The Worst President the United States Has Ever Seen

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  1. crankalicious profile image89
    crankaliciousposted 4 years ago

    This is from Steve Schmidt, who ran John McCain's campaign in 2008, so it's not like he has a specific axe to grind with Trump. They've never been in direct conflict.

    "Donald Trump has been the worst president this country has ever had. And I don't say that hyperbolically. He is. But he is a consequential president. And he has brought this country in three short years to a place of weakness that is simply unimaginable if you were pondering where we are today from the day where Barack Obama left office. And there were a lot of us on that day who were deeply skeptical and very worried about what a Trump presidency would be. But this is a moment of unparalleled national humiliation, of weakness.

    "When you listen to the President, these are the musings of an imbecile. An idiot. And I don't use those words to name call. I use them because they are the precise words of the English language to describe his behavior. His comportment. His actions. We've never seen a level of incompetence, a level of ineptitude so staggering on a daily basis by anybody in the history of the country whose ever been charged with substantial responsibilities.

    "It's just astonishing that this man is president of the United States. The man, the con man, from New York City. Many bankruptcies, failed businesses, a reality show, that branded him as something that he never was. A successful businessman. Well, he's the President of the United States now, and the man who said he would make the country great again. And he's brought death, suffering, and economic collapse on truly an epic scale. And let's be clear. This isn't happening in every country around the world. This place. Our place. Our home. Our country. The United States. We are the epicenter. We are the place where you're the most likely to die from this disease. We're the ones with the most shattered economy. And we are because of the fool that sits in the Oval Office behind the Resolute Desk."

    What do you think of this assessment?

    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      You lost me at Steve Schmidt,... OMG, a vile human being.
      This article was nothing but the rantings of an out and out idiot. One ridiculous insult after another, actually not offering one-bit od anything to support his hate. Just a lot of insults. Like I said you lost me when I saw his name. Laughable. Although I did finally find one of the audiences that you seem to respect and get all your rhetoric from.

      You learn well, just list a lot of insults, call a lot of derogatory names, and there it is. No true information just regurgitated Steve Schmidt's feed. You might want to choose a different idol. Someone with just a bit of intellect but Steve Schmidt, come on!

      1. crankalicious profile image89
        crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I don’t know anything about Steve Schmidt nor do I follow him. What evidence do you have that he is vile? If you were to argue that he brought Sarah Palin into the national spotlight, I would not argue that point.

        I primarily know that he ran McCain’s campaign. While I disagreed with McCain, I respected him.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          He rants almost nightly on MSNBC. Pretty much a carbon copy of the article you posted, but actually worse. If there were a king of Trump-bashing he is the guy.  Let's just take a look at the comment you posted

          the worst president this country
          unparalleled national humiliation, of weakness
          a con man
          an imbecile
          An idiot
          never seen a level of incompetence,
          level of ineptitude so staggering

          As a rule, he gets much more insulting of the President the article you choose to post. That article has no substance, as I said it's nothing but a rant. Just my opinion.

          Let me remind you up until 2016 I was a Democrat. McCain offered nothing that appealed to me. But it was Hillary Clinton that chased me away from the party. And at this point, I see nothing of the party I belonged to for my adult life.

          And for Steve Schmidt, not sure what party he is claiming at this point. Hopefully, he is one of yours.

          1. crankalicious profile image89
            crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            The reason I posted that is that he is firmly part of the GOP. Pretty radical from a Republican. Many other Republicans are saying similar things: Bolton, Tillerson, Mattis, Kelley. I can find more, but those come to mind. These aren't Democrats criticizing Trump. They're Republicans. Go research The Lincoln Project. Also Republicans. Here's an ad they ran recently:

   … e=emb_logo

            Again, these are Republicans.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Actually he does not associate himself with the GOP. And we are very pleased with that fact. he does not claim a party at this point. He openly supported Hillary Clinton. In regard to the list as I said they more than have a right to offer their opinions after working with the President. All gave opinions on his character. I would think those on the left would surmise by now the general public has been well exposed to Trump's personality.

              None of the persons you listed personally attack the president by calling him derogatory names. Steve Schmidt is well known for calling the president a con man, an idiot, an imbecile, and take my word this fool has called the president. much worse.

              You can be assured he is one of yours. The GOP sure won't claim him.
              He is a wind-bag. His interviews produce nothing of value,
              just strings of insult against the president, rants.

              President Trump has a record that shows superior problem-solving. he has taken on long time problems that other presidents created. I realize this is frustrating to those that call themselves Democrats. In my view I at this point in our history I would be ashamed to call myself a Democrat. There is nothing left of the party I knew. This is my truth.

