The result of a self absorbed orange abomination perched in our oval office in an apparent paranoid state facing impending impeachment and the righteous hand of justice to finally be laid upon his wretched being: A rapidly shrinking republican party can’t possibly be a surprise to anyone who follows the constant alarming press reports depicting a catastrophic white house of ultra-corruption, chaos, insanity, clown shows and nightmarish ineptitude: Even former republicans we must assume, are not too thrilled with Bozo Trump’s / republican’s assault on their children’s healthcare while unconscionably giving Wall Street CEOs trillions in corporate welfare tax cuts only to be shipped to foreign lands, or degrading our law enforcement, or, his recklessly insane economic assaults on former allies such as Canada and Mexico who not so long ago, were our staunch allies, and most republicans can’t possibly be in favor of his constant disregard for our constitution and laws, his deficit explosion and his despicable televised public admiration and sucking up to our greatest enemies like Vladimir Putin:
"Trump owns a shrinking Republican party" … can-party/
"How can we explain what looks to be a long-term decline for the Republican brand? Age, for one thing. From the beginning of the Trump administration the oldest Americans, those aged 50 and over, have consistently given Trump his highest approval ratings while young people aged 18–29 have consistently given him his lowest approval ratings. The chart below by David A. Hopkins of Boston College illustrates this reality. The generation gap keeps showing up in American elections. In the two big governors’ races in 2017, Virginia and New Jersey, younger voters chose Democrats by large margins and older voters went for the Republicans. In 2016, Primaries Project exit polling showed that 15.2 percent of Democratic voters participating in competitive primaries were aged 18–29, compared to just 8.3 percent of Republican voters."
FROM your link
Of course, 90 year old under educated deceased racist men can no longer help Bozo Trump or complicit radically wacko republicans in congress on election day, neither can the millions who have dumped the now unholy, dark and irreparably tarnished republican party because of Mr. Trump's blasphemy, cowardly abominable acts of inhumanity, ultra-corruption and insane undermining of our healthcare system and this once great nation:
They have been well-educated in American values, haven't they.
Our President:
"A self absorbed orange abomination perched in our oval office in an apparent paranoid state facing impending impeachment and the righteous hand of justice to finally be laid upon his wretched being."
Our government:
"I. A catastrophic white house of ultra-corruption, chaos, insanity, clown shows and nightmarish ineptitude, including:
A. Assaulting CHILDRENS' healthcare.
B. Unconscionably giving Wall Street CEOs trillions in corporate WELFARE tax cuts ... (only to be shipped to foreign lands.)
C. Degrading our law enforcement.
D. Recklessly insane economic assaults on our FORMER allies, such as Canada and Mexico.
E. DISREGARD for The US Constitution and its laws.
G. Despicable televised public ADMIRATION
H. Sucking up to our greatest ENEMIES like Vladimir Putin."
That was yucky ... outlining those filthy lies. I think I'll take a shower now.
Maybe it sounds 'yucky' because Bozo Trump is beyond yucky, he's gross: Everyone makes mistakes, but I don't post lies Kathryn and even the last remaining Trump cultees understand what I've posted is fact based, they're just programmed to stick their heads in the sand while Bozo Trump sabotages our healthcare and simply pretend the truth doesn't exist, but with Trump's approval ratings sinking fast, it indicates perhaps even some of them are now beginning to come around to see the light of righteousness, to get back on the good side of history:
If I have the time, I'll address each of your inaccuracies and or false claims so here's the first: Here's an example of Bozo Trump cowering to our arch enemy Vladimir Putin, a despicable act of weakness which many experts consider a treasonous act:
If the republican congress of cowards were not complicit, derelict of duty and or perhaps compromised themselves by Vladimir Putin, Trump would have probably been tossed into prison long ago, and here's just another example of why many say he should be indicted, tried and if found guilty, imprisoned immediately thereafter:
What do republicans expect when their sick cowardly standard bearer who lost the popular vote disgraces himself, his collapsing party and country by uttering abominable comments like this? What else would republicans expect but a collapse when they constantly sabotage our healthcare system while giving trillions of our wealth to the richest among us in the form of a despicable corporate welfare tax cut scheme while millions of American still have no health insurance or are trying to survive and in some cases dying in the cold streets? Just imagine that for a moment: How corrupt, unholy and evil can soulless republican individuals possibly be?
"California's GOP is collapsing. Is that a sign for Republicans nationwide?"
"WASHINGTON — Republicans once dominated California. This year, GOP candidates are limping toward the finish line.
Last week, independents surpassed Republicans to become the second-largest bloc of registered voters in the state after Democrats. And after Tuesday's unusual "jungle" primary, the GOP may not have a shot at the governor's mansion and a U.S. Senate seat — something experts say should be a dire warning for the party nationwide." … de-n879286
ALARMING: A collapsing Republican Party: Who knows at this point, anything is possible, perhaps decimating the republican party is an agenda item in Bozo Trump's sinister plan, perhaps Vladimir Putin ordered him to do it: With all the lies, deception and crazy unhinged public behavior which is destroying our once great nation, who knows what's actually roaming around in that simple, angry and dark unholy mind of his:
"For years, one of the Republican Party’s biggest supporters has been Seth Klarman, the billionaire chief executive and portfolio manager of Boston’s private investment firm, Baupost Group, which Klarman founded in 1982.
His political support has since changed as Klarman is now donating to Democratic initiatives, according to the New York Times’ analysis of Klarman’s Federal Election Commission filings, set to be released on September 20." … mp-1122937
More bad news for Trump and the rapidly shrinking republican party but it can't really be a surprise considering we have an unhinged, misogynist, racist, narcissistic cesspool dweller named Donald perched in our oval office:
"Is Trump Driving Women Away From the GOP for Good?"
"Female voters have slowly drifted away from the Republican Party for decades. Under Donald Trump, that trend has accelerated."
