This is a serious question. Can any country survive when almost 1/3 of our population is against the President and everything he try to do?
From Supreme Court nominiations to trade deals to foreign policy and immigration and tax reform...
It undermines our republic and how we are to be governed.
So here we are in 2018, 2 years after the election of Trump, There are real resistance from about 1/3 of our population, 90% of the media, 90% of Hollywood and academia,
and even when he does things and succeeds in turning our economy around...
What does it mean to have elections?
Shouldn’t the elected leader of a republic get to implement his policies?
If elections means little, it will lead to anarchy. What else is there?
We had a civil war to settle slavery. We may need another war to settle our differences.
It is a shame some people don’t understand civics and how our government works.
How about making support for the president compulsory? What do you think?
If you can demonstrate you have actively supported the president in the last 12 months, you get a special tax break. If you can't then you get fined 25% of your income.
It should not be mandatory. It should be common sense, especially when it comes to the UN or foreign trade or defending our borders.
It use to be, our party differences stop at our borders.
It was true during the cold war, not any more.
We have opposition party members serving in our government and in Congress that are willing to go against our President and in turn go against the American way. Who are these people? It borders on treason in my mind.
I agree. It's treason. People who commit treason need to be tried for high crimes and either jailed or shot. Isn't this what we do to people who commit treason? Democrats are no better than the Islamists who took down the twin towers on 9/11.
Might want to find another crime: From Mirriam Webster
Definition of treason
1 : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family
"Treason" has to be one of most mis-used words in the dictionary in today's political discussions.
But why shouldn't it be mandatory?
Any good citizen should want to support the president. As you say that's just common sense.
"Who are these people? It borders on treason in my mind."
Exactly. Let's call on Congress to create the Treason Reduction and Eradication of American Sedition and Opposing News bill.
First we round up journalists. Everyone knows they're the enemy of the people. We'll give them a choice. Support the president or jail.
Then we task the NSA with monitoring all electronic communications. At the end of each year, we do a random sample of 1% of the population (we can use AI it will be quicker). If we find they have not said anything supportive of the president, or worse, have been critical, they get find or go to jail, depending on how badly they criticized him.
You watch the president's approval figures go through the roof!
Why can't we make this happen?
Because of the First Amendment. We have freedom of press, freedom of assembly and freedom of speech...
These are basic to our constitution.
We value dissent but there is a fine line between dissent and treason in recent days.
It is up to the American people to use their intellect and discern which group is valid and which ones are biased and which ones are frauds...
They vote with their pocket book.
Those groups that fail in the market place will go out of business unless they are funded by George Soros in which case we should know about it.
That is true transparency.
I don't know what Fox News or Breitbart poll you are using, but the actual number from many polls is more like 65%,
I realize it may be higher but I am only talking about the people in the resistance movement. Half of those people you speak of have moved on and accepted Trump as President. The 30% are the die hard who are having a bad day and like little children having a fit when they don’t get their way.
By the way, it is not Fox News fault but the rest of media. Fox has consistently drawn higher ratings while other anti trump media has lost the trust and confidence of the public.
Most sane people have separated the man Trump from his policies. They may not like the man but they like his policies...
He has reduced their taxes, increased jobs, got better trade agreements, decimated ISIS, and worked to close our borders and started building the wall.
All these policies have one thing in common. They benefit all Americans.
That is why he is the better president compared to Obama.
In the real world, every reckless thing Bozo Trump does benefits NOBODY but Vladimir Putin: We can only pray GOD steps in to obstruct and reprimand him, especially after his EVIL display of hatred and insanity mocking a woman who may have been sexually assaulted by a crazed, alcoholic judge who retarded republicans are actually still considering for our supreme court: UNREAL:
The retarded, dark minded idiots who cheered Bozo on as he mocked a woman who may have been raped by the judge, will hopefully meet the reprimand of GOD as well:
jackclees numbers are way off and promisem's are closer to the truth with about 65% to 75% who are actually against and even hate Trump for very good reason:
It's very easy to obstruct and hate the most corrupt, ignorant and retarded Russian owned idiot named Bozo Trump:
Anarchy is not so bad.
