Do you think Hilary Clinton should go to jail for the things she's done?
She says, "there is no person big enough to jail." Do you think she will be indicted, or will she get away with all the crap she's done?
Well she said it herself, and she does look good in orange!
That outfit in the photo is nicer & more stylish than her usual drab, redneck housewife pant suits she continually wears!! And she must be going somewhere, because if you look at her eyes, her bags are packed!
Say what you like, at least she's more pleasing on the eyes than Florina. Yug!
Oh yeah, that's what is important, not that she's a criminal about to be indicted but that she's better looking than a female ICON of the business world, republican and law abiding citizen. Yes you have profound powers of logic and reasoning.
Florina did business w Iran while they were under sanctions by us. So did Cheney. Where's the hearings on that???
Loli......Personally, I feel it's too bad that we do not literally throw thugs like her & Billie Boy right the HELL out of the Country. Banish them.....Go! Git yer lying, thieving, cheating, unethical, immoral (did I miss anything?) butts out of the USA! I refuse to pay for one single meal of prison slop for the Clinton Criminals. Besides, within the first 10 days of her lock-up, she'd have some scam or racket going throughout. The damned gang members would fear her!
Have you ever seen the official LIST of crimes, lies, manipulations, theft, scams...even deaths attributed to this woman?? Find it on line. It's too long for me to waste my time listing here! She is an absolute dirt bag, shameful pile of bullshit. Other than this.....she's just fine. Next question?
Can't match ElBushbo. Let me guess, you voted for him twice?
Not that it's any of UR damned business, but I did NOT vote for GW. I don't like the "Bushes" in general. I explained a bit about ME in another comment under UR main comment. MEMORIZE it and don't judge me wrongly again please.Thank you!
Hey, if you come out swinging on people, expect it in return! You all say foul things about Democrats and want us to be civil in return. You first. You civil, I civil.
What Lmc means is if you tell the truth about her IDOLS expect to get accused of anything.
She's accused of using private email...Condi and Colin did the same as Sec of it somehow Democrat only that get accused of crime? What country did she invade and YOU said about pot and kettle. Partisan crimes in USA.
I don't state foul facts about Hillary because she's a DEMOCRAT..only that they're true facts.I'm not "swinging" at fellow writers, I'm swinging at Hillary the thug.I've swung at plenty of thugs across the aisle too! Don't care WHAT party!
Calling someone a dirt bag pile of bs(I can't swear, like you. (Report report report)) is an opinion not a fact. A fact is something everyone agrees with. And you calling her criminal is not it.
@LMC if I remember correctly Hiliary was right there with Bush authorizing America to go into IRAQ and accused of using private email? She admitted it, and that is not why she's going to be indicted, does CLASSIFIED SECRETS mean anything to u?
Yes, if she's indicted it will be because her stature didn't protect her.But that just shows the uneven ways of this place.Bush and Cheney stature allowed them to skate.i won't just quietly accept that like a mouse. Bill was impeached,Bush wrote book
LMC, Why does Hilary need stature to protect her? It's not because she did anything wrong? Also, both Hilary and Bill wrote books as well. Your point?
Correct. My entire comment is my opinion.The question called 4 what we "thought"..didn't ask for facts. I merely said that the facts exist & they are criminal in nature. U can't swear like me? Heck, I can teach problem. Gloves OFF!
Clinton was impeached. Bush was allowed to testify not under oath. Not even treatment.Not American.Not just.And it happens all the time now Limbaugh is screaming because Dems are filibustering. Lol, after 7 yrs of cheering it.There in zero integrity.
I saw this morning a guy said he's heard she'll be indicted. And if she is, YOU will see a revolution all right. Unless, bloodless, but powerful. Your hero from last administration will be hunted down and face the music just like old Hill. And that includes your president Netanyahu. Careful what you wish for.
The only revolution there will be if she isn't indicted, you will see, will come from the FBI and their incense with the appearance they are bought and sold by the Obama administration just like we know the DOJ is already. Fact not LMC fiction.
