I have been confused as to exactly how to handle a Biden presidency. I consider him a babbling old fool who got rich selling out the United States and his vice president as a female who is a socialist/communist and had to sleep her way into a career. My opinion of both is extremely low.
My opinion is of them is on the same level as the Democrat's opinion of President Donald Trump.
I do think this is a time to use the lessons the Democrats have taught me about having a president and vice president I don't like.
1. I will always consider Biden an Illegitimate President.
Biden's election victory is filled with massive accusations of voter fraud. The Democrats have taught me it doesn't matter if it's true or not, I will claim Biden was elected based on voter fraud and is an illegitimate president. I wish I had a fake dossier to use, but I don't. I plan to say this about him every moment he occupies the white house.
2. I want an Investigation
If there is voter fraud on a massive scale, I want it investigated on a federal level. I don't care how much it costs or how long it takes, I want an investigation. It is possible China could be behind Biden's election victory. We won't know until an expensive, long, and drawn-out investigation is conducted. Democrats really did this well and it has taught me a great lesson on how to handle election results.
3. I expect an Impeachment
According to different news sources, an impeachment was planned by some Democrats the day President Donald Trump took office. I hope the Republican leadership does the same thing. The Republicans made some significant gains during the recent house election. There is a very good chance they will take the house in the next election cycle. It doesn't matter if Biden does anything worth an impeachment or not, he will need to be impeached. This is what the Democrats handled things. I think it is now the Republican's turn to do this. Democrats have taught us how to conduct a hoax impeachment of the president of the United States.
4. Never let go of his Past
I will always remind people of the things Biden has said in the past about black people, I will never let anyone forget how his son became wealthy from using his father's influence in foreign countries, and more. There are many women who claim to have been sexually harassed by Joe Biden. Let's not forget the videos of him making young girls uncomfortable. He has many things in his past that are bad. I want one of these mentioned every time he does anything considered good. Democrats have really excelled at doing this.
5. Downplay his Success
If Joe Biden does anything people think is successful, I will give credit to President Donald Trump. I plan to say it is he who got a good economy going, it is he who got peace in the world, and more. I will claim to all that Biden can do nothing except ride on the coattails of the former president. I like how this approach was perfected by the Democrats. I will gladly do this during a Biden administration.
6. He is a Lying Evil Person
This is what will be easy to show about Joe Biden. I will enjoy misquoting him and taking everything he says out of context. We must tell the world he is a liar and is evil. I will do this on a daily basis. The Democrats have taught me it doesn't matter if it is true or not, it is how I see him. The Democrats have shown me how repeating things enough times will cause people to disregard the truth.
7. He will do Nothing Right
I will not acknowledge Biden as doing anything right. I will only focus on the negatives and ignore anything positive he says or does. This must be done every minute of every day. He should be mocked and be the subject of every joke possible. He will be held responsible for everything including those things outside of his control. I will feel like a Democrat for doing this and believing I'm right, but I'll say it's because Biden is an illegitimate president. This is a great lesson the Democrats taught us.
A Democrat recently told me it's time for us to come together as a nation. Where was this idea when President Donald Trump was elected? Why would they say such a thing after all they've done? No, I plan to handle a Biden presidency just like the Democrats handled the presidency of Donald J. Trump. The Democrats have taught me how to handle having a president you don't like, and I plan to put use everything I've learned from them.
As the Bible says, “What you sow, so shall you reap.”
Democrats have sown a lot of seeds of bitterness and anger in the past four years, and it is time for them to reap this harvest.
"A Democrat recently told me it's time for us to come together as a nation. Where was this idea when President Donald Trump was elected? Why would they say such a thing after all they've done? No, I plan to handle a Biden presidency just like the Democrats handled the presidency of Donald J. Trump. The Democrats have taught me how to handle having a president you don't like, and I plan to put use everything I've learned from them."
Like you, I think they taught us well... And I am not giving any passes either. You certainly let loose on Biden and Harris, and all you said rings very true. Between me and you ---- Joe Biden has done pretty much all that the Dems accused Trump of. But the difference between Trump actually did not do a dam thing... . And what's even funnier, it now appears he is not intending to do anything he claimed he was going to do. He has walked back most of his campaign promises before even being sworn in.
Biden is Obama multiplied. Guess who will have the last laugh. America will go into the toilet under a Biden Presidency. The "people" who voted for him are bamboozled but they don't know it. After a Biden presidency, there will be a Republican elected who will be more extreme than any precedent Republican president. This president will take names & will make Trump seem like a Boy Scout.
Of course, Democrats think you are the ones who were bamboozled by Trump. In fact, most of the rest of the world thinks Republicans were bamboozled by Trump.
Whoever is in the right, I agree that America is finished as a world power. Americans are so busy tearing into each other, they'll have no time to play a part on the world stage.
"Democrats think you are the ones who were bamboozled by Trump. In fact, most of the rest of the world thinks Republicans were bamboozled by Trump."
I don't agree with this at all.
I've spoken with enough people from other countries who see things different. The conservatives is other countries seem to see things as the Republicans in the United States. I've spoken with people from India who are extremely supportive of President Donald Trump.
The United States will be a world power for many years. No other nation has the economic power of the United States. China's economy depends quite a bit on the United States...as does the rest of the world's economy.
I daresay you are making contact with people in other countries who exist in the same political bubble as yourself. This is the problem with today's society, that everyone is able to shut themselves in a silo and be unaware of the other side of the coin.
Of course there will always be a variety of opinions among ordinary people. However if you look at the overall picture, most foreigners, and especially other world leaders, are astonished that America could possibly have appointed someone like Trump as President. He's a laughing stock.
"I daresay you are making contact with people in other countries who exist in the same political bubble as yourself."
I believe it is fair to say the same could be said of you.
Since President Donald Trump renegotiated major treaties around the world to make them fair for the United States and forced NATO to pay their agreed upon percentage of their GDP to the organization, moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, killed high-ranking terrorists and more, no world leader worth anything is laughing at President Donald Trump. The smart ones take him very serious.
"most foreigners, and especially other world leaders, are astonished that America could possibly have appointed someone like Trump as President. He's a laughing stock."
I must ask how you could know what "world leaders", and"foreigners are thinking in regard to President Trump? It seems you may be presuming without real evidence.
I am not sure with Trump's many accomplishments any world leader at this point has done half as much. So, it might be unrealistic to assume what any of them would be thinking. And as an American, I am proud of Trump's accomplishments.
As long as the USA has arguably the strongest military in the world, our status as a superpower will never go away. However I do hope that regardless of who's president in 2021, whether it's Trump or Biden.... although I think it's likely to be Biden at this point unless Trump pulls a miracle out of his ass..but still. Anyways I do hope regardless of who's president that they start taking steps in trying to stop the USA from being a big brother and watching over the world. It never should have been our job to police the world to begin with. We have so many internal problems that I feel it would be wise for America to focus on domestic problems rather than foreign at this point.
We can also become a "legend in our own minds" as well. As in the 21st century, the term Superpower will imply more than just military might. The acknowledgement of that by others is more important than our confessing it to ourselves.
I would like to see a ratching down of Military adventurism abroad and the elimination of supplying international tyrants and brutes with armaments from our factories.
Many presidents have been of the thought that to supply armament the other countries so that they were able to protect their countries and relive the need to aid them with military assistance. One such president is Trump. He has depleted our military around the world and has sold weaponry to countries using the strategy. On the other hand, we have had other presidents that just sold weapons without a true strategy. Just looking to make cash. Not really thinking of the consequences.
Perhaps we shouldn't getting involved in conflicts with either armaments of troops? What are we involved in regarding Saudi Arabia and South Yemen? I can only see Trump as just another arms peddler.
Yes, Trump sold many weapons, I could write a book. He used strategy and good common sense when making deals. And I too don't like being in wars. Dem's are famous for loving a good war. Trump was a peacemaker. It well looks as if Saudi Arabia was very much interested in becoming part of Trump's Middle East peace accord. Although they have decided to hold off until Biden takes office. Just not knowing his policies they have decided to hold off on signing the agreement.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mide … SKBN28A2VC
Not true. America's might is recognized world-wide.
