Are you happy drinking tap water?

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  1. Silver Fish profile image68
    Silver Fishposted 12 years ago

    Are you happy drinking tap water?

  2. CrisSp profile image70
    CrisSpposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I am! As long as it is filtered. Saves money. Love the fact that I can contribute in saving the environment as well instead of buying bottled water. So, why not drink (water) to that!

  3. iamageniuster profile image64
    iamageniusterposted 12 years ago

    Depends on where I get it from. Most of the time, I'd have to use a filter and boil the water.

  4. alliemacb profile image90
    alliemacbposted 12 years ago

    Yes.  It's cheaper and better for the environment than buying lots of plastic bottles.  I do use a filter, although the quality of water's not too bad where I live, in the North of Scotland.

  5. darrensurrey profile image60
    darrensurreyposted 12 years ago

    Depends how desperate I am for a drink but I usually boil it and make a herbal tea of some kind if I can. I just don't like the chlorinated taste of the water that comes out of my taps. Otherwise I add a cordial or concentrated juice to the water.

  6. LauraGT profile image81
    LauraGTposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely!  Water bottles are so horrible for our environment.  Think about all the mountains of waste from plastic water bottles!  I think the bottled water industry is brilliant, however - they've made billions off of a marketing campaign that has convinced people we somehow need bottled water.  Buy a nalgene, fill it up with filtered water every day, and stop buying bottled water!

  7. profile image0
    Catzgendronposted 12 years ago

    I've been drinking it for 53 years and I'm still here .. so yes tap water is fine with me besides, it's free

  8. emilybee profile image82
    emilybeeposted 12 years ago

    After it is filtered, yes. We use one of those pitchers with the filter right in it, fill it up from the sink, pour a drink, and repeat as needed.

  9. dariashakti profile image63
    dariashaktiposted 12 years ago

    Water is such a precious commodity!  Here in Louisiana, we have seen the horrors of the Gulf Oil spill and Katrina and how the purity of water can be destroyed in a second with one bad decision or a natural disaster. Throughout the US, fracking is becoming common...with little regard to our water tables, and dumping waste materials into streams and rivers still happens despite laws. We are living in a Post Fukushima world, full of auto emissions, cell phone towers, microwaves, cell phones, televisions, computers, etc...these energies can and do affect our natural cycles...I like to double filter my water...once as it comes from the tap and then again through a filtered water bottle.  I also like to think that we will wake up soon and take better care of the precious clean water we do have.

  10. BlissfulWriter profile image82
    BlissfulWriterposted 12 years ago

    I have no problems drinking tap water -- use from cold water facet.  You can use a water filter if you like.   

    But there are at least five reasons why tap is better than buying bottled water: … tled-Water

  11. Laura Schneider profile image81
    Laura Schneiderposted 12 years ago

    Yes, definitely! It's one of the many benefits of living in the USA that people forget: we have relatively clean air, water, and soil. Many countries don't have the luxury of clean water, let alone water that is clean enough to drink straight from the tap. Drinking water is supposed to be good for you, and plastic bottles are obviously bad for the environment, so I drink tap water (without ice) whenever possible to conserve our natural resources and not pollute the earth with empty water bottles. I don't understand the need of people to filter out the minerals and fluoride we need to be healthy, however. That seems counter-intuitive to me.

  12. Becky Katz profile image82
    Becky Katzposted 12 years ago

    No, it tastes nasty. I get drinking water from a spring on a friends property. It actually tastes good. The tap water here smells like a nasty lake with all the algae. It tastes like that with chlorine added in.

  13. wkhigley profile image59
    wkhigleyposted 12 years ago

    I run it through a filter because the tap water has a bit of a bad taste, but yeah, I prefer to drink it from my tap than whatever tap or other source the bottled water came from.

    Of course, it just depends where you are. I consider myself fortunate to live someplace where it's safe to drink from the tap without boiling the water first. It may only be a minor inconvenience, but I'm glad I don't have to constantly boil water to make it safe. If we had to put up with that, I would buy more bottled water for the convenience of it.

  14. Sunita-Sharma profile image61
    Sunita-Sharmaposted 12 years ago

    Ofcourse yes! I am very much okay with drinking tap water. I filter it and consume it.Also, It saves money.

  15. Sethareal profile image60
    Setharealposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely. I saw a documentary about recent immigrants to the United States and when asked why they love America, some of them replied simply with, "You can drink the water and not die!"

    We take it for granted. Tap water is awesome!

  16. sandus profile image60
    sandusposted 12 years ago

    Never... not at all........i know the sweet taste of pure water. i am drinking water from the well.. its cold and pure...... so no tap water...

  17. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    yes and i'm pissed off at all the people who drink bottled water. don't give me this b.s. about it being safer because it isn't. i wish all bottled water drinkers had to store the bottles in there homes for a year.

  18. profile image0
    Olde Cashmereposted 12 years ago

    I use a pitcher filter. I used to not care at all until I researched it a bit. It's a bit of hassle replacing the filters but it's worth it in my opinion

  19. kmaskreations profile image56
    kmaskreationsposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely not!  Often the chlorine smell is very strong in our municipal system.  I don't even like bathing or washing my hair in it.

  20. cherlame profile image60
    cherlameposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely!  I love tap water.  I didn't make this decision until I went to college and our school had a campaign banning water bottles.  Drinking tap water is environmentally friendly and I'm glad to do my small part for the betterment of our world.  If you don't like tap water use a filter.  It's still cheaper and still environmentally friendly.

  21. phillippeengel profile image80
    phillippeengelposted 12 years ago

    As long as I boil the tap water to get rid of the bacteria, I am sure that it is potable.

  22. Wasteless Project profile image86
    Wasteless Projectposted 11 years ago

    Yes, tap water is the way to go! Especiall hearing about health hazards that bottled water poses and of course the environmental sin of producing so much plastic waste, there is no second thought about it. I think you should consider installing a filter though. In the states it's a huge topic right now that tap water is fluorided which is extremely unhealthy and in other countries it's simply a necessity - we, for example live in India and for sure need a filter. My husband is now even considering switching over to distilled water... we are still doing our reserach, but it might be an option.


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