yes, but useless ones - if there was any "high value" recording, it would have been used already. ask yourself why Mueller passed this case to the State of New York? ask yourself why no trial? no discovery by any defense? Cohen being represented by ex-Clinton lawyer?
This gives Bob his "win"
"Cohen has other recordings of the President in his records that were seized by the FBI, said a source with knowledge of Cohen's tapes and Giuliani, who described the other recordings as mundane discussions.
"There are other tapes of Cohen and other "powerful" individuals that the FBI seized beyond the President that could be embarrassing for the people on the tape and for Cohen, according to a source familiar with the tapes. The source said the people are of "significance and consequence."
Is Hannity ok?
Stirewalt said he believes Cohen has now fired a "pretty serious shot across the bow" toward the Oval Office to give him a pardon or money for his defense, otherwise he will turn over evidence.
Stirewalt agreed with Melissa Francis that this particular leak will not do much political harm to Trump, but Cohen could be signaling to Trump that other more damaging recordings will follow.
"Maybe Cohen is saying, 'Guess what, since I have this recording, I have a million others and maybe this one is OK but the rest of them are much worse,'" said Francis. … ward-trump
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning) - almost unheard of. Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client - totally unheard of & perhaps illegal. The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!
Early in the morning!
"Early in the morning" popped out at me as particularly funny as well.
They even did it before he was able to do his hair, I mean, OMG ya know?
Also, "your favorite President" LOL. The thing is, if he were being factitious here, it could be witty, but this guy is so childish that he has to put things like this in to impress himself.
If you can't see how 2nd grade this type of behavior this is, then 1) you behave in similar manners 2) you are so far up Trump's bottom that you can't see the light or 3) you are just lying to yourself and others
If more tapes are to come, we can at least be assured of some comedy relief as we watch and read Trump trying to cover his tail and telling us how great he is.
Prosecutors in Michael Cohen case get 12 audio recordings from 'special master'
Federal prosecutors in the Michael Cohen case have received 12 audio recordings from the independent "special master" appointed to review materials seized from Cohen's apartment, office and hotel room by federal investigators earlier this year, Fox News has learned.
In a one-page document filed Monday, Special Master Barbara Jones said that prosecutors had received the "audio items" on Friday after prosecutors and Cohen's attorneys withdrew the recordings' "privileged" designation.
It would be nice to wait and see what is in the tapes without all the gossipy negativity.
Isn't this where we bring up Hillary and Obama and Bush? Like no one gossiped about emails, birth certificates, military service with them. Are the rules different for Trump? Maybe you never gossip about political figures, if so, that's cool.
Well, I suppose if I jump in to defend Live to learn's sentiment, which you appear to see as supporting Pres. Trump, then I am, by association, also supporting Pres. Trump.
But here is my take on it;
"It would be nice to wait and see what is in the tapes without all the gossipy negativity." Seems like sage and prudent advice to me. What if, even as improbable as it is, the tapes turned out to be exculpatory? Wouldn't your "gossip" have left you with egg on your face?
Whereas; " Are the rules different for Trump? Maybe you never gossip about political figures, if so, that's cool." Sounds like a partisan "Well you did it, so it's okay for me to do it too!" regardless of whether it is the right or smart thing to do.
Isn't that one of the inferences you have made against the "simple folks" that still support Pres. Trump? Joining with the lowest common denominator of their leader?
I was trying to be facetious here...pointing out the hypocrisy as this is exactly how most Trump supporter handle such situations. I agree that, however unlikely it is to be exculpatory, gossip, especially by the bigger press agencies, is not the best route here. I made no inferences on whether a Trump supporter or not. The question, if answered, was meant in part to determine that.
And, yes, I do think their leader helps bring out the worst in them and vice versa. I've heard and read so much filth from Trump supporters that it's time to fight fire with fire. We have to call a spade a spade as they say. Trump supporters are more likely to display hypocrisy than supporters of any other President I've seen. And, I'm not even that liberal IMO.
That's almost the most ridiculous statement I've read in a while , "Trump supporters are more likely to display hypocrisy than supporters of any other president I've seen ..........." That entire line is solely based on the assumption that all that is said against Trump is true , is it not ? That all of the majority of negative media's bias about Trump that you apparently believe , is then true ?
One cannot claim to be neutral about Trump and then spew these lines , ."'s time to fight fire with fire ......." If then ,"fighting fire with fire "is not actually beginning from the stance of the bias and opposition to Trump , then perhaps you don't know what hypocrisy is to begin with.
