Why is saying #AllLivesMatter considered racist?
I see this everywhere: on Twitter, on forums, and on the news. I am asking this out of pure curiosity and confusion, because I don't see anything racist about the statement/hashtag.
Because many individuals primarily on the RIGHT including LIAR in Chief "Delusional Donald Trump" simply don't understand the "TRUE Meaning" of the phrase "BLACK Lives MATTER" ~ What they are saying is "HEY, we matter too" NOT "We Matter to the EXCLUSION of Everyone Else" which is how it's SPUN Politically ~
It's an Innocent Misconception by most Americans yet used as a "DIVISIVE Political TOOL" by CHRONIC Imbeciles like "Delusional Donald Trump", Sean HAMMERHead, Rush Limbo & FOX LOSER Network ~
ALT Prime you will not have your answer chosen best answer to an ALT RIght type question such as asked above but you got my vote. Yours is among the best I heard but , your answer is too real too truth full.
I am disappointed in your answer.
bradmaster, I know you and you know me this is not the first time we've disappointed each other but , this must hurt I never heard you say ouch before. Are you disappointed in what I wrote or I didn,t write?
What you said. BLM versus BLM in action. For the last 150 yrs blacks have done this Rioting, and that is not consistent for what they say they want, Justice. They have failed over and over again, but Justice requires intelligence not riots.
bradmaster, intelligence, not any action or slogans will bring about justice and stop the police killings of Blacks That comment is without substance. Go to my profile and read what I think about BLM its at the top. There is substance read if you can
Let me get this straight. In 2016, wr have a black President, a black attorney general, a black police sheriff in Charlotte, NC, a black police officer shooting a black driver, and a Democratic mayor controlled for 50 years...
it's white racists?...
This doesn't explain why my comment is not valid.
Rioting didn't work last year, and it didn't in the 60s. It is not intelligent to continue a failed tactic. So the blacks that kill cops are Justified. And creating riots that kill people is OK
Brad not only is your comments without substance they are too vague. A lot of blacks & whites died before and after riots by white mob violence Do you suggest armed revolt is more intelligent than peaceful protest? You two speak with fork tongues
THX Junko ~ I was RAISED by Parents who STRESSED "Honesty is the BEST Policy" & FACTs Rule my WORLD, not Ridiculous RIGHT Wing CONSPIRACIES & Lies from "DARK Spaces" like FOX Loser Network that PEDDLEs CON-Man Trump ~ Rational MINDs Know "BLM
We have 250 chars. Blacks are being manipulated by liberals, they are their indentured servants. They own the blacks, they are the ones behind the violence in the riots.fact,blacks have not progressed, their own fault, no one else
Whites riots, not black: NY City Draft Riots 1863: Omaha Race Riot 1919. Red Summer 1919, Black Wallstreet 1921. Since 1860 over 1000 blacks have been killed by white rioters who were the aggressors. Black people have excelled. You live to lie,
Ronnie, some people do live to lie " There is one truth and many lies the truth is sometimes ugly that's way most people love a lie even when they know the truth"
How is that working out? Racism wouldn't exist if people would stop calling everything Racist.This is a presidential election year, the Constitution should be used by BLM not riots.
Racism exists and it is persists in the minds of the liberal and the left to be used as their hammer of Thor. By making everything look racist they are really making racism a political thing, not one of reality.
The MSM media has also put their political might, instead of just reporting the news they skew the news. It is not like white people aren't killed by the police, or beaten by the police, or even harassed by the police, but it is not on the MSM agenda. Remember, the old saying, If it Bleeds than it Leads. Well this is the same kind of idea. Blacks are a minority but not in the prisons and jails of the US. Are they all there because they are innocent but the police are racist? I don't think so because the other big numbers of prisoners are Latino, Mexican.
These two groups are more likely to be in gangs, and that makes them more likely to be involved in criminal activity. We have a two term Black President that means that over half the country wasn't against Blacks. The other half were mostly not Democrats. So where is the Racism? It is in the minds and deeds of the left.
If the blacks haven't reached equality in 400 yrs then maybe they have to look internally. Why is it that we only hear about the Blacks, not the Browns, or the Asians being picked on by the police. Even a black cop involved in shooting of another black is racist. I don't think so.
The left is using this Racism as a means to draw the sheep into voting for them,&their ultimate goal of making the US like Europe.
This whole PC mantra was started by them, but it is unilateral because the left by definition can never take responsibility for their own incorrectness. Calling people HOMOphobes is not only inaccurate it is politically incorrect, yet they are not held the same as the right, or even the center. Calling people RACIST is also not politically incorrect but the left is shielded from it.
They can do all the wrong things and not be held accountable, while they make outrageous claims against the right. And if anyone on the right calls them on it, they call them Racists.
For over the last 100 years, blacks have been given every advantage but they failed to improve from them. Meanwhile foreigners can come into the US&embrace America&prosper, while the blacks look the same as they did 100 years ago. In that time period there have been so many interracial marriages,&births that one has to look to find blacks that are pure blacks, & even farther to find ones from Africa!
