Do you believe that the nuisance known as Obamacare will finally be repealed? Why? Why not?
I believe that the government SHOULD NOT be in private affairs such as health care. I believe that health care is the sole responsibility of the individual. If individuals want health care, they should pay & not expect the government to pay. People have to learn to be responsible for & take care of themselves.
Health care as an entirely private matter is fine, as long as, you are willing to let people die due to poverty and unforeseen circumstances. For instance, if you are diagnosed tomorrow with stage 4 breast cancer (I use this example because it happened to a friend of mine) you can count on losing your job and your insurance and going bankrupt. If you are married, your spouse will also go bankrupt. Some of the health insurance proposals treat such things as the fault of the insured. That said, people get into accidents, are hit by lightning; etc. So, bad luck is a part of life.
It's the Ebeneezer Scrooge approach to healthcare. Can't pay? "Let them die then, and decrease the surplus population." Surely, the United States can come up with something better than this Dickensian nightmare!
Maybe we can get that study done about the cost in lives and money of gun violence. So many irresponsible gun owners, and we foot the bill. Why do guns get a pass?
Before I was retired I was both a tech writer and accounting manager. I can tell you that whenever someone was fired, their only option was to pay for coverage for 90 days under COBRA. So, you lose your job and your income and COBRA costs $700/mo?
" If individuals want health care, they should pay & not expect the government to pay."
In theory that sounds good but the reality is no one is in favor of denying healthcare to someone in an emergency or dying simply because they don't have or can't afford health insurance for them or their family.
Countries with universal health care include Austria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.
In America we'd rather spend Billions trying to put a man on Mars or trillions fighting unnecessary wars before providing a basic safety net for it's citizens. "It's an eat what you kill" mentality.
Theoretically it could be argued that the government should not be in the education business! There should be no such thing as public schools and libraries. Parents should pay to educate their children and those of us who don't have children should not have our tax dollars spent on such things.
However some investments are for the overall living standard of the citizens of a country. More access to healthcare and lower prescription costs will cost us less in the long wrong.
Lets face no doctor or hospital is going to reject anyone who just got shot or hit by a car. We pay one way or another.
I meant to say: More access to healthcare and lower prescription costs will cost us less in the long (run).
Even our justice system allows criminal suspects to have a court appointed attorney if they can't afford one!
We taxpayers pay for it
What's next? Requiring fire insurance, or the fire department won't come? Police insurance, or you get no protection? Private, for-profit education, or your children never go to school? Build your own roads and bridges, and stay off mine?
Well said. Obamacare wasn't perfect bcuz of GOP as much as bcuz of Dems - they need to work together a LOT better. Neither 1 extreme nor the other is going to win on this issue; and arguing over it for DECADES has been VERY expensive.
There is no working together. Gop wants all or nothing. If we havent learned that, just what will it take? They dont care about anyone but themselve. period. Point blank. The only thing to do is split up. I want a divorce!
The mistaken idea is that government creates healthcare insurance pricing. Not true. The late Robert Benmosche of AIG whined in 2010 that if he didn't get that $10.6 million bonus, he couldn't send his kids to the poshest private schools. Boo hooooo!
A) the ACA has made things worse for more families than it helped.
B) this could have been solved by allowing Insurance companies to compete rather than protecting their regions from competition.
C) An extension of Medicare for those not covered woul
I think that every person on the planet has a right to care when they're sick, and that the United States is the only industrialized country on the planet that hasn't acknowledged that.
I think the Affordable Care Act was a life preserver in a tsunami: help, but not sufficient to solve the appalling healthcare crisis in this country. The real solution is single payer: we all pay taxes in, and are covered. Those who have the wealth can buy into private insurance if they wish.
I think that before the ACA was passed, I did take care of myself, despite being priced completely out of the insurance market by greedy companies who put profits before people. I was self-employed, so insurance for a woman my age, without that cushy employer subsidy, cost roughly the same amount per month as my mortgage. It was simply unattainable.
I think that unless you have been face to face with a bean counter at your local hospital, being asked to hand over $30,000 in cash before they'll do the surgery scheduled for the following day, you don't really understand how ridiculous our for-profit healthcare system really is. This actually happened to me. The hospital literally told me they would not do my cancer surgery unless I paid them first. Their first response was to send me home to die. Do you really think it's acceptable to tell someone with cancer, who can be cured with a simple surgery, that they should go home and die because they can't pay $30,000 up front?
