Is there anyone in the Trump administration who hasn't met with the Russians?
Donald Jr., son-in-law and Manafort met with a well know Putin connected lawyer ostensibly to hear dirt on Hillary. That was one version, then Jr. added to the tale after a NYT article spilled the beans on the meeting. Seemingly, there was a dearth of memory when many--what is it now, 5 or 6 of Trump's cronies "forgot" to mention previous Russian contacts. Who's next?
From the New York Times … pe=article
"The precise nature of the promised damaging information about Mrs. Clinton is unclear, and there is no evidence to suggest that it was related to Russian-government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails." (Unclear, no evidence). … idacy.html
"...the Russian lawyer produced nothing of consequence, and that the meeting ended after she began talking about the Magnitsky Act — an American law that blacklists Russians suspected of human rights abuses. The 2012 law so enraged Mr. Putin that he halted American adoptions of Russian children." (Nothing of consequence, ended after she began talking about Magnitsky)
Should we investigate all of the Democrats who met with the Russians? … r-n2293775
Puh...leeze! Another big nothing burger. There are real stories to cover. This is sad.
Mike, Jr just released the emails from his Russian contact and one plainly said the Russian lawyer worked for the govt. and had some dirt on HC. It also said the Ruskies wanted to help Trump win the election. Nothing burger? Puh...leeze! Wrong again!
Gladstone said she worked for the government. The attorney denied it and there is no proof otherwise. Dirt on HC? ALL campaigns do opposition research. It's common. Do you really think if anything illegal was in the emails they'd release them?
Check out the real news, Mike. The reason Jr released the emails was because the NYT told him they were going to and he had no choice but to try and take a bit of sting out of story. I wondered why he release such damning evidence myself.
I am hanging out where live CNN is being played. I have not heard of China, Mozul, N. Korea, health insurance, the budget, Travel ban, Syria or tax changes. And this is going on 2 hours.
No wonder I do not watch cable news live!!!
Eric, are you not concerned with these latest events? Do you not care about the Russians interference or that Jr, son-in-law, and Manafort all lied about the meeting? No wonder you post the things you do in defense of DT.
DOJ Refuses 2 RELEASE INFO Pertaining 2 Session's "Russian Sessions" & "SQUINTY" Pence REFUSEs 2 CONFIRM No Russian TIEs ~ … 2017-07-12
First of all, Putin, like Trump lies like a shag rug. It has already been established that the lawyer worked for the Kremlin. Everyone in Russia who wants to remain alive does. Trump claims Hillary made deals with the Russians. Putin hates Hillary.,
Eric.. It's not our problem you listen to CNN.Even if not watching and putzing around the house ... Best thing is turn it off and listen to music. IDK R&R Classical.. Punk rock... Anything better than CNN
Actually, CNN is one of the most TRUSTWORTHY News Sources ~ FOX the Worst ~ NEW Investigative Reporting UNCOVERED a Business DEAL between Donny & Russia which was TERMINATED due 2 SANCTIONs Levied by the USA on the Kremlin ~ INTERESTING
Yes, ive read that cnn has the goods on donald, but is keeping the story at bay because ic is asking them to. Trump knows, thats why he and his cronies are attacking media.They think people will believe them, not the truth about trumpski. No chance.
Several CRIMEs, Torts & Constitutional VIOLATIONs have already been proven but this is like a R.I.C.O. Investigation on STEROIDs, we need 2 FLUSH Out ALL the Scandals, Treasonous & Criminal Activity b-4 the Avalanche of INDICTMENTs come down
The only nothing burger is in your gut. Sorry but the Russian lawyer may not have produced anything worthwhile but the intent to commit a crime by Kushy, Donny Boy and Manafort was to make Trump win by cheating. That the only way you boys ever win?
Is that "nothing burger" cooked good enough for you now, Mike? LOLOL! Trump is up to his ass in Russian pudding it seems!
Exactly. Funny that the "evidence" talk here is prattle. How many times all the yahoos use the term "suggests". If these guys were defending themselves in court, they would all be outraged. I just love liberal outrage! It is so biased!
John wilsdon, eh? Hillary-killary is back. Flouting hp rules, like your prez flouts the law. You paid by russia, like colorfulone? All my opinion. But c'mon. Cap't obvious.
The orange buffoon looked directly into a camera and pleaded for the Russians to find Hillary's emails. How about some Russian dressing on that burger of yours sport?
1. Jared Kushner did not set up a meeting with any legal or illegal with the Russian Government.
2. He met with a Lawyer who had no information on Hillary and does not and never has worked for the Russian Government.
3. When this meeting took place Jared Kushner did not have a security clearance.
4. When this happened Kushner was a private citizen, not a government official.
Just more of CNN smoke screening the facts to keep up the whole Russia collusion thing going.