Yes, Bidden will be nothing but a figurehead. His history shows him to be a blend into the woodwork kind of fellow. But, he is an old school politician, he told his party as well as his supporters what they wanted to hear. Actually, the two scenarios were very opposite. Did you ever think American's would vote for a candidate that did not campagn? And one thing that I gleaned from doing a lot of research on Joe, he is dishonest, a racist, and powerful hungrey. Sound like the portrait the Dems painted of Trump. Go figure.
There will be a civil war between conservatives & liberals. The chasm is widening. Conservatives see their country as regressing as a result of the increasing liberalization of policies. They see Biden & Democrats leading their country to ruin. Liberals are happy that finally they will be listened to & their ideas will materialize into reality. When Biden is finished his presidential stint, there will be an election of a more extreme Republican president who will clean up the mess that Biden has created. This Republican president will take no prisoners & will institute a law & order policy. People will become sick of the democrat fiasco & elect such a president who will put things in order.
I think you are right. The US will become a Fascist state.
Fascist state...do you really know what such a thing means?
Yes, of course. Trump supporters make it obvious they want a strong leader who doesn't have to bother with petty annoyances like Congress to get in the way of his agenda. He also believes courts should do his bidding regardless of what the law says.
That is a dictatorship and as the Republicans are on the right of politics, it's a fascist one rather than a communist one. But both are dictators.
"a strong leader who doesn't have to bother with petty annoyances like Congress to get in the way of his agenda. He also believes courts should do his bidding regardless of what the law says."
If you were to be honest, you would know that statement applies more to former president obama than it does President Donald Trump.
Obama bypassed congress to sign onto treaties like the one with Iran. That is CLEARLY against the constitution. Congress has the right to approve treaties, they are not to be done by executive order. This is just one of many situations where obama ignored the role of Congress.
I visited my relatives in Eastern Europe when I was young. It was under Soviet control. Trust me, you have no idea what it is like to live under a fascist/communist government. I could tell you many stories. The United States in not even close to a fascist or communist dictatorship. The governments of Australia and the UK control their citizens far more than the government in the United States.
Grace, do you really think Liberals will be happy? Look at pre.-elect Biden's proposed cabinet picks; where are the AOCs Warrens and Sanders? What about AOC's squad push-back against his selections?
Biden, from what I have seen so far, if anything, is pursuing a 'middle of the road' agenda. So I disagree that the "Liberals" are happy.
Your forecast of the next election may or may not be true, but I think your thoughts about Biden making the Liberals happy is a bit premature. As things stand now, based on his proposed cabinet assignments, I think Biden has made a clear statement that the extremism of AOC and Sanders are not the prime motivators of his presidential agenda.
I am happy with what his proposed selections say about his planned path forward.
Let me now make an distinction, there is a difference between liberal and progressive.
I often get asked what the difference between a “liberal” and a “progressive” is. The questions from the media on this subject are always something like, “Isn’t ‘progressive’ just another name for ‘liberal’ that people want to use because ‘liberal’ has become a bad word?”
The answer, in my opinion, is no - there is a fundamental difference when it comes to core economic issues. It seems to me that traditional “liberals” in our current parlance are those who focus on using taxpayer money to help better society. A “progressive” are those who focus on using government power to make large institutions play by a set of rules.
Liberals may well be satiated with Biden's appointments much as what passed for center-left during Obama's administration. But, I am a progressive and would have more problems with Biden's appointments than liberals would.
In other words, Liberals in the pre-Trump sense would be "happy", but as a progressive, I would be harder to please. Classic liberals would say that I push too hard toward the left.
There are more progressives that are liberal than liberals that are progressive. And there is a correlation between both and support of the Democratic Party, for now.
Oops. "Classic Liberals." I think you meant to say "liberals" as c=urrently understood because by definition I am a "Classic Liberal", and I am certainly not a Liberal by current understanding.
As for your "progressives" thought, I think you are splitting hairs. The push to the Left is a broad brush. Whether it be a Progressive's strides to a more equitable society or a Liberal's push to a more homogenous society, the end result is almost the same.
Why would liberals push toward a more homogenous society?
Yes, I should clarify 'liberal' in terms of today's understanding as part and parcel of the lexicon of American politics.
There was a big difference between Sanders and Warren and the other Democratic candidates, that was made clear at the outset. Sanders and Warren were true progressives and the others may be defined as "liberals" in various stripes. That is more like splitting industrial grade cable, rather than hair.
"Homogenous" My mind was thinking about my perception that Liberals want all citizens to be "equal." Without regard to any individual characteristics of ability, capability, or any of the other factors that make humans different.
I am all for equality in the arenas of Rights and opportunities, but I think to demand all in society be equal is the stuff of those kumbaya campfires.
Relative to Sanders and Warren; I could never get behind Sanders, but I was supportive of the 2008 Warren. The 2016 Warren was a different person.
I was thinking about homogenous in a ethnic and racial composition sense, rather than what you meant.
We can never be the same. I do not have such expectations. But this society should have a goal of providing equal opportunity for all to attain to their best based on effort and ability. We should work to eliminate factors that are not related to that. In the eyes of the law, all people are the same, but I have yet to convince the Right of that simple principle.
So, what you say about equal opportunity is all I am asking for, but I stay away from the political parties and ideologies that are naturally hostile to this ideal.
Warren is still my ideal choice in 2020.
"Equal opportunity" is nearly as full of potholes as anything else is.
Is it wrong for wealthy parents to provide Harvard tuition for their child? Is it "unequal" for the child without those parents? Does it make it "equal" for the child without rich parents to get a free education, and if so, how is it "equal" for those parents to have to pay for their child to get the same education?
Do parents that participate in their child's education, attend and work with the local PTA and help out in the school make it "unequal" for those kids living in areas where that kind of thing is not done by hardly anyone? If so, how does taxpayer contributions to such schools make it "equal" for the parents willing to work at their kids education?
We all have a gut feeling about equal opportunity, and all want to see it...until we begin digging into the nuts and bolts of making it equal. At that point anything we do makes it unequal for someone, usually those that are footing the bill.
That would mean that you support the statue quo as it is. Well many of us do not and will continue to agitate for change.
I understand your point, how is it that it always so many of Your tribe that seem to have the wealth and resources to send their kids to Harvard in the first place? There is that nasty term "systemic racism" which you say does not exist, but what I consider at the very foundation of this nation's history and present day culture.
Yes, there are many problems with public schools, that I am aware. But as long as inequity remains structural and beyond our means of control, and that does exist, NONE of us are going find solace
Then find a solution that truly gives "equal opportunity for all", not just for "Your Tribe" (your words, although I find them extremely objectionable). And one, of course, that does not simply provide everything we want on the backs of the taxpayer, particularly a small sub-group of taxpayers. That would hardly be "equal opportunity" OR equitable.
Perhaps so many of "My Tribe" has the money to go to Harvard because they have parents that worked for what they have, that maintain a two parent home, that do not participate in gangs and believe in education.
Interesting that you find that poor quality schools are "structural" and "beyond our means of control" when the largest single difference is parental participation. I would not call that either structural OR beyond our means of control.
Hmm . . . it sounds like we need to establish a standard of just what is meant by wanting "equal opportunity." For instance; your Harvard example. To me, whether a student is from wealthy parents that can get their kids in, or whether the student is from a poverty-level family is not part of the equality of opportunity I am speaking of.
All I am advocating is that the poverty-level student has the opportunity to apply to Harvard, just as the wealthy-parents student does. Whether that poverty-level student gets in is just a part of life, all I want is for them to have the opportunity if they can swing it.
That same thought applies to the rest of your points, ie. parent/school participation. I don't demand equal outcomes, just equal opportunity.
Your "nuts and bolts" thought is addressing real-life realities about outcomes, my thoughts are more about having those real-life opportunities. I might not be academically or financially, or 'connectedly' capable of being accepted at Harvard, but I demand the opportunity to apply.
"But this society should have a goal of providing equal opportunity for all to attain to their best based on effort and ability. We should work to eliminate factors that are not related to that."
Does that mean you are against Affirmative Action? (I once was passed over for a job because of the color of my skin)
Do you think that Affirmative Action should apply to professionals sports?
Mike, fair question. I was not looking for preferential treatment as much as inclusion and fair consideration which we were not getting.
A brief story:
Mid 1980s, I was hired at the apprentice level of my chosen career field, government contracting, at a federal agency. Everybody, including my immediate supervisor assumed that I was some sort of "affirmative action" hire, falling short of qualification others would have coming into the profession.
