Trump and the Nobel Peace Prize

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  1. peoplepower73 profile image82
    peoplepower73posted 6 years ago

    How can Trump be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize when his is constantly working at dividing his own country? 

    Ever since he was elected president, he has constantly called the Main Stream Media the "Fake News." No modern American president has publicly spoken this way about the press. After meeting with Kim, he did not like what some journalist said about him and their meeting so he tweets this.

    "So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!"

    Trump frequently portrays the news media as one of his enemies, but rarely has he been this blunt about it. Wednesday's tweet hearkens back to February 2017, when he called several news outlets "the enemy of the American People!"

    How is calling the news outlets the enemy of the American people uniting this country?  That is what dictators do when they want state control of the news.  That's what Kim and Putin and many third world countries have done.  it is even what Hitler did.  He actually had Ministers of Propaganda.

    To me, Fox News is a right wing propaganda machine that disseminates opinions and miss-information to people who have blind faith in what they are hearing and seeing and believe it as fact.

    Here is a little something that I picked up from a Fox/Trump supporter on another forum.  It shows how Fox News has a much larger audience than the Main Stream Media. 
    MON. JUNE 11, 2018

    FOXNEWS HANNITY 5,902,000
    FOXNEWS INGRAHAM 4,560,000
    FOXNEWS TUCKER 4,222,000
    FOXNEWS BAIER 2,788,000
    FOXNEWS THE FIVE 2,634,000
    MSNBC SPECIAL 2,378,000
    CNN CUOMO 2,362,000
    CNN TONIGHT 1,790,000
    CNN COOPER 1,691,000
    MSNBC HARDBALL 1,551,000

    If this is the case, isn't Fox News and its cohorts really the Mains Stream Media and aren't they in bed with Trump to divide the country?  After all, Trump gets a lot of advice from Hannity who doesn't even hold a government position, but acts as senior advisor to Trump.

    In my view Fox News is the civilian branch of the GOP whose purpose it is to help Trump bring the democratic party to its knees.  And they are being very successful in their endeavors.  But is that really good for the country to have a one party government and two branches of news, where one branch is constantly being praised by the president while the other is being constantly demeaned and discredited by him by calling them the fake news and the enemy of the American people?  Do you really think the Nobel Committee is going to take kindly to Trump's behavior of dividing his own country?  Our country is more at a "below the surface" civil war then we have been in a long time.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Can't imagine anyone worst at peace, today, than Trump

    2. thatsprettygood profile image83
      thatsprettygoodposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      He's not a moral man but he's handling business.  People want to judge him for separating families but if you read that a child was taken away from a mother breaking the law, you wouldn't care.  You may even praise it.  Hard to handle a kid when you are in jail after all.  People are selective in their judgment instead of practical.  You can't pick and choose which laws to enforce.  When you buy into such rhetoric you feed ratings and agendas.  You no longer even care about the law unless it benefits your point of view.  Politics in this nation have split to such extreme that telling a person something as logical as we need more compromised it met with 'vote, get rid of republicans" or democrats if they are in charge.  However, our framework as a nation was always meant to support a compromise. It's easy to see Trump in the global market stirring up trouble but it's harder to sit down and ask yourself why? Does he have a valid reason for it? The answer is overwhelming, yes.  America doesn't have free trade with many nations because other nations are using loopholes to tax imports and exports to our country.  A BMW, for example, cost nearly twice here what it does in Germany.   You can say well 'the shipping cost' but are you even investigating that? As a private shipper who is shipping in low quantity, you could easily ship your own vehicle to Germany for 800-1200 dollars.  That's if Germany didn't impose taxes upon you that they sugar coat using regulations they don't even impose on their own automakers.  The fact is that BMW is spending around 400 per vehicle shipping to the United States but charging 25 thousand dollars more on average here.  This becomes even more troubling when you realize that BMW is actually producing a fair amount of vehicle in the US.  Part of the mark up is taking advantage or capitalism but the greater part is the German government taking advantage of free trade.  Meanwhile, a Chevy cost about the same in every country it's not taxed to death for being important using some kind of 'Carbon tax" bs that was never supposed to be used for that purpose.  This is but one example of how other countries are promoting their own good by taxing ours while charging our manufactures to make the vehicle for them.  When Trump said he wants totally free trade suddenly everyone needed to talk about it because other countries just want the cake and to eat it too. Iran, on the other hand, is a power play in bad form.  However, my thoughts on Iran and Russia are not the same as most.  There are legitimate reasons for both having issues with America and poor decisions have been made on both sides. I felt Obama was doing a decent job with Iran while doing a horrible job with Russia.  I feel Trump has been more open to Russia and has worked to destroy Iran.  I can speculate why in both cases but honestly, to really have a peace would require both.  However, if he seals this deal with North Korea and somehow this war ends then there should be little doubt that the pressure and rhetoric he placed upon North Korea had an effect.  Obama talked about redline and consequences in speeches but Trump was tweeting about how to attack North Korea and the lack of stability that's given off by his erratic behavior favored peace here.  Rhetoric is one thing but an actual war was another for Kim.  He always had a sister and SK was always wanting to listen, the condition here that changed is Kim believed for the first time that America would strike and possibly strike first.  Does he deserve a Nobel peace prize for it? No, but neither did Obama.  There are far more deserving people who have a much more limited power that has done amazing things.  However, he's trendy and trends rule the world now.  Is Trump a great president? No, he's really good at some things as I have seen recently but he's not a great man.  Most independents I think would agree as we are not consumed in some WWE match of politics.  Obama was a B+ president and so far Trump has a solid B.  Morally? Yes, Obama appeared to be a better man but Obama is gone.  This is about what America needs now not about what we needed yesterday.  Often a good mix of ideas is how you create balance.  Sadly, compromise and logic have become second fiddle to rhetoric and hate in our political spectrum.  We actually say things like "you don't have the freedom to choose God anymore" or "our human rights, racism and women's rights are the worse" which is hilarious.  Maybe taking a step back and looking around we can see that the UK has far fewer women in power positions within large companies.  India, don't get me started on that.  Child rape is fine as long as it's a MUSLIM! ... Iran, you can't drive if your women and being white in South Africa is almost a death sentence today.  There are a few countries you can argue maybe doing a slightly better job than the US but only one or two come to mind.  Look at all the factors, not just the ones you think are real.  Freedom of religion is strong in this nation and has been for a long time.  I've been to London, spent a lot of time in England and I've seen how they treat others.  It is not a racially and religious accepting society people pretend it is.  Muslims are targeted on buses and trains with hate speech and outrage, that's an everyday thing there and far worse than most of what you'll ever see in the US.  Even our 'crazy gun violence" is down when significantly when you consider population increase.  The stage of gun violence is what has changed.  We are moving in a positive direction but we still need a lot of things figured out.  The extremes are too much. Saying women can get an abortion, sure, but denying that at 7 months pregnant you missed your window, is illogical. That's not a fetus at that point and maybe people who argue its still right should use their all-knowing brains to actually follow the biology of a babies development inside the womb.  It's not even up for debate, it's a baby and more than likely very capable of surviving just fine as is.  This isn't an opinion it's fact.  We let our opinions warp our views far too often.  So when a Republican says there should be limits on abortion, logically you should agree but if your politics prevent you from admitting the truth then you have real problems.  It's insane we are this way but it's not Trump's fault, it's been going this way for a long time. He simply used the divide to rally his party base just like Clinton and Bernie tried to use their ideas to do the same.  Saying you are willing to work with the other side now gets you blacklisted like John McCain, you go from war hero to a traitor who couldn't' handle the punishment and SANG to the enemy.  It's a sad place and we keep finding new reasons to divide and hate each other on a daily basis while not handling the issues at heart.

