I read something years ago that stated water would be in such demand we would fight over it. I also read that bottled water is a bell weather market indicator. Funny, I use bottled water when I make tea, yet use tap water for a pot of coffee at home. I use the tap at home for a glass of water, but I have copper pipes. At work the pipes are old galvanized pipes, so I don't drink it using bottled. But, we use tap for the coffee pot there. I think I will ponder this for awhile.

  13. profile image0
    CollBposted 13 years ago

    Tap water, filtered, is the cheaper and better alternative to bottled water which can be expensive if you drink 5-6 glasses of water a day.

    Researches have shown that plastic bottled water can give people headaches and related illnesses due to the minerals reacting with the plastic - so it's best to buy the glass bottled version.

    I've been drinking filtered tap water for at least 7 yrs now after hearing how plastic bottled water can affect a person and I've found it just as good.

    Perhaps people are becoming lazy drinking bottled water but I did notice that my skin and especially my face were smooth and spot-free to a large extent so it could be for appearance and 'health' reasons people turn to bottled water.

  14. MysteryPlanet profile image60
    MysteryPlanetposted 13 years ago

    In most cases bottled water IS tap water. Read the label and you will see this. My personal preference is for "store bought" water but only because our tap water smells and tastes of chlorine and has sediment and suspended solids.

    Here is a simple test you can do at home. Fill a pot with water and let it boil until it is dry. Do you see a nasty residue left inside the pot? That stuff is various salts and other suspended solids that are not good for you and make the water taste bad.

  15. profile image52
    wendy slackposted 13 years ago

    I feel that it is just another way for people to be lazy.

  16. ArtByCari profile image73
    ArtByCariposted 13 years ago

    I don't even know if it's about laziness. It takes a lot of effort to go to the store, load up your case of water, then drive it home, unload it, chill it, open it, throw it away. Wouldn't it be "lazier" to just grab some from the tap?

    I think, instead, we are caught up in the commercialism of it all. Someone did some great marketing.


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