They generally don't believe in violences to solve problems. They won't steal half your money and give out licence to steal and kill. Greedy Bastards will be only ones hit, and you will be the king of your own individual domain
When people like the Democrats just obstruct, obstruct, obstruct, and defy the President, they are proving they are traitors to our country. They should be systematically tossed in jail.
All Democrats are evil and should be either jailed or imported. I'm sure you agree with me.
I believe that traitors should be executed. I also believe that abortion is murder and that murderers should be executed. This seems like pretty simple morality to me. If somebody commits a murder, that person should be executed or put in jail for the rest of their lives. Abortion is murder.
So do you want to pack up your marbles and go home?
I want you to pack up your generalizations and be more independent.
I never said all democrats. It is just these days, it seems they vote in a solid block. Unlike the GOP, they seem to have a few independent thinkers...
GOP, the party of independent thinkers? You must be joking?
No, I see more diversity in the GOP than in the Democratic party today.
It was not always this way. In the past, we had people voting cross party all the time. Now, the country it more polarized than ever. It started with the ACA in 2010. It was a major legislation passed with not a single GOP vote.
Go back and check your history. Not one major legislation prior to that was passed this way. They were usually passed as a bipartisan effort.
Probably the same percentage was against Obama, especially in the second term. The difference is the mass media is completely against traditional values and conservative economic policy.
The leftist are always more outspoken. Most people don't get involved in every little political thing, as they've got a freaking life to live, and they don't sit around and brood on mass media nonsense.
Yes, the country will not only survive but when president Trump leaves office we will be the best we have ever been. With all the flying rhetoric, Trump stays very focused and continues to keep all the promises he made the American people. he will be one of the very best presidents we have ever had. He is fixing long-term problems we have had for many years, and he is doing it quickly. ys, there are many that will oppose him to the very end. What's a shame is that they too will enjoy all the wonderful things he has accomplished, yet never give him credit for doing such a superb job.
What we're talking about here is a campaign of media hate against a sitting president , his campaign , his policies and his reelection no doubt . Fueled by the two parties in DC., Perhaps more than anything else a regurgitation of ANY third party conversation Americans have had , will have or will attempt to invite into our political system.
Fake News .
Are you proud of your USA Pravda ?
In one post you say this: "We have opposition party members serving in our government and in Congress that are willing to go against our President and in turn go against the American way. "
Being free to go against the President IS the American way. Criticizing the President when he is wrong is our civic duty as free citizens. Protesting inhumane policies and objecting to a lying, bullying self-admitted sexual predator occupying the highest office in the land is the right thing to do. It is patriotic to insist that a disgusting, lying POS is not fit for office and should be removed.
Later on in another post you say: "Most sane people have separated the man Trump from his policies. "
His policies range from inhumane to incompetent to blatantly pro-Putin.
You also said this: "It is a shame some people don’t understand civics and how our government works."
If you, jackclee, think opposition to a President means people don't understand civics and how government works, then you are clearly ignorant of civics and how a free democracy works.
You did pretty good in the first paragraph. Unfortunately you then deteriorated to name calling and irrational statements like "His policies range from inhumane to incompetent". As the economy booms, jobs are created in numbers we've never seen and he follows the law rather than ignoring it this doesn't even begin to make sense.
But you're right - it is apparent that none of us really understands how government works today, when dirt and unfounded accusations are more important than reason, truth and honesty.
When Jack stated that opposition to the President borders on treason, did that disturb you? When he stated that people who oppose the President are ignorant of civics and how government works, did you not view that as an insult?
The president's policy of separating young children from their parents IS inhumane and was found to be illegal by the courts. The incompetence is demonstrated by the fact that the Trump administration didn't care enough to keep track of parents and their children and still haven't reunited all of them which means the administration is now in contempt. So, no, he doesn't always follow the law.
