Is there really a war on women in the USA or is it a politically motivated means of division?
Do you believe there is a war on women in the United States of America? If so, what do you think it is? Do you identify with the feminist goals of old or the ones of today and how would you define them? Lastly, if you do believe there is a war on women, how would you propose females combat said acts of war?
Things like abortion and birth control are real issues. Women should be free to choose for themselves, but i dont think taxpayers should have to pay, especially if they don't agree with those practices.
The politicians make things much more complicated than they are. They create an extreme division among the people it makes for a lot of arguing while women sit back and suffer.
I am a Christian so i believe that all people are created equally. God commands men to love their wives like Christ loves the church. Any position i take will stem directly from my belief in the God of the Bible.
While there are many things going on that I don't agree with, America was built on the premise that people would have the right to say and believe what they want.
It's time for equal treatment,
Thank you very much for a really cool answer Kelechi. I agree both are important issues but should not be paid for with tax dollars. Personally, i would rather see said dollars go to feed hungry children since birth control is less than a burger.
Equal treatment? Yes except if you are a baby human being in the womb. Shouldn't they get to "choose for themselves" too, about half of them are (will be) women. "ALL people are created equally" doesn't that mean they are created @ conception?
Kelechi, taxpayers can either pay for birth control and abortion or they can pay for welfare and food stamps to support the children that result from unplanned pregnancies. Which is preferable to conservatives?
OR Your dilemma is caused by liberalism not conservatism.Taxpayers need not pay for either if they choose Conservative policies that choose life over murder,self reliance over the government dole.A safety net is not supposed to be away of life.
Tsadjatko, the sad fact is that fathers do not support their children and mothers are forced to work but aren't paid as much as men thanks to conservative policies. How is this pro-life?
I believe that there is indeed a war on women, and also children, babies, and men. I identify with the position Christ gives all people--abundant life (John 10:10). Women may try to combat the war against them and others, but the truth is, it has already been won for them. There are battles along the way, yes, but what we are offered in Christ is what we actually long for, yet too often people believe lies about the way of wisdom that keep them in bondage. Here are some thoughts with references for anyone interested in knowing more:
RTalloni, thank you for taking the time to leave such an inspiring comment. I must admit, its refreshing . God bless you!
There is a war on women in this sence, The promotion of abortion on demand and pornography has injured women. The promotion of feminism has belittled true femininity by denying the reality of who women are and by mocking women who choose traditional roles of motherhood. Radical feminists have prayed on vulnerable women who've been hurt by man, by creating all sorts of fallacious lies about men.
Thank you very much wba108 for answering. Again, a most refreshing, honest opinion. Very cool. I can't agree more about the abortion and pornography on demand hurting us all, not just women.
Couldn't have said it better myself..... Dad!
A typical response from the fundamentalist patriarchal community and the women who support their Pauline views.
wba, what are the fallacious lies about men that you are referring to? That they pay women less? That they don't financially support their children? That they abuse their wives? It's on the evening news every night.
No. One only has to look at other countries to see how women are treated...can they drive, go to school, vote, etc. In America, women have these freedoms. I laugh at the women in America who "claim" there is "war on women" and believe that statement is nonsense.
There are some wonderful comments here on the battles Christian women face in the secular society and the way the "feminist women" of our society see the conservative women.
My advice is, ignore the comments (if you can!)
Here, here! The persecution of women around the globe resulting in rape, slavery and death are horrendous while too many here moan over a few pills. Sadly, more and more girls here are being taken for the sex trade too. Thank you for your input!
We've fought hard to get these rights you mention. Women driving tractors on farms, flying untested airplanes to Canada during WWII, working to keep this country going during the war. You can't stuff the genie back into the bottle.
shellys-space, I'd love to hear more about the "battles Christian women face in the secular society". The only battles that I am aware of involve Christian women trying to impose their values on non-Christian women and deny them their rights.
OldRoses: The battles Christian women face are remarks like the one you just made, I never have tried to impose my values on you. I have not always been a Christian and used to lean more to the left, but even then I was dead-set against abortion.
Shellys-space, then who are all those women trying to shut down abortion clinics? Who are all those women who want to cut off the poor from food stamps and health insurance? Are they Christian impostors?
OldRoses: You want people to depend on the Government to survive, while "conservatives" want people to thrive by supporting themselves with better jobs. High taxation is a job-killer. BTW, many Christians serve the poor food at kitchens daily.