My supervisor resented my presence in the lily white office and kept referring to me in terms of "brains vs. brawn", intimidation. She wanted to promote one of the white women from the steno pool, in those days, into the job. My savior and benefactrice was this woman's supervisor, who understood what inclusion meant, I had the college degree in business, the almost perfect score on the aptitude tests, 3 years of experience as a purchasing agent for another federal agency and was a former military officer, which was a plug for veterans preference. No one in the "steno pool" had this background.
So, my benefactrice got into the spirit of true diversity, offering me fair opportunity to compete and be considered, not be hired with inadequate qualifications just because I was African-American.
It turned out that years later after her retirement, she confided in me revealing that she had to let my former boss go, or move to another agency as she was told to treat me fairly in my training or hit the road, she decided to hit the road. Most fortuitous for me.
I prefer the public sector as protection from arbitrary actions, but even with that, people often tend to disregard and work around stated rules in favor of custom and preference but fortunately, someone was on my side.
If this is what the Right considers Affirmative Action, then I guess that is what it is.
"not be hired with inadequate qualifications just because I was African-American."
Fair enough.
My experience was different. I applied for a job within the company where I worked. The boss was retiring, let it know he preferred I take over his job and a few months before his retirement, I started doing certain aspects of the job.
Still, I had to interview for the position. A few weeks later the VP of the division took me into his office. I thought he was going to offer me the position. Instead, he gave me this talk about how the company wants to be viewed as supporting diversity, so, as much as they wanted to put me in the position, they decided to go with an African American. I was stunned. The guy didn't mention this person's background when I asked, he said it was none of my business.
This guy was not qualified. Some of the duties of the position were given to others because he didn't have the background for the job. It created a very tense working environment.
I felt bad for the guy who took the job. He was in over his head and he knew it. The company made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Better than I was offered.
I left a few months after that event. The man who took the job and I actually became friends. He helped me understand how he felt the company was just using his "black skin" to show the public. He wasn't happy either. I felt bad because he was a very nice and sincere person. We actually still keep in touch.
We both have a negative view of affirmative action.
Regarding your thoughts about equal access to opportunity, we are on the same page.
Don't you see the 2008 and 2020 Warrens as different people? Relative to the 2008 Warren and the 'common sense' solutions she proposed for our financial markets' problems, I don't recall any of her 2020 'free everything' proposals in her 2008 positions.
A lot has changed since 2008. Warren is one of the few politicians not afraid to get to the source of inequity, the money changer and their oversized influence. I like her CFPB idea as an equalizer for regular people over the power and wealth of arrogant corporations that believe that they can do whatever they want because they can intimidate the little guy, being without the financial resources to challenge.
Look how Republicans and the Right loathe Warren and her attempts to "level the playing field" in this one aspect. The Right is the problem...
Anything that the Right loathes has got to be custard for me.
Warren has the kind of attitude And values that will always get my vote. Regardless of her excesses in policy positions, I trust her instincts more than that of any Republican.
. . . and her change to the 'free everything' doesn't bother you.
We all get our druthers Cred. Ours vary but you are still welcome to yours.
To be fair, Warren's shifts are likely due to being "In the Know"...
To many people, especially those of us that have seen a half-century of life or more, are so unaware of the massive changes to how humans are going to live in the very near future.
But someone of intelligence like Warren (and lets be honest, there are quite a few in Congress that couldn't pass a sixth grade common core exam) has probably been briefed on plenty of things the general population has no clue about.
Like our future move to a Digital Currency...
To our shift to Universal Income...
Like the things I discussed in my Hub "The Great Reset 2030"
Some people might not be able to imagine a "driverless society" but just because most people can't imagine it today does not mean it is coming.
Imagine, instead of having to waste your time driving (and dodging the occasional idiot on the road) you can be working on your computer, answering emails, etc.
People once exposed to this "luxury lifestyle" will want it.
So I suspect many of her shifts are due to "insider knowledge" of changes that are to come.
The only thing I don't like about her is how she sold out to try and take out Sanders... dirty politics, she should have had a higher standard.
I read your Hub with interest (but can't comment on it now, of course!). I agree that the Great Reset is coming, although I don't agree with the weird conspiracy theory that it's all being engineered by shadowy figures, as some people suggest. It's just the natural consequence of the rapid technological changes that we've seen in our lifetime.
Covid has certainly accelerated some of the changes. I have not touched a real banknote or coin since March, for instance - most people in Australia now use cards, and in fact, some stores won't even accept cash any more.
I worked from home once and found it horribly isolating, but I know a lot of people like it. Here, we're seeing an exodus from the cities as people realise they can move to a country town and still work for their big-city bosses.
I'm not so sure about the universal income idea. I think that will take a lot longer to happen.
Hard currency falling out of favor is becoming a Universal issue it seems... in the States we seem to be having a coinage shortage and the few times I have gone to pay for something with cash I have either been told they couldn't accept it, or that they weren't able to make change.
There will be a Universal Income within the next four years, here in America it is 100% certain, as is the Digital Wallet.
They will sell the American people on the conversion to the Digital Wallet on the promise of all citizens getting a Universal Income, there will be a bare minimum everyone gets. Those with greater need will qualify for other social benefits on top of this amount.
The reason behind it is control and accountability. They will be able to account for everyone that is receiving the "free money" and they will be able to control how much "free money" they get, they will be able to track what is spent on, etc.
A couple years back I wrote another Hub called China's Social Credit will Shape the Future... Its in need of heavy revision... it almost prophesized how Social Media would work together to silence Trump and his supporters in the election, among other things... funny how the economy and Trump could take such a downturn in the course of a year.
Amazing how a Pandemic can change world history and shift the tides of the global economy.
Even more funny than that, there was a belief in the West, particularly in the Business and Finance sectors, that China being exposed to Western culture, capitalism, and prosperity would change its outlook and lead it to becoming Westernized.
The reality is we are adopting China's policies and "advances" to society, we will have our version of a Social Credit system (even if it is not acknowledged as such a thing), we will move away from physical currency all together, etc.
Do you think the "underground" economy could survive such a thing? By the underground economy I mean people who work for only cash. When I was in California, many people worked for cash. Not just Hispanics, but people did deliveries as well as odd jobs, car cleaning, etc. for just cash. They paid no taxes. It is an economy where people are paid with cash and purchase things with cash or barter for items. It was huge and I don't see universal income stopping it as I knew some people who did quite well doing this. It's the same way in other countries.
As the use of cash falls off we might see the emergence of common use of bitcoin...
I think cash will be eliminated, this is what they want, so that they can remove the option of people working "for cash" and "under the table".
When the only thing you can use to buy food at the grocery store is a Digital Wallet currency, that gives the government a great amount of leverage/control... just like in China.
China has advanced to the point where facial recognition is used, you do not need anything else. You select something the AI recognizes your face and deducts the cost from your account.
There will always be those who choose to live outside societal norms, the Amish are a prime example of this... but to be accepted into the majority of Society (and not be cast out from it) you will have to conform or else have access to food, housing, internet access, etc. be withheld from you.
... hopefully not a Mussolini type, though. And that could certainly happen.
The comments in this thread are astounding for their hypocrisy. Everything that was railed against as 'Trump-bashing' has now become okay as Biden-bashing.
I have been away for a few days, but I now find enough fodder for nightly participation. Come on folks, look in the mirror. If you see what I see from these comments, you should be ashamed.
OK... My comment is me being blunt. You have lived this man's history if you were paying attention my comment in no respect should shock you. I formed my opinion through some reading and my memory of Biden's time as a Senator. Nothing I stated is off the mark, unfortunately. Biden did blend in as a Senator, he is a politician and has been for 30 some years, he has been very dishonest throughout his history. And in my opinion, he has made many blatant racist statements. Not dog whistle out and out unmistakable racist statements.
This is not bashing, this is my true opinion of Biden. I called him no derogatory names, I not twisted his words out of context, I gave no opinion on his appearance. In fact, I was polite enough not to go into detail about how I came to my opinion. Other than mentioning my research.
It would appear you feel that Biden should be treated differently than other presidents in regards to sharing our opinions. He gets that treatment from the media.
I not going to pretend I know where you are coming from. There is bashing, and then there is discussing faults. Please, elaborate on why you found my comment bashing. Where did I cross that line?
I felt Mike meant his statement to be sarcastic, yet in essence, it rang very true.