Understand THIS about me here & now. I do NOT support nor favor nor vote 4 ANYONE based upon, Political PARTY, Faith/lack of, race, nor gender! I support,& vote 4 the PERSON.Always have! If Hill was a Conservative Goddess, she's STILL a THUG!
Cool. Can I hear some derogatory rants on ANY Republican? Or are they all perfect? How about Palin and her abusive son and pregnant single mom daughter?....go!
OMG please Leslie.That was when I realized McCain was brain dead! That woman needs to stick to moose hunting! She's an embarrassment to Politicians, WOMEN & to herself.! When I saw her on stage again, I said Who the HELL cares what she thinks??
Embarrassment to politicians? Name one politician who isn't an embarrassment to politicians! Well maybe there is one, but name three.
My entire adult life, my mantra. I hate & distrust ALL Politicians equally. THEY are literally America's hugest problem. If we wait long enough, they DO end up embarrassing themselves! Sorry, if there are 3 who R worthy, I don't know them.
Who is my "hero from last administration?" Like you know who I voted for the last twenty years. And don't go messing with Netanyahu. I stand with Israel.
Well I don't. And you are lionized for your views, while I am vilified for mine. There is traitorous behavior going unhindered, while tax dollars go after Hillary. Time will show who the real criminals are.
Oh boo hoo.The only person vilifying anyone is you! No one here has vilified you,we just disagree with the way you think&the things you say.Not 1 person has suggested you are a villain,except yourself.Your obsession with Bush is unhealthy
Since day one on forums, I'm called America hater,Jew hater, Republican hater.Have hubs voted down, answers voted down, harassed and attacked on threads I start, and finally banned from forums for life.Told to leave country,and I like killing babies.
See this is what you do,I said no 1 here called you a villain&you bring up your life's story.I like YOU LMC,the person,you are tenacious&don't run from a fight.I don't like the obsessions you fight for or your moral equivalency approach
You don't think calling me America hating anti semite is making me villain? Well then how come no one calls you an America hating islamophobe? Only the Pres and org are different.I think we need to get real. Hence,my obsession w 9/11.Would change ALL
You make yourself what you are,not what anyone calls you.You make goofy statements like"how come no one calls you an America hating islamophobe?"Really? America hating islamophobe? What is that?U do need to get real,reality isn't where u r at
I am against Zionism. Am called an anti semite. Was against Bush, was called an America hater. You and others are against Obama and Muslim's....why not the same treatment? You are politically correct, I am villified..Kicked off forums for politics!
LMC. That is not true. People get called bigot and islamaphobe all the time. Have you ever been called bigot because you don't support gay marriage? I have. So don't play the poor me victim here, everyone gets branded something sometime.
No, I was called bigot because I don't like the tea party. So, how come you're not banned? How come prepper and colorfulone not banned? Do you know? I do.
Maybe you got banned because you got out of hand with your comments. Perhaps you crossed over the line of civility? That would be my guess.
If that were true, then prepper and colorfulone would be gone, as well. No that's not it...
Try again?
The reasons some get banned & others do not: Some R not "reported/flagged." HP rarely keeps up w/ the flow. It often depends on WHO is doing the banning. It takes 3 bans B4 a permanent ban. HP plays favorites, (complete w/ their own reasoning)
Thank you Paula for understanding. It's absurd that this clique/fellowship targets and removes. It's anti free speech, and totally uncalled for ON A WRITING SITE!!!
No, Hillary will not go to jail.
Past history indicates that when a Clinton falls, they fall up.
Situation normal, all fall up.
What are the charges? Same stuff Condi and Colin did? Oooh, maybe she invaded a sovereign nation? Tortured? Stole land? UH HUH. Nothing on Bushco and Bibi. Now what? Partisan Justice? Partisan Patriots!
You never even look at the facts do you LMC
No, I told you, deal with Bush first! What is it you don't understand about that? His crimes you ignore, and I'm supposed to fall all over your accusations about Clinton? No. Way. We have unfinished business as Americans.
