What changes should take place in the White House?

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  1. dianetrotter profile image61
    dianetrotterposted 6 years ago

    What steps should be taken to reorganize?

    Jared Kushner?  John Kelly?  Sessions?  Ivanka?
    Should Melania file for divorce?
    Should Trump pray more?

    Is Mike Pence the sane one

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      My head is swimming.  I can't believe Jared Kushner met people in the WH and ended up with more than half a billion dollars in loans.

      Ben Carson has lost his status as an African American hero.  Almost $35K for office furniture.  There are people who wish they made $35K a year.

      All of the people who want to do the right thing are leaving or being fired (well...some really weren't doing the right thing) and Jared and Ivanka stay regardless.  Something is terribly wrong with this picture.

      Putin is obviously blackmailing Trump.  Today's public threat went unanswered like everything else that has gone on related to Russians.

    2. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Jared Kushner stuff is getting velly interrresting!  Mueller is investigating whether or not Kushner got DJT to join in calling out Qatar for harboring terrorist.

      He may not be spending many more nights with Ivanka if this is part of what he has done.

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        diane* When you say "Jared may not be spending many more nights with Ivanka", perhaps your suggesting that they will BOTH be locked up in separate prison cells soon because Ivanka has failed her security clearance just like her crooked husband Jared which means they are both considered an imminent threat to our nation by intelligence, and of course breaking news reveals Ivanka's dubious  business dealings could be under microscopic scrutiny as part of the special prosecutor's criminal investigation as well. That's really no surprise to those of us who have researched, just look at her past. Vancouver, Azerbaijan etc. the list of potential corrupt activity in public domain is lengthy, including reported connections to the Iranian Republican Guard. Jaw Dropping

        Why did the Trump Family think they could get away with what the average person would consider mega-corruption in broad daylight? Do they all think they are above the law? Untouchable? No desire nor incentive to hide all this corruption and apparent crimes?

        It's just unheard of, bizarre and extremely destructive for this collapsing country. Furthermore, investigative reporting reveals Trump Junior was just in India selling condos with the promise of "ACCESS" to buyers. Is that insanity? They just don't seem to care about the law nor the well being of the United States as long as they can pervert and use our white house to pocket a few bucks, and that all must change. Hopefully, for the sake of the survival of the United States of America, it will be rectified by Mueller with indictments ASAP.

        1. dianetrotter profile image61
          dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Maybe running was a strategic move to increase their wealth.  They didn't think they had a graved in corruption track that couldn't be erased.

          1. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
            Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            This administration has seen the WH as an extension of their own businesses. Governing has been secondary. Making money is the goal of this administration, for themselves and for their allies.
            The next in line for the presidency would be the Speaker of the House. Can we trust that guy either?
            Will Paul Ryan be a capable person to set the ship of state sailing correctly?
            This is going to get uglier and uglier.

            1. wilderness profile image88
              wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              "This administration has seen the WH as an extension of their own businesses."

              Oh?  Are they renting out the back bedroom of the WH and pocketing the room charge now?  Are they collecting greens fees for a round on the front yard?

              1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Not 'renting out the back bedroom of the white house' that we know of, but Mr. Trump is indeed 'renting out' plenty of space in his highly leveraged properties, which is of course a federal crime according to the constitution. We'd have to assume terrorists might be having a blast at his hotels as well, hostile Russian agents, Hitler youth, white nationalists, racists etc.  not good, illegal, despicable, crazy and once again, a federal crime according to the law. Trump will be forced out for this conflict alone..

                Tim Truzy Info4u > I don't think we need to worry about Paul Ryan once Trump and his entire corrupt, untrustworthy family are removed, Ryan is in very deep as he facilitates Trump's atrocities, abstructs justice and fails to impeach Mr. Trump for his crimes, a dereliction of duty and violation of his congressional oath. He's gone..

                1. wilderness profile image88
                  wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  You DID say the WH was being treated as his own business and he is the hotel/golf course business.  Was that just a gross exaggeration with no connection to reality?  If so, why would anyone believe anything ELSE you say (like "have to assume terrorists might be having a blast at his hotels")?  Or that it is a federal crime...a crime no one will ever investigate or prosecute, presumably because they are all taking bribes or some other nefarious activity?

                  1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    If you’re responding to me, I’d suggest that you re-read my previous comment and you’ll discover the fact that I never said the white house was being treated as Mr. Trump’s business although he and his grifter family use their positions to promote his business on a regular basis. Even Kelly-anne Clownway has violated the law by promoting Ivanka's ailing line of products on national television.

                    I did however assert the fact that he commits a federal crime every day that a foreign government, Russian, ambassador and or foreign terrorist delivers Mr. Trump a gift and or monetary consideration through any number of his highly leveraged hotels, properties and or golf courses. These are the absolute facts but in America, anyone is free to deny facts if they choose just as long as special prosecutors like Mueller do NOT ignore them.

                    The evidence of said constitutional crimes among many others, is overwhelming and can be found within his business receipts, and physically observed at all property locations. that’s why special prosecutor Mueller is extensively and thoroughly examining Mr. Trump’s current and past business dealings in Azerbaijan, Panama, Russia etc and don‘t be shocked if he‘s charged with money laundering on top of obstruction, conspiracy, abuse of P etc etc.

                    Yes, this is indeed a federal crime not according to me, but according to the United States Constitution which is now on hold during the short duration of the Trump era,and one of many reasons why he’ll soon be removed along with Republican Paul Ryan who is derelict of duty and considered an accomplice to Trump when his allegiance is to a Russian pawn in the white house rather than his oath of office. I’d assume you’d be anxious just like every other patriotic American to see this excruciatingly dangerous, evil oval office charlatan’s charade come to a fitting end, and hopefully thi occurs very very soon before this Russian stooge completely destroys America.