Honesty and truth? It seems you only care about that when it suits you, given your continued support of the documented world-class lying President of all time.
Still a mystery why Hub Pages allows discussions like this one based solely on false made up propaganda: Everyone knows jackclee is intentionally or unintentionally misrepresenting the truth just like weirdo Alex Jones and republican adored Russian TV did before they were removed from our air waves permanently:
It's fake discussions like these, many of which jackclee has started, that are forcing me to re-evaluate my participation in HP, I don't wish to be associated with a crazy right wing propaganda site which allows lies and fake narratives to be disseminated to the public, we have enough of that dangerous nonsense spewing from our once revered white house:
I have not engaged Jake for quite some times. He is a TDS sufferer that needs serious help.
"Fake discussions". Like endless rants with nothing but name calling and false insinuations?
If Hubpages is fine with gaining a reputation for publishing discussions like this one based on lies stating 30% of Americans are against Bozo Trump when the entire world knows the real number is much higher than that, then so be it: Fake sites are being rooted out and summoned to the trash heap:
Fake information like the kind which this thread is based on undercuts the credibility and integrity of the underlying articles written on this site which I'd presume is not a accepted by the operators as a good thing:
"Fake information like the kind which this thread is based on undercuts the credibility and integrity of the underlying articles written on this site which I'd presume is not a accepted by the operators as a good thing"
I would agree, and add that the writers themselves might not be happy with with it. Of course, if one has only a single article, and HP lets it languish on the main site rather than their premier nich sites, that particular writer may not care much...
He's here to promote CNN. He's not here to be a writer. I'd prefer it were participation in forums limited for persons who've contributed so little to the health and wealth of this fine network of websites.
Unlike most people on HubPages, I do understand how government is suppose to work.
I wrote an introduction to American Civics 101.
You might want to check it out before criticizing me.
As a conservative, I am consistent.
I go by the rule of law and by our Constitution.
Unlike some on the other side, willing to bend our rules and applying double standards when it suits them...
You said that opposition to the President borders on treason. Why did you insult me and other Americans for doing our constitutionally protected civic duty? To me, that clearly shows ignorance of civics.
I was not saying that about you in particular. I was referring to some anti-Trump people who has made a decision to be against eveything associated with Trump and anything Trump proposes. This is over the line when it comes to dissent. Don’t you agree?
The latest Supreme court nomination is a prime example. This guy has been a circuit court judge for 12 years. He has written over 300 opinions. He is respected by the American Bar Assoc. and because he was nominated by Trump, they are going after him big time and trying to destroy him. I think that crosses the line. I don’t want our justice system suspended in one case to go after a judge because of partisan politics. That is not how it suppose to work. In our system of justice, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The Senate chamber is for advise and consent. If these senators don’t like him, they can vote against him. They don’t need to stoop so low to attack his character and his honor.
That is politics, the same nasty politics that has occurred since the formation of government. The Republicans held up Merrick Garland and stole the SC pick from Obama, who was elected by a clear majority. Was that bordering on treason, too, or do you have some excuse for that?
Don’t tell me this is equal treatment. It is not. This case has reached new low... I am disguested by what the left has done and I am also disgusted by Senator Diane Feinstein. I lost all respect for her and will work towards defeating her in the next election. This is not what the American people signed up for.
The allegations were brought by private citizens, not Feinstein herself or any other politician. The timing of the release of the allegations has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not they are true.
In any case, do you think it was also bordering on treason when the Republicans withheld Obama's Supreme Court nominee for almost a year, denying the people's presidential choice his nominee? Or do you have an excuse for that?
It was the Democrat - Joe Bidden rule that says no nomination during an election of a President years. Go look it up...
Here it is - “Republicans cited a 1992 speech by then-senator Joe Biden, arguing that if a Supreme Court seat became vacant during the summer, President Bush should wait until after the election to appoint a replacement, or else appoint a moderate acceptable to the then-Democratic Senate.”