So , the left wears true hypocrisy as battle dress and then condemns it in others ?............Sure , you're neutral.
When did I ever say I was neutral about Trump. I've said I consider myself a moderate voter who leans Democrat at this point. But, I've never been neutral about Trump. Where are you getting this from? If it's from the "no inferences" comment, you aren't reading, or understanding the full conversation here.
My opinion on hypocrisy is my opinion. I don't apologize for my opinions.
Hi hard sun, I did catch the "facetious" intent of your response. It was the drive behind it that I was speaking to.
I do understand how hard it can be sometimes to not attack the messenger instead of the message, and I do understand your opinion of Pres. Trump, and those that support him.
As a note, I haven't perceived you as a flaming liberal either. Just a morally outraged American. But, like any judgment, when you are right, that outrage can really feel righteous, but if you are wrong ...
It is important for all people of good faith to draw a line in the sand. Somewhere. Somewhere reasonable, preferably.
Obama and the birth certificate. My reaction to that hoopla was let's just insist a valid birth certificate be part of the process of registering to run. I always assumed that tempest was sour grapes over him winning.
Bush. I don't know anything you might be referring to. You'd have to expand on that.
Hillary. Well, we know (by FBI statements) she used unsecured servers to share classified information. My primary question is, if it was illegal...why no action?
I will admit I've had animosity against Hillary from further back than Bill being president. I probably have said unkind things. But she is not, has never been and God willing will never be POTUS. Respect for the office,itself, should bear some weight.
My fear is that we listened to the right rail against Obama for 8 years. The left has upped the ante with Trump. What happens with the next President? Things usually escalate. The bar is always lowered.
My Bush reference from Wikipedia: "The controversy centered on Texas Air National Guard, why he lost his flight status, and whether he fulfilled the requirements of his military service contract."
I can understand your fear. However, as Americans, we don't stop it by allowing Trump to turn our nation into a laughing stock because we want to "blow up the system." We stop it by speaking against Trump's spread of insults and stating we've had enough on both sides. With the next President, we vote for, and demand civility, the opposite of Trump. That's the only way out IMO.
No President has insulted fellow Americans like Trump...I'm not a big Hillary supporter either. Comey explains why no action on Clinton in his book. It made sense, here's the basics "Hillary Clinton was "extremely careless," but "no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case," Something like you have to prove intent, which was impossible here, and she did not lie to investigators, which is how so many get hemmed up. Martha Stewart, etc.
It should be well documented that I believe Trump suffers foot in mouth, more so than many of us. However, the difference between Trump and a lot of politicians is that he says it for you to hear; as opposed to hiding it behind closed doors when he has something negative to say of any of us. I respect that even though often times I do not agree with something.
However, many times the things we find offensive, when thought out and considered without attaching emotion to the moment; are good.
Immigration. If his hard line stance results in Congress finally enacting fair and sustainable immigration enforcement and policies; is that a bad outcome?
Foreign policy. If his bemoaned Twitter 'rocket man' statements brought North Korea to a meeting, was that a bad thing? Certainly it appears Jong-Un was a liar and his childish attempts at manipulation are being shown to the world but isn't that too a good thing?
Sexual harrassment. I heard a piece today questioning whether or not #Metoo would have ever happened had not we been enraged by that disgusting tape. Although I see it as a witch hunt, at the moment, I hope it calms down into a changed dynamic in workplace relations.
The economy. Only a completely partisan observer would deny it is better.
I could go on but I do believe the laughing stock is much more the airing of our hypocritical laundry to the world than it is Trump. I had hoped, fervently, that when we all saw that Trump could not clean up 'the swamp; and proved himself to be a swamp creature also we would all stand together and scream 'ENOUGH' but we continue the jello fight that has become the American past time of turning a blind eye to the side of Washington we have chosen to be hoodwinked by.
There's a BIG difference between 'foot in mouth disease' which Traitor Trump suffers from, and his treasonous behavior with regard to our arch enemy Vladimir Putin for which he must pay a severe legal price, and his explicit sympathetic views toward white nationalists otherwise known as nazis that my ancestors fought to eradicate in ww2:
The 'Trump Tapes' which are just now beginning to surface with the blessed help of Stormy Daniel's brilliant, patriotic attorney Michael Avenatti are just another boulder of evidence within the mountain of evidence crushing Traitor Trump, and thank God for that:
LOL. A rich guy paid for sex and tried to cover it up. How very, very unusual. Well, not.