I'm sorry, shellys-space, but experience has proven again and again that high taxes are NOT job killers. Yes, we lost a lot of jobs during the recession, but taxes were also at historically low levels. It was greed by the rich that killed jobs.
Yes, there is definitely a war on women. The reason why most young people don't see or understand it is because the rights that are under attack were won many years ago so today's young people grew up with them and have known nothing else. Older feminists like myself well remember the bad old days when women were not allowed to hold meaningful jobs and encouraged to stay home. Pregnancy outside of marriage used to be shameful, so unmarried women, who had no access to birth control, were forced to hide their pregnancies by going to homes for unwed mothers. And we remember too many desperate women dying at the hands of back alley abortionists. Whether you agree with birth control, abortion, and equal pay for equal work or not, these rights are necessary for women and children to lead healthy lives. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be married to a good provider or even married at all. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a college education (something that was also denied women in my youth) and a good job. Not everyone can afford birth control or to raise the children resulting from unintended pregnancies. Please follow the example of your Christ and have mercy on those who are less fortunate than yourselves.
Hear, hear, I found myself on the street with two children, kicked out by a drug addict husband who kept me from finishing college. I struggled to support them and to finish my education. I guess I am now a rabid feminist.
It's sad but I think the rights you mention that the young grew up with are about to be in question again in the current political climate. Personally, I would like to see modern feminist get away from the pills/abortion issue & address slavery i
OldRoses: While you have some valid points, I am sorry, but have to disagree with your remark that woman can not afford birth control. Way back (ha) in the 70's I found them free at PP and although I don't like PP, they have always offered them free.
Well I take my hat off to you MizBejabbers, & if someone shows the kind of love that you must have done for your children & life itself..Then i can't imagine that love will be taken away at death, love & life wouldn't do that to a person.
Shellys-space, not everyone has access to PP thanks to the War on Women which has been very successful in shutting down many PP facilities. Conservatives violate our freedoms by imposing their values on everyone.
Being less fortunate has nothing to do with being a woman, though. Also, people must stop living in the past, that is the problem.
While working on advanced degree, I did a college research paper on women’s rights in the United States since we became a country. Tracing the history shows that except for the elite classes, this country was built on the backs of women, but men’s rights always came first. Before the Civil War some mid-western states realized that if not for women, these farming states would have never been sod-busted, and therefore, never admitted to the Union. They tried to enact laws giving women the vote. However, when the Civil War was over, even husbands and brothers who had worked to give women the vote did an about face and told their women that the priority was to give Black males the right to vote. The 15th Amendment to the Constitution was enacted in 1870 giving African-American men the right to vote. Women did not acquire the right of suffrage until 1920. That is 50 more years of struggle.
We still have not gotten the ERA ratified, and women’s wages are only about ¾ that of men. In years past, the right to an abortion was between a woman and her doctor, but many women were forced into back alley abortions. The result was untold suffering including mutilation, infection and death. The idea that the fetus has more rights than the living breathing mother is a religious one. Those who are trying to reverse Roe v. Wade are waging a patriarchal religious struggle to retain control of women.
As the Divine Feminine re-enters the world to establish some balance between feminine and masculine spirits, those patriarchal religions are fighting back -- hard, and yes they are waging war on the feminine. I believe the answer to your question is "yes" and "yes", it is a war on women and it is resulting in a political division.
I rest my case by pointing out that most people who disagree with me quote the bible. That in itself is religious discrimination. I think women should fight back by electing political candidates who support women’s rights, and they should contribute to causes that promote their rights.
I would like to point out that this country has never had a woman President. Countries like Great Britain, India, Germany, and Israel have all had women leaders. I think this illustrates the point I just made.
Beautifully put. I think the best example of what you and I are saying is Iran. Back in the 1970s, Iranians, led by religious fanatics, toppled the Shah and replaced him with a religious government. And then discovered that it was hell not heaven.
I like you mention how ERA was never approved. While I can't agree with everything, the spirit of equality/freedom for all shines through and that I admire greatly. Interesting, suffrage actually came out of a deal to get fems to support the war.