Bush has been dealt with according to the facts, not your Bush delusion, but you wouldn't know because you have no regard for the facts, as you just admitted.
Here's a perfect example of my thinking: I hate to say it Jim, but you are right. They DO fall up.
L.M. there are PLENTY of charges..BUT, the others U mention have skeletons too. Powell even ADMITTED he lied about WMD! A man like him! Shameful!
And no one indicted him. Bush and Cheney testified but NOT under oath.I want some equal treatment around here.I'm sick of our 15 Years of asking for justice be laughed at, while every peep and whisper of the Rs gets heard.Wheres the integrity?
"T" I'm glad U like facts and enjoy reading & advocate 4 truth. U believe in UR heart Bush "has been dealt with?" Hand on UR bible? Pls do this: Read Vincent Bugliosi's "The Prosecution of G.W. Bush for Murder." IF U read this, we'll talk again.
I'm no fan of Bush! ..but a book by Bugliosi,obviously written shrewdly to make money from fanatical liberals who look for any reason to promote their anti Bush mantra (LMC)? From a legal perspective, Bugliosi's proposals are delusional.
Them's fightin words, Bugliosi is my favorite author & a BRILLIANT Attorney. (which law school did U attend, T?) How much do U really know about the man? His loyalties, motives, knowledge? Oh well, here's yet another topic we shall not discuss, :
There you have it. My desire for truth and justice is fanaticism, because its against Bush. The way you feel about Hil is how I feel about him. The way you feel Muslim's, I feel Zionists. Only you are right, huh? Only you matter...obviously, in USofI
He's a lawyer,don't trust.Yeah,I thought he was a must read till he wrote that book&called his readers stupido defending Clinton against valid charges of rape.The beginning is nothing but screaming,hysterical,enraged opinion,not fact.
Your bias is clear. But I guess it's allowed for any of you? You're not fanatic, are you?
Behold, the problem in America.
LMC you of all people should admit,if your buddies Barack Obama,Hiliary Clinton,Eric holder&the entire lib lead democrat run congress in Obama's first 2 years even thought Bush was guilty of anything prosecutable they would have indicted him.
There's the rub. Prosecutable. We all know what he did, but he has plausible deniability. "Dems in Congress let me" "I had phony curve ball" Even Wilkerson says 8 lawyers should be disbarred...they KNOW how to break laws, get away w it. Proud? Not me
So "we" all know what "he" did makes him a criminal? Then how is that any different than we all know what Hiliary did? Hiliary's crimes are prosecutable, that's really all that matters.
Says who, you?Torture is against Geneva Convention. Bush Doctrine is unconstitutional and illegal. But he had great lawyers.Well, so does Hillary. You don't like it,not much you can say. Goose and gander.Or are you better somehow?
Teflon Republican
Hillary Clinton is a perfect example of American greed. The crimes of the Clinton's began long before the massacre of the Branch Davidians, and will most likely continue long after the world has forgotten Benghazi.
Hillary and Bill Clinton have committed their crimes in the light of day, mocking the American people. But the citizens of the United States have proven themselves to be nothing but a goat herd. They are powerless, and they are spineless. There is a wealth of empirical evidence spanning nearly a hundred years that backs up my assertion. Here is the short list:
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913
The Social Security Act of 1935
The Patriot Act of 2001
These three acts have collectively sealed the fate of U.S. citizens. These powerful tools of social engineering have created a perpetual slave class under the pretense of improving the life of the average citizen. But the average American doesn't even know enough to complain. They actually believe that they are living in a "free society". Considering the facts, I predict that the worst thing that will happen to Hillary is that she might lose her bid for President. Otherwise, it will be business as usual. The good white folk, and the good black folk, and all the good poor folk in-between, will continue picking that cotton, and singing those patriotic songs.
But the criminal Repub's will be allowed to run!
Agree we are all servants, thralls, or slaves to the burden of well-intentioned but poorly conceived laws here in the US - unless our justice system returns to the principle "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
You made some good points. I'm always shocked at what people don't know, understand or realize about Benghazi. Obama and Hillary should go down for that incident. They are protected by the government run mainstream press and a compliant citizenry.'s over and done with: time to move on.