As to the current hoopla against Trump and his encounter with Putin. Get over it. Under Trump we slaughtered Russian mercenaries in Syria. Would that have happened under Obama, or even Bush? Trump expelled twice as many Russian diplomats as Obama and has closed several diplomatic facilities they had here. We have, as a nation, attempted well documented election interference in other nations. What any Russian agent did in an attempt to influence our election is not only murky but any effectiveness has not been shown. This administration is supporting Ukraine. This administration repeatedly criticizes Russia when appropriate.
Only a fool would mistake a cordial meeting as being stuck somewhere in the pocket of Russia.
As to the current tizzy over Iran. Only a fool would not remember the childish banter started by Jong-un that Trump returned with references to 'rocket man' ended with a meeting between the two. A country such as Iran makes threats against us, against Israel. It carries out a terror war against its own citizens with beheadings and stonings for what, in our world, wouldn't constitute a visit to court. Although Trump's words seem harsh, to peaceful people, they are not viewed in the same context by jihadists. Trump tweets in the same tempo as the person he is speaking to. It will not result in the U.S. starting agressions if the Trump administration stays true to form.
First of all, until we uncover the secret hidden finances of Bozo Trump which he refuses to share with Americans, and find out the extent to which he may be indebted to foreign enemies like the report which states he still owes Deutsche Bank almost half a billion dollars, which could be one reason why he's frightened to death of Vladimir Putin, you don't know if he's 'rich' or broke:
"Trump still owes lenders including Deutsche Bank as much as $480 million" … 2018-05-16
Sorry live to learn, but there's much more to this outrageous, disgraceful scandal involving 'FUNNELED Money' via secret LLCs than just an ugly, extremely unattractive hateful 72 year old elderly man paying off women for their company: Serious federal crimes of conspiracy and fraud are in play:
'Funneled money'. How typical of a politician. I wonder why we consider it an anomaly with Trump.
I'll agree he is ugly, although I would say that adding extremely unattractive is pointlessly redundant. But I don't consider paying off a stripper for hanging out with you in a hotel room constitutes any more outrage than your cohorts showed during the Monica Lewinski embarrassment.
Either way, I'll leave you to what can only be viewed as Trump Derangement Syndrome. I don't usually consider the term du jour worthy of repeating but it does perfectly describe some ill thought arguments.
Sorry live to learn, but the term 'funneled' was used by none other than 'batty' Rudy Giuliani to describe the scandalous transfer of money from Cohen's secret LLC: He's almost as dumb and ignorant as his orange client:
Maybe Rudy should try brushing his teeth and practice proper personal hygiene before interviews on television, maybe it will unfog his confused little mind so he can think straight instead of lighting Bozo Trump's head on fire every time he opens his disgraceful trap:
"Walkaway ".........too bad isn't it, that these former dems have to ashamedly explain themselves in their own choice to change party's ? To walk away from such a negatively run and inexcusably bias and hate filled part platform !
More power to the enlightening of minds .
I'm heartened to hear of people who stop following and start thinking.
Oh me too ! What I'd like to see now is a News Media that says we are being completely objective towards unbiased sharing of real news media , and not say we ARE NOW honest and still hand feed us complete bias and telling us all along we're eating steak.
Hope that makes sense .
"as opposed to hiding it behind closed doors when he has something negative to say of any of us. I respect that even though often times I do not agree with something."
I don't respect this at all. The "leader of the free world" should act like he has some manners, at least pretend. There is something to be said for a politician knowing when its best to have manners and shut his or her mouth. This is a big reason why we are losing standing in the world.
While I don't see Trump getting much done, I also don't subcribe to any means justifies the ends theory when it comes to him. The damage he is doing to our reputation will long outlive any positive he may bring in foreign policy.
"Foreign policy. If his bemoaned Twitter 'rocket man' statements brought North Korea to a meeting, was that a bad thing? Certainly it appears Jong-Un was a liar and his childish attempts at manipulation are being shown to the world but isn't that too a good thing?"
Absolutely nothing was accomplished with NK other than letting NK know that we won't stick to our threats any more than they do. What happens when we have a President that means what he says, and NK assumes he or she is like Trump?