"President Donald Trump has historically low favorability among women, with the Pew Research Center now reporting that 63 percent of women disapprove of how he is doing his job—compared with 30 percent who approve. That might not be surprising, given the range of things that Trump has said and done that might be seen as offensive to women. There’s the famous “Access Hollywood” tape that gave rise to thousands of pussy hats, the 22 women who have publicly accused him of sexual harassment and assault, and the hush money his personal lawyer has admitted to paying to cover up marital indiscretions. There is Trump’s tendency to insult women, from Carly Fiorina to Megyn Kelly to Mika Brzezinski. Most recently, there was his rally in Mississippi, during which the president mocked Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations that Brett Kavanaugh, who has since been confirmed to the Supreme Court, had sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers."
MUST SEE: Just another reason why 72 year old delusional Bozo Trump and his elderly decrepit republican accomplices are destroying the stone aged republican party:
Denmark slams fox news weirdo Trish Reagan as FAKE while exposing her for her dishonesty:
"Pollster: GOP base is shrinking"
"Pollster Lee Miringoff said on Wednesday that Republicans are in danger ahead of November's midterm elections due to a shrinking base."
"In addition to [President] Trump's approval rating, it's the damaged brand right now, and that's what the Republicans have to worry about," Miringoff, who is the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, told Hill.TV's Joe Concha on "What America's Thinking." … -shrinking
"Beto O'Rourke surges to within margin of error against Cruz in new Texas poll"
Breaking BIG *******: In a state where even a rotten little corrupt weakling weasel like republican Ted Cruz should be winning by at least 25%, Big Bad Dem Beto O'Rourke is running essentially in a tie for the Texas senate seat: THANK God for that and let's hope Beto beats down Cruz so he can start working on raising the minimum wage for Texas workers, enhance our healthcare system and secure social security and medicare for our senior citizens, NOT give away trillions of our money to Ted Cruz's filthy rich donors like he and republicans already have adding a trillion to our national debt:
:"Beto O'Rourke surges to within margin of error against Cruz in new Texas poll" … texas-poll
Texans will have a much brighter and happier future if Beto defeats "Lyin'" Ted Cruz: Beto will fight to LOWER Bozo Trump's insane trade war tax hikes on ALL Americans, he'll fight to ensure ALL Texans have healthcare and he'll fight to ensure our senior citizen's social security and medicare are protected, all things Ted Cruz is doing his level best to DESTROY or take away:
In a Ruby Red district where Cruz should be up by at least 25%, we now have a 'toss up' race:
"2018 Senate midterm election toss-up between Cruz, O’Rourke"
CODE Red Alert *******: Donald Trump Now Faces Impending Impeachment / Indictment: MASS Protests ERUPT Nationwide as Mr. Trump appears to have Obstructed Justice AGAIN by Abusing his Power: Sessions Fired, "STOOGE" unlawfully embedded in OUR justice department by Bozo Trump without senate confirmation which is a constitutional requirement:
Get Active, SAVE your Crumbling Country from a Harvard Proclaimed Mentally Disturbed elderly man who is maniacally undermining the very foundation of the USA as we speak: MASS Protests Erupt to STOP the Madness:
What number is this...about the 27th time you've announced an impending impeachment?
Actually, Donald Trump the guy who insults military veterans and conveniently ignores common decency protocol, should have been impeached the day of his inauguration for enriching himself at the USA's expense by receiving gifts from our enemies and foreign entities, an illegal practice, a serious federal crime which is unconstitutional:
But now, about two years into his illegitimate era, there are a near infinite number of reasons for his IMMEDIATE Removal: To this point in his egregiously dreadful tenure, his Russian Republicans in congress have protected him from impending justice: Let's see what happens in January when the BLUE Wave of Righteousness takes its long overdue place in Congress:
Republican party in rapid decay, decline and disorder but that can't really be a surprise to any normal individual: Seriously, we're beyond the pathetic point where there seem to be no more words to describe Donald Trump's blatant dis-honor, disgrace and disturbing un-patriotic behavior: He's not really a president at least he doesn't act like one, what is he and why does he always default to the evil disrespectful side?:
"White House decision to cancel veterans' cemetery visit in France creates a storm of its own"
"The White House cited weather concerns for the cancellation but the decision isn't sitting well with some European observers."
Seriously, are there any more words to describe the sheer shame and disgrace?
"Trump condemned for missing Armistice ceremony at US cemetery because of ‘poor weather’" … gDc52QToIk
A strong democratic constituent from New Jersey is FURIOUS with republican Tom MacArthur for trying to destroy his families healthcare: Foretelling the future, and POOF, repugnantkin New Jersey congressman Tom MacArthur is GONE just like that, WASHED away like a tiny insignificant grain of sand in the 2018 Midterm BLUE Wave of Righteousness for unconscionably following and partnering with what many psychiatric experts say is a mentally ill Bozo Trump, Mutt McConnell who is senator for one of the most impoverished states in the union called Kentucky, con-man Paul Ryan and ALL other conservatives who are trying desperately to shift OUR Wealth over to the filthy rich while decimating our healthcare system, social security and medicare: UNREAL Unacceptable:
A strong, determined constituent SLAMS republican Tom MacArthur for trying to sabotage his healthcare not in Russia or Syria or Iran, but right HER in the USA !!: UNACCEPTABLE
Republican Tom MacArthur now needs another job, maybe he'll find one in RUSSIA where Vladimir Putin enjoys torture, mayhem and dictatorial chaos:
EMERGENCY ******: Trump needs to be TOSSED OUT of our oval office on his flat head for Continuous Intentional Undermining of our healthcare system which is a crime, and he needs to be tossed out NOW: CRIMINAL: Unreal:
Trump's brain dead, retarded insane actions affect your CHILDREN'S Health: Unacceptable:
"Obamacare Sign-Ups Lag As Trump Slashes Funds For Enrollment Help" … s1ISBrI8sQ
You'll soon be accused of Trump Bashing again by the usual cuprits for this post, Jake. Wear it as a Badge of Honor!