....that's what they've been telling me for 15 years. Wonder how long you all will "obsess"about Benghazi?
Concur that lack of facts is keeping us all from understanding the implications. But, also prefer that the FBI and Justice be given the time to do their jobs - without the influence of politics.
It's ALL politics! That's why there have not been 16 yrs of hearings going after Republicans....tho there could be! Dems in charge don't do it, Republicans in charge do. Go after Dems w vengeance, let their own off the hook.
Leslie McCowen. Thank you for making my point. I do find lack your lack of knowledge and understanding shocking. There are too many people like you. It's upsetting to say the least.
What hook?If thedems hadBushon a hook thenTHEYlet him offThey took over afterBushcould have done anything they wanted to him even if they had no evidence they controlled congress, DOJ &thePresidency.Why aren't u aiming ur rage at them?
9 hearings, run by Republicans, no guilt. Republicans telling us Benghazi hearings were political ploy to ruin Hillary...yet STILL it goes on. And you insult me and people like me? Find a mirror.
Did I say a word about republicans?If you are so steamed about bush why do you shill for Obama and Hiliary?they and congress under BO are the ones who let him get away with murder&they are the only ones who could have done something about it.????
I was responding to readmike, who's is shocked at my stupidity. Don't ask me why Dems don't have vengeance. Ask why Repubs do!
I didn't ask you that,boy you really can't pay attention at all can you.For the third time I asked you why you are mad at Bush&Republicans but support the only people who could have done what you wanted done to Bush!You don't make any sense,ever
Wait, I'm not mad at Obama for getting Bush. So that makes me stupid....your mad at Obama and Clinton but think Bush is settled. Well, in my mind you are the senseless one. I'm not forgetting or forgiving what Bushco did.You will be the same for Dems
Leslie.U have to admit at some point that U R beyond obsessed & fanatical on this OVERLY discussed & analyzed issue. Pls, get a hobby, start an advocacy gp, write a book, adopt a border collie or find a lover. How much longer can U POSSIBLY g
Ill make a deal. I stop obsessing over Bushco when Republicans drop Benghazi. And when we can have remembrance of Ted Kennedy without bringing up Chappaquiddick. When I stop hearing Obama is Kenyan Muslim. After all, Chappa 60+yrs! They stop, I will.
Excellent answer Ron. The average politician is in IT for THEMSELVES. They could care less about their constituents.
Glad you said all that, that cinches it, listen to yourself, any psychiatrist who saw your statement would want to give you an appointment immediately. No adult I ever met thinks like that or wastes their time on such a paranoid mission.
I think they killed 3,000 Americans for Greater Israel. I will never forgive. You go on, I'll wait. When Hillary is not indicted we'll see how you all react.
Wow! AGAIN proving my point. Congressional hearings are not designed to determine guilt, They're designed to create a public record. Their job is to discover facts. Wow! Any idea the shocking revelations found from the hearings? Maybe not. Wow.
Facts? Trey Gowdy taking orders from Groundswell. 30 point plan to destroy and remove Democrats. Benghazi one of those 30. They didn't "find" facts, they hid them! That was their job. Do you really think there is ANY integrity in Rs in power? I don't
You obviously didn't listen to any of the gowdy hearings which I gave you in my hub page on Hiliary - she was proven in the hearings, watch and weep, to have lied and deceived everyone about the video and her part in this. You live in a fantasy
That video was given to Rice by the CIA, IE Patreus.Whom Webster Tarpley claims did Benghazi in order to help RMoney win Patreus now runs a global corp and's Bilderberger.Sounds to me like he got promotion for job well done.I reject your world: Sane!
Obama told the American people and world Benghazi was a result of a video. Because of Hillary Emails, we know that was a lie. Obama said he heard about it from TV. Hillary's Email show that is a huge lie. So many proven lies by Hillary and Obama.
lmc I don't know what video you are talking about- see you didn't even go to it when I gave it to you - the video CLIPS, plural, I put in my hub page are of the actual hearing, Hiliary being questioned&answering with lies.what are you smoking?