Well, if the Democrats wanted President Obama's nomination to be considered for the Supreme Court they should have won enough elections to control the Senate. The majority party is under NO obligation to begin proceedings simply because the president puts forth a nomination. The reason Obama's nomination didn't get a hearing is because the Democrats weren't the majority party. I say, too bad, get over it, and win elections rather than acting like children when you don't.
Obama did win the presidential election and did his job. The Republicans who denied even a hearing for his nomination are the ones acting like children.
If ONLY the Democrats had the majority in the Senate. Sorry, that's how it's worked for hundreds of years. The Republicans acted like the majority party and served the best interest of their voters. Obviously, they had more voters that the Democrats.
Duh. The Democrats are doing what they can as a minority party. If you're going to call us childish for complaining then be consistent and tell conservatives to stop their childish whining.
No they're not. They could work to do their job. They could accept they can't always have their way. They could accept compromise and that other platforms can be right, too.
They could attempt to do their job in running the country. But they're not.
I am progressive, Jack, and quite consistent at that as well. If Trump fails he only has himself to blame. I have Right to dissent, that also is in the American tradition.
Yes you have a right to dissent. You don’t have a right to lie and smear and attack and spread rumors...
I am not talking about you in particilar but people in general, on both sides.
This latest happening with Kavanaugh is a prime example. Are you being consistent? In dealing with him?
Not your democratic colleagues and not the left leaning media and not the left leaning hollywood celebrities...
They have turned this into a circus. At some point, all clear thinking people must stop and say enough is enough.
Credence, I am asking you straight out.
Do you think Judge Kavanaugh was treated fairly this past two weeks?
America will survive the left / right differences , it always has . What America cannot do is survive such a tussle in our media , Right now there is a strange mix going on between the dying hard copy news media and the thriving social media . THAT is all this great divide between the two parties is !
Social media is fantasy land looking to become a viable media player , hard media is dying, strangling in fact on its own sensationalism . The first amendment we all like to strongly profess as so important is becoming a mirror of ourselves .
There are many here in these/ this forum thread that are for whatever anarchy can do to rip from the American heritage , especially the new left . Democrats are sitting on their a$$ waiting to see which wins hoping for some other hyper-miracle Obama phenomena to come along .
Trump enjoys FAR more support than the media , the left , even the right and especially the established D.C idiocy gives him . Make no mistake barring a economic catastrophe Trump will win in 2020 and likely make it all the way to 2024 . Kavanaugh will be confirmed . DO NOT PUT ANY faith in the USA Prada media , they will do nothing but obstruct , lie , sensationalize and die a slow painful death !
NO man should ever HAVE to support any American leader , by force , by coercion or brainwashing or anything like Obama enjoyed . His nothingburger legacy , like his presidential "accomplishments " will have to be propped up by HIS Pravda media . I say let the media die - they bought into that B.S. administration lock stock and barrel .
The next time you read or listen to a corporate media member that gets government support in tax breaks or federal grants , that fills its pages with such hate and bias against the will of the American people , remember ---You and I are the ones both paying for this bias and suffering from it .
To heck with Pravda USA , let them all die !
We should respect and cooperate with those placed in authority. Through vote, the people spoke.
I am quite sure, that Trump is the worst treated, least respected, despised president in the history of the United States.
Yet he carries on working for US.
He is probably the most despised in modern history. Do you think he treats people with respect?
he cares about the country and the people in it.
LOL, that is not what I asked. Do you think he treats people with respect?
Probably about as much as he is treated with respect.
Probably the media with the disrespect. Promptly followed by a high percentage of Democrats.
Most of Trump's disrespect was in return, albeit in spades.
"Probably"? Trump has been disrespecting people since long before he was a presidential candidate. It seems highly unlikely that the media would have attacked him long ago.
It's hard to respect a guy who brags about grabbing pussies and walking in on partially dressed teenage girls.
