There are many reasons for my vote, but to simply sum it up on one issue I will say. -As someone who is self employed I have to go with Romney/Ryan.
The high gas prices that the left have ignored are enough alone for me to avoid them all together.When I bring this issue up to liberals who are ignoring it, they say things like,"well, in Europe its worse." I don't care if its worse in Europe, I am trying to pay my bills, and Americans never used to use Europe as a gage on which to measure itself. Then the democrats say that if we are not willing to pay $5 per gallon we are selfish. That shows that the left don't care or understand the middle class. My business depends on gas, and the gardener I talk to every morning depends on gas.
He drives a truck necessary to lug his equipment every morning. The cost of gas going up will actually cause him to reevaluate his accounts and raise his rates on his customers or have to drop them all together. This stops the man from being able to expand his business and hire more people and actually puts him out of work. But the short sighted are saying, "why not just pay the extra and forget about it?"
When you are in business for yourself you can't forget about it, the reality of the whole loop is cutting such a deep whole in your profits that it does not make sense running the route anymore.
I'm self-employed and couldn't disagree with you more. Obama's healthcare plan will allow me to have affordable coverage in the future even with my "pre-existing condition" something I could not afford previously. Gas prices will be high under any.
I hear what you are saying ChistinS. I was self-employed about a decade ago, and by far the biggest issue with being self-employed was the cost of health care coverage. If it is possible to buy it at a reasonable rate, more can be self employed.
If we have a candidate four years ago, like Jill Stein supports single payer health care, then the whole issue about the self-employed would be solved.
Anyone who says "the alternative" is chilling as though there is only one alternative doesn't get it.
Agreed. They are both chilling - but Obama is definitely the lesser of two evils. It would just be nice to vote FOR someone again rather than against someone else... sigh.
There were several viable third party candidates this time, so Americans really need to do more research and legwork if they are unhappy about the two party sytem. A lot of the Ron Paul supporters voted Gary Anderson, and liberals Jill Stein.
THANK YOU AMERICA. The right man for the job selected again ! 2% of the vote only to outsider alternatives speaks volumes. Even lower than UK non mainstreams. You are where you are folks.
Obama. I care about equality - not just for women, but for ALL people. Obama has fought for equal pay for equal women, supports gay rights, and has worked to increase opportunities for poorer Americans through making education more affordable and preserving a safety net for those who need it. Romney will fight for his wealthy buddies, while bemoaning the "poor, lazy" people (which, from his perspective, is anyone making under a few million). As a public health professional, I believe everyone needs health care, and that preventive services are the key to a healthier nation. I also believe that having someone in office who is respected by the rest of the world is important for our future (yes, the rest of the world likes and respects him - the same is absolutely not true of Romney). Respecting other countries and trying to work with them to solve problems is not wimpy, it demonstrates a commitment to our future.
I totally agree, while I vehemently agree with NDAA and hate the thought of voting for Obama - I fear Romney and his policies even worse. We've made some progress the last 4 years we simply must continue..
No Laura. What YOU want is political favors for yourself --...for women and minorities. THAT'S what the DEMS stand for i.e. BULLY laws to bully around employers and force them to hire minorities and females over white males.
Why does the issue of homosexuality always have to be lumped in with the poor and women? Gays HAVE rights in the U.S., and have had rights for quite a few years now. What rights do gays not have in this country?
Obama spent 4 years clearing up some issues of the previous presidency. Within those years he has managed to accomplish some good things. Nipped Al Quaeda in the bud.... So, give him another 4 years to build on that and accomplish great things for America. I love the Tuition Fees cut.
That's based on the little I know - cos I am in UK.
You probably know as much as any Americans. We all read the same news articles these days, and I get a feel for how liberal British people feel about David Cameron by reading articles they write. Actually joined some page talking about him.
I agree Lady. Under Obama's presidency, Osama was located and dispatched with very extreme prejudice. I have to be careful, several times I have called Obama, Osama, and vice versa. My husband burst into laughter one day when I did this.
I voted for Romney. I know he will make a great leader for the United States.
Romney will be the better leader, more respected and more serious about the issues going on in our country.
Obama's spending is out of control and it irritates me how he laughs everything off like it's not really something serious. I also decided not to vote for him the day he choose to attend a taping for David Letterman and then a party hosted by JayZ and Beyonce instead of meeting with the Prime Minister of Israeli. It shows where his priorities lie.
