With enough faith, do you believe things can be manifested?

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  1. backporchstories profile image71
    backporchstoriesposted 12 years ago

    It is said, that with faith we can move mountains.  This got me to wondering and pondering on another angle of religion.  Do we want and need Jesus so much that we manifest him into being?  Most Christians will answer, "No, he was sent from God and not manifested out of our faith."  For the devout Christians, I agree with that statement!  However, there is another side of me that sees energy when we speak of the spirit and faith.  Some believe in the Devil, but is it that the Devil really exist for those who believe (or move their energy to that thought) so that energy manifests into an image of a devil?  Did not God speak our world into being...manifested by his sacred words?  Don't we always say to think positive and positive things will happen?  So are we willing energy into our lives and manifesting?  God made us in His image, so is it possible to move mountains with our faith alone as He did with His sacred words?

    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      All the will power, faith or belief in the world will not make the cells of your brain or body able to control the energy necessary to move a mountain.  You may, of course, use other methods of control (direct your muscles to contract, moving the levers of a bulldozer) but you cannot directly control that energy. 

      Neither can you "will" energy into your life and you cannot change it into matter, "manifesting" something.

      Positive thinking does indeed promote positive results, but this is merely a result of your own attitude affecting not only your willingness to act but others around as well.

      1. backporchstories profile image71
        backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for your thoughts.  If I were to meet you and smiled a pleasing smile, you would probably smile back as a result of my energy in a smile being thrown your way.  So maybe I manifested that smile on your face?  I feel energy is more than just electricity and fuel.

        1. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Your smile produces my smile because of your positive attitude creating one in me, not because you "threw" energy my way.  The motion of facial skin and tissues on my face is not the result of you providing the energy to move that mass; it is the result of my brain telling certain muscles to contract.

          Your feeling is right in that energy is more than electricity and fuel.  There are various forms of energy in the universe. Electromagnetic (light in all it's forms), potential energy (a raised concrete block, waiting to fall) and radiation (block of Uranium giving off alpha, beta or gamma radiation) are a few of them.  None of it is directly controllable by our cells in the amounts necessary to move mountains or even raise a pencil to a higher level of potential energy however. 

          We are limited to the minute quantities of electrical energy necessary to control the movements of our muscles; even the energy of that small movement is produced by chemical reaction, not our brain cells.  We can only provide the minute control energy.

          1. backporchstories profile image71
            backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I agree with you in the physical world, but I am pondering in the spiritual way that might cross over to the physical.  Is that possible?  If you wish to be scientific and answer then how do you explain miracles in healing?  These are just thoughts and question that keep popping in my head.  With respect to all views, know I am simply curious how others see it.

            1. wilderness profile image94
              wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Here we seriously diverge in our understand and thinking.  I know of no "spiritual" world outside of either imagination and/or hallucinations.  The "spiritual" world "entered" by use of peyote, for example.  Nor are there any "miracles" in medicine if you define "miracle" as something that happens outside of natural law.  There never have been nor are there now any miracles by that definition.  Modern reports of miracles by people that take no effort to understand, miracles described by millenia dead peoples that did not begin to understand natural law, yes, but never an actual instance of a miracle.

              Understand that our ignorance of the details of how a particular healing process took place does not in any way mean that it was spiritual or supernatural; it means that we don't know what happened.  To infer or claim that our ignorance means such cases happen outside natural law is silly - our self professed ignorance precludes any such claim.

              In any case the "spiritual" world would have to supply force and/or energy to affect the "physical" world, and there has never been a repeatable case of that happening, so we cannot know if it did indeed happen or was simply another case, like millions of others, of people making claims based on ignorance of the world we live in.

              It would help enormously if the spiritual, or supernatural, world was defined, but it never is.  This means that we cannot investigate, cannot know, anything about it as everyone has a different definition of what it is.

              Every single case of a miracle being investigated to the point we understand it has resulted in a gain of knowledge of our world, not the spiritual one as the miracle somehow always seems to follow natural laws.  The major exception, of course, is healing "miracles" as it is not usually desirable to investigate such things to the depth normally required for knowledge - the resultant corpse is not generally happy with the result.

              1. backporchstories profile image71
                backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Again thank you for your thoughts.  I love your conciseness.  I am viewing it from a very spiritual point.  I walk with Medicine People, my husband one of them.  I have seen and experience things not common today, so certainly my view will differ.  So my next question would be, if you are not a believer in spirituality, why did you answer this question of faith?

                1. wilderness profile image94
                  wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  As you say, curiosity plays a large part.  I'm not as interested in your beliefs nearly as much as in the process of reasoning that you took to get there.

