Why do people complain?

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  1. cloverleaffarm profile image78
    cloverleaffarmposted 12 years ago

    Why do people complain?

    One of my biggest pet peeves are people who complain about things, when they have both the opportunity, and the resources to make it better. Why complain about something when you can fix it? Fix it, and move on

  2. Seeker7 profile image79
    Seeker7posted 12 years ago

    Some of the moaners I've met in my life come into two categories. The first group, I tend to find complained due to feeling stressed or more accurately not being able to cope with stress. So maybe they felt complaining helped to deal with this - which it doesn't of course.

    The second group are basically those folks who like nothing better than to complain for the sake of it. They are usually the type that have a huge chip on their shoulder and believe that the world owes them 'something' that they've never received and see themselves as a victim - usually they're not. These super moaners have done nothing to earn anything except negative experiences. I think they are also quite jealous and suspicious of people who try their best to have a positive outlook on life. I worked with one woman like this who was a real mysery guts. Our employer at the time was really good and fair, but she was one of those who thought that all employers were just for themselves and couldn't care less about 'the workers'. The biggest joke about all this was that she was the laziest person I'd ever met and was hardly at work anyway due to being off sick! When she did come back, the moaning would start all over again - she was also a hypochondriac! I guess I should have felt pity for her, but I was totally relieved, as was everyone else, when she left.

  3. Juliet Christie profile image67
    Juliet Christieposted 12 years ago

    Looking from the religious point of view, People complain because basically man has the in built genes to be unsatisfied.Man was said to be created a perfect being. But when he chose  the sins of wanting to be as God then he chose to pass this craving of not being satisfied to generations past , present and future Man is always seeking for more. and this is why we keep on complaining.

    Satan was created a beautifully being., but he too complained that he wanted to be like the Most high to set his throne in the North. You can find this somewhere in the Book  of Issiah, and man is said to be like his father the devil. And only the saving power of Jesus can change that

    People who do complaining do not want to spend time to change things, they would like to be a God to speak the word and get things change without expending any energy. However they should  learn from the creator.

    He did speak the word and make things happen, but in creating his great master pieces man and woman he did expend some energy and used his hands to create them. Like him we should expend some energy and time to use the resources we have around and change some of the things we murmur about.

    Then we must also trying to acceptance some of the things we cannot change or get other people to change. These differences and circumstances are what goes to make the world such a diverse interesting places.

    If every thing in the world was perfect man inherent  genes  of not being able to be satisfied would still find something to complain about.

  4. Joan King profile image57
    Joan Kingposted 12 years ago

    While many complaints are probably uwarranted in the eyes of some, complaints are essential part of standing up for yourself, identifying a problem and dealing with the problem. If you bought a equipment  and found it was damaged, you have the right to return it and complain to customer service. If you decide to not complain because you fear no one will listen or it wouldn't help, then you are stuck with something you can't use or didn't pay for.

    I am more concerned about the people who take whatever is thrown at them and say nothing. Complaints can be either negative or positive depending on how you use it. If you complain and really don't want your issue resolved or are too chicken to complain to the party who can help you then you gain nothing. If on the other hand, you complain  to send a message that you have rights and they should be respected, or with the intention of redressing a wrong or an error,  among other reasons, then complaints are not only required, they are necessary.

  5. jpcmc profile image91
    jpcmcposted 12 years ago

    Some people compalin simply to get attention, others to get resolution.

  6. libby1970 profile image69
    libby1970posted 12 years ago

    That's a good qestion! I have an employee at work who complains all the time to all the other employees but never says a word of complaining to me! I'm the boss and instead of talking to me, where it will make  a difference, she just compains about it to everyone else!

    I think some people complain because it takes pressure off them when they don't like something! It makes them feel better to release that tention.

    1. profile image0
      JustCraftyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have to listen to a compulsive complaining coworker everyday.  She complains about our work and our bosses.  I try to cut her short because I find it a little depressing.
      I have no problems with the same boss or the work.

  7. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 12 years ago

    There are people that one would classify as quite problematic. They just are NOT HAPPY. Well, not happy would be an understatement.These people ALWAYS have something to COMPLAIN about....... read more


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