There has been much divide since he became president. I see our nation coming apart instead of coming together.
Well if you go by the international community, which I do when picking a leader of my country, Romney will not be the more respected leader. Mitt Romney already has a not so good reputation, just as his blunders at the Olympics in London.
Romney who doesn't know what he thinks until his handlers tell him and it changes every 15 minutes? So many people voting based on hype and emotion and not one educated statement here .... sad.
I will never vote for this two party sham. These elections are rigged. Both are pulled by the same strings.
I actually disagree with you on that, and there are some major differences between the Dems and Repubs when it comes to foreign policy stances. However, there were several viable third party candidates running this time, so people can vote otherwise
I tend to agree - in the end they all bow to corporate masters and are bought and paid for - however, one party is definitely more dangerous than the other due to the extremists who have taken it over. Therefore the lesser of 2 evils is Obama.
I just think if people really are upset about the two party system, then do something about it and get involved. Be involved in Wolfpac, which is trying to take money out of our political system. Be involved in a third party and vote.
I agree and am involved, however voting for a 3rd party this time is handing it to Romney a BAD idea. I am happily involved in working to overturn crap like Citizens United.
I agree with the third party this time would probably give a vote to Romney, which is the only reason I did not vote for Jill Stein. Her ideas about universal health care and getting out of wars was more to my liking, but pick and choose our battles
There used to be a time when people wouldn't reveal who they voted for, even to their closest friends. I see no reason to share with the entire Internet world who am going to vote for in the U.S. Presidential race today.
Actually, in some circles have always talked politics. It is usually the polite "no religion and politics dinner/tea time crowd" who abstained from political discussions. My Democratic grandpa and my Republican great aunt used to debate it up.
Obama - but I am soooo sick of this election. Honestly, I've come to the conclusion it doesn't matter. We don't really have a "choice" - we have a "choice" between two people. It mostly comes down to who you dislike the least. :p A choice between two people isn't really a choice, in my opinion.
But, anyway, this election thing has been going on too long. I have a newborn baby and I was up at 2am. I turned on the television and they were ALREADY predicting who had what state. Seriously? I wish this were all over. At this point I don't care who wins anymore!
I do not watch TV when it comes to much anymore. I just grab a cup of coffee and read my news online.
Roseanne Barr! no one ever recognizes alternate parties because they don't have the corporate funding to make a ridiculous campaign about a masked lack of morals, and why should that be a requirement for having a chance?
People who have a true interest in our political system do the research to find out. People make time for what they care about the most.
It is comparatively difficult to find information on candidates that are not republican or democratic, solely because of advertising. Though I agree, you can find it, it poses an unfair, economically-based advantage.
I voted for Obama because I decided he was the most viable choice for me. I was on the edge for voting for Jill Stein, and knew there were many third party candidates out there this cycle. I find it sad Americans say our system is rigged, but then are not voting, or doing research on third parties. Our system is not perfect, but there are people living under real dictatorships who are doing actual work to bring democracy to their nations, and we have Americans complaining about the two party system here. Well if you do not like the two party system, your apathy and not voting will not change it. Mean while there are lots of Americans pushing for their third party candidate, and doing the leg work. If sports of other interests take priority over promoting a candidate you like better then do not complain on election day.
I agree SweetiePie. My husband is a Prime example of complaining about who is in office, but won't vote or register. And talk about not giving credit where credit is due, my husband gives NO credit to Prez. Obama for the "execution" of Bin Laden.
I heard only 57% registered voters showed up, so even those who register often do not go. Oh well, I think if you want things to change, then you have to vote and get involved. Glad you voted .