Obama told what he had been told. How come Patreus didn't testify? He's the movie guy. And how come no hearings when embassy personell died under Bush, Bush, and Reagan? And who told you she lied?Fox, or Republicans in Congress? I don't believe YOU!
You don't have to bel;ieve me, watch the videos of the hearing. Are you blind and deaf?
Lucky you're part of the clique. I'd be banned in 2 seconds flat if I said that. U don't deserve an answer. How come no hearings when people killed under Bush Bush and Reagan? Those dead people didn't matter? Of course not. They were probly Liberals.
Wait, I'll bet you hear voices too. Are they telling you these things?.
Yes and Bill just had consensual sex with dozens of women along with Bill Cosby. We'd all be in jail if they jailed those two. Hub Page, hubber logic, I just love it! Keeps us all out of jail.
Send an email seems to be the very tip of her criminality, Benghazi should have been enough to ensure she is tried for treason
Would you mind sharing your sources, cause I have some doozys on Benghazi....
Here are your SOURCES LMC, Don't rebut these facts,because you can't without making something up.
If your sources for Benghazi are Republican members of Congress, after 9 hearings they found no guilt...except on their part! Just like the planned parenthood schemers. I wrote 2hubs on Bushco, one of them 9/11. No one cares. Expect the same.
See you didn't even look at the clips and material facts on Benghazi I just gave you,cause you HAVE to keep your head in the sand to believe what you fabricate about everyone,bad for Bush shill for Hiliary.Clips convict her of lies and coverup
What do you want me to say, oh sure I ll crucify Hillary with you while Bush and Cheney keep living in luxury, free from any blame or responsibility? Meanwhile, you ignore all the accusations against them. Sorry, that's not moral or principled.Copout
Anybody else, of lesser status that is, would have been thrown in the slammer a long time ago.
Along with a long list of powerful people who always get away with why the heck should I care if Hillary gets away with anything? Bush is still free. Cheney, Rice, all those lawyers, all of them. Clinton got u want his wife
That's what I'm saying, anyone with status and/or money get away with a lot more than someone of lesser "value".
Well, if the Repubs succeed in getting Hil, after all that Bushco got away with....we will know without a doubt who runs this place.
Why not stop feeding the trolls, and allowing the elites to keep you in division, virtually every POTUS since the turn of the last century has been guilty of some criminal act, so either accept that being corrupt is just part of the elite feeding system, or arrest all of them and investigate all of them, and set an example to future folk with Presidential or political ambitions that 'we the people' will not tolerate their corruption any longer.
Give both the Bush's and Clinton's the death penalty for treason, they all deserve it, and in any case they would die on death row awaiting appeal, so have at it, grow a pair and set your people FREE of these dynastic parasites.
Accept that being corrupt is just part of the elite feeding system? Then why not just turn the country into a monarchy?Arrest all of them and investigate all of them?A little late for that!But you missed a 3rd alternative,STARTwith Hiliary.
Why? 2001 is not ancient history! Start there! In actual fact, we can start with First colony. Either we are moral or we are not. Partisan patriotism is no patriotism at all. They had 8 yrs hearings on Clinton, 7 Obama and Hil...when Bush turn???
John...I LOVE your answer. You're my kind of guy! Couldn't agree more.
See,LMC has just demonstrated why we can't arrest all of them, John, but you're right when you say arrest all of them&investigate all of them, except I'd suggest you reverse the order and start with Hiliary NOW to send the message to the future.
I think we should start with Hilary too! It may be the only way to head her campaign off at the pass! We could have a dual celebration: The 2016 Election and Hillary's incarceration. Then we'll get busy on the rest of the thugs.
And what, you just forget about Bush? Let torture, invading sovereign nation, patriot act, unitary executive, Halliburton, blackwater, kgb, lying to American people, Katrina...just let that slide? What about my justice? Only you matter?
