Mr. Trump Enables Animal Cruelty In Alaska

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  1. JAKE Earthshine profile image66
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

    Animal lovers and advocates UNITE to obstruct the inhumane cruelty: I know it’s hard to believe, but just when you think cowardly Donald Trump’s supply of pure darkness is exhausted from trying to take away your children’s healthcare or endorsing an alleged child molester for U.S. Senate, another atrocious policy or protective law reversal spews from his mouth and petite hands: This time, laws which prevent animal cruelty in Alaska will be reversed, unless the forces of good from the resistance via court action to block this utter insanity is successful:

    Before you respond here in this discussion forum, just try to imagine this, wolves and their new born pups laying peacefully in their warm protective den or shelter, then, a cowardly gun owner hunter sneaks up, takes aim and fires into their home: Got the horrifically gruesome vision engrained in your mind? Aside from law suits to obstruct this abomination, what else should be done by animal advocates and lovers to immediately halt this crime against the animal kingdom and what price other than Mueller’s potential indictment and the New York investigation should Mr. Trump pay for this horrendous act? … laska.html

    In upside down Trumpworld, the inhumane atrocious act of shooting harmless wolves and their pups in their home is not considered animal cruelty, it’s just labelled political incorrectness: It will happen unless you make your voices known to this insane white house: Demand protection not slaughter of your vulnerable animal kingdom:

    1. wilderness profile image88
      wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sorry, but hunting is not animal cruelty and it certainly isn't an "inhumane atrocious act "  Try to keep your TDS under better control.  Try hard.

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image66
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry wilderness, but just keep in mind I'm not a Trump fan which means I completely understand the difference between good and evil, up and down, and north from south, and everyone knows the insane act of shooting wolves and their pups in their den or other shelter is nothing less than inhumane cruelty: It's impossible to describe the intentional killing of these beautiful wild canines any other way:

        Those cold individuals who dare preform this atrocious act of animal cruelty and or support a white house that endorses this insanity will I presume be paid back in spades with an abundance of dark karma:

        1. wilderness profile image88
          wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Not being a Trump fan has nothing to do with hunting.

          But when it is something Trump has said or done, having TDS certainly does.  I think the President could hunt cockroaches and termites and you'd call it an "atrocious act of animal cruelty".

          1. JAKE Earthshine profile image66
            JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Sorry wilderness, but once again, you're not talking to a gullible uninformed Trump fan, I can't be hoodwinked into an upside down way of thinking, I'm somewhat intelligent and I certainly understand the difference between good and evil, an insect pest and wolf pups,  but I don't know what TDS is nor do I care, but it sounds an awful lot like the phrase 'political correctness', which are simply words used by Trump fans as an excuse for all the dumb, reckless, crazy and illegal things Mr. Trump does almost daily:

            I understand perfectly the difference between a destructive pest and wolf pups, and all true animal lovers and advocates understand the fact that using a rifle or any other weapon to kill a harmless wolf pup in her warm den or other shelter or anywhere else where they assume they are safe from soul less degenerates, is an absolute atrocity: How can dark karma not befall an individual who commits such an appalling act?

            1. wilderness profile image88
              wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              LOL  Ask the cattle ranchers if wolf pups are a "destructive pest"!

              Yes, you've been hoodwinked into "upside down thinking".  Willingly, I'm sure, but nonetheless hoodwinked.

              1. JAKE Earthshine profile image66
                JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                You apparently misread or misunderstood my last comment:

                I'm a former conservative republican who has seen the light, repented, and moved over to the good progressive democratic side never to support another republican healthcare underminer for the remainder of my life:

                I am not and never will be a supporter of a delusional, racist, white supremacist like Mr. Trump or republican accomplices who now among all the other atrocities he's already committed, has made it legal to slaughter innocent wolves and their pups in their homes, UNREAL: Therefore, I'm living proof of an individual who has not and never will be 'hoodwinked' as most Trump fans have been into thinking good is bad and bad is good:

                Like I said before wilderness, I understand good from bad, holy from evil and east from west, and despite claims to the contrary, I clearly understand animal cruelty, which is now permissible in Alaska with Mr. Trump's perverted blessing, is absolutely evil:

                Animal lovers must UNITE to stop this insanity before it's too late:

                1. wilderness profile image88
                  wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  What I said: an obvious case of Trump Disorder Syndrome.  Anything connected to Trump (except Americans that are Democrats) is evil.