              1. crankalicious profile image89
                crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                I don't watch MSNBC, so I was not aware he was on there. He's clearly not a Democrat. He's certainly a conservative.

                You described him as "vile". What defines "vile" for you? A person who calls another person names? What has Steve Schmidt done exactly to make him "vile" short of criticizing Trump?

                Has he suggested to people that they grab women's genitals?
                Has he mocked people with handicaps?
                Has he regularly suggested people assault people he doesn't like?
                Has he regularly attacked women of color and called them names?

                From his Wikipedia entry, I see Schmidt was a member of the National Honor Society and an Eagle Scout. Perhaps he changed as an adult?

            2. jackclee lm profile image77
              jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Exactly...that is why both parties are corrupt to the core. They ran the show until Trump came on the scene...
              Trump is not a politician but a problem solver.
              What he did was to put the spot light on these losers...
              They can't have that. They must destroy the messenger anyway they can to protect their turf.
              This is why politics is dirty and no one in their right mind wants to run.
              Trump is the exception...he had nothing to lose.
              He is being attacked from all sides, Democrats, the media and Republicans...all swamp creatures.
              Some of these people think everything was just fine and dandy until Trump came to DC.
              The truth of the matter is, it was broken and Trump was elected to fix it.,.
              and he is doing it.

    2. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      "When you listen to the President, these are the musings of an imbecile."  "And I don't use those words to name call. I use them because they are the precise words of the English language to describe his behavior."

      I love this; the precise words of the English language to describe his behavior.  And you ask what I think of his assessment?  Well, let's see:

      Mirriam Webster:
      "Imbeciles.—Those whose development is higher than that of an idiot, but whose intelligence does not exceed that of a normal child of about seven years."

      Wikipedia says it refers to people of an IQ of 26-50.

      "Can learn simple life skills and employment tasks with special education. May be employed in special settings, and achieve some independence."  "The most intelligent non-human animals, such as some crows, chimpanzees, bonobos, parrots, and dolphins, are in this range."

      So what do I think of his "precise words of the English language"?  I think he is either an idiot himself or on a rant against Trump.  How many 7 year old's have you heard of that built a $4B empire?  How many crows or parrots have made it to political office, let alone the highest office in the world?

      Do you view running that empire as a "simple life skill" or does it take a little more than that? Do you think being the star of a reality TV show is a "simple life skill"?   Do you think Trump requires help to feed himself or tie his shoes (that might be a mark of an "imbecile")?

      Sorry, Crank, this writer is just another person on a rant, with egregious exaggerations and lies...much the same, then, as the man he is denigrating.

      (He also has learned zero from the history of the country, for there were several presidents that were much worse.)

      1. crankalicious profile image89
        crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Trump's companies have filed for bankruptcy six times, saddling others with  well over $2 billion in debt. If not for those laws, you would not even know who Donald Trump was.

        The point of the post was that Schmidt is a Republican, like many other Trump critics.

        1. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          *shrug*  You asked what I thought of his tirade.  I answered.

          Not sure what his bankruptcies have to do with anything, unless you think 7 year old children and parrots commonly file bankruptcies?  Or are you claiming that only imbeciles file for bankruptcy?  That no successful entrepreneur would ever do so?

          Or was the point that Republicans are honest enough to recognize faults, but liberals and Democrats are too dishonest to recognize or accept accomplishments?

          1. crankalicious profile image89
            crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I'm simply saying that without our bankruptcy laws, Trump would not be successful. He'd be broke. There are plenty of "successful" business people who have achieved success without saddling the taxpayers and their creditors with massive financial losses.

            1. wilderness profile image89
              wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              And there are just as many that failed, often repeatedly, before creating even a single successful business (Trump has many, all combined into a single financial empire).  You would pretend that this isn't true - that successful people never fail - but it is manifestly untrue.

              None of which has anything to do with the claim that Trump is an imbecile according to true use of the English language.

        2. Readmikenow profile image95
          Readmikenowposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Bankruptcies are the way of the super wealthy.  Romney's companies declared bankruptcy five times and counting.

          "Under Romney’s leadership at Bain Capital, which spanned from 1984 to 1990 and from 1992 to 1999, at least five companies filed for bankruptcy after being acquired by the private-equity firm. In some cases, investors still made a profit as workers lost their jobs."

 … kruptcies/

          Here is the latest bankruptcy for Bill Gates

          Bill Gates' Optim Energy goes bankrupt

 … pt/227423/


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