How do you feel about the state of California mailing condoms to children as you

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  1. Express10 profile image78
    Express10posted 11 years ago

    How do you feel about the state of California mailing condoms to children as young as 12?

    The program intends to reduce pregnancy and the spread of STD's.

  2. ChristinS profile image36
    ChristinSposted 11 years ago

    In an ideal world, genuine sex education would be allowed and programs like this would not have to exist.  Unfortunately, that is not the case and this program is designed to prevent STD spread and also teen pregnancy, both of which are very costly personally and medically speaking.  I am fine with teens behaving responsibly.  I believe that teens should be taught openly and honestly the truth about sex, STD's and risks, teen pregnancy should not be glorified as it is on some TV shows and the truth should be told.  Unfortunately "abstinence only" sex ed that is the norm in many places is not working. 

    I am on the fence about programs like this because I feel kids should feel safe to discuss birth control with their parents, but unfortunately, that isn't always the case.  I'd rather see a child protect themselves than just have sex unprotected though also and in that case this program may be beneficial.  The program also teaches about safe sex and preventing STD's etc.  Expecting kids to just abstain because "we say so" is naive and something has to be done.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It shocked me when I first heard of this. Looking at the facts that many kids today don't have even one responsible adult to discuss these things with them and monitor their activities, it does make sense but nothing replaces parental vigilance.

  3. junkseller profile image77
    junksellerposted 11 years ago

    A 12-year old who wants to hump someone will have a useful item. A 12-year old who doesn't will have a balloon. That's a win-win.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are right on both accounts, a unique viewpoint but a win-win as you said smile

    2. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      A twelve year old is a child.

    3. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There are actually 12 year olds having sex, getting pregnant, or getting STD's. There is a massive lack of parenting going on these days. This shocks me too but a 12 year old can't deal with these consequences and many simply won't abstain.

  4. AEvans profile image73
    AEvansposted 11 years ago

    I find it to be completely unacceptable. Parents need to be responsible for what their children are doing and educate them appropriately.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I completely agree and was put off by hearing this news. Then when I thought about all the people that refuse to be good parents and those not in their kids' lives, it becomes slightly easier to understand and stomach. Where are real parents today?

    2. Abby Campbell profile image70
      Abby Campbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So true, Express10. There are so many parents who don't want to be "real parents," and this is most likely the reason why the government is stepping in. Someone must responsible for these kids, and unfortunately the foster system is already clogged.

  5. ytsenoh profile image58
    ytsenohposted 11 years ago

    Wow.  Age 12?  I don't agree with that age at all.  Way too young.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't think about sex til I was almost 21! Kids should not be having sex but they do...even at this young of an age. Hopefully the condoms will just be used as balloons for some of them as Junkseller said and some kids will be kids a bit longer.

  6. dianetrotter profile image64
    dianetrotterposted 11 years ago

    When I first started teaching at my current school, there would be 2 to 3 pregnant girls in my choir class who were graduating.  The next year I let it be known that I don't appreciate having to support their children.  I tell them to not invite me to the baby shower because I give a gift every month when I pay taxes.  Then I lay out what the real deal is.  Babies are only babies for a few years.  Then they start school and need clothing, food, etc.  The "baby daddy" has by then impregnated at least 2 or 3 other people.  the "baby momma" has had at least 1 or 2 more ... all of which I support.  Then the kids get farmed out to grandparents and foster care where they are real problems.  They are problems in school because they are frustrated with their home situations.  They fail all of their classes and have low test scores.  Then they join gangs so they can have a "real" family. They shoot somebody or somebody shoots them or they go to jail.  I remind them that they have friends that are miserable in foster care.  Then they become "baby daddies" and "baby mamas" and continue the cycle.  Many listening are usually in foster care themselves and know I am telling the real deal.  Someone needs to make them aware of the vicious cycle.  Since I've started my sermons I haven't had one girl to graduate pregnant.  It's been four years since I had any pregnancies.  The students laugh when I get on my soap box but they know I'm telling the truth.  I'll stop now but I'm just warming up.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are so right. Once young girls get pregnant it's usually the end of any and all hopes, dreams, and normalcy for them. It is a sad and vicious cycle.

