Trump Impeachment: Deep Division Hides Shadow World Governments Well

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  1. Misfit Chick profile image74
    Misfit Chickposted 4 years ago

    Enjoying Impeachment TV? Don't let the shadows throw us into chaos as they have done so many times throughout the history of humanity. They don't deserve another gory feast.

    The shadow government KNOWS how to poke liberals, conservatives, races, cultures, religions, political parties, ages, genders... you name it - to manipulate 'the majority' of us into doing whatever they need, in order for them to accomplish their UNKNOWN and mysterious agendas.

    Why? Because 'the powers that be' know how this life works (ie: that it is an energy-based place, not a physical one); and they know how to keep the masses divided and distracted - so that most humans never learn about nor realize that we are made of energy, how it works - much less, how to use it.

    Think about it... NONE of these arguments are new, these are the same OLD arguments that have been going on over and over throughout history in various ways. The United States is a relatively new, unique country perfectly capable of solving every single one of its problems in its own unique ways, without exception. But, everything pretty much stays status quo with very little forward motion decade after decade with the same conversations
    running over and over again.

    Most of us who have ever argued here in Hubpages either 'for' OR 'against' Trump are pretty much still in the same boat - with very few exceptions. (I have met a few people who have changed their minds about him here in Seattle - but, this is Seattle. wink

    Most 'liberals' - or 'non conservatives' that I have come across here HATE HATE HATE Trump (and the 'enabling' GOP), with a seething passion. Just FYI, you're doing AS GOOD OF A JOB of contributing to the divisiveness of this era, as any Trump supporter is.

    Its the same with people in the UK fighting over Brexit. Its the French/Hong Kong/Egyptian (fill in the blank) protests: a pervasive attitude of mistrust, conspiracy, corruption, etc.

    This attitude is currently infused in every nook and cranny around our wide 'civilized' world... even when I'm standing waiting for a Seattle Metro bus, minding my own business - and suddenly being called out (sneered at, loudly) from across the street about what a 'liberal' I am (for no reason that I can see, ha!); and in games like, 'Vikings at War', in which I participated for awhile. It was there that I ran into a 'real Nationalist' from Germany. I think Trump has his own definition of what that word means... but this guy in the game, nope!

    I told him that 'pure blood' was moot cuz we were all 'made of the same energy'. (I know, go ahead and laugh at me. But, I didn't think I sounded anymore ridiculous than he did, ha!) His reply was, 'How DARE you put me in the same category as a jewish dog!' YIKES!

    And T-fans wonder why I worry about Trump making people like that feel empowered - whether he actually means to do it, or not. I don't think he does... I think he just has his own ideas & definitions about things, talks off the top of his head; and is unable to control his twitter temper tantrums.

    To be honest, Trump could really stand to turn off the tv. It isn't helping - its just distracting for him, too. He would have been taken much more seriously all this time if he hadn't been constantly ranting inappropriately on Twitter. A lot of this is his own fault for that one reason. (Go ahead, blame fake news again - cuz we can't read Trump tweets for ourselves.)

    Conclusion: You can't argue with people like 'nationalists'. You can't change their minds - they're convinced! You can't argue with people like Trump or his many devoted supporters who see him as never doing anything wrong. They're convinced.

    But, Trump HAS poured two dangerous thoughts into the spin cycle of our society during his tumultuous tenure: 1) my supporters might not want me to step down if I lose the election in 2020; and 2) now, he's warning about (in a tweet, of course) a 'civil war' effect - and how dangerous that could be - IF they don't stop this impeachment stuff.

    I have never supported impeachment; and I don't support it now for the same reason: our country may very well be entirely too divided to survive it. Leave POTUS alone. We can vote him out next year. Its only one more year - and if it's four more, then so be it. That's the way life goes, sometimes. And, if Trump loses and refuses to step down, we'll deal with things then - however our laws provide for us to deal with a situation like that.

    Everybody needs to take some deep breaths, get a grip and calm down. (No, I'm not channeling Taylor Swift. wink We are each in our own little world with individual perceptions, interacting with each other from our unique perception... And, you can only control YOUR perceptions, not anyone else's...

    Stop listening to the stupid news - whichever side you favor. If you must stay on top of things, do less of it - and stick to the more neutral, less hyped news sources like Reuters or NPR, etc.