To address your last point first;
"I felt Mike meant his statement to be sarcastic..."
I am hoping that too. That is why I ended by commenting that I may have misunderstood his comment. But, I am still not sure it was sarcasm.
Relative to your comments, I will give you the honest answer you deserve. I do not recall instances and do not have the impression of Biden's dishonesty. You may have researched stuff that gives you that impression, but it is not one I have.
Admittedly I have not researched his history, but the worst I can recall is his speech plagiarism charge.
That is the only part of your comment that I will address as disagreement. The rest is yours to own, and I don't have a problem with that. My problem is with the tone of your comment, and most others in this thread, that are just mirror images of what we have endured—directed at Pres. Trump—these last four years.
As for the difference between bashing and discussing faults, I certainly am not advocating that Biden be given a free pass on anything. Call out his faults all you want, just be relevant in your accusations. For instance, what are the details of your claims of dishonesty?
The past four years of Trump criticisms did not do that. As Wilderness likes to say, it was always "Orange man bad," regardless of the issue. I am hopeful we won't do the same with Pres. Biden. It will reflect as badly on us as it did on the ones that did it to Pres. Trump.
"The "people" who voted for him are bamboozled but they don't know it. "
Hmm . . .where have I heard that before? Geesh.
Are you so anxious to embrace fascism and tyranny?
all this could lead there anyway.
... planned?
wouldn't it be funny if/when we all realize we have a common enemy?
Well damn, looks like another partisan replay of Pres. Trump's first term.
Is that really how you feel Sharlee?
You know what I am going to take it as it comes. I am a bit over "let's all just be friends now"... It's been a hard crazy four years. I stated the truth, I have done my research on Biden and Harris. I do agree with Mike in regard to the Dems setting a precedent on how to not respect a dually elected president. These past four years have been hell.
My feelings in regard to Biden is that he is a politician of the worst kind. He brings nothing to the table. How would you have me feel? I am a realist, I look at his history, I watched him win the presidency without campaigning.
With all that said, I hope he skates easily through his presidency. I am along for the ride, as are you. Let's hope it's smooth, and when his time is over he leaves the country a better place or at least how he found it.
"With all that said, I hope he skates easily through his presidency. I am along for the ride, as are you. Let's hope it's smooth, and when his time is over he leaves the country a better place or at least how he found it."
I certainly agree with this thought. We are all "along for the ride." I am hopeful that Republicans and Conservatives handle themselves better than the Democrats did during the Trump presidency. If not, then there will never be an end to this madness.
Somebody has to stand-up and say "I am better than this. My country is better than this."
"I consider him a babbling old fool who got rich selling out the United States"
and . . .
" .. . his vice president as a female who is a socialist/communist and had to sleep her way into a career. .. "
'Oh hell' Mike. You certainly set the tone of your comment with those statements. I must admit that president-elect Biden has provided a lot of fuel for that fire, but . . .
The rest of your comment is so outrageous that I don't know where to start.
Why would you consider pres-elect Biden an illegitimate president? He did win both the popular and electoral vote majority. Are you viewing your opinion as 'the' true truth?
So, you want an investigation? Are the court rulings not sufficient for you? That those proffered Trump legal challenges have been found to have no legitimacy to the courts is not sufficient for you? Are you now an arbiter with legal qualifications above the courts' expertise?
I would go on, but the rest of your comment is just baloney. Attempted rationalizations for why you don't support Biden's election. Would you consider how your comments sound as a mirror image of your frequently declaimed Left's' bashes against Pres. Trump?
Or . . . have I completely misread your comment as sarcasm? I hope that is the case because otherwise, you are full of stuff. If I didn't misread the message of your comment then it has to rate right up there at the top of partisan baloney rants.
"Why would you consider pres-elect Biden an illegitimate president? He did win both the popular and electoral vote majority. Are you viewing your opinion as 'the' true truth?"
The Democrats have taught me that truth and facts mean nothing. I will always hold that Biden was elected based on voter fraud. The Democrats have taught me it doesn't matter if it's true or not...its the perception that matters. I will always consider Biden an illegitimate president who got elected based on voter fraud.
"Would you consider how your comments sound as a mirror image of your frequently declaimed Left's' bashes against Pres. Trump?"
Exactly. The Democrats have spent four years teaching us how to handle an election you don't like or agree with...and I think we should follow their example.
I've always been a good student and the Democrats have spent the past four years providing me with some good lessons.
My response was a 'my bad' Mike. I took your comment seriously. I didn't make that mistake with the other responses you have made in this thread.
And so you scold upon Harris accusing her without evidence that she slept her way to the top....And have no problem with a president sleeping with a hooker and loves to boast about “grabbing them by the pu***...
No evidence? There is PLENTY of evidence.
You need to research Willie Brown. K. Harris dated a married man 30 years her senior for over 10 years.
He appointed her to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the Medical Assistance Commission — positions that together paid her around $80,000 a year on top of her prosecutor’s salary.
Brown who later became the Mayor of San Francisco, last year claimed that while dating Harris, he gave her powerful and influential appointments that furthered her political career.
Willie Brown said, “Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. "
Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/08/willie_brown_admits_it_kamala_harris_slept_her_way_to_the_top.html#ixzz6fqrAQT5E
I don't care what Donald Trump did before he was in politics. He was a private citizen. Sleeping with hookers is an unfounded allegation. The other stuff...he was a private citizen.
There is lots of evidence in regards to Harris and her prior lifestyle. And in regards to Trump's exploits. No one is denying them. Just pointing out the new person in the White House's exploits. We have the same right as those that point the finger at Trump, to divert the finger in Harris's direction.
All the goodwill that the left is requesting is ridiculously hypocritical. Laughable. Never will become accustomed to such flawed thought patterns. Oh well...
A lot of moderate Independents like myself feel the same way you do about Biden. He could never be any asset to our nation. Therefore, I didn't vote for him. And I am someone who votes for the candidate rather than for his or her political party. Four years of Biden could only be like an ongoing nightmare.
Ah, Great article. Biden deserves exactly what Trump got. Karma is such a bitch.
If Biden is kept out of the White House for good alongside Kamala Harris, that would be more than enough Karma.
Even before Biden was elected I began predicting he wouldn't last 4 years, and likely not even 1 year. The Marxist left will find a way to push him into resigning -- even if it takes threatening his family and his legacy by releasing proofs about Hunter's corrupt involvement with the Chinese because these people have no moral restraint when it comes to their power lust -- and that way Harris can take charge of "Changing America forever" into just another failed socialist state.
I don't think at this point we have to worry about what to do. Many citizens stepped up yesterday to protest the election. I don't think they are going away, I think their very frustration will spread. And those that took the time spent the money, and stood up for what they believe in are now the media is portraying them as villains violent protesters. Do you think they are going away? I don't these people have been pushed to the brink and I see they are ready to demand some form of justice.
"some form of justice."
That is what the counties, states, and courts have already done. What form of justice do you propose is left?
They weren't "citizens". They were seditionist rioters who attempted an illegal insurrection.
Sedition: "incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority".
The #StopTheSteaI in DC on Jan.6th will be the GOAT.
It will be 1776 all over again.... only bigger and better.
This was retwitted by Ashli Babbitt. Jan 4
So, then you're saying the protesters in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York City were seditionists? Or...were they rioters? Seems they could qualify for both. Maybe if you cause destruction in the billions of dollars you should be considered a seditionist/rioter. That would cover it.
Gee, I wonder what you would call the rioters who burned, looted and caused billions of dollars worth of destruction during the summer...let alone 25 people being killed. I guess they weren't citizens either.
WE don't need to guess we have seen a bit of some attitude right here in regard to what they see as a difference between the Summer protests/riots and the Jan 6th protests.
It is very apparent all in the country have taken sides, and there is no coming together at this point. Many are willing to condemn any that don't ascribe to their ideology. It is a time for Americans to stand up for what they believe, and not let this kind of suppression spread. Violence will never be the answer, standing up for freedom of speech, can be won with words, speech... And ridding ourselves of a Government that is no longer working on the behalf of all Anerican's, or even respects free speech.
I know I should not ask. I know how different our thought process is, and how e come by our opinions. But I am curious, what have I gone on the record for?
I would pretty much say the third time I don't hate the Government but am 100% against Government overreach, and do refuse or intend to ever change my opinion in that regard. And will not allow my Government to be my master.
