Is it a double standard when Obama hasn't released his Columbia and Harvard school records?
Not at all.When Mittens wanted to be V prez last time, he gave McCain his tax returns. We matter as much as McCain does, I think. Plus, when your policy suggestions lead to even LESS taxes from you--we kind of need to know: how low can you go?
How low.... … other.html
>>peeling back the onion. Ann is in there too. Kids as well. Yike
If Mitt Romney had not paid his taxes you can bet the IRS would have found him (real quick) and added fines and penalties on top, locked him up, and put it all over the Liberal Media. Grow up already.
I don't think you know how the world works Lady. The untouchables are not held to the same rules as we are.
They found plenty on Mitt, and he got out of all of it. And many pols use the IRS as weapon of revenge."Behind every great fortune is a crime"
LMC - CL is right. Who is "they"? What did they find? Apparently the one that doesn't know how the world works is you. Obama controls the's part of the executive branch - so you're claiming Obama is using the IRS to illegally target Romney.
No-Nixon used it to blackmail his enemies.They are in the club,just like Mittens.EVERYTHING is politics, don't forget!And right now, whether Obama is prez or not, Cheney's stay-behinds still haven't been purged. That's why war with Iran. No one wants
I haven't been following the dumb election, so I don't know what is going on with that. But, hypothetically, if anyone refuses to release their records I would think they had something to hide. If Romney had to do it, I think it would only be fair if Obama did it too. But I admit that I have no idea what is really going on and I don't really care. Either one could get elected and it would not bother me. They don't really run the country anyway.
But Obama has released all of his tax returns, that is all they are asking of Romney
OP - If Obama isn't running this cluster who spent and borrowed a Trillion $, took over GM, AIG & Chrysler? If he didn't we need an investigation on who is running this Micky mouse outfit and he needs to stop lying about saving the economy.
LDM - The largest corporations run the country and Obama does what they want him to do. This sounds like overly-simplistic rhetoric by now, but I don't have enough characters available to explain it all with examples.
OE - I'm well aware of how the system works. Obama invested in $500 mil in bankrupt Solyndra, but no corporation told Obama to invest. Oil companies are unable to drill on federal lands - maybe oil co CEOs lost Obama's number. Your theory is fantasy.
Everything is a double standard with Libs/Dems. They want everything from Romney & Ryan but we still have yet to see Obama's college records.
It does tend to make one wonder what Obama is hiding. To the president, I would say put up or shut up.
You got it backwards. We've had 4 years of "show us your birth certificate", then "it's not good enough, we want blood"
But poor widdle willard can't do the same? "Why--I want an apology!!"
lmc - who is asking for blood? Most Americans need a certified original birth certificate simply to obtain a drivers license. Perhaps if Obama had presented a birth certificate to begin with the issues would have been moot.
Perhaps if wishes were horses, dreamers would ride.
Romney's taxes are a legitimate isssue. There's no issue about Obama's grades. He's obviously quite intelligent.
Ralph wrote: "[Obama's] obviously quite intelligent."
That's a good one, Ralph. Thanks for the laugh first thing on a Monday morning.
RD: "OBVIOUS" INTELLIGENCE?! Obama and intelligence in the same sentence is an oxymoron. What gave it away - his stuttering incoherent statements w/o a teleprompter, brilliant econ policies, failed investments GM & Solyndra? You have a low standa
Not really. Mitt is applying for a job. Obama's been the boss for 4 years. Why would his college transcripts matter in any way relative to the four years worth of him actually doing the job. The only point would be to hopefully score cheap ways of embarrassing the President.
Considering that Mitt asked for more years worth of Ryan's tax returns than he himself has provided to the public, I am not really sure how he can argue that they don't matter.
Uninvited writer - lets KISS ( keep it simple...) if an investigative journalist is unable to gain access & Obama is unwilling to divulge his records - does it matter about the "technical" definition of the term SEALED?
Where did you get the Obama quote THAT HE MADE AT THE WHITEHOUSE PRESS MEETING on monday?
Well, here's the video itself … =237183611 (around the 30 second mark)
You are correct as to the complete quote on the President's statement.I apologize for the error.
No. Obama has released all of his tax records. That is what they are talking about, not school records which are meaningless.
