Is it telling a woman not to walk alone at night sexist?

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  1. Sara Jofre profile image68
    Sara Jofreposted 9 years ago

    Is it telling a woman not to walk alone at night sexist?

    I've read today that a university advised their female students not to walk alone at night after 3 sexual assaults. This was considered sexist. Are we living in a society so worried about "political correctness" that we can't advice women how to be safe, because, if we do, we are being sexist?

  2. Superkev profile image61
    Superkevposted 9 years ago

    That is correct. Common sense and facts be damned. You can thank liberalism and militant feminism for this idiocy. But rest assured when a young woman is raped because she followed this advice they will scream and blame about that too.

    They care more about pushing their liberal agenda than they do about a young woman being sexually assaulted and possibly killed. I mean, what's a lifetime of psychological problems for an innocent young woman compared to making sure the social agenda is advanced, right? You have to have priorities.

  3. profile image0
    Fire8stormposted 9 years ago

    Hi Sara, I don't think it is sexist at all. The majority of sexual attacks are carried out against women and I think it is responsible of a University to remind all students, but particularly women, to be aware if there have been attacks in the area recently.

    I remember being at Uni and receiving an email regarding exactly this situation containing sensible advice regarding not walking home alone and to be extra cautious because of recent attacks. I believe the email was sent to all students but the focus yes was on females as those who had been attacked were female.

    It seems quite logical to me and I think for it to be considered sexist in these circumstances is an overreaction. I would be interested to know how those who think this is sexist would react if a University did not raise awareness among their female students and one of the students was attacked? Would they then say the University failed to act responsibly by not highlighting the issue to their students?

  4. jlpark profile image77
    jlparkposted 9 years ago

    I don't think it is sexist, but I can see how it may be taken that way.
    Yes, it's common sense to not walk alone at night, regardless of gender, but particularly if you are a woman.

    But I think what the issue is here is that the SOLE focus is on the WOMAN. As though the victims who have been assaulted are at fault because they walked alone (if in fact they did).

    Instead of merely focusing on the safety of ourselves in the dark, how about focusing also on teaching those who are likely to rape or sexually assault - eg everyone (the majority of these are men, but I do acknowledge that women CAN and DO sexually assault both men and women).

    Why focus just on the safety of women in the dark? What about men? Men can be sexually assaulted too - by both men, and women.

    See what I mean? I understand why they focused solely on women - in that the 3 sexual assaults were likely against women. But in doing so, they did leave themselves open to such accusations, as by leaving out the sexual assault of men, the fact that its not just men who assault, and putting the onus on the woman to keep herself safe - rather than teaching people not to rape.....could be seen as sexist.

    So, no, it's not political correctness gone mad - it's ignorance to assume only women get assaulted, that the woman should be the one who assuming the responsibility for her safety from sexual assault etc etc etc (I know I've said the same thing several times...).

    I also don't think there is any feminist or otherwise agenda here - more that one blanket "don't walk alone at night" is not going to protect everyone, or anyone....rape doesn't just occur at night, by a stranger....teach everyone that NO MEANS NO, and if someone is legless drunk it's an automatic no...regardless of gender. 

    Or am I the only one looking at the big picture?

    1. dashingscorpio profile image72
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Criminals/rapists could care less about laws or "no means no".  I get where you're coming from both genders could become victims however I suspect they're trying to address an immediate concern by offering this advice. Using commonsense is smart.

    2. jlpark profile image77
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Assuming that wld b rapists r easily generalised in2 a grp is dangerously naive. Often they r in ths cases yr avrge College student, who interprets "no" 2 mean "Sure!", or a look as a come on. It's common sense to educate every1, as well as using CS

  5. dashingscorpio profile image72
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    My guess is it was a group of (women) who considered this advice to be sexist! No doubt it's the same type of people who will scream: "Don't blame the victim!" If you asked why they decided to walk down a dark alley alone counting money, sleeping with your front door open, leaving keys in car...etc  It's just not "smart".
    We tell kids to look both ways before crossing the street!
    Looking out for #1 has nothing to do with sexism or blaming the victim!  It's about reducing the odds of becoming a target!
    I suspect most fathers would give the same advice to their daughters  out of love and with no sexist intent.

    1. profile image0
      Nadia Ribaduposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed.  As a non-feminist on most issues except career and economic matters, I must say that sometimes the feminist take on things is downright silly.  They should save their foot-stomping and smoke oozing from ears and nose for the right issues.

    2. Aime F profile image71
      Aime Fposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So you don't agree that women should be treated as equals socially and politically? That's all feminism is. The belief that women should be treated the same as men in every area of life. Don't let the extremists taint your view.

    3. Sara Jofre profile image68
      Sara Jofreposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I think I don't need to lable myself as a "feminist" if I defend that EVERY HUMAN BEING (men and women) should be treated the same... that's not being a "feminist", that's just being fair! I don't need, & don't want to support people who "trash"

    4. Aime F profile image71
      Aime Fposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      No, you don't need to label yourself anything, but I'm sick of people thinking feminism is some crazy movement with a bunch of "foot stompers". It's been so important and still needs to be - we still have a long way to go in many areas.

  6. M. T. Dremer profile image81
    M. T. Dremerposted 9 years ago

    As a general call for caution, it's not sexist in the same way that a weather report isn't sexist.

    However, I can see how it could be interpreted as sexist because it's a warning directed specifically at women, rather than a general warning for all students. Men can be sexually assaulted as well, so why did they feel the need to address only women in the advisory? A general 'warning to students' would have accomplished the same thing. It tows the line of assuming these women can't protect themselves and/or are incapable of using good judgment. I certainly don't believe that was their intent, but I think that's what people mean when they say it's sexist.