Well Randy, nobody on planet Earth or any other celestial body does a better job of 'bashing and defiling' the Trumps than the Trumps:
If simply quoting them in paraphrase or posting media reports about them or calling them out on their constant lies and atrocious behavior is considered 'bashing' then I don't really know what to say, but before this Bozo and his republican idiots like Mitch McConnell who presides over the 5th poorest state in the union can succeed in undermining our healthcare system, he needs to be REMOVED by Congress ASAP:
DISTURBING and Revealing ****** :
Ever wonder WHY top republicans are frightened to death of Vladimir Putin just like Donald Trump appears to be ?? Well if this reporting is accurate. this could be one reason why:
"How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns"
"As Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team probes deeper into potential collusion between Trump officials and representatives of the Russian government, investigators are taking a closer look at political contributions made by U.S. citizens with close ties to Russia.
Buried in the campaign finance reports available to the public are some troubling connections between a group of wealthy donors with ties to Russia and their political contributions to President Donald Trump and a number of top Republican leaders. And thanks to changes in campaign finance laws, the political contributions are legal. We have allowed our campaign finance laws to become a strategic threat to our country." … -campaigns
Apparently, according to the polls, just like her ugly grandpa Donald, I mean her husband, the more people see of Melanie the less they like her and nobody could possibly be surprised that Melanie's approval ratings are nose-diving just like her grandpa's, I mean her husband I guess: DOWN 20% in free-fall:
"Melania Trump’s Approval Rating PLUMMETS Along With Her Husband’s:
"Polls are telling us that the more the public sees and hears from Melania Trump, the less they like her. In the last three months, her approval rating has fallen by 20 percentage points, with her now holding a net negative approval for the first time. The public isn’t buying her phony victim-playing and they realize that she’s EXACTLY like her husband." … -husbands/
Just one more reason why the republican party continues to collapse under the weight of Donald: What rational, God loving individual could possibly choose to follow this dark man into the abyss?? :
Watch and CRINGE if you dare:
Republican Mitch McConnell DOWN to 27% approval: Looks like we have another Blue Wave of Progressive Democratic Righteousness building to wash away the republican senate corruption in 2020:
Republican Mitch McConnell's approval rating is down to 27% which seems to spell DOOM for the GOP in 2020:
But what else could he and republicans expect when his own state of Kentucky is one of the most impoverished in the union while he votes in favor of Trump's Corporate Welfare Tax Cut Scheme giving the rich even MORE money?? How dumb and ignorant does he think his constituents are ?? … -6672.html
And now Mitch is holding up the govt. from being reopened by not allowing the bill to come to the floor as if he's afraid it will piss off the buffoon in the Oval Office. He definitely needs to go!
Can you imagine that Randy ? Mitch and so many other republican senators willfully committing political suicide in 2020 for a soon to be impeached / indicted babbling clueless 72 year old ? UNREAL: And I always thought his constituents were gullible:
This ridiculous "Trump Shut Down" which will cause the financial ruin of so many American workers but he could care less, has absolutely nothing to do with some illusory concrete wall inside Donald's little head designed to prevent some illusory enemy from entering the USA when they can and do simply hitch a ride on a plane and fly over and into this country with impunity, I'll bet Donald truly believes if he obstructs the re-opening of our government, it will prolong his impeachment so why not give it a try I guess, it's always about him and his survival as he continues to appease Vladimir Putin:
"A new analysis suggests the president is shrinking the Republican Party."
"In the long-run—and perhaps even in the medium-run—Donald Trump may be a godsend for the Democratic Party.
That's the takeaway from a new analysis by prominent political scientist Gary Jacobson of the University of California–San Diego. In the journal Presidential Studies Quarterly, he argues the unpopular president is magnifying differences between ordinary Democrats and Republicans "in a way that threatens the long-term vitality" of the GOP." … ops-future
AMERICANS are Outraged with Trump's crazy destructive actions and are orchestrating MASSIVE Protests against him again: The ONLY thing weak, confused and bizarre thinking Donald Trump seems to know how to do with any semblance of consistency is self destruct, taking a rapidly shrinking Russian compliant republican party DOWN into the white hot pit with him:
Trump's insanely reckless government shut down which is driving many Working Americans into poverty as we speak, many of which are farmers who sadly were gullible enough to vote for him last time around but would be absolutely crazy to even think about voting for another republican in the future if they're interested in saving their land and life style, must END Now:
Trump's insane government shut down is just the latest in a consistent string of mad and dangerous political stunts some of which give great comfort to Vladimir Putin, are killing his approval ratings while increasing his indictment / impeachment odds and at this point in time, that can't be a surprise to anyone:
CNN Poll: 37% Approval 57% Disapproval
Gallup Poll 37% Approval 59% Disapproval
Trump is even SINKING in the right wing skewed Rasmussen Poll in which the experts say is "Padded" in his favor with approximately 3.9% :
43% Approval 55% Disapproval … -6179.html
Bottomless PIT of the Abyss: Trump's approval rating continues to hit NEW Lows, now at 34% and DROPPING due to his recklessly insane government shut-down which devastated Americans, even his OWN voters:
I mean seriously, how long does he think he can sustain his dark kharma "Lie-A-Thon"
Vladimir Putin's Brexit Scheme will NEVER happen and Bozo Trump will soon be impeached: Who can possibly be surprised by Donald Trump's SINKING ratings? Once again, Donald shows his ugly face on global television and once again his Poll Numbers Sink: This time, it was his bizarre, horribly pathetic and predictable racist state of the union where he spewed nothing but filthy divisiveness and blatant lies as if we expected anything new or different, or something that would actually benefit Working Americans:
He lost almost 1/2 percent from that dark appearance and wait until he declares his FAKE Phony "National Emergency" to try and coerce congress into paying tens of billions for a useless antiquated wall he promised Mexico was supposed to pay for:
MORE reported LIES from Donald about "Crowd Size" Again: Another reliable sign of the rapidly shrinking republican party occurred in El Paso Texas the other night when apparently Donald Trump might have struggled to find 6,500 loyal followers to attend his painfully bizarre, horrendously boring "Circus of HATE and Weird Divisiveness" which by now is so predictable and disgustingly disgraceful: The venue capacity is 6,500 according to the fire department despite Donald's outrageously false claims of tens of thousands:
