Boston bombing or Texas explosion: Which is worse?

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  1. SidKemp profile image85
    SidKempposted 11 years ago

    Boston bombing or Texas explosion: Which is worse?

    April 15: A terrorist bombing at the Boston Marathon kills 5 (including one bomber, and a policeman later) and wounds over 175. April 17: A fire and explosion (probably accidental, but with likely negligence both at the corporation and in government oversight) in West, Texas, at a fertilizer plant, killed at least 12, with 60 still missing, and some of those probably dead. Over 200 were injured.

    Clearly, the fertilizer plant explosion, even if it was an accident, caused more devastation. But is terrorism worse than negligence?

  2. Cantuhearmescream profile image76
    Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years ago

    I have to admit, not my favorite question. I see where you're going with this and loss of life is horrible no matter the circumstances. I guess what has got people in such an uproar about the Boston Marathon bombing is that it was an intentional act and done because of hate. Negligence is due to irresponsibility and usual unintentional and hate is generally not a factor. At the end of the day, a lot of people died that shouldn't have and there is no excuse for hatred or negligence.

    1. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, Scream, I guess you can hear the scream behind my question. Thank you for "there is no excuse foir hatred or negligence." That helps me sort out my feelings.

    2. Cantuhearmescream profile image76
      Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Don't get me wrong, I don't want a loved one not returning from work today because of a negligent act that leads to their death. I suppose accidents happen as horrible as they may be, hatred and terrorism are not accidents. Purposely taking a life?

    3. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I gotcha, Scream. Right now, both make me want to scream.

    4. Cantuhearmescream profile image76
      Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Me too Sid, me too... can't you hear me? :-)

    5. dorothy0328 profile image75
      dorothy0328posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Im going to say best answer I couldn't agree with you more. Both events were equally devastating to the all the people involved. Personally I feel one is no worse then the other with the exception of Boston being intentional.

    6. Cantuhearmescream profile image76
      Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks! I am sad whenever I hear that an innocent life has been lost... regardless of the circumstances. But, knowing that hate for a certain "people as a whole" and deliberate intentions are the cause, is particularly depressing.

  3. profile image0
    Brenda Durhamposted 11 years ago

    I agree with Cantuhearmescream for the most part.
    I just think that intent makes a difference;  intentional acts of terror are worse, the way I see it.   Our laws of crime and punishment reflect that, as well they should.

    1. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I respect your view. I'm also aware of a feeling in myself that actually has more contempt for incompetence and negligence than it does for hatred.

  4. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    Well I'm going to be the meany here because I'm actually going to pick one. The texas explosion is far worse. Yes, the issue in Boston was horrible. I am not denying that. The issue in texas though has 60 missing and chances are those people are now ashes. The explosion was huge. Another factor is that these plants are a lot more apt to blow up than we are to get bombed by a terrorist. My husband works in a manufacturing facility that makes glue. He has worked there for almost 3 years. In that time the place has caught fire twice. If it was to blow up it would take out most of our town. We have been fortunate that the fires did not reach their tanks.
    When we think of life we hate to compare, but a fact of life is some things are worse than others. The number 5 is lower than the number 72.

    1. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Peeples, I hope you know that you're not being mean at all. My question was genuine, and I'm glad to be getting answers on both sides of the situation. And you are right on about the frequency and the danger - I hope your husband's company improves.

  5. chef-de-jour profile image96
    chef-de-jourposted 11 years ago

    In a strict sense there is no true comparison - one act is pure personal hate, the other collective negligence, and their respective worlds are far apart. Too far for me to compare and contrast.
    I understand why you've put the question forward. It highlights the crazy and unbelievable events of recent times; it mirrors the way the human mind is full of flaws and apt to stray wildly.
    We can only ask for healing for the injured and bereaved and in the long run, understanding. Although it's becoming more difficult to understand some of these outrageous acts against innocent people.

    1. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      We can also ask for the healing of the hearts of those who do wrong and the minds (and greed) of those who are negligent, and work to make such healing happen.

  6. junkseller profile image77
    junksellerposted 11 years ago

    If we only measured devastation physically, than the Texas explosion is worse. Unfortunately we can't do so. Take 911 for instance. In the overall scheme of things, 3,000 deaths and a couple buildings are relatively insignificant. The psychological devastation, however, was enormous. It shouldn't have been, and it's not supposed to be said, but the truth is we were collectively very weak. We were impacted as if we were children, and because of it we greatly over-reacted. We initiated a 6 trillion dollar war, eroded a variety of civil liberties, and took a hatchet to the rule of law (torture, due process, justified assassinations that we cheer for...)