I have come to realize some here just do not comprehend the context of what they read, That would be your problem, not mine.
I just think it's time to unequivocally state that the election was not stolen because to do less than that is enabling the MAGA terrorists' core beliefs, beliefs that were borne of Trump's lies.
We have moved pasted his follower perhaps think the election was stolen. They now have their teeth sunk in many things they see as problems The impeachment, the media, the Dems ideologies, need I go on. They are mad at many things they see as problems they are no longer willing to swallow.
You have labeled them MAGA terrorists, you even project an opinion on how individuals have come to be mad --- "beliefs that were borne of Trump's lies."
How do I put this --- Simply they believe they are correct in all they believe, just as you believe you are correct.
Half the country voted for this man. It's just time to realize that, they are as pissed off, most likely more than you.
And in regard to you telling me, it's time for me to unequivocally state that the election was not stolen. You don't listen well. I have stated I feel there was voter fraud, I also added I did not feel it was enough to overturn the election. II am sticking by that we needed a special counsel to quickly investigate, and prosecute any the broke our federal voting laws. I had hoped it would set precedent for next time around. So simple.
I am not looking for red meat. I am looking to keep the peace in a country It is obvious that many seem to care very little about peace...
I have no plans to engage in any violence whatsoever yet you imply I care little about peace. I care little about appeasing people simply because they threaten violence if they don't get their way.
You have once again taken my comment out of context. I did not point you out as not supporting peace or infer you would condone or join in any form of violence. My comment was speaking about two sides of this controversy. Saying --- "I am not looking for red meat. I am looking to keep the peace in a country It is obvious that many seem to care very little about peace...?
If I want to personally point something out, I think I am pretty clear in that respect. And in regard to being aware of your feelings --- that you do not care about appeasing people simply because they threaten violence if they don't get their way. I understand your view thoroughly. You have been clear on that subject. I think many share your opinion.
I guess I am just looking at the bigger picture, I broke my own rule in this case.. I don't as a rule consider 'If comes". Hopefully, peace will prevail. It does look like the FBI is making many arrests, and this should work hopefully to detour protesters.
A lot of US were upset in 2016, or even 2000, but we did not sack the White House or Capital building. We have had close elections before, why is there an excuse and justification this time for the behavior of the sore loser?
Your statement is true on the surface. No, the losers did not riot. But it may be just a bit unrealistic to say that Trump's presidency was handled as other presidencies. I strongly disagree and it would do no good to dredge up all the problems that occurred due to "many" not respecting the fact he was the president.
I am not and have not stated or agreed with Trump's allegations of widespread voter fraud. I do believe there was voter fraud, fraud that would not have the numbers to change the outcome.
All I have been trying to impress is we are at this point in a very precarious situation with so many mad not only about the election but many other problems that add to their anger.
This is a fact---Half the country voted for this man. It's just time to realize that, they are as pissed off, most likely more than you.
Where do we go from here? Look for red meat or look to make an attempt to heal.
I do not feel many are realizing the potential for devastating violence or maybe at this point neither side cares.
Unfortunately, there many out there that see plenty of justification to fight back. So that's where we stand at this point.
Healing, would mean that the other half accept defeat an acknowledge Joe Biden as the 46th president. Just as we protested Trump, four years ago, they are free to protest in the same way. Just as long as no hooliganism is allowed.
Well, I was not exactly giddy in Nov 2016, so I may well have been more discontent then they at that time. Channel through the right to protest not sacking Washington.
Can we behave like the left an burn down a few cities? We don't know how to burn and look businesses...so...maybe we'll need some help from the left on that one. I'm sure you have a few burning and looting consultants among your ranks. Let's face it, they're the experts.
While the right doesn't know how to burn and loot, they are the masters of treason and insurrection and that for me is a plumb site lower.
Hey, treason and insurrection are much more cost effective when compared to looting and rioting. I think we can agree on that one. Multiple cities have not recovered from the riots. It is costing taxpayer billions.
But...the left burned cities to the ground, caused billions of dollars worth of damage and killed dozens of people. The Capital was breached during the Kavanaugh hearings.
I would like someone on the left to explain to me why this is an insurrection when the Capital police took down the barriers, let in the crowd, took selfies with the protesters and opened the door for them to leave. There was no force to get into the building. Those protecting it let them in.
Who knows the answer to that, why was JFK allowed to motorcade in an open convertible in an area area lax in security? With Trump's attitude and complicity perhaps he had them all stand down in advance?
Then I think it is safe to say the nobody ''stormed'' the capital building.
You know something, Mike, I really cannot dismiss your point here. It would seem to me with all planning by the pro Trump people for January 6th, the Capitol should have been better prepared for something to go awry. Proper preparation for a reasonably anticipated outcome that any decent manager worth his or her salt would have been on top of...
So, who was responsible for things being handled in so sloppy a manner?
Nope, not safe at all. But you are not really saying that, are you?
" There was no force to get into the building. Those protecting it let them in."
Come on Mike. For the few images you can find of the Capitol Police letting them in you can find twice as many of barriers being overrun, doors bashed in or forced open, (against the efforts of the CP trying to keep them closed), and folks scaling walls and scaffolding to break in.
Do you say those folks were "let in"?
Why must an explanation or an observation be equated to an excuse or justification?
I go more along the lines of a federal investigation with the results being made public. That should do it.
Damn it to hell, the people has spoken.
What ever schemes that the Right is hatching up, I say "bring it on", it will just discredit them just that much more in the eyes of the nation.
The liberals won this time, so how about we all get over it until 2024?
I believe we shall follow the plan of the Democrats have created during the past four years.
I don't believe the people have spoken. It's the fraudulent voting abilities of the Democrats that have spoken louder than anything.
Great, Mike, but that will have to be irrefutably proven, which has yet to have taken place.
Cred, I'm going to use Democrats as a model. It doesn't have to be proven. An allegation against Biden will be considered to be a fact. That is the way it was with President Donald Trump. So, Democrats taught me nothing has to be proven, it is good enough to treat an allegation as fact. Democrats have also shown me that no matter what is proven, Biden should always be considered an illegitimate president. I hope this is shouted loud and long, it's the Democrat way.
Perhaps, Mike, but unless Trump pulls something from his sleeve regarding the legitimacy of the election, Biden is the guy that will be at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, next January.
Trump will have to "prove it" to whatever judicial bodies he chooses to address the alleged charges.
That is the reality of the situation.
But, let's face it, you never really cared for Democrats anyway, determined by your positions in the forum. So, a lot of this sounds like sour grapes. What do you say now when you contact your friends and acquaintances that are of liberal bent and voted for Biden? You wouldn't really share with them what you provided here in your 'manifesto'
I don't care if Biden becomes president at this point. I will always consider him an illegitimate president. I will always believe that he was elected based on voter fraud. The Democrats have taught me the truth or facts don't matter. They have taught me perception is everything. My perception always will be that Biden is an illegitimate president.
I have shared with the liberals I know what I've posted in this forum. I told them I plan to use the Democrat game plan when it comes to Biden being president.
Democrats have taught me a good lesson on how to handle these things and I've always been a good student.
I'm following the Democrat model in that nothing has to be proven. I plan to treat each allegation as fact. It worked for Democrats pretty well.
That's comical, coming from a liberal that fully supported the demonization of the President, the witch hunt for non-existent criminal activity by the President and a faux attempt to impeach him.
No, I don't like the man no more than you "liked" Obama. I don't deny this.
How can I demonize him, I am critical of him or anybody else that goes off course, it is just from my view, Conservatives and Republicans do that a great deal? I was not any impediment in the course that he chose or the way he governed.
I am satisfied that the circumstances leading to impeachment of Trump were valid. The GOP dominated Senate acquitted him , so what is the problem?
Of course you were satisfied that a Democrat dominated House cobbled together a bunch of fake reasons for impeachment.
While I disagree with Mike's proposed action, it is exactly what liberals did to Trump. Including Credence.
Trump made his own bed during his four year term, so now he can lie in it, until the New York State prosecutors give him a pair of matching bracelets.
At least you are consistent in your view that "two wrongs don't make a right" and just don't apply it to Democrats. I will give you credit for that.
It seems a bit of a stretch to think many republicans will forget the last four crazy years. and what makes it more bazaar everything so many disliked about Trump, Biden has all that and more. It's all too hypocritical to ignore.