"Sexual harrassment. I heard a piece today questioning whether or not #Metoo would have ever happened had not we been enraged by that disgusting tape. Although I see it as a witch hunt, at the moment, I hope it calms down into a changed dynamic in workplace relations."
First, I agree that Metoo is going too far. However, once again, a good number of Americans are now validated with their immoral behavior, accepting "grabbing pussy" language and, oh, rich guys getting hookers when their married and wife's are pregnant is A-OK. While many may do it, that doesn't make it right. It may be even more likely that the MeToo movement wouldn't be AS necessary without Trump's sexism. People feel like they have to fight back before it gets even more out of control because our President is perpetuating the behavior.
"The economy. Only a completely partisan observer would deny it is better."
Better than what? The economy became much better under Obama. I'm not sure what's up with the Trump economy yet, but the tarriff's are just beginning to be felt. I've heard WAY more personal stories of jobs outsourcing since Trump's tenure.
" do believe the laughing stock is much more the airing of our hypocritical laundry to the world than it is Trump. "
I don't entirely disagree with this. Trump and his supporters, and our mess of a political system, are all pouring coal into the locomotive and who knows if it can be stopped?
"American past time of turning a blind eye to the side of Washington we have chosen to be hoodwinked by. "
What has changed here? Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to what Trump is doing. The guy is about as far from "one of us" as you can get, but we are supposed to follow him down the drain?
Seriously, America was great before Trump came around. It had it's problems. I've been personally screwed by the US govt. However, you don't stop a "jello fight" by throwing bathtubs of slime around. It makes no sense.
I'm more of a fan of honesty, than subterfuge. Speaking your mind can be misconstrued but it is better to speak it than to sneak around and whisper it behind my back. Of course people should have manners but if that only includes in public, how well mannered are you?
You are right. Absolutely nothing was accomplished with North Korea. I say the why to that is that North Korea was not honest in its behavior leading up to the talks.
I laugh at the #Metoo statement. Are you saying Harvey Weinstein would never have raped women had not Trump been a cad? Bill Cosby would not have drugged women had not Trump made a less than honorable remark? Bill Clinton would not have preyed on women had not Trump had a wandering eye? Or, is it your contention that liberals would never have been outed had we not had a guy who ran for president as a Republican see his dirty laundry aired?
As to the economy better under Obama. I lived through the Obama years, worked through them and am currently alive and working under Trump. Are there problems for the working person that need to be addressed? Certainly. Are there more people working now, that can participate in the discussion of what problems we have? Certainly.
I see by your comment about 'Trump and his supporters' that you are partisan, full blast. No responsibility for any behavior patterns by anyone on the left. No point in rebutting. You have chosen your blinders.
I'm not as much a Trump supporter as I am a believer that a lawfully elected candidate should be allowed to perform the functions of his office, if done lawfully. nothing has come to light, thus far, which proves he is not. I realize some only have one blind eye to give and it is already working full time in favor of any and all who can think of anything, no matter how trivial, to whine about the POTUS. I get it.
Sadly, most of us who found ourselves in the strangest election of our lifetimes, who were given impossible candidates to choose from, probably agree on so much. But, that fact is consistently lost in the madness of the bitterness of the left. … uyp2BzWPsy
How well mannered am I? Well, I'm not the president and should not be the president.
I am proudly partisan "full blast" against Trump and that is based on HIS OWN WORDS and ACTIONS.
That doesn't mean the left doesn't share some responsibility for wrong doings in America.
I don't see Trump as a Republican. He created his own party of nut job that chose their blinders a long time ago.
"Iaugh at the #Metoo statement. Are you saying Harvey Weinstein would never have raped women had not Trump been a cad?"
WOW, just OK, yeah, right. I'm saying I agree MeToo went too far but the backlash was partially created by Trump's own actions.
" lived through the Obama years, worked through them and am currently alive and working under Trump. Are there problems for the working person that need to be addressed? "
OUTSOURCING...three are companies just outsourced entire depts to the Philippines
I can see you are partisan full blast for Trump. I can also see that we will never get anywhere productive with this conversation.
No, I am not partisan full blast for anyone. I am pro truth anti establishment and hopeful America will wake up. Deal with it.
You're very funny I know that. OMG how can I deal with you being "pro truth!" Take it easy.
Trump told me to not believe what I see. So I don't said the truth seeker..think awhile, you probably still won't get the point. But this conversation is pointless..would you like to continue wasting time?
Okay , I get it now '.......I've never been neutral about Trump ........"