                  1. JAKE Earthshine profile image66
                    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Although Mr. Trump is unquestionably a creature of darkness, I never said anything connected to him is evil, but sabotaging our healthcare system, cutting health care for our children and endorsing a insane law in Alaska which allows sick, disturbed human beings to murder wolves and their pups is irrefutably evil:

              2. Live to Learn profile image59
                Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                This type of complaint boggles the mind. You can't reason with it.

    2. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Jake , Something that most all emotionally sensitive anti- hunting public never begin to understand is that game animals reproduce annually at a rate of approximately 25 - 35 % per year .  Most of what are called "Big Game "species fall into at least that percentage .   Many species of  such "big game " survive on the very edge of this sensitive reproduction problem.

      For instance , white tailed deer , reproducing at around 30 % of newborn annually , would be not only completely run out of usable feeding and survival habitat within two or three years maximum  thus starving to death without  legal harvesting !   Why do you think that while driving through a heavily vehicle  traveled state like Pennsylvania   that you see so many dead animals on the highway ?  No different than wolves , elephants or even many smaller game animals .

      This is just fact -- not my opinion .  if you really want to change this truth and reality I suggest you tear down a couple of housing developments  , a factory or two and return the land to the wild , Yes ,  It does come down to humans or animals occasionally    Have you seen anyone returning habitat to the wild lately ?

  2. profile image0
    PrettyPantherposted 6 years ago

    I grew up in a hunting family. We ate venison, quail, even rabbit. My brother, who still bags a deer every year with his bow, says shooting a family of pups in their own den is not hunting, but slaughtering. I agree.

    1. wilderness profile image88
      wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I agree as well.  But then I don't see going out to bag a trophy elk and either leave the meat or give it away as "hunting" either.  Like you I grew up on wild meat - hunting is the process of providing such food to the family.

      When I moved East, into central Va., I found that "deer hunting" involved half dozen or so people with shotguns, 20 or 30 dogs, and several cases of beer.  I haven't hunted since.

  3. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image73
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years ago

    Another ridiculous word salad from someone who doesn't know the meaning of half the words he uses. It's what we have come to expect , and he sure doesn't disappoint.

    Who's sock puppet is that anyway?

    Early in the week it was insisted there was an imposter POTUS. Someone, he says, is pretending to be Donald Trump in the White House. That is what use of the word, per the definition, would imply.

    Boy Howdy, wonder where the real Donald Trump has gotten off to. Maybe he is in area 51.

    Demons? I request a citation. Russian stooges? I request proof. Pure darkness? What does that even mean, I wonder.

    Take away children's healthcare? Has Donald Trump removed a child from a hospital somewhere? Citation requested.

    What about feral hogs? Is controlling the feral hog population something we should attribute to demons and Russian stooges? Why so Russophobic from the left?

    Oh wait, the poster doesn't care about feral hog culling because the imposter Trump isn't behind it. Funny how that works.

    I wonder has our esteemed OP ever met a Russian. Show me on the doll where the Russian touched you.

    1. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, we see that Jake is getting on your last nerve.  How do you know what anyone in this thread thinks about feral hog culling?

      The topic is legally slaughtering bears and wolves in their dens. Do you have an opinion on that, or did you just pop in to display your irritation with Jake?

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image66
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Pretty Panther, the truth must really be irritating Wesman, he doesn't seem to understand that Mr. Trump and his family could care less about him or his family, has chalked up zero accomplishments for the American people as if that's what he ran for, while illegally enriching his own greedy elite pockets and yes, that's just one reason which makes him an illegitimate impostor president, and now to compliment his insane policies which allow poison to be dumped into streams by mining companies, why not endorse animal cruelty?

        Why not give the green light to disturbed human beings who  obviously need mental help, to sneak up on a family of wolves which are essentially canines, and slaughter them while they sleep, play, eat or wander:

        I could never even think of committing such an atrocious inhumane act: It's just an evil dark policy approved by an evil dark elderly man struggling to survive in the white house:

        1. profile image0
          PrettyPantherposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          What you are saying, in a very dramatic fashion, is that you believe these 'hunting" methods to be barbaric and unethical, is that right? I agree.

          So, in a case involving practices that our society could deem beneath the basic tenets of human decency, states' rights wouldn't apply. I noticed wilderness sidestepped the example I gave where states have previously claimed "rights" that our federal government and Supreme Court have designated to be unlawful, such as racial segregation.

          1. profile image0
            ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            KIlling Animals --101
            -Plastic wrapped meat is still an animal that dies.
            -Prime rib you get at the steak house come from a vending machine ?
            -Nice leather pocket book you got there .
            -Thanksgiving aint the same with salad .
            -Gonna put that pet dog down when he get's old ?