    3. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Why are so many people resigning or getting fired?  This creates an unstable administration.  Where are all of the good people who are going to make us sick of winning?

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        It seems as if little liar Priebus, Hope Hicks, un-clean nazi Bannon and every other accomplice to Trump who has a molecule of brains left, are finally acknowledging the reality that they can't get away with their actions because the law led by a textbook special prosecutor, is methodically closing in on all of them, that's essentially the reason for the mass white house exodus but unfortunately, it appears to be way too late for many. Justice will prevail.

        Who among us with any semblance of talent would willfully choose to accept a job at this ultra-chaotic collapsing white house where subsequent to their first day of orientation, he or she is immediately entangled in a broad global web of scandal, corruption and conspiracy which is subject to the most massive criminal investigation in history? A white house which exhibits every indication of succumbing to the will of Vladimir Putin? A white house which was allotted $130 million to combat a Russian Cyber-War  on the United States and whereas zero of those dollars have been utilized to fight our enemy as Russian agents continue to undermine our democracy? Would you work for a white house which is oozing evil? There's something seriously wrong going on here and America knows it..

        A white house where adult actresses who apparently must be paid for services rendered and looking at Trump, could you possibly blame her for demanding over one hundred thousand to touch him? A white house where adult actresses create a storm of scandal where evidence suggests Mr. Trump's personal attorney acted in an unlawful manner by paying her off with tens of thousands just prior to the election. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

        Would you even consider working for this administration and immediately jeopardize your reputation, your freedom, and risk serving a prison sentence? A white house on its way to a clean sweep and fresh new start?

        1. dianetrotter profile image61
          dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          I wouldn't risk it.  It is amazing to see the depravity, deceit, disdain for the country's principles, and devolution of respect policy.  We need special laws designed specifically for this guy.

          1. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
            Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, there would be consequences for working with this WH. Few takers.

    4. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      It seems like every day, there is new crap.

      Report - Don McGahn and Reince Priebu lawyers told Mueller that Trump was questioning them about testimony.

      Report - Sec'y Education's brother may have lied to Congress about the Secychelles meeting.  George Nader said they had a planned meeting to discuss a back channel to Russia.  (2nd timing hearing of back channel - Jared Kushner tried to do it also).  Why do they not want the Secret Service to know about communicating with Russia?

      Report - Stormy Daniels - This one really irritates me. They were both willing participants.  She got paid $130K  She is obviously trying to make financial gain because he's president.  However, if he kept it in his pants, he wouldn't have to worry about it.

      How does this make the US look?  I think future candidates are going to have to have a prolific social media campaign to be competitive.

    5. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Where is the outrage!!!  Even if you  support Trump, are his appointees being reasonable

      zinke spent  $139K for an office door

      WASHINGTON (AP) — Records show the Interior Department spent nearly $139,000 last year for construction at the agency that was labeled on a work order as "Secretary's Door."

      A spokeswoman for Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke did not provide answers Thursday to questions about whether changes had been made to a door in the secretary's office.

      Records show the Maryland contractor that performed the work, Conquest Solutions LLC, has done several renovation projects at federal buildings. A man who answered the phone at the company Thursday hung up when a reporter asked about Zinke's office.

      Zinke is one of several Trump Cabinet officials under scrutiny for questionable spending. He spent $53,000 on three helicopter trips last year, including one to go on a horseback ride with Vice President Mike Pence.

      1. MizBejabbers profile image91
        MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Humpf. Was it to keep Zinke out of the Secretary's office or to pay her off?

    6. theconsumerhelpde profile image61
      theconsumerhelpdeposted 6 years agoin reply to this


    7. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      This slays me!

      1.  Trump called Putin and congratulated him for being .....
      2.  Someone from the Wh told media.
      3.  Marco Rubio says, "If you don't like working there, quit!"

      I suppose if Marco Rubio's made snitched that the gardener stole valuable property from the garage, Rubio would want the made to quit!  How STUPID!

      We need spies in the WH because of DJT just like we need the CIA in countries that want to do us harm.

      1. dianetrotter profile image61
        dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Rubio can expect me to never vote for him for anything.

  2. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
    Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years ago

    Praying to Putin wouldn't help the Don.
    Who would want to be DJT's chief of staff - although there may be a few takers. His communications director resigned, too.
    With 13 Russians indicted over the Russian investigation - I don't know if the best solution may be to build this thing from scratch because Donald maybe leaving for another place soon.
    That's a tricky question Dian. I wouldn't want that job..

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Do you think Ivanka and Jared took the positions to provide more visibility to their businesses?  Now Republicans are pissed @ him.  They should have had the galls to get in his chest from the jump.

      1. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
        Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I've always said when you have business people running the government, the bottom line is more important than the bottom person. These people are not like the Bushes who have had extensive business and public service over the years.
        Instead of reorganizing the WH, we should consider why what history has taught us was ignored by so many people.
        Oh, yeah, we took money from educated.
        make them dumb, the boss will come.

  3. The Big Drake profile image60
    The Big Drakeposted 6 years ago

    The orange man-baby resigning and taking his freak show cabinet with him.

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      He has me feeling badly for, and rooting for, Jeff Sessions.  Republicans should stop worrying about the 35% and grow a pair.  Once they do, they will probably win some of the 35% back.  Jeb Bush's remarks were on, "He's a chaotic candidate and will be a chaotic president."

      1. MizBejabbers profile image91
        MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Me, too, Diane, I think Jeff Sessions is trying to stick to ethics. He can lose his law license if he doesn't, and then where would he be without the orange man

        1. dianetrotter profile image61
          dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          I thing the last straw was hearing that the orange one calls him Mr. Magoo.