I think that unless you have had your retirement fund wiped out, because every doctor, lab, and hospital procedure generated astronomical bills that had to be paid, somehow, you don't know what a lifesaver the ACA is for hard working, self-employed people like me. I negotiated and paid every one of those bills, from my own pocket, by using my retirement savings. I cannot, at my age, afford to replace that fund. The ACA has provided me with insurance that I can afford---but more than that, it has given me the peace of mind that, if my cancer should recur, I will have care, and I will not lose my house to more medical bills.
"Be responsible" is so easy to say when you have the means to pay. I am responsible. I pay bills, and a mortgage, and work hard every day, keeping my business afloat, even when I'm laid up. For-profit healthcare simply prices people like me out of the market. Without the ACA, I will, at some point, lose my house, and my life.
Walk a year in my shoes, Grace, and then tell me to take care of myself.
(And yes, that photo is of my post-surgery incision. Pretty, eh?)
Yes, their heartlessness knows no bounds. Have to wonder where they learn it. Church? Gotta be!
Problem is, in order to make healthcare service a "right", you must make doctors and medical professionals involuntary slaves to all citizens. Can't have healthcare services without doctors and nurses, who most ppl neglect to think about in all this.
Can't say that doesn't suck, but while you are now covered by the ACA, my family (wife & two kids) now have a 15,000 deductible because of ACA, which is essentially the same thing as not having insurance. And we pay thousands for that non-covera
Oh yes, Obamacare will be repealed or altered in some way by the Trump administration.
I was/am very unhappy with Obamacare. We were promised access to healthcare, and what we got was mandatory health insurance - not the same thing at all.
Trump/the Republicans have no interest in improving healthcare access, so any changes they make will only be a step backward.
If you don't have access to healthcare, it isn't Obamacare's fault. Wake up! Your state obviously has NO ACA state agency that monitors healthcare costs. How is repealing without replacing healthcare insurance not going to cause deaths?
Death comes for us all, whether or not the gov is involved in the insurance business, and the sad truth is that they use death to manipulate you, even when more deaths occur with gov being involved. Just look at how they manage the VA or Soc Sec.
Ummmm, aca is used to prevent death. Before aca, insurance co's could refuse to take you. They have to now. Before aca, they put a cap on the amount of money that could be used to save your life. That cap is gone. I am so proud of aca and prez O
Funny you say responsible. Where is the responsibility of the insurance industry? Thanks to the aca, they have some. First thing that happened was they had to refund people they had over charged. Next, they had to actually provide service, rather than pocket the money. How come we users have to be responsible and the providers can rip us off? Know why? Money worship. Some people would rather let a ceo get rich than a child with cancer get better.
Shame on them to the end of time.
Every Sept., HMOs go into a feeding frenzy all claiming they can get an employer a much cheaper plan for employees. They do. For 1 year. Then, they recoup that loss by doubling the cost at renewal time.
He can thank the tax payers for his medical care. As can every single republican who wants to rid us of ours. Start that swamp draining with your families, not mine!!!
Years ago I frequently did a solo musical act at nursing homes. I was usually paid $50.00 for an hour show. I covered a wide area in New York, and the round trip would sometimes take 3 hours. All totaled it would often amount to a 5 hour day, after which I would play a nightclub, roadhouse, or local tavern from 10pm to 2am. I was making my living as an entertainer, and in those days I didn't really need the 3 or 4 nursing home gigs I was doing each month. If it had been money that I was after then all that time and effort for $50.00 would have been a waste of time. So why did I do it?
"From each according to his ability, to each according to their need". That is why, Because it was the right thing to do. They paid me a token amount and I gave them a great performance. In fact, at many of the nursing homes they treated me like Elvis! When I performed it was almost always a full turnout. There was one old woman I remember who would always sit up front, and she knew most of the words to the Cole Porter songs , jazz standards, and 50's rock n' roll that I would sing. She told me that she had lived in the same room at the nursing for 20 years! I had something to give and so I gave it. And relatively speaking, a fee of $50.00 for a large scale nursing home is damn close to free!
My tax dollars are currently being used to build bombs and other weapons of mass destruction, not to protect my so-called "freedom", but to satisfy the Imperialist ambitions of a ruling elite, and to ultimately kill people. I would rather see the money go into universal health care and save lives instead. Helping other people is the best way that we can help ourselves. I have made a living playing music at venues both large and small for many years, and I have made lots of money. But that money is here today and gone tomorrow. However, the memories I have of that old woman and others like her at the various nursing homes where I have performed are priceless, and amount to real wealth.