That one line speaks volumes a' plenty.
You don't have to apologize for your opinions, ........nope wouldn't want you to ,they are so revealing however especially in being a little slack about what true hypocrisy is and about just how the liberal party in America actually has bled hypocrisy for the last three decades or so ..
I love morally outraged Americans . I love the Kumbaya of the left at times when THEIR hypocrisy is best displayed.
Think Trump voters aren't outraged from time to time ?
Well alrighty then. You are saying my perception was wrong. Since you are the one that knew what point you intended to convey, then maybe I jumped the gun and misunderstood what I thought you said..
It has happened before, back in '78. I thought I was wrong - but I was mistaken. So without anymore 'cuteness', Mia culpa. maybe I was primed, (a residual effect of our "meme" exchange), and jumped to a conclusion that was apparently wrong.
Yes , the only mistake I ever made was JUST a mistake , I thought I was wrong and wasn't ? Right ? Wasn't it Davey Crockett who always claimed....... " I hain't never once been lost in them thar' woods , Never , but I have been confused for a week or two at a time"?
You nailed it ahorseback. Except for the "only" part. That was just a bit of humor. (Davey Crockett was a distant relative on my grandfather's side. He was never "lost" in the woods either)
"I need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend David,"
"Then we're gonna have to pay with cash"
Hmm..guess we will learn more after the other tapes.
... or learn even more when the tape is analyzed to see what the garbled portion before the word "cash" is. Trump's side says he is saying do not use cash, Cohen's lawyer is saying Trump said to use cash.
I listened to that segment multiple times on CNN, and can't tell what the garbled pre-cash words are. Could you? Did you hear ""Then we're gonna have to pay with...,' or are you relying on Cohen's lawyer's version?
I couldn't tell what much of it was saying, But I listened a few times also and I heard "Well will pay with cash." I've listened to it about 8 times now. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
. But, since the entire conversation is not clear. We'll just have to wait for the next tapes, and/or for this one to be analyzed as you state. It sure sounds um not good though. And that's not gossip that's making an educated guess based on what I heard.
If he did state, "don't pay with cash" wouldn't that tell you that, hey, don't handle this how we normally do, with cash you know. Either way, it doesn't sound good. But, we'll just wait to see how it plays out.
You see, people are not willing to give Trump the benefit because almost everything the man says is either proven a lie, or he contradicts the next day, or just admits he lied and says oh well, so does everyone else.
Trump Impeachment reason #171;
Impeach Trump because of something no one can make out on a illegally acquired tape . " OMG we got him this time !"
Well, Don't we ?
I'm reminded of Big Foot footage. It's always grainy and hard to make out but the true believer is certain it's definitive proof.
I'm not certain it means anything. It just doesn't sound good. Are you certain it is nothing?
No. It could be cash. Benefit of the doubt leads me to wait for more info. Let's just all hope it doesn't cost a lot of taxpayer money to degrade to a battle of wits over the meaning of the word cash like we cringed through pondering the definition of is.
OK. So we agree, but you lean toward giving your guy the benefit and I lean toward, it looks bad..seams reasonable. I think there are other tapes that will make it so we don't have to go through such a long debate.
So you know. Benefit of the doubt is for everyone. I don't 'have a guy'. Sadly, I distrust all politicians. I believe one week in Washington is enough to corrupt absolutely.
I distrust them all as well. Benefit of the doubt is not for everyone..I've seen that fallacy in action. But, you certainly seem to have a guy here.
'Benefit of the doubt is not for everyone'.
Wow. Boy were the founding fathers way off. Why weren't you there to argue for presumption of guilt? Jeez. How could our founders have been so hoodwinked?
It's the difference between what should be and what is. I guess that point was lost.
No. The point wasn't lost. You believe we should assume guilt until proven otherwise. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. No matter how scary it seems to me.
"Benefit of the doubt is not for everyone..I've seen that fallacy in action."
No, the point was clearly lost. Have fun, take it easy..don't get scared. It's how our courts operate despite how they are supposed to operate. I'm not a court...I have no power over opinion on the tape means nothing because I cannot convict him of anything. And I wouldn't convict based on the tape. Just because I state I think your guy said "pay with cash" you jump to all this nonsense.
Either the point is missed or you intentionally take a sentence out of context, run with it and twist it..sounds a lot like the despised media.
