What or which, where are the credible sources of information? Huge poll differen

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  1. ptosis profile image68
    ptosisposted 8 years ago

    What or which, where are the credible sources of information? Huge poll differences out there.

    Pollster has Clinton leading Trump, The fake news web site posing as ABC says Trump leading Clinton be a huge amount. Siena College Poll conducted between Aug. 7-10. says Clinton has a 30 point lead in New York State. Trump asked recipients to take the Mainstream Media Accountability Survey, which his campaign crafted to quantify exactly how distrusted the media is.


  2. bradmasterOCcal profile image51
    bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years ago

    Polls once again are not monitoring the public opinion, they are manipulating and socially engineering the opinion to agree with their expected poll results.

    There is no way that a few thousand people can attempt to give the results of the entire 330 million Americans. The only way that poll results look accurate is because people conform to the poll results. Most of the people have no idea beyond the title of the poll and the results.

    Take a very simple poll result
    4 out of 5 doctors recommend brand X
    So to the average person that means that 80% of All doctors recommend brand X. But they didn't ask 100% of the doctors they only asked a small sample size.

    1. What do you know about the doctors in this poll. Nothing
    2. You don't know what kind of doctors they are, for all you know they could be PHDs instead of MDs. You are inferring that they must be MDs.
    3. You don't know how these doctors are familiar with Brand X, and whether they get a great deal from Brand X like free samples and other freebies.
    4. You don't know where these doctors are.
    5. You don't know the number of doctors polled.
    6. You don't know how many doctors refused to take the poll.
    7. You don't know the exact answer they gave to the ?, in fact you don't even know the exact ? asked, and in what context it was asked by the pollster.
    8. You don't know why they recommend Brand X, or for what type of patients and conditions they recommend it.
    9. You don't know what kind of results that Brand X had with their recommendations.
    1o. You don't know the experience level of these doctors.
    11. You don't know how brand x even fits into their patients and medical specialty.
    12. You don't know whether Brand X is cheaper or more expensive than Brand Y. If X is cheaper maybe that is the reason for the recommendation.

    There are so many things that you don't know about the poll. You infer a lot of it on your own. So vagueness and ambiguity are resolved by you most likely to ignore them, and just focus on the math results.

    Remember statistics can be driven to any number of conclusions by the poll makers. And the statistical accuracy they are talking about is really the accuracy of their math, and not the accuracy of the answer to the questions.

    Statistics are great for determining quality control in manufacturing processes because the processes are uniform. The quality is determined by the result of the process. So they can take a few samples and extrapolate the results across the process. But that is because the process and the material are uniform. People are not.

  3. junkseller profile image80
    junksellerposted 8 years ago

    Polling is scientific (or it can be I should say). People in general don't understand science. They don't understand the methodology behind it and have no capacity to evaluate the veracity of any given piece of scientific work. That doesn't mean there is anything fundamentally wrong with legitimate science or legitimate polling. It just means people are ignorant.

    On top of that, the media does an extremely poor job of scientific communication. Sometimes because they are equally ignorant. Sometimes because they are agenda driven. That also doesn't mean that there is anything fundamentally wrong with legitimate science or legitimate polling.

    There is no way to simply answer good from bad. And really it shouldn't be answered. Ideally, people would learn how to evaluate polls for themselves and then do so.

    Actually bad polls are pretty easy to spot. Trump's poll, for instance, is a textbook example of a truly awful poll.

    The following article, while a bit old, is still, I think, a pretty good overview of polling. The one thing that has changed a bit is internet polling. it has gotten better since 2010: http://cstl-cla.semo.edu/rdrenka/Renka_papers/polls.htm

    1. ptosis profile image68
      ptosisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I can tell when a survey is biased with loaded questions and few choices for answers in order to drive to a pre idealized 'results'

  4. tamarawilhite profile image82
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    1. Polls are being used by liberally biased media to try to prove support for Hillary Clinton, to the point of being rigged to show support she doesn't have.
    Pat Caddell Blasts Reuters’ Back-Rigging Polls to Show Clinton Winning
    http://www.breitbart.com/2016-president … n-winning/

    2. The liberally biased media won't report polls that don't show the answers they want, and they don't care if polls biased toward Democrats are reported as statistically representative of the population.
    Conservatives Are Right: The Media Is Very Liberal

    1. junkseller profile image80
      junksellerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Do you even realize how ridiculously ironic it is to use heavily biased conservative 'media' sources to allegedly prove media bias?


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