For various reasons everyone is not able to help themselves, or to take care of themselves as you suggest. Furthermore, none of us created the land beneath our feet, the air that we breathe, the water that we drink, or the food that we eat. All of these were provided for us freely by our Creator. I do not consider giving a little back to be a nuisance when I have been given so much; not by the grace of America, but by the grace of God.
How is s disabled child to help themselves? A wounded vet? A poor senior who cannot work? Gawd, these dogmatic talking points are like vomit coming out of their mouths. Furthermore, how is it christian to let people suffer and die for lack of money?
Not various reasons. Wages in the last 3 decades alone are not the wages your grandparents earned. Should these people just die so some middle age selfish person gets to have life on a silver platter?
Obama "care" is becoming a disaster. In my opinion, American health care was fine before Obummler took charge. The government has no business in health care. Health care should be left to the individual. There should not be institutionalized health care.
To many, Trumpcare seems to be a better alternative to the unmitigated disaster known as Obama"care". To go one better, let's dismantle institutionalized health care altogether. Let America have individualized, not institutionalized health care. Why do people expect others to foot the bill. Your health care is YOUR concern, NOT MINE. End of story.
So, get rid of Medicare and Medicaid too? Both government health care.
End the military, the post office, the gvt itself. Let biz do it all and all for profit. That is what they advocate. oh, except if oil needs a subsidy. Or if some biz needs workers to drive their profit. Us useless eaters are becoming more obsolete.
Folks, the government doesn't own anyone anything. Let people provide for themselves. That is the problem w/America. TOO MUCH government via welfare & the other inanely stupid social program which is taxing America to death. Dismantle, disman
So, the us military, congress and presidency need to go.kochs and trumps of the world can sell us all we need. If you can afford it, that is. Dismantle the police, let corps control public spaces. Biz decides all. Monied classes live.Rest servile. NO
Healthcare was fine before ACA---FOR YOU. For many of us, healthcare meant not having insurance, not going to a doctor unless we're dying, and not having the money to pay for urgent care or an emergency room when we are so ill, there's no alternative
Would you answer the question? Should we get rid of Medicare and Medicaid?
Grace, In theory {a government of the people by the people} means citizens determine how (their tax money) should be spent. Essentially it's the taxpayers money! It has nothing to do with being (owed) anything. The fight is over how $ are spent
Let's get rid of those tanning salons, French manicures, bully boy pick ups, AK47s and the rest of the toys you greedy lazy bums can afford. Touch a dime of what I already paid into both state and federal programs and I sue.
Interesting little factoid for you: do you know what links supporters of Trump in counties where he won overwhelmingly? Extremely high (much higher than in counties where he lost) searches on Google using the n-word.
Another thing linking them is major hypocricy. Scarmucci worked at goldman sachs.....isnt that the swamp they were going to drain? Half his cabinet is goldman sachs. When da swamp leaving??????
How long did YOU pay into Medicare and Medicaid on a state and federal level? I paid for that for 44 years. I want what I paid for. Trumpcare is a cruel, vicious attempt to keep Big Insurance in profits. The CBO already gave Trumpcare a thumbs down.
Its so funny-not haha-how trump has convinced working people he cares about them. He cares for rich people not paying taxes, vladimir putin, and benjamin netanyahu. Period. Despots-are-us. Blech!
As you have seen on July 18, 2017, the freeloaders dream of forcing the rest of us to pay for free healthcare for those too irresponsible to pay for healthcare insurance failed.
As for "Obamacare," if it was left intact instead of being skewered by obstructive right wing Republicans like Paul Eddie Munster Ryan who is an Ayn Rand fanatic, it would not have had nearly as many problems on the roll out.
But then, as we all know, no white Republican male Corn Pone or Mutton chop wants to actually pay for their medical needs. Somehow though these middle aged loonies manage to always afford those AK47s and bull nosed bully boy pickups.
The big lie of the Republican right wing is that Obamacare increased the cost of premiums. NO. It did NOT. Republicans did that when they refused to allow any ACA state agencies to monitor healthcare insurance companies' costs, something Canada has been doing for over 3 decades.
Must be tons of profit in bilking paying customers of HMOs and Big Pharma while the Corn Pones and Muttons Chops get their medical free at the ER.
When NY's governor set up the state ACA and NJ's Governor Fat Mouth didn't, NJ ended up paying 11% more for healthcare.
Don't you dare try to sink Obamacare. Not when Republicans in Republican states did ALL the protesting against repealing and replacing it.
