Personally, I think yesterday's events were entirely predictable and the logical progression of a lying con man telling his supporters, day in and day out, over the course of several years, that everyone who is not for him is an enemy of the United States. The angry mob is directly the result of our president inflaming and encouraging his supporters to riot.
I have two questions. The first one is for everyone. What will Trump do between now and January 20?
The second question is for Trump supporters. Do you support the President's words and actions from yesterday, and do you still think he is good for America?
You're absolutely right - yesterday's events were entirely predictable. When we have lawmakers ignoring violent riots, when we have lawmakers joining those same violent riots, when we pretend that the "ends (whatever it is we wish) justifies the means (whatever violence we commit)" is the proper way to behave, we get what we saw yesterday. It has been building for a decade or more, and proceeded at high speed the last year - we're seeing the tip of the iceberg if we do not regain control of our cities and neighborhoods.
The question is not for Trump supporters, and neither is it about what Trump will do. It is about whether "we the people" - ALL of us - are going to allow this kind of behavior and whether we will support "leaders" that do so. It is whether or not we will allow our cities to become armed enclaves of private security (whether hired or from homeowners). It is whether "Mad Max" will become reality in our country. And so far we are proceeding down the wrong path - appeasement will only produce more, and worse, of the same...just as we saw yesterday.
I'm sorry, I cannot even respond to such overblown hyperbole that doesn't even address the reality of what happened yesterday.
I agree. The reality is that a mob descended on our capital, fueled by months of acceptance of mob violence, yesterday. The reality is that we really ARE losing control of our cities...and that idiot left wingers refuse to acknowledge it.
The reality is that President Trump is not responsible for this phenomenon, that the liberal policy of appeasement and encouragement is. It doesn't matter how much they claim otherwise, they are, at the root, responsible for the mob violence and rioting we have seen over the past year or so.
We have been hearing for a year or more about a civil war in this country; well, we watched as the "war" spread from the idiot far left to the idiot far right. There is a reason gun ownership and carry permits are growing, and it isn't because allowing rioters to destroy will promote peace and tranquility.
The only people I have heard who think a civil war is necessary are Trumpers and white supremacists. I have never heard or seen a liberal cry that it is time to take up arms, or brag that they're going to take the country back by force.
Like most Trumpers your reality is based on lies, propaganda, and fear that your "rightful" place in this society is not secure.
Not coincidentally, those same civil war proponents own most of the assault rifles in this country.
Highly doubtful. Unless you will now claim that anyone with one of those faux "assault rifles" is a proponent of civil war?
(There appear to be some 15 million of these fakes in the country - they are the single most common rifle in the country)
Right. Assault rifle owners are all Democrats and Biden supporters.
Care to discuss the roots of our current riots rather than off on a deflection into a civil war? We could even talk about expected response from homeowners when government refuses to supply protection through police or national guard, preferring to look the other way during riots.
(Did you notice the quotation marks around "war" when I mentioned the spreading "war"?)
Deflection and false equivalence.
That is interesting. Thanks for the reference. I don't know what college course taught that, but I missed it whatever it was.
False equivalence is a common tactic by Trump supporters.
In their minds, the violent overthrow of the U.S. government is no worse than a handful of protesters in Portland who threw some rocks through windows.
No, it was an honest comment concerning the roots of yesterday's riots in DC. You will wish to blame the President for what happened (deflecting from reality) but the real roots go far deeper.
Had Trump, for instance, said what he did even 10 years ago you might have found a thousand people peacefully chanting on the street. Now? Now we have taught people that they can do whatever they wish and get away with it because liberal government will not take steps that might cause harm to domestic terrorists.
And that is the problem - not a big mouthed president that doesn't care what he says.
Deflection again. The subject of these threads is sedition, insurrection and a deadly mob attack on the U.S. Capitol.
It is not about Antifa or minor protests in Portland.
I hate to say this yet again-Wilderness, I totally agree with you.
I don't believe it matters what you think or what I think.