Of course, it's meaningless, if you're a liberal. To the other half of the country, the Conservative side, it's relevant.
But the tax returns aren't. Now, let's see.....grades in school vs How I cheated my gvt......hmmmmmm. No contest.
Obama never held a job so of course he'll release his tax records. But if Obama's school records are meaningless why not provide them? Obviously they aren't "meaningless" to Obama because he has spent millions keeping them sealed.
To Longhunter1. Has Mitt released his school records? If it's relevant to one side it would be the same to the other. Especially because they went to the same school.
lovemychris - there is one thing the government is good at - collecting taxes. The IRS has accepted his tax returns as being accurate. But perhaps you're an international tax attorney and as such can determine criminality? But I Doubt it!!
Uninvited Writer
It may be that Obama attended both schools under an exchange student grant. His stepfather was Indonesian and we know that OBAMA'S father was African but the place where he actually was born MAY BE on the documents.
Mittens has good lawyers and plenty of money. He gets away with lot of stuff. Like not living here and running for gv. But he lies easily, you see.Or will say something ridiculous like gee, I don't remember. Like Rayn. Stimulus $? Gee, don't remember
lovemychris - lying? No one in the history of the presidency has mastered the art of lying like Obama. This merry andrew can state a known falsehood - "We tried our plan, and it worked" and claim it as fact. Obama is delusional & unfit for office
You might want to check this out:
TY UW...liars and the father of it. Repeat a lie enough and people believe it. Same history over and over and over.
Sorry--Obama does not have that psycopathy. Young Gun and Mittster do, IMO. It's ok to lie as long as they get what they want.
LMC - thanks for admitting finally that Obama continues to repeat the same lies over and over for the delusional intellectually delinquent in hopes of keeping his job that pays regardless of competence. He's like a weatherman - rarely correct.
I admitted no such thing. It's the father of lies that is doing this: and it has complete control of the GOP in my view. Salivating for more cash cash's a sickness, never having enough even though they have more than they will ever need.
LMC - "CASH" is a sickness? This is condescending absurdity. What do you use to pay rent, insurance, food, utilities, auto?....pebbles, marbles? Since you hold the same views as Obama it would be logical that you borrow and pay in IOUs.
"never having enough even though they have more than they will ever need"
Is a sickness, IMO. Like an alcoholic, one is not enough...gotta have 12. Then hiding it, going to elaborate measn to avoid taxes....penny-pincher? Miserly? Unbalanced? Greed.
LMC - how do you know how much money someone needs? People make and lose fortunes. Just because someone is wealthy today doesn't mean they will remain so. Your condescending pompous arrogance is only exceeded by ignorance of the perils in life.
45 mil in 2 years taxed at 13.9% is enough. 21.5 BILLION a year is enough! Now--I want to know if he paid NONE at all. This clown wants to be prez...and a stinge for president only means bad news for the citizens. Because stingy people are heartless.
LMC - Giving 10 percent to charity - is heartless? His effective tax rate then is 23.9%. Where did you come with his wealth being $21.5 billion? He's worth $250 million. The circus is currently led by a retarded clown- now we'll have a smart clown!
Giving money to your church is not charity. It's expected of you, and peer pressure. And they use it to do what? Food pantries, like the Catholic Church? Or do they confine their help within their own community? 21.5 billion is his sugar daddy.Purse.
LMC - where do you get the $21.5 billion? Prove it. That said, Charity isn't charity, unless YOU approve. You are nearly as arrogant as Obama. Who are you to approve or disapprove of anything?
On 8/20/12 the Whitehouse press corps, Obama said ''Americans assume your life is an open book if you want to be president'', a question related to Romney's tax returns. RELEASE THE RECORDS!
Jon Ewall, once again you've got the quote wrong. The correct quote is: "The American people have assumed that, if you want to be President of the United States, that your life is an open book when it comes to things like your finances."
I'm an American citizen, that's who. These pols are no better than me, nor are rich business men. And they are the ones butting into MY business, see?This guy Adelson throws over 10 mil,for what? Kicks?
LMC - why does your contempt for the rich not include Buffet, Gates, Clooney. Simply admit it - it's not about the money, it's about WHO has the money. You didn't bitch and get your panties in a bunch about bill maher giving Obama $1 million.