    3. DeeptiJain445 profile image61
      DeeptiJain445posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      In India, we're reeling from the same turmoil. Our Prime Minister is not outrightly coming out spewing hate but his party members, his supporters and media in cohorts with his party are openly calling the dissenters 'anti-nationals' and asking them to leave the country. Belligerent behaviour, trolling, and crime against minorities has become commonplace. This rise in far-right and populist leaders all over the world is alarming and a cause of worry.

    4. jackclee lm profile image78
      jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      You can say the same about NYT, CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN, MSNBC...being the Cheering squad for the Democratic Party...

      In terms of numbers, that is why they are the main stream media compared to Fox and talk radio which is alternative conservative media.

      As for the Nobel Peace prize, it is meant to award people who has a hand in formenting peace around the world...not necessarily harmony within a country especially one that is so evenly divided as in the US today.

      By that argument of yours, how could they award the peace prize to Obama, he was the souce of much discord in the US over his 8 years...

      1. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this


        J: You can say the same about NYT, CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN, MSNBC...being the Cheering squad for the Democratic Party...

        M:  That's true, except if you really watched CNN, you would know they have guests like Kellyanne Conway, Jeffery Lord, Guiliani, Lewandowski, Stephen King, and many others from Fox that are very conservative. 

        J: In terms of numbers, that is why they are the main stream media compared to Fox and talk radio which is alternative conservative media.

        M:  What numbers are you talking about? In your previous post, you just showed me how Alternative Conservative Media outnumbers MSM in viewership.  I like your term for right wing media. I'm going to call it the ACM from now on.  Thank you.

        J: As for the Nobel Peace prize, it is meant to award people who has a hand in formenting peace around the world...not necessarily harmony within a country especially one that is so evenly divided as in the US today.

        M:  So you think that removing over 2,300 Central American children from their parents to possibly never know of their whereabouts again, is fomenting peace around the world? And having trade wars with major foreign industries is worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize?

        J: By that argument of yours, how could they award the peace prize to Obama, he was the souce of much discord in the US over his 8 years...

        M:  Please list all the things that Obama did to create much discord in the world over his 8 years as president, compared to Trump's discord in the world with his time in office.

        1. jackclee lm profile image78
          jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          That is so easy... Obama in failing to deal with ISIS, created the Syrian refugee crisis... over 1 million people  affected by his policy. His lead from behind policy has left the free world without a leader and lead to chaos. His apology tour at the start of his administration set the tone for the rest of his career... a weak and desperate leader. So desperate, he was willing to pay the Iranians for hostages and for the Iran nuclear deal. To this day, we don't know where the billions in cash come from that was sent to Iran and funding new terrorists...

          1. peoplepower73 profile image82
            peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Jack:  This is easy for me also:

            J: That is so easy... Obama in failing to deal with ISIS, created the Syrian refugee crisis... over 1 million people  affected by his policy.

            M:  Obama did not create the refugee crisis.  It was created by Bashar Al Assad committing genocide on his own people. The majority of his people are a different form of Shia than he is.   He also received help from Putin's bombers.  It can be argued that Obama had already weakened ISIS to the point when Trump took over, they were ready to be defeated. I will give him credited for letting his field commanders make their own decisions.

            J: His lead from behind policy has left the free world without a leader and lead to chaos.

            M: Lead from behind is a euphemism. What chaos did it lead the world to?

            J: His apology tour at the start of his administration set the tone for the rest of his career... a weak and desperate leader.

            M:  "Apology tour" is another euphemism and is right wing rhetoric.  The rest of that sentence is a regurgitation of Fox News propaganda.  How could  a weak and desperate president get elected for a 2nd term? 

            J: So desperate, he was willing to pay the Iranians for hostages and for the Iran nuclear deal. To this day, we don't know where the billions in cash come from that was sent to Iran and funding new terrorists...

            M:  That was Iran's own money that we were holding and they wanted it back.  Again you only believe Trump and Fox News.  Here is the real story.

   … e-history/

            1. jackclee lm profile image78
              jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Obama made several speeches around the world apologizing for our past sins... Fox news and I did not create anything. It is his legacy. They are enshrined in video on youtube.

              As for ISIS and Syria, it was his failed policies to lead that lead to this humanitarian crisis. If he had stopped ISIS when he was adviced by his generals, this would not have escalated to this point. Again, this is history, just look it up. Fox news only reported on it. It was Obama that gave the orders.

              As for being reelected a second term, he and Ben Rhodes orchestrated the Benghazi deceit so that he could be re-elected while blaming the incident on an youtube video sending Susan Rice on 7 shows to put out that lie.