            The difference between a hunter and you is simply that someone else kills your food and clothing , the killing is still necessary .

            1. Live to Learn profile image59
              Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Hey. Don't bring up anything in our food chain. Totally unfair. If it made it into their mouths it had to be kosher.

              1. profile image0
                ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                No ,  even the Kosher eaters accept the reality of the true food chain debate , but this IS where the anti's will come at us as "Vegans " , one of the best [and richest ]deer hunters I've ever known took me on a tour of his Kosher meat plant in RI..

                Totally unfair ? Yes .  It's SO unfair to watch that debate from the standpoint of say the brilliant Ted Nugent and the usual anti's in a debate  , the anti's leave the debate in tears of their usual hypocrisy . 

                All we can do is shake our heads.

                1. Live to Learn profile image59
                  Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  I consider Ted Nugent an over the top idiot who would be better advised to keep his mouth closed. That's just me.

                  The bottom line is everything has to eat. People simply have no idea what toll a predator population takes on other wildlife in the area and, picking one species over another to get up in arms about when they are harvested, (whatever the reason for harvesting) falls on a lot of deaf ears.

                  Let the residents of that area decide what needs to be done in that area. That appears to be the bottom line of the federal stand. I back that.

                  1. profile image0
                    ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    LTL ,  "............I think Ted nugent is an over the top idiot ..................."
                    I hope in that estimation you have taken the time to listen to the "...over the top ....." from the anti-gun , anti-hunting left ?   I hope you have watch the idiocy of animal rights protesters throwing buckets of processed pig blood at a business' owners  and  legal ,law abiding hunters ?

                    Nugent's idiocy ? There's plenty of that from P.E.T.A. ., Greenpeace , the SPCA's  and others to go around my friend .

          2. JAKE Earthshine profile image66
            JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Well Pretty Panther, not only is killing an entire family of wolves barbaric and unethical which the impostor Trump admin now approves of which is totally predictable and really no surprise considering the unprecedented corruption and darkness, it's pure evil and anyone who could even imagine this type of atrocity or plan it is not playing with a full deck: This disturbed individual is absolutely a danger to society just like hallucination prone Mr. Trump is and the experts know this:

            Imagine this, an individual commits this extreme act of inhumane cruelty or simply just conjures a plan to do it, and then visits the local psychiatrist, or psychologist or even a guidance counselor to confess what he had just done: What would be the recommendation? I guarantee the expert would retain him for a necessary psychological evaluation or face reprimand:

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              I am with you Jake, yes you are over the top on some things. As long as your heart is in the right place, you can do no wrong.

              human-comprise-0.01-of-the-total-weight-of-life-on-earth-but-are-responsible-for-killing-nearly-all-wild-mammals. The last 50 years human have kill most of the wildlife on earth and 90℅ of big fish. Don't worry about livestock survival, they have 5 times the bio mass over humans where land mammals don't.

              I was paid to reserch and patrol bears for a few years of all kinds in Western Canada. It is like Iraq time 50 for killer poachers and hunters destroying them. It's taken 4 US presidents to try to desploy the great ancient culture and poor people of Iraq. Wish I could train bears to protect themselves from humans greatest mental illness-  killing.

              Trump loves to bring back human torture and the arms race. What suffering will come out of his evil mouth next.

  4. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 6 years ago

    This policy has nothing to do with tradition "fair chase" hunting.  No hunter I know shoots pups in a den.

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I agree wholeheartedly ,  however .   In defense of most hunting we have to look at the regional facts and statistics of even these hunts .   For one , native Alaskans can do even worse . Natives can harpoon a whale and drag it onto the ice and slice it to smithereens . They can and have  killed wolves  even when they are endangered or near extinct in other regions .

      It is however totally juvenile to blame Trump and even ethical hunters for the even these legal acts of a few  , every hunter that I know is ethical , honest and emotionally affected at the kill ,   Not too long ago  I sent a famous and highly filmed world class hunter a lengthy e-mail explaining how ETHICAL hunters condemn  trophy African hunters and exactly why .    He sent me a pretty nasty e- mail back and I've yet to carry on that conversation.    Just proof that their are worlds of differences not only  between but even  within ideologies .

    2. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      To allow barbaric hunting tactics such as killing hibernating bear families in their dens -They can legally enter bear and wolf dens to kill mothers and their young cubs and pups. It would be more humane to kill the young. Because if you kill the mother bear. Without the mother protection, they are done. About 50℅ of the cubs are eaten by male bears anyway.  The cubs lack of training for food, will for sure kill them.

