What are your thoughts about the removal of the Condederate flag?
The South Carolina Senate gave its final approval Tuesday to removing the Confederate flag from the Capitol grounds. What are your thoughts about this? Was it fair? Was it appropriate?
It's about time, and long overdue. This fight has been ongoing. It took 9 deaths to finally see the light. A symbol of one race being less than another...everytime you look at it, to be reminded of that? Get outta here! And it's a cover to justify all the killings, the unjust imprisoning, trapping people off in ghettos with zero opportunity...all the ills of racism is justified by that flag: States rights my butt. It's the symbol of White Superiority and if you don't know that, you are in denial. Good riddance.
Yep.. lmc finally got a law passed that will end all the mass killings and murders. If only we had banned the Democrats long ago just think of the lives we could have saved.
http://video.lauraingraham.com/Republic … y-Was-1-Go
What? I dont live there! Just happens to be a lot of people who dont drink the con con koolaide ;-)
I think the flag started with one meaning but became something else. I got scared when I saw it. I always feared I was unsafe. I really felt that way. Many have been scared by that kind of fear.
I live in SC. Personally I am very happy that it is now in it's rightful place, a museum. It's so funny to hear so many people yelling heritage and history. Most are the same people who have never set foot in a museum before. Most can't even tell you what year the civil war started. They are ignorant people who like to be offended when the government tries to make peace.
With that said I think the whole flag thing is going too far. I've seen videos of people doing stupid things to privately owned flags. I think everyone should be allowed to own one if they want. It just has no reason to be on the statehouse grounds!
As someone born and raised for the last 32 years here in SC I think we have a lot of other things we could be proud of. If people truly care about their heritage they can visit historical sites or museums. Our state has many. Sadly there is a large amount of racism in our state both from whites and blacks. Slowly we can get past it, but we have to stop thinking that being empathetic is the same as being politically correct!
For the record though, I think taking the flag down had nothing to do with unity and everything to do with political gain!
I agree that the motives were political. The hatred is inside of people and taking the flag down does not change that.
I am glad people are talking about this. I am grateful children saw this happen and hopefully had some illuminating discussions.
peeples, you pose a lot of poignant points about the Confederate flag. Except one. "I" happen to own one and I am not stupid, ignorant and have no desire to kill anyone or any race or ethnic background.
It's long overdue, primarily because it's not the flag of the Confederate States, but the battle flag. Either way, it shouldn't fly on federal grounds. I'm not in favor of trying to re-write history, so removing all evidence of the Civil War is ill-conceived.. But this flag specifically was placed on the grounds of the S.C. capitol to flaunt anti-segregation anger at the height of the civil rights movement in 1961. There is no place for that negativity in any state.
I only wish steps toward more reasonable gun control had taken place as quickly after those children were murdered in New Town. One step at a time, I guess.
So, why has there never been outcry to remove all roads, buildings and schools named after WV KKK founder and leader Robert Byrd? There are FEDERAL buildings and Hwys with his name on them. Why no outcry there? KKK did far more damage to blacks.
Superkev, curious what part of the country you live in? Every 6 months or so there is talk in my state about college buildings named after civil war people or roads needing name changed. Nothing new about that here.
I currently reside in the Great State of Alabama, but I am not from here. If you know who Byrd is, it really makes you wonder why there has never been ANY outcry about him. Actually, there is really no mystery about it, the reason starts with a D
He renounced his racism and apologized. Dont forgiveness and redemption go hand in hand in the Bible Belt? Byrd is a reminder that people can change.Superiority mentality needs to go.
So does his apology negate the murders and terrorism the 150 people he recruited into the KKK did? There is even rumor he was present at a lynching himself, which is highly likely. This should be forgotten because he apologized? Or because his party?
Sorry, once a racist always a racist, and his apology means nothing. If Dylan Roof apologizes should we be ok with him? I just don't see it and I'm a pretty liberal independent!
Doesn't negate, but it stops him from glorifying it,like flying the con flag does. Anyone can have a come to Jesus moment,even Democrats.In fact, even KKK members. And, as your Lord said: It is so much sweeter, because he was lost, but now is found.
How odd that Sandie is a kkk apologist as long as the right people were members
Hmmm. Looks like I understand your Lord better than you do! Forgive, and Judge not. In'it? If someone sees the error of their ways...who am I to hold a grudge?
"judge not"? You must have that confused with another scripture that is a fantasy in your head because it is not part of the Jewish/Bible. Perhaps you can quote a full, complete, in context, and accurate citation.