This rage over having a presidential election stolen goes deep. At this point, I don't think it even matters what President Donald Trump thinks. This thing is growing and I think it is bigger than President Donald Trump. To be honest, what I saw and heard from people yesterday at Washington DC is quite upsetting.
There are plans being made for January 20th...and Washington DC needs to be ready. I'd have the National Guard in place.
Leaders who say there was no evidence of fraud in the election are pouring gasoline on a raging fire.
This rage will continue long after President Donald Trump leaves office. I fear yesterday was just the beginning.
So agree. This will only get worse. So many are not being heard and will do nothing but become angrier with Government. So, many have been pushed so hard, they are pushing back. And they are very serious about change.
They are "very serious" about continuing to believe Trump and Russian propaganda.
They are not only wrong, they are now dangerously wrong.
Oh yes Oh, Wiseman... Maybe the other side is wrong? Always interesting.
No, just eyes, ears and a brain. Or does a deadly mob attack on the Capitol not qualify as dangerous?
And that would be your opinion, and I disagree with you.
No, it's an obvious fact. Did a mob attack the Capitol building or not? Did 5 people die or not?
Three died from what is being called apparent medical emergencies, unrelated to the protest. Let's not skew the facts.
Again, you didn't answer my questions.
Those 3 people were right in the middle of the mob attack. Do you seriously think they would have died if they were sitting in front of a TV instead of assaulting police?
Uh, sorry, that's another question.
You do when you reply to my comments or advocate ideas that support sedition and insurrection.
I have a right to challenge posts like yours and you have an obligation to respond, especially when your comments rationalize sedition and insurrection. That's the purpose of a forum. It's an exchange of ideas and opinions.
But I understand why my questions are disturbing.
Maybe you had better have a look at the forum rule. I guess I missed the part that said I had to reply to your posts. Get over yourself... And you can challenge anything I or anyone else posts using forum rules of decorum.
In my opinion, your questions are as a rule, nonsensical, and baiting. You tend to insult others with vague insults. This is just my view. I don't appreciate for instance in this response you accuse me of rationalizing sedition and insurrection. I have not in any respect rationalize sedition and insurrection on this forum. You clearly argue with anyone that does not agree with you.
Personally, I am going to stay clear of you. If I don't I deserve what I get. LOL
You have now gone on record as supporting the furtherance of the election fraud conspiracy theory that was the direct cause of the violent mob that attacked the Capitol, causing death and destruction.
Rationalizations that encourage the violent overthrow of our government are quite common among some people.
Biden has announced he will conduct the inauguration on the steps of the Capitol building, according to tradition.
Trump supporters have announced they will flock to the inauguration with even more guns, bombs, knives and molotov cocktails.
Jan. 20 will be quite a day.
I understand why Biden is going the traditional route, but I wish he would not do that. I would hope at the very least he would stand behind a bullet-proof glass or something to protect him from these crazies who have promised to be there. But I know he won't. I think that by showing no fear, he is putting our presidency in jeopardy. I think he should put our country's safety before his bravado. I know that some of these neo-Nazi groups have sharpshooters. Just one bullet from one of them could put our hopes and dreams into chaos. Sorry for my pessimism, but the last four years have been just too critical to take that kind of chance.
''I know that some of these neo-Nazi groups have sharpshooters.''
Wow...were do you find this information?
I just wondered in you are you able to show me where EXACTLY in the speech where President Donald Trump told people to attack the capital. I was there. I recently found out that the Capital was attacked...before he even mentioned the word Capital.
So...I'm just curious exactly what words he used that caused this to happen.
I wonder why these words didn't cause me and my friends to go to the Capital building.
Compared to a campaign rally...this was really low key. I had no idea anything was going on with the capital until I got to the hotel room.
I asked him to provide some proof that the President asked his supporters to attack the Capitol Building. He says many things that are untrue, and he seems to believe whatever he comes up with.
Look at 'em run when they have to prove their accusations.
I've asked this question of many liberals and Democrats. Their responses have gone from delusional to flat out lying.
