Do you think a Republican will be the next President of the United States?

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  1. Rakim Cheeks profile image61
    Rakim Cheeksposted 9 years ago

    Do you think a Republican will be the next President of the United States?

  2. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 9 years ago

    I doubt we'll have another Republican President for at least the next 8 years.  After Watergate, Iran-Contra, and Bush II, I think people have decided to give the other party a try.

    1. feenix profile image58
      feenixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Watergate, Iran-Contra? Wow, those terms are so old that they've gathered a very thick coat of dust. And Bush II? Well, PEW just reported that his poll figures are higher than Obama's.

    2. Mick Beet profile image69
      Mick Beetposted 8 years agoin reply to this
  3. ChristinS profile image36
    ChristinSposted 9 years ago

    I certainly hope not.  I'd like to see Bernie Sanders get it.  All the others are just the same thing - all bought and paid for by lobbyists and beholden to the money and not the people.

    1. Rakim Cheeks profile image61
      Rakim Cheeksposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. I want Bernie Sanders to get it as well. If you would, follow me on hub pages. Thanks for answering

    2. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The only time there is not serious "gridlock" in Washington is when both the executive branch and congress are of the same party. Sanders or any Democrat with a Republican congress will have similar obstacles to Obama. Compromise is  passé today.

  4. DzyMsLizzy profile image86
    DzyMsLizzyposted 9 years ago

    I sure hope not!!  They've done enough damage to this country already, and continue to do so in Congress.  My  hope is that a lot of the ones there get voted out as well.

    1. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Have you forgotten what it was like in 2008/2009? Unemployment at 10%, foreclosures at record highs, the stock market was in the toilet, 4000+ soldiers lost their lives in a war based on a lie regarding WMDs costing trillions of dollars? VS 2015

  5. profile image56
    retief2000posted 9 years ago

    The only way there will not be a Republican President, NO, I cannot conceive of a single reason that a Republican will not be the next President. Considering the spectacular failure in every endeavor by Obama and the grotesque corruption he has fostered and the Clintons engender, I find it impossible to think of any reason why the American people will not turn the Democrat Scoundrels out for at least 16 years.

    1. Rakim Cheeks profile image61
      Rakim Cheeksposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Great answer. I agree with you statement. Thanks for answering. If you would, follow me on hub pages

  6. mdgardner profile image89
    mdgardnerposted 9 years ago

    It doesn't look like it based on the choices we have so far. But we have a long way to to go and all it takes is one political slip to ruin a campaign. Romney never recovered from the 47% comment. The same could happen to Clinton. You just never know.

    1. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I believe the platform issues will decide this election such as being in favor or against raising the minimum wage, marriage equality, overhauling social security & Medicare. Most people in a shaky economy will vote according to their pocketbook.

  7. profile image53
    peter565posted 9 years ago

    All foreigners to US are rooting for the Republicans, thinking the Republican have a better chance at finishing off ISIS, so everybody's troops in the Middle East can go home.

    1. ChristinS profile image36
      ChristinSposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I doubt that. Never going to happen anyway, perpetual war is how many of these politicians make money on both sides. You want your troops home protest and fight for that in your countries.

    2. profile image53
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Won't happen, everybody find ISIS to be too much of a threat, to withdraw troops.  They want their troops home, but want to destroy ISIS more

    3. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      However I believe most Americans are still focused on the economy and domestic issues. The last thing many folks want to do is spend trillions of more dollars on an all out war risking more U.S. soldiers lives in a civil war.

  8. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    I'd be surprised if a Republican wins the 2016 election.
    First of all there are too many candidates in their primary. It's going to be a war of attacking one another once they truly start focusing on winning their party's nomination. Right now everyone is attacking Obama or Hilary Clinton. However to win your party's nomination you have eliminate your competition.
    The last time around this entailed candidates attempting to be more conservative than the next person. Generally speaking these leads to making statements or comments that seem out of step with the mainstream voters. It's usually the "swing states" and independents who decide an election. It's usually the social and individual issues that stomp most Republican candidates. Discussing topics like "legitimate rape", people going into prison straight and coming out gay, denying climate change, indecisive over whether children should receive vaccination shots...etc 
    Those are among some of the stances that may help one win their party's nomination but will come to haunt them in a general election.
    The next obstacle to overcome is causing fear of loosing things.
    Anyone who is against "marriage equality", wants to eliminate planned parenthood,  or overhaul social security and Medicare, repealing the Affordable Healthcare Act, is going to have a challenge winning over seniors and independents.
    Although the economy is not "great" most Democrats will compare today to how things were in 2009. Whether you hate Obama or not no one can dispute the stability of the economy is much better than when he got in.
    Truth be told it was the horrible economy that got him elected in the first place! Hillary will talk about how things were during Bill Clinton's terms and how when he left office the country had a surplus as opposed to deficits.
    The Republicans will stress world leadership position and fighting terrorism. They will also mention the Reagan era of cutting taxes and deregulation that posted record job expansion.
    Both the Clinton and Reagan eras go back decades! The political climate is completely different today. If people vote according to the "party's platform" rather than if they like the specific candidate and the economy doesn't change negatively I believe most people will vote for more Democrat promises.