    You can choose where to focus your attention for a reason: you can (and often do without realizing it) influence things by 'holding them as your object of attention' - but it doesn't work if you're not 'going with the flow'. If you feel like you're fighting at all - you're fighting AGAINST what you really want to happen. Its tricky. Gotta let things that you want happen (not literally, via 'feeling' - cuz the universe works on energy or your emotions) - by letting go of control; and activating the 'dreamer' part of your mind:

    Don't like Trump? Strip him of the jagged edges of his personality. Forget that he pushes all your buttons, maybe even pretend he's mute and lost his cell phone  - until you can see him as 'just a man'. Just a product of his environment like we all are - doing the best he can without a life manual while he's here. Not good, not evil - just like any of us.

    Try to turn your attention for awhile from what you see and believe to be a reality - to what you WANT reality to be like. What do you want reality to FEEL like? That is what you are reaching for, a feeling. (Emotions literally = energy in motion.)

    What are you attracting into your world through the Universal Law of Attraction? (Do a search on quantum physics.) Where is your attention focused? Adjust your energy frequency by re-tuning your emotions through your thoughts.

    Got thoughts that 'feel bad' and are hard to let go of? Find a way to work it out. Currently, there is no limit to the number of resources available on the internet with processes to help people through emotional obsessions, hangups, addictions, traumas, etc. Most of the time, its easier to get past that stuff than you think...

    Look up a few 'emotional processes' on YouTube or wherever, try them out - you'll feel better dropping all that stress. No one has to stick up for Trump, he actually does a pretty good job of doing that, himself; has sidekicks and celebrity supporters who are backing him up - and besides, you can help him more efficiently, by adjusting your 'point of attraction' to a better, more satisfying frequency for you, everyone around you, and out into the rest of the world.

    At the very least, looking up the Law of Attraction could be a good distraction from this maddening situation. Sometimes the best thing to do is walk away completely for awhile - maybe even a few days. Clear/reset your mind. You know what I mean.

    Sounds easy, not! Tell me again (whichever one of you it was) who accused me of Pollyanna thinking. There is nothing pollyanna-ish about focusing your attention AWAY from what you are currently programmed to be deeply focused ON. There is nothing easy about realizing that this NOW moment is becoming the past very quickly - and we CAN affect our future by taking control (and responsibility) of our own thoughts & emotions - while refusing to be manipulated by the 'weakening shadows that be'.

    Good luck to us all. Anyone else got any useful or practical hints or advice to help ease people (no labels) through these frustrating political times? Please share. Peace.

    1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Misfit Chick, I believe I am objective enough to tell us What's Going On world wide. It's the The New Word Order's (NWO) attempt to implement what was established by human what destiny wills to happen.

      The NWO's plan falls in line with the Bible's concept of how many will survive. The Georgia Stone has it written that the population should or will be reduced to 500 million bodies; the Bible's 10 virgins parable or 10% of earth population will only have half protected in Armageddon to began replenish the earth once this civilization has terminated, about 500 million.

      As I objectively attempt to interpret the prophecies, Biblical and others alike, they appear to point to our day (see … Time-Is-It for some of my biblical interpretation). According to that, Trump should not complete this term but the Messiah will take over, maybe, before we even know Trump is gone. Thus, I believe it will be useful or practical hints or advice to help ease people through these frustrating political times.

      1. Misfit Chick profile image74
        Misfit Chickposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I appreciate your spiritual identity, Nature Boy. However, since we are energy beings who ARE capable of adjusting reality - all 'prophecy' is moot. We have the ability to alter reality. We do it all the time. Jesus did it all the time - walk on water, much? He said we would move mountains for a reason: because we can.

        Obama was supposed to be the anti-christ according to 'prophecy' - sorry, your perspective is far too limited for what is actually possible.

        1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
          The0NatureBoyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, Misfit, we are allowed to do what appears to alter reality but doesn't since everything ever done is predestined and is repeated every cycle exactly the same way. Those things are done to keep human-en-mass from finding the true answers to life's question, what is the purpose of existence so the cycle can repeat itself and the karma of every life-force repaid so there is never an end to repetition.

          What prophecy foretold Obama was to be the anti-Christ? According to this list ( after subtracting the 9th president who discarnated after 31 in office sick without serving and unite the 2nd of the 2 non-consecutive terms of the Glover Cleveland, 22nd & 24th, Revelation 13:5's prophecy indicates Donald John Trump is he, provided that is the prophecy you are referring to. So, just how far off base am I or is it the one who interpreted it as Obama?