The one place in America that is truly Racist are the Prisons. In prisons, prisoners identify with race and form a prison gang. And all the gangs are racist according to any definition of the word.
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If Black Live Matter Too, then explain why the daily shootings in the inner cities of Chicago is not highlighted day in day out and protested...? The shootings are up 60% this year and most victims are blacks...Why do those lives matter less?
This BLM movement is the same as Occupy Wall Street movement, orchestrated and funded by George Soros to create chaos. He profits from chaos...and his vision is for a One World Order. - Open Society Institute and open borders...His policies actually hurts blacks. He is the 0.01% that his movements are supposedly protesting.
I agree, we are being played, and most of the people being played don't have a clue. Dance monkey dance.
There really isn't anything racist about the statement. It's easier for leftists to try and label it as racist instead of actually trying to unite the country. After all, it is leftist policies that have purposely kept inner cities the way they are.
Division keeps them alive and stoking the flames of racism keeps them in business. Because there's money to be made as a victim. (Ie: Shaun King, former white leader of BLM) Theyve literally set us back instead of forward. And every time conservatives actually agree with putting a cop in jail after he's been tried it's ignored. Why? Because like I said they don't want unity even if it benefits minorities.
The most important thing is understanding context.
Saying "all lives matter" doesn't objectively seem racist, in fact a lot of people feel it's the opposite. But it's a direct response to Black Lives Matter which is a movement that wants to address a specific problem.
Think of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge that was making the rounds last year. Do you think it would be appropriate for people to hijack the movement and say "ALL diseases matter" and discourage people from focusing on ALS? What about if you walked into a fundraiser for cancer and handed out flyers that said "diabetes matters" and "mental health matters, too"?
"Black Lives Matter" is not meant to imply that ONLY black lives matter and I think people who pretend that it does are being intentionally obtuse.
Most people would agree that all lives matter but to use it in the same context as #BlackLivesMatter is taking away from the importance of that specific movement.
The BLM is a scam, and if a two term black president is enough for them, then maybe they are in the wrong country. BLM rioting and destroying businesses and other property hardly seems like a valid movement. Start by respecting others.
I understand what you are saying. What does the BLM movement hope to achieve? and why some are being paid to protest?
If there intent to save blacks from being shot by police, the best way to do so is education. Just like Eric Holder, with his son.
I agree that rioting is never the way to get a point across but there are plenty of peaceful BLM protests.
BLM does aim to educate to by exposing the fact that systemic racism still exists & that people are willing to speak out against it.
BLM is known for their rioting, not for their education of their issues. If a black president didn't make a difference, then what will it take?
"Known for" by whom? I wasn't aware that you were the appointed authority on how everyone else perceives issues.
Why are you under the impression that having a black president for 8 years can fix hundreds of years of racism?
The BLM rioting of last year was in the news, and it is the same as it is in NC today. If a Black president can't fix it then the blacks have a real problem internally. How many pure blacks do we have today, with all the interracial marriages?
white presidents have had over 200 years in office and they haven't improved anything for anybody, so what's your logic,
The diff is that a Black pres should be more empathetic to the average black person more so than a white pres. the Black should have less reason to riot under blk pres. You don't see the logic in that? And why should skin color determine race?
Brad, Two world wars have been fought in Europe. White on white violence under white Presidents and white rulers. Having white rulers has never stopped white on white violence. Your point is absurd, pedestrian, and illogical.
It's terribly racist. That is something to just plain accept. You don't have to understand it.
But perhaps in addition to the other examples people have written here, this might help as well.
A slogan has to be short. It originates from a full thought. The full thought is: Black lives matter, but police and society are acting like they dont.
It would be ridiculous to say, White lives matter, but police are acting like they don't, because they DO act like other lives matter. I am confident that the police in my neighborhood of Newport Beach think that my life matters. (And if I'm driving a Bentley, you can bet that they think my life matters a whole lot more.)
If I, as a woman, am driving in my Prius around Newport beach or waiting in my car here to pick up my child in school, there is not an inkling in any officer's mind that I could be doing anything wrong . I could have a kilo (or whatever) of cocaine in the back of my car, but based on my white skin and where I look like I'm from, my wrongdoing does not cause a single question in the police officer's mind. Color me black and make me a man, all of a sudden, I have to worry a bit about how they're going to react to me and whether protecting me matters as much to them as being suspicious of me.
We even utter statements like "all lives matter" in a sense with our friends. Let's imagine a friend has cancer. They tell us their back is aching today. "Oh my back aches all the time, it's probably just an age thing." We negate their pain because we want them to feel better and also because we don't know HOW to react and we feel helpless as to how to help.
If someone is telling us they are in pain, whether psychological or physical, we have to believe them. It's only respectful. The term "racist" in my mind means that we are not listening to what a group of people is shouting to tell us, and we are not respectful of that message. When we are not respectful of another's need, no change can occur. That is precisely why, even though we might not understand, acceptance of the message is critical to change and change is what is desparately needed.