  4. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
    Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years ago

    I think Donald maybe asked Putin to do that as a scare tactic for all of those indictments against the Russians. DJT will not answer his friend with a challenge. Gentle Ben - Dian, for $35 thousand, well, the man wanted to eat good with that dinning room set up. Gentle Ben wasn't a true hero, maybe a tragic hero.
    I think reorganizing the WH to consider democratic principles - that would be a start. I thought we rid ourselves of the crony system back in the "political boss" era of the 1930's. But "gangster capitalism seems to be the thing in Washington now.
    The Republicans will not grow anything that doesn't give them an advantage over the Democrats. That's sad because it means a deal with the devil is better than a deal with Americans who care about democratic principles.
    Crony for you, crony for me, together we shall be crony for three.

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      So sad but true.  We need a government that looks out and does best for all of the people.  They should do all of their fighting @ home as Sen. Paul demonstrated.  Leave us out of the pettiness.  We pay taxes and deserve to be represented.

    2. MizBejabbers profile image91
      MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Tim Truzy, I didn't support Gentle Ben, so I'm not making excuses for him BUT. People with that kind of money don't realize that there are citizens who are supporting their families on less than the cost of that dining room suite. The Bushes were more in line with the ethics of the WH, or at least more discreet, but remember the statement made by Ann Richards, "Poor George, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth"?

  5. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

    It looks like special prosecutor Mueller is and will continue to unilaterally make all necessary changes to white house personnel, including no-brainer removals of con-man Jared Kushner and his wife who have failed their security clearances miserably and must be removed ASAP, and a demonstrably unstable, frequently delusional and unthinkably dangerous president who is controlled by and has the full backing of Russia. He also must be removed ASAP.

    For national security and safety of the human race, prosecutor Mueller does however need to expedite the indictment process before more irreparable damage is done to this country and the planet by a unprecedented recklessly irresponsible, hate filled racist individual who is numb to the world.

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      It slays me that Jared and Ivanka can't get a top secret clearance but TRump can override that.  The fox is definitely in the hen house.

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        The law is unclear and ambiguous with regard to Mr. Trump's legal right or lack thereof, to wave security clearance requirements for shady individuals like Jared who are apparently buried in a mountain of debt and who are unquestionably a dangerous security risk to the United States.

        Moreover, it would be nearly impossible for Mr. Trump, from prison, to "override" con-man Jared and Ivanka's suspicious and perhaps criminal background. Yes prison, which is where they all should be headed once all pertinent work product is gathered, analyzed.and transferred onto pleading paper indictments.

        1. dianetrotter profile image61
          dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          It doesn't seem to other some people that they didn't elect a president but a mob family.  I'm trying to break myself away from Twitter and cable news.  I keep thinking I'm going to miss something.  What is happening is surreal.

  6. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
    Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years ago

    The hold agenda of the Republicans in power right now (and maybe the entirety of Congress) is to not think about the average person. We can't reorganize the WH without reorganizing Congress as well. Take money out of the process. No one would vote for that. Make public service mean public service. Tell these guys, "We will give you so much for your political campaigns. You can't take any more money. Ban all lobbists if they are not representing a wide variety of views."
    Limit terms and make it easier to bring charges against Federal government officials.
    Did you see how we footed the bill for federal officials accused of sexual harrassment, a special office set up to handle that?
    Reorganizing will not happen until we start rethinking.

  7. Kathleen Cochran profile image73
    Kathleen Cochranposted 6 years ago


  8. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
    Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years ago

    Dian, we do call him, "the Don." What do you think a reorganized WH should look like? You are rooting for Jeff Sessions? This would be his chance for a little payback.
    I don't know if Michael Pence would be a good person to replace him, remember: they wanted to talk with him about those Russian meetings. I didn't hear anything else about that. I know the conservative line here, "That means there is nothing to it." Well, I don't know.
    Put these guys in jail and they will still run the mob - I've seen that from tV shows.

    1. MizBejabbers profile image91
      MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Been following your conversation with Diane and I really didn't have anything to add until now. I think that Pence is a dangerous man because he is a Trump clone in sheep's clothing. Don't let that gentleman character fool you. I think he could sneak Trump's policies through quietly. I think the White House needs a whole new house cleaning. Also remember that Pence did not spend time and money running for office. He was not vetted by the U.S. voters. I don't like the idea that a person handpicked by a president booted out of office is the legal replacement.

      1. dianetrotter profile image61
        dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        You know Manafort recommended Pence for strategic reasons.

      2. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
        Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I agree. Pence is as dangerous. However, I have spoke with a friend from Indiana who sings his praises as a governor. But I pointed out: he's really close with a scary faction which consider American values consistent with some extreme Christian values. She simply said: "O.K., so what?"
        That brings me to this point: even if the American public had vetted Pence, it wouldn't have done any good. Look who made it into the WH to cause chaos even after we were aware of his questionable morals.
        I think the Republicans were joyous over receiving money; they licked their chops; and they are serving us for dinner.
        But wait! Dessert is yet to come. How sweet it is.

        1. MizBejabbers profile image91
          MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          American values, Christian values, these people forget that Jesus said to give all your possessions to the poor and follow him. Sounds like Christ may have been a Bernie Sanders Democrat.

          1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
            Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Jesus didn't advocate TAKING from people. He advocated people GIVING. Bernie advocates TAKING. Jesus advocated GIVING.

            The two do not meet. They are not similar in any way. In fact, they are the exact opposite. Taking and giving are opposites.