Hey Rhonda the US government just like our British government & "all" the rest of them, will do anything they can to divide it's countries people in order to gain even more control of them..It's an old favourite tactic of the scum bag British Empire, & used all over the world called "conquer & divide"..Get all the people fighting each other to break down society, & then start to break down the family unit to the point that no one cares any more about their neighbours..Get them all fighting each other, & then get more cops on the streets & more slaves in prison..Bring people in from all over the world that won't integrate with the nationals, get them all fighting & get more cops on the street & more control..Help the rich but don't help the poor, & show the people every piece of tragic news from around the globe..Just so they can sprinkle in even more depression into a bankrupt country & people, just so they can gain even more control because they themselves live in fear of the people..They fear that one day the people will wake up & realise, that their "all" aiding & abetting in the total destruction of the planet by doing nothing to stop their scumbag governments..I mean the way it actually looks to me is the British & American governments must actually hate their own people, because every single decision they make seems to me to clearly be against the people..Britain & America the land of the free apart from the fact that were all slaves to their money, & 2 of the most bankrupt countries in the world!..They will wager war on anyone, because their all power mad insane lunatics.
Awesome response! I agree division is the end result of this and it seems to be spreading all over the western world.
Division is their plan Rhonda, but people like us will stop them..You see what's going on, because your too smart for them..Now ask this: Why would they be deliberately trying to brainwash & depress us, what are they trying to distract us from?.
Ian your question makes my day. I think it's distraction from the global elite trying to institute a one world government in which everyone becomes a slave.
Yes Rhonda you are correct, & I am impressed that you can see it..However think about life like this: What if we're actually here to become enlightened & ascend, but their trying to stop everyone because they know they won't/can't ever ascend
I think calling it 'war' misrepresents the issue. There is definitely inequality, but I don't think it's on any sort of precipice of combat. And, a lot of that inequality is under the surface. Things we do in everyday life that might not seem sexist (or racist) but, when examined from an outside perspective, is still perpetuating a harmful stereotype.
The Disney princess, Merida, is one example. When redesigned for induction into the princess 'hall of fame' (my words), she was altered to match the other princesses. Which included more makeup, a frillier dress, and a more shapely figure. In an ideal world, no one would have seen a need to change her appearance; the character just would have looked the same. But someone decided she needed to conform to a different image and others agreed.
I'm not trying to drag that issue back out, I'm just saying that a lot of the sexism and racism today is so subtle that most people don't even notice it. But it does still have an impact.
I don't think you are dragging the issue back at all. I've been re watching many of my favorite shows of old from a predictive programming perspective and have found most of them promote racists and sexist stereotypes even among their own.
Yes, a bigger impact than most are willing to admit.
A war on women. Do you mean the war on women that only the republicans are waging according to, actually concocted by the left wing Democrat party. They created the expression to describe certain Republican Party policies/legislation as a wide-scale effort to restrict women's rights, especially reproductive rights. Prominent Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer, as well as feminists, have used the phrase to paint Republicans as forcing their social views on women through legislation.
This concocted War on Women does not exist and it is just an absolute ploy to influence (uninformed) women voters. The voters have said as much for in the recent election Democrats who ran for office using the "War on Women" tactic against Republicans lost badly. Democrats don't care more about women than Republicans, they cynically look for any angle they can exploit to get votes, plain and simple. Blacks still vote Democrat because the Democrats have sold them promises (never delivered by them) solely for their vote and they are attempting to do the same to women.
The Democrat party whose darling womanizing X President needed his enabling wife to squash bimbo eruption after bimbo eruption. "Bimbo" Hilary's best friend's endearing term for women who Clinton preyed upon. Republican war?
If you think there is a war on women, a declared hostility by some group in America upon all women simply because they are women you are either paranoid or wallowing in self pity. Life is hard for most, it's hard for men and it's hard for women, for children and for the elderly, for black or white. Too hard for any of them to care about waging war, and those for whom life isn't hard like the leadership in this country, they're too busy waging war against each other ideologically & for power to actually war on 50 % of their electorate, really.
Discrimination, unfairness, prejudice and misfortune still can be found in this country despite the decades of efforts to eliminate it but enormous progress has been made and to assign these ongoing problems to the concept of some notion of a War On Women is absurd, nothing more than a contrived attempt at scapegoating.
What's really ironic for those of you who think there is some War On Women, you are the same ones who are waging a real war on the unborn with WMD disguised as your reproductive right. Since Roe vs Wade in 1973: over 57 million abortions. How many women have been killed in the "War on Women"? Where do I find that figure?
While I agree in this country it is a politicized tool of the left and mostly BS, I do see female child enslavement/prostitution as a symptom of the war no one is talking about. In other countries there's no doubt there's a war on women. PP for fig
Yes, well I was just addressing the question, in the US. What goes on in the rest of the world can be unimaginable on all sorts of levels and for other groups than just women, how about the war on Christianity. What does "PP for fig" mean?