  7. profile image0
    Nadia Ribaduposted 9 years ago

    I don't think it's sexist to say that to a woman, whether or not the source of the suggestion comes from a man or a woman.  Many--though not all--women are more vulnerable than men on the basis of strength, speed, and agility, to defend themselves against attack.  Some things are just factual based on nature, not how we wish to equalize and make everything one and the same because some of us hate the binary world (male-female, up-down, black-white, etc.).  It's no more wrong to tell a woman that she shouldn't walk alone at night than it is to give the same warning, demand, or advice to a child.  Sometimes over-sensitivity about alleged sexism, as well as sensitivity in general, flies in the face of truth, as well as common sense.

  8. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 9 years ago

    Not at all. Telling a woman not to walk alone at night sends a caring message of caution and awareness of being safe. And if she's smart, she'll heed the message. I believe the same about telling women to watch their alcohol intake in social situations so they can have total control of their bodies. It's not about blaming the victim. It's about being smart and empowered. We want to believe that evil predators don't exist when we are exercising our rights to walk where we want and drink as much as we want. Yes, I should be able to walk down a dark alley alone at 2am but my right to do it will not stop a predator from attacking me. In fact, it will make it easier. It's about taking responsibility for one's own safety. It's about being smart.

    When I counseled police officers, they would often fall victim to robbery attempts when they would stop to get gas off duty late at night. I would tell them to be safer and fill their tanks during daylight. Now these were men and women with service weapons, right? It didn't matter to the predator who saw an opportunity to rob or shoot someone who looked vulnerable.

  9. 1kmjs profile image65
    1kmjsposted 9 years ago

    I am sure that if there were drive by shootings on campus then the faculty would have issued a warning to all students to watch out for bullets while shuffling to class. This sounds ridiculous, if women are being attacked, then tell women to watch their six at night. If people walking dogs were being robbed, then dog out. The entire scope of the warning being "sexist" is just so someone can get their name in the paper. Nothing more.

  10. old albion profile image62
    old albionposted 9 years ago

    How can it sexist? One is giving very good advice to a vulnerable woman. It is not their fault that the streets contain people of murderous intent. A woman might be seen as an easier target for assault than a man. Surely that is plain to see for any right thinking person, be they male or female.

  11. thranax profile image70
    thranaxposted 9 years ago

    I honestly think people have to chill out and stop thinking everything someone says is sexist or racist or not politically correct. Girls shouldn't walk at night alone down dark alleyways with scary people around. Boys shouldn't walk at night alone down the same dark alleyways.
    Can't just say EVERYONE SHOULDN'T WALK ALONE AT NIGHT because the attacks were only on FEMALES. The fact that I have to change the manner in what I say because the attacks are only one sided makes me the sexist remarker, not the rapist who is only raping women....hes the sexist one.

    Im not trying to devalue the fact that girls got attacked because its wrong and horrible, but its annoying to all hell to have to be "politically correct" all the time. I don't know a single person who has actually got offended by a sexist or racist remark. I don't know if its just because im in my younger 20s, from a very liberal state (Massachusetts), or because I grew up with so many races, but no one I know personally has ever been offended by a "sexist or racist" remark.

    1. profile image0
      Nadia Ribaduposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hear. hear!

  12. Addison Molrower profile image60
    Addison Molrowerposted 9 years ago

    Just ask yourself the same question for a man ("Is it telling a man not to walk alone at night sexist?") if the answer is no, then it isn't sexist.

  13. HappyTom LM profile image67
    HappyTom LMposted 9 years ago

    In what a world are we living? It is crazy to even think about that if that is sexist or not. It is not sexist. You just want to help and give a good advice. Anybody who sees that has a problem, so you should let them having their  problem. What if you would not advice that? Just imagine that…

  14. Patrick McCormack profile image61
    Patrick McCormackposted 9 years ago

    This is interesting I would say it's not sexist it's just smart. Women are much more likely to be sexual assaulted than men and 3 previous assault have already taken place. A professor told me recently he was written up for holding the door for a woman because it was sexist. It's funny how women want to be treated as equals which they should be but pride has a way of getting in the way of logical decisions. Yes women are as smart as men if not smarter, should be paid the same wages, and have gender equality but let's not forget that women are smaller in stature than men as well as weaker. The real solution is to teach our young men not to rape or sexual assault anyone, but that's a long term lesson that will take many years to see a change. Right now all we can do is protect our women and play it smart as well as bringing sexual assault into the medias attention, maybe advertisements on why it's so wrong. Education is the key in the long run but that's not going to stop the exigent demand to protect women in the mean time. I would give any woman the same advice especially after 3 assaults occurred prior to this. Remember the buddy system in school, it applied to everyone which didn't make it sexist. No one should walk alone at night but the facts are proven women are much more likely to be sexual assaulted so we need to focus on reality not how one group of women is offended because they are on a pride trip.

  15. creativewriter123 profile image61
    creativewriter123posted 9 years ago

    In normal circumstances it may not be safe for both men and women to walk alone at night. But yes, scenario you mentioned I think its a sexist thing. Because  what should be done is, women should know how to defend themselves, instead of hiding from such situations. Anything can happen in the daylight as well. There is no assurance about women being safe if they are not walking alone at night. Also instead of restricting women's life, men should be taught to respect women's integrity. And honestly women are more than capable of taking care of themselves, given they are encouraged to be courageous by society, instead of filling their mind with fear and making them depend on others to protect their honor.

  16. Pop Culture World profile image80
    Pop Culture Worldposted 9 years ago

    Telling a woman not to walk alone at night is common sense.

    People are animals and you can always expect trouble to pop up somewhere.


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