          2. dianetrotter profile image61
            dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Christ is not the problem.  It's the people who attempt to legitimize what they do by saying they  are Christians.  It is a bad rap for the Christian community and there are  Christians who don't support Trump blindly. They are between a rock and a hard place.  The Trumpettes hate them.  Many (I don't know how many or a %) hate them.

            Every now and then you will find one speaking on CNN.  Many are on Twitter.

          3. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
            Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Our Lord Jesus Christ also throw out the money changers from the temple, He was tough as well as loving. The money changers need to be thrown out.
            You are right: Gentle Ben hasn't had to live on Pork'n Beans and Oodles of Noodles.
            There will always be more poor than rich among us - try living in a card board box like some homeless people I've worked with (one a former stock broker, another a banker), I bet they have some good ideas about reorganizing the WH. And don't forget the single-mothers.
            Our Lord probably would have liked Bernie Sanders.
            George Bush I was born with a "silver spoon," but he served in our military; he signed the ADA. Coming close to death can make a person a little more sensitive.
            Perhaps, the potential for the death of this administration will make our president more aware - Maybe not.

    2. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      What did Pence know and when did he know it?  He is probably sweating rocks.

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Mr. Pence has a mountain of worries, just like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and  all republican congresspersons who are complicit with this mega-corrupt white house, republicans who are willfully perpetrating crimes by assisting Mr. Trump commit his atrocities while handing over control of our government to Putin.

        For the good of our country, and the very survival of our people, I just hope Mueller expedites the indictment phase ASAP. The United States can never endure the constant undermining by Mr. Trump for an extended period of time. I think by now, Americans understand Trump is in the back pocket of Russia. So very alarming, he needs to be removed now.

  9. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years ago

    I think the White House is far too liberal. I would like to see all leftist elements removed, and replaced with serious conservatives. That is what is needed to make America greater than it was under the Obama fam.

  10. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
    Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years ago

    (lol) They may be. But only to the Russians. Americans need not make reservations, unless we are helping reorganize the WH. Anyone for moving furniture? A moving truck might be coming soon.

  11. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years ago

    I'm uncertain how I'm supposed to accept that there should be ANY changes at the White House other than those sanctioned by #45, Donald J. Trump.  I've never, in all my life, been more pleased with a US President, and his administration than I am with this one.

    Changes? How about let me go ahead and vote Trump/Pence for 2020. I'm ready to do just that.

    1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      You might want to re-think that Trump/ Pence vote, not quite sure if prison inmates can run for president and VP. But then again, if Mr. Trump's dangerously absurd joke of a racist, Russian controlled presidency can be ratified, I guess anythings possible.

    2. MizBejabbers profile image91
      MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, Wes, if you enjoy speaking Russian. Frankly, I think the WH is occupied by dirty sabakas. I don't want to be under Russia's thumb. Nyet!

  12. Kathleen Cochran profile image73
    Kathleen Cochranposted 6 years ago

    "They are between a rock and a hard place."  Only because they sold their souls to the devil when they voted for someone who demonstrated no characteristics of a Christian but was a member of their chosen political party.

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I agree!  When we want something from someone, we justifuy reasons for alliance.  There are Scriptures that this group is totally ignoring.  The Israelites turned away from God and paid for it dearly and deadly.

    2. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      That being the case Kathleen (and I agree) who should they have voted for?  Hillary?  LOL!!

      1. dianetrotter profile image61
        dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I think the problem is deeper.  Out of all qualified people on both sides we end up with HRC and djt.neither is palatable to me.

        1. profile image0
          Hxprofposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Yep - that's what I shared with my conservative friends who were so "in" to voting for Trump.  Yet, Trump beat 16 other republicans - that was a stunner.  I mean, look at Bush; he spent $100 million dollars and got 6-7 delegates before finally pulling out after South Carolina.  Normally, that kind of money would have propelled a candidate to the top of the heap, but not this time.  With the Democrats, part of the problem was the fact that Hillary's influence led the party to stack the deck in her favor, and Sanders still put up a fight.  She was the "darling" of her party, while Trump was the true outsider, and never should have stood a chance to win nomination.

          1. dianetrotter profile image61
            dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            I had students that loved Bernie.  I certainly wouldn't have voted for him. I'm respecting Kasich more and more.  I didn't know anything about him before the election.  I like Jeb Bush.  Others I thought I could vote for proved to be big disappointments (Carson, NJ Governor). Thank God I didn't have the opportunity to vote for them.  I think I could have voted for Lindsay Graham. 

            I could have supported a moderate Democrat.  I am repulsed by people on both ends that spew rhetoric about the other side and talk in stereotypes.

            1. MizBejabbers profile image91
              MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Me, too, Diane. I'm disillusioned with Hillary. I certainly don't like her open door policy any more than I like Trump's wall. I understand why all the students liked Bernie. His policies would have taken from the middle class as well as the rich and given it to the students, among others. Some of us have paid our dues. I graduated from college and got a master's degree without coming out with student debt because I worked my tail off while I went to school, and I don't feel obligated to pay for millennial's college degrees. Unless it's helping my grandkids get theirs. I gave one a car and her brother the equivalent in dollars. They work hard and aren't partying their way through school.

              1. dianetrotter profile image61
                dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                You beat me out  I owed $1600 in NDSL loans.  I wrote one check to pay off.

  13. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
    Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years ago

    And Israel was reorganized under Roman rule before Christ because of that disobedience in the Old Testament.
    The money changers have taken the temple.
    I can't help but think they may still try to rid themselves of the Special Prosecutor. This is straight out of mafia movie, and I didn't know Al Kapon got a pass.
    By the way, Trump still says it has nothing to do with him.