Facts? Yeah, about before the Civil War? How about the 21st century like 57,000,000 babies dead at the hands of their mothers? Living in the past and ignoring the progress that has been made isn't factual, it's dishonest opinion.
tsadjatko - while I despise them with a passion, PP is for Planned Parenthood. They brag on the stats constantly thinking the millions of babies they killed to be some warped badge of honor. It really is in the millions.
Its amazing that the Democrats can get away with a lie this big, then again maybe that's why they're able to pull it off because nobody expects such a blatant lie.
I think that's exactly how they get away with it, just as you say, no one expects a lie that big. Further, they believe and its sadly true that if one repeats a lie enough folks will buy it.
May I gently suggest that everyone do a little research? The number of abortions in this country is falling. And it was never in the millions as you claim. Those are facts whether you are a Republican or a Democrat.
Rhonda.....I can't bring myself to go so far as to agree with the term, "war."
In whatever ways women started out being discriminated against, we have fought, struggled and earned our way out of many of them. Select & powerful women have done this quite publicly on behalf of all women, most of us deal with the issues privately on a personal level.
I need to apologize for not being much more passionate in terms of this topic. Whether this seems an "excuse," the reality is that I'm a boomer, which gives me a different view than perhaps the young women today.
The advances and strides I have witnessed in my adulthood seem vast and successful. Basically, I also believe we (everyone) are treated as we "allow" others to treat us....both individually or as a group.
If there is/was imbalance, unfairness and inequality, it is up to us to change this. It's not an easy task nor does it occur overnight.
I'm quite proud of how far women have come and have no doubt this fight will continue.
Of course it's a politically motivated means of division! Isn't EVERYTHING? Finally Rhonda.....I'm all in favor of a female Prez one day.....However, heaven forbid....not Hilary and most definitely not women similar to Nancy Pelosi (E-Gads)....Michele Bachman or Sarah Palin. If these ladies are the best we can do in the female politician category, it may be a long long time before a woman holds the highest office in the land. Our male selections may not be much better, but we have only 2 choices, after all! Very good question...
fpherj48, the term "war on women" refers to the efforts by Republicans to roll back the progress that we Boomer women fought for and won. They want women out of the workplace, uneducated, barefoot and pregnant, totally dependent on men.
Ridiculous. No female should or would stand for such ignorance. I, of all people, whose Mom worked full-time in the '50's & sis & I were educated. How do repubs explain hating welfare? That's where"dependent" women & kids go when the MAN
fpherj48, I totally agree. We live in frightening times thanks to the ignorance of Republicans & young people who don't know how awful life was before women were allowed access to abortion, birth control, education & good jobs.
IMO, the phrase "a war on..." has become today's buzzword/catch-phrase!
It's over-used and inaccurate in many, if not most situations. Any group that does not like the way they are perceived by others seems to latch onto this phrase and declare that there is a 'war' against them.
As far as the women/feminism aspect goes, I have to apply the French phrase, "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose," or, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."
Certainly, Gloria Steinem et al forced focus on the issues concerning women, and progress has been made. However, that progress has been painfully slow, and incomplete as far as having 'equal standing' with men in all areas. There is still a significant wage gap, for example.
The current crop of extreme-right-wing politicians does seem to have an agenda of undoing all that has been accomplished to date. I'm sure they would like it best if things went back to the way they were before Susan B. Anthony and others of her generation gained us the right to vote.
But, whether those male chauvinist, misogynistic bigots like it or not, they are a minority of the populace, and it is doubtful they will get their way...PROVIDED that people--and especially we women--get out and VOTE!!! Vote them out of office at every opportunity; that is how to effect change.
But is there an actual war? No, I don't think so.
I just have trouble with this whole concept because: My wife is a hard core conservative, minority, legal immigrant citizen and a very hardworking climber and producer. She just refuses to accept any notion of war on women. She laughs at it for the United States. Where she came from there were real wars being fought.
To even say there is a "war" on women in the US is outright shameful, when there are women being brutalized by real wars throughout our world. To elevate this cause celebre' by using that word is wrongful and shows just how off base it is. It is sensationalism and out of control media to the tenth degree.
I think it is a politically motivated means of division and that there is no war.
I say yes but I don't think it is a valid war, if you will, because I think women have brought it upon themselves with all this female rights bologna. Some people have to push things too far, women rights being one of them, and then it gets blown up in the news as some attack on women when in reality it is just people overreacting.
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