What can be done to help the poor apart from giving them money or food ?

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  1. Divakar P profile image60
    Divakar Pposted 9 years ago

    What can be done to help the poor apart from giving them money or food ?

  2. Nicholas Kan profile image60
    Nicholas Kanposted 9 years ago

    Most poor peoples do not have much friends as our society repels them (sad truth). Therefore companionship is a good thing to offer. Be their friend, as indirectly you're giving them happiness too. Make the world a better place.  smile

    1. Divakar P profile image60
      Divakar Pposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Good Suggestion , but in a friendship with poor , won't they expect some returns financially at a later stage ?

    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Of course, the poor expect to be compensated financially for a friendship w/a more affluent person.  It HAPPENS all time w/friends & family. The poor must learn to be RESPONSIBLE for THEMSELVES.

    3. Michaela Osiecki profile image68
      Michaela Osieckiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I grew up in poverty and I have NEVER once asked any of my more wealthy friends/family for money, not even loans. If they offer to help get me out of a bad stretch, it's more than appreciated, but I would never ask.

    4. profile image0
      RTalloniposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Being a friend is many things.  The benefit all depends on the character of a poor person.  Most people would help a poor person as much as possible as long as they saw that the person was determinedly working to improve their circumstances.

    5. Nicholas Kan profile image60
      Nicholas Kanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Correct. But money only offers survival. They will kill themselves mentally before they die physically. Just my opinion.

  3. cobrien profile image60
    cobrienposted 9 years ago

    The poor need a hand up, not a hand out. They need to be better educated so they can get better jobs. Most poor don't even realize they qualify for enough government grant and loan money to help them pay for college and sometimes help with bills. They need encouragement and hope, and yes, support from friends and family. Poverty is a cycle and the poor who stay poor do so because they don't know how to break that cycle. They need to be taught to find and utilize resources, like job training programs and volunteer opportunities that open doors to better opportunities.

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The poor are the way they are because of negative & unintelligent choices.  If one makes negative choices, h/she is going to have a negative life.  Negativity begets negativity!

    2. Michaela Osiecki profile image68
      Michaela Osieckiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So do you believe children born into poverty are responsible for how they grew up? Some people simply have bad things happen to them - sickness, loss of job, family tragedy and that impacts them financially. It's not their fault.

    3. profile image0
      RTalloniposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, some are born into bad circumstances.  It's always good to hear people's stories of rising out of those situations through determined hard work.  Unless a choice to do that is made, poverty is a cycle.  But, some educated people live in poverty.

  4. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 9 years ago


    Poor people have to believe in being responsible for & accountable in their lives.  Many poor people, especially in the United States, are the way they are because of a negative consciousness, mindset, mentality, & psychology.  They maintain that the world is against & do not have a chance in society.  They have to learn to become more pro-active in their lives & adopt a more positive consciousness, mindset, & outlook towards their lives. 

    Poor people must learn to think long term instead of thinking in the immediate.  They tend to think instinctively instead of logically.  This instinctive thinking harms them, keeping them mired in present circumstances.  They must learn to plan, strategize, & organize for their betterment.  If they planned, strategized, & organized their lives, they would see the value of the future & act accordingly.  People who think of the future would do more constructive things to ensure that future.

    Poor people must know the benefits of family planning.  The average poor person have large/very large families(6 & more children per family).   There is a strict correlation between large/very large families & impoverishment.  The majority of large/very large families are poor to impoverished & worse.  Children growing up in such families have little opportunities because there is very little monies to go around.  Large/very large families struggle socioeconomically & oftentimes must depend upon outside support to keep them afloat.  If poor people had small families(1-2 children per family), there would be less impoverishment for them & their children.  Their children would have more opportunities opened up for them in small families.

    The ultimate help for poor people are themselves, not the government, charity, or outside donations.  Poor people must help themselves if they do not wish to be poor, pure and simple. If they acted smart and think long term, they see that their lifestyle is negative, beginning to think & act more constructively which will benefit them socioeconomically.

    1. Divakar P profile image60
      Divakar Pposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Fantastic reply, but you are a well educated person . How can an uneducated , illiterate poor know about these things or have these kinds of thoughts?

    2. Michaela Osiecki profile image68
      Michaela Osieckiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly - if a person has never in their life had access to any helpful resources how do they even know to use them? It's hard to plan and organize when you're literally living paycheck to paycheck even with multiple jobs.

    3. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      People are the sum of their choices.  Most poor people, especially in the United States and free societies make unintelligent choices which explains their dire socioeconomic situation!

  5. RLWalker LM profile image60
    RLWalker LMposted 9 years ago

    If you're talking on a global scale, well there is a subject called sustainable development which attempts to tackle that problem. It involves things like education, infrastructure and governance as three pillars to economic growth of a nation, although that seems to be changing and there are other paradigms which include more pillars. I also remember reading somewhere that health was very important if not the most as that is the start of securing human capital, I suggest watching a TED video by hanse rosling about statistics of the world. You won't regret it.

    If you're talking on a local personal level, well a person needs food, shelter, security and a job. The job part is the most important because all the others can be satisfied with it. So give them a job.

  6. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago


    In a free society oftentimes poverty is the result of the adult individual making bad choices in life. (Dropping out of school, participating in crime, unplanned pregnancies, associating with negative toxic people, using drugs, lack of ambition or goals, fell out of favor with family and friends because of bad actions on their part.)
    It's impossible to save people from themselves without taking away their rights to make choices (they) want to make in their life.
    Staying in school, working hard, saving money, and not getting married or starting a family until after you and your spouse have established careers will generally keep someone from living on the streets. None of this is "rocket science" nor is it a "secret".
    However everyone has a "story" !
    When we change our circumstances change!

    1. profile image0
      RTalloniposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Peoples' story/details are unique, but root causes generally echo patterns such as you mention. The impossibility of saving people from themselves is an important note.  Indulging in victimization for profit is not uncommon, hurting the truly needy.

    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this



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