It isn't nonsense to expect people be considered innocent until there is clear evidence of guilt. It is sad, to me, for anyone to think that is only a function of the courts. By your attitude, we expect 12 men and women to set aside their nature in order to determine guilt or innocence. I think that benefit of the doubt is our duty whether a court is involved or not.
I've never liked gossip, but a lot do. You are not alone there.
Huh..the law is meant to address the courts, not people's opinions...all are guilty until proven innocent. Like I said, I wouldn't convict Trump of anything based on this tape, but I lean toward he said, "pay with cash." Are we even having the same conversation here?
If having an opinion is gossip, I think we are all guilty of that.
"The presumption of innocence is the principle that one is considered innocent unless proven guilty. It was traditionally expressed by the Latin maxim ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat. In many states, presumption of innocence is a legal right of the accused in a criminal trial,
I see you slowly add more to your posted comments. I'll wait a while to respond to give you time to add everything. Unless, it is your intent to add so it won't be responded to. In which case I'll wait a while to respond.
Hi hard sun, I only listened to the tape as it was aired on CNN. I have not taken a deep dive or tried to parse it to be sure of what it says. I can only say that, from what I heard on CNN's playing of it - I could not tell what the pre-cash words were.
But ... the tape does seem to show that Pres. Trump did know about a payoff, and although I can't remember if it was just the Stormy payoff he claimed not to know about, I think at least that part of the tape will cause him a bit of trouble. If not legally, then at least as more ammunition for his opposition.
This is reasonable. I also can't recall if there were more payoffs he claimed not to know about. It does seem a bit of trouble will be caused. As I've stated before, this may surprise some, I'd rather Trump be voted out than impeached. Unless it's an urgent matter of national security of a blow job in the Oval Office...I joke.
Is this tape about the same as the "hot mike " of Obama saying to the Russian diplomat "................wait until after the election and then I'll have more flexibility , we'll talk then ..................."?
But..Obama. Yeah, I don't really want to see Trump impeached...unless it's something so egregious that puts the nation in clear and present danger otherwise.
I would prefer he be elected out after the Democrats take the House and Senate. I vote R and D, depending on the candidate but, for the national election, I guarantee straight D this time.
We will see what happens,
Darn it , Now IF the obstructionists could just whittle away the framework of Trump voters who actually see through of of these shytestorms of resistance causes ?
Ohhhh,my , How do we do that ?
President Trump’s longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen, reportedly surrendered to the FBI on Tuesday ahead of an expected guilty plea to charges of tax fraud, bank fraud and campaign finance violations.
Yes, he pleaded guilty and named candidate Trump as co-conspirator in two federal crimes.
Now, now PrettyPanther, get your facts straight, Cohen did not name Trump, (by all accounts I have seen), what he did name was "a candidate for Federal office."
(Here comes the sarcasm)
Nope, forget the sarcasm. I got nothing. He named Trump - without actually saying Trump.
This looks like we could be seeing the first pull of a hanging thread on a wool sweater.
Or, all these 'first days' speculations about Cohen's statements or actions could be just a bunch of stuff.
I'm going with the sweater thought.
All the best people in Trump's circle. If you vote for Hillary, you're going to get nothing but scandals, etc. Yet, here we are with this circus. I sincerely hope they get to the bottom of all Trump's mess for the sake of our nation.
IF the Mueller team of dembrats had had ANY evidence of wrong doing by Trump it would have been so leaked by now as to look like a dish drainer .
Democrats are useless with party secrets .
David Pecker, the head of the company that publishes the National Enquirer, was granted immunity in the federal investigation into President Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen in exchange for providing information on hush money deals, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Pecker, the CEO of American Media Inc., told federal prosecutors that Trump had knowledge of Cohen's payments to women who had alleged sexual encounters with him, sources familiar with the matter told CNN. Pecker also provided investigators with details about payments Cohen made to the women, the sources said.
Pecker, a long time friend of Trump, was initially subpoenaed by federal investigators four months ago.
Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, whose entanglements with Trump's finances are extensive, was granted immunity by federal prosecutors for providing information about Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.
Weisselberg, whose relationship with Trump dates back decades, is also the treasurer of Trump's charity, helped prepared Trump's tax returns and is the only non-family member to serve as trustee of the trust that holds the President's interest in his own companies.
So essentially what you're telling us is that You're just stating Trump Impeachment reasons listed Items # 183 , 184 qand 185 ?
Still not over Hillary huh ?
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