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I truly believe he's not well.  He had all of those corrupt connections.  They have always wanted to bring the US down.  There was a confluence of self interest that led to this unholy alliance.  God allows things to happen for a reason.  He allowed Trump to win for a reason.

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        diane, are we sure God allowed Mr. Trump to become president? I'm convinced dark forces not God guided him and his entire corrupt family to the now soiled mansion at Pennsylvania Avenue.

        God would never condone nor allow the placement of such an evil, destructive, mentally ill charlatan maniac such as Mr. Trump and his demonic offspring in such positions of high global power, where humanity is at stake. This unholy presidency is absolutely the diabolical work of the devil.

        1. dianetrotter profile image61
          dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          My point is that God does allow evil things to happen when we are disobedient.  That's why He let Eve eat the apple.  That's why Solomon was allowed to take wives who worshipped other gods.  That's why Samson gave in to Delilah.  When we are disobedient, He often leaves us to our own devices.

          Romans 1:28  Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

          Many people don't want salvation soooo they don't get saved.

          1. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
            Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            New News: Slapping tariffs on our allies as well as our adversaries. Straight out of his play book.
            When we start getting close, Trump goes and creates another problem. According to statistics, the tariffs would only protect about 144 thousand jobs, but losing nearly 5 million steel related jobs.
            Canada? Mexico? Were they not our allies before this election? Since when did we want a trade war with the EU?
            I suspect this is another distraction.
            Look over all the forums we have written since Trump's presidency. Every time we have justice close to slamming a hammer, he creates a new problem.
            President stands for a public servant of the people in the executive "residence."
            Of course, we have the right to seek a reorganization. It's our WH.

            1. dianetrotter profile image61
              dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Sam Nunberg is putting additional stuff in the game.  I'm wondering if it is a vendetta, fear of involvement or what.

              Tim, you are right.  We only know what is being leaked.  God only knows the full extent of what is happening.

              1. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
                Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, Yosemite Sam said if they come to arrest him, it would be laughable. I saw that interview on CNN. They repeatedly asked the guy: "Have you been drinking?" He kept saying no, but he will not laugh if the authorities come after him.

          2. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
            JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Well diane, you make a very good point and scripture is knowledge, but I'm not so sure a small fraction of disobedient, misguided and gullible Trump fans would compel God to throw the entire baby out with the bath-water. Not with such dyer consequences in the making.

            I believe Satan personally conjured this demonic abomination of a presidency. Furthermore, history dictates, when God extends his wrath in anger as a stern reminder, it's typically in the physical form of mother natures fury, a flood, sickness or other natural calamity, To my knowledge, God never projected wicked, evil, satanic punishment unto his earthly children.

            1. dianetrotter profile image61
              dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              You make good points1 He does not project it.  But he certainly allows it.

            2. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
              Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Jake, you are right. Every time I mention to my right-wing friends (I have them because Americans should meet and discuss things from all groups in a realistic way), that the anti-Christ in the "Left Behind" series glowed orange - I'm always met with silence.

              1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Well thanks Tim. And I agree with your premise as well. If the bizarre looking demented hate filled old possessed man living at Pennsylvania Avenue is NOT the anti-Christ, then the anti-Christ probably does not and will not ever exist, which essentially means the bible doesn’t exist.

                I happen to think God does indeed exist and I’m not sure how blind followers, parishioners, cultees and worshipers of fake icons like Mr. Trump will receive the devastating news that their charlatan false prophet leaders such as misguided Jerry Falwell Junior, who insanely support the satanic force now in charge of the white house, will never make it into heaven, nor will they themselves. They instead, will receive a devil’s white hot thank you somewhere deep underground in the abyss for obeying this creature.

                Religious Rule #1 - You can’t blindly support a demonic entity such as Mr. Trump and then expect admittance through the pearly gates of heaven later when your day comes, anyone even casually familiar with Christianity understands that’s simply an impossibility. For example, Mr. Trump condones and supports senatorial candidates who are accused of despicable pedophilia, that’s an unbelievable yet very true fact, an unforgivable sin, and Christians who support Mr.Trump are no better.

                It will indeed be a shock of a lifetime when this tiny yet rabidly loyal flock of about 30% who blindly support Mr. Trump, discover their tickets to heaven were revoked then thrown in the eternal fire of hell by God, the ultimate penalty for succumbing for whatever reason, to the will of a dangerous charlatan.

                1. dianetrotter profile image61
                  dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  None of us are perfect.  Actually we often mess up really badly.  Salvation is not passed on political affiliation and His people do get tricked because they are not following God's Word.

                  But salvation is based on grace, through faith, that Jesus is God, was born a virgin birth, lived a sinless life, was crucified, died, buried and raised on the third day.  That's it1  We can't tack on our on conditions.

                  He knew that we could not live perfect lives so He takes the punishment for our sins.

                  We are often tempted to damn somebody to hell because they act despicably.  That 's human nature.  It is not how Christians should feel.

                  And, I fully understand your contempt for these "professing" Christians.  I didn't intend to get into a theological dialogue because that's a whole 'nother conversation.

                  1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Exactly diane. Just to reiterate.

                    Mr. Trump holds hands with pedophiles, terrorists and violent dictators, he and or his attorneys apparently pay tens of thousands of dollars so he can kiss adult actors while married then try to conceal it, which of course is not only a crime but the sin of adultery. He coddles nazis and white supremicists while his insecurities cause him to uncontrollably and viciously bash women, and the ongoing list of his unthinkable abominations is nearly endless.

                    If an individual does NOT speak out to condemn the evil actions of this  creature living in the oval office, said individual is just a guilty as the unforgivable sinner and will inevitably end up agonizing in the dark abyss, not basking in the white light of heaven with family and friends.