Amen! You go girl! Preach it, Just call us Hiliariophobes! BTW you know Monica turns 50?Can u believe it,it seems like only yesterday she was crawling around theWhiteHouseon her hands&knees putting everything in her mouth!They grow up so fast
OH!! LMAO! My eyes must deceive me! I could not have read what I thought I read! "T"!!! You shock i laugh my butt off.
Let's leave poor Monica out of this! Unless U choose to list them ALL!! That would take more than 250 characters!
Yes she should go to jail alone with a dozen of her followers, she is as dirty as her husband.
Well, thanks to Rumsfeld being free to appear on GMA, after breaking laws...Hillary's going to be free too. Too bad you all excuse crimess when it suits YOU-- we may not be in this mess. As it is, they all are dirty, including the accusers. Too bad.
Witch Hellary will soon be appointed our very first female VP by Shotgun Joe after he is suddenly thrust into our White House. Kenyan-born Obama will miraculously recover from a fatal-blow to head the UN as king of the world. Pope Francis will expect everybody to worship an image of the Antichrist Obama and get an RFID-chip implanted in their hand or forehead. So get saved and arm-up!
Why would I need a man made instrument if I had faith in god? I would just as soon not have a death on my hands....since it's after life that matters. There's no logic to god n guns.
It is a show of force against a government out of control under illegal tyrant BHO. I spend eternity in Heaven regardless but am very willing to go down fighting the Obamanites.
Live by the gun, die by the gun. Whatever floats your boat. Guess that little ditty about mustard seed is not meant for you. Heaven, to me, has no guns. Death is not what I pray for. Nor do I think Obama is a tyrant. That fire and brimstone stuff, no
It's quite obvious that Sgt Pepper is kidding, LMC. I thought it was pretty good.
Ummmm. I don't think Prepper is "kidding" at all. I've been reading his comments. He's brutal, especially about Obama. He means every word of it. Calls himself a Christian? and Obama's mother a "porn star?" Yeah, OK. No humor in any of it.
Yes, our prez is apparently a turd. And the anti Christ, and as colorfulone says, a jihadist. Funny, Trumps spokeswoman said the same thing, as well as calling him head negroe. God forbid, ANYONE so much as question Trump. He runs.
Vice-President will be commie, lesbian Mrs. Clinton's consolation prize for taking out gay, Chitcagoan Ambassador Chris Stevens who "hung out" at Man's Country with Bathhouse Barry Soetoro-Obama.
Why would they want to take out Stevens, who supported the Arab Spring,? Don't you claim they are jihadists working for the Islamic caliphate? Seems more like something neo cons would do. You know, like RMoney and friends.
BHO thought his old buddy from the Tenderloin District would be out of the way and keep quiet, but Stevens' lifestyle did not jibe with being in Libya so maybe he wanted out. When you cross the mafia or Freemasons there is only one way out.
Sorry, that sounds ridiculous. First of all, homosexuality is there. Second, It's a place of business, not a swingers club. Third, Clinton asked for more security, she was denied by the ones holding the purse strings, the Republican house. Set up.
But I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment.
Yes, THEY shall give account--not you, not Pres Bush or Obama.We all are accountable for ourselves. Hence, we have right and duty to mind ourselves, let others mind themselves. Point a finger, back it comes. 3 sisters of Fate. Well of Destiny. Be you
The whole idea of sending a gay man to be an ambassador to a predominantly Muslim country was a death sentence from the start. Muslims all over the world execute Gays,that is no secret.Why do you think Amadinijab said there are no gays in IRAN.
Hmm, funny. When start up for Iraq "war" was going on,PBS did a documentary..really turned me against Saddam, I have to say. Guess what soldiers were saying? How much they were hit on by Iraqi men.I ll bet people just pay lip service to god,like here
"we have right and duty to mind ourselves, let others mind themselves. "
Correct, but what I see here is not wholesome discussion, but contentiousness and division, both tools of the enemy.
All people will stand before God as their judge.
Let those who be without sin cast the first stone.....if I recall, you are quite contentious over abortion. We all have our crosses to bear, not the least those who point fingers at others. That's imo.