Donald made some weird remarks about dogs so we can only expect an even smaller crowd at his next "HATE Fest", small crowds to match his small petite hands I guess:
Meanwhile, Beto O'Rourke was in El Paso Texas as well on the same night, and according to reports, he attracted 7,000 to 8,000 high energy, excited and engaged voters who were there to hear a uniting, positive message and direction for our future:
small crowds, small hands, small mind, small intellect: WHY does this obviously sick 72 year old man keep lying about things that can so easily be proven false ?? STRANGE:
"El Paso fire department says Trump’s crowd size claims were false" … were-false
ABOMINABLE: Bozo Trump's "Budget SCAM" calls for 1.25 TRILLION in CUTS to Medicaid, 850 BILLION in CUTS to Medicare and 25 BILLION in CUTS to Social Security: We must thank the good lord that many former Trump followers dumped him like a radioactive toadstool and VOTED for Progressive Democrats in the midterm elections because if republicans maintained control of the house of representatives Bozo Trump's insane budget would have passed both houses of congress and that abominable Trump / Republican budget calls for 1.25 TRILLION in Cuts to Medicaid, 850 Billion in CUTS to Medicare and 25 BILLION in CUTS to Social Security:
When Bozo Trump and Melanie tell you they don't CARE you should believe them, because every sign indicates they could care less about you, your children or your parents or your grand-parents:
Breaking HUGE *******: Republican Socialism at its WORST: SLASHING Medicaid, Medicare & Social Security: I hope Donald and his Russian Republican pals have nice heat resistant suits to protect them from the blazing heat of the deadly ABYSS: Everyone predicted it and here it is, how else could you possibly pay for Bozo Trump's / Republicans 2 TRILLION Dollar Socialist "Corporate Welfare Tax Cut Scheme" that gifted Trillions to the filthy rich?
Thank the Good Lord Progressive Democrats gained control of the House of Representatives so they can now HALT this Insane Republican Madness in its tracks:
"Trump proposes big cuts to health programs for poor, elderly and disabled: … c12f1462f1
Nice link Jake. Here's what it says about some of your claims:
"The budget released by the White House on Monday also calls for a sizable reduction for Medicare..." That must be where you got your claim.
But then it goes on to say this:
"Most of the trims relate to changing payments to doctors and hospitals and renewing efforts to ferret out fraud and wasteful billing — oft-cited targets by presidents of both parties".
It sounds like this isn't a new "Trump thing" if presidents of both parties have called for it.
Then this:
"...the budget includes an initial installment of $291 million next year targeted to communities where the virus is continuing to infect people not getting proper treatment — the rural parts of seven states, including Mississippi; the District of Columbia; Puerto Rico and 48 hot-spot counties scattered throughout the country."
Isn't that a good thing too?
"However, the spending plan would cut funding for global AIDS programs .."
Hmm.. increasing AIDS money to U.S. citizens and reducing AIDS money to the world's citizens... Is that a bad thing?
And Medicaid...
The idea of opening Medicaid to block grants to states — or a related idea that would create per-person funding caps — are fundamental alterations of an entitlement program run jointly by the federal government and states that began in the 1960s as part of the War on Poverty"
Almost 60 years fighting our "War on Poverty, how are we doing? Statistics say "Not so good," so is trying a new approach such a bad Trumpian thing, or should we just keep throwing money at it instead of trying something new? I think I recall that "block grant" idea being tossed about by another recent president.
Capping Medicaid growth? Some folks can qualify now, while making 60%, (160% poverty-level threshold), above the poverty level income. Is capping that increase really a cut in Medicaid funding? Is capping free medical costs a terrible Trumpian thing?
The ending of ACA Medicaid expansion monies was one of the reasons many states did not initially go the Medicaid expansion route.
There is more, and I haven't done a deep dive to confirm the Post's summary of those points, but your link doesn't seem to support the rhetoric of your meme or comment - so why did you post it?
SORRY GA but you're simply wrong and that's not even a good try: In REALITY, Democrats have NEVER called for MASSIVE Cuts in Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security as this despicable display of Republican Socialism does: As a matter of fact Democrats have called for ENHANCEMENT of these life saving programs for our retirees:
So there's your choice, Corrupt Criminal Republican Socialism which SLASHES 2 Trillion from our senior citizen benefits and TRANSFERS that wealth to the filthy rich, or Democratic Socialism which ENHANCES Medicaid, Medicare & Social Security and strives for Universal Health-CARE for ALL Americans including Trump followers despite themselves:
THANK God Progressive Democrats ceased control of the house because their OBSTRUCTION of Bozo Trump's / Republicans abominable assault on the people of the USA has already paid off in SPADES:
I was just speaking to the points in your linked article Jake. I even quoted them in their own words. Are you now disagreeing with your own link?
Nope, I'm just disagreeing with your insinuating or suggesting that here in the real world, Democrats would somehow some way be favor of SLASHING Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security which of course everyone knows they are not, and we'll find out that I'm correct when it comes to the house voting on it when the overwhelming majority of Russian Republicans will vote in FAVOR of criminally SLASHING these critically important retirement programs and the overwhelming majority of Democrats vote to OBSTRUCT Bozo Trump's insanely corrupt budget:
Blue WAVE of Democratic Righteousness paying ENORMOUS Dividends already:
ALARMING *******: No surprise, Bozo Trump re-ignites his non-stop assault on your families health-care: Trump is Burnt TOAST and so are his Communist Russian Sympathizer Congressional Republicans: WHY is the Republican party SHRINKING so Rapidly in chaotic collapse? Here's just one more reason why Donald Trump decimated the republican house of representatives and WHY he decimated republican chances of holding on to their slim majority in the senate in 2020:
I guess QUEEN Melanie deserves health insurance but the rest of us don't: This is nothing less than ABOMINABLE: ISIS will NEVER harm you, but Bozo Trump's constant attacks on you and your families health-care ABSOLUTELY WILL and that's unholy:
"Why Trump’s New Push to Kill Obamacare Is So Alarming" … e-act.html
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, why would Trump back out of this if he's a puppet of Putin. We also all know Trump, he can't keep his mouth shut. Any sort of secret he has will come out so wouldn't we have some evidence of him saying exactly that he's influenced by Putin?
