Baby Lives Matter. Why this is a misguided message in America.

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  1. Santi Salinas profile image72
    Santi Salinasposted 4 years ago

    During this time of civil unrest and the fight for justice, one new movement has emerged and is starting to gain momentum. This is the Baby Lives Matter Movement. This movement started when pro-life artists began to paint the streets with the message BABY LIVES MATTER. Now is it okay to be against abortions, of course it is. Is it okay to try to block people from getting an abortion or harass those who are pro-choice, no it is not. The Baby Lives Matter Movement is a direct attack against Planned Parenthood which not only provides safe abortions, but also provides safe sex education, free contraceptives, and STI treatment and vaccinations. This movement also is a direct violation of women's rights because they are trying to dictate what a woman can and cannot do with her body. This movement also fails to address various other ways that babies and others die such as the maternal mortality rate in minority communities, impoverished populations who die of natural causes early in life, and childhood cancer.

    This movement is nothing more than a Right Winged attempt to keep women under the glass ceiling.


    1. Sharlee01 profile image87
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      The abortion issue is a hot topic and will be for some time to come. In my view as a woman, I don't approve of abortion for any other reason than the life of Mother, rape, or incest. I consider myself a strong woman, I consider my body my responsibility. I had children when I set out to have them. I used birth control to prevent getting pregnant. Birth control pills are relatively easy to obtain, and there are many other birth control methods that one can utilize. Seems very simple does it not? Yes, some abortions are necessary,  but in the US we average anywhere from 600,000 to 900,000 abortions a year. As a woman, these numbers make me concerned about the direction the mentality of today's women is headed.

      "This movement also fails to address various other ways that babies and others die such as the maternal mortality rate in minority communities, impoverished populations who die of natural causes early in life, and childhood cancer."

      Perhaps they don't address these unfortunate deaths due to these babies dying due to a health problem or yes due to being born into an impoverished situation. Mom had no choice in their death, as in abortion.

      Abortion is very easy to discuss if one ignores the results --- a death.

      1. wilderness profile image88
        wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        "I don't approve of abortion for any other reason than the life of Mother, rape, or incest"

        Is this not a case of the sins of the father becoming the sins of the child?  The father did wrong, so the child has no rights and it is "open season" on its very life.

        How can this possibly be justified?

        1. Sharlee01 profile image87
          Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I am not sure any killing can be justified. However, neither can sex forced on a female. She has no opportunity to make any form of the decision in regard to the pregnancy. Yes, in both cases it is the sin of the father. A sin that the mother was not a willing participant. If forced to have that child conceived by rape or incest a female losses control of her right to make the decision,  as well as the right to control her own body.

          In the end, the mother will commit the biggest sin of all.  However, this is where we have ended up in our current society.

    2. peterstreep profile image82
      peterstreepposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Besides the reasons you mentioned. The slogan Baby Lives Matter has the same racist undertone as All Lives Matter. As you ignore and brush the problems of the black community under the carpet. By counteracting with slogans like All Lives Matter and All Babies Matter you belittle racism. As what you basically say is, you blacks are just nagging about your skin color... Get over it...
      If you want to make a point use a different slogan. This one can be categorized as a white religious extremist invention.

      1. Live to Learn profile image60
        Live to Learnposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Does 'happy fathers day' belittle mothers? Mothers day came first.

        There is no patent or trademark on the term 'lives matter'. Trying to bring awareness to another issue does not belittle anyone and only those actively seeking to see racism would call that racist. Imo.

        1. lobobrandon profile image76
          lobobrandonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          That's a bad comparison because mothers and fathers were not put down for being a mother or father.

          Saying all lives matter is equivalent to asking for straight pride.

          Straights were never dealt with in a bad way for being straight, in the same sense whites were not put to death and made slaves for being white.

          Of course, all lives matter, but are you (not you in particular) just saying it because you disagree that black lives matter or that there still is discrimination against them? If the answer is no, then sure you can say it because you never really treated people differently based on skin colour. The fact is that most people who say it answer the above question with a yes.

          1. Live to Learn profile image60
            Live to Learnposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            You alwaysread the weirdest things into comments.

            1. lobobrandon profile image76
              lobobrandonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              So you don't disagree then, cool.

        2. peterstreep profile image82
          peterstreepposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          By counter acting the phrase Black Lives Mater with All Lives Matter is like reacting to somebody who is suffocating and saying I need to breath. “Yes, sure, we all need to breath...”
          If someone uses the phrase All lives matter, they ignore the racism problem thats radiated by the phrase Black Lives Matter.

          1. Live to Learn profile image60
            Live to Learnposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Disagree. But you originally claimed it had racist undertones. Let's stick with that for the moment. I still think crying racism is racist and unfair. Do you think no conversation can be had on any other topic? Any conversation outside of 'black lives matter' is inherently racist?