You may want to consider just how far apart Republicans and Democrats are in their vision for the Country. It would very much seem there is no middle ground at this juncture.
I just lost a lengthy reply—Damn you Hubpages!—so my retried reply is just; I agree. We have a new pres.-elect, so let's support him.
However, judging from AOC and the Squad's response, I am not sure that "the Liberals" think they won.
Centrist, which is more Biden's style, is far and above preferable to Trump's rightwing, authoritarian approach. I am not elated, more than I am relieved that we have diverted from a clearly dangerous course, even if it is not as much of a diversion as I would like.
I would be happy with a "centrist" agenda primarily because of the damage and dangers I fear of a 'Leftist' agenda.
I recall mentioning a proposed Biden cabinet comment, (the one with AOV, Warren, and Sanders), that gave me a chuckle, now, I am just happy that didn't happen.
From what I understand of Biden's proposed cabinet picks it looks like just more of the same old DC insider politics.
As a side note; except for instances of extreme nationalism, I liked most of Pres. Trump's policies—and their results.
The agenda will be the continued progression toward 2030 goals.
You are correct in that it will be a return to "the same old DC insider politics" that have existed in DC for at least the last 30 years.
Biden will fast track America back into the Paris Accord agreements, he will reverse all actions taken by the Trump administration against China, he will get America in alignment with the Global Compact on Migration.
And in addition, I expect he will drum up some excuse to start a new military campaign somewhere against some 'terrible threat'.
Trump's disruption will soon be forgotten and those who strongly supported him (or still support him) will be persona non grata soon enough.
Oddly, my first thought is that Trump's disruption" won't soon be forgotten.
I agree that Biden's administration will likely reenter most of the agreements Pres. Trump pulled out of, but I don't think those actions will go unexamined.
Even more oddly, I think Pres. Biden's efforts to reenter these agreements will be on more America-advantaged terms. Maybe that is just the optimist in me.
Its nice to have optimism... its kind of like hope, without having it, it can be a lot harder waking up in the morning and facing the day.
For myself I like to project out to the most likely course...
It helps me in better preparing for what could come.
Plan for the worst/most likely, hope for the best.
As usual, your provided link was an interesting watch. While I did find a 'nit-pick' or two, generally, I think the video presented valid points.
Even though I will remain the optimist, that doesn't mean I ignore the other possibilities. If the video's presentation of Biden's advisor's positions is accurate and prescient, then I do have a concern about Pres. Biden's possible stance towards China.
Thanks for the link.
Understood, GA, but this is where we part ways. Your centrist is not "left" enough for me. I abhor Trump in both his policies and his manner and I will take anything moving away from the Right as an improvement and, more importantly, as a beginning.
Let me jump in here... Not to be argumentive, but to quickly point out a bit of hypocrisy. The people also spoke four years ago. I certainly am not pointing a finger at you, because I am not sure how you felt in regard to President Trump and all the BS they through att him daily. ---- List of lies, Russia Russia Russia, and an impeachment, not to mention a media that twisted his every word.
Do you think it realistic to hope those on the right will overlook anything Biden has done or will do? I tend to think no...
In my view, I am willing to be a spectator, and only criticize Biden if he has done anything that I find could be harmful to my country. Hopefully, I need never point out anything negative. And yes in the near past I have pointed out very negative characteristics that I believe Biden possesses. These character assassinations were all part of looking into a presidential candidate. Fair play. He won so at this point I am left wondering how, due to his lack of campaigning, lack of luster history, and racist tendencies.
But we move on and observe...
" He won so at this point I am left wondering how, due to his lack of campaigning, lack of luster history, and racist tendencies."
I have a thought on that. His personal behavior offended too many people. To steal one of PrettyPanther's descriptions; I think a lot of people were more offended by his being a "pussy grabber" than they were considerate of his policy accomplishments.
I liked the man's policy accomplishments, but I could not vote for him because a "pussy grabber" does not represent my vision of my America.
Whether right or wrong, the 'means' matter to me.
" Whether right or wrong, the 'means' matter to me."
This is applicable in a sane world.
I am not sure you are comprehended my comment? In this case, I was responding to the fact the poster I was responding to appeared a bit hypocritical. (perhaps not realizing it). I was simply asking or bringing to light --- is it realistic to hope those on the right are apt to overlook anything Biden has done or will do?
In regard to my thoughts on hypocrisy ---I merely pointed out people also treated Trump very poorly four years ago. I preceded with carefully a cautious statement - " I am not a finger at you because I am not sure how you felt in regard to President Trump and all the BS they threw at him daily." But pointing out a fact, Trump was badly ridden by the media and many others.
"I liked the man's policy accomplishments, but I could not vote for him because a "pussy grabber" does not represent my vision of my America."
I appreciate your view, and you are well aware I have confirmed I voted for Trump due to the policies he offered, not his demeanor. .I voted for him this time around on his job performance. I never sit out an election, even when we have two very flawed candidates. I never stride a pedestal and sit out an election. Just never even consider not casting my vote.
This election was offered to me once again a hard decision. I can assure you I did my research into Biden, as well as I did of Trump four years ago. I had four years of Trump, I witnessed his job performance. I more than witnessed I made sure to follow his accomplishments, accomplishments that never saw the light of day. At the end of the day. IMO these men both have serious accusations of sexual abuse. So on my list of pros and cons this box was checked for both.
In the end and to be honest, I found they both were, for lack of a better term "pussy grabber's". Please keep in mind you inserted this accusation into the conversation, not me. And I respect your feeling that Trump did not represent your vision of America. I feel he made wonderful strides in correcting some problems I had hoped to see solved. So, I had two pussy grabber's but one just had a better history of being a problem solver. I respect that you could not see your way clear for voting for a man that was a self-proclaimed pussy grabber. Although you voted for a man that had some sexual assault accusations made against him. ( please keep in mind I am not bringing up this fact for any other reason than to make a clear comparison between Trump and Biden's sexual exploits).
Actions or means do matter very much to me. Whether right or wrong I vote... I stay off my pedestal altogether when it comes to voting. Always two candidates, always a hard decision. I can assure you I am a moral woman. However, the shame of it all IMO we have had very poor candidates as of late to choose from.
The only part of your comment that I addressed was to offer a thought regarding your question. I think my answer is a real possibility and will stand by it.
As for sitting out the election, I didn't. I voted my down-ballot choices, I just didn't vote for a presidential candidate. I vote for a candidate,not against one. Neither of my choices allowed me to vote for one or the other. You may think of that as a "pedestal" thought, but I don't. My vote is important to me. I won't vote for a 'lesser of two evils' just to cast a ballot. My non-president vote was a vote in my mind.
"I liked the man's policy accomplishments, but I could not vote for him because a "pussy grabber" does not represent my vision of my America."
Yet we needed a president to do the job of a president. And I have heard your sentiment over and over --- " I won't vote for a 'lesser of two evils' just to cast a ballot. My non-president vote was a vote in my mind."
So am I to understand you are saying a president's character is more important than the job he is being hired for? You have admitted you appreciated Trump's policy accomplishments. Curious.
Yet we now have a president that has thus far shown himself a non-productive Washington politician, and it is apparent he carries a poor reputation mimicking all the same characteristics that many feel Trump possesses.
So, I can understand how you fed your mind... And that is your prerogative. However, why did you not join in to promote policies you seem to have at best feel may have benefited our Republic?
" I won't vote for a 'lesser of two evils' just to cast a ballot."
Yet in the end, did the lesser of two evils win, or did someone that just can't do as good of a job win. A man with policies you MAY not respect? Your vote matters.
I took the hard road, I once again considered pros and cons. My casted vote for president served to give me a sort of peace of mind. I did my best as a citizen. IMO --- Voting is a privilege and meant to serve society as a whole.
Perhaps I should not have inserted the word "pedestal" into the conversation. I can see the word should be a no-no. Hard to converse and be honest at times. This form of communication makes it very hard to share our own intent when using certain words.
To answer your first question, in the circumstances of our times, (not Lincoln's time of civil war), yes, in Pres. Trump's case I did see his character flaws as more damaging to our nation than his policy achievements. I also recognize that that is merely my opinion and is very debatable to folks that hold a contrary opinion.