                    Real Christians understand that it's virtually impossible for an individual who claims to be Christian, to blindly follow an evil minded charlatan like Mr. Trump then expect admission through the pearly gates when that time comes, it will NOT happen and I just hope his remaining flock realize this before it's too late..


              2. wilderness profile image88
                wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                You're kidding right?  Going from a fictional novel presenting a religious myth as orange to deciding that Donald Trump is demonic because the color of his hair is mis-represented by those trying to demean or ridicule him with a physical caricature is really out there!

                You have to be kidding (or sarcastic)!

                1. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
                  Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Take it for what you wish. British sarcasm or true feelings. However, if the alt-right and that group can suggest that an American born president is something other than what he is, I can have fun, too.
                  But Christianity, as Dian pointed out, requires some sincere level of tolerance from both parties and all Americans. There is something in Revelations (I don't carry around every Scripture in my head) where the capital of Israel will be declared Jerusalem before or during the time of the anti-Christ. (I'm just saying.) These so-called Christians are not really following the teachings of the Bible carefully. Or they can't hear or see it.
                  I wonder how many of the Founding Fathers probably didn't like each other, but they put up with each other. Christ put up with us.

                  1. dianetrotter profile image61
                    dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this


                  2. wilderness profile image88
                    wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    I have to point out that tolerance does not equate with belief.  Quoting the bible does absolutely nothing for a discussion except express one's belief; it does not convince anyone else that anything being said is true.

                    Nor does the old ploy of declaring anyone not agreeing with your specific interpretation of the book to be non-Christian do anything for your argument except, perhaps, convince a listener that you have no tolerance yourself.  No recognition that you do NOT have the answers and that the bible does NOT provide answers...unless accompanied with belief.

                2. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                  JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  There is no doubt, Donald Trump is absolutely evil. That's not sarcasm, that's just a painfully obvious fact. This is one reason why Special Prosecutor Mueller is treating him like the dangerous Russian stooge traitor that he is.

                  $130 million allotted to the U.S. state dept for counter-russian activities and not a single penny spent to date as Putin's agents continue to penetrate our defenses. What does that mind boggling dangerous fact alone tell you? If that doesn't make your skin crawl nothing will.

  14. Amanda-Anderson profile image60
    Amanda-Andersonposted 6 years ago

    This seems quite silly to speculate, as all we know is what we are told by the media.

  15. Amanda-Anderson profile image60
    Amanda-Andersonposted 6 years ago

    I think we should change the color of the White House. Why can't it be the tie dye house? Maybe we should have children dip their hands in paint and paint the outside with their handprints.

  16. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
    Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years ago

    Interestingly enough, right dab in the middle of all of this Russia stuff, NK is saying it will consider disarming its nukes. You have to wonder what deal was made to make that happen. I suspect it was the SK-ians who made this happen, but DJT will take credit for it.
    Nukes will certainly reorganize the WH in a hurry - let's hope that doesn't happen.

    1. wilderness profile image88
      wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      As I understand it, it was initiated by NK.  And I think that the tough talk combined with increased sanctions brought about by Trump is the root cause.

      1. dianetrotter profile image61
        dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I understand that rocket man wants to unite all of Korea under him.  This may be an exercise in futiity.  Who would want to be under that nut?

        1. wilderness profile image88
          wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Those that will be killed, or have their families killed, if they pursue any other course.  And, of course, those being paid the big bucks to support him.

          1. dianetrotter profile image61
            dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            He could keep doing his nukes thinking South Koreans would be on his side.  I saw a special last week where ships were going between NK and Russia, disappearing into thin air.

            1. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
              Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Wilderness is right that NK initiated the talks, but they might be sitting on a nuke or two. Rocket Man certainly wants to reorganize the Blue House, then he might come for the WH. There you have it.
              Maybe DJT pulled a rabbit out of his hat and will be positive in this process.
              After all, you want to look good when the rope is tightening.

              1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Until he's impeached, imprisoned, sentenced to the death penalty and or institutionalized, which according to the writing on the wall should be coming soon thank God, I hope Mr. Trump isn't dumb enough to actually believe Kim Jung Un would even consider discontinuation of his nuclear program. Everyone knows that's not an option for the N. Korean Dictator.

                At this point, Kim Jung Un is simply playing Mr. Trump for the fool as he's done for over a year now. As Patriotic American Tom Steyer says, why on Earth is Mr. Trump still president? How could this possibly be in what we thought was a country of laws?

  17. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
    Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years ago

    And of course, those are your views. I'll quote whatever I want whether it pleases you are not. The Bible is very relevant because it was the extreme Bible people that put Trump in the WH with the rest of  those fringe folk. Check out this forum, we are speaking of the Bible here with regard to the topic. Surely you noticed.
    I'm not doing math, so if you read all of the great religions carefully, tolerance is a part of belief. Fortunately, you don't have to discuss that with me. Deal with your God your way.
    That'[s what's happened to give the extremist the WH.
    Now, we have to clean it up because they misread and did not tolerate or believe. In any case, I don't think Christ would tolerate some of the happenings in the WH. Nor should we.
    That's why it will be reorganized.

    1. wilderness profile image88
      wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      You may, of course, quote the bible as you wish - I merely point out that debate instantly stops there as listeners quit paying attention to what is being said and more into wondering what that has to do with anything in the real world. 

      No, it wasn't the handful of radical right nuts that put Trump in the WH.  It was the millions and millions of folks that have watched as their country deteriorates into socialism and that aren't real happy with it.  The millions of people that have learned the hard way not to trust or believe the politicians in this country.  The millions that demanded real leadership rather than self serving con artists that put themselves above everyone else.