              So you see, everything that is going right now, is a result of his failures in his 8 years and now Trump is fixing...

              1. peoplepower73 profile image82
                peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Jack:  You can believe what you want.  But time will tell. Trump has deregulated the financial markets.  That is the same thing that caused the 2008 financial meltdown. The market can't continue upward forever, there will be a crash because there always is one, but he will blame it on the liberal democrats, because he can't own his own mistakes. 

                He and his people don't have a clue as to how to reunite over 2300 separated children from their parents. But he doesn't care about that either and has already blamed the democrats for his screw-ups.  North Korea is already starting up their reactors.  He will probably blame that on the democrats as well.  Harley Davidson is already moving part of their assembly plants to other countries because of his trade wars.  Many are predicting job losses because of his high tariffs imposed on imported materials.

                I have already shown you that Trump and the ACM were wrong about the money given to the  Iranians.  But I'm sure you won't believe that as well.  Many of the things you have listed as Trump's accomplishments are just at their beginning stages, but may have long term negative consequences.  We will just have to wait and see.  As they say, it's not over until the fat lady sings.

                1. jackclee lm profile image78
                  jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  I am a patient guy... Let's wait and see.  The mid term election is coming up soon.
                  Let's revisit this after the election. we will see how many of his accomplishments come true...

                  In either case, you have to admit Trump is no joke. He is consequential  whether you support him or not...

                  1. peoplepower73 profile image82
                    peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Jack:  He is no joke and he is consequential.  That is for sure.  However, his impulsiveness concerns me.    He operates on impulse and instinct alone, which causes chaos and his backtracking of policies and procedures because he doesn't think things through. It's like "ready, fire, aim." Look what happened to those 2,300 children.  What he does think through is how to market his image as always victorious, even when he isn't and the tremendous counter-punching of his opponents.  It is like an ugly, excessive use of force.

                    I am concerned for this country and it's people in the long term.  I think he is going to take a wrecking ball to the entire organization of his administration. He and Steve Bannon believe in what they call "economic nationalism" where the doors are closed on globalization including trade and immigration. The purpose of which is to have the money flow to the top of the food chain.  That's what the tax breaks for the corporations, super-rich, and trade wars are about.

                    Brexit is breaking away from the EU and becoming nationalized.  This is how it will affect the derivatives market.

           … K&IR=T

                    Trump doesn't seem to have any concern for the severe weather patterns that we have experienced in recent years. They not only create crisis, but they also are costing a lot of money. We need to do something on our seaboards like what they have done in Amsterdam to control the oceans flooding from hurricanes and severe weather or it is going to cost us not only in money but in lives lost.

    5. jackclee lm profile image78
      jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      One of the real problem in our country is that people like you who does not see bias in the main stream media and complains about Fox news. If anything p, Fox news is one of the few homest brokers of news. It has a conservative bent but so what? The rest of the media have liberal bent...the difference is fox admits it while the others claim they are main stream...

      1. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Jack:  I have watched CNN for years.  I have never heard them call themselves mainstream media.  However, I have heard fox news call them that.  I have heard Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin et al,  call them the lame stream media.

        I have heard Trump call them the fake news and the enemy of the people.  This person who shot and killed all of those five news people could have been triggered by Trump's "Enemy of the People."  Notice, I said "could have."

        I think we all suffer from confirmation bias.  Here is an excerpt from Psychology Today

        "Confirmation bias occurs from the direct influence of desire on beliefs. When people would like a certain idea/concept to be true, they end up believing it to be true. They are motivated by wishful thinking. This error leads the individual to stop gathering information when the evidence gathered so far confirms the views (prejudices) one would like to be true."

        What I have been presenting in my comments about Reagan are  the other side of your confirmation bias, the part you and others choose to ignore, but are facts.

        Here is the link to the article.  You may want to read it. … ation-bias

  2. Live to Learn profile image60
    Live to Learnposted 6 years ago

    The below the surface civil war has been brewing. Look at your complaints and compare them to complaints when a Democrat was in office. Everyone is chicken little.

    Don't want a civil war brewing? Be more considerate of opposing views. Find the rational reasons that helped form them. Work together to find a fair middle ground.

    As long as each side finds the other ignorant, or ill informed and attempts to force change without consensus you'll have contention and strife.

    Don't blame Trump for problems we all created and actively keep participating in.

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      That's right, just because Spanky lies a half dozen times a day, insults anyone he doesn't agree with, supports pedophiles and racists for public office, does away with formerPOTUS protocol, and in every way seeks to separate us from our allies while talking sweet to our enemies, it doesn't have any effect on the division between the parties.  roll

      1. Live to Learn profile image60
        Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for illustrating my point.

        1. Randy Godwin profile image59
          Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          So you don't believe the way the POTUS acts has any effect on his constituents?  Ha!  Shortly after Spanky was elected I heard a couple of people say, "Now that Trump's president, we can start saying N****r again. "   

          You'd be wrong....

          1. profile image0
            ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Randy , where DO you buy this crap that you constantly spew ?
            Once again  . Trump supporters are all;
            Is this the limit of your political insight ?

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              I know a few, that are not.

          2. Live to Learn profile image60
            Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I suppose if you ran across an ignorant person that proved your point.

  3. peoplepower73 profile image82
    peoplepower73posted 6 years ago

    Everybody:  This division all started when Reagan removed the Fairness Doctrine.  Fox News was born and a short time later CNN was born.  Reagan wanted a conservative news outlet and Ted Turner of CNN, wanted a more liberal bent to the news.  So yes, through the years, we have all perpetuated one side or the other, but Trump is throwing gasoline on the kindling to make a huge bonfire.  Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." But that doesn't seem to bother Trump.  He delights in division, because he can burn the house down and rebuild it to his liking, with his yes men.

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      If you find value in Lincoln's statement wouldn't it be wiser to throw some water, to attempt compromise, to give a little slack rather than throwing your own gas?  Rather than constantly pointing out "flaws" (according to you), refusing to acknowledge achievements, refusing any change, however small, from your own concept of where we should go as a country?

      Just asking...