I AM quite contentious about abortion which is the intentional taking of innocent human-life for selfish reasons.
Yes, all if you are, and feel SO entitled to be so, cause of course, you all speak for god. And when god aborts a baby, it's nature. And when Bibi does it, he gets standing Os. Only one who has no say in the person already here. The woman is spit on
What about the unborn baby? Talk about being spit on. Try murdered. But you don't care about that, do you?
Here's your problem.1. Not your body. 2. Not your business. 3. 100s of thousands murdered in Iraq. 4. Now want to bomb Iran 5. Gun lovers 6. Need say more?
Apples and oranges! Bombing Iran to protect Americans is not the same as killing a baby. There's always adoption! Sick of this my body my choice crap--you will stand before God!
Ohhh, so will you. I imagine you think you're pure. Let me tell you: bombing kills children. Live, conscious, breathing children. You will answer for that. And the gun deaths in America. Worse, you are not doing it to protect, Americans, but Israel.
Your moral equivalents areBS.There is no comparison of a mother purposely&calculatingly murdering her baby inthewomb to the casualties of war unless u justify that murder as being self defense.Ifso,then murdering anyunwanted bornchild isOKbyu
Of course its self defense! A woman unable to care for a child, her life is saved by removing that fetus! And it's done by god ALL the time. My daughter had 2 ectopic one screamed "god is selfish murderer." God gave to woman-buttout!
INSANITY,there are women,like you,who would say exactly the same thing about their 1 year old they had only because they didn't get an abortion.So you say that mother has the right to kill her 1 year old baby in self defense? Sick.
The insanity is equating a fetus to a one year old. Honestly, is this 2016?? Oh, and check...a baby may have frozen to death in Gaza last night, thanks to policies you pay for and support. Morality?? Give me a break! God has made nature- we make war
Explain to me how you have a human being without a fetus?But I didn't equate a fetus with a1year old,I used your reasoning that self defense of a mother's economic situation isjustification tomurder.Areyou saying chopping up afetus isn't murder?
Explain to me how a fetus is a human being. That is really the cruxt of it. And are you saying freezing a baby to death is not murder? Dropping a bomb does not kill? See how this works? You have no moral highground, only your religion.
WTF, LMC--how can you accuse someone of having no moral compass? Listen to yourself! At what point does a fetus magically turn into a human being?
At what point does it become your business what another woman does? And read again. I said moral highground. As in acting like abortion is despicable murder, but war is somehow a god-sanctioned, moral act. Abortion is nature. War/guns man-made.
Abortion is NOT nature! Doctors using instruments to cut up and destroy babies is natural? Are you freaking kidding me? And as for God doing it, he's GOD, the creator. He can do what He wants and who are you to question?
Well, apparently you question. God says woman has say on birth. You say men in black robes do. Miscarriage is called spontaneous abortion...where is the equivalent to m-16 dropping bomb? Pistol? (Never mind, I know that one lol) War is god? Wellnow
The sperm is considered by many to be sentient. If only half of you had a brain we could start to move forward. Masturbation destroys an untold and incalculable number of potential humans. Sex is killing the world. Stop spanking the monkey!
This is why I advocate forced vasectomies for all baby boys. Once they want to be fathers, they can have it reversed. Voila, no more abortion! That is what they want, after all. That's why they support Netanyahu, after all-OOOPS. What is it really?
Leslie, That is an excellent,humane, and practical solution. I also suggest that those desirous of fatherhood should also be required to meet basic requirements. This gives new meaning to the phrase "Take the load off Fanny".
Lolita, time to bring in the men in white coats for these two, they've demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt who the loony bin was made for.
Really? What do you think of Hillary having an affair w a man while being gay? And Obama being a secret Muslim so he can be King? Your comrades believe this.But they're not loony.Funny how some are loony, others prophets of the future! Vasectomy Now!
I watched "1984" fifty years ago and will never forget it, especially now that it is finally here. I hate Big Brother Obama.