June 9, 2016. Don jr meeting with russian agent at 4pm. Lasts 20 minutes. 4:40 pm, don sr tweets "hillary, where are 33,000 deleted emails?"...never mentioned this before that. Dear teabaglicans: 1+1=2
There is just so clearly nothing wrong with meeting with a lady that the Obama administration invited to occasions and our Ambassador to Russia under Obama introduced, it is just a theater of the absurd. The lady was lobbying for adoptions.
Eric, you got a link to that? and BTW - thanks for the previous advice on the tincture.
Umm, the russian gvt had dirt on hillary they wanted to give trump to help him win...this lady was the deliverer. There is everything wrong with it! Trumps put russia over usa. And why not? Trump owes russia the life hes living. And now we do, too.
Ptosis, go with this one and follow up with the references. … eting.html Personally I think her main cause is good - allow adoptions of Russian babies./ CBD extrac
Ralph, the email went to DJT Jr.! Not Kushner. Don jr. Released the emails himself which plainy state he was expecting help from Russia with the election and is why he invited Mantafort and others to the meeting. Did you even read the emails?
Fox News talking points, Ralph. Almost verbatim. Still think Flynn is innocent? LOL! You didn't answer the question at all, did you? Is there anyone in Trump's crowd that hasn't "forgotten" to list a meeting with the Russians?
Nice try. That Magnitzy Act was not the reason Kushner, Donny Jr. and Manafort met with that Russian lawyer and you are too cowardly to admit it. Putin was furious about the US sanctions and in revenge banned adoptions of Russian children.
You all talking to a bot. You all are teaching the AI to argue better!. Test AI. No personal info nor humor
Uh..The FBI would NEVER waste time on anything nor are they allowed to by the Code of Federal Regulations to carry on an investigation without "probable cause." But do keep up the denials. When Trump incites North Korea into nuclear war, then what?
"Just like conservatives held Clinton & Obama responsible for Benghazi, Trump needs to be held directly responsible for Niger"
I want hearings...NOW. How was a soldier left for dead? ps--i know. private contractor thats why. Why we in africa?Afri
Let just assume Russia's economy is in the top 10 in the world. Let us just accept Bloomberg's rating of 12th most innovative nations. Let us just assume that Russia supplies a majority of gas to eastern and even parts of western Europe.
Now let us look at Syria. A dangerous balancing act. escalation would be force met by force. Just a thought on the Space station. Assume that Russia is in the top 30 export markets for the US. Assume there are about 2 million ethnic Russians in the US. Assume Russia has veto power in the UN. Assume Russia has within the top 4 nuclear arsenals in the world. Assume they have within the top 4 militaries in the world. Assume they are a natural deterrent to Chi Com aggression.
And so then we ask the simple question. Wouldn't it be pure lunacy not to engage in direct and indirect communication with such a nation? As with China I hope and pray that we maintain open dialogues and closed door dialogues with both these nations.
Constant contact and exchanges of ideas is our best hope at bringing even more rights to Russian citizens and avoiding problems that cost American lives.
So I would hope that nobody in the White House snubs Russian overtures of exchange of policy and future cooperation. And I also mean that for private citizens who may forge alliances in business which builds partnerships.
Attacking people who deal with Russians because they met with them or otherwise communicated with them is suggesting a return to the cold war era and McCarthyism. And this does not even consider that Russian is an ethnicity and it is pure bigotry to hate them because they are Russian.
AMERICANs don't "HATE" Russians, we "HATE" the FACT that a "Russian POODLE" named Donny who clearly PLEDGEs his ALLEGIANCE 2 a Foreign ENEMY of the USA, is now OCCUPYING Our WHITE House ~ This KGB POODLE has Commited Innumerable CRIMEs
Russia is now and always has been our adversary. Obviously, you are not old enough to recall the Cuban Missile Crisis wherein Russian's Krushchev pointed missiles 90 miles off the Florida coast? Now Putin is doing the same.
And a whole campaign of denial by Trump's bunch coincidentally forgetting the same meetings with the Russians. When will guys wise up?
Americans don't hate the Russians. A Russian engineer friend once told me there are 2 Russias: Moscovite Russia and the peasant Russia. Why is there no US coverage of the 100,000 protestors in Moscow?
Really Eleanor? You still think association with Russians should be limited because of the Cuban Missile Crisis? And yes every country in the world has classes of people. Just ask BLM. We are not talking about Trump here folks.