You and I know there is NOTHING in President Donald Trump's speech that led to the capital police opening the doors and letting protesters into the capital building. There is at least two videos I've seen of the capital police letting people in the capital. I like to point out that storming the capital is different than having law enforcement open the doors and letting people inside.
The Democrats/liberals have dumped a huge amount of excrement on our country.
I tell all other conservatives. This is no time to step down. We've got to work hard to get the truth out. It is going to be a challenge since the Democrat party has the mainstream media both houses of Congress and the presidency. They even control our higher education system. We can't give up no matter what.
I agree with all you have stated. We need to continue to point out untruths every time. Our democracy is being challenged through censorship in all directions. We conservatives are clearly being attacked via our Government, media, and Big tech. And yes we can not give up no matter what. I knew this was coming, I am so disappointed we have been forced to go down this divided highway.
I think the most interesting question for today is whether Pence and 8 Cabinet secretaries sign off on invoking the 25th Amendment.
Quite a few news sources are saying those discussions are taking place.
Yes. And now
Republican congressman and combat veteran Adam Kinzinger calls for The 25th amendment to be invoked there by removing the President of the United States from office, saying, “the President is unfit and the President is unwell.”
Even Barr called Trump's conduct a “betrayal of his office and supporters.” In a statement to The Associated Press, Barr said Thursday that “orchestrating a mob to pressure Congress is inexcusable.”
Yes! I have been following that. They must do it. As I have been saying ever since before he was elected, this guy is mentally ill and dangerous. I hate to be proven right in this case but it's time for thinking people to face the reality that our president is possibly the greatest threat we face at this very moment.
Unfortunately, even if Pence has the moral courage to act, he may not come up with the 8 Cabinet secretaries he needs.
I doubt any of them want a flood of death threats against themselves and their families, which usually happens when anyone defies Trump (i.e., Fauci).
Besides, Trump and his equally unstable sons will spend the rest of their lives trying to destroy them in revenge. It's what they do.
It wouldn't surprise me if the Cabinet secretaries keep their heads down and wait 2 weeks for Trump to leave.
Trumpers are not known for their moral fortitude.
You are probably right. I was very disappointed in Gen. Colin Powell who said that they should leave Trump alone and allow him to serve out his term. He seems to think that history will catch up with Trump, When? In 50 years; when most of us who have suffered through his fiascos are dead and gone? In the meantime what is the world supposed to do with the Trumps et al?
I was worried that if the 25th Amendment was invoked, Trump could come back and run for re-election in 2024. But I forget who the person was, just that he was a government high-up, said that after using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, Congress could then pass a law stating that he could never run for President again. That made me feel better, but I think the law should say that Trump could never hold any office again. Of course if he is charged, tried, and convicted of his crimes after he leaves office, a felony conviction would render him ineligible anyway.
Nothing stops Congress from impeaching him and preventing him from running for office even after invoking the 25th Amendment.
But the 2 Cabinet secretaries who resigned and leaked discussions about the 25th have probably shut that door.
I think you liberal lefties should hold you tounges for a few days more, what happened was a set up using Antifa activists to allow the pre scripted Democrats and Rinos to be flushed out, Trump needed to know who was a patriot and who is a traitor, he sprung a trap and the Dems walked into it.
Harris has not resigned her Senate seat... why not?
Biden/Harris have not signed for 'transition fees' yet... when they do the trap will close and the arrests will start.
Trump has not conceded, just confirmed it will be a 'smooth inauguration' but it will be his inauguration, not Bejing Bidens.
If I am wrong, so be it, I will switch to warning folk to get ready for the coming storm, and believe me 74 million American patriots who own 2/3 of the armaments will not allow Communism to rule America.
The FBI found no evidence of Antifa. Please quit posting Russian propaganda on here. … -riot.html
By the way, armed "patriots" don't overthrow a legal government. Only fascists.
Sounds like we have some positive news coming up today, let's hope so, let's hope the arrests and declassifications happen, let's hope the MSM are censored themselves, let's hope America exposes the Marxist/CCP plot to bring about a totalitarian state and take all your property, so you can be 'happy'
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