      To allow hunters to kill animals from airplanes, motor boat,  Steel-jawed  traps and wire snares on these national land. These cruel hunting practices should be banned, not encourage. A great unbalanced approach.

      Nothing surprises me from Trump. Along with these scum sucking lawyers who protect nothing good.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        "...........Nothing surprises me with Trump.......... "Trump neither invented nor allowed hunting  , even Alaskan bear  hunting , yet leave it to you guys to blame him for that and what ever else , thunder , lightning , tornados , hurricanes , black holes ?   

        Come on Castle , you're smarter than that .

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Trump’s new wildlife conservation board comprises several trophy hunters. He sign on to too many other cruel practices.

          Trump may have sold you that he has not one racist bone in his body. After all the oil fracking or fossil fuel and endless other damage to earth. How about one healthy natural environment bone in his body?

          I don't care about arms race, cold blooded crooks and lawyers don't want to kill their young. They are too stupid to realize natures environment negative change is mankinds greatest threat.

          The Artic region is missing a chunk of ice measuring about the size of the states of Texas, Arizona and Kansas combined.

          Would Trump lift one finger to collect all the ice from Casinos and ship it to the Artic, or blame climate change as a Chinese hoax.

          1. profile image0
            ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Castle , Liberals  blame Trump for everything they hate simply  because they hate him ,   Seems kind of sophomoric to me though ,  let's see ...Trump faults ...............ocean pollution ,  dictators ,  plastic straw pollution ,  pit bull attacks , ground hog diseases ,   Help me out here !.........northern light pollution ,  barking dogs ,  early morning garbage truck noise........jet trails ....................asparagus , brussel sprouts............

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              I didn't know liberalism majored on all these minor things.

              It's probably why I gave up on political fairytales

    3. JAKE Earthshine profile image66
      JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I'm with you psycheskinner: There are virtually no excuses and or defenses for killing a family of wolves unless of course an individual is lost in Alaska and desperately needs food to survive, other than that, it's an open and shut case and there is no debate:

      The act of killing a family of wolves for any reason other than an emergency where your survival is at stake, is an abominable act of evil, nothing more nothing less and that's just the plain truth: But what else could we possibly expect from the most corrupt and evil impostor Trump administration in history?

      This abominable decision was very predictable but thank God we have the resistance which will contest and obstruct this insanity in the court:

  5. Castlepaloma profile image75
    Castlepalomaposted 6 years ago

    Sounds like a new board game. Crook's and latters. Slide an economy down by spending 70 billion dollars on a useless wall waving US flags.Or spend 25 dollars on a latter on the Mexican side to visit your original family.

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Castle , The wall ,... I won't ask you to leave your door open tonight to signify an open border on America , but a friend of mine  told me the other day  ........." I don't lock my doors at night because I hate anybody else , .....I  lock my doors at night because I love and protect MY family ........."

      Think of The Wall that way .

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I've lived in many parts of Latin America. Left my doors more often than living in the States.

        Mexican are the Largest native tribe in North America and owned once 1/3 of America. Once you say someone is Illegal and an Alien then you have stripped them of their heritage, their culture their history their identity.  You have dehumanized them  and made then out to be a criminal. Send Trump back to Scotland. Oh I forgot, they don't want him neither. For sure Europe is not sending their best.

        Mexican are not raping and pillaging America. America is doing that best to most of the world.

      2. Randy Godwin profile image60
        Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Didn't your boy Spanky say Mexico would pay for the wall and didn't Vincente Fox say Mexico was not going to pay for the f***ing wall? Which was the liar, horse? You probably believed the former instead of the latter I'd wager, eh horse?

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Randy , your angry again aren't you ? Don't you know what anger will do to your insides ?     
          But economics 101 , Lets make this very easy to understand ;

          So, Billy's daddy gives Billy  an allowance of two dollars a week right ?
          Billy  goes to store each Saturday and buys a soda and a  candy bar ,walks down the railroad tracks and picks up rocks , Billy loves his allowance and throwing rocks ,  throwing them at assorted targets , one Saturday he throws his rock through Mr. Ferguson's plate glass window , shattering it in hundreds of pieces,  Billy hates Mr.Ferguson ,  When Ferguson confronts Billy and marches him by the ear to his daddy's recliner saying Billy here broke my plate glass picture window Billys daddy gets angry at Billy , Billy gets mad at Daddy and Mr Ferguson ,  Billy laughs and says ;

          "I will Not pay for his window,  I hate Mr Ferguson and I hate you too " !

