What is the most important thing you want the President of the US to accomplish?

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  1. Craan profile image80
    Craanposted 12 years ago

    What is the most important thing you want the President of the US to accomplish?

  2. Diana Lee profile image78
    Diana Leeposted 12 years ago

    World peace would be more important than most anything else. It is so sad we will never see it. Peace within the US itself would be a great beginning to world peace, but when politicians can't see eye to eye how can we expect the rest of the country to.

    1. lone77star profile image73
      lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      World peace would be good, but the kind of peace the Rockefellers and their ilk want is the dismantling of America, the establishment of a one-world government and to have them rule and everyone else bow down as slaves

    2. Debby Bruck profile image68
      Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Pass the World "peas" please. Would everything else fall into place if this was the order of the day?

  3. Attikos profile image80
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    I want a president who has actually read the US Constitution with understanding rather than one who merely pretends he has, who knows it is a charter limiting power rather than authorizing its endless growth, who recognizes that rights are inherent in the people rather than permissions of the state, who realizes that the only way to strengthen America is to prevent government from looting it rather than taking as much as he can to buy reelection, and who will conduct himself in office in accordance with that knowledge rather than mouthing empty devotion to it while perverting it to his own ends. Name me Pollyanna.

    1. wba108@yahoo.com profile image81
      wba108@yahoo.composted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think this is a brilliant answer, you're dead right that rights are inherent in the people and not gifts that the state can only give by confiscating one citizens goods to give to another citizen.

    2. profile image57
      hmartin1233posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Here, Here!!!  Perfectly answered.

    3. Debby Bruck profile image68
      Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Anyone running who fits the bill?

    4. Attikos profile image80
      Attikosposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      No. I'm trying to get up a write-in campaign for Daffy Duck. Would you like to join?

  4. lone77star profile image73
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    Restore the Constitution!

    Work with Congress to scrub the laws clean of all unconstitutional verbiage or simply to throw them out entirely.

    Reduce the size of government would be part of this. Close entire branches of the bureaucracy, including the IRS.

    Divorce ourselves from the privately owned Federal Reserve bank which is a parasite on the public body.

    Return to having Congress declare wars; not the president! And Congress should not declare to start any war, but should only declare that a state of war exists -- Big distinction! We would never have attacked Iraq. We would not have a never-ending War on Terror. We would not have invaded Libya.

    Doing these things would help us balance the budget and pay off the national debt. It might take awhile at $16.3 Trillion and currently accelerating! But without a "debt-based" currency, at least it would be possible.

    As it is, the last few presidents have committed various degrees of "Treason!" They swore an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution, but betrayed that Oath of Office. They became the enemy!

    We need a president who is no longer an enemy of the people (and friend to the Corporate Party), but a friend of the people and one who does not tolerate Corporate greed to interfere with the operation of the government.

    1. Debby Bruck profile image68
      Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this


  5. profile image57
    hmartin1233posted 12 years ago

    Something.  Just give me something...I don't care what just don't spend the next four years doing nothing.

  6. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    It is hard to narrow it down, but I guess I would start with the economy. I would love to see America and its citizens thrive again.  And as others mentioned - go back to basics like the Constitution. It is sadly being ignored in way too many ways.

  7. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image78
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 12 years ago

    I would like to see a President who could bring us together as a nation.  There has been entirely too much hatred spewed in recent years, and we seem to be separating ourselves into splinter groups.  We cannot survive if this continues and this is not what America was meant to be.  Remember...One Nation Indivisible...

    1. Attikos profile image80
      Attikosposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      America was meant to be free. In the future, that may or may not involve a nation-state. Preservation of that is secondary. That "indivisible" bit is a nationalist addition written by a socialist in 1892 and not adopted by congress until 1942.

    2. Debby Bruck profile image68
      Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Something tells me we can't blame all of that upon the president, or any one leader. The people and citizens play a role in the community. If unity was possible, perhaps it would begin from the bottom up.

  8. Angela Kane profile image61
    Angela Kaneposted 12 years ago

    The most important thing is to provide better access to education so it will reduce poverty, unemployment and make every other sector of society a lot better.

  9. profile image0
    An AYMposted 12 years ago

    The most important issue to me is the environment.  I'm tired of watching every single thing be about the economy.  I feel like everyone only ever cares about the economy because they're only voting on what will benefit them and their personal wealth rather than what is better for all of us.

    The most important thing I want a president to accomplish is to bring more emphasis towards the environment and less towards the economy.

    1. Debby Bruck profile image68
      Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Bravo! With the environment as a central issue, technology, economic sustainability, use of resources, people power and intellectual property may turn the ship around. Caring for the earth involves taking responsibility for each and every person.


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