Just FYI StevenHall: Listen and listen very closely: Right NOW, Bozo Trump, the oval office circus clown is threatening your mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles and grand-parents very existence by attempting to SLASH over a TRILLION Dollars from their earned entitlement benefits called Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid: These cuts know no political party and will do severe damage to republicans just like Democrats because these are the programs which pay their rent or mortgage, food expense, gas, heat, air conditioning, vehicle registration and television service, it also provides them with critically important HEALTH-Care:
Just Thank GOD the Blue Wave of Progressive Democrats took control AWAY from the Corrupt Russian Republican Congress: Dems can now OBSTRUCT Mr. Trump's INSANITY, Dems will even save the last remaining Trump followers from financial ruin despite themselves:
Republicans TURNING on Trump: If he's not Imprisoned or Institutionalized by then, Republican Senators have about 1 1/2 years to REMOVE Donald before he inevitably DESTROYS what's left of their pathetic treacherous careers just like he DESTROYED the careers of many republicans in the house when Progressive Democrats enjoyed an MAJOR WIN after an inevitable Blue Tidal Wave engulfed the House of Representatives and THANK God for that:
"Grassley: Trump's claim that noise from wind turbines causes cancer was 'idiotic'" … index.html
Me too, but Chuck Grassley is still a radical CONservative who will if given the chance, strip us and our children of our Health-Insurance as he, Bozo Trump and republicans are desperately trying to do as we speak through the courts, an unholy abominable act which is nothing less than a concerted attack on "we the people", and he will continue to attack Social Security & Medicare and dismantle it if he and his republican cohorts get the chance and that's another abominable attack on the USA, an attack you typically find in third world nations, not here in the USA but that's where we find ourselves now, tolerating a nightmare of a dysfunctional oval office:
I'm just curious to see if CONservative Senators finally do the right thing and join Dems to impeach and REMOVE Mr. Trump before he gets the chance to destroy the GOP Senate in 2020 just like he DESTROYED the GOP House of Representatives because it's coming:
Well here we go, another exhibit of DAMNING Evidence against Chuck Grassley and Communist Russian Loving Republicans: This elderly creep could care less about your HealthCARE, my HealthCARE or your children's Health: In this SHOCKING Clip taken not too long ago at a town hall meeting, an Iowan woman says she'll die like so many others will, if ObamaCARE ACA is sabotaged completely by him and Bozo Trump, and she gets this weirdo politician to admit that he voted 7 TIMES to take her Health Insurance AWAY from her: UNREL:
So seriously, do you still wonder WHY republicans were STOMPED by Progressive Dems in the 2018 midterm elections and WHY Progressive Dems could conceivably WIN a Veto Proof Majority in the Senate in 2020 ??
Does anyone honestly believe CONservatives like this creep Chuck Grassley will be able to BAMBOOZLE enough voters in 2020 to win ?? REALLY, you think Americans are that dumb ??? Well, with a few exceptions primarily in the so called "Bible Belt" which is now a stronghold of Satans, I don't think they are:
SHOCKING: ASTONISHING: Weirdo Republican Chuck Grassley should RESIGN Immediately for verbally assaulting this Iowan::
So long Donny Boy, everyone knew you couldn't get away with it forever: Legendary Carl Bernstein was dead on correct again, it looks like the Mueller Report which has been criminally misrepresented to the public by republican "SHILL" Barr, is indeed a legitimate, intricately woven "Road Map" leading toward an abrupt "Dead End Street" for this insane, mega-chaotic and anti-American, illegitimate clown show of a presidency:
Biden 49% Trump 38% : Dreadfully HORRIBLE but certainly can't be surprising news for Donald Trump: Keep in mind the following POLLS are from 'Nationalist Heavy" Crazy CONservative Fox Network: Looks like even republicans have finally had enough of this boring, mentally unstable charlatan who is sabotaging our HealthCARE System and forcing our farmers into bankruptcy:
Biden 49%
Trump 38%
Vote For Someone Else 54%
Re-Elect Trump 38%
How did the polls from 2016 turn out for you?
Obama's Inauguration LEFT and Trump's on RIGHT: Who's is BIGGER? So where on Earth is Trump's Crowd ???? Donald's looks more like the size crowd of someone who got maybe 10 or 20 MILLION Legitimate Votes which is probably about the size of his rabid base: The POLLS were SKEWED in 2016 because of Vladimir Putin's act of war by illegally infiltrating our voting system and one exhibit of evidence can be found at Clowny McTrump's relatively tiny inauguration photo above:
Another EXHIBIT of Evidence is surfacing as we speak, reports of Russian Spies infiltrating actual voting apparatus: That would certainly SKEW any POLL: Don't you think it was rather odd for the POLLS to be off during just that time period ???? Well, Russian Spies manipulating our democracy is one valid reason WHY:
By the Way: Biden 49% Trump 38% is a "Nationalist Heavy" Fox POLL so you could probably add an additional 3 or 4 points to Biden and SUBTRACT about the same from Trump to make it even more accurate::
Are you secretly in love with Trump or something?
I am not sure what you are trying to say with your post...But the fact is, Trump was elected in vast contrast to what the polls were saying.