    In truth, you might argue that both events are due to negligence. We use violence on a daily basis to solve our problems and put forth our agenda. We somehow believe it is okay for us and no one else. There are consequences to making the world that kind of a place. That violence kills and destroys innocent lives all the time and we for the most part just ignore it. Hundreds of thousands dead in the Middle East and we pretend it isn't even there. Isn't that too a form of negligence?

    We used violence to twist Iraq into what it is today. Does anyone even realize that on the day of the Boston bombings, a dozen or so bombs were set off in Iraq all across the country which killed 30 or so people? We are partly responsible for that, yet no one even knows it happened, let alone cares. That's negligence as well.

    So far, we've reacted to Boston the same as 911. Closed down the city, 24/7 news coverage, barge into people's homes to search them, suspend reading Miranda rights, etc. And everyone cheers, and no one has time to pay attention to our drones which fly around the clock dropping bombs on other people's marathons. They just don't matter and we are too busy weeping for ourselves (and calling for more violence to the 'evildoers'). It's pathetic. Truly and tragically pathetic.

    1. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Junkseller, you say a lot of valuable things tho I don't agree with all of them. It is good to sort out in time - our evil before creates terrorism as retaliation. Our incompetence before the act allows harm. Irrationality after continues the cycle.

    2. Lor's Stories profile image60
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well to play along . We are really making Boston to much like 9/11
      I wonder why everything is highly dramatized. I think what happened to the 20 children in Ct. Was much worse.
      You can't compare Boston to 9/11.
      You can't cry for the world.

    3. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Lor - I agree can't compare Boston with 5 dead to 9/11, 5,000 dead. The similarities are all created in sensationalizing minds & media.
      We can cry for the world. spiritual practice in Buddhist, Hindu & Xtian spirituality. While My Guitar Gent

    4. Lor's Stories profile image60
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You think we over reacted to 9/11!
      How were we supposed to act, oh well The towers are gone.
      I think I'll agree to disagree.

    5. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Lor - I believe you misread me. I didn't say anything one way or the other about over-reacting to 9/11. I merely stated that it is possible to cry for the world. Listen to "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" by the Beatles to see one way of doing it.

    6. Lor's Stories profile image60
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You can't compare Boston to 9/11.
      I live 60 miles from NY and my brother - in- law worked on Wall Street.
      He said seeing it on TV and being there was a war zone.
      And yes I lost a friend. Why can't we cry over that?

    7. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Lor: Please read the thread carefully, I think we've come to complete agreement. 1st you said we can't compare Boston to 9/11, and I agreed. Then you said we can't cry for the world, and I disagreet. Then, post just above, you agreed we can cry.

  7. Lor's Stories profile image60
    Lor's Storiesposted 11 years ago

    No one seems to care about what happened in Texas. An entire community was destroyed. So it wasn't terror but I think those poor people deserve attention as well.
    There were 15 deaths or more.
    The two are tragic but ought to be treated with compassion.
    I'm thinking of the nursing home in Texas and how many kids are traumatized by the explosion.
    It's so different but the media needs to spread out and see that the residents in Tex's get their fair share in building their community back.
    If we back Boston, we need to back anyone whose lives are destroyed.
    These 2 tragedies are both pretty bad as far as I'm concerned.

    1. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, Lor. You raise an important point. Helping those in need is more important than making an issue of why they were injured.

  8. twig22bend profile image71
    twig22bendposted 11 years ago

    When people die because of a hateful act or due to the negligence of someone else, I would say preventable death is death in both cases. The Texas explosion could have been avoided due to the fact that all of those type places have to be inspected for safety. Now who did not do their job in doing so?

    Someone had to know about the hazardous conditions at that plant. Knowing and not doing anything about it is the same as the Boston Bombing.

    My prayers go out to all of the victims, that they will be healed and remain strong.

    1. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thx for your compassionate heart and clear mind. My prayers go out to the victims, and also to the perpetrators: May they cease their fear, hatred, greed, and negligence that leads to such suffering. (Those who knew in TX saved money doing nothing.

  9. cre8ivOne profile image68
    cre8ivOneposted 11 years ago

    I think the Boston Marathon Bombing got far more coverage over the Texas plant, is that right- no, not really, both events were traumatic and human life was lost.  While one is clearly a terrorist event and the other was some type of accident or mistake it is a very difficult thing to say one event was "worse" than the other.  Firstly, does this determination really matter?  Both events are horrific and these communities are grieving for their losses. 

    For me personally, I find difficulty in watching an entire news cast start to finish because of the vast array of terrible things happening daily.  I will never feel completely safe again after all of the horrible things that have been happening in churches, schools, marathons, movie theaters etc.  These types of mass violent events are becoming a little too common in the world and It makes my heart sick. 