      Toleration.  A great thing, particularly when it is employed to recognize and understand that not everyone follows your personal belief.  I don't think Christ would tolerate such demands and neither should we.

      Yes, the WH will be reorganized.  One day the socialists, the liars and the thieves will return...if we let them.

  18. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
    Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years ago

    It's important to recognize that the conservative Christian vote did go to Trump, again, why the Bible is relevant. Listeners? It depends on who's listening and who's speaking. Having written a column for a conservative newspaper for three years, it's interesting how quickly conservatives claim the other does not know the topic, and slam education, but are the first to run to get there lawyers when they get caught with their hands in the cooky jar. (Of course, education should only work for the rich when they need to subdue the poor, keeping them out of America or in poverty.)
    Trump received about thirty percent of the vote, hardly a mandate by all Americans for his shenanigans.
    I pulled away from those conservatives because they swore up and down that Jesus Christ probably was European (that darn Bible thing again) and if Americans aren't respecting the ideals of the Jim Crow era, and that women should be in the kitchen or in some other subservient role, the country is doomed. (Sounds familiar to me.)
    Now, neither party really gets a pass in my view.
    Socialism versus racist supporter/pediphile supporter/person who forgot his family came from an s*hole country/man who probably cheats on his wife with reckless abandon - might be a toss up.
    But as an American, I can't support any idea that doesn't include all men are created equal, in God we trust (that religion thing again) and that access should not be denied through political trickery.
    Yes, we should reorganize the WH, but we probably should create a new party first. I don'
    t see Trump getting a second term, unless something spectacular happens in this nation.
    From what I've read, the tax break will put more money in the hands of the working class, only to have it snatched away as a result of higher costs due to tariffs on products Americans need from various countries. The stock market is screaming "Don't do this!"

    1. wilderness profile image88
      wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      When you say that you can't support any idea that doesn't include "in God we trust", well, that's the eternal agenda of the far right whackos that demand everyone in the world follow and support their particular notion of what and who God is and more importantly, what He wants.  Not a concept I personally have any use at all for and a major part of why I believe the religious of the country desperately needs to learn that their faith is NOT the end all and be all of all knowledge, good and truth.  It's called tolerance and the first step is to recognize that simple fact.

      It's possible (probable?) that the cost of goods will rise.  It's also probable that new jobs will come into being, that many of those jobs and income we shifted overseas in the eternal search for cheap prices will return.  That's not "snatching it away".  I'm neither an economist nor a world relations expert, but I AM smart enough to recognize that when a nation farms out such a high percentage of it's labor to other countries it cannot endure for long.  Total self-sufficiency is not possible in today's world, but neither is forever paying others for everything we, the nation, wants and buys.

      Trump is right - we cannot allow that massive trade imbalance to continue forever.  It MUST be addressed even though it costs each of us, and it will cost, for our neighbors, the ones smelting our steel tomorrow, will not work for the $5 per day we want to pay.  Nevertheless it must be done.

      1. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
        Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, but it's not intolerant to see that "in God we trust" on the almighty dollar. A conservative wishy-washiness. Betsy De Voy yells about putting God back in schools, but we are intolerant. More conservative tom foolery. If God promotes some pre-Civil War concepts, He's alright According to that small percentage of Christians "so tolerant" people who put Trump in the WH with the other fringe folk. Extra special fried to the core conservative um-um good phoniness. According to leading economic indicators I've read (prepare for a shock) the U.S. is still the number one manufacturer in the world!   
        Love is tolerant and that's the God I know.
        He's not the God these guys know.
        If Trump is so smart on trade, why did he give away the biggest potential for economic growth in our country - the Pacific Trade deal. China loves it. Yes, Trump, get out of that.
        In Asia, they call Trump, President Chump, according to two U.S. papers, and an Indian paper.

        1. dianetrotter profile image61
          dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Jeff Flake and others are proposing legislation to minimize impact of tariffs.

          1. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
            Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            I also saw President Trump will be meeting with Kim in May. With the impact of the investigation, Trump is trying to save the party from a possible sweep in November. But it will not serve his administration as the evidence start to roll in.

            1. wilderness profile image88
              wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Been hearing that for a long time now.  Isn't it time (or past time) to quit pretending that there is secret, damning evidence that will destroy the President?

              1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                If anyone is truly interested in the facts, the mountain of evidence which is destroying Mr. Trump is filed in the public domain, not stashed underground somewhere.

                Then,  just add the other mountain of work product and damning evidence against Mr. Trump that Special Prosecutor Mueller is compiling in private and you've got more rock solid indictments coming soon. Mueleer si rooting out the Russian agents within our government, let's pray he gets them all.

                Every white house staffer with a semblance of brains is jumping ship including Hope Hicks who departed shortly after her engagement with special counsel, they know the hammer that's coming.

              2. dianetrotter profile image61
                dianetrotterposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Looks like the meeting might not happen.  Trump intercepted communication that was on it way to others.  He ran out to make the announcement with no coordination with anyone.  "See what I did!"

        2. wilderness profile image88
          wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Will you be "tolerant" when the bills say "In Allah we trust", or "Buddha is great"?  Will you be tolerant when Buddhism is taught as factual in schools?  When excerpts from the Koran are written in stone on the capital entrance?

          I don't doubt that newspapers refer to Trump with derogatory names - we see it right here in the forums.  There are people everywhere that nothing to offer but general abuse, ridicule and childish, derogatory names.