But I am curious...was you looking for this photo for Trump's Inauguration
I'm in LOVE with OBSTRUCTING a retarded unattractive unpatriotic draft dodger who practically kssies the boots of Vladimir Putin on global television and is sabotaging mine, yours and everyone's including our children's HealthCARE System: There are at least a MILLION other reasons WHY he and republicans need to be OBSTRUCTED until he's IMPRISONED:
BTW, I gave you several reasons why the POLLS were skewed in 2016 but believe me, nothing will save Donald and Communist Russian Loving Republicans from IMPEACHMENT, Indictment and a good old fashioned Mega-STOMPING in 2020:
Well House Leader Nancy refuses to go forward with, It doesn't appear that Trump will be impeached...and I agree that that there will be a stomping in 2020...with the Republicans doing the stomping...And as someone who is an Independent, that isn't necessarily a good thing.
If things continue as they currently are, the Dems are going to end up losing the house again.
The reasons you gave for poll results, were not majorly effected by Russians, neither were the voting booths (as per Obama). In reality, the Russians had little effect on our processes, even with their attempts. Russian meddling in our elections are nothing new, and will continue, just as we meddle in other countries elections as well.
The polls were wrong because of how they were conducted and because everyone was Hillary biased...Personally I don't care which source puts out poll results...I have always been leery of poll results. They can be skewed due to how they are conducted. And as anyone who has conducted polls can tell you, it isn't hard to manipulate questions to get the results you want.
lol, yeah, I'll believe your "Independent" the day I believe a single word that spews from Donald Trump's ugly 72 year old mouth and I guess that means NEVER:
STILL no explanation for WHY Bozo's inauguration had the relatively tiny crowd size of a candidate who got maybe 10 to 20 million LEGITIMATE Votes? Seems odd the only time in history where our POLLS were skewed happened when we experienced a "Sweeping and Systematic" infiltration of our election by Vladimir Putin who favored Trump:
The picture is due to media bias...Obama's was taken right beforehand, and the one for Trump was taken much earlier in the day.
And I am Independent.. I vote both parties, depending on their platform. I voted for Obama for his first term, but not his second. I have voted more Democrat in my local elections than I do Republican...Unlike many others, I don't just blindly vote for someone because of the party that are attached to.
Just an FYI, Calling someone a liar without proof is very underhanded and normally conducted by someone who has something themselves to hide or have no valid argument rebuttal. But, based on your previous postings, I am not surprised that you would have trouble believing that I am Independent, as you seem to struggle with facts.
lol, any other excuses for Trump's inauguration size being an estimated 1/8 the size of Obama's?
And yes, you are correct about one thing, I don't believe you're an independent because independents will NEVER again be CONNED into voting for a charlatan like Donald who is doing his level insane best along with Communist Russian Loving Republicans, to undermine the institutions of this Tattered USA and Sabotage our HealthCARE System and I don't know any independents who are asking for that kind of madness, madness which will inevitably earn Donald and republicans and their last remaining followers a one way ticket to the White Hot ABYSS:
Who said I voted for Trump or will vote for him 2020? You assume a lot based on your personal emotions.
I was talking about voting Republican or Democrat...based on policies, not a person.
And That wasn't an excuse on the pictures, that is what did happen. And from the photo I provided, which was taken at the time of the inauguration, shows that the crowds were very similar is size...But don't let the evidence of things confuse you.
Firstly, I see many "Nationalist" posing as independents, they're very easy to spot, secondly, the picture you posted of Donald Trump's inauguration was from a different angle and it's a fact his was much smaller in size and scope than President Obama's and thirdly, I already explained to you that HealthCARE is the most important issue for independents and everyone else for that matter which is exactly WHY independents will NEVER Again vote for a sick 72 year old inept CON Man such as Donald who is doing everything he possibly can to TERMINATE their HealthCARE System:
It seems to me that they were attempting to improve on the ACA or replace it with a better plan, as the ACA isn't doing so well.
You seem to accuse anyone who disagrees with your opinionated drivel is a "nationalist". An interesting point is that many of us are able to argue a point without trying to place a false "hate label" on those who disagree with us.
I would offer some advice, if you are so upset with how things are going in this country, then please by all means, run for congress or other political office so that you can effect change in such a way that would benefit all Americans.
I would say that you will find little to no support in your efforts though, as we are a democratic republic and not a democracy or dictatorship.
Your constant lack of being able to articulate your arguments without resorting to name calling or insulting the topic matter of debate, completely kills any valid points you may have, as it gives the impression of lack of intelligence or immaturity.
There are a more than a few people on this platform who hold a strong dislike of Trump and his policies, but they make their arguments without stooping to the use of insults or "cute nicknames" in addressing their points.
You might make some very good debate points, but presentation is key...just putting it out there...
I've heard all this before DoubleScorpion: It's what nationalists typically shout to me when they don't have any legitimate defense of the weird looking hostile clown in our oval office:
And I do mean Weird Looking Hostile CLOWN:
I am not a nationalist...and I take serious offense to being called, labeled or even insinuated as such.
I keep my conversations civil even if I disagree with someone. And I do my best to not place labels on others.
I have offered legitimate defense of my argument, and to date, I have seen little of the same from your side of the debate.
I also do not stoop to name calling anyone regardless to what my personal opinions of them might be.
Now with all of that being said, I must say that you are displaying what I have seen from most of those on the extreme left...lots of noise, little facts, distorted facts, downright lies/misinformation, name calling to anyone who disagrees, and an inability to have a civil and respectful discussion or debate concerning sensitive topics.