  9. feenix profile image58
    feenixposted 9 years ago

    The thing I find amazing is that millions-upon-millions of the residents of the US are so dumb, uninformed and childishly idealistic that they believe that Hillary Clinton possesses the tools to be an effective president and "Leader of the Free World."

    In my opinion, the country presently needs a strong and competent Commander-and-Chief of the US Armed Forces more than anything else. And Clinton is not that strong and competent leader. But, on the other hand, almost all of the Republican candidates for that party's presidential nomination possess those attributes.

    Therefore, and as is quite obvious by now, I certainly do hope that the next President of the US is a Republican, but because US society is in the process of dumbing down at warp speed, there is a very good chance that Clinton will win and any Republican who runs against her will lose.

    1. R K Beran profile image60
      R K Beranposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think Clinton has a chance, but I 100% agree about her. Not leader material at all. She's an A+ liar, though...and criminal. That first sentence alone earns you a gold star.

    2. feenix profile image58
      feenixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      R.K., I certainly do hope you're right. I am too old to have to deal with another Democrat being president.

    3. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      feenix, I believe a lot of folks subconsciously believe Bill Clinton will be the "Wizard" behind the curtain of a Hilary presidency. He's still very popular and many people experienced a good standard of living. However that's almost 20 years ago!

    4. Dr Billy Kidd profile image81
      Dr Billy Kiddposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Strong commander-in-chief? The election is really about paychecks.

    5. feenix profile image58
      feenixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hey, dashingscorpio, remember the "Bush recession?" Well, that was really the "Bill Clinton recession." It was the hangover from the "good standard of living" that WJC borrowed the US into and obtained through handing out sub-prime mortgages.

    6. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      feenix, I guess timing is everything!smile
      Between the long recount of the 2000 Bush election, the $300 tax refund checks issued to all citizens, events of 9/11, the Iraq War, & handling of the Katrina storm, by 2007 everyone forgot Clinton antics!

    7. feenix profile image58
      feenixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      dasingscorpio, you just knocked it out of the park; you hit the nail squarely on the head, you ain't never lied, etc.

    8. profile image56
      retief2000posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      There is a reason Hillionaire has remained out of public view for over a month, she is not ready for prime time. Obama came out of no where to level her campaign. Why, because she is an abrasive hag. She looks best in a polished shield.

  10. Dr Billy Kidd profile image81
    Dr Billy Kiddposted 9 years ago

    Hooray. Another place for the trolls to go crazy. But I'll answer anyway:
    Most elections are popularity contests first and money contests second.
    What do the Republicans and the Democrats offer for 2016: nothing with pazazz.
    So the election will focus on the creation of jobs, the state of the economy, defense, and healthcare. That message will be brought forth by Clinton and Bush--who have the $$. And Walker--who has the Koch brothers $1 billion backing him.
    I don't see Clinton firing up anyone. And Walker is an astute reactionary, middle-class hater who intends to divide and conquer the working class (he said so).
    Bush will go folksy and probably win--which is a win for starting the war against Iran. He'll forget ISIS, just like his brother "did not think about bin Laden." To get that war going Bush has already hired 19 of his brother's security/defense advisors who lied so well people cheered about entering Iraq under false pretenses.

    1. Mick Beet profile image69
      Mick Beetposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      As long as this gets past … -should-go

  11. R K Beran profile image60
    R K Beranposted 9 years ago

    I have no idea which one it will be, but the historical record strongly indicates that a Republican candidate will be our next president.

    Almost every time one party controls the White House for eight years, the other party wins the following election. There have only ever been a couple of exceptions to this phenomenon.

    Personally, I'm kind of hoping Carson gets it. I haven't looked into all his views yet--still waiting to read up on his take on foreign policy in the Middle East, but I'm impressed with what I've seen so far. I think of all the Republican candidates running, Carson does the best job of plainly explaining his views and is the only one (I believe) who is capable of not just calling on but expanding the conservative base.

  12. Mick Beet profile image69
    Mick Beetposted 8 years ago

    As long as they can fix this up … -should-go


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