I get annoy when Americans refer to England as being the country that I live in!

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  1. georgethegent profile image59
    georgethegentposted 13 years ago

    I get annoy when Americans refer to England as being the country that I live in!!!

    I live in the Shetland Isles which is part of Scotland which, at present, is part of Great Britain. England is part of Great Britain too. Why call everywhere in Britain "England."


  2. dadibobs profile image58
    dadibobsposted 13 years ago

    I prefer to say the UK George, my Scottish uncle objects to being part of Great anything smile

  3. calpol25 profile image60
    calpol25posted 13 years ago

    I live in Carlisle near the Scottish border and yet American people always refer to Carlisle as being in Scotland yet it is actually in England. I guess we wont ever change them. smile

  4. profile image0
    Motown2Chitownposted 13 years ago

    I think many Americans are not as aware of UK geography as we are of our own.  Most folks in the States think of England first when they see "UK."  Perhaps it would make more sense, since Scotland is its own nation, to indicate that you are from Scotland.  For example, if I stated that I was from North America, I wouldn't automatically assume that someone would know I was from the United States.  More than one nation make up North America.  How is someone going to know which one I'm from unless I specify?

  5. Seeker7 profile image77
    Seeker7posted 13 years ago

    Hi George - if you look at some of the TV programmes - especially about the war and they are 'British' made programmes, they refer to 'England' winning the war??? Maybe the Scots, Irish and Welsh were on home leave enjoying themselves????

  6. MickS profile image61
    MickSposted 13 years ago

    I know what you mean, I allow myself to become irritated when there is nowhere on the zillions of forms we now have to fill in, for me to indicate my nationality as English, I detest British, UK.   I also allow myself to become iritated with those citizens of the USA refering to themselves as American, do the other countries in America (Canada, Mexico, and the off shore islands, and the many South American countries) not exist.  America is a continent that is so vast it is broken into a southern and northern part.  Well done Motown2Chitown.

  7. hush4444 profile image61
    hush4444posted 13 years ago

    I think Americans are woefully undereducated when it comes to geography, and that's a shame.  With so much emphasis on standardized reading and math tests, teachers are forced to teach the curriculum that will help raise test scores.  Students just don't get as well-rounded an education as they did when I was in school.  However, I must say that I live in Hawaii, which many people (American and European) do not realize is a state, not a country.

  8. Lions Den Media profile image61
    Lions Den Mediaposted 12 years ago

    No worries mate, it could be worse, besides you have some economic issues to deal with and if you don't perhaps they will be referring to Shetland as the China Isles or worse the Deutcheland Isles. So focus on what matters...your economy, because without that your geographical issues don't really matter.

  9. PhiMaths ATB profile image60
    PhiMaths ATBposted 12 years ago

    To call you on your own gripe - when people refer to Brittain or th UK they inevitably leave out northern Ireland. Also, the Welsh get it worse than the Scots, though maybe the deserve it...


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