Bill Maher cares about America--Many rich people do not. If you go out of your way to avoid paying into a country that made you rich, you are not a patriot in the least. And should darn sure not be running for president. Ideology not buy votes &
LMC - how do you know Maher "cares" about America? Did you have a conversation with him? What makes Maher's wealth more legitimate than Romney's? And where is your criticism of Soros, Corzine, Buffet and other liberal billionaires?
Hello Jon - it is an obvious double standard. But more importantly, what do we gain from Romney's tax records - he has never claimed to have been poor? We know he's wealthy and we know he has paid more in taxes in one year than most Americans pay in a lifetime. Yet, he receives no more benefit from the services provided by the federal government. In fact, he personally receives less benefit as a percentage of taxes paid. And the fact is he released or will release as much income tax information as did McCain in 2008.
Now with regards to Obama's school records what do we know? Obviously - Nothing as his records are sealed. How did he get into college? How did he pay for college? What were his grades? The issue here is that he and the media claim he is essentially so smart that the office of the presidency does not challenge his intellect. Yet his economic solutions implemented to date have caused an ever deeper recession. In fact new economic data shows the current Obama economic "recovery" to be slower than during the Great Depression.
So in the end, we know that Romney is wealthy and releasing tax records will do nothing to change that fact or inform voters about anything of substance. However, Obama's college records would serve to inform voters about many unknowns about Obama such as: his actual intelligence versus the myth; whether or not he claimed to be a foreign student; who paid for his education and how much money the taxpayers contributed to educating this merry andrew.
In case you missed it above:
Uninvited writer - in case you missed it... I DON'T CARE WHAT FACT CHECK SAYS! Can you give me Obama's college transcripts? If not they are effectively SEALED. To become a CEO or any high level job you need to provide transcripts.
Everyone's transcripts are sealed. He has every right not to release them. People have every right to vote accordingly (which they already did).
Sure, can't let the facts get in the way. I understand
JS - you have to actually tell the college not to release information. But thank you for setting the record straight - Obama's records are sealed. So if Obama has a right to privacy so too does Romney.
Don't know what school you went to. Information is only released from permission of the student. Candidates only have a right to the privacy people will grant them. Mitt is free to withhold information. He may also lose because of it.
JS - UCLA. Its odd how when a conservative agrees with a liberal, the liberal continues to complain. But you contradict yourself - Obama has the right to withhold records, unless voters demand the records - Well sir, voters are DEMANDING.
I have idea: Mittens can release HIS college transctipts as a dare to Obama.Then, since Obama has already resleased HIS tax returns, Mitt can follow suit! Oops, Repub playbook: do as I say, not as I do. Mitt is hiding. Something B I G. jailworthy,imo
''Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission.''The Obama team apparently don't believe in transparency and fairness when called upon.
lmc - Romney is releasing 2 years of returns, just like McCain. But you're right - Obama is hiding something BIG - such as fraud, because that lying scoundrel has a penchant for lying. He either was or wasn't a "foreign student".
Jon Ewall, you left off the beginning of that quote which says "It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for". The worst he is probably 'hiding' is that he got a D once.
JS - you say "The worst he is probably 'hiding' is that he got a D once." "Probably", since you don't know lets find out. You think the worst of Romney and give Obama a pass, yet Obama has proven to be an incompetent scoundrel of the highest order.
Who care?. Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review, which is a high honor. He taught Constitutional law. Listening to him speak is enough to establish that he's intelligent. There is no equivalence between Obama's grades and Romney's taxes.
RD - Obama taught a class on community organizing. Editor...what's your point? What did he edit? More importantly what did he write? You're right - taxes are important, which is why we should know how much taxpayer $ educated a foreign student.
I wonder if it was a quarter million, like Michelle Bachmann got for her family farm? And Rick Perry got $850,000. We KNOW how much tax payers contributed there....does that bother you? I think education is a right for all citizens..taxes should pay.
Ralph wrote: "Listening to [Obama} speak is enough to establish that he's intelligent."
I didn't realize you had such a great sense of humor, especially since we all know Obama can't articulate a full sentence without his teleprompter.
Ralph - there is one thing you should be aware of - Obama speaks at an 8th grade what does that say for your intelligence? So what you're saying is that Obama's the smartest 8th grader amongst you liberals.
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