So Eric, BIG Deal, now we ALL Hate Russians, if that's your belief that's FINE & Irrelevant ~ But remember, regardless of your perception it doesn't MAGICALLY Exhonerate nor Absolve Donny, his Family & Accomplices from their CRIMEs
The US does not condone assassinations, silencing dissenters and will never violate our democracy or Constitutional freedoms. The state of CA is 5th in the world in top economies. More than Russia. How do men like you become so naive?
Follow the money. We have a lot of Russian money due to sanctions. Putin wants that money. Trump is his best bet to get it. The dots all line up and Prime is right, Donny's allegiance is to Putin.
Thanks Jack ~ YES, "Follow the Money" & that's one avenue investigators R pursuing ~ The Latest BOMBSHEL? The Russian "Troll Farm" that CONJURED "Fake Newz" during the campaign was TRACED back to a Russian Billionaire TIED to Vladimir Putin
I noticed right wing radio and TV is trying to turn the conversation away from Trump's daily screw ups by venting about the uranium trade made during the Obama admin. DT simply cannot keep his foot out of his mouth. Good thing he has little feet too.
Make sure to watch my new video: lies-r-us, the history of the republican party. … ion-claim/
Wrong story? Ok just another LIE
Yeah Randy, by mistake I landed on "Fox Loser Channel" a day ago & they're still "STUCK in the 90's" Peddling ANCIENT Clinton B.S. ~ That's when U know Trump is GONE ~ Some here R even Re-Publishing RUSSIAN Election Propaganda about Hillary
Yep AP, and the worst part is that Trump fans are falling for it. One of my best friends has fell for Fox BS and we now argue all of the time. He now parrots Fox talking points in his defense of Trump. I hope Fox takes a big hit when DT goes down.
Fox news= trump tv … ontext=amp
Sinclaire=trump radio
Once they remove net neutrality=trump web
Sleazy O'reilly got Nailed 4 Assaulting Women & Fox TANKED ~ SINKING & Gen Kelly? Our Protector? Well, he was "STUNNED" when a Congress-Woman listened in on a call, but NOT Stunned when Trump almost signed a BILL 2 KILL HealthCARE in the USA
There aren't many people in government who have not met with Russian officials in one way or another, and corruption is so thick in DC at this point, that making a big deal out of talking to or collaborating with outsiders, is pretty much the pot calling the kettle black.
Not at all. Can't stand him as a person or a politician. Doesn't change the reality of our corrupt government though, which has been that way since long before chump could even toddle. Plus, I prefer objectivism over sensationalism
So. He meets w putin in secret...fine w you. He allows russian media in white house, not american. Fine w you. Hes caving to all vlads demands. Fine w you. This is not business as usual. Kremlin runs usa. Trump working for moscow.
The Difference between "Drumpf's" Pseudo Admin & previous Admins is the FACT that we've entered a brief yet DANGEROUSLY Absurd era of unprecedented "X-Treme CORRUPTION, SUBVERSION, TREASON & Incompetence" ~ Donny's ENTIRE Cabinet is CORRUPT
If you were accused of colluding with a foreign adversary, would you do what Trump is doing? Sabotaging any possible way he can to stop investigations that could prove his innocence? Trump wants to BE the law. Why else fire Comey?
MORE Exposed ~ Several REPORTs indicate Gen. Kelly was FURIOUS at Donny 4 OBSTRUCTING Justice when he FIRED J. Comey ~ Did Gen. Kelly accept the "Chief of STAFF" job so he can help the RESISTANCE on the INSIDE Protect us from Donny?
I hope Kelly has some pull over DT's craziness, AP. Otherwise it's gonna be a long first term for the Dumpster..
Randy ~ Many ways 2 REMOVE Donny including Criminal Charges, IMPEACHMENT etc ~ His Approval #s at HISTORICAL Lows of 33% & SINKING Fast Combined with a Republican Congress FINALLY Realizing he's a Mentally ILL National DISASTER ~ He's GONE
There are NO people in government who have EVER run for office and ran to the Russian propaganda machine for assistance to win. You call that "winning?" It is a big deal when a foreign country meddles in our elction traitor.
Do you hear him speak? Saying his was a historic win, when hillary got 3 mil more votes than him....he lies with ease....he is a real sociopath. And a con-man paodophile rapist. I cant wash my mind enough after his villiany speaks. True evil
BOMBSHELL: Thought U had a HANDLE on the Extent of CORRUPTION, Conspiracy, Obstruction, Treachery & Mental ILLNESS? Not QUITE ~ "Trump Panama Ocean Club" ~ The last few remaining "trumpeteers" might wanna' read this ~
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