          1. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
            Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Agreed. Conservatives and liberals need to get a grip. On that, we agree, Wilderness, and probably more. Everyone commenting here cares about America.
            But right now: our parties want: "in money we trust." on the dollar.
            Lets just arm the teachers and forget about it all - (Dalton, Tx, teacher shot up classroom last week.)
            I'm far from believing our democracy is in jeopardy. We've been through worse. The way we do things is in jeopardy. That's at the heart of it all.
            Our president has shown he has little regard for Constitutional boundaries. Now, that's a problem.
            According to a report I heard, 30 plus Republicans are not considering to seek election or resign from Congress in Nov. (Good start.)
            We need more of that from the Democrats, too.
            Now, if the libertarians, democrats, and moderate Republicans can come forward - stand up!
            Trump has revealed to us our vulnerabilities as a nation.
            That was good. He has been salt in old wounds and creating new wounds pouring acid in them - believe it or not, (good start.)
            It's from such pains we built this republic.
            It's from such woes that we forged this democratic government.
            It's from his skillful tearing down that we will build the next generation and reclaim our republic with an understanding that we need not let the centers of the two party system collapse or we will get chaos on both sides.
            If we wanted a surgeon, we got it. His only problem, he doesn't seem to know how to wield the blade and he's cutting more than he should. Maybe he thinks he's Ben Carson.

            1. wilderness profile image88
              wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              "(Dalton, Tx, teacher shot up classroom last week.)"

              Uhh...last I heard it was a single shot - no one "shot up the classroom" - and likely an accident.  Gross exaggeration is another of the problems we see and a part of why it is so difficult to actually learn anything.

              "Our president has shown he has little regard for Constitutional boundaries. Now, that's a problem."

              Again, gross exaggerations do not help your argument.  He has not shown that at all, although the circuit courts have consistently put party politics over law.  Nor is it a real problem if he doesn't - that's what courts and congress are for.

              No, we didn't get a surgeon.  Trump's tool is a chainsaw, not a scalpel.  But I do agree he is revealing some real problems - hordes of illegal aliens and politicians that encourage illegal behavior, courts that follow party lines without regard to law, a general refusal to acknowledge that the US is as important as any other country, that being completely PC is grossly overrated and unnecessary as just a start.  I'll even go so far as to say he's shown that the people want to hear from their president, and more often than a yearly "state of the union" address (doesn't mean I agree with his methods or what he has to say in that effort).

              Trump has made mistakes and will make more.  I view, and always have viewed, his presidency as more of a statement by the people of the nation than something that is going to make big changes in the way we operate our country.  If all he accomplishes is pointing out the deep flaws - the areas we really need to work on - he will have been successful whether he fixes them or not.

              1. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
                Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Depends on what is meant by "shot up." Conservatives always play with context and call things grossly exaggerated. One is just as valid as a few more. Damage is damage.
                I already said that if he only shakes things up that is great; perhaps buried in the context.

            2. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
              Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              If I lived in a country where the Muslim faith was dominant, no problem with in Allah we trust on the money, but I am a Christian and live here. Just as there are imperfect Christians, we know there are imperfect people in other faiths.
              Well, in school we taught people that Christopher Columbus discovered America, tell that to the Native people here.
              Most people, I must admit, would never support a pedophile for Congress (Alabama), or say their daughter is cute enough for them to date. Sorry, facts are irrelevant, I know.
              but hey, here is some interesting research about conservatives I read in an article.
              To conservatives, facts are less important (depending on the source) than loyalty. While liberals may point to genetic factors for obesity, conservatives tend to blame the person's habits. Interesting.
              So, we can deduce, from all of the fast food our president eats, regardless of how it may place his health in jeopardy, his "base" will be loyal all the way to him being thrown out. This may explain that percentage of Americans who support him ignoring his instability.
              During his campaign, Trump correctly stated his supporters would probably stay with him if he shot a man. In other words, he played on the vulnerabilities of the Conservative movement, all the way to the bank. But he is still their champion.

              1. wilderness profile image88
                wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                "If I lived in a country where the Muslim faith was dominant, no problem with in Allah we trust on the money, but I am a Christian and live here. "

                The insinuation is that the majority (dominant) gets whatever it wants.  Unfortunately for that concept, a good deal of our constitution is designed and written in opposition to that idea; instead it protects the minority from the ravages of a majority.  Indeed, we can see why if we look at those Muslim countries, where half the nation is second class and anyone not accepting the faith doesn't count at all.

                Would it make you feel better to acknowledge that the descendants of Africans discovered America?  There can be no argument with that, after all, whether the last continent they occupied was Europe or Asia.  (Personally, I've always understand that Columbus was the first European to find it, but I suppose not everyone does)

                Your example of only liberals use facts is interesting.  Considering that 60% of American adults are overweight or obese, and that we are a nation of immigrants from countries that do not have nearly that level of obesity, I'd have to say a far bigger factor is that we eat too much, not that our genes make us fat.  That liberals want to use that excuse instead of taking responsibility for their own over-eating is indicative of the liberal insistence that they aren't responsible for their actions while conservatives are, as a group, much more willing to accept responsibility for themselves.

                The ability of the human mind to rationalize whatever they want to be true, and to absolve themselves from any responsibility is indeed fascinating.

  19. ginosblog profile image62
    ginosblogposted 6 years ago


  20. Tim Truzy info4u profile image92
    Tim Truzy info4uposted 6 years ago

    I agree with you Wilderness. Responsibility is key.
    Actually, we all are descended from homo sapiens which began in Africa. Of course they moved out to other places.
    They believe the first Americans came from Asia, across a vanished land bridge crossing the Bering Strait. The first Americans were of Asian descent.
    Yes, but loyalty, loyalty, loyalty.
    Throw the facts out the window when its the guy named Trump.

  21. ozthruslittedeyes profile image60
    ozthruslittedeyesposted 6 years ago

    I think Trump and Pence are good

    1. ginosblog profile image62
      ginosblogposted 6 years ago



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