          Daddy says calmly , " Okay Billy, fine , No more allowance "

          No more foreign aid .   Wall paid for with ex-foreign aid dollars . Window paid for with allowance dollars .Tomorrow  lesson number two , How to color nice pictures with crayons .

          1. Randy Godwin profile image60
            Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            So you bought Spanky's lie as well?  Better keep coloring as that's all you understand, Dan! tongue

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Liked the Dick  and Jane story.

              How it relates to Trump blowing his top every  week,  I don't know, Maybe.

              1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                I think he was trying to make some sort of excuse as to why Spanky lied about Mexico paying for the wall. Perhaps he will color us a picture as his analogies don't work well. tongue

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Mexico will never pay for it.

                  1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                    Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Dan says we'll cut off their allowance. That'll teach 'em Spanky means business!  tongue

  6. Castlepaloma profile image75
    Castlepalomaposted 6 years ago

    US international trading by Trump makes a lot of countries blow their top.

    The Trump idea” to pay for the wall. .... under which Trump could impose a 20% tariff on all Mexican imports

    A picture Trump nude on a wrecking ball.
    1. Mexico will rise their product prices
    2.Without Mexican cheap labour in the US. They cannot compete.
    3. The Worse because Trump is over tariff many countries. The Act and following retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners were major factors of the reduction of American exports and imports by more than half during the Depression.

    I hope enough good American catch  this in time.

  7. JAKE Earthshine profile image66
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago


    This is absolutely unholy, un-Christian, barbaric and anyone who could possibly condone this vicious behavior or perpetrate this evil is going straight to hell without a life line:

    If animal lovers don't mind Mr. Trump sabotaging their children's healthcare, perhaps this stunning reversal of laws that protect cruelty to animals might get them to stronglyobstruct the pure evil spewing from the oval office: If animal lovers are truly sincere, they must band together and vote against sick Mr. Trump and his Russian controlled republican congressional accomplices:

    "HUNTING/ANIMAL LAWS) Condemned as a “new low,” the Trump administration is attempting to repeal Obama-era rules banning cruel and harmful hunting practices in Alaska.

    The proposal promotes the senseless slaughter of Alaska’s most iconic wildlife as it would allow hunters to kill bear cubs and wolf pups in their dens, use dogs and bait to hunt bears, and shoot swimming caribou from motorboats.

    Not only are these controversial sport hunting and trapping techniques utterly barbaric and inhumane, but Trump’s plan to increase hunting opportunities on national preserve land casts aside the very purpose of national parks to protect wildlife and the environment." … g-tactics/

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, this is very sad for lovers of any kind. Don't send Satan after Trump, because Yahweh and Satan are in bed together.

      Love is the only answer, love dose conquer all.  When you send in another military of any kind, NWO beats them everytime.  I will work my part then wait for the full suffering abuse to hit the fan.

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image66
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        The only logical conclusion is that Satan has already infiltrated Mr. Trump's entire being, there is no other rational explanation for his evil and corrupt mind:

  8. Castlepaloma profile image75
    Castlepalomaposted 6 years ago

    A mentally ill prison hospital would work.

    He is getting closed to old diapers time, both physically and politically.

  9. JAKE Earthshine profile image66
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago
    Mr. Trump's caged children atrocity

    What kind of a doomed, 3rd world, former great nation has the USA been reduced to by an elderly, orange faced, hateful, draft dodging, weak cowardly madman named Trump and his repugnant republican accomplices? If you happen to reside in Alaska, Mr. Trump through his great wisdom and compassion, recently made it possible for hunters to slaughter an entire family of wolves in their home: What kind of mentally disturbed individual would commit this atrocity anyway, even if legal?

    For Immediate Release, April 4, 2017

    "Trump Signs Legislation to Kill Wolves, Bears in Alaska"

    "Republicans Repeal Rules Against Cruel, Unsportsmanlike Killings of Predators in National Wildlife Refuges

    WASHINGTON— President Trump late Monday signed legislation to strip away protections implemented by the Obama administration for wolves, bears and other predators on national wildlife refuges in Alaska. The bill, approved by Congress and signed by Trump, allows wolves and their pups to be killed in their dens and bears to be gunned down at bait stations." … 4-2017.php

    If that combined with his constant, unlawful assault on your healthcare wasn't quite enough extreme barbarism for your liking, you can now commit the despicable crime against humanity of caging innocent children indefinitely, God's creations caged en mass to be punished for their parents misdemeanor, the equivalent infraction of littering or jaywalking: UNREAL and unacceptable:

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      It is unacceptable.
      What can you do about a delusional greedy king?


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