Texas POLL : Biden 48% Trump 44% and that's no surprise ******* MASSIVE Wipe Out of CONservative Republicans in the making in 2020 if they refuse to IMPEACH the most corrupt orange madman our oval office has ever hosted: Republicans will ultimately get defeated in 2020 but if they continue to BLINDLY follow this dangerous nut case they will be Monumentally DESTROYED:
Impeachment and Indictment is an absolute no brainer and even CONservatives know it while discussing this insanity behind closed doors and they need to read their oaths and immediately stop aiding and abetting a serial liar who cowers to our enemies right on global television for the world to watch in horror while undermining our once great NATO Allies: He's publicly weak and spineless, reckless, mad, unstable, infinitely unqualified, babbles on camera and according to at least 1,000 former prosecutors, has committed UNTHINKABLE Felony CRIMES and UNHOLY Abominable Atrocities: He needs to be REMOVED NOW Period for the sake of this once great Crumbling Country: … ll-1355285
I know this imbecile will be in prison soon but has the USA become so INSANE that we've normalized the mad behavior of a 72 year old hallucination prone illegitimate president who just the other day claimed to have some kind of a "secret deal" with Mexico that they say doesn't exist ???? Have we SUNK that LOW and WHY isn't he under psychiatric care ???? When Clowny McTrump HALLUCINATES on national television about some kind of "secret deal" with Mexico and then Mexican officials DENY the deal what kind of poll numbers does this circus flunkee expect? UNREAL:
Are republicans in the senate going to snap out of it and IMPEACH this fool or get PULVERIZED in 2020 because of him??
Biden 53%
Trump 40%
"Biden leads Trump by 'landslide proportions' in new national poll" … ional-poll
Who aside from Jerry Falwell Junior want's to be anywhere near the DARK Karma of a 72 year old babbling loud mouth madman who actually instructed his last remaining followers to vote for an alleged child molester running for U.S. Senate? Or, a weak 72 year old draft dodger who continues to attack a GREAT American hero like John McCain who SAVED our HealthCARE System from Trump's and republicans INSANE plot to deconstruct it? WHY would anyone want to be anywhere near a 72 year old betrayer of the USA who practically licks the boots of Vladimir Putin in cowering fashion on GLOBAL Television? UNREAL:
"Juan Williams: Trump's incredible shrinking GOP"
"Quinnipiac University polling in May reported 70 percent disapproval for Trump among adults under the age of 35". … inking-gop
"Pollster: GOP base is shrinking": **** Of course what's left of the republican party is DRASTICALLY Shrinking, even most CONservative voters are fed up with Clowny McTrump and "Mutt" McConnell desperately trying to take away our HealthCARE, DECIMATE Social Security and Medicare and SUPPRESS Workers Wages; Just a few reasons WHY republicans were CRUSHED in the 2018 midterms and will be CRUSHED again in 2020:
"Pollster: GOP base is shrinking"
"In addition to [President] Trump's approval rating, it's the damaged brand right now, and that's what the Republicans have to worry about," Miringoff, who is the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, told Hill.TV's Joe Concha on "What America's Thinking." … -shrinking
Just a simple question: WHY on this ailing Earth would any advertiser voluntarily choose to associate their product with a channel like Fox or an unpatriotic imbecile like Donald Trump who COWERS and practically BOWS Down on his rickety knees to our enemies like Vladimir Putin on GLOBAL Television ????
"Advertisers Continue to Cut Ties With Fox News’ Tucker Carlson" … 203093497/
Maybe because of this?
"Fox News Channel was the most-watched cable network in total day and primetime on Monday. ... On Friday, Fox News again topped its competitors, averaging 2.3 million total viewers, while MSNBC had 1.7 million views and CNN had 1 million viewers.Mar 28, 2019"
"2018 Ratings: Fox News Is the Most-Watched Network on Cable for the Third Straight Year
Total Day:
Fox News: 1,425,000 total viewers (-5 percent); 282,000 A25-54 (-12 percent)
CNN: 706,000 total viewers (-9 percent); 214,000 A25-54 (-16 percent)
MSNBC: 994,000 total viewers (+12 percent); 197,000 A25-54 (-3 percent)"
What do you think Jake?
Well Sharlee, just because an UNPATRIOTIC Nationalist channel like Fox seems to ATTRACT just about every 70 or 80 year old bigot, racist and communist russian loving nut job in the USA with numbskull nationalist dregs like Sean Hammity and Tucker Carlson who apparently is BLEEDING advertisers according to reports, it's no valid reason to associate your product with them:
lol, BTW, 1,425,000 total viewers is a drop in the bucket, I could probably get more viewers on youtube in an hour with my BIGFOOT Film Clip:
Maybe not?
This past Fri...
"Fox News Channel was the most-watched cable network in total day and primetime on Monday. ... On Friday, Fox News again topped its competitors, averaging 2.3 million total viewers, while MSNBC had 1.7 million views and CNN had 1 million viewers.Mar 28, 2019"
CNN is all but closing their doors
All the Trumpsters watch Fox, Shar, If all from the left watched one channel, Fox would be in the dust as far as viewership is concerned.
lol, Fox Nationalist Channel has what you'd call a "CAPTIVE Audience" which probably consists of 2.3 million elderly bald crotchety racists: What else are they gonna' do but gaze at other racist bigots on television ????
Just FYI Sharlee, cable news has NEVER been a money making bonanza and that includes your UNPATRIOTIC Communist Russian Loving Fox: According to reports, Clowny McTrump has spent millions on social media ads and his POLL Numbers are going DOWN in the Dumps as usual: A TRILLION Dollars will NEVER Convince a single souls to jump on the little Trump wagon because everybody already knows what kind of habitual liar and unpatriotic betrayer he truly is: Too bad for him RUSSIANS aren't allowed to vote in the USA:
Maybe he won't need them now that he has our economy the best it has ever been. My money is on Trump winning. Just like I told you the Mueller report would end up bust. I almost am getting tired of being right. Trump will be our president for 6 more. So, get accustomed to "the clown". It must be very hard for you to always be wrong?
The economy under this orange fool is just fantastic, if you happen to be a filthy rich fat slob living on Wall Street: lol, If Trump ever makes it to the 2020 election without getting his large grotesque posterior Impeached and or Indicted, it will be a miracle induced by SATAN:
Jake, we all get our wish as Mueller is set to testify before the house July 17th. Trump is pissed!
