Simple and helpful tips. Nothing pretentious just basic kitchen procedures to help you to produce the nicest meals for you and yours.
A few seafood cooking tips and a lovely way to cook a Trout! Simply delicious.
Sun Bear, admired by many doubted by others. Born on the White Earth Indian Reservation in Minnesota, he achieved fame and a following throughout the USA
Steaming vegetables is clean, nutritious and delicious. Why not try it next time?
Losing weight is so important to so many of us. Obesity is far from rare in the western world and so many of us are desperate to lose weight. We just need the desire.
A humorous poem with a serious footnote. Do you think the Rolls Royce is the best car in the world? Many people do but there are other luxury models out there these days.
A brief outline of County Court Judgments (CCJs) and Administration orders - Always take appropriate Legal Advice.
There's an old saying ' Nice Guys Come Last ' Is it true? Nice guys are thought little of by some but admired by others. Are the winners in life nice guys? Or are the predators. What do you think?
8 Pointers regarding what's on your credit file. Credit myths are debunked and the truth explained. Many people are worried by debt, this might help some of us.
Thoughts on how it was then. A young soldiers fears and thoughts of home, as others in his trench lay dead and dying. A first world war poem of death in the trenches - O Valiant Hearts.
A poem of human failure and the strength to forgive.
A Poem from a first world war soldier....he saw them die.
A Dolphin came to our bay one day, he stayed all summer and happily played with all who came to see him, until...
On Derby day, June 8th 1913, Emily Wilding Davis threw herself at the Kings horse during the race. She died from her injuries. King George V and Queen Mary were watching from the Royal Box.
We all see the world today as fast and unrelenting. We might feel that we are to small to make a difference but we would be wrong. We can all do something however small. Think about it.
It was 5.50 in the morning on Christmas eve 1944. A total of forty five V1 rockets had been launched by the Germans during the night. One of these had found a target in Lancashire. Bringing tragedy by death and destruction.
We all know this is happening millions of times every day, yet none will act to stop it. Will you be the first to stand and shout 'Stop' or will you like the others give way to your relentless thirst.
A reflection on life and country. The true thoughts of an Englishman.
A poem of a love lost by a foolish man, who now walks and sleeps on the street of regret.
We have tried here to offer some cooking tips that work. It is not comprehensive, it is meant to assist someone new to the kitchen. We hope it helps you in some way. Simple cooking tips for all.
How to stop a divorce. A question so many couples ask themselves. Do we really want to separate, do we still love each other. Can we, shall we try again. Is it to late, what about the children.
A review of Albert Pierrepoint, the official executioner in England. Pierrepoint was the hangman, he executed 433 men and 17 women in the line of duty. Over half of them were war criminals.
An old man looks back at his life in this short poem. His love his life, a life without regrets, then the road he must travel alone.
A Poem about the thoughts of a hubpages writer. A tongue in cheek lament for all of us who labour on these great pages. I do hope ot brings a smile to your day. We all feel better with a smile!
A news story from November 2012. ( Now With an Added Update ) A dead Pigeon carrying a Top Secret message from the front in World War II, has been found in the chimney of a house in Surrey England. ( See Updated Information) CAN YOU CRACK THE CODE.
A Poem of thanks for the love and lifelong help given to me by my parents.
This hub outlines the imprisonment by the Chinese of Private Horace 'Slim' Madden. GC. (George Cross). His imprisonment took place during the Korean War. 'Slim' died of malnutrition in November / December 1951. Such men as these are rare.
Trooper Mark Donaldson's actions saved the lives of many in Afghanistan. He is a member of the Australian Special Air Service and was awarded the VC. Victoria Cross for his bravery under fire.
The story of Princess Caraboo the great imposter. She deceived polite society. She was a woman from nowhere and society believed her story. She babbled her own 'language' wore outlandish clothes and always wore a beautiful black turban.
A review of the secret MI6 nd MI5 life of Arthur Ransome. The author of the series 'Swallows and Amazons'.
A review of award winning bravery by british and american forces in iraq. awards given: MC and DFC. The awards were given for bravery under fire. Private Michelle Norris. MC. Military Cross. Major William Chesarek. US Marine Corps DFC. Distinguished Flying Cross.
A review of the bravery of air stewardess Barbara Jane Harrison. who was posthumously awarded the GC. The George Cross. for bravery.
Kate Nesbitt a young medical assistant attached to C Company 1st Batallion The Rifles. Saved the the life of another soldier due to her actions under fire having been ambushed by the Taliban. Kate Nesbitt. MC. Military Cross.
The story of Charles Davis Lucas. The first man to be awarded the Victoria Cross. The highest british award for actions under enemy fire. Although the first to be awarded the VC. He stood fourth in line on the day of presentation, giving way to senior officers.
A review of the Victoria Cross awarded for valour throughout the british and dominion forces. This award is the highest british award for military bravery under fire.
A review of Gorbachevs Russia, his actions and the outcome of them. The world is now a safer place due to him.
A Poem of lost love A reflection on love and family values. Looking back over a lifetime.
A story of wartime resistance. A most courageous woman a true heroine. Fighting with the French resistance Noor was betrayed, captured, tortured and murdered in Dachau concentration camp.
This is the second and last hub on the search for my aunt Rose. It brings closure to the first hub published on my pages. Thanks to all who have offered me encouragement throughout my efforts. It is a sad end but now the search is over. - Graham.
Describing the heroism of Pigeons in war time. Used for messages and espionage, by all sides. Many thousands of lives have been saved, by unreported actions of animals at the battlefront.
The Battle of May Island. the catastrophic naval disaster off the coast of Scotland. 2 submarines were lost. January 31st 1918. A 60 year secret - was radio silence to blame?
Emily Pankhurst suffragette leader in uk. Womens rights activist. She along with others fought and won the rights of women to vote.
The sad story of a family secret, a family tragedy. I searched for the whereabouts of my aunt Rose. She had not been seen for many years. This is the first of two hubs on my pages, regarding the search and eventual closure of a tragic and painful life. Please see hub No 2 for the follow up.
The Jarrow Crusade, The Jarrow March and the outcome. 200 men marched 300 miles in England in 1936. The reason? Hunger and the lack of employment.
Relationship advice when your lover has gone. What to, what not to do when you want your wife, husband or lover back. No matter your heartbreak, try to retain your dignity. Your self respect is so important.
Grandfather goes to watch Manchester United play Newcastle. He doesn't go home, instead he sends a telegram 'sell the shops and follow me' A serious and truthful look at the hard times of my family's past.
Memories of the 'Yanks' in the UK in the 1950s.
A review of how local battalions were raised in World War One, for the British Army. The loss of a generation of fine young men.
Horses were used in many roles in World War I. From cavalry charges to the hauling of Guns and so much more. Early on in the war, it was realised that the days of cavalry charges were over. Mechanisation had taken its place.
The story of a ladies hairdressing apprentice. In these days an apprenticeship was a signed 3 year indentured apprenticeship. Followed by what was called a 2 year improvership. Overall it took 5 years to be considered a fully qualified hairdresser.
Is your hair Dry or Greasy? We offer a little help here to ease the problems you might encounter.