The next middle aged moron who tells me that seniors didn't pay for SS, Medicare and Medicaid for 4 or more decades needs to be lobotomized.
These mental cases want to feed at the federal trough as long as they can. It's not bad enough seniors paid for their food, clothes and educations. Now, twits like Ryan want to steal all of those payroll deductions paid for 4 decades into SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
Touch mine and I'll sue for every dime unpaid.
They keep propagandizing. "Obamacare has failed." Only trumplicans believe that. And in fact, every life that has been saved by the aca is being SPIT ON. Heartless: the new evangelical family value. Cause jesus was all about hoarding money.
The Republicans have failed since Gingrichians sank Hillary Clinton's healthcare reforms. Did healthcare cost less since the 90s? You bet it didn't! Republicans know if they repeat over and over the same lies, over time it will be believed.
Another "sterling christian:....has an affair while his wife is in hospital w cancer. Says, im innocent! "Oral sex is not adultery!"....derp.
Eleanore, you seem to get that D.C. has been screwing Americans for a long time now. You seem to understand that the policies they are pursuing will continue to drain your benefits and income. Yet you want to buy into their BS and hate Trump for it
There is nothing more permanent than a federal law that gives power to cronies politicians and corporate power players. Regardless of whether or not it should exist, here's why the ACA will never end. read more
It will not be repealed.
It will be eventually replaced.
D.C. will eventually pass a Single Payer system.
This will not be what those who believe in such a system were wanting.
This will be a system that caters to the wants and interests of Big Pharma, Hospitals, and the government will divert a large portion of the taxes collected to run it to whatever it wants, like they have done with Social Security.
This new insurance will be for Americans that make something like $250,000 or less per household, small businesses, average Americans, for the most part will be stuck with the Single Payer system, unable to afford or gain access to private insurance.
Those with the financial means, or those belonging to certain career fields, such as Nurses, Doctors, Government Officials, will be able to access/afford private insurance, and better care.
The divide will continue to grow between those that have, and those that depend on the government. Sadly, a large swath of the formerly 'middle class' will now be straddled with supporting the Single Payer system, while receiving little in benefits from it themselves. And the difference in lifestyle between families that make 100,000+/- a year, and those that survive with government programs supporting them will be nil.
This was always where it was intended to go, from the moment they passed the ACA. It was never a system that could succeed. It was just a matter of time, and getting the American people desperate enough to accept it, before they instituted the Single Payer system.
The cost to you?
If it results in what is essentially a tax any lower than 40% of people's gross income, I would be shocked. (For those who don't have their own private insurance, or insurance provided for them by their employer, those that have such will be exempt from contributing into the Single Payer system).
Bulloney. Money will always get you what you want in america. Its why we don't have single payer for all now! No money for the middlemen. You all keep blustering about the cost of sp..other countries pay less and get more. We are stuck in chapel-o-$$
Your ignorance as to the corruption in D.C. has always been a marvel to observe 'Yes Dear' ... you can't compare a nation of say 10 million people, most of who have jobs to one of 320+ mil -w- half being unemployed or on gov't support. Doesn't work.
by OLYHOOCH 12 years ago
This is just one of many Re-plys, I receive each day. I thought I might share this one with you,,,,, Thanks. And from one of my favorite pundits, Stella Paul, more motivation to work our tails off in this election season. June 30, 2012 A Surgeon Cuts to the Heart of the ObamaCare Nightmare By...
by lady_love158 13 years ago … lve-years/This law MUST be repealed NOW! The destruction if America is imminent unless we rid ourselves of this unconstitutional burden, this plot to destroy our country perpetrated by the three socialists Obama, Pelosi, and Reid
by Susan Reid 11 years ago
If you are insured through your employer, the answer is no. If you are an individual or small business owner, please share your thoughts.Did you know there will be online health care insurance marketplaces (exchanges) in every state?Is your state running its own exchange ... ...or is it...
by screaming 12 years ago
If you found yourself with no insurance, unable to afford private insurance, and (you, your spouse, your children, your parents, or your grandkids) were in need of medical treatment. Would you be against Obamacare?
by ElSeductor 12 years ago
Why are some people so eager to take away healthcare for people with pre-existing conditions?
by Grace Marguerite Williams 11 years ago
What are the 6 ways Obama"care" is a total waste of time, energy, and money where there arehospitals and/or other medical facilities that offer very low cost and/or free health care?The "purpose" that President Obama "intended" for his to be implemented...
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