Yup, I saw that Randy: Trump has been Burnt TOAST for a very long time now but wait until Robert Mueller and prosecutors get done with this Communist Russian Loving BETRAYER of the USA: The Evidence within the report is nothing less than DAMNING for Donny and he knows: This grand charade of an illegitimate presidency of his has been revealed several times over:
Donny is the ONLY politician I've ever seen who could spend multi-millions in social media ads then watch his POLL numbers SINK like a stone: I guess he doesn't yet understand that the more people see and hear from him, the MORE they learn to DESPISE him and his horrifically gross ugly self: LEARNING apparently has never been Donny's strong suit: He needs to be imprisoned NOW:
EMERGENCY A*L*A*R*M*I*N*G ** Even some farmers who Donald is driving into bankruptcy because of his insane unnecessary tariff trade wars are DUMPING him because of his public cowering, obedience to, and apparent loyalty to our enemy Vladimir Putin: A Rapidly SHRINKING Republican Party indeed and thank GOD for that:
WHY is the republican party SHRINKING at a rapid rate and why did they get CRUSHED in the 2018 midterms and WHY will they get CRUSHED AGAIN in 2020? Here's one reason for sure, his unholy un-christian behavior and relationships with dregs like this: Some bamboozled christians will remain with the "Cult of Trump" til' the end, but many have had quite enough of this 73 year old circus clown of corruption:
Makes you skin crawl:
I sure hope everyone is watching Robert Mueller's Testimony before congress: Nothing less than Astounding, Jaw DROPPING, ALARMING and of course DAMNING for Donald:
Imagine that, a mad 73 year old illegitimate president who shows every sign of being in our enemy Vladimir Putin's back pocket which is INSANE in and of itself, telling REAL Americans to go back where they came from when in reality if we had OBSTRUCTED the Trump strain of cretin from entering the USA long ago, we would be a much better and stronger country today: By the way, here's just another reason WHY the GOP is crumbling to the ground and into the dirt: And this is a Fox News Poll which is always SKEWED toward the alt right but even their poll shows the majority of Americans believe Bozo Trump's racist "Go Back" remark crossed the line:
I guess even some KLANSMEN are saying hey wait a minute, we're racist and all, but where not quite as crazy as this Communist Russian Appeasing Crumb:
"Do you feel Donald Trump’s recent tweets, in which he criticizes four minority Democratic congresswomen and tells them to go back to the countries they came from, were an acceptable political attack or did those tweets cross the line?”
Crossed the line: 63%
Acceptable political attack: 27% … ges-racist
RED Alert *******WHY is the Republican Party SHRINKING at an alarming rate? here's just one more TERRIFYING Reason: "#MoscowMitchMcTreason trends after McConnell defends blocking election security bills" … tion-bills
Of course he is, and he must be ARRESTED Immediately because we can't afford to let this Communist Russian Loving turtle face remain in our congress to undermine democracy for another second:
"Mitch McConnell Is The Most Hated Senator In America" … erica.html
Right in lockstep with Comrade Donald: "Moscow" Mitch must be in a TIZZY Panic just like Comrade Donald is, understanding they're about to get DESTROYED by Progressive Dems in 2020 and then they get to go to straight PRISON for their Horrendous Crimes Against Humanity: Their only chance of winning in 2020 is to once again INVITE and Accept Espionage assistance from our Arch Enemy Vladimir Putin to CHANGE Votes in their favor Illegally: INSANE:
As you can see, I established this discussion almost one year ago and it has been JUSTIFIED multiple times over:
"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000"
I understand Donald Trump presides over a cult and his followers are indeed dwindling, but how anyone could possibly still listen to this fool is just astonishing: Cowardly Bozo Trump's Venomous HATE always travels FULL Circle around then back to him right in his UGLY strange looking face: If his big fat mouth wasn't didn't present such an unprecedented danger to us and the entire world, he would be considered just another bad joke ready for indictment
Nancy "POWERHOUSE" Pelosi always has Donald's number and ALWAYS Emasculates him with ease, as if there's anything there to Emasculate:
"Pelosi says Trump should ask ‘slumlord’ Jared Kushner about Baltimore: … 179d34a9d4
Oh boy, there's a surprise, ANOTHER Horrifying Hate inspired Mass Shooting Act of Domestic Terrorism on Donald's watch: What's that my little white nationalist buds, an all time record for the most MASS Shootings for any President, as illegitimate as he is ?? Al Queda STRONG, Foreign Terrorists thriving and DOMESTIC Terrorism at an all time high: Thanks "Law and Order" President: Remember that big pile of BS he fed his followers ??
"20 dead, dozens injured at El Paso Walmart; 1 suspect identified, authorities say" … 4f2cd8c6c2
Breaking BIG **** Fox POLL **** Biden Beats the DAYLIGHTS Out of Trump ** Biden 50% Trump 38% **** OMG ** And that's an alt right wing Fox Poll **** Of course Trump's base of cult followers is RAPIDLY Shrinking, how on this ailing EARTH could it possibly be growing ?? Unfortunately for this crumbling country, he can't even RESIGN because he'll be immediately INDICTED so he's stuck with IMPEACHMENT Now then INDICTMENT:
WoW: Biden Beats The Daylights out of Donald: Biden 50% Trump 38%
"2 troubling signs for Trump in this new Fox News poll" … edirect=on
Biden 50% trump 38% **** little fragile snowflake donny trump crying, whining and moaning once again in public, right in front of the entire world so our enemies know exactly what he's thinking just because his nationalist pals over at fox news actually presented the TRUTH to their viewers for a change with POLL Numbers that are unsurprisingly DEVASTATING for the orange elderly quasi-man and getting worse with every hateful word he utters and every insane idea that pops into that bloated helium head of his:
He can't even resign because there's over 1,000 former prosecutors just salivating as they wait patiently to INDICT him for his High Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity: Yes folks, that's the ROTTING state of affairs right now taking place here in the once great USA: UNREAL:
"Trump is 'not happy' with Fox News over poll results" … 35663.html
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