      1. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        What do you think about Pruitt, Dan?  I haven't heard your take on him, but even Fox is coming down on him now.

      2. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this


        W: If you find value in Lincoln's statement wouldn't it be wiser to throw some water, to attempt compromise, to give a little slack rather than throwing your own gas?  Rather than constantly pointing out "flaws" (according to you), refusing to acknowledge achievements, refusing any change, however small, from your own concept of where we should go as a country? Just asking..

        M:  What I'm pointing out as flaws is not according to me.  It is according to Trump.  Do you deny that he discredits and demeans the news, except for fox by calling it fake news and the enemy of the American people?  Why would he do that, unless he wants to divide the country?

        It's not my job to point out his achievements.  When Obama was president, did you point out his achievements and want to work with him? Why don't you point out his achievements?

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Of course it's not your "job" to point out achievements, for that will do nothing to expand the divide - the goal of constant degradation of anything and everything remotely connected to Trump. 

          It's just a little silly, don't you think, to whine about division while doing your best to promote and expand it?

          1. peoplepower73 profile image82
            peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Wilderness: I'm affecting a few people in this forum by commenting about Trump.  However his attacks of calling the free press fake news and the enemy of the American people is causing a division of millions of people in this country.  Why would a president do that unless he wanted to divide the country?  How is that uniting the country?

            As far as achievements go I don't believe he has achieved anything, other than much disruption and his own self-aggrandizing.  Please prove me wrong.

            1. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Ah.  You don't have the ability Trump does, so you can do the same thing but it's all right.  Even though it is the people, not the president, causing division, it is all right because individually they are all weak.

              I disagree.

              If you refuse to acknowledge achievements there isn't anything to say, is there?  I'm positive you know them as well as I do, but refuse to acknowledge them because there is then good in Trump's tenure and that cannot be allowed, now can it?

              1. peoplepower73 profile image82
                peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Wilderness:  After 8 years of Obama's achievements, how many of them did you acknowledge or list?  Let me guess, none because you didn't think he achieved anything.  Trump is now blaming the democrats for their  split up of parents and their children at the border.  Why should I even support a man who can't even own his own mistakes?  But he sure is great at blaming others for problems that he has created.

                1. wilderness profile image95
                  wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  How many did I acknowledge?  All of them.  Increasing border crossing catches.  Ending the recession, although I would have liked to have something to show for it (like rebuilt dams and highways) rather than just giving gifts of money.  I suppose he played a part in catching Bin Laden, although it was no more than authorizing the mission others planned.  A couple of others.

                  What does that have to do with your intentionally sowing as much discord and doing what you can to split the nation?

                  Who wrote the law splitting children from parents?  Who voted for it?  I don't know - do you?  (Hint - it wasn't Trump).

                  1. Randy Godwin profile image59
                    Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Spanky condones it and could stop such shit if he wanted to, Dan. He doesn't want to though.

    2. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      " A house divided against itself cannot stand "  amazing that you bring that up right after the most divisive[and expensive ] president  to enter the White House leaves office , Pres. Obama !

      Oh , that's right .....that's history , it doesn't count right ?

      1. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this


        A: " A house divided against itself cannot stand "  amazing that you bring that up right after the most divisive[and expensive ] president  to enter the White House leaves office , Pres. Obama !

        Oh , that's right .....that's history , it doesn't count right ?

        M: It doesn't count unless you can conclusively prove otherwise.  If you can't then, it is merely your opinion.  How much do you think this 18 months of IG investigations cost us to prove Trump was wrong about Comey, the FBI, Obama, and Hillary?...Of course, you, Trump, and all of his supporters won't accept the findings.  Fox News will also put a spin on it to discredit the IG's efforts and findings.

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          The "cost "incurred for this so called investigation is ALL on the democrats , if the alleged charges against Trump are so relevant , there should be multiple charges against Hilllary and Obama and both their crews .  Your understanding of or your ignoring the political history of your party is the real problem .  So if "Proof " is the requirement for your obstruction based ideology . You must have lots of it hidden away waiting for the right moment in time ? 

          Yes , the" house divided " is here , congratulations , It was your party , your divisiveness and the cost of that ;    Your party is dying a slow death right now  but of course you already know that , when even as half of liberals leave for greener grass , shallow commitments that they do have , it will only worsen for 2018 ,2020 ,2022 , but especially 2024.

          1. peoplepower73 profile image82
            peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

            ahorseback:  Who do you think ordered the investigation?  It was Trump.  Now things didn't go his way and like I said before you, he, fox news and their cohorts won't accept it.  I'm going to tell you what I have been told by you people.  You lost...get over it.  But Trump won't because he is a spoiled brat child.

            Not only that but now you are trying to put the blame on the democrats, even though they are out of power. I knew you would never give any proof, because you can't. It is only what you have heard and your opinion.

            Our party is not dying a slow death. It is dying a quick death, thanks to the conservative republican game plan that has been beautifully executed through all these years with all the funding by the elites at the top of your party broadcasting propaganda to the voters at the bottom of your party. 

            The people at the bottom are so brainwashed, they don't even know that they have voted through all these years against their own best  interest.  My concern is not only is our party dying a quick death, but so is more than half of this country...and this will continue into the future. 

            Congratulations on a great job.  I have to admit that conservatives are much better at organizing and attacking than the liberals.  It is not in our nature and our  DNA, but it most certainly is in conservatives souls.

  4. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 6 years ago

    In the meantime, Spanky's cronies are being slowly indicted all around him. Flynn, Papadopoulos, Manafort and Cohen are just among the many soon to be flipping like a high board diver.  Wonder who'll they turn on?  cool

  5. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 6 years ago

    To the brilliance of some here , One would think that Trump not only created the laws that he is now constitutionally enforcing but has decided to actually separate the kids from their "parents " to protect who ,  the other  inmates of detention centers ? Why separate them at all ?  Because you don't throw infants  in cells with drug dealers , gang members and  psychopaths.
    Maybe ........?
    But people here what , know batter what to do with them ?

    One more reason to actually hold Obama accountable for something ?