Lovely. Put it on your tombstone when you die.....something to remember you by. Such a great testament to your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who admonished you to hate your neighbor and hate your enemies. Hate hate hate, amen.
The ONLY person I hate in the whole wide world is Kenyan-born, gay, commie, Moslem Obama the Antichrist and I believe God wants me to hate that treasonous usurper.
Vote Dr Ben Carson for President!
Really? I'm pro choice and think gays have the right to get married, just like me. I like Obama, think he's got a fantastic heart. I think Bush, Cheney and Netanyahu, among others, did 9/11. Surely, you hate me? Your comrades do.
Once you people realize the evil Bush-family is on the same side as the Obamanites making a NWO for their Zionist masters you will have a grasp of just what is going on. They are making chaos, warfare, economic upheaval and even poisoning our water.
So, we should start w 9/11, should we not?
I mean, that was beginning of the end. Deal with that, we can end it. Imo
Inside-jobs & false-flag attacks go back much further than 9/11 e.g. the OKC-bombing, LBJ's Gulf of Tonkin, the USS Liberty attack, Pearl Harbor, the Lusitania-sinking, the USS Maine in Havana harbor and very likely Harpers Ferry and even The Ala
And? We are alive and breathing for this one. Not to mention, so many people knew right away...they are slipping. Get them where it's provable. The counter cabal said they can only act if they have support of the people (allegedly). They have a lot.
She not only violated government IT security rules to protect secret information by having her own private email server, she set up the server and practices to deliberately bypass them, which is a separate and even more severe crime than just having the top secret data.
The first offense in mass is enough to send defense contractors to jail. The second is even more serious, worth life in prison given she did it from the moment she accepted the job until she left.
And that's not even taking into account the server was hacked, or accusations she used the secret data in arranging deals to get donations to the Clinton Foundation, which is equivalent to selling top secret data - for which the Rosenbergs were executed.
Glad to see you,Tamara, aren't one to buy into the Hiliary campaign spin.Obama's press secretary is telling reporters that they don't expect an indictment,a decision-making process that is supposedly the sole purview of the"non-political" DOJ
You seem to put an awful lot of sinister motives to something you weren't privy to. I heard FBI was looking into Condi and Colin too. Will we see all 3 in prison, or just the Democrat?
You heard a bunch of left wing propaganda, both have dispelled the accusations and they aren't being investigated for anything, sorry but your darling Hiliary is! Why do you insist in spreading innuendo? Stick to the facts.
Stick to facts? Why start now? Been hearing for 15 years, "we dint do nuttin wrong" Now I'm supposed to care? Lalalalala....u say something?
by Audrey Selig 10 years ago
Do you think Mitt Romney could beat Hilary Clinton for president in next election? Explain.Romney may try another run at presidency.
by skperdon 9 years ago
Let's face it "Hilary for President" gets the Republican base buzzing like no other. We all know that the Benghazi Committee's specific purpose is to go after her and rip her competency to shreds.Then there is the big, bogus email fraud sting. I can see that she is a strong person and a...
by Joanna Chandler 9 years ago
So do you think that Hilary Clinton would be the GREAT SAVIOR for America?I'd just like to hear your views because I know a lot of people doesn't like Obama and has their own perception and take on him...... Which everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but do you think Hilary will save you all...
by Scott Belford 4 years ago
It is clear the kids and Trump have committed several federal crimes - otherwise Trump wouldn't feel a need to pardon them "preemptively", yet they are not under any federal investigation at the moment. So why pardon them if they have done nothing wrong.I just found out today that...
by retief2000 9 years ago
Who is the bigger criminal, Richard Nixon or Hillary Clinton?Nixon's allies and cronies used White House authority to block investigations and hide illegal and marginally legal actions. Hillary and her allies and cronies, including the President, have participated in the greatest illegal transfer...
by Mike Russo 8 years ago
Trump is not your normal candidate nor is he running a normal campaign. I know the word normal is relative, but in the world of campaigns, it is based on previous campaigns that had some sense of being normal with decorum and civility. He has lied and insulted all of his opponents...
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