Would you present Pres. Trump as a role model to your, (hypothetical), young son? I wouldn't. So I also wouldn't want him to be a role model for America's young sons. It's about means for me Sharlee. If accepting Pres. Trump's representation of an American president, which in turn is a representation of America, is the price to pay for his policy achievements, then I say the prices too high. The cure is worse than the disease.
How would you suggest I promote those Trump policies that I feel benefitted our nation? As a simple forum participant, I frequently did my part in defending the policies I supported and was predictably labeled a Trump supporter and sycophant. What else would you have me do?
Relative to your thought of whether "the lesser of two evils" won, I will leave that as an open question for each of us to answer. But you are right, my vote does count. And I will not diminish it by voting for any lesser of two evils.
As for your use of pedestal . . . words convey meanings. The ones we choose, however carefully, are often the best indicators of a position. If you feel "pedestals" inappropriately represented your thought, I would think that the truth may be in the meaning of the term; 'a Freudian slip'.
I applaud your fortitude, and I can understand very clearly how you formed your opinion of "all trump". Would I hold him up as a role model for my children or young? No, I would tell them he has the quality of problem-solving but lacks character, that his demeanor is offensive, and that it appears he has not led his personal life using good judgment.
I prepared my children for life knowing the world is made up of all kinds of individuals. Some good, some not so good, and some really bad. But all having diverse abilities. Not to judge, and try to see the good as well as the negative. Children grow up, they need to be able to be understanding, non-judgmental. However, I thought them well to see right from wrong.
I think my career as a nurse exposed me to all kinds of people. In my early years, it was hard to become accustomed to the knowledge that this world has so many different human beings. I came to appreciate the differences.
"How would you suggest I promote those Trump policies that I feel benefitted our nation? " Straight up facts, did a policy benefit the nation or did it not. I think you actually do that well. And you have a good knack for stepping away at the right time. Hey, just think you most likely will not need to worry about Trump or his accomplishments any longer. Maybe only defending that it was a Trump accomplishment and not Joe just taking credit for a Trump accomplishment... LOL You do know that's what's coming.
Your attitude about not voting for the lesser of two evils is understandable and in the past few elections become more relevant. I guess I am set in my ways in regard to voting.
I have been accused of speaking from a pedestal. Speaking from a pedestal very well suits my personal. However, as I mentioned in my previous comment I try to stay off my pedestal when it comes to voting in an election.
I hope you don't think I was insinuating you stride a pedestal? No, you more wisely know when to sit on the fence, to survive here. I hope to learn that.
Thanks for your comment Sharlee. I think that what is often taken as 'fence-sitting' is simply admitting that I don't have enough facts to form a firm opinion. When I do have such facts I do hold very firmly to my opinions and statements. But, when I don't, when I am not comfortable with the support of my opinion, I would rather take a "fence-sitting" position than double-down on a thought that cannot be readily supported.
I think fence-sitting is an art, an art I need to learn. The term in your case was meant as a compliment, I hope you took it as such.
I don't know that it helps much. As GA has learned, "fence sitting" is often assumed to mean that you are in the opposite camp. "If you're not with me you're against me". And if you don't trash Trump at every opportunity, including made up ones, then you are a Trump lover, approving of everything he says or does.
LOL --- It becomes very frustrating ankle-deep in mud and sinking to a level that I never thought I would sink to. The back and forth is exhausting. Many hear continue to breathe life into long proved mis-truths. I give you credit, but you are Supper Man when it comes to the back and forths of this forum. My energy is wearing thin. I need a second wind.
I guess, being a Canadian disqualifies me from joining to this discussion -- but it; not the first time that I am writing something without qualifications, because at Hub Pages I am pretending to be a writer and a poet - like so many others.
Now, I don't care if you elect a Donald Trump or a Donald Duck for your president, and this response is something I do just for my love for simple logic. I also don't care about Trump's hair, fingers, his wife's accent, and Barron's mental health. Additionally, I have no education in economy and diplomacy, so I can't tell if Trump was a good or bad president -- and my opinion would have to depend on my sheer cherry-picking.
And finally, I don't judge Trump on anybody's narrative -- to me it's important what I see with my eyes. Unless all those you tube videos with him were doctored, with someone else's voice added to his moving lips -- the dude kept contradicting himself and lying.
Furthermore, he called himself a "very stable genius" who "knows more about this and that and everything than anybody else". No genius ever publicly called themselves a genius unless of a narcissistic variety. It's something that OTHERS have to say about a person, and it would be like if I said that I am irresistibly handsome and smart" -- while everybody is clearly seeing me just as old fart using his limited English (as second language).
Now, as for those "unethical" diagnoses -- it's like condoning a criminal being released at court because on a technicality, like not being written his rights. Not being a shrink myself, I know enough about that crap to say that we can tell a mountain about someone without talking to him face to face. Especially is the person is constantly displaying certain personality traits.
O.K., for my last words -- and they ARE last, because I have no intention oa sick kicking the crap back and forth -- WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? All this is barking at the moon, because no matter how you choose to lose nerve over politics, you have control over any of it. Ever seen a massive demonstration work? This rant is bad for your digestion.
Brilliant. I have a healthy distrust of all media, but all I have to do is watch Trump on his unedited videos to see what kind of person he is. It's so blindingly obvious, I can't understand why so many Americans can't see it.
There are two problems with that analysis of the "unethical diagnosis". First is that any professional that ignores their ethical standards to the point of making a diagnosis without an examination, and then making that diagnosis public, is not someone worthy of trust in their diagnosis.
Second is that the "diagnosis" is made of an assumed "public persona", not of the person themselves. As an example, I watch "Judge Judy" on TV sometimes - a "court" show using actual litigants from the court system. I don't like the judge on the show: she makes decisions based on her personal sense of right and wrong rather than law (although the scene is of a courtroom), she constantly talks over the litigants, she is extremely abrasive and often refuses to let one side present arguments.
But I don't assume that the persona presented on the show is representative of the person playing the part. Similarly, Trump "plays a part" in public, just as he did when on his own TV shows. These "professional mental health experts" are seeing ONLY that "public persona", not the person under it all. Would you judge a person's character after watching a marathon of movies they made as a "bad guy"? Of course not...but are willing to do so with Trump.
So, your excuse for Trump's behaviour is that he's deliberately making himself look like a moron every time he appears in public?
Seems like a strange strategy for a world leader.
Trump supporters seem to have excuses for everything. What we see him do and hear him say is "not real". Anything the mainstream media says is "not real".
There's no point in debating anything with someone who's that determined to deny reality.
Sorry, Marisa: nowhere in my post did I mention Trump looking like a moron. It was solely dedicated to the morons that think they can diagnose a mental illness from a "for public" persona that is donned like any other actor does.
Nor did I address what I thought of his actions, or whether they fit a world leader. Again, the entire post was about the non-professional actions of supposed mental health professionals.
So...no excuse at all. Just a comment on unethical "professionals" that set their ethics aside in order to make a political statement. You're right - if you can't, or won't, reply to what I said rather than changing it to something it isn't then there is nothing to debate.
My original post related to MY judgment of Trump's character and personality based on my OWN observations. For that reason, I disregarded your mention of the professionals' diagnosis in your answer as it wasn't relevant.
So, are you saying that Trump regards the Presidency as just another reality show, and that's why he acts the way he does?
If I were made President and lacked the confidence to behave as myself, I would try to act like a statesman, with gravitas. I wonder what Trump hoped to achieve by acting like an inarticulate fantasist.
And please don't tell me I'm not qualified to judge him from the videos. Watch the unedited ones yourself. He can barely speak a whole adult sentence. He makes wildly inaccurate statements which are very easy to check (things like government-issued figures). He makes ill-considered, inflammatory remarks. He is a bully.
If all that is an act, I'm relieved. I just can't understand why he'd do it deliberately.
Mike -- My only short reply -- if your last response was addressing me. I don't know what in the world makes you think that I would "apologize" for anything I said. And I honestly don't give a rat's ass if I would either be "banned" or lose my account altogether-- when I want to say something -- I say it.
Val, No...that apology was between me and PP. I have no response to what you wrote. Glad for your participation and providing a Canadian view.
Here are a few Facts that everyone should just think about, that's all. Just visualize the situation and think about how you as an individual, no politics involved.. just you the individual truly think and feel about it. Then ask yourself "Why" do you feel that way:
1. Trump has completely messed up the pandemic response and his negiligence has cause thousands of lost lives. Think about it, what did he really do to stop it, if you disagree?