    Negligence-related disasters are equally as devastating.  After all, there is someone who is responsible for so much sadness and loss, not unlike the terrorist type events.  I still don't think these things compare, they are different.  Let's not dissect it into which is worse, let's just agree they are both horrible.

    The thing I appreciate about our country is the coming together of people after these events.  I only wish we could be united and kind to one another every day.

    1. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Your caring heart shines through your answer. At the '93 bombing of the World Trade Center, I saw how people temporarily care more - and I chose to make that caring permanent for me. It is sad that news perpetuates horror & drama, & not joy &

  10. ladydeonne profile image68
    ladydeonneposted 11 years ago

    Your question is very thought provoking.  Th facts about the Boston Marathon incident are pretty cut and dry.  Th jury is still out on the Fertilizer Plant in Texas.  All we can say is that it might have been caused by negligence of the corporation or the government's failure to do adequate inspections or follow-up.  The error may also be attributed to employee error or negligence.  The following statement leads me to believe that the explosion was caused by heat from a fire. "Still, Haywood says, ammonium nitrate can be extremely dangerous, especially if exposed to temperatures over 400 degrees — which might have happened during the fire at the West depot."  So, did the fire come before or cause the explosion or did the ammonium nitrate just explode all by itself and cause the fire.  The source I read stated that ammonium nitrate would not activate or cause a fire or explosion on it's own, that it needed a catalyst.  Another source suggested that the person who started the fire in all probability did in the fire or explosion. There are no Federal regulations for the safe keeping and storage of ammonium nitrate as evidenced by this statement, "Ammonium nitrate fertilizer is considered so potentially dangerous as an explosive that in 2011, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) even proposed the creation of a program to regulate all sales."   Now to answer your question.  I believe that the Boston Marathon  incident was the worst scenario in that two brothers with fore thought and malice set out to kill innocent people.  This vile act was no accident.
    On the other hand,the Texas plant explosion if caused by human error was an accident.  Can we hold the corporation or the Federal Government liable?  Yes .  However there were no Federal regulations to go by.  This needs to be remedied ASAP so that this type incident never happens again.  The fact is  that it was known that the substance was extremely dangerous and potentially lethal and that other Fertilizer Plants did not store or sell it tells me that the corporation  will pay dearly for this accident.

    1. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      LadyDeone, thx for your very thoughtful comments. Clarifying facts: The fire did come first, and was being fought, so the fire led to the explosion. There are OSHA regulations on the safe storage of Am Nitrate that were being overlooked & violate

  11. profile image0
    BillyDursensposted 11 years ago

    You ask a very difficult question.
       You are asking which is worse negligence or terrorism, and I for one find both very difficult to swallow.
        The industrial accident in West, Texas was the result of government laxing it's oversight regulations, added to poor oversight management by the remaining guidelines, added to what I call industrial arrogance and greed and you had an accident waiting to happen.  The tradgedy is of those who entered the situation as volunteer first responders all lost their life protecting their community.  Here the industrial element would be on trial.
         What happened in Boston was an oversight by nobody really, although many sectors of the political machines will tell us otherwise. 
         It was an act that personally I am surprised hasn't happened already.  It is impossible to eyeball each and every person who decides the arrogance of American society as they see it should be dealt with.
         Were the two young men attending a mosque where such hatred was being preached, it does not sound like it.  They seem to have taken it upon themselves and we are dealing with their emotional u-turn about being here in our country.
         Both incidents are very tragic.  Both incidents changed alot of lives. Both incidents are a major reflection of our society today.
         Relaxed regulations that do not continue to care about people and the world involved in industrial responsibility.  The same responsibilities which should have put the red flags up in West, Texas.
         A society for which it is so easy for the newbies, the foreigners, the ones who are different or weaker to be easily stepped on by the few who feel our country is superior to all others.  A society whose attitude is a breeding ground for such disenchantment that striking out in violence seems like the only answer.
         Yes both industrial negligence and the human terrorism are very sad and scary concepts, and unfortunately they are both equally bad for the free and civil society for which we hope to live in.

  12. manatita44 profile image72
    manatita44posted 11 years ago

    This is not my usual domain. Still, I see three things here:
    1. Accidents
    2. Negligence
    3. Motive/deliberate intent
    Accidents do happen and will continue to happen; take away negligence and we will prevent many, not all. Finally, a pure motive is a messenger of God and a bad one (deliberate intent to injure) can hurt, maim or kill many. Hope this answers your question.

    1. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Manatita. I was not looking for answers so much as for perspectives. I like yours, especially,  "a pure motive is a messenger of God."


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