                  If I find that process reasonable and useful I may join you in your beliefs, but in any case I'm always interested. 

                  Beyond that, though, it is not necessarily a question of faith alone.  If you have evidence of the spiritual world that I, too, can see then my interest balloons.  If, on the other hand, you declare that your ignorance of the physical world dictates that you make up answers involving spirituality then I'm not. 

                  So I reply, looking for discussion.  It's an interesting world, full of interesting people, and there is and always will be much to learn.

                  1. backporchstories profile image71
                    backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    You got my blessings.  I will admit that when it comes to spirituality, it is an individual thing as far as confirmation tends to go.

    2. Cagsil profile image71
      Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      And, yes would be the more correct and rational explanation.

      However, I do disagree with the "topic"/"category" in which you've place this thread. If you're thinking "religion" and it's "philosophy" type of faith, believe to manifest itself? Only to a negative. To most it's misunderstood to begin with.

      That faith is in yourself and others. In something which is non-existent or improbable, then it's just wishful thinking.
      Anyone can manifest an image in their mind. It doesn't make it any more real or real at all.
      Which goes to show how little they know about their own religion.
      Sees energy? Not likely. What you are witnessing is actions. As for what their actions speak to with regards of their faith? Well, those speak for themselves.
      You're not moving energy. You're creating an image. If you believe it's real, then you would be(as others) only deceiving yourself according to reality.
      Only the gullible believe it true.
      Positive thinking alone will do nothing but provide oneself with a temporary fix for whatever ails them at the time. It will not remain in place. Positive action(yes thinking is an action, but physical action is required) will produce positive reactions.

      1. backporchstories profile image71
        backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I feel I chose the write topic place for this subject.  But still, I see action as an energy form.  Everything is created of energy, why not our thoughts.  Some people can move objects, like bending the spoon or moving the cup.  Just saying......   I think there is this spiritual energy that moves around us all the time.

        1. backporchstories profile image71
          backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Tapping into this energy and learning how to manipulate it is the magic!

          1. getitrite profile image72
            getitriteposted 12 years agoin reply to this



        2. getitrite profile image72
          getitriteposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Nope!  Those people have all been debunked by James Randi.  This has been proven to be an illusion, brought on by manipulating the thinking patterns inherent in the human brain.


          Of course that's only wishful, whimsical thinking...

          1. backporchstories profile image71
            backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Who is James Randi.......

            1. getitrite profile image72
              getitriteposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              James Randi is a magician, who has debubnked Uri Gellor, and other frauds who have tricked people into believing in nonsensical illusions.  There are YOUTUBE videos of some of these debunking events.

              Randi has also offered a 1 million dollar prize to anyone who can prove that their supernatural claims are real.  To this date, no one has claimed the prize money.  Just why do you think that these illusion are true, if no one claims a million dollar prize?

              1. backporchstories profile image71
                backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                i agree there are scammers in all walks of life...but I know of what I have experienced.  Some of it is real....but very few and far in between!

                1. getitrite profile image72
                  getitriteposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Sorry, but wishful thinking is not reality.

                  1. Ruben Rivera profile image60
                    Ruben Riveraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Reality is subjective, your reality, the way you perceive things is obviously not mine

              2. MarleneB profile image93
                MarleneBposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Perhaps people don't know about the prize. This is the first I have heard about it.

                I'll spread the word and maybe someone will step up and showcase their supernatural talent. You know I'm just joking here. Right?

        3. Cagsil profile image71
          Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          The "right" topic would be under education and science- philosophy.
          Be my guest. I'm sure you believe spirituality exists inside reality too.
          The only way thoughts become energy is with learning because it create new neural pathways. Other than that, they are not actual energy.

          1. backporchstories profile image71
            backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Did not know there was philosophy under the education science.  Thanks!

      2. Ruben Rivera profile image60
        Ruben Riveraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        This is clearly just your opinion and they way your reality perceives things.  Just like in the past one would say "is the earth round" and the majority would say "nope".

        There are many discoveries yet to be found and just to say nope to something is just a narrow minded view.

        Just my two cents

        1. Cagsil profile image71
          Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I'm sure that would be how YOU perceive what I said as being narrow-minded. I guess that would be your own reflection you're seeing. It certainly isn't me.

          Fact. wink

          1. Ruben Rivera profile image60
            Ruben Riveraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Exactly because it is narrow minded

            1. Cagsil profile image71
              Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              So, in essence, you're claiming yourself is narrow-minded. Ironic, you don't seem to understand. hmm What a shame.