I am sure the black families terrorized over the decades by Byrd and his Klan will understand your fast willingness to forgive and forget a Democrat, white sheered bigoted politician who "apologized" after his history became public knowledge.
Better than those now who pretend its a symbol of southern pride. All those who are without sin, cast the first stone. Redemption is spiritual growth. Unforgiveness is spiritual death.
howd u get 2 reply boxes?
False redemption from a politician is still a lie, no matter how much you liked the guy. And forgiveness never equaled forgetfulness
Uu got 2 comments in a row. Usually it says "you have already answered this"
Ohhh... those 2nd comments. Just send an email to the PTB at HP and explain that you are a better than average answerer. If you can justify it they can give you the ability to post multiple times. You have to be really, really great to get it, thou.
Really? huh. Wonder what the political/religio ratio is on that little privilege? Me? I am kept on a short leash. You can tell just by world-view who will be favored and who will be boxed up. Superiority, and all that. American specialty.
survival of the fittest, eh. Some of us are naturally more apt.
Special treatment has nothing to do with ability. Its favoritism and discrimination, thats all. Who screams the loudest, and who can hurt you the most.
ltc just contradicted herself. Those with no to little "ability" can't hurt you at all. As I noted... more apt.
The inside of a prison is like society. Put a uniform on some people and they become abusive. Lock up innocents and brutalize them.People getting enjoyment out of others pain and suffering. Lot like out here.Only we think we're free--they know better
I really enjoy the way that lmc reveals much more about herself than she ever realizes.
Eh? I have nothing to hide.....except my identity. We're all here to express aren't we? It's like a sword fight without the swords. "En Guard!" hahaha
The flag never should have been up there to begin with. They weren't kept around to display southern pride, they rose it during the 50-60s as a protest to desegregation. And, even if it didn't have so many racist associations, it still represents a group of domestic terrorists who tried to tear the United States apart. No government building should display such a flag. If you want to put it on your lawn, that's your prerogative. But it shouldn't be on government property.
And, while the flag wasn't responsible for the attacks in South Carolina, it still needed to come down. And at least some discussion came out of this tragedy, rather than getting swept under the rug as 'just another shooting'.
Yes. Terrorism. I dont think it should be flown at all. Anywhere.
yeah.. the heritage of our country is fairly malleable when it comes to certain people.
I'll say! Some people actually assert that there was no civilization prior to the puritans. As a great philosopher once said: this isnt civilization. And if it is, then civilization is no good for us.
I don't know about that... I just had my kidney taken out and am still around to post. I think that was very kind of civilization to develop those kind of practices. Perhaps your philosopher would rather have lived a short, brutal life in 15,000 BC
We have brutal life now.Ever studied the American prison system? NYT recently did an expose of Rykers Island. Civilized?Ever read Concrete Jungle?We lock up more citizens than anywhere on Earth.85 people have more wealth than 2billion 15.Longway2go.
yep... because the inside of a prison where social deviants are housed is ~exactly~ like the rest of society. I'm creative, Dear Readers, but I really couldn't make someone such as lmc up... she is all original.
So--you're more "apt" at getting special treatment? Or is it your politics and religion? Or do you have $$? Does your family biz intercept HP...on and on. Favoritism, like kids getting in to parents university.
lmc is making her usual muddle about a simple concept. Those who are more apt and able tend to reap the rewards of society. Those such as her, however, are usually doomed to constant disappointment over their lot in life. That is why they whine so.
Oh bulloney! You said one can ask the adm to let you have special treatment, and if you're "apt"', they'll give it to you. I don't buy it. It's not "aptness", it's something else. And it has to do with politics and religion. Yours are favored. IMO
Yes, mine are "favored" because they are more logical and reasoned, and I put them forth aptly. Unlike you, with muddled, illogical posts. Why are you so shocked that mine would find favor in the eyes of those who use rationality as their process?
Because rules are rules, and should apply equally. Otherswise, you have tyranny and suppression. You should honor All Men are Created Equal, not some are 2 thirds human.
According to lmc "rules" should lead to "equal outcome" and not just "equal opportunity." She has the SAME EXACT ~opportunity~ under the "rules" as anyone on HP... but the fact that she isn't up to par is somehow society's fault and not her own.
Really? I never heard you could ask for multiple comments for being extra apt. All it ever said was "you already answered this question" i wonder how many hubbers know about this special privilege? Probly all of the Clique,
huh? Cause theyre special
You really do like to whine a bunch about your poor lot in life, eh. :-)
Thank you all for sharing so honestly. I wish people could speak more openly about these topics without getting so divisive. This shooting was terrible but there has been a brewing discomfort with the racism that still exists in this country.