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Shush!  We're not allowed to discuss alternatives to detaining those kids.  So far, I haven't seen a single suggestion from the left, outside of providing apartment style living arrangements for illegals at our cost, and there is a very good reason for that - if a reasonable alternative is found it means they can't pound on Trump for enforcing the law.

      So just keep quiet and don't ask for alternative suggestions.  I upsets the lefties.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        And when all other reasoned voices speak to the issue :

        Every single time , it always comes around .

  6. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 6 years ago

    Apparently there are no recent graphs showing the percentages of immigrants from different countries. I wonder why they stopped making them since 2005?  Or is it simply the latest graphs don't give the desired effect some want?  I'd bet on the latter since a Spanky fan is using the old graph. Trumping it, in other words.  lol

  7. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 6 years ago

    Trump should win some kind of an award.
    I offer the Darwin Award, more often off themselves by way of the most stupid actions they do. My vote goes to Trump, for a lifetime achievement award.

  8. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 6 years ago

    In an interview a few moments ago  the head of ICE said they were removing children from their parents due to a misdemeanor committed by their parents.  The same penalty as being publicly drunk and having your children taken away from you because of it. 

    Asked twice by Wolf Blitzer if this was humane, he declined to answer either time while looking extremely pained. If the head of the ICE forces refuses to answer if the way they're treating these people is humane, then this says a lot about our officials. Thankfully this dude is retiring very soon. I don't blame him as he has Spanky Stench on him. Something which will never wash off.

    1. GA Anderson profile image82
      GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      You are right Randy, (notice that I left out the "again" part :-).

      It is a terrible policy.


  9. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 6 years ago

    Crossing the border is a misdemeanor as the head of ICE admitted today. They are taking children away from parents for a stupid misdemeanor. Imagine jaywalking and having your kids taken away. Stupid BS!

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      What do you think will happen when you commit the same misdemeanor every day, with the stated objective of doing it for the rest of your life?  Along with committing more serious crimes every day as well (working a job illegally, failure to file taxes, failure to pay taxes, identity theft, driving without a license, etc.)?  Imagine doing that and making that statement and expecting nothing to be done!

      Pretty stupid to think we're allowed to do such things, isn't it?

      1. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I said I was through with you, Dan. I'm not interested in what you think. Don't address me and I surely won't address you. Too much trouble to get an answer from you..

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          All ya have to do is answer questions - that's what makes a discussion.  But I'm tired of answering yours only to have you refuse to answer mine - only after I get an answer will I return one, and have been doing that for a while.

          But that's fine, Randy - I won't respond again if you don't wish to discuss issues.

  10. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 6 years ago

    The more that Trump drops the entire US out of these worthlessly P.C.  organizations  the better for us all , Next on the list , Hopefully our expensive and mindlessly ignorant membership in the U.N. ?

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Trump being two face with UN right now.

      If Trump can be nominated for Nobel Peace prize, then anyone can. Trump who is bombing eight countries. A man who defended some white-nationalist marchers as "very fine people," implored a crowd at a campaign rally to "knock the crap out" of protesters, and threatened nuclear annihilation against North Korea . He has no war on with poverty, homeless or natural environment. He is a probable every good as a contender for a Nobel Peace Prize as Obama was.

      1. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Don't forget the Zero Tolerance Policy where the kids are separated from their parents.  How is that going to play in Oslo Norway?

      2. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Castle , Unlike most , I have absolutely ZERO respect for a foundation that would nominate a new president for doing nothing , the Nobel used to mean something .   But as much of the politically correct world knows , The Obama era changed all that .  ...... Talk about a guy who bombed eight nations !

        Peoplepower , I'm pretty sure Trump cares NOT about a worthless medal , we both also know he doesn't need the money , he'd just donate it like he did his salary to the soldiers or some other cause  , Did Obama ever donate anything ?

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          I know they always needed a dictionary give interpretation of words from the bible. For many words like fear, actually means respect. Magic means evil or miracle mean Supernatural and so on.

          It time to have a dictionary for politicans words, like peace means hire more phycopaths and dropping more bomb's. Nuclear bombs means peace makers.

          Or they are welcome to their own personal hell.

  11. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

    No but seriously, they didn't give Mr. Trump that big prize yet did they? Think this might adversely affect the scheduling of Donald's big celebration day? No big deal anyway, he probably would have just melted it down and sold it for scrap to pay off debts:

    "North Korea upgrades nuclear facility despite Trump-Kim summit, satellite images show" … 741015002/

  12. peoplepower73 profile image82
    peoplepower73posted 6 years ago

    Jack:  Yep, Reagan was a great leader.  He created the Savings and Loan Debacle, the Iran Contra Affair, and Trickle Down Economics. His economic policies didn't trickle down, they streamed upward and sideways to unnumbered Swiss accounts and to the Cayman Islands. David Stockman who was Reagan's Budget Director called it Voodoo economics.

    If you actually lived through that period, you would know that what I mentioned is true.  Reagan has been sanctified by the right by people who were never even old enough or alive during that period, especially Sean Hannity.

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      PP , that response is full of ideological bias and that's all ,  The new Senate Left under Bush #1  blew the entire Reagan economic gains inside of one to two years , And then what happened ? Clintonomics .
      Reaganomics worked and was working well , except in the minds of you rewriters of political  history . ........Ya I was there too !   After Jimmy Carter -Almost  Anyone could have done a much better job !

      1. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this


        Fact: Savings and Loan Debacle

        Fact:  Iran/Contra Affair

        Fact: Voodoo Economics

        Fact:  Clinton was one of the only presidents to have a budget surplus.

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Your" facts " lack any  importance at all in comparison to how illegal your Obama administration was ,  Or the Clintons for that matter.  Clinton  regime enjoyed fully the Reaganomics surpluses and corporate growth .  Given the illegalities of those two  alone  ,anyone  should love Trump .

          1. peoplepower73 profile image82
            peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

            ahorseback:  How nice of you to judge history facts with just your biased opinion with no facts to back them up and your false equivalence of your "illegality of Obama and Clinton" should make me love Trump. Here are some history lessons for you.  Oh I know you won't read them, but maybe others might.