            Either way. I understand you live outside of the United states. Not sure how it is where you live but here the movement has been high jacked so far from its original intent they need a different slogan.

            1. peterstreep profile image82
              peterstreepposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Racism is a universal problem. But the US has a history of Apartheid thats still young. Racism is still a day to day issue in your country. In my country racism can be seen in how the gypsies and jews are talked about and treated. There is racism all over the world, and this should be addressed and taken action to stop it. Saying All lives Matter ignores the problem.

              I thought I had explained why I think that “Baby Lives Matter.* has a racist undertone. As it is in lineage with “All lives matter”. By using the words “Lives Matter” you link your problem with Black Lives Matter. But without referring to black, and so marginalise the racism problem. It is in effect making a joke out of the “Black Lives Matter” problem.

              1. Live to Learn profile image60
                Live to Learnposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Maybe that's the crux of the disagreement. You think it's making a joke. I say it bears witness to the power of the original intent of the message.

                I think, as a non US resident, you might withhold judgement on us. You are buying into a media narrative without benefit of living here and viewing day to day life, in order to ensure your opinion matches real life facts.

                Identity politics has gained the upper hand with the media and online. But only a small fraction of the country is consistently active online. I'm afraid the vast majority of us get along, work and live side by side and stand together for fairness and equality in our communities.

                You may think ' but black people say different'. Those are some black voices. Not all. You should take the time to listen to all views black Americans are actively attempting to share. That demographic is no different from every other. There is no consensus. The ones who scream the most loudly should not be assumed to be the most credible.

                1. peterstreep profile image82
                  peterstreepposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  true. I have a completely different view towards the US than somebody who is  living there. And even somebody living in Harlem NY has a different view than somebody living in Kentucky.
                  As well I’ve complete different news here. You consider CNN leftwing. I consider it rightwing. You consider Biden Leftwing (I think) I consider Biden rightwing. To me the second amendment is a horror, to you it is a law to respect.
                  The times I visited the US (twice New York) I found it completely alien and was shocked by how many beggars there were on the streets. I hadn’t seen such a thing in Amsterdam. This was in the ‘90. At the time the difference between poor and extreme rich was already visible. Today it’s through the roof.  Rosa Parks was only 65 years ago, and you cant say that institutional racism has gone. You only have to look at Hollywood films to see that the bad guy is almost always black, mexican or other minority and the hero is white. Thats institutional and hidden racism in my opinion. And I dont have to live in the US to notice this.
                  We live in completely different worlds. And that makes these hubpage forums interesting. As you read different opinions.
                  Black lives Matter has become a worldwide movement as racism is worldwide. And I don’t have to live in the US to criticise a linguistic phrase.

                  The ones who scream the most loudly should not be assumed to be the most credible......
                  I completely agree. And Trump is a living example of this.

                  1. Live to Learn profile image60
                    Live to Learnposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    Lol on theHollywood thing. You're right. If it's a group in a crisis situation it is always the black guy who dies first. I wouldn't say thebad guy is always black, though. Maybe we just watch different films.

                    As to New York. I'm with you. It's an alien environment. Comparing NY to Amsterdam is too small of a comparison to make any valid conclusions on differences between our countries.

                    I don't consider Biden left. I consider him an opportunist, and a racist one at that. It has been pointed out that our terminology for political ideologies is strange to Europeans so I don't know if we are talking apples to apples but you'll get no argument from me that Trump can be his own worst enemy by his mouth diarrhea.

                    My primary issue with the left is I see them as shirt sleeve Christians. They mouth the words they think are the right ones but don't live the spirit of those words. It's all talk and no thought process on how to follow through. It's empty bs.

  2. Santi Salinas profile image72
    Santi Salinasposted 4 years ago

    I do understand that abortion is a hot button issue, but scientifically speaking it is not murder. Abortion can ONLY be done during the first trimester of pregnancy. During this stage, the embryo is not yet fully developed to be considered an actual human being because it is only comprised of several cells and a few developing body systems.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image87
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      In the US we have five states with late-term abortion up to the day of birth. We have many states a baby can be aborted at five months. These states are overflowing with Planned Parenthood clinics. Not sure where you live but in the US we kill baby up to the moment they are born. Not so pretty is it? … ;auto=webp

  3. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 4 years ago

    The will of the embryo/child/person is active at the moment of conception.
    To end it's life, is against it's will.
    Would that be okay with you ...

    if your will was taken away?

  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 4 years ago

    Some have no regard for the freedom of human will and the freedom to guide one's own will toward the direction of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    They are the ignorant ones.
    We should fight against them and resist their tyrannical policies.

    The Way I See It.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      ... who are THEY, is the question.

      The right or the left.


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