People use divisiveness to get off the issue. You will never get a straight answer from them. Their goal is to smear and make it about you. It's a tactic used all the time. "Let's not talk about racism: let's talk about what a whiny loser you are."
Just to clarify... you mean the flag that the Democrats put up and protected and the same flag that the Republicans took down?
What does that have to do with anything? Are you saying there are no white republican racists? Dream on.
Just pointing out reality. If you have problems living in the real world it is not my concern
Yep... those who think that removing the confederate battle flag from society will stop all mass murderers in the future are certainly idiotic.
Who said that? Certainly i havent heard it. Better yet: which wing-nut radio or tv jock is making that claim? Let me guess.....all of them!
It's obvious that the removal will stop all future mass murders. After all, didn't the flag cause the charleston murders? Or... are you stating for the record that the flag is being removed in response although it had nothing to do with the tragedy?
It gave credence to racism, which was the stated intent behind the murder. Being Jewish, im sure you understand the intent of someone using a swastika. Same thing.
1 of us is mistaken about any possible jewishness in my family history. But it's good to know that if Sen. Byrd (D) merely apologized for putting Jews in the oven (hypothetically) you'ld be okay with naming buildings after him.
If Netanyahu breaks down and admits what he is doing and has done is evil, and he repents......yes, i would forgive him too.
there ya go, Dear Readers... all we really need to know about lmc.
Unfortunately, it'll never happen. Psychopaths aren't big into introspection. Or conscience. Just "what's in it for me? me?me?me?me?me?me?mememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememe*pause*mememememememememememe
Hmmmm.... last time I spoke with Netanyahu he seemed much more normal than a person who fills up a post with memes... But it is telling that on a question about flags lmc manages to work in insults towards the Jews and their very survival.
I said nothing about Jews,and Bib's shrink is the one who said he's nuts. Just look at him! The eyes are crazy. And WHY is he on MY national airwaves spouting HIS opinion? This is USA.Go Home Bibiguns.(quite tame compared to comments about our prez!)
I've often found that those who want to do away with the 2nd Amendment also have an animus against the 1st. Lmc doesn't disappoint in that regard.
Huh? That makes zero sense. I hate guns, but never said anything about doing awzy with 2nd. And im a victm of those who are against free speech, not a suppressor of it. The apt crowd banned me for life. Those are anti free speechers. memememememememe
Sure, tell us about how much you support the 2nd amendment. We will believe it. Banned for life, eh? You must have been a very, very bad girl for that to happen. Earlier you posted rules should be for everyone, so when YOU break them... guess what?
Yes, i broke the rule that controls our nation: thou shalt not criticize Israel.
Anti-gun and anti-Semitic... we got a twofer here.
I don't think taking this flag down is really about political parties.
Of course it isn't. It's a psy-op tactic. Demonize people to destroy their message. Hate racism? "It's your fault". Hate the brutalizing of Arabs? "You're an anti-Semite". Psy-op. And it allows them to escape responsibility. Cowardly and transparent.
I support African-Americans. No, I do not just support, I cringe when I still hear a low-life jerk use the "n" word in some places like restaurants and such.
My wife and I taught our daughter from birth that there is not one difference between races because Our Maker knew what He was doing when He made us.
As for the Confederate Flag, take it down for it is just a piece of cloth. Then work on the hearts of people who harbor hatred toward African-Americans. A flag, monument, or Stone Mountain sand-blasting will do nothing to enlighten someone's heart where hatred and bigotry starts and stops.
I do not criticize the NAACP for their movement, I just have one question: Who is going to be responsible for re-writing ALL of the history books that our children use in schools to REMOVE any and all images and phrases about the South?
I mean, if the NAACP and those who support it, are going to do something, do it all the way.
I agree that the issues are much bigger than the flag. Unfortunately, that flag became a symbol of hate and intimidation just like the "n" word and white hoods. There is so much to be said for these symbols. For me, taking it down is also symbolic.
It's time for healing. It's time to promote equality for all. We can't change the past but we can make a better future. Now that there are more gender rights, we may as well let people function as they desire to without feeling any animosity toward anyone. Remember, to hate hurts the hater the most. The blessings of a hater are limited. The hater may one day need the person that is hated. We all may learn things from each other regardless of gender, race or whatever. There is no reason to limit self by discriminating. Discrimination just doesn't make sense but if it does please, help us who love all people to understand, why it does? Do your best.
Honestly, if it really offends people that much, then I say removing it is a good choice. I know that for some people it is a sign of their pride for their family's history, but if its that hurtful, does it really affect you that much to bring it into your house instead of at the State House?
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