            Savings and Loan Debacle:

   … ugman.html

            Iran/Contra Affair:


            Voodoo Economics:

   … rk-3305572



            1. profile image0
              ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              So you're just proving my point Peoplepower ,  You post these "facts " from where ,  The news media ? Yet your opinion is truth and others are not Why ?  Because you or your biased media put a little word in front of them , -"fact " ? And another word in front of others "lies " , please .......Like I said , I was there too , your still re-writing that history book huh ?

              1. peoplepower73 profile image82
                peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                ahorseback:  I'm not re-writing anything, these are facts, not my opinion.  If you "were there" during this time, you should be able to answer these questions

                Did the Savings and Loan Debacle occur because Reagan deregulated the financial markets?  Yes or no

                Did it create the worst meltdown since the '29 crash?  Yes or no

                Did it take years to recover from that meltdown?  Yes or no

                Did Oliver North and Reagan violate the Boland Ammedment by selling arms to Iran, to fund the Communist Sandinista government to fight the Contra's Yes or no

                Was Oliver North running a shadow government apart from congress?  Yes or no

                Did Reagan's trickle down economics cause more money to flow down to the middle class or to the super-rich at the top? Choose one

                Did Clinton balance the budget?  Yes or no

                a: So you're just proving my point Peoplepower ,  You post these "facts " from where ,  The news media ? Yet your opinion is truth and others are not Why ?  Because you or your biased media put a little word in front of them , -"fact " ? And another word in front of others "lies " , please .......Like I said , I was there too , your still re-writing that history book huh ?

                M:  Speaking of lying, your president lies and exaggerates everyday.  He has more positions than the Kama Sutra.  But that is O.K. with you because he is going to make America great again.  He even calls the media the enemy of the people...sounds like a dictator to me!

                1. profile image0
                  ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  That all sounds like a very bad nightmare Peoplepower , time to wake up , there are no boggy men under your bed .'re  make far too , too many unrelated "connections ".

                  1. jackclee lm profile image78
                    jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Peoplepower is part of the swamp in DC. He worked in our government his whole career. He knows no better solution. Give him a break...

                  2. peoplepower73 profile image82
                    peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    ahorseback:  You can't or won't answer the questions.  That's what I thought. But that my friend is not only reality, it is also real history.  There are no unrelated connections and yes at the time, it was like bad dream.

                    Speaking of bad dreams, Reagan also fired all the air traffic controllers who were on strike, causing an upset to the  safety of the entire airline industry...Do you remember that? or are you too young?   He also closed down all the mental institutions and put mentally ill people on the streets, throughout the nation. Until this day, we have never recovered from that. 

                    Those institutions never opened again.  And now we have mentally ill people performing mass killings of innocent people.  That is not an unrelated connection.  It is fact.

  13. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 6 years ago

    Peoplepower , How  is it that you belong to a party that has decided that every single political thing that happens is the WORST thing that could possibly happen in the world , has anyone over there in liberal land thought about what's going to happen when your  younger party members WAKE UP  to that fact ?

    From Reagan's first political decisions all the way through two Bush's  to Trump's last ones you and your political offspring  belong to the NaySayers of the last of the 20th and the newest  21st century .   AND YET , all of the political corruptions that you mention have been trumped [no pun intended ]by your party by ten times in JUST THE LAST FIVE YEARS.

    Your party has totally corrupted the very democracy that you constantly state your party's  defence OF but not by one or two political issues , by every single one . You make absolutely no political sense anymore , your party makes no political sense any more .  Your party is a dying political entity  . Like slavery itself  ,like the black voting rights  like women not allowed to vote , like civil rights , labor rights , children's labor rights , you have obstructed ever advancement known to a progressive society .

    And now your party has lost all of your political capital and sits idle and powerless while you allow  those like Maxine Waters , Nancy Pelosi ,  Bernie Sanders , Elizabeth Warren , Gillibrand ,Schumer  and other outdated and unhinged fringe political  members to define your entire forward  direction  and to steer your ideological growth into history  ?

    Keep pulling that democratic voting handle Peoplepower , You are quickly advancing your entire party right into  the promise of political oblivion .

    1. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      ahorseback:  You seem to forget, Hillary won the majority popular vote. Those people are still alive and well.   Trump plays to his base, not the people who voted for Hillary.  He is afraid to do that. He is all about bringing back coal miners because they live in the electoral college states.  He feels beholden to them.  I'm sure he will do it. 
      The problem is the health effects of coal.  It is the 21st century for God Sake, but he will keep his promise, because he is Trump.

      I'm sure the GOP will win the mid-terms.  But we will all have to see how Trump plays out his agenda of "Economic Nationalism" (Trump's and Steve Bannon's name for Reaganomics and closing the borders).   These are still the early stages of his agenda by his own admission. 

      I have to give the GOP credit.  They have been on the march to take over both the federal government and local governments since the time of LBJ and Civil Rights.  They are very good at aggressively organizing, attacking and using propaganda very effectively.  On the other hand, liberals are terrible at doing the same thing.  They are more at live and let live kind of people.  Liberals are right brain people.  Conservatives are left brain people...look it up!

      Now Trump has played right into the hands of the GOP and they have taken control of the Supreme Court for perpetuity.  Congratulations, you have won.

      But, You think you can overwhelm me by your deluge of insults and unfounded exaggerations about me and liberals. Well you are wrong.  I deal in facts that are just the other side of your confirmation bias. I already commented on this in Jack's comments, but here it is again for you.

      "Confirmation bias occurs from the direct influence of desire on beliefs. When people would like a certain idea/concept to be true, they end up believing it to be true. They are motivated by wishful thinking. This error leads the individual to stop gathering information when the evidence gathered so far confirms the views (prejudices) one would like to be true."

      Here is the link to the article if you would like to read it. … ation-bias

      1. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Jack and ahorseback:

        Right at this moment PDT 9:16 a.m.  Fox News is covering the campaign of a conservative in Michigan and in the lower right corner of the screen, in a barely view-able  little frame is the protest going on across the country about splitting of  the children from their families. To make matters  even worse, there is no audio.

        On CNN, there is complete full coverage of the protests across the nation. They are switching from one city to another while interviewing the people in the protest.

        My point is:  If you are Fox viewer right now, you probably don't even know about these protests, but you definitely   know there is a conservative candidate from Michigan trying to convince people to vote for him.