              Please, whatever you do next, please, pretty please work on your awareness. hmm

              1. Ruben Rivera profile image60
                Ruben Riveraposted 12 years agoin reply to this


                yeah now I'm being narrow minded

    3. MarleneB profile image93
      MarleneBposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good question. It forces me to consider how much faith I really have with regard to "making things happen". I have to say, I don't think I can move mountains with my mind. But, I do believe I can manifest positive activity in my environment. What I mean by that is if I remain positive and do all that I can to keep negative people out of my life, then I am likely to live in an environment that is more conducive to me having all the things I want in life. If I surround myself with negative thinkers, then negative things will happen in my life. When I look at things in a positive light, then it almost seems like there is no limit to what I can have in life.

      I keep a journal. In my journal, I write down the things I want to happen in my life. I keep tabs on the things that are happening and when something is accomplished, I note the date. I tell you the truth - everything I have ever wanted in life, I have received. It may not have all come to me the way that I imagined, but it almost frightens me to look at my journal and see all the amazing blessings I have received just for asking and feeling positive that I would receive them some day. So, I have to say, yes, I do believe things can be manifested.

    4. Don W profile image81
      Don Wposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I find Clarke's third law interesting: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". I would add another: Any sufficiently grandiose alleged spiritual phenomenon is indistinguishable from advanced science.

      Take quantum entanglement for example, the phenomenon where two or more objects share an unseen link. Something affecting one affects the other, regardless of the distance between the them.

      An unseen link between things? Being able to physically affect something with no physical connection? This sounds an awful lot like something a religious person might claim about prayer or some miracle. Of course the systems of knowledge behind each are different. One based on alleged spiritual revelation, the other scientific method, but the commonality in theme is there.

      The interesting thing is that unseen links between objects is something religions have claimed for thousands of years. This was not considered an accurate description of the world by those enlightened by science, until science was sufficiently advanced to note and describe such a phenomenon. 

      Belief in deities aside, could it be that some religious claims are accurate descriptions of natural phenomenon, but our science is not sufficiently advanced yet to describe them? There is a lot we don't know about certain types of energy. Dark energy for example is the most accepted hypothesis to explain certain phenomenon in the universe, yet we know next to nothing about it.

      We may pin religious labels onto things which is natural as we humans love overlaying recognisable patterns onto things we don't fully understand, but claims about faith, prayer, miracles etc. may actually reveal more about the natural world than previously thought.

      1. backporchstories profile image71
        backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I like this answer!

  2. profile image0
    Emile Rposted 12 years ago

    It's an interesting question. I don't know that  strong belief will create anything; but I see truth in the statement that faith can move mountains.  I think, once we understand the full nature of energy and how our consciousness  is capable of interacting with it, we'll move more fascinating things than mountains.

    1. backporchstories profile image71
      backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I know that often in cultural stories we compare how to move through lives with illustrations of moving mountains and it only takes on drop to start a waterfall.  But the whole idea, got me to thinking about how we are just now understanding energy in both minute and vast ways.  So I suppose the real question that is developing is can we spiritually tap into this energy and manifest things.  When an inventor creates his invention, he is manifesting his ideas into the real world.  So were do these creative thoughts come from?  There is so much yet to be revealed about the spirit world and yet there are so many who do not believe.  We do have that choice and I respect that, but I can not help but wonder.

      1. profile image0
        Emile Rposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I think the word spiritual throws some people off. They imagine ghosts, goblins; angels and demons. And, in that respect, your opening statement is true. Imo. The consciousness of energy we intuitively know exists is manifested, for each of us, into what we believe it ultimately is  in our minds. It doesn't make that manifestation a universal truth, just our individual perception.

        That is what we have to transcend. Our perceptions. I think, if we could shake off the beliefs instilled in us by others, while agreeing to the existence of a thread of truth that is found across the board in those who believe there is more; we'd make unbelievable strides.

        But, that can never happen a long as so many remain caught up in the chains of religion.

        1. backporchstories profile image71
          backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Very good point!

  3. Druid Dude profile image60
    Druid Dudeposted 12 years ago

    Thomas Edison would disagree.

  4. Druid Dude profile image60
    Druid Dudeposted 12 years ago

    Actually, he was right on. And he was as human/divine as any one of us.

  5. Druid Dude profile image60
    Druid Dudeposted 12 years ago

    Ruben...you are the one in the box.

    1. Ruben Rivera profile image60
      Ruben Riveraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe, maybe not but that is just your perception.  Maybe you're in the box

      1. backporchstories profile image71
        backporchstoriesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Maybe.....hmmm...maybe this is just a bad hubpage dream and I never really posted this on the forum.  LOL


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