2. Trump LOST because ALOT of his fans were in the hospital, quarantined or have unfortunately fallen victim to this pandemic that he didn't try to control. Think about it?
3. Hundreds of children are now orphans because of Trump's actions. Just think about how you would feel if someone separated you from your parents kicking and screaming to never see them again and put you in a place with no familiar faces. Anyone OK with that is a monster and needs to do some REAL soul searching. Think about it?
4. A person who cares about you will not continuously put you in danger by holding super spreader events just to win. Biden did it safely and won. Think about it? Just Google the rise in cases in those states and then compare it to where the majority of the cases are now.
5. What type of person is ok with a pathological liar, especially when they know that the person is lying, yet continue to go along with it? What does your God think about your recent decisions and actions because that is the only one that we all have to answer to in the end?
6. When was the last time any of you heard Trump say anything to the families of the people who have passed away from this virus or the people now living with lingering symptoms and new health problems? Anyone have a day or date?
7. He cares about you, but he's doing everything he can to dismantle the Pentagon, which in turn makes ALL Americans unsafe, including you Trump supporters.
8. I'm sure that at least some of you Trump supporters could use some more help in the form of stimulus or business bailout. Am I wrong? Well, why haven't you at least gotten yours since you support him or does he not care enough about his followers to figure it out.
This is just to wake up some peoples common sense that will allow you to really have a heart to heart with yourself about what you just read and how you really feel about it. You, the individual, and keeping politics out of it.
#1 to #3 are your opinion. No facts there. #4...there have been so many spreader events involving protests and riots, a non point. #5 This could be said about every Democrat that has held office in my lifetime.
#6 "I want to say, ‘I love you.' I want to say that we're doing everything we can," Trump told Muir.
https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/preside … d=70515659
#7 Like to see some facts to back that one up.
#8 You need to address the loss of stimulus bailout to the Democrat held Congress. President Donald Trump had more than one proposal that they passed on.
I've had a heart to heart and realize there is much more to what is happening than Democrats/Liberals realize. It may be too complicated for them.
Every complaint about Trump has been proven true over and over. Anyone who can't see that is beyond help.
No, not really --- in fact, every complaint was nothing but media fodder meant to reach the ears of those that would believe anything they were told. And then continue to spread it as it were true. Anyone that can't see that " is beyond help"...
I would say some of the most significant lies concerning President Donald Trump are the ones that have been told about him. It's absolutely disgusting how people fail to do research and find the truth. Anyone who believes the many lies told about him without trying to find the truth is beyond help.
You want the truth? I can tell you that Donald Trump does not hesitate to use bribery and intimidation to get what he wants in business. He is willing to destroy the livelihood of ordinary people in order to get what he wants.
I know because my family has witnessed such behavior at close quarters (thankfully, my family was not the target). That's the real man, and I doubt he has changed since entering the White House.
Well, as an editor told me years ago when I was covering a story "Just because you say it's so don't make it so, I need facts."
"I can tell you that Donald Trump does not hesitate to use bribery and intimidation to get what he wants in business."
Bribery is illegal in this country. Can you give court cases where he was found guilty of bribery or is that just another unsupportable claim? He certainly uses intimidation, though - that is a common action among most businesses. So is "destroying the livelihood of ordinary people" if you mean putting them out of business and taking the resulting sales for himself. WalMart is a great example of that.
But I did not call them "terrorist countries": my words were "terrorist supporting countries". Those countries supported terrorists either with money or, at a minimum, a location they could operate out of.
If you want videos of Trump decrying white supremacy you will have to find them yourself. I'm tired of producing the same links over and over and over while people say they don't exist. You could start the search with a list of some 30 times (30 video clips) where he did so.
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump- … den-harris (second video)
The president placed a travel ban on countries that support terrorism. This is a right any US President has to protect America.
Really? The one that he is mentally ill, with the only doctor to actually examine him denying it? The one that he lied when he said he was was spied on that turned out to be true? The one, still going on, that he has never decried White Supremacy, yet there are videos of him doing just that? The complaint that banning travel, of anyone, from terrorist supporting countries was racist, or that he said all Mexicans are criminals? The list of false "complaints" is at least as long as those faux list of his lies.
Please supply links to the videos of him decrying White Supremacy when he's not speaking a prepared speech on a teleprompter, obviously written by his speechwriter. Every time I've seen him asked the question in an interview or without a teleprompter, he balks and avoids the question. That, to me, reveals his true feelings.
The fact that you call them "terrorist countries" is racist in itself.
If you take the time to go through those "faux" lists of lies, you may be surprised how many of them are not "faux" at all, and can be proved by the simple act of watching the video where he said it.
"The fact that you call them "terrorist countries" is racist in itself."
Really? What race?
I have been told I am "beyond help" for years. I never disputed it. :-0
So intimidation is a normal, acceptable part of doing business?
(and if you read my post, I am referring to a specific situation in another country, of which I have personal knowledge. The person concerned does not have the resources to take someone like Trump on in a legal battle, so it will never see the courts).
I did read it, and did assume it fell under foreign law; a law I am not familiar with in the slightest and cannot comment on.
As far as businesses don't intimidate, all I can say is that you've never been in business in a big enough way to draw unwanted attention from a larger competitor. There are many, many ways to intimidate, and the mafia with the iron pipe is just one of them. Sometimes all it takes is a pocketful of money and the suggestion that you cannot overcome it in court. I know: I gave up a strong case against a fortune 500 company because I knew I could not continue the court cases through the many appeals they would throw up.
This is from a fellow supporter of President Donald Trump. I don't think the Democrats realize what they have done.
I tolerated 44 (Obama) for 8 years and kept quiet.
Here is my issue with the whole, “let us all be a United States again” that we heard from Joe Biden.
For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone scorched earth. You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops.
The problem is 72+ million of us have memories longer than a hamster.
We remember the women’s march (vagina hats and all) the day after inauguration.
We remember the 4 years of attacks and impeachments
We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance…”
We remember Maxie Walters telling followers to harass us in restaurants.
We remember the Presidents spokesperson being kicked out a restaurant.
We remember hundreds of Trump supporters physically attacked.
We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.
We remember riots, and looting
We remember “a comedian” holding up the President’s severed head
We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump
We remember Robert de Niro yelling “F" Trump” at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.
We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address.
We remember the total in the tank move on the mainstream media
We remember the non-stop and live fact checking on our President and his supporters.
We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.
We remember the President and his staff being spied on.
We remember five Senators shot on a ballfield.
We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but Trump hate fest.
We remember 95% negative coverage in the news.
We remember the state governors asking and getting everything they ask for and then blaming Trump for their problems.
We remember a Trump top aid verbally assaulted in two DC restaurants.
We remember people banging on the Supreme Court doors.
We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.
We remember that Hollywood said they would leave after Trump was elected but they stayed.
This list is endless, but you get the idea.
My friends will be my friends, but a party that has been on the attack for 4 long years does not get a free pass with me!
Copy and paste because FB wouldn't let me share.
Isn't it interesting how the Capital police let them in?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFfAeNZ … e=emb_logo
How about the Capital police were taking selfies with the protestors?
House Representative Mo Brooks did state in an interview that he believed that there were ANTIFA people there pretending to be MAGA demonstrators and acting out in violence to fool the public into believing that it was the MAGA demonstrators who were causing the trouble, when it was really the ANTIFA people who were doing so.
What The Stunning Arizona Audit Update Means
George Rasley | ConservativeHQ
President Trump’s spokesman Liz Harrington posted a great Twitter thread summarizing yesterday’s briefing on the final stages of Arizona’s audit of the Maricopa County election results – and it was stunning. Here’s what’s been found in a race decided by 10,457 votes:
3,981 voted despite registered AFTER Oct 15 deadline.
11,326 voted who were NOT on rolls on Nov 7 but WERE on Dec 4.
18,000 voted and then were removed from rolls AFTER election.
74,243 mail-in ballots w/ NO evidence of ever being sent.
Of course, Maricopa County’s Democrat election officials could rebut or explain all of this if they had participated in the audit or cooperated in any way, but they didn’t. In fact, they’ve done everything they could to impede the audit and undercut it.
Which begs the question, why the lack of cooperation?
https://www.citizensjournal.us/what-the … ate-means/
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