          1. Misfit Chick profile image74
            Misfit Chickposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I don't know who originated the Obama is the anti-christ thing; and it doesn't matter. I am attempting to help people; and you constantly bombard everything spiritual with your bs. I really wish you would stop.

            1) "everything ever done is predestined"

            No, it isn't. Spiritual dogma - similar to Christian dogma and just as misleading and dangerous.

            2) "repeated every cycle exactly the same way"

            No, they don't repeat the exact same way. THIS cycle continued on instead of destroying the world and starting things over. Why? Because now is the time for us to learn about being more than the sum of our parts - and then, start applying that learning into molding our societies into being more than the sum of their parts.

            3) "karma of every life-force repaid"

            Nope again. You misunderstand karma as so many people who are overly-attached to spiritual dogma are. KARMA is the part of you that holds your life's intentions - whatever YOU decided they would be before you were born. Karma holds them strong and true like a 'baseline'. It refuses to allow the limited understanding of your human self to 're-write' things down here any other way aside from what you originally intended. (Hint: you NEVER intend to live a life then DIE. You KNOW you are an eternal being AND a creator - and life is something that goes on and on and on. wink

            4) "things are done to keep human-en-mass from finding the true answers to life's question"

            Your brain is a little too conspiracy-happy. A lot of people are in this day and age. The fact is, whether there are shadows that have pulled the wool over our eyes for eons, or not - completely besides the point because NOW THAT WE ARE AWARE, we are UNLIMITED and unbound by the laws of this world.

            Also, we ARE finding the answers to life's questions. We are in the 'time of great knowledge being poured out'. We are made of energy; and things like Law of Attraction are very real because of it. Do your quantum physics homework.

            5) "what is the purpose of existence"

            WE are the cause of the expansion of the universe - through the lives we live here. Our physical existence in 'duality' causes the expansion of our souls - which again, are energy. We are simply here on vacation; and there is absolutely nothing 'heavy' going on - and nothing to worry about.

            Why? Because we can control our own 'vibration', emotions = energy in motion. Nothing is set in stone. Absolutely nothing, because we are now aware of this aspect of our beingness.

            Maybe some of you think I am too conspiracy-happy, also - no matter how much sense I am making. Its okay, ignore this stuff, or not. If anything 'big' ends up happening, those people who are vibrating above the violence of this world won't be affected by it - because they are not on the same frequency. It's an impossibility.

            That happens to people all the time. Do a search on how many people SHOULD have been in the twin towers when they fell at that time of day; and how many actually died. Pretty big difference.

            This situation with Trump is similar... Tune your radio station to another frequency. The shadows really really do NOT need another gory feast. We are not puppets nor automatons; and previous 'cycles' don't have to apply to us.

            1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
              The0NatureBoyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Misfit, everything in existence contains a duality in their physical form, everything is both physical and energy or spiritual, so  what you said is the same I said, the only real difference is you used science and I used religious metaphors and types. the key togo understanding anything is to be objective rather than having the I'm right, you're wrong mentality. I don't believe you would argue so much if you were objective.

              1. Misfit Chick profile image74
                Misfit Chickposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                No, I'm not being objective and I haven't claimed to be. I don't see how what you said agrees with what I said, at all. Your beliefs need updating. I've told you that before. You are as harmful as anyone with your dire insistence surrounding things like prophecies and scriptures you interpret.

                Time to update your beliefs, my friend. I have no time nor patience for people who think they know better - when they obviously don't. Yet. wink

  2. Misfit Chick profile image74
    Misfit Chickposted 4 years ago

    Best video ever. Some brilliant person on YouTube pieced together this montage from both scientists and CURRENT (being the keyword) spiritual teachers. Quantum Physics is fascinating; and this video blows my mind every time I watch it. Enjoy.

    Btw, a little over half way through, you will hear a woman refer to 'the leading edge'. She is referring to human beings. We supposedly exist in physical form on 'the leading edge of thought'. The universe is always expanding; and WE in this existence CAUSE it to expand - because we are energy beings on the leading edge of thought. She will also refer to 'Source', which would be their word for God or the Universe.

    That section of the video will make more sense if you know those references. You will also hear about the 'rotational forces' - the images below and the video will help that make more sense, too.

    Science of Creating Reality: Black Holes & Vortex Vibrations … 3&t=0s


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