I'm very disinterested in persons who put out an image of piety. Doing so seems to suggest the person is doing a mere sales pitch. Trump is Trump. He doesn't care what you think of him. That's is powerful. He's not going to ever be poor. He can't really be bought by outside interests.
And left wing mass media has never cared what someone like myself thinks. They've been trying to program me my entire life, and I've always hated it. You can't suggest to me what is right or wrong by repeating it ten thousand times. Sadly, a lot of folks are open to infinite suggestions.
So, you respect the lying pussy grabber? Of course you do because he can't be bought. Riiighht.
Are you certain you can use slange for a vagina on this website? Hey, if I was a billionaire and women just let me grab at it because I'm a star - my hands may need washing more often.
That's pretty disgusting. Birds of a feather.....
The ladies must love you.
How can you not understand how that sounds to anyone that doesn't think like you, Wesman Todd Shaw?
GA, this is the type of cr@p us women deal with all the time. I just never thought we would see one of these disgusting pigs elected president. Now, these guys feel emboldened and justified in their degradation of women. If the President does it, it must be okay....
I felt the same way in 1996 when Bill Clinton got re-elected. He was defended by women and he was one of the worst abuser of women. Go figure? He, single handed, made BJ main stream among the youth. If the President does it...
I did not support the reelection of Bill Clinton and did not vote for him a second time. I am consistent. You, on the other hand, decry Bill but support Trump. That is inconsistent and hypocritical.
Perhaps there is more than a single issue (how he treats women) to be taken into account? Not a single president has been perfect for anyone, let alone everyone, but most of use have more concerns than just one and it is the aggregate, rather than a single issue, that controls the "like/dislike" button inside us.
Some things should automatically disqualify a person for a leadership position. Assaulting women, pathological lying, and childish bullying fall way below my minimum standards, no matter what other political positions a person promotes.
Don't you mean conveniently assuming assaulting women? Don't you mean conveniently assuming pathological lying? Don't you mean labeling with spun, emotion laden terminology ? All as your personal minimum?
Trump admitted to assaulting women, including intentionally walking in a teenage girls' dressing room to get a glimpse of them undressed. Trump's pathological lying is well documented; I can't help it if you twist yourself into knots to deny it. Brett K lied under oath; again, i can't help it if you want to deny what is evident.
No, I made the same compromise many Democrats made. They separated the man from his policies. The man has flaws and all men has flaws including some of our best Presidents like Kennedy and Reagan...
However, Clinton had good economic policies that the people liked. So does Trump now and in fact benefits all people including minorities and women and youths...and even immigrants.
Probably because I understood the context of Trump's statement. You know perfectly well what he said was true. A lot of women throw themselves at very rich men. It's a simple fact of life.
Yes Wesman, I do understand that what he said is true. My point was to your statement that you would relish it. Which, unfortunately, is another simple fact of life.
Of course I would. I'm a single heterosexual man in decent health, and with a very healthy sex drive.
If Trump is reelected for another four years, we have a chance. If he is not, there is no guarantee.
The fact that people are throwing sticks and stones is sad,
but as long as they don't break any of his bones, all will be fine.
Is the fact that he is a name-calling bully also "sad"?
Sad , .......Liberals have absolutely shown just how thin skinned their sensitivities are in Trump Obstruction , how inconsistent their claims , how hypocritical their morality , ethics and any sense of honesty.
Keep up the great work though , ?
There are always people who don't like the president. How can you say elections mean little? He got elected, he's the president, no matter who doesn't like it. There were plenty who didn't like Obama, and tried to block everything he tried to do, and they were not quiet about it.
Its not math. Negatives do not cancel out positives.
Trump was elected because of his policies and political beliefs. Because he had answers to problems and solutions to dilemmas. He was elected because he seemed genuine when others did not .... maybe no one else grabbed pussy,
(or maybe they did. ...
who knows what they did as teens,)
But none of the others resonated with the people, as much as Trump.
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