    2. Abby Campbell profile image70
      Abby Campbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are so right! Great job on your sermons! More need to hear it. My daughter's high school has at least 20-25 girls pregnant every single year... small school of about 400 too! Thankfully, my girls see what they go through and don't want any part.

  7. profile image0
    Lizam1posted 11 years ago

    Rather than mailing out condoms which is kind of like closing the gate after the horse has bolted parenting classes should be provided free of charge for every parent whose child is between 8 and 10 and educated on how to help their children as they enter the tween and then teen years, including talking about sex and responsibility.  The child's brain is still growing and they really do need parental support and guidance - not to mention love and relationship.

    1. Abby Campbell profile image70
      Abby Campbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So true, but many parents will not attend classes to learn to better parent. Many are hung up with their own issues and have major problems (i.e., alcohol, drugs, etc.) that they can't think straight. There has to be an interest on the parents part.

  8. marwan asmar profile image66
    marwan asmarposted 11 years ago

    Is this true, if it is then its really is a sorry state and shows how morally corrupt society has actually become

    1. ChristinS profile image36
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It would be more morally reprehensible to sweep it under the rug like it doesn't happen and let children continue to spread STD's and become teen parents though. tough situation..

    2. Abby Campbell profile image70
      Abby Campbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, ChristinS. Sometimes society is blinded because they haven't seen the effect in their immediate lives or lives of others they are close to. We definitely can't sweep the issue under the rug. It is very real.

  9. ocbill profile image53
    ocbillposted 11 years ago

    Well, it is a form of population control and I hope they did a study that found many or some pre-teens and teens may not want to shell out $10 for condoms so they do it w/o protection. It is not necessarily encouraging the act, it is like giving kids helmets when they ride a bike to safeguard them from STDs and unwanted pregnancies.  It should help more kids graduate & have a better life. I am sure there are numerous studies that show kids from planned pregnancies are better off than kids from unplanned pregnancies and even more so when the mother is under 18.

  10. Abby Campbell profile image70
    Abby Campbellposted 11 years ago

    This is definitely a difficult topic. When my children were smaller, I would have been offended if my state sent out condoms to my children. As they grew, and I mentored younger pre-teen and teen girls aged 11 through 16, my views changed.

    My family and I live in a small rural town with a population of about 5,500. The local high school has approximately 400-500 kids, and there are approximately 20-25 girls who get pregnant each year. Even the city school of 3,500 kids where we use to live didn't have this many pregnancies.

    I held a girls' group at my home for about 12-15 girls each week. Most of these girls were good girls, though they mostly came from single mom homes. Their moms were alcoholics, druggies, strippers, and prostitutes. How these young girls didn't fall into the same trap as their mothers is a blessing beyond belief. But, they struggled to follow their mothers' examples. By the time they graduated, three of them (that I know of) had babies in high school. I would like to think that my mentoring helped keep the pregnancy ratio low. But, the fact is that the high school still has a high ratio of teen pregnancy.

    Unfortunately, babies having babies have created huge burdens for our society and economics. Not only are these pre-teens and teens having babies, but they are unable to care for them physically, emotionally, and financially. Therefore, their parents and grandparents must pick up the slack. For many, these babies end up in the foster care system which taxes us for their living arrangements. For those who decide to be parents, they also tax us with WIC, food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, and HUD homes. The problem is great in most of our states, and the financial burden it's placing on our government gets passed down to the rest of us.

    With that being said, I have to agree with someone who mentioned that if a 12 year decides to hump, then he has a useful item. If he doesn't, then he has a balloon. Hopefully, parents will wake up to this matter and educate their children.

    1. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You state that the girls were good girls though they came from single mom homes.  As a single mother I am more than a little offended by this subtle inference that children from single parent homes are likely not "good".

    2. Abby Campbell profile image70
      Abby Campbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sorry for the offense, Lizam1. I don't think there is anything wrong with single mothers in general. I was one too. But, if you read "Their moms were alcoholics, druggies, strippers, and prostitutes," then you would have gotten the context. :-)


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