        If you were watching CNN, you would know that the country is fed up with Trump's Zero Tolerance Policy. Now do you see the difference, in confirmation bias?

        1. Randy Godwin profile image59
          Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Still too complicated for them to grasp.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            It's totally blocked out for having a cement head.

            1. jackclee lm profile image78
              jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              No, the american people are smarter than that. Most people polled show they blame the family for bringing their kids to sneak into our country.

              1. peoplepower73 profile image82
                peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Jack:  Again confirmation bias.  The key operative here is "most people polled show."  Most people is a generalization.  What poll is it and did you look any further into it or were you just satisfied once you found that information that confirms your wishes and beliefs? Who are the people who blame the families for sneaking their kids into our country?  How many people were in today's protest across the nation?  Were there more or less than your "most people." Did you get that information from Fox News?

                1. jackclee lm profile image78
                  jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  So by that logic, why take any polls?
                  If the answer provided by polls don’t agree with your perception, just call it bias...
                  The American people have said again and again they want border enforcement...and this last Presidential election was a key issue.
                  For you to deny what they want and push an open borders agenda of the radical progressives which again by polls is at most 20% of the population, 40% are conservative...

                  1. peoplepower73 profile image82
                    peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Jack:  Hundred of thousands of people in cities across the nation were protesting Trump's Zero Tolerance Policy and separation of children from their parents.  How does that number  compare to your polls?  Don't forget, Hillary won the popular vote.  Those people are still alive and well. Again, what polls are you talking about and what is the source for your information?

           … story.html

          2. jackclee lm profile image78
            jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            The bias is what created this uproar over splitting families at the border. This was an orchestrated outrage. As noted by many, the same was happening under Obama with no objection...

  14. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 6 years ago

    Confirmation Bias  ?

    Is the party of such a corrupted inner workings as to allow the "under the table "purchasing of in candidacy by Hillary over Sanders and two other candidates , and them  "folding " to that travesty of democracy?

    Is Confirmation Bias  when a Nation Presidential debate where the questions are pre-handed to your candidate in an earpiece  ?

    Perhaps Conformational Bias is when a candidate assumes victory to the point that visiting the states where her potential voters live in unnecessary , BECAUSE the liberal majority  media tells her "Don't worry , you won" ?

    Confirmation Bias might be when you win by electoral college and it's the best election system in the world  but to Lose by it and our election system is now incredibly outdated ?

    Conformational bias might be when you lose to Trump the head of the DNC now says "Our President is Still Obama "?

    Conformational Bias could be when an entire party can't handle the presidential election outcome two years later ?

    But  , to you , The right is delusional ?

    All you other points are bias too .

    1. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      ahroseback:  Yes all of those things you listed are your confirmation bias.  It proves to you Hillary can't be trusted.  She and all the the democratic liberals are stupid, intolerant, corrupt, and not to be trusted.

      My confirmation bias is we have a president who is a chronic lair, suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, exaggerates, plays only to his base, is racist and has been used by the GOP to take over the local governments and the federal governments to make money  flow to the top of corporations and big money interest.   He also uses Fox News as his state run media outlet and advisors.

      I don't think I ever  said the right is delusional.

  15. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 6 years ago

    Peoplepower , Explain to us all please ,Why do you think that Trump should actually play to YOUR base ?  Here's a revelation for you , Trump won against the wishes , dreams and hopes of a socialist democracy that you would transform America into ? And yes , I do believe that . So who's delusional ?

    Here's to your other rant half ;   Your accusations are baseless , entirely baseless ,  "............Trump is racist, ...chronic liar......personality disorder .......take over the GOP ..........." You're suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome peoplepower and you know that very well , I know that I don't need to  repeat it constantly .

    The protest across America right now are nothing but an alt-left  meltdown over the severe losses of your party in recent years ,   
    Obama's failure to launch , Hillary's , Sanders , all of which is a failed attempt to bring socialism to the government's highest offices AND especially to the supreme courts of America .

    Trump is fighting two party's and is doing so at the behest of the cross generated parties that elected him , Do you have a clue at how many democrats and republicans crossed the voting booth lines to elect someone outside of the two parties ? And do you also remember in past decades when even democrats wanted to clean up D,C. politics ?  That absolutely STILL baffles me about democrats obstructing Trump today , proving that YOU never wanted anything but bigger governments , entitlement spending and absolutely O accountability from Congress .

    No , it's not Trump that suffers mental issues .

    1. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      ahorseback: I didn't ever say Trump should play to our base.  He plays to his base because of his narcissistic tendencies to be adored by the people that voted for him in the electoral college states. I never said delusional.  You can believe what you want to about his transforming the country into MAGA.

      I don't want bigger government spending.  Social security and medicare are not entitlements.  I paid for mine...did you pay for yours?  And yet Trump and the GOP want to cut them.  I have news for you.  The government by its very nature is self-nurturing and will always grow in one form or another.  If "entitlements" are cut, that money will be spent elsewhere, like on Trump's wall that was going to  paid for by Mexico.

      The protests now are not about losing the election.  They are about the separation of about 2,300 children being separated from their parents.  Just read the protesters signs.

      Insulting me isn't going to get you anyplace.  Trump is a chronic lair, suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, exaggerates, is a hypocrite,  plays only to his base, is racist and has been used by the GOP to take over the local governments and the federal governments to make money  flow to the top of corporations and big money interest.   

      He also uses Fox News as his state run media outlet and advisors.  He calls the other media the fake news and enemy of the people.  He doesn't want a free press.  He wants to control it, like all dictators do.  He admires Putin and Kim, because he wants to be like them. Admiring powerful, strong leaders, even though they are your enemy is an NPD symptom.

      These are not insults.  I can prove every statement.  You know it and I know it.

      When you vote for somebody, you have a vested interest in hoping you are right and they do the things you wish. That's the point where your voters  are with Trump and you don't want people like me upsetting your apple cart.

      1. jackclee lm profile image78
        jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        So, I am going to turn this around on you. What is your solution to deal with the thousands that are coming to our borders with children...?