There is nothing plain about it, your logic is flawed.
BK, You are right on the money. Furthermore, the primary purpose of BLM is to end police brutality against black people, regardless of the cops race. The racists have only focused on the racial aspect of the controversy in an effort to demonize BLM.
Here is Harvard study by a black professor-
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/201 … vard-prof/
The redefinition of racism to is a political move to make all blacks victims, all whites oppressors, and frees ethnic minorities to hate whites as a group (actual racism) and personal responsibility because they can blame whites as a group.
TLDR - victimhood politics
Billie Kelpin if I hadn't given my vote for best answer to ALT Prime earlier I'd give it to you You expanded on Alt Prime's Truthfullness Maybe this truth is coming from the daughters and sons of the fathers that sin against The lost tribes of Africa
Alternative Prime is absolutely correct. Furthermore, no one was saying "All Lives Matter" prior to Black Lives Matter. It is well known that although the Indigenous and the Black people are being disproportionately killed by cops, just looking at the numbers tells us that there are more whites being killed by cops than any other race. As of July 2016, 238 whites had been killed as opposed to 123 blacks. And this is nothing new. If all of these people crying "All Lives Matter" truly cared about "all lives", then why weren't these people marching and protesting the killing of innocent whites, and blacks, long before Black Lives Matter was formed? And why aren't they marching now? I will tell why.
They haven't been protesting cop killings because their is no sincerity in their claims that "All Lives Matter". They are racist hypocrites who are only concerned with maintaining a system of white supremacy. Black Lives Matter is an affirmation of Black Power, and black determination to demand justice. From the perspective of the racist, such defiance is itself considered a violent act of aggression against white society. They are not concerned about the killing of innocent white men, or black men. They are only concerned with keeping the black man "in his place". "All Lives Matter" is code for "Black Lives Don't Matter, and "Let's Make America Great Again" is code for "Let's Make America White Again".
Sorry, you are wrong in this case. The shooting in Charlotte NC is not a race case. You have a black police officer shooting a black victim and a black police sheriff... and a Democratic mayor... Why is BLM protesting and rioting...?
No, you are wrong. BLM is concerned with cops killing black people.It just happens to be the case that they are often white, but overall the color of the cop is irrelevant. Are you suggesting it's OK for white cops to kill white people?
No, you are wrong. BLM is about fighting against police brutality and the killing of black people by the police. It is irrelevant what color the cop may be, although it is often the case that the killer cop is a white racist.
You are losing your argument and common sense. All data has shown cops are not targeting blacks. The few cases of bad cops shooting blacks have been prosecuted. In many of the shootings, it it due to the escalation of a person not obeying...
Then your data is wrong. Furthermore, if there is no weapon, and no threat to the cop , the fact that a citizen may not "obey" a particular command is no cause for a death sentence. Tamir Rice didn't have time to obey in 3 secs.
What does BLM want to happen? What is the end game? Do they want the police to stop policing? When you have disorder, it leads to chaos and the people will suffer and society breaks down. Is rioting and looting the answer?
Obviously they want to stop miscreant cops from killing innocent people. And they want accountability. The U.S. government uses violence to further it;s agenda. Do you consider WWI,WWII, Korea,Vietnam,and Iraq to be "peaceful protests"?
If the phrase “black lives matter” is not racist and it does not include other races, then it would seem to me that “All lives matter” would not be racist because it is all inclusive, even including black lives and to me would not be racist.
by Christopher J Wood 5 years ago
What is your opinion of the Black Lives Matter movement?We all believe that law enforcement officers need to be held accountable and unjustified killings by police can not be tolerated. However, if the organization truely holds protecting the lives of blacks as its mission, wouldn't it make...
by ga anderson 4 years ago
There appears to be a controversy over the statement, "Black Lives Matter."It seems that to say "All lives matter" is taken as a denial of the Black Lives Matter truth, even if it is immediately followed by an emphasis that of course black lives matter too.Maybe one explanation...
by Patricia Scott 7 years ago
Do you think that "Black Lives Matter" is designed to bring us closer or to further divide us?I am hopeful that we can find a way to live together on this planet respecting each other and valuing each other.
by Santiago Salinas 4 years ago
During this time of civil unrest and the fight for justice, one new movement has emerged and is starting to gain momentum. This is the Baby Lives Matter Movement. This movement started when pro-life artists began to paint the streets with the message BABY LIVES MATTER. Now is it okay to be against...
by Peeples 8 years ago
Is it seen as racist to say all lives matter now?I saw someone called a racist on twitter for sharing a story with the #AllLivesMatter. Is it somehow seen politically incorrect now to care about all lives? I'm a bit confused. I see this as a good thing, not bad.
by ahorseback 9 years ago
For the American News Media ,Not everyone seems willing to admit that racism is a double edged sword , Think about it ? But here's the thing , Do we hear the same noise from the Hispanics in America ? Are you seeing the same billion dollar ...
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