Wow, I never knew how many Marxists there were at the Hubpages. And this is a fact--if you speak the language of Karl Marx--then you are a Marxist. It really is simple. The problem is in getting people who have fallen for this class warfare, covetous, greedy, philosophy to educated themselves enough to understand why it always fails. Most who espouse Marxism do not even know that they do. They are emotional creatures who grab a bumper sticker slogan (which with very little logical effort can be debunked) that sounds good to them, and that becomes their rally cry. Karl Marx was a fraud who never lived the way he thought others should. His philosophy has been responsible for the innocent deaths of millions and millions of people in the 20th century and beyond. His followers have confiscated private wealth by force and shot those who disagreed. Most who espouse Marxism are always angry, always crying for more, always saying life is unfair, they never see anything around them as good. They are generally angry, unhappy people who will use the police power of government to exact revenge on the their so called enemies. They will use the police power of government to steal from their fellow American who has more then they do. They think that taking, by force, from another private citizen is moral as long as some disgusting politician says so. And when your so called economic equality comes, what will our America look like? Have you ever taken a moment to follow this logic all the way through? Do you think that the same politicians who would steal from your neighbor won`t turn that power back on you at some point? You fool. Look at history. History does not lie. You may well get these Marxist politicians back in power, you may well win this election, and you may well think your cause is moral and just. However, you will NEVER get the so called social and economic justice you believe in because it is all smoke and mirrors. It does not exist and it never has. It does not exist in nature, and it does not exist in any society, nor has it ever existed. Millions have been killed and oppressed by leaders, dictators, and politicians who espouse this unrealistic Utopian ideal. You are just one more useful idiot in a parade of useful idiots across the expanse of human history who have fallen for this lie. America is not perfect. It has had its faults and mistakes like any other society or culture in human history; however, America is the most perfect in an imperfect world.
Wow, I never knew name calling and generalizations were back in vogue. Calling someone a Marxist is usually the tip off.
swb78 , very insightful post. America has cradle-to-grave socialism. It's not quite Marxism. Tho we do seem to be moving in that direction. I don't think, however, we'll get there. Way too many rich DEMS in Congress
I guess Mitt Romney and his off shore bank accounts are not to be mentioned. I think both rich Republicans and Democrats should be taxed at a higher rate, and people in Congress should work for minimum wage.
The reality of American politics is that both major parties practice socialism to one degree or another. The two major parties have different agendas regarding how to spend the money they collect, but both have a history of spending like mad. Rs too
This is not generalization young one--educate yourself so that you sound credible before you open your mouth. I suggest you start by reading the Communist Manifesto by Mark and Engels. Its a short read and it is free on almost all eBook sites.
Not young at all, well into my thirties. My grandfather who was 83 when he passed away was far left. He is what you called an FDR Democrat, so stop telling me to educate myself. Actually open minded ones realize there is a range of views, etc.
Sweetie pie--thanks, you contradict yourself, just like all left wingers do. You first complain about being labeled, then admit to being far left via your grand dad. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
She didn't say she agreed with her grandfather's views. You are putting words in her mouth. If federal socialism ended in the U.S., it would be red states like GA that would lose out on money sent from blue doner states. Red states are on the dole
Red states on the dole huh? Liberals need the very people they hate. Almost like teenagers who hate their parents but need their money. Oh well. Maybe it is a good thing that Obama may win again. Americans have not yet suffered enough to learn.
You have to wonder about conservatives that bring up that old stale toast saying "liberalism is a mental disorder". They want to create an ideological dictatorship where we all think and talk alike. I actually prefer a world with debate.
Ok, I voted for Obama, but I am actually Republican. Now why would I do that, many of you will ask?
Well, when Romney started in about Iran during one of the debates, saying that Iran needs to be stopped because the uranium they are producing can be used to produce nuclear weapons, this really sent shivers down my back.
We have lost enough men and women in the Middle East. To date, many are still there, and many are coming home with horrible, lifelong injuries-without legs, arms or both. We have went billions and billions and billions in debt to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan.
Now Romney is starting in about Iran. He said Iran and stop and nuclear weapons. What I heard was this...Another Occupation, aka Invasion.
Like I stated, this just gave me the willies. And a refresher here folks: A republican started the occupation of Iraq 11 years ago. It then turned into an occupation in Afghanistan, which is still going on right now.
It seems to me that modern-day Republicans will not rest until they have helped to start WWIII.
I find Obama compromises with Republicans much right of center, and his health care plan was something out of the Nixon and Dole playbook. The Democratic party has moved to the right, and Republicans have gone far, far right.
I completely agree with you here Sweetie - Obama is a centerist republican in many ways and not the "liberal" he's made out to be. The republicans have been hijacked by extremists and it's scary stuff.
i waited to vote this morning,... prety amazing in my small community,.. was happy to wait in a line,.... it meant folks were participating like never before,.....
i sat down at a back table because the booths were full,.... and i voted the 5% ...... gary johnson libertarian,...... just cause 5% is all it would take for us to have a 3rd party..... cause choosing between romney and obama is akin to choosing between drowning or sufocation,.... really?
no vote is wasted,.... and preaching the "wasted vote" talking point just protects the monopoly that the dems and repubs have on our political proscess,......
the GOP was a 3rd party until lincoln won.
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