Should teenagers have the same rights as adults? If no, please explain.

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  1. Mark Pitrek profile image60
    Mark Pitrekposted 13 years ago

    Should teenagers have the same rights as adults? If no, please explain.

    Please do not say "because they're immature," considering that is a general rule and there are exceptions.

  2. ubanichijioke profile image73
    ubanichijiokeposted 13 years ago

    No! Cos they are yet to see the 'real world' so to say. Thanks

  3. OutsideTheLines profile image61
    OutsideTheLinesposted 13 years ago

    I understand it is a general rule, but it has some truth to it. I know what I was like in my teen years and if I had the same rights as an adult it would've landed me in more trouble than I was usually in. There are definitely exceptions. I've seen teens who work harder than anyone I've ever met and they took their academics seriously and if someone asked me if I think they would be responsible with those rights I would whole-heartedly say yes. I've also known adults who act like children and behave themselves recklessly and in poor taste. Given the option I would say to revoke every right they have because of their self-destructive and laissez faire attitude towards life.

  4. Grams Study profile image61
    Grams Studyposted 13 years ago

    Teenagers who want an education usually have a job  They usually end up filing for taxes as a result.  They also run into an age limit for voting.  When I was a teenager I had nine brothers and sisters and I felt I was pretty grown up as a result of helping with them. But when I was nineteen and had a child of my own to be responsible for I knew that I really needed the time I had to grow up and mature emotionally.  Teenagers are very smart people and they can handle a lot but the emotional maturity for commitment to marriage and children is sometimes lacking.  Hence time is filled with things that would be better left out of their lives. 
    As a member of the older generation, I encourage you to make some happy memories in the time you are a teenager as you will have plenty of time left to have the same rights as adults.  I also encourage you to find a good church and get involved in it and find strength to sustain you in the hurting times you will encounter in your life.  I hope this gives you food for thought. Good luck to you.

  5. profile image55
    kdawsonposted 13 years ago

    This is a tough one.  When I was a teenager (late sixties) the most important thing for me was to be able to buy beer.  That came and was revoked.  I do think that the justice system, in the current lynch mob atmosphere, is harder on teenagers than they were in the days of putting a kid in a cell to scare him, calling his parents and sending him home.  Today they prosecute and give them a life long record.  If we are going to punish teenagers as adults, they should have the same rights.

  6. Rogochuks profile image66
    Rogochuksposted 13 years ago

    Sure they can, if they agree to assume the same responsibilities as adults; they will have to pay half the rent, half all the bills, get 8 hour a day jobs, clean and pickup the house, and agree to spent half the time shopping for groceries and doing housework instead of playing video games.

    1. profile image53
      Brent hawkinsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Some teens are willing to do all of that. Don't assume that all teens would rather play video games. If I had the same right as adults I would be out there working. So I don't know why you had a sarcastic tone in your answer. That's very immature

  7. platinumOwl4 profile image70
    platinumOwl4posted 13 years ago

    Believe or not some Adults should not have the rights they have. Some adults or so irresponsible as they should carry a card that says. " dangerous when moving"

  8. JenJen0703 profile image80
    JenJen0703posted 13 years ago

    Absolutely not!  There are things that adults are mature enough to handle, but teenagers are still children.  Children deserve the same rights to respect, a loving family, and to have their opinions heard.  If most teenagers could handle making adult decisions, then the legal age of adulthood should not be 18.

  9. James Halpin profile image60
    James Halpinposted 13 years ago

    That's a big problem in this country!  Too many teenagers want the rights as an adult but they don't want the responsiblity. Like not committing crimes if they can't handle the consequences.  When you become older and more mature you should be learning the difference between right and wrong.  I believe teenagers (I'm speaking from experience)  mostly do what feels right.

  10. Mark Pitrek profile image60
    Mark Pitrekposted 13 years ago

    For the record, this question assumes that the teenager in question would also be given the responsibilities of an adult, as well as the rights.

  11. danielleantosz profile image70
    danielleantoszposted 13 years ago

    no, and it is more than "immaturity"  A teenage brain is not fully formed and teens are more likely to take risks or make decisions without truly understanding the consequences.

    1. profile image53
      Brent hawkinsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's most teens.there is still teens out there that are mature enough. I want the right to help humanity.This world is going in the wrong direction and I feel God doesn't want the world to go through the wrong path. I'm willing to sacrifice my life

  12. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    no they shouldn't. teens change their minds non-stop and they don't have the experience needed to make big decisions. very few teens have any idea what real life is about, to them it is still a new day every day.

    1. profile image49
      mohnjazzaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      For starters, you were once a teenager in the beginning. If you think that we don't have the experience to make large decisions then how are we going to make big decisions when we become adults? Just learn one thing, teenagers are smarter than adults

  13. profile image49
    mohnjazzaposted 8 years ago

    yes they should this of course coming from a teenager so tho most people may think of teens as a whole as being irresponsible and immature but the realistic version here is that we have more responsibility than we are given credit for i think that we should have the same rights at bare minimum to the point that we should be able to have our opinions heard and discussed just the same as if they came from an adult because in the world the way it is most people think experiencing means the same as knowledge but it doesn't yes experience is valuable but the will to learn and gain that experience combined with the fact that many wont allow us the teenage population to try more adult like things such as getting a job due to our age and inexperience


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