        If you don’t separate them, how do you proceed?
        Do you setup hotels for all these families, pay for their food and housing and education and medical care? While they wait months for a court hearing?
        You expect the Americsn people just pay for this without a say?
        If thousands come now, what if 10,000 come next month?

        Just like with the homeless in San Francisco and Seattle, when you invite them in with free stuff, guess what, you get more of them...
        It is common sense.

        I am waiting for your brilliant and compassionate solution to this problem?

        1. peoplepower73 profile image82
          peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Jack:  I'm no president. All right wing conservatives criticize Obama's immigration policy.  But it was a zero sum game.  He deported as many as he allowed in.

          I don't know how to re-unite 2,300 kids with their parents.  That is the problem that Trump, Sessions, and Miller created.  But just for the sake of discussion, let's say they are all united again. 

          I would then deport all of them back to Mexico and we would split the cost with Mexico for their rehabilitation.  Right now we are paying for their detention.  Wouldn't it be better for the families if they were together on the other side of the border than being here and being separated and detained indefinitely, while we pay for their shelter and care?

          It seems to me, if the FBI and the CIA can find missing people, they should be able to find the those kids, but who knows?

          1. jackclee lm profile image78
            jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            You are assuming these people wants to be found...

            1. peoplepower73 profile image82
              peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Jack:  Of course they want to be found.  If you have kids, do you want to be separated from them? Are you assuming, they don't want to be found?  Many of them are little children for God's sake.  I don't think Trump wants them to be found.

              1. wilderness profile image95
                wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                As we've found thousands and thousands of kids coming across the border without their parents it doesn't seem unbelievable that those parents don't want their kids found.

                Are you sure YOU want them found?  After all, if they remain on the loose eventually they'll enter the DACA status - the one where Obama decided he wouldn't enforce the laws of the country any more and liberals nearly died when Trump said he WOULD follow the law.  Anything for a potential liberal voter, and if means they lose their parents, that's OK, right?

          2. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Why in the world would we pay Mexico to "rehabilitate" anyone at all?  That sounds like a great way for Mexico to make another grab for American money while encouraging their residents (legal or not) to sneak across the border again.

          3. GA Anderson profile image82
            GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            "I would then deport all of them back to Mexico ..."

            Hi peoplepower73, I grabbed a piece of your response - not to challenge it, but only because it is a question I don't think has been asked.

            Can we just deport them back to Mexico?

            From what I understand, the bulk of the illegals are not Mexican citizens. I would think Mexico might have a problem with us just sending bus loads of women and children to the other side of the border.

            Of course that thought pops the question - to where are we deporting the ones we deny now? (the obvious implication is I haven't bothered to look for either answer)

            I know you included splitting costs arrangements in your thought, but my thought is why would Mexico even consider the idea.

            What do you think?


            1. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              An interesting question - are we no required to research the world's records for country of citizenship before deportation?  Or can we put them into the country they entered the US from?

              1. GA Anderson profile image82
                GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Well hell, I guess since I raised the question I better see if I can find the answer. Maybe.


                1. peoplepower73 profile image82
                  peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  GA:  Here is the answer from USA Today, June 25, 2018

                  "Individuals from Mexico are usually flown to U.S. border cities and either walk or are bused across the border. Those from Central American countries are flown direct. ICE Air Operations (IAO) handles air transport.

                  Because federal law requires that people are deported directly back to their home countries, IAO runs regular deportation flights to Central America and occasional flights to other countries."

                  Here is the link to the entire article:

         … ost4014293

                  1. wilderness profile image95
                    wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    The actual question was how do we know what country they are from?  Whatever they choose to claim?  Or are we required to research other countries records and find proof?

                    A Mexican citizen could claim he was from Australia and get free transportation for a nice visit if we don't check the claims, yet it seems impossible to do so, particularly with nations that don't want them back.

                  2. GA Anderson profile image82
                    GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks peoplepower73, I was too lazy to go looking.   

                    But... I don't think that was the link you intended.

                    This might be the one you meant to post: … explainer/


  16. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 6 years ago

    Peoplepower , The smart thing for Trump to do is to keep on keeping on , If two thousand or ten thousand kids are taken from their parents it's because of the illegality and  stupidity of their parents , not the stupidity you accuse Trump or his constituency  of . The  illegal immigrant , If acting within the American society, would have "lost their kids" long ago for their treatment and abuses .

    You have done nothing BUT support the Alt-left causes from day one although they have not only hijacked your party's morality , but they have permanently stolen your sense of party ethics and falsely tarnished your own service and sacrifice to country . Your party has lost all of your future, political capital , gambling it away on phony adopted socialism , guaranteed government  incomes for all , free health care at the expense of all ,  and every lost puppy entitlement known to Failed socialist countries all over the world !

    You and your party have reached a point where no one is listening to you anymore so you had to take it to the streets , good luck with that in America ,   Americans are  too strong to be beaten in the streets ,  too intelligent to be taken in the schools , too dedicated to ethics , morality and pride to be shunned in your media .

    USA -1 Socialism -O

    1. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 6 years agoin reply to this


      Your first paragraph, makes me sick, especially when you dehumanize others.  I never said that Trump is stupid.  But he is mean and evil and gets away with it with out any accountability. That in itself is a perverse sort of brilliance.

      In your second paragraph, how about looking at it this way?  The GOP with all of its instruments of propaganda, funding, organizing, attacking, and opposition has succeeded in destroying the left.  We didn't do it on our own.  We give you credit for a very large part of it.

      Congratulations, there is no balance of power in state and federal governments anymore.  I know you are happy with your new form of government.  It'a pretty much the same as a third world country devolves to  before they are taken over by dictators.

      In your third paragraph,  That's why the million mile march for civil rights didn't work.  The protest in front of the capital to get out of Viet Nam didn't work as well.

      In your last sentence, you don't think that liberal democrats are American?  You have to differentiate between our party and Americans?  I have news for you  I bleed just like you do.

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        "In your last sentence, you don't think that liberal democrats are American?"

        Sometimes I have to wonder.  All too often the liberal democrats appear to think they are citizens of Earth, not any specific country, and they have found a rich source of resources (America) they can give to their fellow "Earthians".


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